'" -'r wsusas t. DAJXT, WKKtl XX D BEW-WT.MIT r C"lCmuE:rl3K::3. STATE PRINTINQ A EINDINQ ESTABLISHMENT, ATM OW atraatmirriu-a, - Dally Seeuael 1 nu ia dToce 5 00 nrvnnrnvii -..... WeafciT eenUnat " . ' .... 00 TaaDAiLi fiaoTItll. H1 be &llTere4 la TKnf IheO'f et fl'wwCwU a wo LEAlMEltBIK8,; CJ.T - -.J Onloa seta at Christophers. - 6m the advertisement. ' ' '., Has .Peter Illume tha, missing nun. mm neara nom?--;-,''''M V t ." T. C. EeRossett and D. J. JJevane, of Wilmington, art ia the city. Mayor Canaady, Jof fyCatagtija, ar rived in the city thie tn-OTomg. J. J. Weu-g xd 4k t'On dealer (a rraliul Carti a ape-claHy,1' Newborn; Cottoa market dull." ITiJ.fcingalll t low middling lOjall -f clean etatna 10a JQf j ep MM Pa.'l7r)-4:aTt?rir Three fhpuaand taUntloaa passed UiMMiffh Abb nakEM Tnatia- InT ThS cheap three cent Woods pie at f3 00; seasoned oak at $4.00; field pine at ttOO. Call on J.P. Wlutskaraear Ciriaoae Baak tot ana. Pi1. fcStua ,.- .vvt;.i; m.!?vj' ia. fa- Let all aora. r;t Wrm that baa beam fanned aad cleaned at the City GHtvfZ&prr Ltjfo markoV, ? .im ,-. fcb -lw. ' Member af Mantew ledzeare ra questsd -to' meet thia evening at 7 VWV.'1 TS-n1onl firMhntti ara invt. ted to be present. . . ... ; " "' Daapita th laim laet areniiig, m large mnmber 4aUeided tha mieetiag at the Saliebnry Street Baptiat ebnreh., There waa om eonvereioa. Jnat received 3,000 ,'jrarde ,avtng calicoea. Creech's ia tha place to bay caUceet. CoaU' apool colton 67 eta. wrdwaatA.eech'v,'j Tj'L ' T. Oaorge, member of the lata oooati rational eoorentioa from Colnmbna county; accompanied by hie wife, ar riv ia tha city yesterday and left thia morning for Salem.' ; --' x W. D. Ford, or Wayne coontr, is to tha city to-day. . lie says the law price of cottoa has depressed everything else, and people generally are, Jonah-like, cooalderally "down in the mouth." J Go abroad to hear tha news from home. The Goldsboro Messenger says t M Balelgb is moving with energy for tha establishment of a furoilura-factory." If she Is, we need a pair, of forty-male power spectacles j far ws can't see it with tha nnappareled eye. Tha weather for two or threw days baa beam ebajejdT-romsM'f Everythag by tarns iad notbifi long ' Bain, Vtadf itbmndWligbildBfi attnf aninaana. uaa ; say, eaw4 tear sjr4 clouds,, blooaa'ng' lowers n "bnirjf bees, all mixed and mingled so yo noar' ,f. si -,r , r ri .... The rapid growth of the BenUael, ia spiU c iwttmeiUs drawback, ia very gratifying' In ne email eonntytowB east of na, oar agent. He Bast, ia a sv hoort WWtlad M rw anbaaribarwi and ia our little Neighbor '' municipality of Uraenvme, one daya work last week ae eared him 133 in" new subscriptions. Bo long as thsee kind, evidenoes. of ap prweaatioa Continue, vjo fel at," al though tha difficulties ot jthe aituatioa ar many, our labor k not j altogether ia vaia. :i Ml v.i i ; n 1 t i BurBXMB Ccbt baoniojrtwThe followler" 6Dlnona'Jwera fcr tha justloss ea yesterday i By PiABawiqosaxrioH WtWtMcCaulea, feB, ,W.;Rey Belda, frsea Forsyth. . Beveraad and Tanirs de novo. ' w . "f n-.fi c J. It Ferstaf vs , FarhaBi; 4 ."Boyd, from Buntfombe.'' Afllrmed. ' ByBaADE, J.si State vs. Decatur Bryant, from Meck lenburg. Affirmed. ' ): Bute vs. Richmond ft Danville raiV road company, ,frorm ;WaktJ;i Appeal dismissed. - - -r,,.. . By mTJK llxaU2aJsaWasaea iUlowsy et 1ttt Vnrtnr Tferfed and re- BicWFPttarivs.xTC ilaJrest aj, ffom Cbowaa." ti versed and ventre de novo. ' is Bv firmiL 1. 