!' awb . -5.wr . w- .as ' ' j ' E UALEIGU tfEXTINEi". THE -.G At " FEED STO.HE - 'W take UiU method of Informing the Of KatiiRb and virty - that hT. firmed ,A44ifiJUit.co.iJuaiiii tbi butiuetc, and hope by ttnt't U?titiiO tu baslne to n.erlt libetal thai vol plrww(( .. W rerpectfullj olk.lt all those la od of f Meet,': v ; ' -'y -- 4 Floor, ' ' r " j AS -ad J1 kind of Horse end CowToodt "to gtv m a call. win aot be undersold. "". Adam Building, Wllnilngtoa atreet. -. W.-'A' OATe,r UI'UU-W.T J. A. Jo. 1 ... . i A n wnnd and enal Veeelved bT fi rA. Job at pace. The third cargo of . coal bow arriving. ' - " jy t tf ' ' ' --"--:.- NORFOLK. .WESTERN AND TRANS- ' ATLANTIC LlNK. . . . - ! -I WV fMlnln IMull hir been DUt BOO ' thi Una for Uv po.Jr and ,wlU b tyllowed by ouen, our inleuuoa ouug io aoep w vi norhip alwayupooth birth J, ajli t ! fcliipKHISE, l,(W3 'foui. m , i -. " AN TAKT10 1.2.-4 Xpi -; , " OREGON, 1,433 M , , ' " KIN BURN, 1,1"5 l ' KATE PRIX' E, 1860 Ton Arnnp mrnu bar bn made br Which thngh bill ladli.f nut M tlirwd at tnif rloi1 point , and U (fowl" wir be rwhlj)(d at Morfolt frM f any cRaftf wTvaUver. , s RklNOLlJS BKT ERR," jM4-lm '- 4 " ' AKnU, NtM-foHr, V. CENTENNIAL TEAR 1 bt6 f lkfi.t t''f : ! Commencing builneitforthajea w return cur (nnnks for the rf V4i , . f r . LIBERAL l'ATUOKAGE - r . . , . a '.! ;, y-' - - .k. .4 . Extended oar ! Flna' the Jmst J car. '-'' , i --. ' . . ' '' i OCR FLAN OF COSDUCTIXa f - hllVB CASH rLAN,: 7 'baa been aucCiS and we -ara mora than frat tiled at ita reaulta. -, Our Cn-tomert approve ft. Eeadi ot famlllet approve It and tbe .' ; ':: ' CASH BCTIXQ public; ; ; are Jubnant OTwthe CASH 8TSTEM adopt dbrba ooe year ago. : ri Wbjt Btcaoae they bare no iaoi bUIe pmcnted to them at the dote of tbe teaeona, ud beeaoae inuU bffl la eatler paid than Urge one ud beoaate Tocker Broa. can and do mD iheaper for tie eah-ej ' theymaie no BAli DEBTS.' The caah ' euatomr doei not nay any part of the price neceaiary to - V ' : ' 1 i " be charged On goode told bad or dontrtfol debtort. - ' ' -' 1 THE CASH FLAN - t-r.:, Saret laber, - ; Saret tronble, V,'.'1:.',: '' t , J..T ' ; j STet tnttuMeratand lngt ; i : ". BAYet moneys y . ' ; '' : m Because j on hay cheap. ' Onr ttock will alwaya be kept FULL and FRESH wtth All the new and dealrable STTLES and QUALITIES and will be BOLD . CHEAP. ' "The bett goodt at the loweat each Price." $w. -ask E. S, TUCKER, j N. L, John. HALL& J02STES, i U CTIO Nil EII& Ccriilsdoa T-Icrcliaati, : ' ' ilalttgh, .r. 1 Will tell MerehaiKtl,' Pr-doce, 8to-ki Beat lUmiCiActr fctmeli Return promptly aiid ilil fa -t- f ly m le. Refer to J. ti. W 111 iiUK, 1'rc, Jci,t Sld' Kk IoiiaI bank B. I . MauW Xutor of i- elirlKLU. H.f. Tuikw.U, IA . B Atknali, Yarmiioiif b Hii'.m;. -.' ! rfau i iul. v hi r.-j : , - f ONE nOKPB POWrn rlEAMFN tiir. F'.ik fAl.E. ' On the IV h )- of F lnr)( 1670 ( lal' cell at pubiiiv sucti'in i (he H--i4i'p or Wt -r Me' ail m Wtckufl A O. m rlijti--l and MVat ftrw In lite eitv of Kaki.-b ti 14 h re puwer ttiaiu nitfii e, boiler ai d fit tutT coui .ieie, ui.k-9 mid privately b- io tbe d, tb fif op. ." of k. 4 CaitM to rat lafy c.r .UJ lif lum.ii tlieume. . , , Inui ! 1 , I. Ive iu'h ihxcii'dit re ur d by two outi-fl wi b k$ revun y lex tut m iit)uc of Ae ui toii.oiiiin. Truaiee. Jan I.Vtd. r;oi R!Ti .'. i; . ' ' : lit': irrin.l Ki.4inaiiid.. 7 V.' i Li Hi r A comfortaMe- Uoni! otiainln; S room. J onvrftmt t.i Bpii'a teiitnle rt-tnii a y and I'eace In-tltute, on .K.uut itreet. Apply to ', """ ' CAP. A. W. LAWUENCE. dec 2-Su s ptmT ,Uit:UNE f U &Iasjvili s IU W . X.O Uiviitio. rait onru Wpstkrh X. C.'