-- jfnriuLEioir8STnsT ! s , UAILT, WIEILI AND BlaT-WKKET . c:cialCriaiioiR:niC2r::::2. -; STATE PRINTING A BINDING i ESTA BLISHMENT. r. o,r..r, jcofiev. o araefairrioe. tHHr AeaUael I yr In idfUH IJ Daily W month In adrsae. j Mral Weekly ' TO Weekly tetfnl - - ... J? Tb IUiir rtt. wfll b delWera say part of tb City at Fifteen Cnt week. WEtKLT ADVtRTISrtO BATtA - IrAACB, 1 T. ! I. I 1 ine,..,,. 4 " I Ink.(.'g 1 Oil I W,t BWm i ui m' m to oa to a in i II hi! 7 kW CO Ail SA at) 10 Ol' S7 53 00 00 I 0 00 170 00 J .. ie ej to oojioo oo(its oosoo o , fcelJ soUcw thtrftH cent per Ueja U s a 'A r a ft i x s WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. rOST OFFICE DIRECTORY. Tor tli benefit ef the public, wt puhi llsh th following dtory of the post Bee ef tbw city i ) r . :'-WeUmma.'Joei' 7' 10:30 a.m. ' arrives 1:49 p. n. Eastern! r. ;cies : ! Kf 'I 'M w arrives 'i, 11:05a.m. Cliathsra " closes '. 3:30 p.m. . . . . arrives j , rj 5: a. o. B. Jt G. R. It mail closes 9:30 a. m. .! .h :-!f -.! 'arrives '3:43 p. ok Through northern, via R. AG. ....... R. It claw. " " ; ' 9:30 a. to. Thraojh northern via R. 0, a - R. R. arrives 3:45 p. m Through northern via Golds' " " " kor cloaea ,3:30 p. p, Through aorthera ?ia G ! boraarriTM - r . t 11:05 a m. - OSc tur for delireriaf mailt from 7:30 a. m. U 6:30 p. m. .' '' ' " -' Money oroen n ue ft..m a.iA a. in. la 4 n. m. Letter cad be rcxiptr4 froea Is 15 a, J Va maUa tent or received 6i BunAyt. ,.W. W. ULOSX, l MT , THBOITY. Th Tonng ilen'a Chrwtuui Ajaooia- . i. L. .1 1L - ? 1 uona want uuh w oaa ww w. r I J.' J. rLKr5H Co,, dealera hi graia. K. C. Car apeclaKy, XewVern, Sol Wada' pia at $3.60; aeaaoned oak at $4.00; (laid piaa at S3.00. CaU on J. D. Wbitakeraaar OtiaeaaBaak for nip- T. T. Olirer manufacture bet heart pina and poplar lumber. Ac. oaaoned Uoorlojj alwaya on band. Pine Level, N.c , ' We again eaO the attention of the La diea Memorial Aaaociatioa to tke rotten condition ef the head bowrda in the Con federate cemetery, , f1 - ! it r ; The concert at St. Hary'a Batorday evening wan a very brilliant aflWir, and very much enjoyed by the large number of invited gneata present i . i? J ? - V Hiram lodge hold ita regular commu nication this evening at 7 b'clock. Work of. interest on hand, and, bretliren are reqneated to attend promptly. fr ' . 8, A. Aahe, of thia city, haa aooepted " an iavItatIori"o4eliteii"nn Bddrte7np the oceaaion of "the ceuteOui! eelevsr tion'pf ihe; battle of M ooWj Creek, L' Think of It e manager! onboarding hooeee, e beade Of fanjiflee K eenta' per doxen ; Bngaf .10. centoiper pound; Butter 8 poondi f(Jr'$lj"fchd Other thinge proposionUly u cheap. Why I ' Beoaoaa we. aell atriotly -fei caah at So. dV'Birgett jteeeinfp:T; Johnson. -: -s " m ?.! ) t-m B. rtVaawitbUe Co., of New York, was in the eiry Sat nrdav. ' Frank wa a boy of 16 when tUe war broke bat, and was afraid' it would be ever before he could get licit UsteVl - lonser than he or Lincoln expected. He was twice " weudded and'siirrendcred with Lee at Appomstioiu 1 Sow that the " cruel war is over, except with Elaine, Toombs wad Holden,' be will '' sell yon notions, hosiery, gkivee and geaUemena I urn wliing goods aeoneap as can do. h i 1 jTUe very! Ane results and increasing jtmfTi of the Star Anmoniated Solu ble Phospbsie fseem M ave? created quite, a sensation among manufacturers j. -J. 4 - -J.