THE RALEIGIl BENTINEIi .PD02Ufl, Sola Editor.:1: lllllllft " 1 Ba4r AH Cirri 'fc--.-- " U-HAU '.WB8 ;, MONDAY, FEBRUART 21, ' ; TWO FEXS. Bollen aigneJ tb ordinance of eeeen Ioa with gold pan, and promised td band itewa aa aa- heirloom ia.ins family M arcluTee of Brevity.". r , Grant w x j r a signed the eentannial bill' with a pen plucked from tha wing of th American bird of liberty. r?-r ?r,r -. : ' MOS lkri: ACIIED. Tha Irfkuse cJ " ttjre -tulivvtl by a nnaolfflotts rota impeached Judge Moaat for fafnatbr PmU tha grand Jmy efl gpartanburg coaatj ta preient certain radical official, and for taking money for favor shown :to paj-tiaaudgant. How can this be f Judge Watt receir- d money far Judicial arer", , Tim Let gt 'tie' money for , him. , Walt ! not imnM.kl 4nJitA Ha refused to trnpetcked compel , the witness to go before the grand jury, 'Talk no taereaVout Moses m Booth Csyfolto4 1 V v;;yv-: . WHERE .FOB TEE CONVENTION Oar exchange ere suggesting ration plaees foe the meeting ef tha democratic state convention. I It ooenre to ua that Raleigh is the moat suitable place.. It i central and aoeeaaibla. H'rrtl Ga J&i .'''! ,-"jb c- One oonaspondentt want Baleigh and no other plaos, because it is tha moat aooe ible and has superior aooommoda tiona, Greensboro i the choice of some gentlemen, because the think It gives advantage to their particular' friend. We can sea no adrantaga to be derived frost locality i such matter. , Wa1taka SaieigH to be tna enoioa of lenr-fxtna of tha people sad that should decide tha qaeetionV" There if B0 place We' viait with mora pleama than Oreensboto, bnt lUleigh is most aooeeaible and will aatlsfy most . meal iWa; wiA bo happ) at either place. ' ? ; v '1 'I3 GEAKT OUlLTTt ' ' '. 1 i. IlThisfa the question aa often aakad ad that other qaeetion will Babcock be convicted? . Grant may- not be guilty, but the man ia certainly fond of low company. Before the war hi associa tion and aaaociates were of the low or den He was court-martialed for inde- cent conduct, and Jefferson Davis, then aeoreUry of War, allowed him to resign Li position in the arm. : A, T. StOwart gave hint f 100,000 and Grant gave him tha office of aecretarjr of the treaanry. Bulloek, of 1 Georgia, was impeached, and ha iled to Grant Holden, after plundering tha state through his per sonal friends, Idttlefiold, Sweaaon, An drew Jonas and others, was impeached. He fled to Grant aa to a city of refuge. EiHy Henderson haa hia ooofideno, and ha appoints 'Kev." James Sinclair to oficO after ho was deposed as a minister, and eoavieted by hia church of high erunei and misdemeanor. Bewtwitly we have Men his bosom friends taken from his society and boosed la tha penitea tiary, He haa by hia appointments do bauchad tha political and moral Ion of society in every state In tha south and, we might nay, the north, too.- The pres ident who drive from hi support tha decent men of hia party, bach as Sumner and Carl Schurs, and take to bis em braes' Job McDonald, of the whisky ' ring. Jim.J1akr.o the goU-riagraad Holden and Bullock of ths bond ring; is nnf ortunate if not'araacaL'1 " . ST0CZHOLDEBS' COBBESFOND - - : ,. I EXCEL i- " J . ' r r '' i e ' , " Yajrrroif, Dakotam, 1 Exxccnra Omoa, Eeb. 15. : Dr, Blockiutil, iilotkkolier i lie Hal- $igk A'te ; 4 ; i . - Mr Mcca Esnxxao Good FainrD : Yon know; I ia "a native and to the aumer born. I do not mean of Yankton and Dakota, over which I preside, but of norm uarouna, tna land of ttoneat men and christian woman. Do yon know, my dear doctor, there are more honeet men ia North Carolina than ia tha balaaoa oi tha Confederacy, and tha whole ef the United Stat, not counting old Tar Heal ae-one of them. - Do yon, know, doetoci that in tha trnlf state, and the great valley of tha Muwiaaippi, for forty years men J, from Mortb - Carolina hav been excluded from ' tha - lory I box in caaea ox mnrder, - aimply bacon "3 they - were ? from ; North Carolina f John Lewis, who went from Elabeea creek, in Orange, to Mtenasippi, NH W9f tUH WW WWWW-VWSXW MW 1 Lewi ia known to ail the men at Dur ham. ' Then, my dear doctor, if this bo ao, f the women oi the UI4 jiorth State have not loot their virtue and tha men their manhood, how do voo expect, With a few aepirinr lawyer. Dr. Hawkins and . tmo railroad enrourolinua. ta furtluir run the Old North btato.