TI1E RALEIGH SENTINEL ORFOLK, WT.STIRN AND TRASS- - The following vessel htv been pal po , thl Um tu Llv pool, and wlU be followed by ethers, ar Inieutkm being to keep m or moreehipe alwavtnponth berth I . Ship BHINE, 1,01(3 Tone. ! . ANTABT10 L252 Tone. " OREGON, 1,433 " KIN BURS, l.liiS I - " KATE PlUXt E, 1.860 Tom. Arrangement have bean mad by which through bills lading caa be eigued ot Interior point, and lb good wll be whipped at .. Norfolk Iree of any eharr whatever. , . RKiNOLLsBKoT ERS, ui-la Ageata, Norfolk, va. c ENTENNIAL TEAR, 1876 In Commencing business for the year wa return our thanks for the LIBERAL PATRONAGE Extended onr Firm tha put year, ocr r lax or conducting business, , THE CASE PLAN, kM beea a roeeeat, and we are more thaa 'fratUUdalHarewilta.1 ';r"0K; iy Out Caitomera approve It. --- Heeds of famlHe approve it anil the CASH BUYING PUBLIC . are Jubilant overth CASH SYSTEM adopt ed by aaeot year aja. Whjf Becaaae they have ao laeaa buls preeeated to them at the dote of the Beeteat, aad because a email hffl it outer paid thaa a large one and became Tacker Bros, caa and do aell cheaper for the cask -a they mile ao BAD DEBTS. The eteh enttomc does -J. not pay apy part of the price aeceeeary to . , be charged oa rood told bed or doubtful debtors. THE CASH PLAN ' Savee labor, Save trouble, , Savee aaiaaadertteadlnga, . Save money- Became yoa boy cheap. Oaretedt wOl ahrayi be kept FULL and :' TRTSIT m Itli tl ' tha Haw and deslrahla --nJtaaalQUJimilattd wni be BOLD CHEAP. , "The beet food at the lowest each Price.' JiU.'V''Ur W. H.AR.B. TUCKER, lea Sl-tf E, T. Hall, N. L Joats HALL& JONES, A UCTIONJSEJtS Comaitdon KcrchantB, PaiTBia Bnura a Wduoxotoii Snm IUietgh, jr. c. Wm tell MerehaDdlee, Prodoee. Btocka, Heal utaie, eW. umngamenu aoucuoa. Retaraa promptly and MtUfactorOy aiade. Reftfr to 1. Q. WUlltm. Preeldeat Bute Haikmal Bank, B. Manly, Mayor of Kal- : etga, . tu a k. a. lacaer, u, w. niacanau, larboroara lloaae, Jaa 14-lia. -ANE IS HORSE POWER STEAM EN J QlKm TOU SALE, On the 15) h day of February, 1878, 1 ehH ell at public auction at the. workahop of MeMre. McC'aJl m WyekofI A Co. am Uargett and went ttraete la tae city ol Kaleua one 19 hurae power ateaa enrlne. boiler and fix- tare complete, Dlea old prirately bvfore the day, the property of E. 8. tagle to I iaf certain Uena upon the mid. 1 arm of a !, twelTe mnotht credit aeearrd by two aotre with good eeenrlty ieee the a peaaee of aaie and commUakitia. ;j 4. i. UTCHPOKD, Tmatee. ' Jaa lS-tda. DI VIRTUE OF THE POWER CON- At f erred apoa me be mortrare deed from P. H. Baabee aad wife, and at tk rrqaeat of ak "be partiea enocefnrdr I thatl expoae to poblte aale at the court I o ie door, ua ' March T h, 1M7S, the boaae end lot ia Bloant etrect, lately occupied Br r. n. Hnabre. - T.P. DkVSRKL'X, Feb S, 187S lawSw. Traatae. N Harlne beea appointed aad dulr aoallAed uEzecutore of the wUI of Peter aaat B'eroberf;, deevaeed, all pereona baling dalme again the art ate of the aald Stera brf are herehy aotiaed to preeent the aee to Ue a)"trainMd before the lat day of Marrh, 1677, erUi wot tee will be plead I earn ara herebv called apoa to nettle at oace araait tiu be arrNiiint. JONkJ WAT801, 1 -,.,tM T. 1. DEVEKUiLl: febtIawSt; ! DR. BABCOCK WILL RESUME THE practice of Deatiairy at xb aa be caa St op bl old nioma, on TaretteTllle Btrert, orer Ue Phoe Store of tt D. Meant. He will do a akllftal work a any owe la the pr