r"rm jmmwmmeemememiwemwmemwwm rv 1: WWW? n i ,,:ri I I 1 w 1 H f " it it i 1( y iv j r i u , , ' ! U-f I I - . f- I tt r i ::a SaJ Lm w j Lw - i lUi,l4,,U. JU a L-1VJ in ii THE HOST USE cmA"5Efa CLSS SETS, TJXt TEE LElGirBENTINEf " , . . "?wi.f 0.1. -W. -iM V;-tjf j. ill; ii vi' .rj v mi i 1st Amendment i Thai section I, of article 9, be eUkkeu out tod two new sections I substituted. Tbe section to be itrkken out Is In regard to laud v given to the state by congress and the appropriation t of flue v pepalllc V Ac' Tue etlon to .be substituted give all lauds irfroceedt of lands, given by UiitJoItea 'to ih' st&ie, 'to duoatlooai purposM ('.tod ail swamp lands fines, &.,' to 1 tned fcW pur , Sod A meBdmeni strikes out section IX, article 5, tnd aubatitutoe m ssotioa pre Tidkig'tVr tlis establishment of a fetH besuof sgricultnre,Iruui!tloo and sU Unties, and the protection of sharp brebaadry. ' !: ;. .!. i 3d Amendment adds to section 25, of article I, that "secret political societies are dangerous to the liberties- of a free people! and should net bo tolerated." ,;i 4Ui Amends aeetioa JO, articles, by providing that pie governor, with the advioaof the senate, shall appoint all offioea whose appointment .;- no thenris provild for. .7 - 6th Abrogate and amends .seotioa 15. 16 and 17, of article 4, and allows the general sasejabty to allot, and distnbate alt Judicial power -amOna- the several counties eicwpt that ,o the , supreme court, w men is axed bj ma oonstUBaoo. 6U StrikaToufl Tseetionii i lTanA SL of ' article 13, and forbids calling a oonTeu' tun witboot first eonaultuig we people at the polls. " ..). a j ( . n, 7a',PtorlaMrfor''aTibinfttins;'' the amwdifaonta . to tUe", Odnstitutioo;! to the people, ad th the polls, XaascUy after the li Monday inNowetab, laid. The amendmeuta, will t ditted or re jected tt)ifev' . - 8th Trovidee for tmbliahinsr the ordi naneea for. the information of the people. VtLitefjuinaKina jtnLrei.to timdm the district for which he is elected, and forbids 'bis1 holding oourt'ia aba ssna. , eouxtry BMre than . onoa fat four years. - .j-.-wv-im , 10th Bednoea the number of jndges bom li to 9, and authorises the legwbv toreto Jnareaaa qt dimiruah the number. 11th ProruleS for tho- assembling of the : legudataaeai in January instead of JiaWIIMktr'( ttVif otutt ' ' ' -'f """ :"" 12th Hits ciril rights on th : head by forbidding white and black children going W to toine ackool and prodding that no. discrimination shall be made to the prejudice of either raoa. "- 1 ' 13th fixes the pay of members of the general saaetnbly at ft a day and 10 omiU BuhMnra, aad limit the eeeeion to I dam If tho aesaioa is proloaired eyond, W days,' member reoerrw no pay. ' ' i. . ,' "", r ' 14th ProTides ''that' the term of office for aeoators and members of Die legia latura shall begin at the time of their I.Minn ' i l'fi.