1 .ij-i Irey Ecz et al, vs. Jesse W, Klniey et si, tram Janes. Judgment affirmed. Xathaa Lewis s.' David Latham at al, from" Ashe.' Judgment affirmed. ByBracx, J.'. ; - t s .-. L. C. Edwards vs. Archibald Kersey, from GranvUla. ' Reversed and venire de novo. - i -" BUU vs. Adolphoa Uooaer, from Rutherford. AUnned." 1 ""7 t . -lo ' , ; ' 7 ;7 ? " Awful tiaeomfudil1tmer among the Babrooateritee in Washfnt.tMi. It ia feared that even rrcaianLl lias vvi m nun. Uv- if -- Y. UA - lUt -t , " art 4m ' ypt;:.an;;',xraaXEi " ArroiwTCBr-Coventor Brogdea baa arpoibted Waller gherwaod, of, Weils boro, Pa., a eemmWoner 'of deads for XorthCaronna.; .: ' A PaATXAIa Eichahob. wTa gov erabf .bat consented to i .partial ex ehangaeXcircuiu between Judges J. L Ileary and &' W. PTatU far the, (emiag spring tennr-Pyth' asrangcmient Jadi'llenry holds the emirl f Wte, G ran T ilia a&4 2kortLartipuo ; suiJuJa WatK thoea f JleMin on .' Bon combe . i. - nais ji ' Too Latk. The communfcatlon & on a iorkingmao'wf tha city, against th lutcrference ef tie nlInh Js with laborers aad labor, wal too latf for tht Isauei as wan the. .Ufnca of Cot uam parey'by Wayne.' wayae'aiya Cor. Uaraplrey la" am loyal' io bias party as uosi of the executive committee,' and i a . .a ' . a more ioyai.(inn any man .conneciea with he Baliglj.iKews Uarmony" is ever pradooed' by quarreling hot a goad fl.'ht II oftea fallawwl b concH- B4tt0Aia. The ring for , asvaral yean have) been inoolostinf the idea that the etate ahould aed, jia .Railroad property,- Meaaae their ' niaoagement faUa into put band; -' Kow tb aame reason arpltea to eelling out lb execo- fciveor Jodieial departmanta of tLt gow emaent, for they too fall into party bands. Tarn ."dsyealje freiglH tobaaeo from D. kaa to talriglC3g miles, was 38 eeoti a bunJjJd ; to-ds4 tha I freight is Ueni'e bnndasl Ths fraigUt 'jo New T from Baleigb le forty tU, tha &cj 460m0el. This roaeTX) oot cooaidataUe monej f rnnniagihe Carolinkn in Italeigh gd ChaxUt. aid they must make it savin fame we. without ataalisg. r Whafls tha grange doing to eorreci this abaas 1 - - it U ) , Sj SirraKKjt Cocbt.,, Court met at 10 o'clock Ibi 'morntni, all the J us rises , The argument commenced on veater- day in the case of W W. Griffln e al vs. Commisjdoners of Pasquotank, 'waa eonduoea, .uuiiam t'ruden for plain tiff and Waller F. Pool and D. O. Fewla foe defemdamV . " ' Vssr 8.T. Carrow et aL vs. CommlsaUo. era of teeaiifortfbomity.: iArguett'ty GiUiam 3b Prnden furpbtlntlffs and T O. Fowle. and Walter F, fool fer.de fendants. w V . WilliamJl. Uof loa vs. Enoch F, Ur. frea prrritock. Argued bySmitb for plaintiff and GOIianvJk ilru4en for iefendan t. tVobq ltti Barrett: and wi! vs. RkJZ. Bmbtaey ctl- fom Che van Arrn4d by Giiliana k Pre 1-n for, 'plaintiff and JLt H. ildore and 4kiLer:ai Derorcux Ceortaurned ilfl le-morroetf t r jfTAB DBOI 1 i ' MvtfeJIitcbell is to vtU Wilmlug. toaaooav ,-iss ZT a;,wilmft3We temperance folka jare bpruce Pina to fitefname or Btaaw pestoffice in Mitchell wtanty. -The ladies af Wihmaloa have aant Ofi 00 for the Le Mausoleum fuad The Peabodr acbool at DrmsrtBTinar McDowell county, baa over.!4J0 pupUa, The chicken diaease , is . thuming. oot te poultry iasoxMportioiiao J .Warraa otnaity. t iu.i- The tobacco men of Statesvme have orgnn'red an." asseoiaCaB) ;M Jadrsnqa toeaetniniHlU. 