r . r 1 . i rs ' klfl l l L i 4W ! J mm HI I fr(l l) m t il H M 111. i 1 i .... ' .THE HOST USE VI1SA tETS.-OL4SS BETS, FIXE tTIilM' AtEIOff SENTINEL ; CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND- :Mst Amendment: That section 4, of article 9, be stricken out and two Be sections be substituted. The section to : U itrkken out Is lo regard to lauds given to tbe itate by congress and the . appropriation of lines,, penalties,' &o . fwM. (.Attn. ' 4jk V ttH itntrwt tfrlttAB ail lauds ar proceeds of lands, give. by the United StaUt to tbe stale, te -educational purposes ; tuA all want p ' lands," fine 4c., are to be nwd iu'n . poses of education. , ".. - f ,v i Sod Amendment strikes out section 17, ' article 3, and substitutes a sectioo pro Tiding for the esUbllahment 6f sT bu , beau of agriculture.lnjmigration end sta ' tiatics, and the protection . of sheep husbandry. - - '''s t . 3d Amendment adds to section 25, or 1 article 1, that "secret political societies are dangerous to the liberties of a free, -people and anouui not oe wienueu. , Ui Amends section 10, article 3, by nmn.lmif thai thai UOimUOf. With ' the advioeof the senate, shall appoint all o Sloes whose appointments , are , nut eihrwisepiwidttifoi;-- " ! ... . . . i . t : 1 k Ola Aurogawi bbu Biaeuun kkjuuu , 16 and 17, of article 4, and allow the general assembly te allot and diatribnt all judicial power among the several oountiee except that of the supreme court, which is fixed by the constitution filh fUrifcaai mil aoetiflna 1 and 2. of article 13, and forbids calling a oonven- , x: ttUMi At Afuunltmtf thai fMfmla at thepolla. ' n.riMi.-!r v m ' 7th Provide 'for eabmittlng ' the amendments '.to the constitution to the peopU, at the the polls, Taeeday after the 1st Monday an Aovenitx, 19 to. The amendmetita will be ratified or re looted together. ' " ' 8th ProTidee for publishing tne arm nancee for the information of the people. 1 9th Bequirea the judge to reside in the district for which be ia elected, and forbids hie holding- court in the same . eounty more than once in four yeara. ,. .' i 10th Bednoes the number of Judges from 12 to 9, md authorises the tagiala tureto increase or dimininh the number. 11th Provides lor the assembling or the leeialatare in January instead of November. .. -.f - i 12th Hits civil rights on the head by forbidding white and black children going to the same school, and providing that no - discrimination ahall be made ' to the ptiudioe of either race. , loin jnxes Hie py u uipiuuc v uu General asBembly at $1 a day and 10 1 31 : .1 l. ik. riolt ll 60 days. If the session is prolonged 'beyond; 60 days, members receive no 14th Provides that the term of oflk e for senator and member of the legis lature shall begin at the time of their lection. . ' " , " 15th, That section ?9. of article 2, is U1CUUW J to change the time of holding elections fot the general aaeembly.i i ULI 16th Strikes from the constitution see tlw 4, faWljekUkiMtld-. re publican gerrymander of the senatorial aUtricts in IbOtJ. . f 17th Reduces the number of supreme Judge from five to three, a our lathers iTeciarea vuo juuicuti . shall be vested in a court for the trial at impeachments, supreme court, su perior courts, courts of justice of the - neace. ana sucn otners mienor u supreme court as may be established by law. - 1' -"'- . 