-n 15th, That section 29, pt article 2, la amended taaJlOwtboeetienM'asfcembly to change the time, of holding elections for tf ttieralasrmliy.A i 1JI 1 6th Strikes from the constitution sec- tlon 4, of article , .which ia.lk4 old re publican gerrymander or the senatonaJ y aistrkita m J eotf. i , , t : 'n - 17th Bsduoeath number, of aupreme fudges from fly to three, aa our" fathers ; - , t i- A a Sit ,mn-iin' ,18th. Declares ,the, judicial'; power shall bo. reatod in a .court Jot the trial t impeachments, a suprens courts su perior courts, courts of Juotioa f th peace, and such others interior to tbs supreme court as maybe established by law. " ' 1 l- il9th Establubes the, supreme court 1b Kaleighy as Ul . other is proTitled by the general Msnnblr. "" -.... 20th Strikes section 8 article 2, from . the conatituUoa.;;Ihi section was the old repubucaa gerrymander . of tho ohm 'of representathrea. and th ( aopla can do without iU'1'- 21st Forbids Tscating any offlca or term of oSic now xi ting undw the onstitutlon. ' - i22nd froYidel for ttd 'lectloa' of Judged ot the supreme coort aud, supe rior court,, by general ticket, or vote of all the people ; but allows th general assembly to change the nod of elect ing luperiornourt iud?es from general ticket to distrtotMections' '23d Itequlres t months" rwldenc In the state and 90, days to the county, before a man car, rote, , and, excludes felons- and a-penitentiary . convicts from holdioir office or Totinsr unid re stored to cltiaenshlp by duo process of law. There was two days' debet oa this ordinance, . Messrs. Dockery Albertson and Buxton, with all the negro de)eg&tea,apeakmg against It and . declaring it wa med at the negro. ' 24th Provides for the removal by the legislature of any judge of the superior; court, for cnental or physical disability. Iffl sir ttvldei1brTtharreHnTar-of clerk., of the , supreme and ' superior court iby 4h judge of th courts for th sam reason. Appeal la ease of remoral is allowed as in otbtr cas or uita.,,, ' 15 roride that article 7 of the con stitution be amended by adding that th geuersl assembly; shall' bare power to modify, change or abrogate any and all of the provisions of the article, and sub stitute other in. their pUo, -except seo I bur 7,9 and 13,-Thia allows th fcgiala t m to appoint magistrate as under th old enattttttwMU ii sii t i!" I jm'i ' 2Cth Giree jurisdiotioo. to : justioes of th peace over civil actions founded on eontract, when th sum does not exeeed 2200 ; and allows the tuaticaa to call ia a fury of sit men In ertua sssrs. ' to23th Authori the employment of onviot on public works ana. highways. 2Sth Adds th following new aoction to article 4 i "In ce the pwml as sembly , shall eeteljih otlier inferior courts, 'the presiding oitlcrrs and c! tVs thereof sluJl be elected in such nuouter as th gaasral ssssml lymsf prescnb.' i ' i ii. ! 