feaalon and at reduced prkea. feb T-8 WILUAM ROE. AGED EIOBTEEN formerly rmiJoyrd la the Ki eeToa M'KntTAin tiaaroa Mining ompany. Any jm knowing hi whereabout will pleaee tend hit eddreee to hla neUit, MART ROE, 1U Canal St., Me Tork. ; aaS4-dAvlt . .v : JLUICAL I.NSTRUaSSTd, .STRINGS, had Trimmlnga, of all kiadt at V, RSOWTf'8 TARIETT STORE, - Boltemaa BoDAlng. EIEDIIONT Ain-UXE BAIL - WAY. . - w . i . i BlCHM OXD & DAWVnXE, ElCmtOKD A Danville B. W.. N. C. Divtstow, and North Westebh N. C. B. W. " CONDENSED TIME TABLE, In Efftd en cad aler Sunday, Dee. V 1875. , ; : GOING JTOBTH. . STATIONS. Man. Lear CharioUe S4S n. . Air-Line Juoc'n a.lffl " - " SalUbury 8 80 ".. - tireea-boro.... 10 M , DanrUl..... L84 P. M. 1 . Duadee...... 1.40 " ' - BurkeTille ,5l " . Arrire at Richmond.. 9.85 ; GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Man. Leave RlchmuoiLJ S.S0 a. n. BurkevUle.... 0.00 , Dundee - DaaTllle.... tireeneboro. - BalUbar ... 1.WP.K. let " IH - SM " .6 .15 - - Air-Line Junc'B Arrive at Charlotte... OOINQ EAST. GOING W. ; STATIONS. , Matt. , a. a.M.BM.Mtaneaaawaaama. aaafli i aeaaaaaaaaawaan Lear Oreerboro.... 11.0 'A. M. A. 4.18a. K. Co Shop L...j...... Raleigh.V 8 4p A.H.05 Antra at Ooldaboro. A 8.40 r M U S-Sa-- STATIONS Aa Trala. Lrare Greantboro , - T 00 T u A. 6.00 a ax, u Co. Shop Lt Arrive at RaleUh.... 8.00 a a A. T 80 r m. ArrlreatOoldboro.. 1L15 LrlOOrat NOUTU WEaTEKN N. U. B. B. Salem Bramcr.1 Leave Oreenaboro 4.45 P. M. Arrlveat Salem. ......... 6.45 M Leave Salrta....... 8.15 A. M. Arrive at Graeaaboro.... .10.83 - Paeaeager Train leaving Raleigh at 10.08 A. M. couuect at Ureeaahuro with tu Soata era bound train , making the qulrkeet time to ail Southern elifc-e. Accmmodatioa Tmla leaving Kalelgh at T.Stt P. At., cuonecta with IkorUieni bound Traia at 0 aeaaboro for Rich a eel for all polnu Eaat. Prica of Tkk ataame,aa via otaer route. .. - Arcom-aodatioa Traia leaving Oreeaabore at i.uu r. at., cobmcu at uouunoro wua Northern and Southern bound tralaa oa Ua WUmluirtoa and Weldoa Railroad. - Lyacbbarg AeeoaM odatiua leaver' RlcV mond daily at 9.W A hi., arrive at Burkevtlle 1AW P. M., leavee Hurkevllla 1.80 P. M., ar rivee at Klcbmood A.M P. M. No CHAvas: or cabs betwexm Cha LOTTS AND BlCHM OWD. 2H2 Ml LIS. JOHN R. MACMUKDO, i General Paaanefer Aaewt. - Richmond,, ve l, at. av. TALUUTT, Gen'l SuperinUndent 0NT FAIL TO CALL. AT Erown'i Variety Store , r ' v ' FOB T0UX ... NEW PliEStNTS. Great bargalni caa now be bad. .:.r:i't''' 'aj at. L. BROWN, Hollemaa BuUdiag, Ftveuevlile ttreet, Raleigh. a i. autma awaaoavw jkOORE A QATUXO, iTTOBHITI AT LAW KALXIOH, H. O. State aad Federal Ocmm aad the Coarteaf be le aad ath JadloieJ Diatrfeta aetl.tf B OARDINO HOUSE. Mr. Beckwlth baa ooeaed a 8 rat elatt Boarding Uooteat the Coraer of Ifartla aad WilmlDirtoa Streeta. In the resldenee formerly occupied by the lata Dr. . H. McRea. She la prepared to accommodate permanent aa well aa traaeient board era. The table It alwaya tupplied with the very beat the market aflordt, aad the room kept neat and coo- lonaoie. ao? 18-tf ' CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL, ' OXTOItB, jr. c. J. H. Hoaaaa A T. J. Hoaaea, frlnctpala, Mr. . H. Horner haa retaraad to hla hoaaa at Oiford. M. C, and will reopen hi achool taera tne iai Monday in January next ev. T. J. Hiirner will be aaaoclated atth him aa Joint principal aad the achool will be conducted oa the aame principle