19th Establishes the supreme court In i Kaieigh, until, otherwise provided bf the general assembly. 1 ' 20th' Strikes section 8 article t, from 'the constitution. This section was the ' Mruihlieftn ffprrrmnniltir of the ouse ., of representatives, and the j eople can do withoat tu ' 21st Forbids vacating any office r term of office now; existing nnder the onslitution. . ' - 22nd lTOVide roT tne ejection oi -- 4nirr nt ihft eonreme court aud supe rior court, by general tickeklsr, vote f all the people nut aiwwa uie xeuonu awembly to change the mode of elect " Ing superior court Judge from general ticket to district tlectioTJB - 23d fiequire 12 month' residence In the state, and 90 days In the county, 'Kof,,r a man can Vote, and excludes " -nrl . x.TMtniteuLiarV 'convicts Kr,Antr nfAi nr Votintr nntd r- stored to citizenship by due process er law. luere was wo uajre- ueww vu M nrHinanra. Messrs. Dockery, .Alberuon and Buxton, with all tbe itlsmilaa a no bin tr against it and Uliu "O n declanng it wa a mea av we oegru. . ojtK (VnviH for the removal bv the legislature.of any judge or the superior nrt. fr majitaj or tihvsical dWabilitV. it. aln nrMTiiie for the removal of tlerk ofthe eupren1 nd lif 'anuria fcw tjl lllilce of the COUTll for ' .the same reason. Appeal la, case f l 1 1 1 Tn A.Ka mint nr i mavvww "o .m wwmw suits. ,it. Tlvi Tof ha Ann. j . a-Htt 4 VfUKa au , af itnfimn ha anuvuLtd bv addinir that the .general assembly shall have power to modify, change or abrogate any and all of the provisions oi tne arnoie, ana rao- in laiv tlliuw Tprt aM tioOT 7, and 13. This allows the kgisla- (nmtnannomtniainBtraiea aa uuic-'i w nl.l ematitntion. f. '. ! . 20th. Gives uridicUon to justice of . the peace over civil actioos founded on . -f. .kan Via mm does not exceed i $200 ; and allow the inaticea to call in a "'.jury of six mea in enrlWa ceaeav "to21Hh Authorise the employment of ' eonvicta on public works and highway, oou i.i.i. tiia fiJlowinir new section . A "Tn mm tle irraeTal as- sembly ahall eeljliidi other inferior courts, the presiding ofiem and clerk thereof ahall be elected in such manner a the general assembly may prescribe. , FUL, EXTENSIVE AND ' . " 1? '.I-' a. CASTOIW, WOOXS.AXIli. FORKS, -29th Forbid marriage-biween,white sad black and all persons of negro de scent to the third generation . , " ; 80th Add to article 1, section 24: "Nothing herein contained shall juatify the practice of carrying concealed weapons or prevent the legislature from inacting penal statutes against side eu actum." ' ' ' 31st Abolishes section 31, of articles And provides for filling all vacancii nfltmw ttmTjrfeil for bv this article bf tlie governor not otherwise provided for. i Via iTovwies i or payina; omwn au members of the oonventKw, - ' Jjild Give power to. the enpmne eonrt to try iasnes and queetious of fact as under the old