-fr-i ' a I and dealera in commarcuu uxuuKn, Othflr tnsnfactnrers f have' even com mtoced manipuUting sa l offering Tor sate a fertilizer called the "Star Bone Phosphate.? .Farmers should bewsre of imitations. The original and only gen- nine Star , Ammoniated Saluble Phos phate baa the trade mark of a stai nrinted on each sack' with the an si vis mannfaclnted' by Lorents ft Sitter of Baltimore. Md.. and for sale by A C. faridtre t Co., 01 bfr agents. , Bishof Atkinsom.i We find in the TTilminirtnn HLar this' lint of BisboD Atkinson's appointmenta for his spring Holv Innocents. Lenoir Co., , " 24 Sewbern, . -t ., ...... tBeanfort, . Hi. Psul's, Swift Creek Bridge, ; Trinity, Beaufort Ca, April Blount's Creek, Beaufort Co., ' " 8t Jol n's, Durham's Crk, , " '. South Creek, Beaufort Car " OreenTille, - " FA John's, Pitt Co., - , ?. M Pnowhill, . ' 1 -Marlboro, Htt Ofc.OoodFndsiy,-"- r a a 26 28 81 a 4 6 9 11 13 14 Wilmington, Easter Sunday, - 16 MB f 4. : vrrT YYT 4 J . : Tnni 'Bouidms. Mon.-.Satutday J. A Brown, deputy aherif of Cumber land sdded three to the list oilboarderi ai tb republican hotel, ocated where Swepaoa took the train when pM guiitli, at tight, toot hiif out of tlif litjr fe awjii the Bragg temkittesVS U at three votes made for the constitutional amendments, if Gov. Brogden does not Tun HuuMB-IUnsm Ixmoouo. The fight goes en. Hurrah for both sides! - Don't stand back, butwrede right in. Satnrday, Sv"Vtor arris met Hearoe and inform V i-n that he was all sorts of a "dd" v-h thing." Ex45ureiintmdeuV liAf -Wr-Tt-pliad that wing to protraoted iU-lalth he was pbyaioaUy unable to gW any atriking denialto the soft impeachment of hi reracity,: bnt'impiesslf aly toll his, IhM he would be aure to take flare of him in the f uturet Harris eloquently protected ; that he needed taking cafe of badly, darkly Inlimatisg that fht'iaose rf'lh war had aot abated hie fasoeUy toaoy great degree.,. He ,would not, Uke ad vantage of his adversary's present weak condition,' but jiwi let him' get well 'and hV wbuld-wall, - he weald make tie threata, but good Lord , dUnt. bis month water for that day of reonpera tion. HearnA Vowei he1 irbnld diet and' pray for lit speedy obtsuwnent J&f a proper fighting weight, bnt in , Jhe msau time wanted to have a judicial inves tigation into'the truth ft Ids' charges.' This last faggesfloi rmA44,tHifis'ali most too fall for ottersnoe, ;nnd after gasping out a few ejaculations of bitter ebntempi,v 'meandewa ff muttering something about being born tee brave for Jiia own: good. A Hearne glared after hisretreating foesad ooamere id talk ing inooherently about the "Virginia Un' and 'dinner for two at BellcfUld," fto., vowing that sick as he waa he fairly felt hia muscles crawl ; that bettiought he was man enough te makVllr. Harris a subject for boepitainteimeni. la Sunday's News iff. Heenecemes before the pnblio again, briefly sketch ing in a card the tbeve noticed inter view, ' 'nd ooncjndei by aOectienately asking Mr. Harris it he did 4 default a treasurer of the" Insani Asylum f What reply Mr. .'Harris will make to this rethsr blunt Interrogatery we know not, but suppose he wd furnish the desired information. Hearne aays ne wanu so know Monlthjf end nothing more." . .