that vert lormeny aa eaceeaaiuiiy employed m aaakmf god boy aad mod acholara. - tae pncaoi ooa'd and tuition, axclnalv of w .thing and Hgbta, I 813 per teuton of twewj weraa. aaca eiuoeni m to lurnltB at ota acta, taeeta, puiow-eaaeaaad to wet. aecso-u Q. R E ENS B O R O ' ' rmis coiiese, -; GREENSBOROtN, C. f.i fpriif tfulsi sf 1S7S Till Bcgli Oa Wedneaday, the 13th of January, aad ae twenty weeks. f Board (exclualv of waihlng aad llghta) 875. anioa in regular courts, - . ym. Chargea for avaa erumat moderate. For CataJoruea euBtainln' Mrtiil.ra. apply to Rev, t. M. Joa a, freaident It. U.V. WILeOX, Preeldeat of Board of Traeteco. dec 8-3a - QARPKTLNQSl ' ka avreat dock of Carrjetinra. Rant. Ae. la the t l'y at wa-eat Caak p ioea. All new aad bought aiaee Janaary W. H. At B. B. TUCEER. 85 Tp 20 worklar people of both eexee. touec aad old. teak more mone at work for aa, ia tamr tvi loearua., aariar uwr meata, or 11 the lima, thaa at any thing alae Wa rSer emplojment that pay haad. -omaly tor overt hoara ora rail oar' lea. draaa at oara. Dott delay. Now I the time Don't ok tor work r baataeaa eke here. rati) yea bava leaned what era efiarv 4V rrjiaoa lo., PorUaad. kUiaav mayu-iy ALL GOODS, WINTEBG0UD3 1875. ' :; J03. P.GULLUY, FATBTTKTruji STBrrf akd South , EX CU AN QS I'LACK, . RALEIOn, N Offer to the public a complete asaortment of Black Alpaca, bet,at price to defy nia- peuuoa. Aueatloa la. called to oer Cloth Depa meat of N. C. and Va Caaeimeree. and our New Tork Cliy made Wblu ahir e for Gea- tlemea, preuieet, aen ntting. ana a gooa tbirt a i told la any market lor the mouey. LADIES' SHAWLS, FLANNELS, t Ht,81EKT. PRINTS, RIBBONS, -......... GLOVES, . , ., ? KIHiINO", . -. lMsKUTINGS - ' A. u h..-l -t sjbCM uq is ANUUATS. ttt flock laici tod Soott rii't .i inr- For Mea, Lad lea, afiaaaa, Chndrea, Sort, Touth raw pair Ed win . Burt't Ladle Shoe for tale cheap. Have Mllea and Zlrtrlvr' make. Have Mile' Genu' hoot and Gaiter all Grade. The famotie Burt' Boota, end above all, the famoua, pretty and good Borden U alter for gentlemen. My own brand Genu' Boot and Utdlee' aaoea taat t warrant to oa good, or another pair give free. CLOTWNUANb OVERCOATS. Hv LkithlDr I nan ment uu Uln It full. com cm i all the Style aad Grade for Meal Boya. Youth and children, at price thai can 't De Deal. SPECIAL. ! ' . I ariQ aoea m a verv few dart adenartment for the tale of Prank Leelle'a, "Ladle' Jour nal," Cut raper ralterna eomprwing all tea lateat novel lie of th aeaaoa for ladle, bov and youth, of every aiaenptloa ol ore. Public Invited to eaU. , u Sale mea I R. C. Redf ore of Wake County-, C O Hamlet, of Chatham County W, T. Chamblea. of trankUa . Count v: Job. P. Wyatt, of Wake touatvi A. C. Hay, of Yt aa bouncy ; a. u atoora, Ol ajaiaima. Reepectfully, t oetSI-tf . P. GULLET. SALE OP YALUABL PEBTY. TOWN PBO- Oa Saturday, 8th day of Febiuary, 1878, at boob, a attorney for the o n, I U tell oa lb premire that valuable lot, la the eitj of RaleUib, adjoining tha land of Gully V smith oa lb wet, of M. A. Bledeoe oa th touth, and aa allry oa the eaat 1 he lot front 118 feet oa Uollemaa road and ru back SSH feat. It ia at praeent occupied by Henry uurmaa, wa wui anow prraoua ae alrlng mformatloa over the premlaea. . lermt oar-thlrd caik: ooe-thlrd la tin month; and retldue in twenty avtntht frooi day of tela, la deferred payment to a ar luiereat. . iiue gooa. t Jaa lOOt. JOHN G .TUNG. J-nOM18 