constituUoa. . . . rl 1 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVrNTI N Of CVmpletetn Paotorraphle tr of tf i.V. (aUnee aud will bs suM at a inederota' price, 11 t U'.luin', ll.ILn Hil(irh. N. II. i COUTHEBN POUCT-UOLDM. j Aa Ininranc Joomal deroted to tbe Inter eat of Policy-bolder. Contain all the lot anranee wentora of the day. Oaly Ibmi anet paper to North Carulina. . Treat of botb Life and Firs Insurance, exponliig wild-cat eoetpaalea and eeMBieatllna; the troog one te Ui people of Morth Laro taa, the paper fur Ibnee kitereated io loMinace Bubevriptka fi.uu in avauce. avBruas meat ht.erted at reuonable rates. .. AdtlrxM, ' :.! . ,. JN(XC. HUTSON, -, i r- - Ejitoraud Proprietor, sept -tf 1 Raleigh, N, ' MslvtsS Caataa, " Aaaaaras L. Oaaraa ATrOKNKTB AT LAW,' i ' t u ,.. iAsaarsUaVikCit'it i-tui " Praetlee la Uia-eapreme C'oart at Rat Irk. vid in taa State and fed ml Co on of We ra Kurtb Crolli a ' ' ' i - Wt. eelieetud ai aap aweatv f A. v t'T ttiju im it avaar ' HOLD.. , uwi e ,u u Eureka , Washinjg Ha- r. chine rittuW Oct. It, 1871. . n ). V I 'I'i'l'll II" This sew Ibt satloa Is a .eomplste m Waiieerjthlag from a ledj'e taea Cellar to- a CooateVpana, Y, the Moat tkoroagk aad x,s.ilatastTla.-'f ' i ' " Works with ease and rapidity aad without mjnr j to the cloth m k , , , , IIM1 AND MONIT lAVXO. s The tVaehins; aVae hjr a woeaaa la ea . . (, . , v.. , . . . da be w b the pati anted Iareka la . . . .... . l . . tbioe boars. Price $i with wilt gtr a.lached 12s. . J. B. TihEAK, Mattofactortr and FattentectOry, M. O. E.H- UKAul HUV unwut. TSS CAJiOLIjrM UUUBBUVIM u j n a a, ktb A a tllnatrata WoothlT af Uholea Liter to'e. Is jabllahed mon'tiT at ..; .:,' . UOLDDBORO. H. 0. '' ' ' ft la a hantlfnil Illustrated ReDoettOrT of Lltt-ratare, Oeelinea to rfCum u ureei Boa, bold lfjrsne of b Boutb ; more looroBgnij mtnunoa who uie psuywin uic social and IomUe LU thaa ay u. tor us soma No BiivanteM Brtlected which etther talent or capital eaa Mimmitiil In ranrtar aarh lana AA Bl'll'l Me and tDstrarttr eomveadiQia of choice readier, fy popaiar wnin, iwu noma mm abroad. : -f. ' ' ,,., m rtcrcBa aixkbt fa' i L.na, altriaatiVM f -tnr Ilia Janlkaav aaubrr contain a lil 1 ke portrait of Ki- .OT ft II. BCa), - U ump;rKiUva moiu to be followed la e h nauiber with phote rraph of ether prominent stBtaamea, alvuiaa te.1- ' " ' - ' '"' ' ' ' ' ' ; VNLTflM ATIAK, PeetaeeTree, ' aad aeb abverlMr eaa meb -choice ef iji bo retrtitalv Hrf Enrrtvl elae nf ew IMxn Incbee. Vis: lbe Finding of 1m BaTlorm U.e iile,' ie Maooi a," and "Klo Iru Defriac the Btorm," for- wardvd oa reeetpt the eaeeciipnoa pnee. Either of that Knirrvur fct worts doable - - -- - . ftKa alairaalM -Am aav aBdlDa erebef -lv 'Bill receive aa extra abu-rlpUoa free, irrjie eoptea aw eenia. 81s mootha sabatHpik withot the Ka ravutt 1.0t. ' t gtU Wasted Brerywher. acarees " , ' JCLlUa a. BOKITK, Pbllber,' Jaa as-tf - - olaoro M. C. ' a nrvTiiaitirniKT nti.rRRnnriH 1tr 111 NnvtaltlaaA a IUUUU aaaoru v m m f awa v "a ana Uhrumu la ever; aeecnpiiua. it atiob Cbbomo, Co., Phlla., Pa. sw. . - OB i SKNTt '.