--' .... - .i Mr.Soncitor, you should disregard wc disoourteous tobe of the interrogrtory ani'lve the mo(ing ex official a prompt reply. jBut we take no aide in theflriit, We' holier for both. Whip hiin Hearne I isle him HarruT Har risLhe has called von a falsifier of ffidal reobrW and intimates that you. are a rogne4 Hearne; he says yon ar aQ sort of a, bar and nofctn he believwA under any. consideration.. Wade in.oth of yonand bavf sweet sna pioeKrjTOTenga. VitoAriOH. Wednesday, xepnary ao, Rooky Mount WV Xniirsdsyr ewruarya. ion. , Frtdsy, Ftrnary lVWilson;i 7 Hudav. Februrrr 27. ClintoB.v Monday, February 38, P. M.; FHiWe. Ut Sunday iuLent March. 6, Oolds- 34 slnndsf in Lent. Vsrch 13Ureens- bottv svdinaUon. -1 ilneedav. Marrnis. Jackson. Friday, Mawti I.' WoodvlUe. Bertie A . . , . . . V. iweeuay, amrci ai, .uunrwowira, U'edneaday, MarfiS 32, Wintuoj rnOsy, im1r&. Peter Gates eewtity. 4th Sunday tt Lent MarcOjSdr, Elixa- beiltCity. Tnneday, MarcbS, WoodTiTTe, Per- quunaas county. - f ,v , i Wednesday, iarcnj, uersMso, x er onimans oounty. 'c J 1 Pridav. Marah 81. Edenton. 6th Sunday in LnS, April SJlsmouth. Monday, Aprj a, tn. ItUfceV.nasn. inert on oountv. Wedneedayr Apa. PSTX Wshingtoneousty.::i!'r,-"r-' 1 ' 'Ff m. . . i n i t . mi .11 eewnryt t; mi -.;ii;r. . .i j at '6th Sundsy In Lent, AprJlOa.th.. . TnandaT. Anril 11. Panteco: ... JWadneads?JApril VL ' Rtesvill tlvee ooanry r ' Fridsyi1 -April 14, Fairfield, Hyde VWIIU,. . . ... . -i --4U Easter dayApW, J 8, Lake Lending, Hydeoonnty;. . .. . . 'Wednesday, April 19,ZipK Chnreh, iautort county. - .r..M;,fi Thursdsy, April 20, Wsshington. ' HatnrdaT. Annl XX JaaeeviU. . 1 Sunday after, Easter. i, April f2& . 7 A , Williamston. Tuesday. April 23, Hamilton. .i . . Tbumlay. April 17, Scotland Neck. Saturday, April 29, Weldon. I ..Sunday, April 30, Baliiax.. . ' Collections in each eosgregstioit ifor diocesan inissiona. ' -A letter-carrier testified Fridy. in the Bsbcock trial.thst in Feb.. 1875, be opened letter-bot it the requeat of Joyce and searched rnrfwo letters one ed'dreeaed te Babceck and one to Avery. Jovce declined te sive a receipt fur the . .. ; - n L - carrier did not report the circumstanct.l TERRlBLiA'CCIDENT, .7. I --ttfii . A TOPKO OtRIf" ALMOST BOAeTED ... A H.AUVg 0 B0PK Of . . '(:! '' ' iteritr.;-V : , il 'Last nlsht Mr, and Mrs. 2.r, Boss, raaidlnr at the corner ef Dnvis and X'er. son atreets, at that, U knpwii ks . the ladridgeSfUb -place,, went -to church, leavnr their adopted dauliterv Miss TlrglnU cmith, a girl about 14 years of CO, b4 chiTTe e(..tbeU' yotlngeit chnd. The tluld'wM'eexm put toeleeiv nd Yirgtula repWufcW tha fire; 1,14 dewa be rare It sod went to sleep.- The on lortunate uirl awoke te find bsr clot'' ing la night bbu,' and ran ' shricUOg to an ndjin!ng room occupied by Mr. and Mrs JuUus Tsylor.;, Mf. Tajflo? eld sod tried todtitaia her,. but she broke sway; ran Into tUe.street shdj then back into Mr. Roes' room, setting fire to some clothing on a rackV when she was seized by William Dsbcr'.''5 feb Tilieae4 to gettlrisf nway from Mr. Dane and ran mte'the atreel' agtaliC Vf beav shsi was cAnght by Mr, Taylor, thrown down and nvsloped in a heavy quilW is puUia ottt.V flames, but .nesHjfiH.tbe ;JW fortunate girl had been barat from ine crown .r her nesa.waer nceia. nv,Llttlrf and Hobert'.Towles, we,re