xh e iuleiqu Azuyt kl tiAlLT, WEEELT A.i 6EMI-WEEELT .: trcai Crta "rf CartSa.- STATE PRINTING 4 BINDING ESTABLISHMENT. iiniorwww,..( . . Daily RsntlMl 1 hi edveace M 00 ndlt dmUi In adraae 4 00 Weakly ............. 00 Weakly Beat! val u y1r""J ? Tba Dailt 8imtiil fl) b delivered ta say pert ot tha City it Flft Cent a week. LEA A T EBRIN8 ? UthenlyGEUIN: WORCESTERSnmE 8ATJCE. A :! I J ! POST OFFICE DIBECTOnri I ; aa j. f i 'v. 'C I For the benefit f tbd public, we jirt Sab tb following directory of tb pot- la af thiarltv 1 Weatera mail eloaee 10:30 ft. m. : arrives 1 i, i49-.ns Eastern V cloae , u ; . 30. m. 11:05 a. m. ' 3:30 p. n. 9tii a. an. :3 a. m. arrives cles arrlvee Chatham M B.&G. R. S, mail cleea arrlvee 3:44 p. nu TVvmi(rk nnrtharn via 11. A O. B. It closes : 9:30. nu Thresh northern via R. A G. . H a It arrives J:t5p; Through north ana via Gold- r or cloaea - J:30 a. m. Through northern vi Glda bora arrivea . - - 1UM a. m. UOid heura lor delivering maila from 7;30fc .m U&30p.Bi. : ; -' Money erder at laao4 ao.4 patd tram S:15 a. n. to 4 p. m ' Letter can b recisterad fram I; IS a. at. t 4 p. m. ,- X maila ent or recelT4 on tsindaja. W. W. IlOLDEW, P. . '-J " ' 'i ' the omrj Earn tar plant at , bainf pot oat intheoapitolaqiian. ',, '7, J. J. WaLrawDKH 4 jL'o,, dealers i grain. Caro a apecialty. Nawhero, Then waaa larg eongtagatiot at the Baliabojrjr Btnet Kaptiat : ettntott fctaa rening. - ; '. ... , Cotton market Terj dull. Middling 113-4 low middling 1 1 j cleaa ' ataina 10; deep atalDa7a8. . Sea adverttoement f rfuuoa Tajrior tq another column. He dea good work and charges raodarateljr. . Waoda' pla at $3.50; aaaaooad oak at HOO; field pin at $3.00. CalloaJ.D. i t ' ? if t . wniiaaer near UDsena mu tar wvf plier. 1 Our morning eootempoffarjr aaja $15,000 baa been rataed for tba state fait. Ia what wajt Taken in mortgage bond! ' ;.''. ::J Let all corn buyers ask for corn that has been fanned aad cleaned at the City; Granary expreasly for this market , " , ; febMw. , W. G. Hill lodge meta thia vrcning at 7 o'clock, aharp, for work in the 34 dVgre. All members in good standing ate invited to attend. , Oo to Tucker ball thia evening to the choice entertainment for the benefit of ladiea bar prepared a charming- pro gramme. . . . Beaton Oalea lodge, LO O. FmeeU to-night at 7, o'clock, itt Odd-FeDow ball. ".. M embers of thia lodg ara W oueated to be preaenL and all Od 4-Fl- lowa in good atandisg ari nv&d W at- ; The prio of . hghtwood-knote" ia Wdily increasing. Soon the poor Will bare no means of illuminating. . Tba atrugKla ' w-py-'jalltrat''ls aomething frightful to behold. Tb old friends of Ber. Dr. Wada worth, paator of the Edenton Street Methodist chnrch ia 4813, but now of Mobile, Alabama, will be glad to hear k . 1 v. - i.t - i r .a. on the occasion of the Methodist Cenv tenniaL.,. 