-5'f ft Ht Via. fjAM awn VaiaaMawlllaB " anMamt of ttM best stand lit Mi 9 cltj of Raweltfli j rwmmum flrWm MIC m u. eymaa ! dee 2SMw . AS. M. TO Wi.K8. TVO TOO WANT f A KW . TTM A Gent's Hat, eaU a; .-vH - . , ' .1 dem A UAaumra. TOK BIST. f For the rear 1876. The Hon and Lot on n4il.lMMir Mfwa aalllj -the Bl'lieMB e Hotel, known a trt.utt.-htffi property. Ibe rlou contain eight comfortable rouroe Kitchen eonuinlnr four room. Two Ollic room tn yard all la good order. Outvid pantry aod woodbouse. - m eu 01 good wsiet in yara, pump bubcu a.... h or term if J to - - nr tn U R III! rCHlNGft. . . . ravetuvitle St., oppoeite Tacaar Ha L j qceautf . w - ''" ADItS, illSSES AND CHILDKEN, H I ,yoa aaut a Boot or Ualter to fllj Uk giov. r to ,. , . . , M.1 ; rffmnrnv ri TTTVJksJ VtOLfN'S. Guitar, Bano, PluU. Fife, FUiffleti XamDorine,. uanuonican, whim. ' ' v - itmeeiHM, noae, uwuv 1 -K", Violin Bows, Chto rieeeo. Tail . . Pleer. Bridfree, Bow Heir, . Borin, Jevabariie, IrW woglee,. Llrvub Cord . : !' . ' ... Mi HMdl : f - w.n anvthtnir amwrtainlBir to tb muttcal line cut be had at bKOW N'e Varielt at are. Holt aa BuUdlog, RaleiKh. N. c. i CHEAPEST STOCK OF It i uiu iricra rTTTCTilbiWABP. LAVPS, VASES, CUT GLASSWARE U B01B WTTOSI GlJia, . t Bant: Klh Ulna in Btora, aad will be ao!4 vvdaoed price. Tbrjr art old to etema bnMer, rta fMter mid iatt longar thae aaj other gin la are. . - . : AIM, On SO Baw Brrond aaaa ' r. . , JAMa M. TOMLES, septlsMoi h: :: ., Agenti Q.n.OlN A NOES ! ORDINANCES l ORDINANCES! I ! 1 1 op run 1 'I CONVENTION! . . . 11 j, I .. i C0NVE1JTI0N!! -i II ' 1 1 CONVENTION !tl AT THIS OFFICE. Single Copiei 10 CM. $ S.00 ftii i i ;i Per handled Per thousand ' - 85.00 1 1 "7 ;' IT it .. i:ii.!n 1 ' f - i- BSf Send hi your orders at one.. Addess iS, ,:V'. "AVi 'Uii.i:;Raieigh, n. a A". law orncE, 5 'i J CoMri J2o'tt 8g uart naalal atl-atlna a-tvaa tn Savinr of RoSM a..il. I n tha lata 4aallM Af the a premeCeartef tn UalUdtmi area the tab- Ten. aaai ruwan SA5H,' DOORS A BUNDS, v ' GarafM fJbrevi? $avoT -;tl.., , t ... , , XwawaeLtoaftj . -. .:,... .i .i. .. n ., txruxm lkwis s co. ' PAI2.TS, OILS, COLO US, f y : A. i llard'mri qf vtry I Ds$crijtun JljmT8 LEWIS i .. Ou, Ftahxb BorxDiitt, i 1 , ,-( !' i;jxs,iemn, v. , , T2aw30a c .UaJUT OiPSat Haraec Witar A Aon. 481 BraAwa. H , will diapoeeef lPtaao and rRaMOf .aM hl.lnrini. .fM aT T IreoMly tow price for eeah. darter th s moaia. or f'arv cmaa. u wim awimii kob h'y pjB.eata. Tt aaae ta lev fet ter1 New eoaie PtaoOa, are th betmde. Tha Lnarh alaetie. aaa e 1h ainein tone. pnweri aU pare and ee. W Bter' Certe tbey defy rm(tttioa. Th Cosreit (op I a Bee lniitauoe ei fne aama voir. iM.uautai a nharal dleeoeat m taayr. - Inl.t. aa. alinrrliaa. airhoola. Irwf irea. atr. poecUl ladaeaaeisU to 'fa trad. lUustrited ra4alOKesmtUd. XII AS AND HEW.YE AR motto' curs ASD "saucers. aau W. Joa, AaMiataav 4aaa. v.! ,..ttr, -At Law, .-j'S PRACTICI te th Bnrreme f)oart Of ike Hl.tA Ik. r'lM.ntt ani4 IMntrti f MnvHa ff ta OaiteaKUtes and tit levers) Coaruef tie th Jadlcial District. ' ' ' 1 Office oa retUillie fU.