promptly on the spoti nnd . took all Mssil4l'niaiuri 'rellei'.,tntr under mud, that they haver not the slightest hops orberreoevery"lr; Taylor' hands were horribly, hurtled, M4.sbUluei.ing W.was jsuffttriog ex. lfl) of he girl entitle bun to the highest ,The .;lothl on lire in, Mr, Bees room, nod lb tcreaass of the burning gir L (noifd tb fire'. Alarm ii ruig cut, and quite stampede ensa seme of the, churches then jiouung temoea. The fire I rh;sd tornsd oat but before they retched the epot everything was over, ssvs the horrible tortures of the unfortunate Yirgtuta Smith And the pain ofUie crisp hands of Mr. Tajlor.;r; ,,. P. arjlnce the above was placed in tjpejcatn released Yirgtnia Smith from her suffering, i She died about II o'clock THE METHODIST CENTENNIAL. Tu PnorsaABEAxoxMEirrs Gbavdxcs or ihs Occasiox, to. p. Edito SxHTOirx : It is lust a hundred years muos tus .Metbedist fcpisoepei church was introduced Into this statet This is also, as I see by Judge Battle's letter, me nuuareaiu year atnoeoiru Carolina first became an Independent s it is also the nanon s centennial, Indeed it is sn epoch of Joentennialiam. a aort of swum iro6iii'i "TH Meth- odisteoLJiorth .CsrolltiA. giowuig-wtth the common sea tunam of wis ver jubilee, are preparing themselves for a great famuy guiienng v oeteorase sne centennial of the advent Into the St its f their spiritual fathers.. 'This family reunion to which eighty thousand of the sons SAduuffuters ol Wesley are oaited. Might to be had fa the woods, under e mighty arbor, with tents, cabins, ' c., around, for the oampitt eeting is essen tially of Mthedian. But theremembor that Raluigh is the political capiUl, the civil centre of the State, and for this onos thev have determined to niaXe it the eo- eJeaiasucsl centre also, witneut nowever. us tlie remotest degree meddung vita Sire ef state. , There are ne'Oilbert liaTena, but aaj. u iu auuj, kidaev amonir na. And ao on tueeoayj tae xistor Marcs next.they will meet uiRaleigh and con Wmm from dsy to day to boueay, the 20tn. Would ven know what thev nieab"todof Read thenroirranime Jut putilished .in all the pnper. ' be wJio will be there, ur tiiaitou uarvle L.I.. - 1 1 . . it ..I..L1.. Uis f ue (ID ba land imn eat to west, and hi preoeocci 1sl Uftkigh U enough te-ilU asi audience-rooui in that cuv and. empty ! everri0ihes heussuii Of Biabopa Doggett and AlcTjeirs, not ao well known in Raleigh, J'wraonrjgssy that X shall. ije corrten to let the people speak for Uiemselvee when tbjbajl SMvehesrd tbsas. Then mwk.tUs roll ef North Carol ma speakers, mtnterkl sad lay. Or college presidents three ot coLeira profosw twa; two fctntle- men, possiblr mere, of your cloth and -enlu ana otners known, te the AleUi tHtnts st tenstt lurnaenowt Uie stater 4 ' Then bote the subjecca for 'dikenssiob but I will not . trespass further at present mavaap I may send you snoth er note, a short oner pointins out a few toore of the salient features of tae'bc caaion. . The event is a rare one; Mr. Editor, grand ''and' unique ; ' w have seen nothing like it and aball hardly see another. . Raleigh may as .well, get herself ready to recsivsji Wta ruulti- lode such ss camped u and around about Jerusalem at the great Feast of Taber nacles, when 'all Israel were required to go op to the city of the temple. But not