20th Forbids toan-uvgS: between white and black and all persons of, .negro d sueut to the third geueration. ; j 80th Adds to article 1, section 21: SotLmg herein contained shall justify tL , practioo of cairrinir cojicealed weapons or prevent the legudature from ikuu-tmg -penal ' statutes against tide i otat Abotixhes ! section 81, of article I And pruvidas for fillinc all raoanctea ofBoes provided for by this article by the governor not otherwise provided for. ' i VIA iTondee lor paying ojuoers and member of th oonveotiwu ' :' 1 88d Qivea pewor to th anpeama ooart to try ' issue' and questions of fact as Older theUexetitutioai i r,l nO'8TfTDTU)HAL 'COStENTI M ,0 V ; UKTUCAl!OU.NAlr 175, Complfc ! fnotorrmphie at up by. T; W. VVAT8UN. Th t sly ompieU eopv ia ,ltaee nd will be fold at a Bodertt price. au si WKtaon's UaUary. JUItge, . V jeetlMf . , C0UTH1RJC POUCI-BOLDWL Aa Insnrsaes Joanud devoted to tb later. et of follcy-aolden. Cuouin sU tb lo sucaae; literature at the day. Only taiee tte paper is Nurtb Carolina. Trvats of both lit and Fire Ioturaoce, sipoatiig; vild-cat eoBipaaM sad comoMadlnc lbs atroer tetb savpasf Mortfe Caxa loa. Us paper ivw luuat raieaaaian aa anauiaac . Sabwlptloa ti.uu ta advanca., AdTarttaa- BMnt Uhencd at rcaaonabl rataa. Address, ' at sLvrtt Caavaa,: aaasaos U Uaaraa CAttT foil At CA HTflv ATrOHNKYtt AT LAW, 'ui in l: AaaamLa, JI.4JL ;1i.-m,h i i 'l Frsetlee la tbe-sapreme Coait at Bal krh 4kd is tbs 0 U sad federal Ouan af Was llarta. Carollcs ' ' . '-- . t tatais eoueaaaa-esi 'say nas c rm- ll ,--u i jv-j r tn;i UtBM CM BOLLSTS B0U8XE0LD : I --- MA QAtJKMtT: f As tlaatnita Hoatbly of Cbole ' i ! a juuer ara. Is rablUbed soattl HTBt 'l .! i ' '. J It Is s baas tif nil) Uaa rsud Upoaitory f Lltcrsiara, daatlna to beaoiaa the tireat Heabold Macasifl of ka aoat saars lAorosghlr (dani Had with tba paopla la thai Miat aoe 1ob stle LUs thaa ay Maesinala eoastry, sad for the aaaM prica, blvaa Mora lteadina;. 5o arfvaaUta awietsd wbleb either talat ar capital oaa mm aomaiaad t reaaar each kaaa aa agraa aril ssd laatrartlv coapaadlBM of aaoio vad ar, y peamlar snuis, beta bosm aa abroad. i ' '.its ncrcaa ouxxbt. a moat atiraativc f-atnr, lbs Jaoaary sambr rusuins S hie 1 be portrait ot Is -o 2 K. Tanca, a d biu(ra(4iicai aketca. lo be followed ia aa h atoibar with photo rraf be of ethrr proaUaeat tuteamea, civloaa OIOI 13 00 A tAk, roataxs Fraa! ' aad sacs aatwcrlUef caa anakr s choice of ib ee Sio. beaakf ul,' large ltnkrvi n. sl f v b aii'O iovbaa vis : "The Flndinc ol be Bavlnf w tb iraaple,' 'Tfta Madoi.as," and "Klsr uw DcfriBtf tie BKva," for aargi oa reeatm ot u ssoaenpiioa l pries doubt aitoer or taa annr-vii r at worta ,ee price eekr fur tb Macaslii dvj oa. iIIh a clab o' Ira will rcaatv aa extra Bbecrtvt)oB f aa. B'Bfrla copies ifeY eenta six aioDUia anbnHptiut without tbe a f ravtDK L0o. 4 Riato Waatrd Avery bar . Andreas - .. JULlUia,BOKnZ,PBbUher, ' JeaaVtf ' ' ' - woldbire M.0. AeiKTCt9ELKOANT OILCBROXOe OBBtad. else 0x11. fur SI. biovelilaa Sod CbroBoslaavrrydaarriptloa! MatloaaL CaaoMi. Co., fbfU., fa. Sw. , , . rroit iist, 1 Ii ' lot the Year 1878. Tba lfouae and Lot on UUlaboro' BUeet oppott tba . hxcbangr fiowl, kooB as t a i uuhti.rt property. 