STANLT, , NEWBERN, K. C, Dealer la all k Indt of , OR A I N . CORN A BPECIALTT. Newbern, Jaa. 14 1m. JINQWOOD WINE COMPANT. ' keep eoMtantly oa hand 8CUPPERNONG WINK. Imperial brand. WHITE AND BED CONCOR1 WEtE. PURE 8CUPPERN0NG BRANDT, very euperlor for medicinal purpoae, equal (a ia flavor to the beat French, SCUPPERNONG VINEGAR a new article, .. vary lae, . t . ...f . m Theae anklet are manufactured by theaa dertlgaed from On pet growa oa their own vineyard, and are warranted free from any tnjurioaa adulteratloa whatever. ' . , Addreat, 7 C. W. GARRETT COH , " Klngwood, dec3-d4m. BaUfax eovM-ty, N. C EW STORE 1 NEW GOODS 1 1 M M 8. J. X : :WAXT& ll.lt:, MARTLR STREET ' I II I On Doom Ymou Bai-tht r'Gwrir ,BALEIGn,X.C. Mm. WaU la a ontctlcal Milliner e-d Wo her fat Straw Good. Alter, remodel. aad pre tae Straw and Felt Hat, Boaneat. akea and n model every rteacrlpUoa bl Ladie' Mre't or ChUdrea'a llata. Gtv her a call and yoa may get the latest ttyleaofPariaerNew fork. - jaai-aa.; . A KOTHER LOT Nice Conntrv Butter at T. f, CHRISTO PHKS A CU.r8, at 25 renU per pouaJ, 00 wr H at K i nice ana iren, . i o ATB! OATS! 1.000 bubel keevv White Seed OaU for tale at ' ; F.C , CHRISTOPHER 4 CO.'S, . TV ilnlnmni. mm i-tim finals. ' GXO. A. PRINCX CO. : -( v-.i : A 'A Or(sns ft Melodeons. The Oldeat, Larreet aad Moat Perfect Maaa . laeiory la tae uaitad BUtaa. 54.000 Row la i Re other Mancal Inatrameat aver altAiae tba am ropulanty. fT Saad for Price Utte tddraae BUPFALO, R. T v u-tf -J-pOB BALE OR EXCHAXOE. 108 ACRES OF VALUABLE MINERAL LANir for tale, or will exchange for CITT PRUPERTT. The land m tich la the beat Iron ore, ab ut TO acre in original groath, ttbla tao mtlea of the Chatham railroad. For further information apply to - . Xl AT. U UKU" H, Hollemaa BuIldiDft-,"" Jaa -tf. JUklfh, N. . "A Complct Pictorial llittory cf th TmtJ'--Thtbut, chfr't, and mott lueewful i'ami'v i'vj er in the Union." ' Harper's Weekly, ! ft' " ' f ILLUSTRATED, i ;J -. ' f Aohoaj flnPlrm. .' . ' Ilarper't Weekly i the ablett and xaoX powerful llluntraied periodical pulilished In Uiis country. lie ediurlab ara acliolarly and convincing, and carry much weUil't. Iu illutratiope of cur rent eventa are full and firth, and are prepared by pur beat designer. With a circulation of 150,000, the Weekly a read by at least half a million peraoua. and ita influence aa an orpin of opio ionla aim ply trr tnendoua. Tba Weekly maintaina a positive position, and, et preases decided viewa on polilk-al. and aocUtl problema. Louisvilla Courier Journal. Ita artlclet are mrxlela of high-toned dlacusslon, and ita pictorial illuett : na are often corroborative argument o email force. N. V. Examiner tjhronicle.- Ite papers upon existent aues i and ' its . uiiinitable. f artoooa ,hely j mould the seotimenis of the countrv. lUtburg CommerclaL Harper'a Weekly e ton da at the head of Illustrated Journals In tha United States, In circulation, editorial ability, and pictorial illustrations. Ladies' Be pesitory, Cincinnati. TERMS: POST AOS PRE TO All, rU'lKC'IBIM . i flV TUB HXITEf BTArKS! U I -i . i . . 'A I U , Uarper'e Weekly, one year, 1 1 00. . 