2 , - ; Et. Father EefflT. naator of St John's Catholic church, of thia city, left yesterday for Company Bnop. u wm return to-morrow and leav again for Fayetieville. where be will remain over Sunday. Ther will consequently be no maaa at St, John next Sunday,, Think of it ye managera of boarding aonaes, 7 beads of famUies : Egga 13 cents Mr dozen : Sajrar 10 cent pet pound 5 Butter 8 pounds for $1, and other thuur proporUanaleiy bean, WTiy f . ' Beoanae w ' sell strictly for cash at Bo. 6, turgrti mm. V. 1. Johnson.' j '; ; 'v. ';'r ... V.':. . The very fin results and increaaing demand of tb Star Aramonialed Solu ble Thoephat seem to bav created bqujt a sensation among manufacturer of gad dealers in oommateial fertuisen. Other manfactnms bate ven 'com menoed manipulating aad offering for aalsa fsrtilixer called tb "StsrBon Phosphate," Farmer afaonld beware oi imiUilbne. ' The original and only gen- aina Star Ammoniated Saluble Fhoa ' nhiU haa tha trad mark of a- atar ' minted oa each sack with the ana lyi DUiuwAttn'tt vj uurwuu m wa Baltimore, MX, and for sale by A. C Bandera 1 Co., or thtir agenta. . The best collar ever made to the llmwood. Ti u better and looks bet ter thaa any other; vnt- XXT i -.b R ALEIOH. Nl : a; TH0nDA r.-f FEBM78 L O. OJ r.There will b a peclal seaaion of JIcKea Encampment, lie. 15, I. O. O. tanrrow-evnlng, Feb. Wth. 1 rurpaa VConfeSg th Eyt W aLaUNS, furpie l ,3 I Makix- GbaA A 5aw Oat: 29th Ikst. W are requested to aay tiiat all persons wi-hlng to attend wUl repart at ac 4 ito aga at VSC? depolaarirrangeubU'maVb mads to run sleeping cars tnrough to New Orleans. Bound trip from Baleign $37.63. W. On roi aujut-r'lvjr Beaton Galea left this morning on th Vi for 8alem, where be ia to Wur J'iwriht befor tb order of Odd-F!Vie To-morrow sight b lectures before" the literary so ciety of Salem. Balem ia aaU loU ahead of imosf town tn rtU state! fof work, and behind none ia sobaols, alo- oatipn and appreciation of literary menv . : . hi 1 mim ' 1 !.' The ?tat GAKOt,--Thla body f repreeentativ agricoltarista assembled, for iu annual session. In Greensboro yeUrday.') Soma 250 delegate,- in eluding 5Q ladies, were In aitendanc from the variou subordinate orgsoixa tions of the ststs. 1 Tba address' ef Grand Master Mill was earnest, en sible and pncikal Insisting no the one, great vital point, that our urmers ahould ralaa their own supplies at home.' end thus render tbemaelre materiatry Independent. H aaeellrtg praU a very fins appearance and embraces many of North Carlin'a best eitixena whoss intereat at ioVmlned with the culture of th soil Ths next annual e-sioe will be beld In Goldboro la February, 1877. Th ptbiicatieo of a Grange organ will soon be commenced In this city or Greensboro. Majob HaiiBT GiixiaM. Thia gentleman ia In" the city; la'atteodaoc apoo the supreme court, He teBt law only on the circuit and fihLaodlarm when off it lie told fish atdriee yes terday which aaionuthed Major Ander son and ths I f lueuranc sgents. He said WOIiam T. Button, at one hail, caught 10,0(4 rock-fish, weighing from 8 to 118 poands apiece," averaging 4S pounds each,. 10.000 herring and 4,O0tH shad. es, caUlch, perch and suckerr went net counted. .Cowper, Dr. Ifartin and CL Carter were read to bull op the major, if hla word bad been (doubted Cot: Carter said, " at Dr. Wm. It Ca part's, hs aw ltO.000 pounds of rock fia canjiht at a haul. r Fiah were never mora-abundant in ouri casters waters. Wood, Cspart, TJolly and Fakkk Wio- stoa will bav spurt equal to the Chriat- masiat-hunt ta TfatTai, and mwah more profitable. Lock to ' them TP and to everbooeat