1 be Honas eoouliis eight eomlurubia roume Itttvbes ft.UUlulnj Uiat footua, - Two Ottice rooms la ysnr all In good order. Outalde pan try aad woodhouas. H ell ei good wsier b yard, pump Bit. d., Igor teroM app y to . ; C. VV. D.HTJT( . v orto w:B. . HC rcHlVGR. " ' FavetteviUs at.. odixmIU Tucker Ha L 'detUO-lf . rr. ... , ... i ; g "-HUSSt CHKI8B I - - ' Mather tat af that Sm nnt Mn r-baaaa. Itetaflat Wepats per fnnnd - Try It. J- A- A. & CttfUdTurHKig eo.'ft, 1 WilBlagtoa steast. ' Jaat raeetvsd 10.000 aaaada WaeUra baeaav bearM bet-w tba lite. . Call, sad gat oiu aappUas. -Aismall advaDee (oreaab, at,. r. u. vuauaivrtiansa vu.'D. s t- WUiBlairvm stewet, aaat City AfOTntR CAB LOAD OF FLOCB, froavJ 1M band', f eaht t met) proSU, at v . . CUoUSTUrHr K8 CO. - ..-. W lUulniftooatraet. "tl fj KUOVAL OF OFFICB. Offlreal htlfMtdaaML a anwrnf fTLaant Mraat and Newbent aveane. ; , ,. .' ' 1 BB lt-Bt. j: t !. . .1 " i t .11. ,! , ructioneor K'tlA Jl'll..l ' 4 ,. A aa . , . i C01QIISSIONrMECH!NTr Cua J-jiH l 1 i.,,i ' h ji tl .T PfombttUri wdbe rlTea U all Me ' ehaadUa or rniduco wt to ate 4or-aat Farticalar atteottoa aril be giraa to the h., trodaetioa and eale id Macbluery aad Ffra bogateaaUa al e to tata aecttoo. llorMe end mill at sold vary Aatarday a W 'cV.k. - - , ' . - .jaaitto,..;:';.'..;;.;;. CH00I,WAl(iD. A reaUemaa who has beeo cDrarrd f tea yeaa la 'chiii( claaskal achoola.o fcli!b grade, in Vi Rl la, l.hwtotakechr ' of a private aiho.4 or Ac4eny ta Nwr Carolina. He la prrpared to rive bonw InntraollnB In tbe Laira, Orcefe, Ffvnrfe aii KuctUh larpir. Batlefaef y aafaieej.-. furulthed. ould like aa eanwe Mi c ' t and trarh Bra month, preparatMr U- Add eae wrlb yTuH Mrttealara, WouDayN, Bxovb tifll f. t., Wrtba C Va-. " ' lea7-4aods ; t ; . ST0Ci 0? I A V rtV VASE CUT CLASSW ABE and noa ft h of tkeie eriabratod , . 1 , . - . - - - TuaaB taasklb ivduaatl I AaasaUbUlBS Btora, and will be sold s ivduaatl prica Ttu-jr ara aaid to tleaa U-Ur, Sa laataraad laat Wogcr tba aoi other (Is n., I Aiau One 80 Raw Bwn4 hsn Rur.' ' "-'i ! j-, ,". JAMU at. TOQUES, ' f SsattMia,!. M u a ii. ft j..f,i Apsat, 0 ,lt Dil N Jl X Q s SJili ' lit i I ;j u i; iii' -I.. ! ' : .? Ji t'Vut vv li,lttirin.j i i huu'A 'T .V"-- , iVf i t:i. OBDINTANOES!! . f " f f 'Jf , ba .t ,6 tl 'U i '' ' 'i it'.inl.l Hi k'l'u '.'it:.: , .v ' .ii.. i, . :( I: i' n. t I i i -'it '''"k: ' -- tv . i r--'f 1(-,I ORDINANCES!! 1,7 "4 r mi ii i' i 1.4 M-t'H rtllv ! :i-i I '"I t 1li i' l 1 IO ; '. - .'. j; r i-iitt . i,i 1 t" ,X 1 . i H.. 1" 1 1 I. .Jt J4.i t 1. f I I i' i '. t , .rt4-lili'iT iilHi 'f ,.I 'Hi IJij 4j i' !.! '- 7 il !... .,li CI - C0KTBKTI01V! - . i' -l..l ' . I ' ii n't i: r .. . -V f I I TIJ '1 "if ' ( f ft (' I I ,T (' i' ) i " rt if ii -t !,i j ; f i -1 - ' : tX)3rYaTI0lt., "17.11 i , r ', f TT IrV i i i l. J ; !t t.ifll 1 coNYpmoMii 11 itr TUTS OFFICII. 1 ' '"- , : dT . - a . .. , . . . ..t. . ..: -. . JT ITT! V rli 'S i.i, Singl Copies 10 eta. . ia I $6.00 i'ji3.i i Per hundred 1 'I Per thousand - . . J5.00 ' i -i.il,! n:i a itl fj-j:uj5'.'i ! L xUfm'l lU'-t'u i'rf !. 'vrt;. B9".8en4 in your orders at onoa, .if, I.,? i-'1r;r.,r ... -r? n. a ,0 I I 1 " - ' ' IATV' -OlflTlUliV ' "''- w RALcoa, k. a A leeiil attaaUoa rlvea is Bavtaa of Hi ad a, ta view of the lata deelnoa of the ta- me Qoartpt the Unjtad Abm m n tba tab star a-daw Aarlt T - 1 .aB ' Y ' 1-V ! 3 A5H, DOORS A kT jfOCX, BOTTOM fJUCXS. . "".! ..' , . 