TOE IULEIGLl SENTINE'. DAaT, WIEKLI AND BEhtl-WEEKLT Official Crm tu Karti Carolina. STATE PRINTING & BINDING ESTABLISHMENT. p.Do.m.r. i Editor. im or srraacnrrTioa. nn lUotinel 1 war la adTsnca 00 Daily Ws month in advance ' .mltt-.kl - I WMUf Sentinel " 00 Tha Daily SaNTl'Bf, will b delivered In any part "f ' City at fifteen OnU yk LEA PERKINS' U tne only CECTNK v WORCESTERSHIRE . SAUCE. the omr. r Xthlng of any importance at the po- I flffwt thl tn-ning- .. , " . J.J. WoLriNOKir Jb Co,, dealer la grain. Corn a peclalty. ' Newbern, Cotton" market dull -tc-day. Mid dling 12 : low middling 112 clean I taint 10 ; deep stain 8. s Big crowd at the Salubury Street Baptist church last evening, and an Ira. -jwlyeermen by, Dr.jrhomas. .i Woods' pint at (3. 50; seasoned oalc at $400; field pine at 3.00. Call on J. D. :WKtalefnwer plies. " ' '' -. , i , , 'i ' " ' ' . Let au corn buyer ak lor corn that baa bean fanned and cleaned at the City Granary expressly, for: this market i, ,.: , - ; fob2-lw, The ladlea of the church of the Good Shepherd are, baring frequent rehear sal for their concert, which la to be given at an early day. J. F. Scott, or Joaea county, com monly called ' Jake," ' by his fellow members of the recent constitutional contention, U in the city.. . V There will be an important business meeting of the Oak City Pleasure Club in the courthouse ' this evening at 7:30 o'clock. AU members are requested to attend promptly! 1 CC.'C.. l-- If yon want to be sore to doable your . crops of cotton, corn, wheat, tobacco, ate.. oaU on A. C. Handera A Co. ler a pamphlet telling yea bow to da it, and then bay aome of their guano. " E. H. Poena A Go. will have their first grand special aale of Leaf Tobacco at Webb'a Warehouse" Hillsboro, on the 8th and 9th of February. Th'y claim that Billsboro is at present the beet mar ket for all grades. 4. '...',- , d9t. , It is said that the fiat has gone forth that the niggers of this section are to De Kept m s gsoa namor ior to coming election by a share In the public pap. We may expect more nigger mail-agents on our railroads and a nappy pated clerk hi our pest-office. AcKNOWLEPOEMKirw. We are . In debted to our esteemed friend, Bev. J. WmrJones, Secretary of the Wouthern Historical Society, tor the ' first number of its new magazine. It contains a long and able article on the origin of the late war, by Hon. R. M. T. Hun - ter; the inaugural address of President Jefferson Davis at Montgomery, .Ala bama, February, 1861 ; the address of congress to the people of the Confeder ate States ; and many ether papers of interest and Importance, ":l ' 't The Albany Argus Almanac is 'a 152-page repository of useful political information, which comes to us with the compliments of the publishers. It is a concise bureau of statistics, giving tables of debt and taxation I1 state and territorial elections since 1808 lists of national and state officials, whiob, ae thinga go, we will soon be able to get from .western penitentiary register I supreme, circuit and district courts and a full chronological 'and necrologies! record for 1875. , Price only 25 cents, and more knowledge for the mouey is hot obtainable anywhere be neath the inverted blue wash-basin of fie skies. ' F. W. Helmkk, music dealer and publisher, 278 West Sixth street, Cin cinnati, sends us three simple gushes of melodious, genius s "Who's dat knockin' at de old back gate," song and chorus ; "Remember deeds of kindness - walta" J and "she's bright as the stars in heaven march." ' 1 hs two last are adapted to young perform ers, and all three are sent post-paid for mi