Methodmt alone are invited. and rxpected and desired to attend ; the invitation is evened wide to all enh Carolina of whatever with. .May yea and 1 there to see, ,, Truly yours, ' H. T, J. i , 'Rexboro. N. C Feb. 19 18,76.1 . ' Dbnt catch sold ; but if you do noth- u g will meet tae reureineuts of the , " vc. AHiU s Coogn bjrup. In-' MONDAY; -;FEBRUAR8ivr i S Ahunanca tcurt eoutmencesjte-day. .'lreJeli countiDitoieiii tri 1 Jfes'per- - Greentbora peoplsveat shad at 1,50 per pair. , - 'i"Masgie , MltchelW 'M Wilmiogton oiglU S t mi ev.ate J t , .;.. 'J, 'A, Sowers' lsHh poetiAister ef - ." rii-iJa Ttn i,o;l The ReidsviUf tobacco krke(.ca tinucs Lrelym -w,5is i Wllminctonl 'frying Iat4 io vet op Bisbori Cibbens ; preached ,iia41 miuzioa Buneay, ti,; ijii in Tiere are only a fewttsei if, "fcmiUj ; in ..Wilmington..' ' 'mof pex Caswell 1 bounty -fkrmeri have com menced aowing eats. u i i.vt Meckienburc , superior . court , cpm nicnyes next MondayB- M A postoffldi has been opened at Ssu- rattwa; Stokes counry, i ' iXew UAnererrrepublicaM.i.arat pre paring for thf cam pa's- ul ti The BWesVlUe' Amerlcsa has enter Oev, Vance is booked for.a speech at the Meow's Creek centennials mo 6sl Burrell Hill.Tot' ItldveiomW'coonfy, made. 07 bale of cotton on 61 acres. 1 Scarlet feVeK rasree ArOotifc tbewlil- dren oi Ilectfotw, lerquimaue eeauty. aetted 4200 bl-theif icestettHisl. ,tea party, ! ixVC- 'y.itiima i;nif iw fuTlii Charlotte spoke and hsndle fac tory ha been sold to U. U Oreesott tot A. MA -'.-U. ., . . .1." n-i i r u ','"' !'" -7(.l!"iii i'i'i ' Ah ii ii;u-'-.n . Small po is prevailing in the neigh borhood ro .Poplar.iBrapph, Currituck COttBtJb -i .a! i-if-nM. eiii M.uwr. The WTlminsrton Xnlrfits'of Pythias celebrated their th anniversary Friday L Pridav evanlnz a larzs fire, was raging to the pine woods la the neighborhood ef Magnolia, ui.yl-'-u&t ' 4' w n n 1 Rlani? was' the successful tkk-poke'r at the Ureenvilfe foolish- neis iue w-a. ;,,,iU:,h .,if, The Wilmington Presbytery meets in Uoldsboroioa tha Thursday belent the 3rd feuudar to March. -' , Test fintiiriYa i ,lr little child of John,, 6oney,' f MutouMl luW;"fhe fire and waebsiliy ourned. : , . . v . The' artioke-house of 11. C. Beard, of Mecklenburg oouuty, wa oestreyeq ny r . . . e. ire Thursday. Aocideotal. .-i.i -i A irreat maav tobacco planU.ln Orange, Caswell and ' Person counties were killed by recent eeld weather. - " Last Thursday morning the store of .-.1 l . A . J ' 1 ' ' IV T. Jiiarnuajd ou A-exmgwn, ,was uestroved by brai ,U abuui. ajxj. b All tie Wilmington military will par? tkipate 4n the eetehrauen. el tae eent teeulsl of Ue battle ef Moore'e Creeks ..rrjj ,n'.a .m-: The otbernlchttn Wilmington; Joaephf ftntarts wrai met on the street by an iintsoan, nier, "who,. tpU. Hpon bim aud thea attempted to pluage ,a long knife into his breast, t " a -i Wiler Sufcklaod. of ii'ash county, who killed i higger ' by ths name or 1 ritcnara wum ui ui v vt til. pwn aliont two vears aso. nas been arrested oft,4be Jtbargs of an4wh- Mr, ,i ... )! i J'; ,I.. .,. a A "fcftnnle of Camden county 'girls WQITJ TV"J assessssis, -j w qualutanee. Ta gir ie took aovaataie aB.AA.rM.