14 00 Includes prepayment of U. S. pottage by the publi-hcrs. t- i Subscription to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and. Bazar, to one addreat tor one year, $10 00 or two of Harper's Perindicala, to one addreta for one year, d 00 pottage free. An extra copy of either tba Maga zine, vVeekly, or Pazar will be eupuiied gratia for every club of five subscribers at 1 00 each. In one remittance ; or six copies for 120 00, without extra copy j postage free. Back numbers can be supplied at any time The annual volumee of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth bindiuz, will be aent by express, free of expf-nae, for $7 00 ca'b. ' A complete ieCcnilirl u nineteen Yoluraes. sent on receipt uf cash at the rate of 5 25 per volume, trerght at expense of iwrchaaer. Prominent attention will be Riven in Harper's Weekly to the illustratioo o. the Centennial International Expos! tion. Kewspaprrs are not to copy this ad rertisement without the express order of Harper Brother. , , v. , Address HARPEU & BROTHERS, noq 27-tf Hew York. THE HOWE SEW IN O MA CHINE. FIRST MACII INK PATENTED. Tht But JtacXin Manufactured' The Deal la the Cheapest i , The points of superiority are ' ! Simplicity and Perfection in Jit ; cAanittn.. Durability Will last a lifetime t Bange of WorkWlthont raralleil I . Perfection of 8titch and Tension f Headquarter for the South at 42 N. CHARLES ST., rBaltmore.Md : IEXB roi CIt?CLl OF TEIISI rKlCEi SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH PUR- vnAoans . . ... . j . A liberal dltconnt to Club of Ave or mora. Kverv Machine la WarraDtad and aatiafae- Uoa gauraateed. The HOWS MACHLXS for aale la RALEIGH at No. IS, FayetUviUt St. h Y&I "tf ,i, S IV !, ff.-,-fi-..'t t..i:.i.-T ' .n " 1 ".. 1 ' ' . : , T'O HS' V"H'I KSD1LI , - ATTOBMT AT LAW, " Room No. irirtt Floor, Law Building, Fayettevuie Btreet, "TuiJtiaH.- n. a." AUaMida all tha Court in Ralebzh and Far etteville. Claim collected 4a all ban cf h C Kefera to Hon. R. M. Pearaon, Chief tloe of N. C.r hooi M. W. Rauaoin. U. B. Senator j CliiaeM Nat. Bank," W. H. A K 8 Tucker, .VtUilajna ,A-- liav wood, Raleigh ; Feteuevtlle -Nat, B'k, MarcbauU' B'k o. FayettevUlai Bank of New Hanover, -WU miogtoo, M. C ; Morton, Bliat A Co., Pbjp. Dodkre A Co,, H. K. lhurber A Co., H, b Clailia A Co., N. T. ; Undreth Co., Phila. ii. W. Gail A' AV Bait,- . -1 I i He hat formed a eoaaeetkm with Meaart Me ae A Bruadfoot of Fayettavilie, M. L. wUb r ference onlv to Ait future bualnea t that point All communh-atlotit adilreaaedt. J: - . Hlnadale, care of McKec arBroa foot Fayettevllle, N. C, will receire prompt a teataoa. . ,, j,. 1 HI . v j 100 barrel No. 1 Lime at depot at lowe2 ratea. j JAMkJs H. XOWLfco. Jy 4-lW. . ('B t . i ,ON'T FOAGET THAT TUS PLAC1 to buy any thing and everything appertainla to a arat claaa Fancy Store ia at , . , , . . A i IIOIXKMAir BriLPIKO. .i'V''. 1 1 "A AEPOen Y Of FASIUOX, PLEAS lK AMI iAislUVCTIOSr." Harper's Bazar, " " illustrated: t , ... i - s : ... . :.'. : i tae. , ' MOTICE8 OF Til PRESS. The Bazar ia edited with a combina tion of tact and talent that we seldom find in any journal ; and the - Journal lblf is the organ of the great world of utshlon. lioaton Traveller. : ' ' The Bazar commends iuelf to every member of the household to the chit, dren by droll and pretty pictures, to the young ladie by its taahion plates In endless variety, to the provident matron by ita pattern for the children's clothes, to paterfamilias by its tasteful designs lor embroidered slippers and luxurious dreasing-gowns. But the reading-mat-ter of the Bazar ia uniformly of great excellence. . The paper baa acquired a wide popularity for the fireside enjoy mentit afl'orda. N. Y. Evening Poet, In iu war there is