cent, .. : We are obliged to Hon. Thomas L. Jon... of Xenlnckv. and Hon. W. M. Bobbins, of our own state, for constant courtesies in the pub. doc. line. Jt is said now that the order, promulga ted at noon yesterday, suspending work on this concern, was the result of a mistaken idea as to the amount of the -Appropriation. It was only alter the . announcement of a suspension unfit AimmrA Uii lh amwotivlation for the bnililins; amoonUd to f23'J,000 instead of $200,000, as he ' had supposed. In - A Ka fftaiwlv ti 1 bVVTTs1Tm1 fTAOOU, work will fc resumed in ft few ' iH 1 vn.kawl nnftl annrklhaW V.asml abf financial exhaoation takes place, when it Ja to b hoped another gulden discovery may be made. It would not be exactly polite to say that thir g.'.0,0(JO error pn the part of Hapwintndeot Harris was " IK. voanlt nf rtlif Icrnnnnra rtf what he has undertaken to manage, bat there dnnhtlflM Dianv twin la who will freely and loudly express emphatic n - i VOL. XXL ' ' BAXiEIGH, N. 0.v WEDNESDAY, 'FEBRUARY Mabth WasHiiiOTO Tx Pabti. At a day yet te bo agreed upon, the ladies of the Salisbury Street Baptist church will have a Martha Washington tea party bt the laudable purpose of furthering their ' numerous charitable entcrprUes,'; The ladies of this congre gation are never laggard , in any god workTand-thelr euerpj tat-w41ii doubtless make this affair' one of the pleaianteut ever enjoyed by ( our . citl- tens. ...v '-''' Good Fan CRAP.-Ths ladies of Person Street Methodist church give aupper to-night at the store formerly oo- cupiedby N. S. Moseley, Ever thing rood that oar ' market affords will be served. Nothing U epend money for, except admittance fifteen oeuts, and sapper fifty cents. The money is to go to arda hnying a bell for their chweh. A cheap supper, a good caus i and pleasant time. Go. ,.: ..4 i u i f " ' .:. -.n Tn Gsf Flahb Ur.Th United States bouse of representative baa jast recovered from the pain of giving birth to a million and a half centennial steal, mildly dubbed appropriation, an now, on a reduced scale, oar board of aldermen is laboring heavily with a 8L913 gas bilL Adjourned , meetings and called meetings are the order' of the night; committee appointed and disbanded; report made, and rejected i but in ypUe of all the gas expended, a aolutioa of the gaseous question la apparently a far off as ever. Be tort are discu&sed and sharply made, both with and with out regard to capacity, and gasometers emptied and filled again with amazing rapidity. As a result of this war be tween the corporations k erosene and astral hold high away with those not gaaly rich, while these not oily wealthy enjoy the gentle flicker of the primitive Hgbtwood knot. Scranta , Comr. -Court met at 10 o'clock this morning, all the ' justices present : '"'. t Causes from the 6th district disposed oi as louows ; The argument commenced on yester day, in the case of J, . P. Prairie et aL vs. D. A. Jenkins, public treasurer, from. Wake, (2 cases) was concluded. Batchelor & Son and Badger & Deve rem for the plaintiffs, and Attorney General Hargrove and Smith & Strong for defendant. tZ' Jordan Womble vs. Commissioners of Wake, on motion placed at the end of the district ' aw? , State va. Eliaa Pewell, from Halifax. Argued by Attorney General Hargrove for (he State and Moore & Catling for the defendant. , ZXT'i B. A. Capehart et al. vs. Jolin W. Southall et al. from Gran villeP Con tinued,' by consent, on account of the absence of J. J, Davis, counsel for the plaintiffs. Batchelor Son .and L. C. Edwards for defendant. "Z: J. A. Harrison ft Son ve. George Ricks, from Nash. Continued for ab sence or counsel, liunn -luiams for plaintiff and J. J. , Davis for defend- nti -. -. A. G. McBwalne et ah vs Richard Burnett, front Halifax. Con tinned for absence of counsel. B. B. Peebles for plaiiititf and Mullen & Moore and Batchelor & Son, contra. Kobert 8.