- You, fiuford, Hawkina, tha Aabeville Citizen and the . Jialaigh News, backed by tha eagle of the party, who are backed by Tammany a and Tom Soott, can make no fanner ' twegremln, running the state of North Carolina.' as It waa run" under Gov. Holden. Yen are without politics at the "'centre, exoept to break down'' Jo. 'Toswer aad tho beatinelr- Look at year backer I What nave they ever done for tne Mate T nnat are taey trying to ao i or tne people or uio itate except ex change tua ent Confedrutv bonus, or bond payable in Cunfederato money, aisi wn whw www n uuuw ( ,i uea ' the men who back you get tha four rail- nu l in which the ati ta baa an intamit. they will turn yen kou a they have done Stone. Yrbotlaoo, UzzelL Hawkins, Andrews 4 Co. Tomer dm letter from Deweeee and other, Which show up the eeglee of yonr wing of Use party in anch a manner that, wuL damn tnexj forever. My dear fileod, I want fan and Tur ner to be reconciled. -1 want htm pay you if ha owea jou. X want you to S j Mr, tlapper and I want your edl r, liobert i'urman, to fj Turner, that we may enter the campaign without UI or cold feeling. -You know ,TUruer haa a laive at-count aj-dnst ton, but perhaps you don't knew be tolas notea, order or account enough against you ta pay hia debt to TOO twice erer. Doctor. dou't let tlia oMce-huDiiog eajjlee of jour party, or the Chatham corporation, ua you any longer. You must correct your statement about your stock In the New ; that you became a stockholder recently and to secure a bill owed for board ' when Ktooe i eV Uszell never boarded with too Turner knewa tha fact that Mr. Artanr Whitmora, Petersburg, was referred to you as stockholder in tha New aeon after yottt Stone and Usxell and Dr. Hawkins set od with 10.000 of money received from stockholder of tha Chatham road. Yoo thea spoke and acted as a stockholder, I .a Victa declined ta m-li tha v I to Mr. Whllmere, or Inrormedhim that I Jordan Btene wal'tiawllllnff to sell. Uoctor, uoa mess vou,' Turner found oat who the stockholders were, when yoo started, bat he used the Bam of Dr. Hawkins only as the great, backer or toe xvewa, because be was a railroad president and bad fleeced the state by our ana corrupt Tee to uuieaeid procure legislation la favor of the Chatham road. -' Doctor, if I were iu ranter's phv I would have you turned out oi tne grange, ' tna ciiurch and the kn klux. ' How la it that year editor's Stone and Cameron, arc grangers and tne- unamani reaa or it agent ana attorneys nave furnished money to ran tne ewtr urate editor Tot m news paper run' by railroad corpotadea look Hke siding cocky on people' wb de net belong to tha grange My lev to ail the stockholders In the Chatham road. and believe ' me aa aver vonr ,' ." ( !,") j '! "overeor w TBOil ANOTHER MECUAKI0. Editob Surzutsxt I have Just read ua article to your paper or Wedueaday over to aiKnaturo el "bledz-Uamui ejerr word of which I endorse, with tha opinion, however, that i considering tha nature and importance of tha subject, he sirikes very light It is a aubjeot tnai , deserve, aerere) blow. When corporation, backed by a thievlair rail road ring, aa 111 generatlf believed tha Xewa corpormtioa -iv goea to work to urea nonea nechantoe to labor night ana oay I r almost one-third lee ttwa Uei In the aome Una of bun Loess pay their employee, it i hish time such opiresioa waseznosed. I have jut