1 in",. .. ,. ", , jbMtaataaavaaf ;.. i .d 1j . i t Jk. .i -i. i; .! ' ' ' mum Lxwia a oa DAXNTh, OILS, COLOliS, , i V ," i ...v . - , fi i 'fatdtcari of every ' ' iDetcrirtioti JULIUS LEWIS k i Om ;; 1 "'"" ' 6 FMHXB BtTTLDIWeK, ' , . - ' . luleign, . C v . fa;, -.aawsnd.,: ... ... . r; V Horace Wttara A "on a, 481 Brotdwar. V. .will diapnae ot Piaoua aad rxDe of " I rlaf aakira, taeladira; Wttcra, at rr awly low arte for eaah, dartag th a : ata. rrpart eaah, asd baisa taenia it t'fim. The eaie io tea ,a ra aewvrale riaaoa, ara the beataaas toaeh cUatia, aad a tea alar taae, , werfal, pare aad aa. Watere' Cnrr. 1 faaa caoot bw erreilrd ra Viae ar braaivi y d-fy ceajwtitioa. Tb t;oararV atop ' loa La Uaoi ot tht hsmaa vou-e. Teia waia - A libera) dierovBt tn tear v.a lriiVr-, ehnrrhas ecboo'a. Iiirea. ate. -c. u 4nc BMite to tbs traaa. Lauauaiad KI!ASAKD1IE7;VSAR A OTTO- CUPS 'AND 1J 6AUCERS, a a. w.'Joaaa, Aaaiataa.w4a. O NI8 ION K q ttsr cy's Atl4rH .(HI Hr.U Jlii!-!' Tlill V. l'f t tlKAOTlCB ta the BapreajeCoarl ot 1b L Btet. tba Otrealt aad IMatn uta fjaited nutea aad ibe aevsral Courts of tn sis JBdkctai utstrtet. . n : Office oa FavetWviUe Bt, oppoali V ? iseaaNatloaallUak. Cp aUlra, l.lf ,..,,(..! m DBNNI80 B PATENT BBIFF1MO TA68. rvar Tw Hnndrad MUUoas ha v. baea aaad withlB the pact 10 rear- eaiinui cownlalnt of Joes by Tag .bacoBUOk leiBcaea ' lan aaa noaa aaiaaua ru aaaaiB Cottow Baaas raa aar Ta oa. All BrpreaaConpartss a these. , Paid by fnataia aad taUbSrsvrywaara. i a"" i"i i ., nii', vil ffi.'.n- jr. Kua, or.Miiu CA&vtisA, TT,i a k'f 'bit ' .i..-i I if i !-' li ' 'WTftf r 1r!'.'f) .! JSoa, BalUawr and 1 Karth Liberty fits. . ' - . I T'W. Joaasoffi I. B. R. Caiao; J. dOBJiSOB. B. at. Scttob, KF,tf- , OOMBYB DISCONSOLATE I I '' ( - iU i t ; . Ilea t seanih of FIRST-CLAPS GOODflL th very Lateet Tip of Faahioa, and put Bp tat a style that w(U suit the Si oat fastidious .1. . l lll.. t sl .tl WEIKELS ESTABLISHMENT, t 'A V.i n X : iir- a FayaUevtlU Btraet, so door aonth of th "W". 1) 7 '1,1 ' Tl " ' " " " ' ' " ' r-' - M ' ' it ib b toneeaea t Ae fc.fl.'l ,iuiirti i lo ij sin. ,i..( !J that Wefket eaa rnt an th sett and stost aatlnfartory JOB ta the way of Bnesoluof tWrtbiaif. from a Wedding to a Boainrac ttrlt. t hut ran be taraed out fa Ralwrt. "The old and young anew aay It, the ladies. (Go aieas taeni coaorae n saa is eniiarcn err wr It, ery for Joy w ee their revered ' "daJa1' pvi va t iun oi eiaei a cioiDiBg. WeUet takes this oeraaloa to t tor hla thheha forth lam and liberal eatrooarc kentofora rrcelveti, and retperifully aakt for a ooauauaac or tne aaaie. ,iim etoca oi CLOTHS, v''::v,.:l...:.....i.:'.,'' VASSIMERKS,' T i . y.n j TWEEDS, i V WITINGS to. Is mock larr-r than ever before, sad corn- all tba Latest Noveltiee la Btvle. bsvlfg beea receotly pore baaed at low price Irooi . . .. , :....." - A 1 t I FASHION filADQTJAKTXBS.' As ama! hie force of Work mm ara Picked lira, bae skill aad ability ara kaowa to the arainr pumic Coma oaa and aft to the EmDorlaai af faabi a, . elkel'a. the Merchant Tailor, tut Brat else Ho of Ul abea. f