-opplt M a'aaao Mattoael Bank. C p aUira. law .tt ;;P I N M I S O 'f PATENT BH1PF1NO TAGS. Over Two Hundred Million have bees aed w.thla lbs pant to vearr. ilhoat evoiplaiat of ioa by la oecuj Irtachad. Taar aaa a oar aauaai.a r eaaaia Oortoa Baiaa T aa aar Ta ai o. All Iipiee Conp''la aelhtm. ld bf Prtalawaaad felaU.enewrywara. aHWaatias pivi i .!- -i ' BP. KlJStlf" OP -NOR T CABOUNA, 1 ' . i.'ll. ;':y--maj'JI'.i 1-'i .r ' j 0 H2i nOK,' 6U TTOlf fc CO. 13 t Boa. (90 Baltiaaore and 1 Vertb Liberty St. w. J0Hao.',":;,!'' j:iL'lctM. B. M. 6i-TTo,lAiaijt O . Joaaao.j sept i-an . ,. ,, , !( ,,, .. f i t BALTIMORE. Ml--I.il .I'j sept 17-Hn :h- IR- . l."' ? f -TlOalli YE DlStO'iOLATEl ' )it i .iiu . .! ..."! ; lien ta aeareh of FIRST-CLIPS GOODS. th very Late it Tip of Fashion, and pat op la a style that wttl salt tke mot fastidious mate, no to I WE1KELS ESTABLISHMENT, I oa PayettevOle 8trwl, one drtos Booth of the Soulhern Expreat Olliee. jl J i U U ft Conceded Fact i that Weikel eaa pat ep the beat and most (attafaetory JOB in tbe way of fine eaMa of Clothlna. from a. Weddina- to a Buaineas Suit, that oa he turned out In Ralettrh, The old and young men ay It, tbe laute V)J blea them) endorse It and tbe children erv over It, cry for Joy w on their revered "dads" put oa a uit of elkel' ciothinf(. . Weikel lakea thla oeraaioo to t tare his thank forth large and liberal patronafr heraaofor rrcelred, tad respectfully ark for continuance of the aame. Alia stock of i, t pit zif.YAvr rr CLOTHS, - - ' CASSIMERES, m , TWEEDS, SUIT1KGS '.". mach larsr-r thn aver before, aad com- prleea ail the latest nofeitie m . d Style, havtpg beea recently parchaed at low p rices from' ;r if .:,:.,,.) .''!.,-l .. :.( 1 -! r A8HI05 EKADfUASTlRS. " a mm.! fc fnaw n nTnv4rma ara Pink ail Men, who akill and ability are knowi.to the linu ona and all to th Emporium of Paahl , ' elkel', the Merchant Tailor, for a alaaa Dai nt Pl.aJtaa. nf Aral rlaa fjeda. mitapmaratclaMltyl, n- ' ' i oca in ....., , , i .... : . . 7, T.!.ti:i ,-1 6 WAM90TTA "it'CoUS BHIBTs Wltll . . It ...I I ti .'.Mil I..' I SICUAROSOM't BOUND THREAD UN'EM BOSOMS AND CCFF8 FOR ONLT $6.50. ; - ; ..i asxiiax H -.' WAM8UTTA MVSUN 6HIBTS tVTll t.'t ..'It. 41 Jl i TTH RICHARDSON'S ROUND THREAD LINEN BOSOMS AND CCFF8 FOR ONLT S !' j ri .' x il.ll .A fSf ,ftlnti bsV -'I t '. -l v'tadl ORDERS PBOMPTLT PILLED. 2d GreaUH Bargainee tl Age i n,il ti,salr w..o of y,-v 4 yr. n. ti 87 TiTKtTl;, ( ' Leader of Low Price and Beat Gofada. Raleigh, Xov. 25. 187S-A H J . '- r REAL ESTATE It ( a J VvCV ta,-.., . , . s'Arii;oBOi:ofi.oc!K.,.) - i I A LL B.INIM Of PROPEKTF BOCBHt ..a aula oa Camniaaioa at i-. i . (blOtf - t A. XlSOBUaND. TAOQ - ' 01 'Jf ' J"" ,. -if-, 'i t Vr-rri j -i j .1 .( M 'li. HI . arft ! ,.. V.ilm.' j ' .a. 1 l ?i.l' f V'" ' ' i -t i m. u:' r S .. ,! ' h ... I it ... .,-.,- 'iV.M J i i-5. 'i i GIFTS 'EVER" OPENED TEA'. 6ET' ' CtitLEBV.'-v FflT i ft -fc- la Tt' t -1 J O IV WORK W .it vj..., .... '-44 ,. ll.t. IT.' f! .1 if S "t r7-T,i'l i--tt svi-tiA ' f ... . t T y t i ',Uvlpg refitted - i v. -i '- .kail f t i ; - it - t t i .1 ii.ii.' i.r'au-;-' it ;pi!" M'k i jMK)! IiU li.il-Mn . lu-e. 