- Perry vs. James Steven et at." frorn - vV ake. - Compromised terms to be filed. R. O. Haywood for l lain Off and D. U Fowls and Batche lor A Son for defendant, u T. D. Vinson vs. North ' Carolina Batlroad Compan, from Johnston. Argued by Smith & Strong and A M. Lewis for plaintiff and Moore & uat- ling for defendant. - r State vs. Jolia w. I'ool, irotn jonn- ton. Argued by Attorney Ceneral Hargrove and E. W Pou for the cute, no counsel tor oeienaani. SUU va. Robert P. Lowly, from Warren. Argued by Attorney General Harerove for the Bute, no counsel for defendant Question in this case is, whether or not blackberry vine is spir ituous liquor. Rkhmund & Danville, iiaiiroaa VQxar naav vs. C U. Brogdon et al . frdm Wake. Argued by Battle, Battle Mordecai for plaintiff and Smith & Strong and Attorney Genital Hargrove fur defendant. State vs. J. B. Bryant, from Wake. Argtwd by Attorney General Hargrove aua T. . Argo for the State and Bus- bee A Bubeo for defendant Court adjourned until 10 o clock to morrow (rbursday). . s Hear what Mr. Freeman, proprietor of the Humphrey house, Goldaboro, N. G., and Mr. Grant, - poftmaater oi l oias- boro, sav i We saw two case ot ae- formed eyes that were made straight and natural and -one blind man who was made to see by Dr. Jones, we con idernima skillful physician aod sur geon. Dr. Jones Is practicing at ue McAdoo house, Greennboro, where he remains a short tint) only. . ,, ) j A' "corner" in lightwood knots U expected in thi market at an early day. It will be manipulated, U is saw, py a coroliaation of gas and oil men, ;. A . BOYISH CRIMINALS. runctusf or THS rostovrica HOBTK CABOLIHA. " Was h i k g ton, Tc. , Fe b,' V,' 1 $7 6. . Editob Sbhttkxl V Mention has been made of the poetofflcw -robbery- at this plaos, but behevina; -a daUUed aooount of Uie matter wui ie reaa wa wwrwi, I propose to give the particulars ss rela ted to me by Postmaster 8. F. Stillsy and Bpeoial Dekwtive J. Ji Merriam., t ,t , It may not be amies to atate. that the postmaster, here is required by tbs de partment at-WashiDgton, 1). ' C. to transmit all mooeye belonging to Uie Doetolhoe " departuMnt." received fur moiiev-orders or otherwise, to Rich moud,,Va,, the depositing offloe for this place. Consequently, on aceoant of the absence of bankinir privilegee, i the mooevHirder business is very lame. The morning of January. C, Mr.' Stil ly mailftnp and sealed, refrustered package No. 7, coutaining lUUt the pap being stiff and troublesome to atick, he nliuMil it nuderneavth a nils of books for a few minutes, and proceedod to make no some otber pactum es oi ue same kind to be seat off. In due oourse 'of time, the receipt of the other packages was acxnowieugea, uui - BOTHIBO WA8 HBABO OV NO. 7. Hs wrote to Richmond,' making inquiry about it and the reply was : "No aoeh package received at itiohmond, offloe, ' Bnsostitina that something was wroujr. Mr. Stilley pnt the ease lu the hands of Special Detective J. E. ' Herriam, fopi merlr of the iadependent deteetive toroa of Kew xork Uty, bat let tne past ten vear a citizen of Beaufort county. Suspicion aeemed to point to Joe Rich ards, a boy employed in toe omoe, ana uemanv went vigorously to wora on the case. This was the, 15th of January. On the 21st he' had sufficient prooi to lustily mm in omauiing ; war rants for the