. R. y C0XPED Tl TABLE,, r ; i 5 ,19'A. Ifi'S. i i KOUTII. - Mtu STATIONS, LfaCh.riirttp..,.".. " Air-Line Juuc'u I I ' inirti,... s ai S i , ii- 4lA M. 6-5 " io m r , I.S4 P. M. I Att iTATroxs.- -Maiw- " LcaT Rk-hmund..... Burtowalaaav , " l'Un(lee..... .. Danrilln. .. .... " (iitnalxro.... 5.S0 A M. 8 (0 " l.Htt P. M. 143 " " ,- ' M " f,AH-f,wJonc,ui Amv at nrn iiw,. . - OOIN'O EAST. OOLNO f IfATiaNifl MAIfcJ Lmt OreeMbore.... M (Jo Sbopa..... - KaJelKh...... Arrtra at Uoldboro., 11.0 A. at. A. 4.18 a.m. L A.110H - 8 49 m .4upm,u 8.ao STATIONS i'u Train. LraT flrwloro ... , " Co 8bp.... AniTaat Kx-Uh.... rrl at Oodboro.. 7 00 rv A. 4.00 A M .... 5.00 am A. THUPW. 11.14" (LrtOOPM A'Ottxii'wEsiieiis'jf'.'u; R.U. Salf.m Urarch.1 lare UreeusUtro 4.45 F. V. : Arrive V&Ak'in i . 4.4 Lsave.t.t'......V1,. i.iA'M. . -.fraatrrrf -nil- faAteuKefTntut teATlnc lUUk'b at 10.03 A M. euuDoctat Urwenahura wtib me Soutb ern booed train , malting the qatckeat time to all Son then elUxe. AcevmunodaUoa Trmln Iear1n JUIeleh at 7.89 P. M., connect with Itorilwra- toeod TMh at 0 eenerjoro'' for Kicbin ud Utt all pointa kaat. Price of Tk-k rtauie a via idlief rnute-. . ' " A com 'Mxlalliio Tntiu leaving Oree laboro at 7.0U P. Ymii.tH.-U ml ildrlro wltb Ni.rllit ru aud B uihprn bound trl.oat W iiinl ijUu and Vrdo.f t'lf"UiJ. ''LinulieurV A.&naii h1iJ l.ve ; Rh:I- I mouy d .l.v Ml H.ui A .l.,uriMi Ma -fcrxlit-IH.M P. ii.f W AiCrk. H t t.'JS 1". M.,'t- nvb at l4iuuuiMia 4.vt r. H. No cHAXoit i.j? i; AltS lllrrWEKS CllAR J irt.N K M CMLKUiJ. ' Uicluuouil, . . I, . IALLIII I, ' . . Ueu'l bupeiliiti iideiit. .'' - .-. ' 1 jjONT FAIL TO CALL AT Erown's Variety Ctoro SEitflUA If - rtlESLNTS. Great bargain ct pow be had. Y ' . il'iU '"XAT. Lf WbwN, flolleman Bulldlnif, Fayotuiriile 'rwt, . Kalflgh. t 'K)KE A IaILIMO, 1 k T TO R H 1 T B T U EALEI8H.a -. :f.X Stat tad Faderal Cowru an t tbe Court . lr Jmliel lhirt pOARDINO HOUSE. Mr. Beckw th ha opened a 8rtt ela Bonlliir Houneat the t orner of Mn,lo acd W iimlnif ion StreeU, In the redeni formerly oecuulwl bv tu lat Or. .11 McKee. She 1 prepared to accommodate tiermanent a well aa traimleiit boarder. The teble b alway (applied wltb tbe very beat the market Oord, aiti tbe roouie kept neat and coo- lortaoM. t , . . . s . nov, UMf i ' sj '-;'.'.: ' - -ii-i i CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SOHOOB,7 r,'i c whla .' fi-r v oxrono, c. . H. HvnxH A T. .Honrntn, Prittelpala. Mr. J. tt. Dorner ha returned to hi home at Utford K. C, od will reopen hu echool there the lat Monday in January neat ev. T. 4. H.i.r will i aoclted lth him a Julnt principal and the school will be conducted on the rame principle that wrre foriacfiy fnnrneMfully trmpltived la aykBit; ibe prtceof boa a and luitlon, exclualve of w LliiKd llifrtia, to 4 IS per aeetoo of twenlt wi-ek. kth eta ent to to furnuth hletiia keta, heettptUew-caeaid towel. ! dee S8-U G II E E N S B O R O 'IBALB'COLllGEr- 7,i GREicybh uJto,s. c; be prng tM (8 f 186 w.i: Cfjia llU VT twe.jt 4L Board (eiclu1ve of wanning and Hu'hU) 7J: uill'Hi In rrnniir full - - t'S. t hi'iffo fn ITA f. IIB iniid rjtn Km I m l -e ,e e..iita.iime " ja ticulara p.tl to itcv. i. .d. Jnsc-, li-el l. lit. li . ! t -K l. l. JL-ON. Prerlileut of lKaid 01 lruAtve. ' dec 43m " . j AriiiM,s ' . ; .,. ,'r . ,.4 . : . Ti." !'