man'wh! weta svlms and swm.l.a cocs ttiitrrina. UascEABTs' ilxrasa.In acoordanc with a generally signed caJlaajority of the merchania 'aiul bnainKfrmen of this cify inftai-MetropoliUn- hall last evnjngto consider What action they ahould take in regard to th inJIotments brought agaicntthem by Solicitor J. C. Ii.' JlArri. Jordan : WomblejSr., was called t tL chair, and J. C-Maroom apecinted Scretary.' Meaara. J. Hi Ennia J. CTTlr7JW. B. Hatchings, Ia It Adam sad It F. ChaVrtham war appomtea a vonmiMe io owuan lewva, and get an opinion aa ta whether or not the indictmenta could be fought A purse waa at o&o jnad up to carry out this plan. Th opinion waa z preaaad that ta solimtor, inLUa greed to' pick bp a fewfaea, had phvM a most violent eooetraotidn upoa tba Vw ia iV gard to th time of taking onijoenaea, and it was determined to reaiat the in dictments to ta bitter and. 'T meet ing adjourned to meet again at the earn plaos asxt Wednedyjereniagj q rj j m"maawassa1BBBjsBBjsaws, 4 ,,; r. Daata-W find, ta tha" -Xorl uik Landmark, of Feb. 11, thia notioe of tha daalb, of ; a hvly V5d luA'fasSf rEre ia ur 4li Major A,? it jlJewaiaag tb nnmber s .,' , , . , . Died, m Norfolk, February , 1876, Hra. CUndia Hilltard, wife of Jndge Louis Hilliard, of North Carolina. 8he had been in feeble bealtU for several Tears, and it waa hpd her removal here, a few month ago, would restore ber; but it is otherwise oreVwd,snd ah is new. numbered wita . tb dead. She leaves to mourn ber lua a disoonao late husband, four interacting ehil4n. and a deeply distressed mother who had just arrived from New York to witoeae her dissolution. Bb waa kind, gener ous and aaecueoate in all her relation. a member of the Baptu4 church, aad b-a death will b dplured by ber numerous frieoda, rentivea aoa aoquaintascea ta North Carolina and eteewnerw. Uar oUttoa ia thia heavy afiictioa is that aha rave evittoboe vf a - "Rood hope through grace,'' and tiiat our ioas is her eternal sain, luy Uod .coml.rt ana nstaia hi-r tereavaj" bnl : ul, T n ("at vu . 1 - chiUrea hand bar rowug u . r. ; NEWS AND NOTES .i . ; , -. . j - l . . '' Japan eatpecU to nrVsC '$500,(500 m cenlenuial fbelcry. 4 fe (. ,;f -r Tha Florida contested seat squabble in congress will be aetUed Monday, i 4 Fnaln !een: . '28.003 soldiers' ' Into the Cuban slaughter-peo hut year. Raveml Johnson left 12 children, 60 nd -dittos ad aaumber af graaitto t:i"a in;.K.-i Ii ,:- t.ll Tba Afsacfiuaetts "taia "prefer ths ro-sste jCfuklifliif 0ld sors-clawuig s A alight (-.nlBia ta said t have arisen aetweea the dactnaaU Enquirer .end Gaorgi eaUlatoa. .,yvi u j t i A lare vote waa n tiled to Texa,' and the :iud eatiooa Ot course iui to the euccsss of the deuiocrsUe Uckt . , ,", TbeaLiw Vf.'J. nat&eUL from Phil- dalphte to Bremen, has gone down to th auos avs wun au on mn - Ear Id bird.. Governor tlardin, of Uissouii, p.iUvsly decline a re-election. Was ha enurely eerula he could Gflorza C Smith, a Chtcata tnsor anv company tiva-urer, haa jt bee a rested tor $180,0 0 vf financial Irreg- uhwiiks.'" .1,, a : - MlnueMta.' . Eentuckv. , Tirzirua and tortbCariinifirm tu oucwutenoiak isinguuarwi Kansas threatens U man A Dutch eoniie paper quietly remarks that th president ol