nothing like it. Freak and trustworty aa A taahiun guide, t atoriea and eaeays, its poetry and qulbs, are all invigorating to the mind. Chicago Evening Journal. - 1 ---J TEBMSi -:rv ..." Pottage fret to all Subicribere in the '"' ' United State. '" ' '"" Harper's Bazar, one year, : ' $4 00 11.00 Includes prepayment of TJ. 8, postage by the publishers. , , BubscriDtlons to Harper's Magazine. Weekly, and Bazar, to one addreee for one yt-ar, 810.00; or, two or Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, 87.00 : pottage iree. An extra copy of either tlie Majntzlne, Weekly, or Bazar Will be supplied gratis for every club of five subscribers at 81.00 each, in one remittance I or. six , copies , for $20.00, without extra copy : poatage free, i ; t f v Back numbers caa be supplied at any The Annual Volumes of Harper's Bazar, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of cxpeuee, for 87.00 eacn. A complete set, compnin)( eight volumes, aent on receipt or casta at the rate of 85 21 per vol, freight at expense or purcha-er.' . , , Promlneot attention will be given in Harper'a Bazar to aut-h illustrationa of tneCentenntailnternatViBal Exposition aa may be peculiarly appropriate to it columns. j Address" '"' " . HARPEU ft BROTHERS, . ,.,',;.,,,,,;,. iScw York. - 'UBqaettiooabty tha beat tuatalned wrok of , . ita ama ia tae world." ..... II evrper a Baaimlti..; (;; ILLUSTRATED. ,, . 1 he ever laereaalBg cb ealatloe of thia ex eeliont moau.iy prove Ju eontlnaed adapt tloa ta o polar desire aad aeada Indeed whea we think I to bow maay bowee It frne tralaa every month, we muat eoacieer it a oae of t e edu atcra aa well aa aatertainer of the public mind, fur Ita vaat palart haa brea woa by ro appeal to etnpld pre adicaa or depraved teatca Bottom Warn. . Tba character which thia Manatee potaaa a aforvarietj. entemriaa, artiatic wealth aad literary culture that ha kept pace with tf h bat not led th timea, aboad caaaaii conductor to rcatrd It with JaaUSabl com I'lacouey. Jt alao enUtle theui to a area cl dm apoa the public (rati lade The Maga ain'' ha doe good and aot evil all the dayi of iUnfe.-ArawejavtAavl. . . ix ,A..r;.; vj ?rh i ;. - Po-b-ga fr. to ail eobeeribera la the Hal ted Stale. -. Hauf a's MASAStxra, one year.... 84 CO. . 84 W Include prepayment of 0, a. pott age by tha fubllabere. eubacnjUoBttnHarper MagaslaaWeek'y and r)wr, to one aadrca for one year, 60 00; or two of Harper'a Periodical, to oa aodreat for on tear, 67 00 ; poetaga fit a. aakxtraCopy of either the Magaaina. Weekly, or Raar will be auoplted grati for every Club of Five Subecribereet 6 8j each la on remittaa ; or. Biz Copica tor 4SU.U8 Without extra copy ; pottage free. . Back Number caa taiiued at any Una A CoaipUia Mat of Harper'i Magatin. no comprtaing 49 Voluxaaa, la Beat cloth bind lag, will be a'Bt by ex pre, freight at ea pen of rare haaor, tor t 88 per votum Single TJlamea, by wall, pottpeiA M i Cloth eases, for blading, 68 ceote, by man, p Mtpald. .',.,- A Complete Analytical Index to the flrat Fifty Volume of Harper' Magaaina haa Juat beea publlabed, rendering avaUanl for re lerence tha ' aal and varied wealth of Inf or Btailoa which coaatitutea tola periudiual a perfect Illuatrated literary eyckupedia. Svo, Cloth, g&UQ ; HaU Calf, .