(rt-t rek of OrtT'ie'lir. Rair, Ar kt I y .t dw t'vb p ice ll oe--tl atudit tni Jun-rv'! V H' W . a Tf'i Krk ,."f'w". "d- .,aU cle rkin proplr 'or.botb , yount a n-k oie o.i ij at w rk fort a if own iocx'U-, dtrin: tfcfir t;r m ir tb inn;. tbn at i y l.ii ei " r ff r eu.p.d KKvt fhat t, .y bno' L el iiinn bvot' work t Fall pr i r t-rm, .c. fn: fr.e , tn a Mur it imt unfit D-ii 't !y"' ! I the time :itM ok f. or - r knaiatx ei-whe-, ' ton h-ive twriW h t areoter. 6. i ' 4 ., f jruaad, M.aa. . ' ay t.vlf ; . Aht,poDtmr. tflr ut iJAxi FiTETTEVtLLB' flTKET ' AJTD POTJTU j j. j- i . EXCMAKUS lACK,t -r-;. r j " n a l e t -o n j OfTera to the miWIc a eon1ei'aertinent of Hlki'k AIpacsa, Dfst.at price to defy com petition. e , , . . , u?iiH'n n rauu mi nor liuiu metit of N. C. aud V a Can-tmerea, and our New York Ct4v made hlte rlur a fur Oeu- . . .. ..,1.,,. .hl ... wl UUi, la aold in any market fur lite mom y. i LADIKJB' 1IAWU. ' ' 1 ' ' - i'LANMUA, ";! ! t .ttt!kKTi''- ' -""' ' ., ,. rHiNTS,' ' .-- ' '' i RlbHOKR, "' ' , ttUnFR.- ' - . ., pi . f js, v , tn,fSY;s, - ifii INsUiTIXQS. i , ': . r ANU UATS. Oor 5toct fboct mil' Enoti can't. It For - Men, Lndteij MlAet, ClifMreri, Bov'tJ Youth Few pirEilw! S liurt'a Ladtea Sbii for aalaclirttp. Have Mllo and Zli'M-'i-r' make. ' lUre'MUim' Ct-nU' lioU klid (Jiitij.a all Urwdea. The fanoua Burt' H-nx, and above mil, the famota, pretty and Igond Bojden Cialtera for ifenUrini-o. Mr own brand Ccuta' Beoie And Lxtiea' bboe that 1 warrant to oe rood, or rxMlwr pair rlvee fre". j " riu k.i: 1 Mi tiVI. Rl flATA. Mf Clolhlnsr Lrsartuient Brin(r to ful. com f nh .. all toe dtvle and Grade for Men, Boyt. youth nod chUdren . p prtwn that c . .1 . . ' BPECl Al "5 ' . ' , ."' 'r.. ' -1 will open to very few daya adenartnient for the tale of Frank Leslle'a, "Ladle' Jour nal." Cut Paper Pattern : mm prialnr nil tha laieat novrltie of the eAoa forladk, bov and yoibrof every diKriptlon nl ore. rnbuc inviteu to eau. . - t Saletmen : R. C. Kulfcrd, of WakeCmintr: C. C Hamlet, of Chatham Comity; W. T. rbinUn. cif t'rwiiklls Umrrtri Job. P. Wyatt, of Wake loontv t A. C. Oayea, of Wake Uumy a. l m iKira, oi aiaoaibs. , ... Respectfully,. oct 81-tf . . ,1 ' J.f P. GULLET. ATC8ICAL' IXsTRUMJiSTa, STRINGS. 1'A . ' , aud Trimming, ot all kind at t. . t " BROWN'SJVARIETT STORE, t - -! )V-"JloUeetan BmUAnf". JALEOPVALUABL townpeo- On Pal unlay, 4tb day of Fhiurv4878. at noon, a attorney for the ntgirs l wll. aell on the in'Ditrr tl.t valuable lot, io the tit) (jf Kle l , niiJ'i'im'S the and of Gully em. i . on ;l i,. i.t M..A., lyt-d-Aw I i" ou.li. ami all aiicy on llie eit 1 he let f.nut' 113 IVd on Hclli-iiuai toa l and tr ie UJ feet. It wr-at i.n M-nt uceiipted-by Hctry ti-Tujun, ah . ylll l.ow r o , Jii- .JJ lu,ut 4mi-1!i'W Vh ite.tijs.tai.4'Tit wiiHih( wnn s rwluiw 'in rw. nij ' lit n nt roui d..y f .ie i lie Hi f rrcr ijVt aleifn Ob aniilcicst.- Title pood. ' ' ' ' ' jtialUAlt.- -U " 'tiUN ifTT.lNG. I. ROMAS STANLY, NEWBERV, N. C, , .i. i f ji ' 'T' J i n ) I ,, . lloalcr iuall kinds of i -1I a R A I aST .. i 1 i CORN A SPECIALTY. . Newbern, Jan. 14 lm. , piNQWOOD WINK COUPANT. ' tVK:.'J keep eonttantly pa hnd 8CCFPERN0N0 nNE.-Imperial'vbranl. WHITE AND RED CONCOR WINE. uperlor fop medicinal purpoae, equal la la flavor to the beet French,,;;,- dCUFPERNONO VlSEOARr-a new artUJe, ,irvna.''i : ''- "'-' I i;.'J-!' M. Thee Articles are trianafactdred by theta- dePttgned from drape grown' fd their own . .......i.x i., ...,...,. . ., vineyard, and are warranted 'free tnoai any kijurion adultaraUoa wkaterer. wkaterer. nil f i i 1 f '9 aft . p 4 i lei f- Addre, h .C.SV.t3ARRETT&C0i 1 t .