'ana track or the Western Serth Carolina nfltroad baa v"beeB' laid M Malona'a Store. ' ' ' ,ki"- vi 1 ' 1 .. Peter Epley, a nigger- burglar from McDowell cftunty. was arrested in tjalls bury last tlwraaaj.-;; ;,;;!,; .u' The Improvement 'of the Banoke river between Weldoo and C!rkville Isj being vittoreualy urged. " 1 ' Pasquotank "eounty voteT to-day on tlie quertiou jet Uaaing t25,000 to the Elisabeth City Norfolk railroad. "nTrlTiCfhe5Q rendering Carter Pope, af Battlsborc a Draper subject for the gmveyard me.-elst,,;-, ' ' ' " ; " I. A. Stone injured himaalf badly tis ether aiajbt by falling int a aow-pit n thaBalaighk Oaatoa railroad, jqat above Hsnderec,,, ; " Cok T. A. Donoh. i ef Caswell county, had a valuable hre .drowned, he Donobo w, in Country-line creek a fcwaayaago,,.:v-,',.-s:: i,.jW; B'gbt Reverend James ' Gibsons; Bishop of Iich to-md, visits Greenville to-morrow; Tar boro, Feb. 18; and WU mingtea, Feb. so. r , ; , -K 7 , - K Msster-carpenterCaliaa, of the Caro lina Central railway shops at Lauriu burg, had his hand and arm badly mashed a few days ag by some ma chinery.; J If jU . .; : Monday night the taleffrapb . wire flashed into LUxabeth City tha first me sr ever received ia thai tarw. It waa wj wishing prosTwrity to the Loooomist iV.'e joia in tha wib. , -DIK'f .tAlZVi;? TV ' ,,l I . i hill HI i IK A ' 1 1 1 1 TJU3fTATB JTAi UBTU(i.-lD 'tu(dajteuf oJhe Bt-ntlnel a lack Tiaa.--.in of (ipace prevented any tUng-4ik.e eom meaj on the proceedings of that very 'suddenly tailed ycSUxosM-iaeclJcg of Uis ereolag before. It seems to be tariijy agreed. Uat .th, .meeting .was sailed by the executive committee, but that t was so called, haa mevar basin tU UnctlivowedBut'TflTttaeetfng. Tier ws- no cornet band present, but ip-moaie flowed bauniifully and much to;, tie ediflcatkm. of jhe , pertonners. jkoi kaiogto queailoa asked In Friday's 6tui "miii aiifWer'Mve thai the rossea the r much-promised exhibit bad nt beea asade years ago, waa becaewe Bewsrjapffs charjfd for siki Vrk. Aad it would cost so much to Itemise, and the board tbcDAlpraper'not!toTd('U. This' answer Ja, soppoeid , to be a com plete sot-off to all the various and direct promisee of puhlMrstiop. But nafcr lunalely for the gentleman who made bit liatemenC'we' de , noi thtak' .ha it fully acquainted with the subject.' " h in 173 and, most' probably, ia 187 the Balelgh ew aaf ,$tete Agricultu-, rsl Journal would, hare publUbed the 1 amteraeat wuaoui omevMU at cnarge. In m theater of tbueard',!!. Jordaa 8toe, oae of the thais prepriav ters bj; ;tka'f Vavmbff tbj executive committee of the association, say Cm a;ga,gtoVir'te: meni was in proceas of eempilatiea and that it would be puWUhed in the News without coat to tha association." The conversations n ibis matter between toe writer and air. Btone were too fre- qwa(ro'nbi'to rg; l&fbjy jMseron, The proceedings were'eaaraeasrund by one very singular Teatme. It will be executive eoramittee, but -the 'truth of that rumor is near wall sUhlishsd,.,. A stranger 1 eomlng tote, th ball- would bare tbouguti judging from tba xpres sione of some gentlemen,that the mee ing bad laea aallad by Ab JUtoc, anr mies of the asMctaloa , laslead, ef Itr frieads. We