'And seenrod the) wrvicet ' i 'f- n.j ..a ivi i." - I . . .a,it!ilt aitu a... KJW 1 l 1 tk . ,u-. i. ml ' t4rr-H----.--i--i- : i We' are now prepared to execute -all kinds of r i i . '4 PLAIN AND" FANCY Job ,Work. i Mi-, i i .--..i'fH.if -.:-t;!'.:'. All persoTiA Julg I ; Bill Hea 'a, A .1 r A o r f l "i .'t ji 'i jj LrtfctHiad. ' i '.aa r ; f.i. . f . at BtwiaoM Card, ftVI'1t(1.(. ni .ytslting CaT.U."' i ,n-. - ' WedHinat fUarda. ii- i :.t.W(1l, !. , II- - .. ' iptrt a-f ' Jf f.t fl'..1. i l.'-i-i.i n:, ., ii. i bk OAiettlara, t.ii rTi 1p-VaBamBBr"laaBS--.T WfWW ,TffflTTt. ialT,U w .Jl ecQted In the rery. beet style bt ending it to the'. -'.i t - ,UJ.t . -i -i .ii . ....i-m . I ;f . (:,' -)M .t- f 'rt-'- . 1 -- aontinolOMccd is if r -(iti!U' tr-, t:j-.J o ;i v r A A r Q We 0??,??iV do 41 ) .7.AVAOi .y 'AU kinds of ftl T'l 19.P M;?9''J4-A & tf 136okWork t - . .stM.-i r. I'i I'-in.i? ti.i jr:J 1 ".i.Hi.'v-- . H'3 '.!l. ' .vi in tne very oes. tyio, w l rtlUll 1" t! i ' t't "' I:.- l- All work tent fo will be doiej si, .- j: it-.,-. . : -.'' "i ai rjuVkly' and C cheepl? Mt kny otber pMNTrNO ;hocsT nt tbi aa J - okt t i -a n j:rit Vli 's! a . . - Tn arrive ra few A. 'IiKbty avrataeaf in ivtw at Mule. -. Price to- anyamn T.ifc. f IKKi CO. I Uoraaa and Mule.-. TWSf yrmrj xaaatnn the dee - .tr'; -M -t ' : I JOB OFFICE. ..I 1 ,!tV' lift I I -v. ll.'i ... .t;u : tt' !.) ft ' . . -."i. rV. 'fl "rn'-'i- '..ti. l- - . - f AU. XIHDSJ OP "Job "V "-..... uince i.)-m -in ,' 1 J . u ; ' '.Ii 1 : .' IK EALS'GIL fnrtvj . . it i r r. n pmj nra a uu.lllUibUUU O rLlICftl -1 OiUI'AaaiattavO&a.1 f ii a r.o.i u nit b ma ' " AND "- " ' BUtfatBOOK MANURACTUE2K, :i i r ovaa a. e. aooavroaa, ' A L I I O H, "V- 'tt. pUE MODL PAKM FOlt tjAE. This well kanw Farm la lorated in the To- achlp of Uig Pi lut tao mile from th eta hie. eonUin. 101 acre, aad aacetiUnc about 60 acre of flu 1 THRIFTY WOODLAXl),'1 h all ander a klgh state of eelttvatlo. Is ..i. vueiiii iiiiu. iuiaiii.ui la win a mm clover, tlmothf and orchard graaa, will carry a. neaa ou au a a.aa.ueep. THE BOUSE AKD BARK are saw and baflt m the moat thorough mea. ar, ami im an modern eouveocuce. a - - v III tb.iuij.i.,. . to aova ana barn, raised br iitdraalat Kara. Good society, kchoot and churches and the on the continent, being elevated OM feet above .tliia-aaier. View the prem-iea and obtain all Beetled lulormaUon from Wou Pat ereon. and for priaty ddraaa fVwnll Farlnv. llluh Auluai Sau.lia.i. W . iret, K. w York or W. A. lampoon, i vtaaiungtoa avenu . Miauaapoiia, UIDv I , la 3-1 m. it -i5'i.Ti.l lo. ?.t!l vv AMiau. We will alva enereetle mia and womea Husiaaaa Taav will Par fro 84 to $S pet aa beprMM4 k totar. w ratchoer. hood, aad ia atrictlT hoaorai-M Particular tree, or eamplea worth a feral dollar that will enable o to o to work at once, will b tst oa reeetpt of I fly axwta.. . u aauree - . la i n w n., eot 4-tf , Wi Wablnto ac.Botoa, M ' ATTOKNET AT LAW V--' kvA!tli'!,:H:ir'1,:;6.'