ttrst iaa gooda,rutuplaflrstelaeaat'ls. j OCT - NwBookJoit raadr rr author ot a no jit.ouaiinoia oi trgfirl IiH. ' i ;: r liMiia't, Icnoin, , , ,t ti nd short. Tie Household f Boarerie. - 7 Mester Ho ward' I emptauon. the above 81a Kaw Books at written by the popular Southern Authoress, ra. Catb ariae A. Wardrld. fornnr y of Mlaetealnpl bat now of Lonisville, Ky , and author af the world wfcl noted wartfta H oaa bold of BiMiverle." wbi h Is o a of tbe beat aad moai. axtraorainary a-vela ever paMltaea. The above aix books aia each Itturd la one tarred andecimo volume, bound in roorocco ttoih, full giit back aad aide, price 1.79 each. r iu.au . lor a eoeapieu set of toe six voi. met, pot ap ta a neat anl atraog box. Am iWH mrw jvr uw vjr IkxiitelUri, av tvpi f eithtr ens er anorf i Va ' eWAa: r a eomplett mt ttjr them, will be $r4mtnet tnnoiu, to any plot, foUaQi i pre-paid, tr jrt "e 'freight, en remitting tkeer price ie letier ta the j-utduXert. T. B. FETEBfOX A BROTHERS, BOS ChetrlBt Btrtet, PbUadeiphia,Fa. :--r mi a1 i in iitf"': 00 .BIST.-'j, ' ! lSt ! n ' A waU-'amnrediao tory'sTORI-nOVSl 01 be rentedoe.goodUraia , , R. W. BF8T, aov-lai BllUborofitreat.' r AIL UmB.;9y-,,B, 21XS. S. J MOWTS vfakes sad eteaas etothea at thd 'baatiaa- atvl. on RWrnamrth OT TO BB UNDERSOLD IM QUAUTl ae4ha - :" l C . HEABTTB. .Omca o raa Bao'r or raa . rssTBaa ju. (I. iBsaaa Astxvm, lfoaoiTQa, N. C,rD. 4ih, 1BT0. BT order ot th Board af Commlaalonaai of the eetera IaaaBe Aayluoa of North Carollaa, bidden who have lore warded pro poaal Tor lalna; brl k for the fiunditlofl walls thereof, are hereby lata mad that the optBing of aaid WO has bnaa dufemd ant tut Kk iitet , awl at Urseusboro'. Tbwy ara aouded that tbe CmmUwi -did aot, aad o aoS awir, propoae u fanilah anl, for tbe aaad wurb, ia auy ease, sag tad lera aiw tee to Baodif) their tids ia iw ard to the ! euppiy af saaa, u ueyaee prvpar. , .,.s ,v . 1 bey will farther anderataad that executed bda will be .required t be , lljd by, that date. ,k . ; 1 TUU. WALT H, fehT-lt. ' . ' -Becreury: Valin e Co'd UlnB For Plt, By virtue of sa order of the Superior Court lor Lb low Coautv N. L ai poiotii. ae cumaiUfiooer ta sell the Vat Estau of W. Cnretoa, deceaiej, 1 will aU at pulule auctkm to tba big heat bidder at tbe C- art rlnuae dr la M.r e, N. C, OB the orb day of Mirch I ii ."ft. t be tvlrbnled Howie rirSUiek' tow bold Mioe.wlth lAOacreaof laj dhlnglB L'nioa county appa : ahick aaid atloa i h) Situated. ' ' or tenas sad athev partVnlars addreaa, J H. 1MVI3. Cora . Cars T. D, McCaTaar Au'y at Law, )bb 17-ew UU Monroe, H. C GIFTS' - EVER "OPENED U J ft fc dI? 1 c A. i .11 I'll ,.(. ' . ' ' ' "li " " '7 : . ' - ' tl t & ;..A'!-.:..i.if-M.r-v. "' ' Vj ft u' ..., .iiriMIA. - JO . OEIIPEi I : . . . , ii.it'l . ,p.UO,l'ln " ,111 1. . I :A ' ' AXi. Ujrijaj OF" .'" V.':Z , ! ,'"t'V'' . , iii( f ... ,4 -a t..i : ".IU (. . 0 -0OT!;!-:;H 1 ; '.'.rtwiwri tin 1 " ftt rt V f i i ; ,.l K ! 1 4 "..',,'-i!-.'i:i i iihI'I-i..) m h 'rri.' r i 1 i) J . ...... i.,in . 