are coolly told tliaX "pad pie a',debif generally get ,dlsasiDed. The truth, of this letnark n one will gainsay, "but it did not by any means It the tins aad sseaaisawAr tba naeol in debt In this msttar ' Have the man- sgers'of the association consulted Che peopfe te sncii an extent as to, make them respsmsibjefor the debt? ia oniyi way, tn which, 4e people hare been consulted ia' in to way ef being asked 1 lor 'contributions, But after the matte .of dissatUfactioa evar debt E dismbaed; thd peepU slide oats more anto the backgrwund Bad the flat gees forth, thai iwiw, but' 'those'. whi bavji worked for the association, L e. bossed .tha JoWbrraKUrtb. management. Waa the meeting called ob account u1, we uaf HMacuo oi ine wPi?a 3CSf 4h1 Jn.autbority t At the ast meetipg of j th , aasociatiorsj everything was represented as looking txoeedmgly lovely, and theaaaooiauor al goose , banging bigmj; BTow did jb aspect "-wr affairs "changr-acrrapidlj, especially when thewheels of gorern. mcbt have been so recently greased Witi!4b0w. m ii addiaenal . inortgaga a 'the A't; grotfod,'.. Wa'ksk'igain,' haw aboat. thia .mortgage f No men tfo TBuTIMlIi parposa of .csjnng thUeeUng k secret, and the call made so sutiden ani b: sWS an' mfo'rmal'sray .Tbbik ol k An informal,; oall at scarcely 12 i' notice for a massieeiing of citi- asijaf to ; rereue jthe Bute Agricultural aociety from baakruptcy by becoming responsible for thousands of dollar. T' draw it mild, ws will content our- jkrvee with-'Vaymk n"tt'BxeeUivelv trknge. We augreat these matters because we want taeknow, and the "dear people" want to know the whys and xheraforea pf auch. movements. Wa siould llieiVLitl on ietersi but space tails. ' I Hopw Csjwoh. This repuWv. Pai celebrity of the Alabama senate is Weil-known in North Carolina. , Re-J eenuy ke. has beea meaUasd ia all the. psera. Ria brother represents Darid- sojt eeunty ia the penitentiary. The wp were indicted fr stealing bacon rem Mr. Nicholson, of Iredell eonntr. The esse was removed to Davie ,and from PaTi to Daridaon. Ia Davie, Hugh brok jail while bia brother wu triA and swfibmeed io three year ia th pen itentiary, Hon. W.,M. Robbins and Thomaa PnrneQ appeared fog th pris- onera. Haga is ao doabt for Grant and the third term. - Oh. what a govrnmnt ttna la' ' .'.'4.1.1WU. ili-J !.'.. Irbei -r-H wheat croo about Bandr Oewk. Warren county, looks wtJi. . , , O . ' 1 iff" ni i mw doiim ( ip ,n.iuu .juia. "S ,cu ror we meetlug a4 no'elficlal lmprin boat it, and only, rumor attributed It to the .1 '!.;". V 'fit '! ? Ju,' -wKiw i ji -jr r a- otn iauTHopwv. asconpe raoK i.i.J i-a ..1 ..I i..-rTTai U - n.2.V,t In ita last iasoe . the, lUigk ,CW tisn Advoeats) pabliaha the appeaded condensation from the ' minute of old MtithoUiat confer enipai, '.( whtcV, throws soma lit'.JiiIycjkJ state and will be foand al Inteoeat, not only to, oar JTethoJist friend,' bat to the jganend , reader. The record, ent braces a period fm 1778 b) i79i iaoIm- aiv.' Ilereitia: .im-it i t 'ITtd. "Coafercnce met in Baltimore, JH-' May 2L- Kcrtb-s'savolina aireuit aa first saaatianed ia tb.sniaata f that ' emferescsw t: Pieswbara : EJward lWU2uol, Franoia Poythrawa and JUaaa MemMrsarponsdatC83., t i 1777. XWoreaca. hold tUeyear at rwaelung, bou a Der , Creek in lUrfurd tooanty,, Maryland, j May 20. Ireacbjsnpputted