-.-a . - W -ii Jt,-...-W W 1 - aW tt -4f - f li i L ' ainirwooq, -, 3 b , deeE4-d4mJ JIaIIUx cou..tyt M. C.; 7' IW STORE t NEW GOODS I ! Mn'..JfT.'VA:f'Ti r.-.". " MARTIN STREET, ;0K lOOB FboK !BATOSt'00 HI , , - "t ' V 1 j' ' 1 f N 1 Mr.' 'WfU'li a p4cUcl ;.KlUinT w o term Btraw tiooo... Altera, remoaeia, and Dreaa Scraw and Felt hat. BoBaet. ake ana n model every cripUoa ot Lad e' Mrn'a or ChlldM i' una. , . , Give her a pall tod rou may get tA ltat. atyle f Pari or New York. , - jan i4-ia . .' . s v I., . , . 1 t - "Thai new and beautiful Cottai !non o'b Halifax St. eonulnlng tlx line room, pantry ritwvta, au baia room, a..aau aecepiicy e uv bouaenwtth a yood well uf wa er, with a No 1 force pump. The houte la sew and one of the tm-t bu tt n tbe e.ty, and flnilicd In t'.e tie luqd o.t modern 0)e. i'or furtiitT par.kular iati'1 ior aililrcK UK. c.Milir K, at urug citore. iTVli A 1 Ol'ENIS T , , J. I -j- .. r . : . ) Klki-tAUO hALntl.M ol J. P t Mm-, at aii Piieiut11li r-e 1 1 lake-ik ecti o In 1 rm tcy-!-rH-tid- .ud the ub ic tcnerally.; in:il 1 i-u.UI oi.ii tue -tine 011 iuiiua riu ; v llie INb. AnrMtiiili Fiitieu l'oul T..h Im ntt Afl.ffl njlul. liilTr lil a Mill. Jan ia-lw. , , -10M ft.iMl.hB.- I ' ' ' ' ' F1 OU fc-ALL, OR LAtllAUt, - , - . ,. . - ' I 106 ACRES OF VALU BLE MINER A U LAN'i for astle, r alii exct.ai re lr (.111 nkiiPI kTT Tki i-iul u jlrli in Uim h,t Iruu je. atKUl .U C.t Jn oihwU-ai iomh, -itliln to nidi 01 Ihe Latnapi 1-iiru.d. . . Jr. ... i J aT. L. BnO" N. i r ,-. HolW.ti iluiidine, 'A" KOTEEB LOT.-TTTT-rTT TrY nV Conntrv Butter at F. r. CBRlTO-'! Ft; kU3 CO . , at !i5 t-tnt per puani. Go for It aa it 1 Dice and fresh. K j " in iln ti-u.', ': ; . r .? i K Harpy's Wp,;ld7? ! ''ifarTwr' Wffktv I- tli 1 ablest ,uit niont pnwOi-rut uiUklia'4'il ienou!nt pul Untifd in thU ciiuiilrv. Iu utlittu iuU are ecliolmryntul conviricntf, anj ctrry ri-uch wfl-.lit. ,1 1 .llu-tiHti.ni of turi rriii iVHiit nro full auI lrt-fili,' aud an? prepartid tiy our Juni(n(ris ,.-. itii n circulnan rvt liO.mjil. tue Vet-kiy l-i rea't hy at lant fatli' a tnilli-w inm. and Jt Inil'irtice ns;an ornn .of opln-ioijU-euii.!j' tw nukiJi.u- Vlia!UViky mM'nuiiiiii n p-miiive ioitioTi. nmKjn prw dcculutl vii-ws ou jKiliii. al and aoial problems. Louiillo Courier Journal. Iu articlta are mndYI of lituh-inned di.-UHaiou, and lU 4 torial illuU i ti aro-T1tenrroTiTjhnratiTCr!niniimr r enmll force. -X. V". . Examiner i Chrouit;!. 1 t t papers, wton, cxliiU-n guoa. amt lu 4Uitu)tjdibikiiiUJlia:f mould the aeut'iunuti of tlie country. I'iitabnratt.omnicrtrlal' - t --. IIarp('.VV'ekly atanda at ibaJmad of illustrated journal ta the United States, In circulnthm, editorial ability, and pictorial niuscrattona. lAuiee' ue pository, Ciucinoati.- ; r ' , ro&xvnvttK To a IX tnrlciusm , .Harper'a Weekly, on yar 1 1 V0.( 44 00 Imludea prepayment or U. 8. pontage by ttie imlrll-Wrart gulwcription to Uarper's Sagazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one awlr-emi tor one year, $10 00 ; or two of Harper's Periodicals, to one aviore for one year. 6 00 poetagt tree. - An avtM fviiiv nf il.tiAe f?m 'Ifnrva. zfue; Vckly, ut i'izii? will be auptilied KPatni for rwrt club, of Cve subscriber at 4 00 each,, in one remittance j or air copies for 120 00v without, extra copyj pnetage free. ," Rack number can be aapplied at any tune . .. ..---:'-, The annual Yolumea f Ilarper'a Weekly, in m-at cloth binding, will be ?ent VI prcN.