arrest, of Joe Bioharda. Joseph Shaw, , John .Washington and Ham. Osborne. , They were arrested on the i(L In arresting the parties one by one. it was necessary to be - very quiet, so that the other should not gut wind oi it ; consequently Joe Kicuards was sent up to Merriam house, and from there was taken to jaiL - Sanv O? borne, having been mentioned a a oon- (ederate and the fact o( bis being chum of luck arda ascertained, .Mer riam went to the dnur-store of Dr. . Blount where Sam. was employed, and told bia bo-: wuthad . to see him at the postofflce. It is said that a guilty conscience needs no aoouser, but one thins; was very evident t Sam. smelt a big rat at hearing the same poatoraoe and. probably thinking that distance lends enchantment he about faced, and the way he jumped fences and widened the spaoe between himself and the poet oflioe showed conclusively that he didn't care to go there worth a cent His flight " - 1 " " .'-'!,' CREATED QUITE A BK5SATI0M, and a large number1 turned eat to assist In bis capture, "la about an Hour bs was found under an old house on the wharf,- nnd when' examined lie bad on hie person a watch and j 1105.60. in money. . Io . ferreting :, eut ( thi ; , can Merriamfound mat tiiese two boy. Joe Rkharas and Sam.. Us borne, (the two other were, subsequently released) had spent more money than was in package No. 7f and se informed the pent-waster, IT Don catherhm un the, ashes where they confessed to have .barned th an; velope and other papers ip tbqpackase, the dsteotive diaooyered ,that (hi was not the No; 7 package taken on tb Cih, but package Nc2-t About thi time, Mr. ftiiley received information that package Ne. 24, sentjon the l'Jth, con-iaining130,hU,;-1;.i.'- t . o, ,; ,:,!...', had or conrTO HAirD- ---im, at Richmond. "'This was after the first examination ' ' before Commissioner tboru. ' The 1 detective was instructed to prosecute his Invextigations, which he did in a style that shows him to bo an xtert in his profession, for verV soon be unearthed the first package, No 6, which bad been lorn op together with the draft.1 About One third of the draft was recovered, and in such piece ss to get the bumber, date, amount payee and payer. Mr. Mernatn Das all the pieces and also the burnt and scorched pieces nicely preserved,' -to- be used asalnat the partiea at the next term of the United States district court, to be held in Newbern, the fourth Monday of Aprii. K1CHABD3' COSPESSIOK. '"' Joe Richard made this confession to Detective Merriam 1. 1 was enf ployed in the postornce to make nree and carry water. I took out of the klamp drawer at different time about is. . TWs was about Christmas. : Part of It f I gave to 8am. Oslxirrie. Ou the day ef the steal- ing I look from under, a pile or books where Mr. Mliley had "placed it a registered package ; his buck was turn ed and I aliped it under' my joat and went out in a rear , lot to an old out-house and there tore it open. Af ter takiug out the money ,T we Hp trrer diBfland all the other papers In maU pieces and threw them in the sink. I then went to look for Sam, and fouud him in Dr.. Blount's buggy, and gave him the money. Tne agreement be tween as was, that I yi; ... , " '' WA " TO STKAr,'" - - : and Sam. conceal it as he waa working on wage and would not be. so apt to excite suspicion. .The. second package waa taken on tho 0th. Mr. Still? j had made up the mail and the. pouch was banging on the book. I passed by and taw the red package and toek it out and met Sam. according to promloe at Mar tin's corner. We bought a candle and went up to my room at aunt Nancy's. tm. cut