& -Wut paatage prepaid. " A aariea of papers under the title of "The Firet Century of the Republic," contributed by tae moat. eminent Ammioaa public! u, ia now being puUliahed la Harper Magaatue. Thia aerie of over twenty paper give a eompraheualv review of. Progre during the century eow cleelng, la every department of our atlouai Ufa, - . . fiiewapapera are aot to copy thia advertise ment without the exprcaa order of Harper et Brother. Addret "Z1EARPEB A. BROTHERS, aov 87-tf ' ', ' .New Yora. HOME FERTILIZER. , , .,-v ... . , . .a t , 1 . 1 Bead to 0. B. Alford, at Aps, for circu lar. For tea dollar he will seed yea the chemical by which you make a ton el good feniluer lor cotton, eora, tobacco or any ether crop. Tkl th cbeapet and beet fertiliser yetoflerrd to Ue faraaer. Mr. Al ford't aelghoort have tried It with marked euceaaS. Ti' .t.l-' Tae following geatlemea have testifleJ to it good qualliieaT A. R. llemeni, Ptr Knight, Ruffle Sail- bury, Alaey Freemaa kev. 4. T. Roger, Joeeph btcadman,' Rev A. D. Blackwood, kWv. Johaatoa Olive, Alvfa Olive, U. H. Al ford. Albert Norrioa.T. A. Council. Alvia Platan, KoOerL Jaaw-tf niu OR B R M T . Two kouet aa Wflmltg'ea Btreet coa. veuleat to bulat part of wwu.- , ; Jaa aa-iw. T JUilN UATLIXO. i BAP OPENINGI Havinr rennted the tpeelout and elegant ULUARD SALOON of 1. P. Hrarie, al 81 Fayetteviile at net, 1 take thlt occasion hv ' -rm my friend and the public generally, .hat I aball open tha tame on Morula., rfauu. . y the IHth.. Aa excellent Fifteen Ball Pool fable la attached alao. Give me a call. ' j Jaa 15-lw. TOM Pk-EBLEg. ; ,j , O B B A L , ; X , a ' r -..,. 1 t , 1 That ew aaAbcautiful CplUte Hooie ot alifax St. eontalalng tlx 8ne room, pantry, loaeta, and bath room, aad all aecesaary out ouee. with a good well uf wa er, with a o 1 force pump. The bouee I aw and 00 .f th beat built ra the e.ty, and Una-bed IB ie tavt and most modern kjm; For further arJculan raU on or a'ldreaa - 1 . MaVCaKMLK, a Dreg Store. team. mart l. carbrr, rr - - - -' -1 "-ivjaj gINGIIAir, PAYNE e 00. V- GROCERS, BRICBXATEBI AND jPLASTERERk Comer Jones and Dawaoa Sta 'S i; ealeigh. N. c. ; : Keep oa hand eoatteatly a full stock of groceries. ' Chk-keaa, Butter and Erg a p-daily. 1 Citizen ot haiel);h withmg aa thing m the -groeerv Hue would do aell to call oa tbem. Brk'klayli.g aud plataiia4 done ia th beat Ityle, by practical work mea. . Ail ordera for work will receive immediate attention. Mr. John Byrum, ealeaman, would be pleaaed to ae hit trtead from tha country and eity. IS-tf. TIC E I B v virtu of aa order of the Superior Court of Wake County, to me directed, Hcendag and empowering me aa Admin iatra tor of En. ma aonon, and ommUalooer, to tell the real estate of Kmma Cannon, accessed, to make aasete with which to pay debt and chargea ef AdmiuUtrator, I will, oa MOND AT, THE Sra DAT MARCH, 17. aeli an wndMded half Interest In th f Jlowlng described realeatato, to-wlti Heut and Lot altuate ia the ci y of Rah-lgh, ea Lo. kout atrett, bounded at foilewa : a tha North by the land o the late Gov. Chaiiea Manly, oa the Eaat by Sarah Bullock, oa th South by Lookout ttreet, aad oa the West by Jordan liall, fronting on Lookout ttreet about HO feet and running back about 100 feet. Place of Sale Court House door la the city Of Raleigh. ! ' Time of , Sale-March 6, 1878, 18 o'clock M. ..;. Term of gale One-third eab, reddu In 6 month thereafter with Interest from day of tale. :' -.. ' -v-. I Bond With approved teeurlty required, i E. O. MAcY, i 1-- Adm'f of Emma Cannon, dee d. aad commitatoner. Gxo. H. Saow, Attorney. Jaa. 18, 18To-8Ud. JH8TOI