&rrxpuew far, ffWf',J - ciftiptrvi. art -. if W bini -teen vwunit. sent oft receipt! '. f u..l. . ll, d-...v.l AC i)K ...,..'.... : reii?liiatexpcnaoof.pnrchnier. ' irlliuvu ' I.' -IJ win n--n,.M ai. iiaqiei ' nwmv n tin iiiii.n'4i n'i . t'm CVtiU'iur.al IiitiMin.tioi.iil Jr.xjxisi (ii.n. - ' r XewspapiT are. nut tl cpv tbis ail yil tfn ni w:thiiHt"tlit'- exp.ps -onii-r .. Il;t tH nr;rWV'T,l7'C'') A.Ih IIir?!4 & ISlIO TIIEIK lli fl Si if NtW ir)i. rilUE UOWE'bbWLNU MA-i T CHINE. hi r.) "' FIEMT Jl ACil INK PA1ESTKU. 71- iTf M&ckine Manufactured if-v ItoirAwiajSifJ Tbe .Beit li t4 CheHpcil r0 The pptotaf uplOTtH!i.H 'til Simplicity and perfection in ta-? 1 uniMiinjii 4 Durability Will iMt a uletime 1 Range, of Work Without Parallell ! '..' ' PetlectlW of Stlteh itoi tenalea'P V Headquarter for the South at . - ' .gJtimore, Md. ; inp fd j.cisqrui or npji piiui spEa to aH pfck i A liberal dlocoant to Club of Sve ormnp. f Every Machine t warranted hnd aaUtUao no gauraBtaed. ? Tb HOWSV M-ACH1SE Irfor aal RALEIGH atNo-'lS; PajettevUl St. :! i,imjr,v-.i r.'t li'.iit...i) wry -, -j -. ; "-WTM I tV.il t R B D A Lr 1 tjAwnii vvta . -'' fr-AFTOBMtT AT EUtW,--r-r- itoom-NaLvy . Eajettevljle Street, ' i RALlMUlf, J'M: ," Attend all bi lu t in Kalewh nd Fay ce of .v.- jta.f Jk S J"M"i. V; J avl-a'r ; l.hieiia Nat. Rank, V. U K. b f. ii..ilL 2il! .Vll.lLll..U '.k.tt k u, t4., ,.vl. ,u i (e l.liurx .i .n,.SC.. ....uum, H. i vo., I tijL JKja. iW( i. h lliuilnr i t,, H. t ' -kik'.V'e I'.f A. i T. ,' 1-iK1i ctli " o.i t Kiw ...ii . 1 Ai. IfcdW ( Ji.l If. . t - 1 .. . . '. I ., .n it li 1 (Ar. ' Mv iVlliwiriKil of l-elleviilc, . .j rtri r l rcuce .itiiv to ij lu.uie btuiuuaen j 1 . hi,i., ,,f M. t,ae broa loo. i-ettevUie; N. C., wfli .ri-eklv proaupV a i tet. won. , ' ' , .... . . ".'1 : I 1 . . .7 . TM E . I ,J- -t(n gj.f, 0. 1 1.lm at depot at luw.2 'w--. ; ,'JAMkti M. TUrtLLS.-- I. T1"' ' "iii ,' ' t9i i 7 0"T"FqTg ET TnATTliE FLACi . 16 buy any t:ilnl ana cr. rj-.n-n; appenaium, j td a first cia t Fancy Su re at , fc r - -7 BJiOIVpi. Tpt ETY STORE,,. IloLUCMAX BriLDlN. x ' V V" "J ' S "i Tn ,!"lr',c, w ilch M a'Be pontCK J, J.-M .!, '"' I ;'3 tr,'iti, iiUn.rS, art utitv w.auh ri"" r l- Nv.j ... ... f fa i and UTernry culture th ban kept tc lo ' iXltf t i i H iO'M.'WMut ltit.ea, auon'd caateit ' Jtii. f' I .f -i 5 '! cotid'h tor to remrd it with Jjtttflatite com tX'J Vr, li'"v!r- . " '? i t'bvcivK-j.. It alao mUle- tbmu to, are ";"" -' J VV1' i r ' '' i 4 1 el Ini ' on tne putt! ic Ktntllude Ibi-Mri ,v J ' V ', tv NvA1 Po t.-e frrtoa'ptmNcritx la th llai- . t'". 'CliVV V 3f4 L t'tte. , : ;lV rr, V. . ,. , i. -13 ILtip a'MAa4iaa.0QTer. 4t DM.,, V.Lri'.'Vv . ' A'i'Ze!'.l' M prepaymen-..f tlj H. fi'l'V ! i"A vSS,:-, agM.i the t atjilana. Ju?) ' r' V'-V; . l '-'-' 'j in eabW,.,UVn VJtair U.KiXlnv.Vceh '- V 'U-'S-.' T naf-ar, to oneUdn.-.Tuoa jrr.41i I t fC-s-'-'Myflii' il? OQ; o twoof larucr PtWdlcTa, fo oaj f-!- v " f--w.';-'J adJrei..foraaf,IOU ttue fc.a.T! ''AKKi'l'lK-KV i.f Aifir)N, I'tlAS 1 1 i , AMI ISM Kl t'TlDX," j " ILL L.iTUA TED, " KOTicps or hie pkkss, ,. ; H ' j i. ' ' ' . ' ' TlillHwir ii etlitvl with a c mVna- tion ff tnt-t, atiil 4aliui-tlii4t am wlJiiin tiniffin tiny jnunial j and tbe Journal itftlf is rW orpin "t t' Kr(tt world vf Khion. .Burton Truvtjler., ; " , ', 'Tb Bazait commucula lu-tlf toetrjf nicuilif.r. of.UiM Lou'Lod-t tbe tlid dieu 1j 4ioil and pri'Uj icture, lo.tUe yov'UJ lM'li by ih Melium plau-a In end e VHricty, io the provident tuairon by it jwlUrne ior tltecuikuvwlfcnithi', U by tl tuAtHul; drtflau lor emUroiUfred H)em and luxuruna dre.