sir tne end or the package and took out the money ; I mad him count it because I thought; he thcated ' i ' ' . -. ', . ' - r ! me before 1 there was 1130. ' Sam took charge of the money and burned un all the papers on the floor. I only received 45.50 of this packaz: he Imd all the balance. I received only $22 out of Uie first package Sam. had the rest. i CAM. OSBORHE'fl 00SFK8SI0S j is In iubstance the same as Joe's tn re lation t- the- hut package ; but be de ne complicity in the nntt -case. ad ays Joe gave hfm a part of it, 110 at a tune, and mat jee snowed Dim tne rooney wbile he wa ra the buggyi" On the 20thr' of : January, 'after all these etaiemerjta-were made, v ,' KDorn, tne commisnioticr, In dffiiult of Bl'00 bail in each case, ' lent' the" prisoners to jail to be held until the Vnitcd States district i Cfurt ' at 'Nwbtrn.' ;- Thi crirn wa : on 'lot .considerable boldnes en the rarlof,Joe, and showed ' that be bad been watching the making up or Qie packages by the postmaster, for In both inntanees be selected as fat package those that were to ro te Bk:hioud.-It fa but lust to Detective Merriam to say luut he ex hibited skill and ability in working up this case, and as Que of the tokens of appreciation of his ability displayed In this case, J, Ji. JiUI, U. K. marsbaL for the eastern district of North Carolina. has commisslonou him a deimty. 1 Can not the department at Wasbinirton do someininx lor boar ti n rr.u.uti om I will write again to morrow on other matters about Washington. - : , --, - ilu .M-14f-ii1-l"!l Mi., V JI. -( - 'HB thai Hath Eabb to Hjkab, Lit bus Hbajl'WLi tb treatment of ithe ear end eye, and the other organ of sense, ana Chronio dinnssee. it beoomee tatty te have a good knowledge - of everythiiig pertaining to, raedipio and surgery. , (I What are called regular pby- sioians may nave, giauuaieo in eimer the old or the pew, school colleura, and qui boast of a one-eidad euucation. , . Air Jan nas bad a thorough , education in botn i tu old and, Uie, new school ool- leiroa, and in an Eye and Ear College. and in the Eye and Ear lunrmaries and Hospitals or America and fcurone. . and his diplomas from the same hang in bis Qttioe. f Jt is impossible lor a pnysician who nas but the usual meiicai education to successfully , treat the Eye, Ear and Throat therefore. Dr. Jones has' availed himself of all the advantages the world affords to fit himself for his natural and chosen profession; and of his snecess the reader may judge by the following testi monial: ; ImHT . Names of Medical gentlemen throaeh whose exammauon , Dr. Johannes A. Jones has gone, and who testify to bis ability in the strongest language pos sible, by piscina their names to hi diplomas, . which are suspended in his emce, open to Uie inspection oi the in terested: Valentine iott, M. D., LL.D., Alexander Wott, M. D., ,, Jolm W. Francis, M. D LI D., A Clark, M. D., Prof. Geo. Sayrea, M. D., Prof. J. W. Green. M. D., Prof. B. F. Baker, M. D., Prof. Isaao Wood, M. D.; Prof. JonnJ. Crane, M. D., Prof. W. If. Cbureh, M. D., Rev.LIsae Ferris, -D. D., David ?. Rogers, M. D.'j Geo. Meed, M, D., J. P. GarriHh, M. D., Prof. M. BtovirosoiB, M, JJ.V NW Xorkt Pfof; , J. Beakley, M. D., Prof . W. A. Reed, M. D.. Bev. A B. ParsoM.' D. P.. J. K. Cot, Jr.f; M. D., C -J. Hemple, M. D., Philadelphia; Prof. W.' Jones,1-Jr., M. D LL. D., Sir. A'" Moore, M. D.j' London, Eng.; Prof. DePraff, M. D., Paris; Prof. Pnkski Kadiski, M. D., Viennai':,'',' vwt u (.' ,;i . j, Dr. Jones is ourina the afflicted at the MoAdoo House; ' Greensboro, in ' thi state where be will remain until Maroh tbeSth. t'-vl. uiil. ,9ik -i- n ,i n i ii. mm n. yie-jf.