JON8B, iu ATTOBSET AT LA W, , r RALEIGH, kSc. ' At 18-tf , . F OR SALE OR RENT. ' A Aealrable House aad I la tha town ef Cary. Tha House contain tlx room, wUh aU the modern convenience with all necea aary outhouaea. Tbe garden contains acre, aa orchard of 180 choice fruit tree adjoining, Tra whole premises con anting of acre. Foteeaaioa rtvea Srat of January, 187. oct Uf , . , Cary, N, C, 18?6, Cur LiTiiianiOiir Deal 181 A MAOAZINE OP 128 PAGES, Dmtrd to KertmranlinMerpt, kerprttmt ami her future, ; . . Taaatat3 ra "no, PoarAoa PaarAin. . J" Addreta, 8. D. POOL, f.-,r .;,:,:.: ; ,V Raleigh, N. C. pr Those to whom bill have bora eaat wUI pleaae remit. ... .... 5 . . - Two tesp for Only $5. : Having a few complete 81 a of Ooa Livrae abb Oca Dbad for 18T5oa hand, wa wUI fur eKa that year aad the entire year 1ST8 for aft .. . IJbrary Aatoeiatkm ard Historical Socio-x ties would do well to Bote thia. let ltd and 8d volume haudaomely board library at) lefurnUhed at per vol ume, or 6X6, If aent bj mall. tM mntt ueeompany alt order. ; - - - Addreas ; - , , . 4 S. D.POOL, Jaa IS U Raleigh, N. C. Hillsboro IllLLSBORV N. V. Thi lnttltutlon, recently known at "HOR NER A GRAVES' School." wlU hereafter be eooducted by K. IL Gaavc aa ol Principal, aided, aa beret fore, bv the sceota liahed ra t tractors. Uvea Moatoa, Ja , A Maj, D. H. ttauaTOM. The Spring Beaaloa of 1K78 wfll epea oa the 17t h of January. For circular apply to Maj. D. Ii. Hamilton until tae 6th of Jaaa ary aad afterward to th principal, - , t dee IViteaw, , . . , . it .s(,, ,,,..,.-. N 0 T I O R . Application will be made at tba office of the North Carolina Railroad Company m thlrtv data from date, lor Usee of a dupli cate of Certificate Mo. 818, dated February 14, J87i, for three abate f awek la aald copipauy. the original being -loat or mltlald hU 7th day or January, n ' . -KKMP P. BATTLE, Admr. BOARDING HOUSE FOR RENT. . I wOl rent at a reatonabl price my Bouee, reaav lumisnea ana eiunniv lonatea oa tae MiwToi nevDHS afruucsv Awwn auvamim and only two square from thv Capitol, Potaaeaioa glVee at oeee. ; HUM. Hkai W. HUJAa. A rente for the " beat tailing : priai T. k.M la ih. ..rtd It naital IS abeeta paper, 18 envelope. Pen, Pea Holder, PencU, patented Tart) Measure, and B pluet of Jcwelr. alagi pack with ele gant rnae, powpaio, aau. , area. BaiPB A Co Toaiiroadway, N. Y. j-ARDt larDi ; ; .V,;'Z" Home readered oat of lai rat, aito, Ner i hers in all at; lea, at , , F. C. CHKlalOPnERS A CO.'S, ' Wllmingtoa ttreet, - All twnoa Indebted to W. H. A R. 8. Taukertumviaapartaenof W. H. A R. B. Tucker A Co, are aotWed, that all claim re maintng u tellled bv Feb. 1st 1 T8, will be placed ia tua handt of ttt si torbcy for collec tion. Wa cannot make anv variation from tbw V a t, a otic a a we have granted all 10 uiauigenoe in ia w w ui allow, ' wua.uM r i ' rv rD ... , aa n, m. s wava.M, aervtvtng Partner. j a l e i a n ; ; y HIGH . SCHOOL, AI EtG LIS! tXABBICAL ASi SClETrirTC B01KB1S0 A BIT (mOOL FOB BOYS. . WrraMtuTAaT OasaxiXATioa ArtAcaso. vl. j.iu .t hu ach.vd wOl be resumed after Xmaa reresa be Jaa. 12th, 1878. Spring Term, or nan oosaiim o av , Feb. Vth following. Pupila caa b entered at . either date, with equal advantage. t. v.i.i. .laias be tneir School aa equality 4a acholarshtpand moral toe with any aehooie ia tae eiava. . Fur Circular eoutaluingfuU parUctart ddrem Prlaclpaia. . o ILM. Alt LiTV.., . C. H. BOOTr.- dee. 1 d-w, y