.: ifflea Boath ef th Court Boaa sear lbs ,uBa viaeaa : js- . Ie T-tf E. K. STAMPS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, rULtrtea, M. C. PracCees la the rut aod Federal Court. C oil eetioB made la any part ef ftiorta Car- oilaa ...iij.W a'isi ; marh a- ELECT BOARDIN0 A DAT SCHOOL. BiLLHBoitfr Ar.ltt The tlilrty-Uilrd aeea on of th Miaaea Nash A MIm Koilock' School will opea on Friday, 23d July.- Clrt-uUr eut oaapiiUcaUoa, i uiy 10-oiawim HI; CKLIB R ATED t'" Us toy Organ - ; ' 'J ran be foond at JROWS'S VAEIKTI BTUHE, jau -lf Holleman BaUdlnK. GUUK THAT OUUU1 DMTaMolhM's PRICK ONJ .LWLLAR. , . t , ,".y Taa - Oaaat Botrraaa Rum bdt po r. l t.-ril -K VJir-Y (I-.f.-'H n (Vali. Cola. Sore .Throat. Hoar- ea and all Lane Diara-a l ewecia Iv reev omm.de4 a a Family Medicine tar t hddraa a it arreaU t a roe etwy, symptom f if Croup, or e'tecka ef Col l. nch a ehildraa are U0J-CV lo. .iucu arij miw nuu vi vthooumr t ouich. ita combiuatloa with ttnear ad o'her a and saw make It aol bh- pleaaaat to Mi ta ,) noaauaer wuawm in iu naa. Takra in oor loa of. half a tea- ..ouw, m 1 a a f.i Aa m hattaMT the. tL la a d iat0- I . , . . . k A m , Mtt., K . .n ,mi lla !IIUB w cuaali. au a w.au. down. It act finely on the Kidneys and the fcvrr . . . . . annr&eltirea anc aoia nooiernie sua Re tail by tha Proprietor, lrorham, N. C. Lib uWount to who'eaaie dvalera. . Orders era! Ali..lwt -( ..if --t i-ti' . n-naral Boahieaa Airant.' ' .,(.-! -. i. ..... .7" ..( - fr4!! TESTtMONIALSt Ovild'boro. N. C -anerpegdtnt;eWtera m -nthi la a south er carnal t riatof e my t-BBtra t r aww p IS deapair. aad cam torn lo die wit i uhildeea a (iolVbpi, V. C hU thral obuina i a bo of Or n McManaau'e laiMli tare. Uitt effstwa to enable , me , to aiaap; my atreealh began to. rrtura j ho a rnU. t ay eouga "a. . mimr tlx Boteai i wa reaUared to health 1 bow !fklalA)i 1 owe my life t thia mlxtaxa, and wla this pabUahed to the world . a. a. t.riDi. f,a a a.. i.uu.ov... . .1 u i " t l have b.m afflicted with acoaah for tbfrty I have teed all th popaiar f mediae ennaha 1 hea a v foand aaythieir to aatneta o the rah wralwa any relief. no til I weed Or ' aeManejaow man eaa Tar Mitt.' ltaeoaba me tealeem well: n too harlBd taeir wtrswrth, aad I aa aa. n't amtratr tran tr-Ti dliOreaaiBa' eufh tii attacked m a th naornin;. I M rapidly reaovrein. -' -'- " '-- !!: rvi i aa I aavnaai ' ,1 r. . , j My Li f te way whOa oa my circuit. 1 waa furer U re ire from my work, aa had of lr. MMan-h Tar Mixtare, my eooerk Improved, my ititngih feiaraed. sod 1 aooaatiia 10 rnme my wor;. irecwunaaej ttall trbo bv.acoox!if "rtiB'iv., Darham, IT. C. CH aD (be medkloe you We takea, UisTtf Mid ore i th eu y Uun that aa Sod pa BTTi-. :-V MBB- T. B,"oRE1tW, i-i '- T he Maatand. " " ,"t,-H t I H" Durham, H tt t aTBd Dt. IJ.T. MaMuiaxo's Aaterlcaa Tr Mixtar myaeJf, and la my family. 1 do sot heai -.ale to recow meed it aa remedy tt aa4 m lt raae of Couh. 0ld,rsre Thrmti Uoaraaeaaaad Lan; diaeaane I'. tt. U. PkBlSH-' HanoreiUot otker Taa'lmoaiais eoa d be oSered. Taa at all Uiaea It portiou of half teaapooojol or laaa. Mo daacar whatever. i...f.i,H r . .

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