-t iu 'JouHNALIS'a ,im. ' IFroas tte CpneoW Sun,' Feb. 1. " Cet'Dn 20, has a m-dcal article on church music, and wants, to know what they who are opposed to it will do with the prchtstra, in heaven U( when, they get "erB .-J-.tll'-UI llrii'll 'ifh fiTi.'ll .P!h!!-.!l From ikt i Franklin Courier Jan. 28. ' .Triend DonanU out in the Seatiuel of the 22nd, .., with another of his inimi table i sermons.: ,Mr :hav read them all, , and they are chock, full f good sound sense. ! Don't top, bat i give u more they are good,i i ihn'n: iu.i iBesW the traveling agent f the Ral eigh Sentinel baa been doing Newborn recently, and while here was,;, judging from the character .of, Lis recent com- muuicationsj under tha influence ot tue oldraada who hav radical officials on Uie brain. Two or, wu-ee (column oi a recent ime of, the bcntiaelt nr .used to republish lot of trash and miarere mti,ioo thaiiiayejLeeo U.e jjaht br fore in tbi city,. Uie product of a dis eeeedi mind,-i the .. offspring of a special lunacy- However, there is afitnesa in their productioo in that paper it. being the daily reoeptaoleof all of Xurnex'ahal luoioationj which are very, nraoh of a meueee with Um Newborn production. I OMMrfTIli TO TUB IlTAAWB AST- LCM, - Oen wm.f r. Eoberfs, or.fJatca county a gallant CoafiIerate cavalry man -during the war, and one of the moat valuable members of the late con stitutional convention, is Tu Uie. city. Hie came accompanied by James T. Bond, of h county, m charge of Olivet IT. Odora, an epileptic Inxane' raticnt for the asylum. , Odora was a very bright boyy bat falling trs injured his head, acd lcft 'liim subject to fi e of epilepsy," Twhictii Enally:detroyed his reasons - He was turned over to the care "of Superintendent Griwom,c 9. 1876: ; No.-146. ; NEWS AND, NOTES. ' i The centennial steal waa to Lav come up in the senate to-day. . Bear Admiral Stiingharn . ha been bamstrung, at the age of 78 years.; ; I Th senate spent yesterday Bcdogiaing terry, wtiQ, waa, reoenUy (emed over Jordan. , I ,Tba, Stnrtevant Xanuikctarlng com paoy, or Jebanoo, New -Hampshire, hacontractionally prospered intd total buatednss. " - t-'u ii "t i : The First Congregational church of Uwronce, Kansaa, ha aocepted the nymontn liarem stnvitaaon to lean in an advisory oouncU , . ,..!.',:., , ' By order - of . Jnd 1 Woodill. - the telegraphic eorreepondenoa -of the New Orleans whiitky-ringers haa been placed at tne disposal ox, tne Jury. English, Scotch and American Pro testant participated in the inaugural meeting of the British aod Foreign Jkble society, which was beld In Home Monday, j i -t. r..,.i i:u. i Dale Brother, woolen-good mer chants of New York and Boston, nave woodbined for 11.000,000. Far over lull and dale, bear the bella tolling : "Con traction prosperity i national demai- tiOO." i'ii.ii swum ;..;.!-;.' , i , . . ... ' Cuneo (f ) an old friend of Garibaldi, died in Florence recently and, not hav ing received extreme unction, lb olergy refused to oalciate at hi burial. Gari baldi wants him cremated probably hi wish is being already gratified. ' J. H. johnsoulr a'Gloverville.. New York, glove-dealer, has been smitten by the ungloved hand of contraction pros perity, and his creditoraare nne-eosouing the fragments to find some trace of that 0,000 which waa, but . la not neither ahall be any more. " ' ' ' 1 tab drops; Wayne superior court adjourned last Friday. ! ... Brother Liles, of""lhe"Wade8boro Herald, still flies the flag of Vance and Davis, for the gubernatorial campaign. Shot well, - of the Charlotte Southern Heme, feels "flattered" when a tramp call on him . . Isn't it a typographioal error for "nattenej." . u . Goldaboro peddles shad at (1.50 a pair. Nobody but railroad kings, con gressmen, editors and otber million aire can afford a nnh diet at those rates.'