ths United States volnntaiiiy recommends a hia euceessof bis prcdetertorV .. )-j ' Alcorn, of Mieaissinpl dole having mingaad with rpenur aad other to Uv dueuce .tba decUia 'f Chief. JtWtc Wsiw in regard to tba auforceiaeul act. Tba Grantlt tortuoa tenglefottten bav acared up auother soapegfMt Bab cck,' but th trick is hardly thick enough to bang together wben luted by the edge. -t ,- '"-";,' Th Alf onatats still bav possession of tb teletrrauh win u Spain, and: of eoura ar pushing th Carliat to auni nuation. 1MB uarioa, as nsaai, ta nee ingfoc Ufe.;: . u ;'f.i- :; t .1. II I abcock'a complicity In the whisky fraud baa beea fully establlahed." Lack day's evidence Unerringly flies ! guilt np nun. and wougn mm npou uraai. wa always anew w.... ...,,..,f.M The Pprlncfleld (111.) Register say the; cot.icreeUoal , blather kite, .Fork aught to be in tha penitentiary : lor ac cepting a bribe wuiie a member l tu legialaiura. , AU alike. r,:t Brooklyn air Is bad tx loyal preach ers. 1 Ker. Fred. Bell, of tb Methodist persuasion, ba Jostbeea deposed fur beecberism. Urn. .Morris, oue ei ms flock, wa the other party. " '. - 1 1 Tha' Kin of Soaia .swears to tb Co, tes thai ba will prserv ths integri ty of th ( Bban territory. Ua eayt as ua aa the trouble at home are aetUed, a will ahow th world a thing or two about tuba., v iyi;! if.i,nn4iuuu As' far1 as' heard from ' the m'unlclnal eiectiooa u Peuusylvaaia have resulted ia radical gains. , Tituaville elect a re publican mayor, for the . first time in 3 years, by a majoniy 1 11. ia basioa to reiwaucaas, carry a ut oi.ui ? ward, and their whole ticket is reported aucoeseJul in UanvUle, , la Philadelphia the lectiou w as ouiei, the dmiciata gaining councilmea ia several of tha wards t. Xirumr4 elecU a repupijeaq mayar by UOOjuajortiy. v-;,.u:i,i- ,di ln,t Ti""" I "f t so ' ' ft ii' -i Bnaof Artilraow. We find to thi Atkiusou'aappouitmeuta for bis spring Holy Xunooeata, Lenoir Co.. r f. rM Nowbern, ..ai'(,l -.Jt :,":)fM 2$ Bt Paul a, Swift Creek Bridge, Vf , 81 Trinity, Beaufort Co . Aprils! Blount's Creek. Beaufort Co.. ; . " V $ 6t John's. Durham's Creekv , ", 4 wmwcTeea.tieauiortVo.i:,,, ,.,)"., GreenviUa. :.. .;..,,..! ..t St, John Fitt Co,', , "a s(J Wilmington,, Easter Sunday, 1 MEETtNO, OF THE kTATB DEMO , CBATlC-CONSEltVATIYE EXEC Boons or not Daia Cos. Eri Com. ) , Aiaaaouungof the Ceutrai Exaoutiv Committe si the DDKKtio-Cooser-VMtiye party tbis d'y bld. it was r- aulfed that a meUug 4 th EktteEie ativ Committee' be called t SMembl ia tb city Of Italeigk dd Wednesday ,tbe 15th day of March, 1871 4 .The objtiotof th meeting ia to douuie , upon tb time and pkfco uf holding t btete 1 Ooaivea ttoa f - the lmocratie-Conaervative party and to eouaider such other matters as may come before the Committee. : Each, . a-ember of the. Committee i ssmiwtly nqueated to be present " ' ' "' . "" . K COX, Cafe' J. J. LrrciroaD, Bec'ty. ' ' ' ' '""f ! ) " Darling, you levt very bad, - - , And 1 fear you've anghv sold But I'aj say you'll i- he glad ,H' After you bave once beea tbtd " To taiaDrBull'a Cugh 8rup. Tb darkeys oa D. P. Hutchinson' place, near Charlotte, killed aa adder test Tnearisy, aa it lay banking in tb ran, Ruber early, it strikes one, for these dintiautiv Linaniea of tu gTsat graniii 01 ruiOAiini to re airing tht-m KITn HVUUtl MIUI UnHUJJf I mmpuga baan't begun yet mire arouud tlia procuuiouvuui 1 ; LUa ni - rr n l.n 1r ft? 