-ait')f-j?ouii4 Jiut the i-eiidiuRniUr uu f Um. Riuttr i iiLUoiml. ol tffi at excoUimce. .i 'i'ha t"Pr bus ucrpuirvd a wide tKHlaitior- ,t' ftriMiHio' enjoy-MnCit-iUi'oidi'.-"N"r' Y, Fv"'"f l'ot In li way there V nothiiijr'flkrt Vf riLh iiTid tijtwurtj a, (t ialitoo guide, tA ftoiira aixl entt, iw pKtry ami vquibvar all inviguraut; lo..,th tnind. 4JUicago .Evening J out naL i A " ! ' vt,-, a j 4 . . t"K f'll)-l I J . . " l -' " ! i . TERMS: n i- Portage fret to nW pub$crber$ Jn the ' ... ,a..UJi':l. J..' . j i.JU Woo H.00 lnclue' prcpnrtfcent 'bf V. ft ikibacriirtion to Harpcr'av J?riuot WeeklyJ and Bafcir. tr ime addi ft me year, 1 10.00 f two' of JJarpw's reriotiicaia, to one auura tve tine, yaui, I7.Q0 poautge free.1; a An extra cop of eitlicr tlie Mnirazine, Weekly, ' or. Bazar will beupiiUed graUs for every club ot6 aubactibwra at It.UU.aauhy in. one vauiatieey. tK copiaii A'r?3tt.0Pf wtRrXira copy ; AToe,? n'Oi ta ' Back number can be flttpnlicd at any gjriet f lw P" u ' -i:,9l The Annual VoWea,?! : Harpera Bazar. tettaatcloitt binding, will bo cent by'exprees, tbee of exjiense, for TX0 each, fOitiplt 'e ;,act,; cpuiprwiiK eluht Volumes, sent m receipt f Jtcnii at the rate of 83 'A per vol., freight at expeuee.oi; jaufUn,erT -,rff'3 ttrfiiinettnieniimf wilt M-eircn-iu Harpt-r'a Biziir tit vut;h illaHt.juUoti i-f Uiel ntetiii!alfI)Jil.luaI EM"l' H, ,:,y bo pcvUl.iirh .aid fuur.iiuj to it- a,n.Al ,1' .1)8 bllll1 1) AIM'EU BROTH VMS, t 1 Hii'jut!4t.rbeiti:;M ' ; 1 1 1 tt-P .' ; t, , , , LLi.lfTi AlEii. ' hi vxr lnirpa..ikir lilteii dkn ct thi i e wn .j in u oit-Vi'fp j tinti U. 1 1 J ir'i.ri.f, -I,-. r.q nteu , ni'cta len wViUillf i OliWiin ff iiottll ... i'ni J tru'e tm r nil , we bium cou-W'-r it trtf " ai r w.it eftcr'.iile. i t LeluMic mind, for ti vn )ipn tv f b-e"f wob . try H appe!" to atnt.id ppP ' ndice OreenraVed tarttf Jiont'm Moo. VixrUun of FLvb Subecriboi at 8 IXi ent:; it iue reu.ltian'e ; cr. Six ("iipit !ox .'A). 'jihint exu eopy 4 potUice lre. : . ' .'. ilack ,Nuiatr ca It a,j.'Uel al at y Utu " A Complt-ie Si t of Uarpor't Mujtiut . tu. . comprising it Volume, In " treat cloth bia Idk, will bert.by txpttt,, frebrbt at ex pen ot rurchuer', fjir'f 25 per vomme Single "TOtumea, bjf WB. pontpald. fl.t Cloth caae. for MnUmg 64 cent, by man, poetpald- ' ' " j V , . A Complete 'AnaiytlcaT Judex 'to tuilrtt Fifty Volume of Harper' Matcaslna ha ut bewa published,'; readerine srallaMe fur re reuc the ant. and varied wealth ot infor matloo which -canatttute ,thi periudical a perfect illustrated literary cyckiixxlla, bo, Cloth, ) Half Calf, Aii. , keut postage prepaid..,.. ii. .; .,q -v.r 1 jmi i i A aerie ot paper under th title of f 'Tu FkaACeaittif of tk lUpubbe," contributed by Uie iiKiat-anilnent, Aiuericaa publlelaU, po, beintc publittwd lit Ilarper'a klairuuM. Jhl aariu of. over twenty paper KivA a eumpreheBalre review of Pi-oieaaduru. the eautttry now elo4ng t every depaftOMot of our atloualllXe. 1 New-paper are not to copy thb dvertle Bwiat without th xpret order of Harper at Brother. T Addre "1 HARPER 4k 'BBOTHERS,""" i MOT K-rtl-i JU l ' K . 1 J .3 ti- . - Yore, . ,;i 1. . .1... ..ii -i i.n .a n t On lfondav. thetth fti of Xebruarr. JSTfl, by virtue of a JuuVment ot The tiuperior tOurt of Wake county, 1 will expo-to pub tic awl oa tbe p'eaiu, - thoi valuable kit ta tbe sort b era parf of the city of slriL'h. m Perton ttrect adjoining the tot of Mr. W Jki. I'axker, .1 iionui Badger nd otbrit, conululiig about !f) i .i ; iti lot of sliout fflie a"TP ir ine-mTHwi-iwrrwr ihic i.Biree'N a jomlfig .Kite tti.lt HJifk Ida S 'r. M iriicciti, aud, ,-vrat , U). ,o ike mitm Me.l A'crou Aiieet. iii '', i. riliT tint. 1.11. n i uieci iit ana hiiitiK uia K UIU The !