loth North Caro- una eircuii re doba King. John Dick ess, Lroy Cole and Edward Pride., a j jsemors reourMa wu. i . . . , . ' 177Confrenee held this veax at Ltvsburg, Msy '.,19. . Preachers . apt potntea to aorU lraJinn,iuie year were aeiuuowa: , .... , rStoan 0k WiHiao Gledeemiogv-7T -i Carolina John Coopar. Ilaurr J&en- Mdv and William Duke. . ;; ' , ., ' ' Membership for North Carolina not aMmrtedw " . " ' '' " k ' 1778. Cosfflrenos ' held tliis year' in Sent county, Delaware, ' April 28," and eonoladed at Flavaooa, Va, May 18. - Appointments for Jjorth (Jarliaa:'' New Ilope-Jsmes Kelly and, Phillip Adam. ''iwtl 1 " . Tar Bivetv-Andrew Teaggin and Wil liam Moore. ... VUUa? y191 D"w, l . MenibersbipIoT N. 'd Tiorted" lot. 1780. Cualerenos bell at Baltimore Aprd24."7-. Appointments for North Carolfnar Naw Hope Francis Poythre' and ar KiTer-James Kelly ''V1 n4 ttoan Oak John ' Dickens. ''Henrv Ogtmra.", ' V-'-i- adkin-. IndWTeargia.' 'K Mrtnbership reported 141L u ; .. 1781. Uonferenos held at Chop tank, Delaware, Aprff IS, and adjourned to Baltimore, Aphl 24 v , 1 " w Ai poiutmenta for North Carolina:' 1 Roan-Oak Enoch, Maston, Adan) CUbad..:-- r ,n'lr Elver -Henry1, Oijburn," John CooiMtr" "' ' -( :New'rtortip Broce.1;;;: Membership reported 1393. , ' 1782,-t-Courereuce held at 1118' preaching hou- In Huskx county, Vs., April. Ii, and 4 adjourned t to Balii mere May 21. , , ' Z't - -A ppointmeuta for North Carolina '"New Hpe James White. ' ,.1.1'ar River ilicaU Dehriiler f nd idaoUU(i, .,( ;':;,(. f -.ir,,., i Ugao . Oak James Martin, . Thorn u Foetag. , '7-:'i.t 1 1 t , .,.! Yadkin John Cooper, Eaoch , lfae ton and George Kimble. -. it4T! . .,. t Membership reportod 1492. . . -,. . - i ngJ-Coulerenvs vUld , at . - EUU paaacbing house in Nwaes; county, ,Va, May 6,' and adjourned , to-BaUieure Mav.27. !'...,' -,(.. K "AppointmenU for North Carolina .; New Hope -llnry Willis. . : i iTar Biver Ira Elite, Jeahua Worley. Roam "Oakoun- Jater,, t VYUUam Damwiwn,' "M'fi UHWir-tst f-r t.w ,,Tadkin neary Ogborn, Waa..Can ion, Lemuel sJreea. -! ' . , : . L cWaabnry sBerarly AUeo, James Foo ter, Janaes Hi n tan i i y ,r--i-. ti " Marsh Philip Brace. I .'. j --a , Ouilford Samoel ..Pudley, Jamee GibboSMk f.-'ir .!,,, t -,n J.i.i" f ' EoaataiB Jereaiiak Lamberl, i,' ,; Mawnbera reported 23391 " - i , 'f ' ,178a4eresMkailprseb ing boos ia Buasax arsy, Virginia, April 80,and adjonraed .to Baltimore Mar OH., .7 ..y k. , . . c - Appotntmeata foe North. Carolina: . t,. 'iKewHow oahua Wriev. ' I Tr Biver William Cannon, Henry BfOttflBBV ''"" t a t A '' ltoaa-CThpkAa;. I ;Cvfia,I JUavjd Jeffaraon. ... Tadkin Pbflip " Brace, ' John, . Bald- VIS.., 1 V I;- ,1 -rfc v. taliabnry Jsass Lee, Iaaao Smith, Guilford Thomas Mnmihrv aad Thomaa Anderson. Uolstein-Henry Wflna.' V vv H r 4 aaweU-Richard SwifC J - T i 1 Halifax Enoch Maston, Petr Mori- arty. tV Umington-BeVerly Alien, Jamee Hkiton. .,.,:. Membership reported 3718. ' B J ' - Up. to ajiia coafrraaca, the meet tig war called u Coaversansa be wn the preachers ia connection with thrKFVTitf atrtru Wrsley 2. Th term ' con fere ace ' ta'lo be naed herraftea instead of ."convsraa- lioo," Ac" h am. ' 8. It, was determined to hold three conferences for J785 Instead of one as nereteiore, vui .