'i -. NIAL.' ..f.' !. 1 y- Obibd Mass . Uiktwo or -Zxoa's f!.!ii HGII, JU.AKC8 Zl. at f '.u, ; i. e.i i' ' iiart iAT-l ocdy,-Marcn21. lu o'clock,' A. 11:, t letrupili- VAII A.lil--vri'VIIMIK At. MKIUlll ft-'CI 1 ccs.-Urgtrt izat Ion.. .4dqres.; ,01 t dcotne, bjr KM- Waiter, Warlt. m 3 odocfc, fv a..- tdenton Street Scrtnpn, by, Iter. W. II. JJobbitt. ' 8 u'dock. r.'M&fcntoti'Mret - - J oclocl.VP-M.,--.Mtopolirio Hali-HSubiect" -TJT' -duCnesiult l!ertiodiia ind itrt Fonudert bj u- l-.i ifm !.w ; ' Sf ooa b Dat Wcdnosdaf .Mtftb $2. It); o'clock' A. M.,' at iletn. pyHuii 1111 Subject for dlacua- aiuiu Tlia pioiiwerAlothodiat iMia- hrter and Laymon r Tii VX their Struggle ind Tritirnphs-i-b.Rev7. W, AL iwberr ar Air tTor. vnv: Doub, A. m. ..: S tiWk. I' II.. Edo nton Street Sormon by llov. 1 L lleiidreq. 3 o'clock.!". aLi Pisraon Breet Sermon bj Iter I Eeid. ',' " , . 7i uMock, P. II, a Hetror.U. taa.llalj Subject iorndiscucaion: The Ititrodflctioo'arHl llietdrf of Methodism Iri'tbe Capital . f N. C , gnd its'KcIatiuii to'llio alothodisai vf Uia tJute, Wr , Iter, A, :W Maii- iT,'r , i UHI, 1MI . aa. UUU9VU. t 4,"t. l; TniBo'DaT-1 Thnrsdsy Marxb 23. r I (T. , e'eh clt, ' Al M., at Metro, pulitan ;UalJ-rubjjot fof diecri- smn t t rvgreaa A. Alein 41111 rti the 19th Uentnry by liiahvp D. 8. DoggeW. D. ' 1 Si o cluck,!'. Al Edenton Street fcwrmon by Iter. N, 1L U.' , W il- OB '.- 51 t)V-!ock: P;'M:!' Person street bormoa by Iter. V.C Gannon. 7 o'clock, 1. at JVletropoli- tan-' 1111 bubject for disonsHufi: The Educational (nterestl uf Meth odism in North Carolina br Iter, U. lrarent V. U- Us v. 1. ai. j ones, a . m a ar - .' . era. earn mm wm U. U , Iter. W. Mi Koben Iter. J. Air OnanlngbV7 Iter. ; V. A. bharpe. .Vt.L. Foe ara D at Friday. March 24. 10 o'ciocr, A. at juetro- tKiliisri H11 SuWect for discua- awn: 1st Mbthodisic-w-Iu Halation to the Origin ana frogress of the Sunday hool wotk by Iter. K. A, i atos. .za, , urrnoDisiu its a .. erf . 1 Att - Relation to the j Origin aud Pro- gresa Of ?Uible, Juiseionarr and Tract BocietusawJiy. Eer. . L. ierkins,1 T"f.tAr)j 3 o clock, P. AL, Edenton Street -Sormua byalter,", iVm'! doss. Dj D. : ii-. 1 7 ;;,- 5 U .a.Ti'J i s u'ctocar.r.' ni.. rerson otreet - a a n m. Sefraon by IteV. ! VP. R.rnfot)'.'' ? ; tann IlaU Subj oct. for .dispuasi-oi: MrTHoDiaitt Its Revival History by DUbop E. M. Marvin, Li. D. Fnrrn - Dar Satnrdsr. Msrch . sir) o'tfl.wk.' A. Mi f at 1 Mctrw rv.lititr Hall HuMect f,.r i dlsens ston: Cliunli And ; State by lion. aphn N. StSpIea.- -,t V-;j ?htf v. 3 o'clock, li M., Edenton Street Hirtnoa 4r Ker: R. O. Barton. TS o'cLck.P. AI.L Person Street Serroob by Reri If.'D.'Adsin. .;' , ,7 e'tluckP. M si MetMpoli, tan ilall bnbtect for discoraion: Methodism: It Itinerant Plan of Qpcratloua by Iter WV 8. Black 1 t-i.rk'. If U W't-kZtm-.T it'll 1 fj ! ;:BcnAtVMtff unlock, AcM.dentei 6treet-tore Feast. " 9 ekIock. A. HJ Person Street St b!cK at Metroboliun Ilall. Fuiidsy Suhoot-Maii MeeliujfTlSutP ject fr diacaion:i l he Sunday School a field Tor tne employment of the best talent-rbf Iter.; J, J. There will be. preaching: morn ing and eveniwf at tli two Me.ho disrehurehee Jby tho Blehope.1 , "fi The committee of srrangoinonts, consisting of J. r. Moore, u Knrklwal. U. Bobbitt, W.J Crowdrtr and W. J.