- ''fireTii VxtcndcH, U "b. Ton "li J'to -nrTirwF'iTi-tTrrHnRiii:!3 nr? ine li.Hi.wlii bo r.d I., aeveral parcel to .uis-lw a.! a i-SIiWrt t ai leinaiuder kl&,i jiiimi, -arita inset'. : . f i-niH-iii Jialtiilu-AUnOEv"Aii 1 ! J)-tnnij'-wtt t ! kxtat-Bs'a.'l I m".' .-!;.. t 1. - iiatsiiua. rniA i ?i ..jj.ii?' 8. nd to G. ft. A t rtnMop.airnj S.nd to G. ft." A'f ml, at Apex, for alrru-j r- or UBi dollar. Ben ui .u.i tu 1 - f ,KJ u.ck.- '.tb Cle ocin eai. ly kit a. j .asaa a ton . g odl Vrti, . JfH, lc' IrcuUir free, ii.aier. .reott., cti, ie4era) r a..ys . ti.fWBroUwayr N. Y. v..er tr.ip. I hi in the cheapctt and bcg l, , ,T ' ,-, . .... 1 -r. nlriT yet Herd ti the far- r. Mr. ki t'il t miLnoor BiV triej re ttn niarae 4CCIW. - " - 4 "V .' 1 tbe fulloWinjt gentlemen have teiJnej to gtiod qnaiiiic. ' '" I a. k. kineifi."Petcr KtiLrht. Ruflla - f burf,'AIprFreeii Kev. J. T. Ko-r o.eph 1 hMilnwn, Be -a.iia. waeaiii, m v. Johnloo Uiive, Alvia .iivw, . Hi jr4, Aiot-n NiM-rk.it, T. A. CouucU, Alrla Mioo. Hubert William. i " T JinWHf I I'-'! "'.' fl-O K 'B rE!;'N t V tra-oaI 1 1 JTw Toa5AIJJNwV riXGii.u: wsi: & tu JDIUCKLATKH!, AND TLASJEIWi rorner Jonf and I)awon St.. ri" t ,r- a.' f . ,t'.i ;'..t W A f lU'LElGlfr iSV C' ' K-p oa hand eoDttontly . tfull tok of rriMeiie. ".... - . .. . fliliki-nil, Butter and Frc a p rhdtf. ' f Lli t t of KjiiHh wiimf ao.it din In the grocerf hue would do tl) to call on them. biliklayl ami pienn done in the beat ' tyle, by practical oaikmnu t ' i .. ' , AU order for work will receive Immediate attention.' .'"4' Mi. Joba Bjrain, aalramaa, would bt pU i .i d to tee bis frh nd from the country and tlty. , .-. ' 1 : - ..... I. it-if. 'rT 00 ' T 1 ' E ; "! :f Li ...' ii '.irr.'".f".Ty:;v4it i . Tatnab" Oo'd: Ftp By' virtu e an order of the Superior Court fir .nluot,ounty N.C, appolnlibg me eommlMloner -to aell the Real Lit at of W. J. A eretoav : 4eeeeV 1 " U t pubac uctkio Io tbe liiirhcst bidder at tbe C-.urt lua door la Monr , H. AX. oai lb 6U iwf ot .t.nbl4.a.tbe(h'braiedIiowtorir8lock- ti n Gold Mlne.wlth ISX) acre of lat 4 King In Uoi4 wautv wpo 1-whlehi aafal mine ruf term ana otner panirnutr aaareet, . J H. UAVW, rm-' , ,.t iioiCaraTi SUcUacut AMY at Law, i laa K-m td ..t.-i ..u, Mooroa, H. C "a.1 j am ii .. .. ! a t i... . a . - mL. ''' J t i. !''! " 2"' ' hy virtu of an order1 of the Superior Court of Wake JL'otln'y, to me illnrctt-d, llcenitnj and empuwerinj Hie ai Adn.iwtotrator of 4m ina autwAVi4 ommk-toB)e, to eH the rwa) ttr Amaia. la, dm eaaed, to make amcX ilh ahk-h t. pay dcbla and Cbaqje of dabtraXorI WilM '.(:j'MONDAYlTHE 4tat DAI.MARCH, , ISrr; aeR 4ttded Ball sattrM to tb I dioadagdeeerlbrd reaaaatoto, to-wit: IIowm and Lot tHuate m tbe tl y -f JUhlgh, oa Lev kout atrett, bnuniled a folio 1 1 a the North by the land o' tbe late "lQt: Cnerlee Manlf, ow tue Eaai 'by Bare MaUoek.oa the itaejtn by Laukoot te4 aad cm -toe Wett by JonUa Hulk Irya 0riowUxluu4 uetbeut ft) taut aud.ruuuiiifi back about 100 fct. Place of liate tuurt Uoue door In the city if Raielgn:" .VI Time of Sale-March ft, 1878, 13 o'clock lf.,i tUI 1 rioil'i-Ni Jim n:'rM . Term 4alrMB4)-hr4 eaah,eldoe In 6 uiuuliMjixrtqtuz bptemA Jism day O....A I.L ..A rifcnlM.u4 1 with approved aeeurity rfrrriflred.!, .: -..s.U Ev ; MAuYi '7 tAdatra(Ema tinoow, dec'. . .IWUU 1J .' it1'. ; if.lf -Vt t1 .d trajntoahaief. .rtu.rr.ir tr.ra . -' '' it l.'tl'i i.t ' li.tj rpjiRkLEVR KENT. ' , ., -AA deliwbl-44ArtiM.lau4 1 fcrt fnthatoww of flwry t; 'I 'or Bitiie:rwiliilit mmi tb Wll U Htiti vuuvcvii."iisi : it hall if-e rry oil-Iwiifct. ..'tlie k.