- wnalllf AtM nv B WTUA I Al the absence ei umsit pareni trow house, to invite ' the youngster around. lie came little thinking wbs waa m store for him;0' The ladies entered the wwitn -una armed, withra s&oi-trun ana the other with a pistoU ' A dead f bead was drawn on the man and be was made ta atand while a neitrv maw tied him. and then be receiyeif . spund , cowbid ing. J 1 Testlmoiifsl froai'lUv. J.'tl Wteof 6ai- if a i-t ', i',.' . M .' J. . Old STA.KDisaDisxA&xa or ybst Kiki t.TTRED. Osoens. an1 nfi'enslve disease m. the Nose I bad; a miserable disease to my nose lor, niueieen, yeare. Soma nhvsicisns call it surutent catarrh. I compieaced with a uttle soreness, to the upper part of Abe nose, eesna paia and burning r -a 'discharge ' of ,'yellw matter, finnlly scab, the shape of ike Aside jot the nose, began to come oui, which relieved ue a few hours.--It po luted mv breath a and made the room unbearable.'" It finally estmyvd the the partition bontf.-tettrag my noe rink in. In this , condition I went Jfo' Dr. Jones, who gave medicine which quite destroyed the ' offensive .smell in an hour, and cured the .disease ? to three months. - As there are many with the same offensive disease, I write you this testimonial, which you may use a you Uke.--" '- - '' J. 0. Baxter X Dr. Jones is curing the afflicted at the Mi-Adoo Heuse. Greensboro. 3f. C wiere be remains a abort time. Send for g circular, or go get cured.1! :.::; Good Vpvicx IPsrenta) should "si- wsvs ' watch their chfl dreh'i health in cold and raw weather, and keep them in eound condition by using Wiahart's Pine Tree Cordial, a .very pslstahle. remedy that purifies the blood and never fail le speedily ,curea Coughs, Col d,t Cronp, Sore Throat and DjpUiena I j- r. 4 ..i.-rT-(,: . i. iTi.n ii t : , ; . ; io. -No.it l56. i.' t imiiirwTtt''s-rT'ttfn,rwa-'i . ...t. - . , -. ... . -1 ) . .'".' The Alfonslats still Lava posKeaion of (he teleirranh wiree in Spain, and if course are puidiiug the CUrlists to auui- filiation. Don Carlosv aa psuid is Bea- Babcock's eomtilicltv in tbr whUkv frssits has been fully establUbed. taJi dst'r evidence ismerringly flies ' guili erxia him, and through him npea GraoU wsaiways aaew-trr-tttH-tfT-1 -f 1tr.,- 1ti' ! 19"'. !" FriilnT r,w.Lr trot verr-mndi ei. Jitd when adilressiiigttie advisory coun cil. He cballenged anybody, te ,ssy anght against him, ' and clialhjnged the .trwLUflTSD RKXKDIAX. llHSOUBCMi People : sometimes suppose; that Ir- 4'ierce'a snuiytiedivUea represent the entire extent ef hie resources for curing disfftne.. i This i an ernr Kx perience proved ihat while tle ,Gllra Discovery, , Favorite lYesoriptionJ I'kassat Purgative PefleU, Omipound Extract oi Smart Yeed, and Dr. twno'e Vaiarh,Iitinedy j would, if fcuhtuJi nsed. cure a laive variet v of chronic cotnpkUiiA,', thfe . would, ue here and licre a., ca e woitU, irero , lis . sever Uyv ar ,' from Us e implication .with other i disorders, woukl.. ,resit,;tbir sction, "Tliese .exceptional ca-ev rw- quired.. a, .thorough ., exa inlion tuta Uietr symptoms, to aeoertain, the exact nature and extent of the disease or diseases nnder whioh tb patirat wsa laboring, snd theiuso of epeeirlp remo; dies to met''iid . overcome the' same, This 'Ied to tke etablihment of the World's Dispeassry; at Buffido, N.T., with its f aculty-Tjf ptijsiusn and U' geo&veacb of- Wbonv ift akilleA iff the treatment oi ohronio disorders in gen eral end those .belonging to his own special