1 :l i k 1 in i !t . UaviBg refitted oar f ,'i . .H i i'A it in;ar. l LJLiiAvailjai.irJ K 1 "' .i'-""-i'ii j - w 1 !S etJ-.i'W V'lllTl. -i -H'l.i'O-j iv,ii.i-r. (tlil ,.! j-,,., x-HAi-ill. .T H ,!i i:. . , . Wili Kll-(1 i , .1.4 1 I .1 Ul i:h ii i;ili. Ha i- i iT 1 v.. ii .j.,t ,'.,.,, ( "..1 ! a.,i-.i. vi '"siil..' -m f ! O l: .!..,. I --.,5.i. i ... ,"i .!'. i I 'i?!a.f-l b r. n-ifi i-su'ii i J. " '-1 ! i uiii ...i ;s . Si 4 I'I r:i IV'' We Are Dotr prepared , to MeutiU ' '..." " t'i"!ji ( " ' 1 f ' ' 1. M. all kinds ol "i -i J t.T 'r t . - - , 1 PLAIN, AHB, FANCY. r r -tAi'i' ll AiVl taeVlf 'J 1 All penonA hvinj .i.i BlllHee', V A ; i a A H U ,'rii"U !44 T 7 Lett r Head; ' i"9 t r Bqstaaa Caraa. il(t.;jU) 1 I TadtiBK fJar la. ' y; i . , i ! lVl.t 4)15 Wed.ljagrd -..".ii iM AU u1 H .Jllfl,!!.'!,-..' i-'lil. I .:.'. Ol t '-., :i ' i 'li ui 4i, oji f i. !... mm) a- r'il i treulara, -:'.'- lT.iftt--!rs- rVaera,---4e.-- ;' lSh Jl'i,s J r"N ecoted In tbe very beet style b -a itMiviVn sending ft (b tht a .t a .i. tnrf a-d-iT.Ki'V?y' an;! i-.'iH-itf .-ihst.ii'.ii. 4 rv. iS: I. i , I .Iii.ji ." it ;.... .i ' . -. II ,'. .T Sontlnol QlficoA We arealaa do All ' i I; u ti .7..o.voA'f.y,;:.,As rind of 7;3 a'l tii ee".!, t'.-vil ''Si)i5t- t ' (f. tft:l-jr Book Work v Vi '' .-In'; f. t'.l' . v In the erj best etjle, at All work aent to or rill be done Bi'ontckl j and 'cheBply ' At an Otter.,": 'RINT1SO HOUSB.fcf. TH.,.. t J " j! ' 1 ; aaa i , 800TB " -fab.'' I m i ii n mi Ii m'li I ' ' ' i n 1 " ,o a a" Jir,-0.t, V 'L I llLMaca) miail umjsb- - a i aavvsa "i true- J tl..l. : DUa anaiOha 'aseke-awi.v lv W. JKXWk GCa f Job umce JlI.RALSGi!; '-;r fOlt'ARaatKOHHi,"- :' t-.l ,ir nut to ; n; m If jO t r .a i. m d i ai X' R ! -..'..j.i hu;,vp.r35ri.w aai' ni LANK BOOK MAKTJHACTCRIR,r t VV.f i AMrau. 1 f -ui" ''ii.i-j...n . .'wj I . ! I . Mil lt!.1 mI r.l(4 b. i' will Blvsioaorreil ai'B aad Woaiea c.iaawTBAT aUAPff froati.to ti p.r. y. can beparaaritiu our owa iliato -tood, aanclia Odiiira I ParUeala S rree, or amnolt. fworaa aaMaL ilniWia tJut nl aaabi eoa tow4aioakatOBa. will ta a!StitV-r .,1airt faicS4fWaaits-uai at.BoatoV. BTgW I); .AIlJ'mVftl AHU,! It th L B IB B , ;. i. V.....T ' ' ' J3oa e.mtb of the Court Hou.eea the. '" t7- - aeaUaal ofijoa. . 'U T : wa i iiiiiiuwii. ,ji fil'J (i iUiiuill ; i i l l ii 1 1 i x'i B, It A at f B.-if , irracUccsiaiMHateand Federal Coartav OollacOuna aiade la say uirt at AorthVari Una 1 KLEBB ATI , 7 iijl .. j . i i ,.. ?j,f ' .. ,h! (I -i'.-lti IROWN'S JJUlUEXr BTOBE, Wlf i;i.uf lnil; Honsnun BuTlilniri UMILiXiiAXi.WlJ Will- . ft v'ytd- wii i.U'il.'.iti. ..kHtli-s . Dr. C.T, McMannea'j; i'AUBKICAX. Till ' ..ft .v . I.,. . ,11 I. A j', t jiU n, i, . :M 1 . PRICK ONE- BOLLAB; - . c (iliitij Tanr-flaiAT fJnrrEwjfJ FtJ- 7 .TKaitVWWWWrV.iy. Uoarja. seaisndBl Lan ti a e; satjcclmly rwe aim adrd aa a FaiU ktrcicli'S for biidraaf -roupuTuVf 4 reuMrctto paitkai biMi.lnir lonith .ta every eywptoaa if ta och a childrea ery to ibe relief of ' t combination with Birr urd o t rr it rrrd atiu axkxa it aot aa.' ulmaaait a tt, tad aoaanwer akatavar in lie aae. l.k.aia uut Iocm balta taa. upooM al at a t oae wbaoever tba e Is a dtepo aitiawtoceaa. aa at aikbi wha yea tie dewa. It acta ImI) Umi hJJa.yaaad the- liuf II, i . i 1. i 1 Maaa'arturad aad arid Whole. ale lad Ka tail by the roi rteU-r, Unra.ni. . Ci Lib xml iwaat su who saaa ea,ere, UrAars Oil Jl lad. . .i'.f , 0 -- - ..i i JX A. MoMABNtN. , ; ., j- -41aaiiai Baaisaas Agwak, i n! I'i 7 " ' - l''5-.'1 ui r I TESTlJeoMAlAj ,4.' . . J, V.'l.Mi:; !.