- 1? - North Carolina, at Grsea Hill's (war LouUburg) April 29 and 30. jVuginia, atCooicreovs ChapelJIay 8. tMarytaad, at 'Uall'mor. June 13.' time. , . ...-. 1783. A ' general T conference a wis called at Baltimore (by mutual consent as it a. ems in January. At this con (ere dcs several Important stepe were taken. wamingtodWebn Baldwin. ? 'ew River Philip Bruce. Tar River -Thomas HumDhreva. Isaac 8mi"h.iiT : i .n. j r Hoaa Oak Edward Morris, TMark Whitaker. , ; ,..r?-, New Hope lien rv Jones. A i ; . Guilford John Smith, btephea John a ViV' .'rjirit'-i 1 H!J i-V , i 1 J.',! 'V'" it i I 4 not ''"'fca rudeo and Bertie Wei atadied to the Vrrrfnla worlf. ' ' " ' " " v1" Tie membenh!n for North Carolina Is not stated,' but iK whole 'mettter ship) pl tlie MetbodH cbun-h at' that cowt-rpoc r reported at i&uun: -- Confrrenc Tot next rear as fflrwr North Carolina at fallbory, Feb.' CI. Virnia at' lire's' Chrl. Abrll 10. trnrtranif at Rntlhnnr 'Ma . ) .SoTK.; e appohAmeol? M'Dt Coke and Francis A-boVy bjf John Wds ley; Waf Tt!fler!yyits7geliiwaf Tmr fe$ce lien ftipy bersme the flrti yuoopa or our cnurcn m A'wnc. '.JUl cA''eTrate.J oVnomlnatioB 'Wiis fornied in th following langoage I -It waa bnanimonaly agreed at tbi coufr-i enoa taat tae elrenmataiieaa mad it st- pedieat "for' a' to baeott a eparai body, smder ta dasMsainaaV i of the Mwbodiatb Episcopate enuicli"-HTba rione for so doing i are here giren by pubbAbing an extract frana Totat Was- py a letter dated at BnatoL linirlana V letter dated at Bristol, IlandOt'tn,,W'"diee2 U ' Vallnl i the fcVpa 10, J7fcVTbis4etterr1 interest and ought, to be read by all Methodist ).:-'- . J. i-W-" A!Tb Episcopal' form (of gwrern rsw was adoptsd. and the offio aiada elective and dpndnf ppon the "min iefera and pTeachera.- r n V ;" a I The presiding i elder i r oialder" eyatem ws adopted! the 'work 'was di vided into districts and elders appointed for each district ' ' - At Three elders' were' appointed foi North Carolina with charges a follows : -m . u v rn 1 lauaiu xitrnry itiagnam, i nomaa Wdliamaon. ' " '' "1,J f MolateimBisaardi .JtrtftiT Miohaol Richaso Ivrt Eldor, . ,, i uaaweu jliijuq cjiis. " i Baliabory iukhms . Hartley; J'Eop BttU-.fjIifg dl irfnd! vf i AiauiaX vames Jlinton, ueo. aqm-, Rsvbbit jftiAia-ElerS''0'' o.'l ui ! : j ; ' ' ' .: '" t-..'--!.. 5 l ) NEWS AND NOTES. ; The Tnrkiah moss sCtf goe on. . . Gabriel Andreat, an eminent French pUl-baggerwill neW ake agaiil till to other Uabrirt calls htmi " " Oem; Oid. PiOow.oc Tenneeae, baa 'filed a petition in bankruptcy. He waa once on ox u)h wealthiest men,in the "th. ..... - . ..... Another steal discovered. ; The em gresaiooal anpronriatiea for the Kansas gres-hopper aufferers never reached one ol them.1 .. uj .u.. - The Kansaa' & gialatrlre has kdonteda reeolation calling on congress' to repeal the apeei reanmpUoa idiotey. i Demo crati oongrossmon, let aloneji, , The New York Sun wisely advisee the president-makers to bold op ; till after the Baboock trial, wben th out-look will probably be much clearer than now. .- ' , ',: 'li I ill ; Ml I ij'-m -u . TJnawed by all the pomp and circum stance of rnyalty, a cmion poor-levil carbuncle ia iirtuUln the r-nltao with lu pm.enca on a very tenoer portion of his aacrea person,,, i-ynmi n tt-i The Maatan legiftlatur dees things on k grand scsle. vIt ha Ju-t paaswl a bill granting tyxm.OO'l (.rM w the Nortnrru Pacilic; and $1,150,000 to' the Utah Narrow Gauge railroad. i. ' -. t r i wi , t , . ,T .