departmentfin"! articfnlair: a To one -Is assumed diseeaee bf tb throat and lungs to anetherr diseases of the kidusya and urogaoital organs ; to an other, dissaess of the digOative system ; to soother, disease of Uie nervous sys tem : and to another, dissnsna of the eve and ear. Thus the highest degree of perl action . in : medkAne and aurgery la attained. . Die eatabliahment of ihia ia titatioa enable the Doctor to meet a long-Jett iwant to the, traatmeat of the mora aever ohronio affeetaoo By a careful eonaiderativn of the eymptoms as given to writing, be aucoesaf uuy, treate thousands of eaaee at their homes. OUiars visit the Dispensary to person. The smplest resources for the treatment of lingering nffoutiuae are thus placed at tha dispeaal ol every patient i aud those on whom the proprietary medicines do not hsve the dexireU effect can pru- cure a more thorough andeluowut courae py a persona sppuoHUon u uia proprutf www ..wo nymtm.tsuiyvitmKijt uiit . in; Tax Scixnck or , HKAtDto. The Greeks .believed, tliat the Dearest ap proach to the divinity waa a succesrful iihytlcian, and mey apotueosixea ajscu aeiusand AuDalloniu. of Tisna, fo their cure. , Ths . mre . sctentulc moderns , testify their : apprecistisu , oi kill to the healing art rather by pat- ronlzino.. the livinif than , ticifiiui .the dead; and this explain the crowd , ei pAUeoU Who liavevoobt the ofiive o( Un Jons,, at ih , MuAdoq houee, 0reeoaboro ;oflea gvuig butWreda oi puief fur bi treatiaent aud operation and yetunilng i cared -and rejoiciug. And ewioA to tbj arest and lacreaiug demand lor bit. skill,, the. jdocioe has keen induced to smauvju. onp atate a while toogerj nni i,.! Jujij m?ni- oiitlnf"!! il I i HIS ! ' ' Ml-, tt li'l A Great Cork or Eh sum max. DYBFKPSla. DlSUABM O TUA tlVEH AMD l'L8BN. litYDiL JlK8. i VMIU to Dt, Janes unon crvtoties. bavina been anlicted .with rbeuowtism and uiseass "1 the liver, and eulitived spleen. Having been treated aud g ven up by our bet doctors a s Jtopeless case, and was re- HiumI In a auaeriDff sKsieton wss scarcely able te niova in my bed' part, of tha time, j pad me ayspepia aio, and could not eat, sleep, nor walk, aud kufiered liiienselv day aod aiicht.Wlien I was r laced noon the cam to go te Dr", Jones, my neigh Wr said I could never return aive ; but in. tnree wwki ro- turned, a sound msu, ana nuve aiusuueu ta buktneaa avsr sincew.A nunt ,no. walk. run. luniD -am .active and well. And to Dr. Jvueel owe my life., 1 ad vise Uie emitted spend, no time nor monev with an v otlier treatment if they are .within reach, efDr.Jenea. I live a) M.rinn. (ireene. count V. N. G where mv disease was pronounces, wtuiaoie, and where J atdoulrbed' myneighb; mlian 1 ratlirned CUTad bV Vt , J A. Jones, .Dr. Jfoes.a wb. u yoo iw pub lish thif CMre, And ail wno wiau w eao see mo here, and wiy be aotonb-bed to hcac, mypeigusyrft. wa ,01 ,. cure, , n. ". , v;Dr,Jont to now' curing , joe amwie at, the .llcAdito ,,Uou ,( vreenKDom, if. t.'.. wheie he remain a shmt time, faeest amed. or seno i jour suiicied ire naVl ,i y..,ij -iT Tb Wirwul oulkr is nuile like tb Elm wood, with all the edges folded,, .0 they will not turd on . KEW ADYEU'nSEMKKTS. nH . PJ BABOOTt;' DSJT'WT. HAB -a ki. ..i,i .mca Bar ti. D. 11. arti s Bbos 8tor her. k l I b ted to so. bta ...... ln,d. rtrauitlnr Pout! operation-. All operstloos earvfollj 1 pMin bed and .ft.