seen one of tha New1 price list for pruttin?, &c and thelf prices are much lee than what has been the ceiab lsiied pricee in the city for yeats past. - or mautnee in the item or legal blanks, the price has been li twenty tiveieats 75 ct. Derauire or II. W per l(K). Yet the "cheapest paper In the state" eueis them for one d llar per juu, ana putu sues a long m or leai blanks, copied - Iroo the catalogue of outer omces ui una city, aua tor which uieseomce paid large sams tobave prepared. Oue office paid ouo attorney, atone time, two nuuacea and twenty Ave dollar for the preparation of legal forma, and : another, ter a few special blanks, : twenty-five dollar,' Yet all theee forma are included in th catalogue of the News. ; True, they were not copy righted; and tha New violates no law, except it be the law of courtesy and fair dealing, i J using them; but i it right, is it fair, ia it honorabU, after other parties pay eat their money to have blanks pre fwu, uieui ivr wmtm as pncea that have bean - established for twenty lv years, fortbaMewa to appropriate tneee Dianas ana propoae to aeo tneni for ono-third leas tbdoraoy other printing affloe in tha statef ' ' i .j. A 11 IT) aamd remark apply to all the other Jb work advertised by the Now. And then, they bav their runner eut, and there w aoarceiy a beamett maa la the city who has not been approached with the proposition to do their printing alef thtt an other efflcecaa afford w f w uw WH a . w moat be done by forcing honest mecbao ks to work fori reduced wages,' or tna ews company most oe backed oy aome ntonied cor pyratioa.' ' If by the former, does the oaoer deserve the turmort and sympathy at the mechanics and business men or the cityr ir by the latter, should not every heuest citiaeo turn bis back upon the .sews and ceaewto encourage suco noraur nusmrss iransacllootr " If the policy of the New Is to be the policy ef the democratic party, then the sooner' tbo mechauioa of the city know it the better. - What' they want is em Sloyment at fair and living wages, and ' the organ " of tha party, In practice and In theory, opposes this hnnciole. then it hhigh trae they begm to con- der' whethep- Tt U Inner n Untlv In. terest to support a Party ef which- this cheatn-st naneir in th itut u th avowed oivanr - The conduct of the News towards the printers show the animua ef those who control it, and 1s only an Idex of what sui'irpeoptawilMrfurtithermecbanic whenever they have the opportunity, '- - --i Ttfo. . MEETING OP THE STATE DEtfO- CBATIO-COXSERVATIVE EXEC- CTIVE COMMITTEE.. V.i. ; Hooir or na Daat. Cow. Ex. Cok.J Kaikow, N. O, Jan. 89, 1875. f At a meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Democratic-Conser- vUv party thia day held, it waa r aolved that a meeting of the State Exec utive Committee- be called tt a embl in the aty of Baleigh on Wedaeeday.the 15th day of March, 1876. The object of the meeting la to decide poa tha time and plaoe of holding u State Conven tion of tha.Democratic-Conaervativs party aad to consider aaohotber matters ' may coma before tha Committaa. : C Lach ' member of tha Cemmittee U earnestly requested to be present. " '"' ' ' W.B.COX.Ca'it. ; J. J. LrrcsroxD, Sec'ty. r BUEEE3 AND CATCir!!. T Jtre ia acaroely a branch of human mJ uitry in which Int?la rubber ha not in Hne f.rin Lund i.a T. AllLougb wid ly known nd used, but few , are aware ef it nuJicinal virtue eud grcut curative propertiea, I'rscticui eieri ment haa pi oven that it is a' atu ral reaervoir of electricity, containing mora thaa any known anbetanco er com pound. Owing to thia fact it baa been nsed with ' snooese ia carina nervoua kvulneMbUtourUgSL": - it nas awe TjeeaiMumeiea xnasinaia robber poeaeaeoi all the propertiea valua ble aa a specitio for pulmonary com plaints aad core many forma of ceaaump tioa aad iang disessn. Combined with C peine it is nnparalleled aa a pain re liever, whether external or ' internal. Nearly all the surgeons nave adopted it on aoooaat of its great healiag proper tiea. .