.; '"""'""""""" Amariah CorbeiLof Pender county. a few day ago, . received a testimonial of appreciation from a mule. It waa a compact and vigorous hoof, and was deposited plump in the pit ; of hi stomach. Dangerously injured. J The Regulator ia the rather startling and significant name of a neat little paper ust established at Asbboro. It ia edited by Marmaduke S. Bobbins, who oonduoted the Raleigh Conservative. Governor Vance's organ during the war. with distinguished ability. ' ' Jesse Reeve, alias-Jesse Franklin, bailing from Ash county, in thi atate; 1b charged with the perpetration -of a brutal murder in 'Pike county ken- lucky, about - th 20th ' of January. Reeve is supposed to be lurking now in the neighborhood of hi old home. I-T.l.if. -I.I ' ' " 1 - ' li-i I Don t ruin your nealtu, and, besides. make yourself disagreeable to other people by your continued coughing. A tweuty-n ve . cent bottle of Dr. v Bull' Cough , Syrup wiUu cur you. H- Large Dotues, ouoeiit. TheStarra4mmbM - i soLUDtErnospnATE1, ii-w'l yiaji'H I-Ijwj 10-i.;'-.irs;i'-- We hsve found by several years axptrienc I actnst obiervalfon, that they sveno snprrlorj Tr-xXiS-ESga-Raniv-niiis i ifcaia. But an ,.... .. .;.i, I .-!.. I I unequal la results, upoa sworn statement freai fair trial whV anything told la the Booth. ( W t ' ' ... I.. .ijimnn wiw misisLi. '. 1 . " " ' '"" ' ''J.i'X:x,h.i:d J.-Jv.i!J,'i ..'i!il',-''.i..f.' i -': wl l'h ; ','H, f t r T,-i ' 3'-i.v.u.- o,'T !- "' !-U l,..,:l t .-.!.. I i . - 8XprfBce,wM have used ear Phosphate for several years! ;-,i-.t.ri - :: ,-J'Vti' ' l: -j . " '''' "'I - -'" B. y IVXT, Wske County. , W. n. WBITAKKP VTake CoBnty. KVH. nORT05, " " ' M. C. UTtET, -.' -.-U COt. EJTEWART, BarneU Counly..' JAME8 A JOHXBOK, " - ?r 7 D. Ms. If cKATT; , "-.''!. "n f I'll And siawy other wd will gladly give their ; ,......,.. ;; )aa BS tf T' I THE UALEIGIl SENTINEL i --.. . - t . . Ad vertltemeaU wrn t hserted In the Uauy : see inch, or tes mlnloa lioes. . . i , Ooe sqoars soe Ubm - ftOOt jt " -." sach sobssaesAiorUon.- w i less iaaa a wsa ............... 0 1 squmrs, 1 rt ........- W- 1 1 month 1 i months 18 00 C 1 JO 1 ........,.. 24 00 OA JbA sw vw J.Urlt w W 86 00, a i - There waa no delay yesterday In get ting a jury in the Babcock case. . Thre or four were put through a rigid exam Inatioo.? The . jury i welTdiatributed uirunnoui me siaie.p ine jurors out-, side of this panel were discharged, as ' the district attorney td there were no ' roore whi-kv case Hr this special term. fkl. Pat Tf In lAa!n thm. MllioL . I. I . m , a nary addr to Ue, Jury, said tb vi-,a dence would be mostly clrcumsuntinJ, f but Uiat not a link would be missing In the chain.-'-We- trust not. rt - f m r a i ' f f f .'. j I The hufra. i-lnu. m m-inintr ilrAtiinir pill , cpastructed of crude, irxwrse .and bulky ingredients, are fast being anper- seded by Dr. Pieroe's Pleasant - PnTgeV" tive Pellets, or Bagar-CkMted,v Codoen-1 tratod Boot and .Herbal Juice, - Anti' ) Bilious Granule the "Little Giant". Cathartic or Multnm Ih'Parvo Physio. 1 f .v-l- ni : l uj i.i n. I Woe to extract front the juioee -of the nostvaloable roots and herbs their ao- tive medicinal principle, , which,; when j W.