-ltdi n iiiiiufii j afre, In wrchald ut- Plft'eno er) tr rtire- arlji.inrns. ' I e, wh.de pri'mine ctmwtintr of acre. ' T'lltw4.ii0ut tea ant of nauanry, l-Wii. . I., rA4.... h ; ct. a-tf ' I. - . . ... v i 1 1. tarj, .1. ., iB76. ' itir LmL aiia Dnr Ccail87 ' ' !!i A MAQAZISE OFA2H PA0E3i, IkivUxl to 'Xmth arolia hr pMt, harp raeiU ' " andhtrjuturt. 1. , TiBMi3 pea TtAJt, PoeTAaa Pbkpaid. ;,-t uvh AddreMS. D. FOOL, ; : y Raleigh, N.C. 'rr ThoM towhom bm4 have been' aent Will pleas remlb :t! v'utt i 71 ka ... r,ll:')1' til).'!-.' .i .i.'l ,i.I. .!" i Two resrroPOiiljr $5. 1 .'.lit '..II :1m.'... ..ill .Hill -. . lUvlan few eomnteU 01 of I Hjb Livi4 aku Ui a pA.n for lb75un bind, we will fur-nl-h tbat year 'and the eutlre year l-jTH for 1$ Willi ft Hiibrary Assnetattowa a 4 BiaMiricaL : Socio- jUewwtmid do weil W ttote. tbla, . 1 , ,1 ; lt sd and 8d volumea handaoinelybourl library at lefurnlbed at M.fO per vok ntrie, or 4a.i5, If tent by ali. i.cMmtc4MipmitM t4trK,l Ii ,1 tl JVfH 9!P:A4ea,f:r?-iiCti --ud le r.r" . i i j. 1 Ti 1 11 1 Iiiil. '- rra' -r 1 -M-t :.- JEliIlsDoro .i I ALXUrAZ-V. AOAPCm, mtfjlJ()0 ;MlrbW fhHutlrirleritM knWrt "HOR MSU A GKAV&aV 9uJkdUUKil beroatier be... OBOuctAW by U. 11. tiKAvaa a al Prlnoipal, aided, aa beret fore, by lb aceom lUhed in etructora, tiCuB Moaaux. Ja , A MaJ, IK. I. Hhilto. - " " ; 1 - -" The Sprier Seaaloa off 1874 wOt ttpM 4 thetrth of January. For clrcJr. apply t. Ma, U U. alaailitoa antli Ako AU) ef aoa- , ary and afterward to th FriucipaL, ' . 1,. . . .eelS-Staiiw r-V' - w-. - 'TJ tt Vui,te''!-s -)JV."iVbiti. iaiiiri' - tluts' ' i- W-pfWaliori'Vrll'ti tokde -at tteefflc of ' tbe North ioUaa tUllroMl :owipay ta thirty dita fruoi- date.mr too of a dupli cat of CrniriiMt No Sil8, dated femrr If 1T4. 'three share 1 7 aioek to said wti-wy the britwa' btlnr 0ot or taudald muiiii ay.i nairaaTTt,.'. " r -1-1-n a n'lrw . it 1. Mr. r. B.A. I i-,mir. i 'l"p ""( ... ,.1. 1 ,,TI,V,JT ,fjJ .-.A . TT-.T.T- .1 D Wl T tT VI UU4VI.'IJ V fM 4 )t , .11 ti -i ..ifi.'l I. i will rant at a reaaonabl price my Jlou, read dv fumlKhed ana eiitfliilv locnteu on to corne of N hern Ai f 1 ArsnkiMreetw , and ii.-.wo.i-uafek from tbt.vkpliijl.. 1 Y ,'A78r;OAY3!-V f"h:-'"t.r! Jl : - . I Liii) I.I..V.1. L. 111 I'.Tiitx ,.S fiuU foe i u"'. 7" r-'.- r - it t-. --r 1 ' V.'c. "llf.lST 'rtltfUT jCWs,"""1 ' , M ib"" Hj.VF.-tieaPOly acw. - -in'' vt V a 1' ivD-'f 7'. -! r'' viti,'i', 'trie'-betit ' "VPliinif ;' Fil ': fa ki lii"ilMr wuildi contain i-p-t'4.-d 1 T" AKu! LARDt - .1-1 r ilome'' Vendi-rei '-net of Leaf Tatjalao, ttor.herwto aif , a' -. "'" -m - V tJ. JitO U" KR A CO. '8, -. ; ;i' .',.- , j , . ...: Wkuiu.rti street , LAST NOTICE.! i-.f t i . -t . , 1 ' -ii-, .- ' r i t '" All per on : indebted to W. It. A R. S. Tn kerurvivtnn pruierof W;; )l. R. w.,kar tt. 4 i. an Dotifled. that all claima re- .! 'vr.-r I 1. n. .1, ', - 'X. ,lr4-e!-f V H't"'' "' l. l"'' l"n"l' ''!'' '"li 'I f V niaiii'e' a-MUlcd by . E. tet 1 W. wU be l plced.luAh 1 hanos of aa a'tarney furwllee- - tiu. W MiinmtU any vanation irom ttu t ill none a we bare fraabM all -xUe Iv.t V2l3 T-CKaTJt. . " I - aVretTtogFartkwra. - "I-