-.if Herr To Balow. WhoM viana-cliw- injr U setting the world on - flret ' sneaks of th average German mnsic-teacberln America, c aS lb' gigantie kraoratnaa with the meltable beef-glaSS." ' Th editoVoi the Washlurton Benub- Keen baa reiused . to give Jinunie lan chard a Bomtioo oa bis . staff, upon the very joat ground that lie can himself do all ths lying necessary do run even the moat loral which ia onlr another ver sion of lie-alt paper on the continent. . j ,r -i i i if ii 1. 1 i f i ) hiii' ja-'-j. r ' r 1 1 J uM'. aftl Jt Jji..-aUi,f t'ttttJO' at -t-t.nr-.iU J ".n iiff-ii iiji i fiM ' e ?4.v ;! TnEMSBinTifiitnifcir "lo.lw '!al!wi:s 'i 1ik- I ..JhiJ a h ,f. r iPi'aailV-jBl !':-"d t.rr;r..j. ti ii b(..:i tii !! ! 9 i; SOLUBLE PHOSPn ATE tIU''L..t I ( UlU ji ' .U r i io .w !Ttl I ..i(ii'r t W nii I i " I ) .l ; r Tils bsvs found by sereta! years etprtwece fa , , ... ...... , t . ,v,..ii.: . utiiinf eciaal ebaervalloa, that tbey biteao loprrior, If flaVprlcei are nwcii iowef tnas rthers, bet so i ' - Uu. MM. .1 1I.MMII flHi. irwia fcb-VUlwhb ayt1rmtoUlameejOi. :j Wa 1-1 4 .... a i-f -y,t szpsrisaee, sr bs avs saeil sW ghoepbates lot K.,;;yr, waks,couoty. 4 W, It WHniKIir, Wst tswotyv k;a.8oaToir, .:r ,-.,. ar r rriT 1 - l'i''.' COUX. gTIWABT, Baraatt Ceoaty. T .: 1 f. 1 ' ' 'r -!. -:; f-mr.. JAMES A. J0BK80,,.".. ,; ;. 1H K .1 i ,f j I '-' a ; ( .-It . -.4 p. i. i l.'Vf .3.1 J ! Asd many etbare wee wtl gladly gtv tbatr sipeti adaer '' i . grxiwl ft aJai.-aS. eiiiai Ua - . . . - ; - --t-:---- - - - .... . -, W .' 1 .EtMr-jia' TllE.BAUEiail ENTZNL.,,T ..I il.lil,. I III i.ni il ..ill A4wrt!mnfii win htnifrS rTlt I'tut ' " fessTiBi.at tie f. , l.jwi'j rcs fT iuse OP inch, c Utu Uiiulou l.uev. . . .. .. . One h'iw nc Uai . f , " , ft 09 Jf " .! utM'nuentttirttoa! ;" '?"" Is ibaa a mm : ""SO I aqoara,-! k Y U.J..'i......,Ut 0!rC i. don' B. ...,,,,. mjmutt o Bitrtitn. oe T a j.I..... .......... e J " . .....TtS.T.... S4 00 syMrT Mt fP(t4TARHtt VRKva- Lar i MmekicA'ad Epkope.- 1. THE Hkad Tingling, ttchinjf'-ii a with! a aene of ttrynwe aod obatrurtioo 6f,. tiie o, MtHt in . !! nlng of s'altry KH-rttioB . pmgrg r0,,tbe' '4 secrfiioo btxomfs nugus, ..entire .eb.-.t . ,j airuij Ion f oue r both" nosinU, lmwli- ing, ttkHrijt 'or- tl thro.it,' Veughiri,"'"' skk i;autrrhbrt)eUihfst prevaiUas ! t na.euiuVfiuic.S'nietiia,,aiid' (-,t.alIed,:i,.i induriiza : with or w'.thout ever, and , ......k. r.r fVa t n...i.'.n.'a I.. n,......,l ' there i ppret-aion across the breast, ii eawries and buniht? sheihroaL first dr afterward 'a-' eeeectiai ol D mn oatv'w1ikrutBay bvco.te !. :arj) . IrtHy. 4 !cuJt at bret.pg, iJn; 4hikeal, and dull r;t Iinn. a, sme (i. jHHvtess,"'extendjn g tifldtr the1 ' brvavti bond soihe toiat.hi pki; th fit f sdi cotWkiag .mayj Occadoa. jV"Pitingtf ep-,, wj prstioo proftfatiou ; , tie ,; diaeate, wCTeser. rlie".siuta becomes rotiv ato'd 4 urippie n some, utwnnai iiinammavj- tlon f the eye anaw4rom ewM, causes otwt'uouoo of lhA'er psaus; watery eywi, srma, jBrjma,6umns . yj,. Vision, etc. , , . , , , . . .bUPPUESSEDCATARRTi may pro-' ducej kitUmrostltt''of 4h,tnni,rbraltr or-1 m iTel rise. jUi cbuwatarniMfir am bus(ldienrora, wet-prng, ueaoiu treirrs and cotivul-roux, drowiu-nn, . ' US of liiabeaWftc IVaei