-lr-.l I . . I .. Ti. "l 1 scarcely larger than mustard seed, render each little Pellet as active aod powerful as a large pill, while they arwmuoh mor I Palatable and pleasant in effect. v(, ..1 - Dr. Ira A Tnaysc, . of Baoonaborg, Ohio, writes: "I regard your Pellet as ' the best remedy for the conditions for . which you prescribe them of anvthing I have ever need, so mild and era-tain in -fr . A i .1. l 1 2 mini wui umTimi luq uvwtw ill sub A . eellent condition. It stems to , me they , most take the nlaoe of all other cathartui pill and mdknn., " 'm'v.i- -awl i. Lyon k Macomber. -drngirisU, Ver milion, DC T.j say: ? W think thet are going , to sell like hot cake as soon a J pie get acqoauited with them, and Will annil thai tn trad a an thvm that t t r.. . r . - .. . hits gam ujfib nig neia mucu oener than large Bill.-" rin.2u in .a.-. t i-',- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T ''I Jiavlncbeea SDDolnted snd dnlv anallflad as Executors of the will of. Peter Aanurt Bternoerg, deeeased, all 1 pefsoas ' hi-ldtag clalias sgalnu the saUta of th said glare- r brrg are hereby aotltted to present the Mine to the mtrsigned efar the 1st day of J Marrh, 1877, or th s auUce will be plead atv enrdlng to lav AU Dersons ladebted to the same ar hereby called vpua to aetUe at etusaw or suit will be brought. . T. k DkYEKUX. . f. b -dlaww , , 'tri. "TtR. BABCOCK WILL KEaUME TUB pravtfra of iivnriitrt i iravtira of Dentistry as axin aa h eaa " - f viva rirvasassa vaa at a j vfwevw saass a3.iBa over the Shoe Store at V. D. neartt. 11 will do as skilful work as sny one tn th pr fir. nil HI at amlaw fnAma nss a -a tawi 1 1 a leaaloa and at reduced price. y7 ALU ABLE REAL ESTATE FOR BALK. ' Br vtrtas of a sanrtna aenta4 la A. 2 Bynuo) dc Bro., eo the 1 Ith of Beptoaabar, 1874 by J. N. Clen, and bv vfriu of a second mortgage axeested by the aforesaid n. Ulceif to A. J. HYDumonnb of March. 1875, ths underlined wl.l sell en tb Drest- Isesat publis suctioa on the , , . I7th DAY" OF MARCH1870, -, u :.! for eauh, that valuable farm ee Deep river, la tha aouoly of Chatham, opaoaUs tbs toaa of. Ing riVK -Ut NOKEO AND t TH1KTI. TdHEB acres. Tbs Kalelgh A Aognata Air- ' Line railroad divide the tiact, and Deep river Is savlgabia for staambosM aboat so ai lies above and 18 enllea below Lorkville. Tb farm la about SO sollet from Kalelgh sad 41 -miles fnoai FaetttiVllle by rail., .The tract, contains 100 acres of Deep rivrr low ground: 90 aces of branch I and and WO acres of too leaf pine , la well adapted to the ratatag of grapes, cereals, .col tea, and veswtablea, and can be dlrlded teaaily Into three ezeallent fama. The railroad depot, ia within 150 yards of the fara and Merebanta' mills, taw aiilla sad foaadry wthln TB yards. Tbs late rrnf. Emmona, staU geologist, describe this, farm as wlihln the rkh coal and Iron fonna Uoas of ika Ie p rtvtr basin. ; -'.-: - .!(. '! - For furtber iuf nnstlon apply to A. J, Bynum, 8blh ; Hon. John Manning, Pltta- boro, or i. a. Clegg, LockvilU, Ji. C. I MAflS' i j Kiir ! .!)-( '.tin u ; -ir'.J li4.- '' fl 1? anaxoszev w vm i O - SUPER PHOSP1TATE i . i in f OF-LIME.f-w ;? .-. 1 1 i-vi-i; '- ', ' thlt la selllBg tb abov rertil'sers, ss wall as hy If any equal amenf Comnsarslal Manarss. niiliartalla' aoPelar. and that have Met. B - .IJM I ' ' ''-. ':! I . C. IJ many of oar best farmers. All we sak toa refer to the following geaU smen of Urge . .i,.i. JOHN ATERA, Johnston County. W. H. I ADDERS, ;. i f , DAVID AD VMS, i:.rSP - JAMES T ACE, Cbstham Codaty.' - - i -. ' i yr. m. TUOMA8, . ... -:( r. fl. w turns, n - ILIAsHAISE, u .Tiril.A it! '- ''til Ll-U sxperhnio. i Tor8alVy '"t- ' " '- ' 4..; ;'J .L.-. ' .AGENTS A.4. SIflLB. 00 opinions as to its strangenees, 1-