- Youne, request the preea of the state to .ror thfa programme. ' There may bo some slight changes made in . it hereafter, and other . annonnce ments will be sriven next week. They ;-lrts' - with theee; atirrlng words: fCt there be a grind rally st Raleigh: and let all our minuter and people, pray for a tidal wave of tilTi!,,n ia .i-pru over tns"WBole lux.. ti.uuuiai ,vrrtiVi') t tut." ' it' line J i' '- "-' r.ili wnminirVm bss a case ef smallpox, aad don't brag much oa it. 1 f s Tba Wilmlnttteri Cornet Cncert club gives a msjta.ficeut bill, Feb 25. j 9 Hat 'McDo well, of the Charlotte Ob server, been on norto w get , lua trous- llu,9?. tJ'W Mfl WJw J. H. Jadirs. of Duplin county, wa dubbed end robbod by a nigget tramp near Keuansvule, last Saturday. . 'A lvear-oid bob ot Jai. T.'.Carroll, of Uagaolia,' committed, shields' last Tueaday by bl-wing hia brains out wit b a rifle ia htrooui.; i i.vn'i.ui t:f.:ujii u. Josh BiUinM dulat male hU expeasee ia CUarlottei so they say h'U bav .to nv free ticket and chromoa to, gev anyliody out next time.' , - ( '. Eheri ff Batch welL of Beaufort eonnry, paiitUOO for a fine borse at CrteennUe, anu in a lew minutes aiier n w av th animal laid doWB aaul diad. ii a r i Trask IT. Fremont' of Wilmington, I to be chief marshal at the test Chap el Hill commencement and , B. En-, gelh.rd, of the said village. U ou the managers of.tle ball. c , " ' ' : ';' MeckWburir""oounty has s Enoch Ardea ease.1 A fall married 18 months ago.: Everything was rlovly andth eonaubial poaltry: dn(ile4 , "ajatadai hms,Jtvouot Je$ i Bab s eipraa. iv phrase,, auto, .oue day, last week, Anether chap-walked in and claimed the lady aa hi wife. Proved priority of right Kmriai r of dead, called on as arbitrator. advised them to lt th doubly weddrd fair one pick her chooainira. , Agreed te: and ahe chose So.' 2. Aiidi pwoe and love reign undisturbed. ) , TU L L U.Bi T A Y.L O B , H Hi.i;u;,l-iill,!ji Viil Ur.ili. TTatcbnvkcr aid Jeweler. 1 Vi'i f waiiiTO BTasrr, 1 Krar ta eomar of " fl-tinfrtrti aad Wsrtett treeta. lirk wetland ektup'y stecawd. fte 17-f J ":' a--' i ' - ' 'yj 7$i250 Profitfrom InVMtmeot ef IDS,' one of oar' ca-teasr Dureha-eS Or I M l harr of M.'T. i;eiiai as ra iu a" nr. wjm 100 ikirM acahMt Ike Pat ) lUl which ws sotdtjlteiaiiinc at the same ik-e lw saanM ealiaa (Q ius neu uif pruai . i, v, wm lr toe ea a reweatoa tj .xth 4 be 1 11U, 90, SO, 10U, 101O, will pj a wrU U siBoaitlus4 aM, atnek Coi'oa Tobaaeo kfW aad anM aa a maueuo AdTsnea no eMM't'i,aai. , ,. ,-?, . 4 fries lists and Uireaie s rr. -, . 1 . ; tQASXK OltlCI'LETACO., :"H'f' - Banke A Bukrrs, ft-iMrtl . Bond Ski ttew ek, - ,1 atar Gold end eHe se an ", r. O. Bax.s7i. ,,, f.,iai7ti CTaMTABLE PROriKTT. rXiB BALg. ...it. 1 . . & r.i 1 tl.,, w f k Sth imj uf Msn-h. ISiU. th tuUowinc vain- Y9 111 mm ma h 4"'iwh mil. .. vm aols jKoprnj : a vaitiae iractui ua I'-ui salies rroai 1 amix-i 111. 