-. ,. At 10 c'doek oaThartdav th M of Msrrh, jg;, wiUsaU at tll a- oa, tb lr stock Of Lliluorsand ih furhllur. Sttnres Ae:;ta 8tw oo WtloitnittoB Uarfatt 8U., kaaaarorreoJvoraer. -Oath aaos ear. tiB.Au4y after ha akoTo ! ei, I oiUsedUa MHaor, wtaea, f arattam 5 A Sitaraa beioacUtX te J. t iwrt u, - tebMtd.'"-" "-:tlgser- r t iran.ar lor I Tll BALE10H gENTINEI - ' ' . ! r : . : i n AdTerUsMMata wfl U SNettaA la ta iMtif; . BianasL at th tolbln rates fKH""" aeS,ortea sialaiutes.; -- . One aautr aoe Urn - .'-.-. - - ILsw , . m. eacti aaafipisat SiaarUi r r taasaaa e waa t., ..... fiO t samara. ) wek .....v..,......w AO 1 I avooth. 00 T 00 1 1 1 r - i 4 - . Aut eeBa -or AwaeieawSjeaaaee 19 OA .- 80 00 4 00 w.1i...A,t..'....i 8 '0 .......... mi w m ma t Arttt J9 ox tum wna vi .... . a. : fu:t..'ii leaabei vVji sJ slW t-jf d i-ldi woil cusincBg nauy, diom 19 1 to 1 o'clock, Mi from 7 to 10 voi.dockpi'inr'uitd'"-1 fnrtnAf nntiW -5 KEmn vmn.'.:'"'? ... nt 's cale tiommenoa to-hirlt i At f o'clock, Feb. 16th, 1876. t!t C4 .en lo-w- uaiiy i,w. copy.;,.. A KOTHlg f 'sr -Load ef Genuloe Walts'' 77, 9u',ll.l,"?Pi. i' v.s , ..m tr-,v. tuKiertii-uEgs co s.-. faktVtf .!, ... ... 4 Hununrto, ttrert." v BF QEXERAL BEQUEST THE GRAND MELANGE 1 . T.,;l!. Will be .reDeate4L.AIondav-Evenina Feb. 21, with a partial change of pro gramme introducing new features. HALF THE PROCEEDS FOB THE BENEFIT, OF THE. ta.l! .ijsE.ioijEULFoiir.;;' Tickets for tale at CArmers T)tiii Store. . m . -v i.' f' t;. . Admission SO : Gallerv 25 1 Reserved Setts 75. Doors open at 7. Melange At 8. - " ' ; 4 J " - owm T7ALUABLX SXAL EaTATK ruKAALY. .. ,(..,; .,,, .iwUiiii Wt Bf virtus of a mortirat nnoM ta A. J. Bjauni A Br., on th 1Kb ot iteniber. U7i by L N.Uegg. and. ay Mu of A Sccend murtK.f ci uted by tha foresaid s. auuiarsio a. j. vyauanssbof M.rrt, IS75. the uudersbraed vl 1 Mill aaika tm. isesas public auctiua oa tb " l7rH DAY OF MARCH," 1(T7A! ; for eash, that vahiabl tana on Dee rirpr, U iheceuaiyot CBalbam, uppoWu lbs too a of UkviHe, kaa a. the Clert farm, roaUln. Ing' riV. SUNOKED AND THlfiTT TtlKEK atre. Ta KaleHth Aarusia Air. Ijne railruaS dl id- the tract, e Ip rloar m aavij-ai'l tor steauboat about W a lias sov and 13 e.ll below tuckrUlau l b (ana ta about 80 miles fan lUielrb and 4 ssMes f roo fsvetUTilIft by rU Th tract eootalua 1U0 aoira oh Limb riv.r Ino .mnil ftUae-ea ef braoeb lsr4 n4 1U0 acres of km kail ptaw - Is well sAmptad to th raistag el (Tanea, rereals, co ton a4 Temuble. at can ba alTiAed 'easily UiW tbre. cnnt farma 'Tka rwDroad 4a j wkhia 10 yards of tb farm and Merchant' sillla, saw iiu. i.u iou ,ory wuain a yarda 1 ba ate ivwf. h.miS')n.r atate taalaKisLdcanrihaa tbla farm as wlihlo tb rk-b aoa) and Irua fonaa-, Hxaaof thelle prtver aaslD. "' ' - tor iaitkr i. atatiui apply te tA. J njiun.emn : uou. 4ob ManDlnr, fUts tHWO Of i. M. Ciefr. toebrilV; N. CT hit- 'i-rtr i-f-f.viw- '.i-i; 5k-S - ?k' e ii'i3 111 S'.1 k ta is! 5 XSS 3 0. oriawgtf JK -?-. SJ hi 2. KA A" ,W aj.Jsr .Atl.,fl 'l-.ia X. T. Gait, ' 5aV F Briars, Gl!AVii;STAMiS, 1 AttrtAeit-l--Laiw 4 s-.l SALEXQH,' If. Or r t-BV-t-g?-ww- - -t- w tr sTs.jtavsstlataa t vwaas si. ii .fjwua nuiii a.nnn a 3"X..Ssi.'a-X . w (ti a s .- dSo"-B5of "-li --3- 4Mfl-?-.t:isiitl..-J Sol .slIAiilS;i5