knopcat:j siuBSes above .tha, eye.av posterior I;end j H j autfrior nasal pM8gf,ligcum! tlogxed op, and eyeA. the (awtruni or, gariyf .of,,,, lheche-k bene becomes lillwd, i;rpartr ly, H often produces B prei-suiu on the Berv;- that' supply the psrta. aud painjiildwabe.mosl ncieciaUug tmiraa-i. rt tfia'il the rvsulw The diiaOj follows J T 0 thef eincous' membrane ihrouirb the eun . Uetilart (ubes iii hi! V" or tn o J uiemaranefof the aar, 'causing byppr.' u J vopnj oi uia oiuin. uiuTcs wiui UJC jJj funaions of , Jiie glandt,of, -Wharton, . bich aVcrete the waXj'a dryurt'fol- v-'J bws. hardness of heariug. waring;'' buzting, slnxitiff.-alibtnrrff, crackliua, '' th rittgtni er bel's, and Mmilar tv-lses, H wttlch vary; and whkh.. kra'i alraplq . ai vffeiufmtid mbm th chum-L removed . , n the fleets cease, this hardness of hear- , 7 h Increases with each wdd. ! " 1 1"iWl nuVrJnae has mad old standing dls-' -ox esses of very tainHapeolalty all Ida Illei - lie ia well prepared, and performs alt the mitre "diflicuit. aild d. ljcate fp r- ,, . atkMi in surgtry, ei)wla ly of the eye,1 ear aMd oo-e.. " U is a iiradn te oT tlie ';C"J beat uiMiical roUegea itaEunip and. Anieilca, aud hi diplomaa prm jug he , ..,r, same ara suspendi d In ln roo-u. " Pailor 8 McAdoo ImiuSc, Greensbo ro) jN". fj.i Dr. J; cures' vauvrh, .'dis-3 vats of ,tbaUUOat;' py spKiac ;iema ;r) dits kpoa n diiv to iiiiuse) it rihvctcd to , the spot In the forid of vooi ain " i Wm.' Green, 4 1 VaaiWdd mstawi-,.o' bail and killed Win kivg, a 16 yt;si,laig,9. iu.cm.upjiia ounuay. ; .. , , ARBOR TI TM . HB U Tl F VlJ f TE B-' araana. at aM. tHa rataa. uaiv 131 r. tr t - . .-r-v i -r "I , i . (t- tree, . no1 4p the..-Uws to stock -lour, yards,,.,,. JAME8 y. TQWLSgi Mnw L'KE-S PRErAEEDTXMK. As agent for he maouf ctnrer I am , pre pan-d tn ellM thl frrlllUer . very re,a ' v anl. ntta iitla)u wbat wur lait;Meedad'rr1 Ite ifleeu i re prnuauetit 1 have certilkatf ' ' fr,,j tnnwof lb pS'taiUl Skkasd i) I . aJia,alaff.aunliMaiaiBAutMl - U. . K it t .1 K.p . blah prHtil G ianof and rrtoiumeud H te ""' . -quat' la aay "h.t br. aVa4. Saw m.,t - eay roni oua toira uf ids pnea ot uttter fee twisers.' "Ihera ran-he 'no bumbngab nt'1''5' Me-aa-H UelaH-lj Shall Lrtoe WaUir aeaa J ctlve liigraileiita thoiurhly Ju.pregoa'cd I1A9 t wbk h M niSka H tell a nu 00 U greSiagrtop lra 1sflsota ,npi,tira(ill js taeuag sa-t tWMeoctsl. . t ' .I am now ri-ct-trfng oriiere and Woul.f bS"!'J CliosrcefalbeaMailyaepoeit'sto:r . ? It In lime. Al 00 hand Bu Mere aim aKIICV I.TM UIU, IHU bW, 'MIHWn . V T I. . - . ii..-j . . .1 . . . .. 1.. .. w f'i,!Jli ft i - naps s Nitrogenized MAPtVI i iu j-oa tjii I ' i . a-, ... - erraxnttft ta 1 m aaaMaaSaa itjijfjtate.i w o i !r lad) 2sJ) fl " SUPER Till WFHAffe 11 - J OF L! M fcX A:a w tailing tks above fertuJaars, as wall as by ' I . ' " ay emal attoag CoaitnareUl Untattn'isa 3 pnpn'srr sni '"Aatb'"proVrB ia L a... Af Ant kMi I.M.rf All J - .1. J. .. Mar te tbs fbUowtaut satlsaea f large 1 - --.-..-.,,.., .tti r-4..T.--. -v avehyafr ' " - ' AySRA, Jebnttea Conaty, ,iau , HJJjJ wl1i'giKDlDl8,'-u;a ;Sa'lArvi4i-s-fi. ' . 1 tC ) tr.yf trie ',? jil. 1 , ail lMErACE,p.UA.County.;;)4t,(:3 tmsa W. If. HOsfAVnii.r.Jfii..i -,ii 1 I-,ds ju aT 15Laxi5r.--J lai'M.'-ayn-u' iit t-J &-jJvj W.lWttu, .! u ,)aff vd MM JBSW v . .. .::,il, i.. rsi