1, oa id iiiihixmt. road, emtlaiiitiui 7iM acrna. m, halt vf abldi is vmns ana mrvrov, in ran m mm. tituhar, oak, hlckori,' walsa . aad - apiaf. It hi wall est red aad td laraila ka. TtuM Uetxou o it alth (ood bains, At, aad a rood urcsard ' ' aim. slanresD Mnmoanoi anqse wns aU mww; U aeildaiM mow Oectd by aitout Us ceo Us ( tee viliasa , The kit Mr. 1D iurooe,a ificawniiyaKavvo Ul i one cr sod I- conteuinut for Suiluors or for tskhig .tudmU for srtl. rs. -aia-i. tb i baad-utna r4Wiee f.aef1 oaard b Hob Beat Ii itiliusav o- fW-t by WV J(. 'gaa, aliaaia oa in 1 aa imM oniKMlia i.av. naalu'a foriuer ra bleace tbM hi Up hioiddeslrsblerrsidrnc ia ( baprl Hill, and M In a blb i'e or linproreau-m. . TfMf aalr.awa iBtrd. saJi. ik balaaar oa Saad M sioauJha, aU tetarast fruad.? uf aaie ,.( -t j .. ! ' 1 Tiiia imotmi uniu nsTmeni n nsae. for further In forma) ka spuly ta Mr. A. Mtcxcl or Me. W.4 Uog.a, Ch.pel 1UU, H. &,. ,. ..'!. U . for JvJASI K!ia oOjia. feb UaodiSm T - TT If:tfc AHIi AND THIS eCU-. I) 1 . t 1.8 TO T s B T,U 1 Ua U1S- Trni cbte tar from altlan to ChnHaaaU tint cla iar iron aateigD. to (aoimiap First ctaM jsi froai BaleUh to uncago Fmi els rra Newa-a n as. iwi .. Kim Us from RaWigh to k awmie slot PAAAi.nrMra f(r ChtciuMS't Slid lbs ni, Is KalaWk by tha aw AU. R. . 1O0U a akt-sia, ra ch hlchroond-rt Pr ia.1 laai Kirbuoud at i so p m , er ta 1 1 l..nri A 11 In B.aVmad. aad iMch VIoHS Mil atCUO ea the aaKalai t'Sh saeuad . IhLi Boot,' t -- VdBEBTlXMBtlU, r - , order SI led lor all taads of Ldwb r st tkf wiry bpool ' . F. Coat, having redneed their avtoa. wa win foe m p sail ejr auwMW aad eolur at 07 scat of tea ana. -...;:,'. I fob .1 . ; W,' li A. . TbCKEB. $10.' TH K SALEM CO K5I SHEI lr sras aasrued tb Brl pre- .- " r . . ..it.. . ... j tU HI C ".tat Fslr ta W7t FHeS 18t Maoafasiar-d by tha - -i i. Ba VEX ABICTLTUB!. W0SE8, ...-, ; i . ,.r.alaj, B.C. unntti r nVTAW BCTTR. . Te be anld ta eay qnato'T rait parcass- era. lata" awi ' ! F. C ttUtloTU r 11 "H v. a, ' feblStf . , Wundato M. 1 BaaAaaBBaiSaaSaaBBBaaBkaaasaaka) j. - . TF TOTJ WXT A OOD HOBMt I fewer to on enae ad !ra U 8ALEJI AORICTLTCaiAt ViORKS, ' .. .1 ..-. .. 1 j aak ALL XIND OP.lMPBOVtD Ajmcnltoral fmV'newtskad htaehls- rj aisaaiartaroa mnn io sair wy in.. .,.... Til . I. tl . IR VS. . u,sa iifcn.ii(-" - TI1E ;'.RALOVU,EEXTINEL ' mArnlfmrnU wfll ba taei4 Is Ui Uau bsavtom. st tb fulloaire r(s aarnaarof oa ecb,nrlan eilstoa luiea ; On Kjnsrt en Urns. . .- f l.C each subseqnest teaertioa lerhtas wees s.. t qaar I k S S 1 , ... 1 awotk..,. S OS t. . , aioDtb 13 OS t .'g . , 14 OS a .... .... .. ...... w t " t " t. r.. 8 OS l...-.i.J 10,09 XVEV?.AUYERTJ8EMOT8.a TuckervHall. -idi.'l 7'!ft?f! 'l'" ' ' t'. jv:". ' ?-3- . t o it and mklaxge: m bill". j . o 1. , .'j ... I DNDERTHf fBMCtg OFTBltADIlJ or the C'ttwrir tw the Good Vocal i aad , In8trumentaL Uasici O1.1. rr.i , , 1 ucr-rt. obauiaxyj AaoieauijCiOi ' 1 '-t -'V. .Vtiews WiM td ri'fir6 For partlcularf ? small bIJIs. . ; Ad'abxino ) d y5i,rf ' .t 6fl Knt Beervel Beats, at Osrmer's, 74r.'" 1 kmits open at 12 tut cIa ju . Pif.rnncea to eomnjenc at fcS OVIouk. . . - , 1 Feb 16-Jt - ' !" ' 1 ,R"'J 1 Ailptloif'Sal6.B"??,:v' fit i s;.i.r,7g 9t.i ; Wfll: take place al th !r 'place :of fiUBinesB amjt irom iu to 1 f uU . .w Ft., wH. ,,.1 ianner no'ice. PflTateral BUuCicuFriccs.il ' Sale Ccimece to-ihrht at 7 eocV4reKl6tb.l876..,;.;;t rwWiI.