-,;": r, n !. 1 -1 jl , .... t-r . . - Oaidobor. ,K. d f -After rpeadlna eUhte-a .atbs ib a aoalh.. wasiiawtataevaiaia saa taaua 1 vv ap B dpir and eaaM t oaie to dt with Biy . h Jdraa la fewaVbo . h. ti Khlie there L biiaai tb'ieldr r ktcMaBBaa'a (ar htlx wra. . its diet fl ct was toaaabla aaa ti ";; By aloDtiib brgaa to reiarai hope, nif.ij.iioiniii iui way. Altar aalat ax lioica. waa restored to baaith .law. ab MO lb loweaiy life to ihieeaLitaro.r 4a4 mUiittf pauUahed ta taa worid - , . , . , B B. SvUBUOL it , , ... . , M . ,i ..,, i t ' J tavsbiwa afflicted with couh for thirty ' iwara 1 have aaed all tba popBiar reBisdiea, fm eoBfcba I have a vor fouag. aoytaii a o, remain aa -the s' aoh ,r .v aiy raiiuf, aatil 1 aaad Ur a.sMai.iwa's Aaaerioau Tar Bixtura , its a eaabla bm to 'leap wall t tit luoicS b va lecaiued their airennlh, sod ' Sail aijasil eatkraly freo (roa a dirtreaa.ag eougb that atUcfcid aif )a .(h Boralag. I sat rapidly recovi-riiir . '' -..i , MKd.PUTlEB FABCflAC .. . ify ts r gays waflwbilS oa tty dlrtattl I wt fm an an Ire ai aiy woA.1 4a bad ' ltue-bopi a vt reeoVenr! i I aacd'oBS bOf of pri MiMaBBth s Ir Mix tare,, aiy aoaxk.j...-- -in proved. m atrangtb reuu-oed,' and I aa- ZT. ; won able to reaoraa.my work.. I rcoaimaBd It to all wbo have a coughor. w.-ah 'buss.' '-'v: - V - 'SCJ. 11VBT, t'i .o.vt"i mw-v', ........ . . ... jurB4at-'wc- Of all the medicine you have ukm, the Tar ' L fixture b) the oh. y thing that has dobs yoa "'",:"''""""'"'.'"""-".'"' aygood, vhT.ji. t Jr .ti : 7 7': To bar bust aaA T V V 1 Tv trhVhhfciil :. - 1 bate Bard fvr. Lt T?Mc WawteoVAaieilcaa -- Tar Mixtors oyaolt, and lo my family. I do not beaiiai torecorm d It aa a rrmedy U " huellnll ranea.of C oofcb. t-lda, roiM Throat:rtrtafi.aTaaaPd Lang dian iaae J U u. PAhAXSH. . r liunorediof other TeiUu(miala cob d be offered. Takes at ail tttnee It portion of half a 'eaaponajfBj.orJsaa. , Nadauger abatavar. "A'f UL8 ifctf'TirEv-EBT BOU8B . aC3L! -'r- HOLD. ' . ,4 -,J ;. J ,J chine: if i d , it i-.M- n. i t.' 's-: m i . k i.- i'U .H ,'i This sew It vwttioD la eonrolet loeeesa WaaUa'avarj thing boss a lady's, lacs CoDsf I., -i t J. . ; 'i - : 'l to a (onaterpaoe, lu th auat Vhavoarja aad couplet styls. "7 - j j . . - .i i f f Wofke with ease sad rapidity sad withe si tejary to tbelttvii m i - . .' i TIME AND MONET BATED. j,. . V (.J i."' . ! '-J '.It ' It ' The Washing does by a woaaaa la i l OB I -! .1 I day raw b does by the patterned EarakalB tlTee hoara . rricillt, With wilfger ed!2S. ...a.B.rAh8AR. VTarTbliictfirr h famntee, Ifrry, Mi ' .... .'"7 . . ..: ... o tot' wast; A -X&W .STILB Om'a Uat, tall at : deeaau. C D. UEAETTo. . J .t . j.i iv5 lii rjlvt 'j t. X f-. f; i"' t - V