-OBBa11lEnL.- fb lC2w , Daily N-rs copy. B i v.l a ' THrR f r Ijiad of Geonlo Wbke UaUI'alrbMH At - i feblVtf : HUwufui flTML. 0 lJi.NTEMNlAt, fit lCd! ,1 KM;;-?,. . t, , y ! a-n;fcv UP. i i ,", I . t'i::.MV (4 yl Ia aider te elisa ont nor Tn sad tflni IMa' will arte tbrm at 7J cenu pr Jaa received a few ca nf aa A.!. 4 MHimm lord Bilag Filat. suliabi M XEW 8TTLE BOVra.-'Mf i-i. Tba Cash mere Bow I ll tha m tln.L Ladia hk-h la dwhra aat craosfaj I sd- pearanea. . ath arrivals by. Etpraas ef 'Preach Kid Olovr. aw atyla Kui-binfi, Unaa Collar aad Laffi. . . .., rii v V - 90 ea sad bslas of all Widths mmA m.U. ties of Blracbad aad nra BH.voat riioter .f .. . : 1 , hiees ol riqas che-' -v , l TILSTfl UFRH !, IKrl. f' w fi l,' nrYfVri wrmi tr. vl 3 Remem er tht we kD oai atak fn tad rom(lti. That bey aad sail for rssb sad lbae(arawM aad w I ssake M t )nr lotois t to ssk yir porch of v . ava'.ytra 10 pvrceutoa Jonr a e 4ii in ue toellear hast' Wan.ntta aatatkHi bin, Hh t Kki,ard-oa Keand Ibraad Moaa atll OUaack m, in half dasaa 1 -35 YpS Sltk HATSf Just rrcelrrd tha enlrnaw lvU ank ni lotbacltj. rricsSaOOl 1 t" 1 ' ' " "l, 1 1 ' ' 1 i - s: - Ji. i i K0AXZm AS1 BOOTEES,- ?f la 'a few davsoar. stock of Batia aais Lsord tiatwrn utt Ladiea, Misaa ad- Cbdd- an, W 11 b euaiil ' ' (r tl ttt .u W.U. dt B. B. TUCkUKi y ALCABLE REAL ESTATE Fpt SALE. " By vlrtae of a s.vt eaeeeied ta A. J. Bymiia A Bru., a Ua 1 Ilk of ewateaafarr, I87S by L N. CU-K. and by vt lu of a Sieood inrts;.e a ataa by the aforesaid 1. i tlegg 10 A, J. B) Sua on 1 Ui of at.rck, ITS. taw uuderslKDed l I eU oB the Dreav- Isasat pnula) bsmUu ealhe 17th DAY OF atABCH, 1878, for fJi, that valuable tana ea Deep Hear, I iba eesBiiy et Vhathtwi, pp4u ibessow 1 fa of Uekviiir, kB'ia a- Uia Ctcint Urai, eoataia- big -rira hInDkkd -m TaiRTT- T isXr um, Tha BaMHRb Aasaata AJr- Ijd lallruad divide- tba ta-t, aad Upnee a aavigaote lor atesmhoais sbet SS auiic aav ed S e Ura anew , laruia. Ike 1 ana ia about SO iil fr, a U.trh and it am mm rs eMtviiia y ra 10a tract eiaitathe 100 sais of I era rfo-r lua arunud: Sc-s- ol biaach land aad 109 acna of kng Is wvtl SdapMrd . the ralslag U caa be dividwl -l y Into -bree eioullcat 1 ba r.llnaS a.u, ia at hia laa yantavf luti farm mtii Mrn-baa' aiiila, aw miua s 1 oa ory wtiam Ta yams. 1 a at . nd. t iavi , taW uiua:iat,avcrib. Uia farm a. within tb m-h coal and bva forau- U - of tba 1 p river baala. " - Fee hirur tuf Mama apply t. J M)ai.a.Sa.lS j Hua. Juha Msoajoic rUli bure or L . Cleaf, Lockrfn ., S- - (.7). rtTITTTTT iwiiraiV aa I I Ml 1 1 (4iy'ru.aa.B.Mk:irt1(. I I I I I I I -l r- tr.Cmrii UA a WiuJLlfa. W aaaMaa4.CkMaaal Bamatan-lKerriiie. ' t 1 ue rreet Hrrrtj Conqueror, laearss Epflirlrnia.OArbiatoas. Va.ipoanM, c Vhaa, Daace aa4 pbahlv natdf for Fp pack deucaui cie. Addrpan, , - ; ,-iamp f,r Cueular ityisc rt- ... - . ' DK. S. A. KICHaIOTt, : ; 0 Has Boa 11, Bt. immf f .. riepuenta. i has beea teat by , . f . Ihnaassils aad baa- array Saw ( V J knew to rail ta .WeaaM. l A 'Trial packae fraa. . Locioae a

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