- ,( , - Tha meet effectual way of using the artiula ia in tha form of a perforated plaster. The extensive use of ordinary perforated ec porous , plaster, ia -a tra timony to ita merit - - The only objection ever found with th 'ordinary Kubber rru Vlaatar ia that it acta too slowly- requiring days and eofltinaoue wear, to relieva pain or effect a cure, ' A celebrated phyaician of "New York; who has long made tha medical proper tiea of rubber a study haa aaeoeeded ia making a great improvement ia Forua Planter by introducing Capcine, which overcome all the former objections. easing the plaster to do in a few mo menta or hour, that which, it formerly required daya or weeka, " Capcine ia the moat valuable brredi- ent ever need a aa external remedy. " It operate with astonishing vigor and re lieves pain immediately. , Ita curative properties have become so faraou tha aa nrpriainf Arm in New York, took it in hand, and by bringing Capciae ( waters to toe attention ui pujsuaus, hav met with nnprecedeuted success. Tha article is kaowa a Benson' Cup- etna Plaatcsvt Tha wrio ia tha tha ordinary Pare Plaster. 2& ooatsu Every Druggist has them. . - SEABUBr t JOHNSON,1 r - ' Asrenta. New York. -I Far sale by WSliasae A Haywood and . reasuAX go tMgA;f ;., u WA AprtALTO PABXMTS.-TareuU do yea lev yonr ehlldrenf Then pre serve their health. ext to the blees Ing of 111 iuelf, Is tha enjoyment of perfect health. Uow many are stricken down in their infancy almost without moment s notice by that Ioldloue dis eaaej 1 Croup, simply through the neg lect to be provided with the preper remedir The lender plant ia nipped ana wuners ere it blooms. nen the utue sufferer ha short, difficult, hoarse breathing, with a harkh,metallic cough, uu couguiui; uirouxn a orasa iruuipe there ia no time to lose. . Beetn at once the a ef Dr. TaU'a Expeotarant 'and the disease will readily leld to It. t A! way have it ready In the house, as this Itital malady requirea . the promptest treatment, it is very pleasant to the tante, ana cnuuren lane it readily. SPECIAL NOTICE. t Hi . A CAHD. T all waa ar 'safferlna from the anorS m waiwreuoas ai youia, oervoaa wee boss, early decay, less ef annaood. to.. 1 willsea4 racip toat wm euro tou, fKKK er CUAKUC This great rsmsdy was discovered 7 a mi snary as eoata Aaeriea. (Saw a wlf-addrusn i eatelooa ta tha. Slav. Jasara T. laaaa. tUmtlm li. BUM Momm. Aw lar swveieaSMiwaaii.iitt .;)-,,. TO CGNSUMWlTH. 1 The' advertiser, aa eld physidaa, rsUre from active practice, Vavtng bad placed n his aaia ay aa east inoia stiasioaary the Su mala of s aim pis Vegatabl Remedy, for the speedy tnd permaaent (terser OoaMraiptlna. ftroacMUs. Catarrh. Asthma, aad all Throat aa AJiaeuoaa, also a rostuve aaa Radical Care for Nervous DebUity and all Narvoos CosaJaaaa, aTlar barlBg thoroughly tested ft'; weedsrful eursUvs powers ta thoosaads ef cases, feels K his duty ta ak ft knows te his lulleriuc fellows.' Actuated by this motive, and a eooaeteatiea iftr te relieve haaua saSerui;, a win sead (free of ena re), to aU who Seatse St,Ula rast a, wit fall alreetloae for pre parlor sad sueeeetfollv a Oaat by retora snail hy dilrKsmf lu oiMtiif i!i yoira. w.v.ara,v,a, net IS-wIy $10 to 25 per Day 25;? waIl HI HlHH tt ITAFLl M CUF feat Swworsj tsj their nw Mhmta iwiinfMhrtM-Mte. fiittnUn Fra. 5100: "THE '"STE TRIPLF. Gear ilavta Pew. Price 100. 1 Is fast whst th farmer seeds 1 It mrht I Is sastlv oat dowa veadv for arorfcl Cka he lead ad aad aaloaded hy four ast, ta tamar iwr uattoa Ulna. i Bsrsaers ana ua, .. ... rantea to land alt horses.' Ifariafartnrsd by th , BALSht Ait iICULTURAb 0HK8, ' ' , i,i .!. . m, ti-..n u .gelsshj H.C and lor Circa lara. --tj, .. . m JICHMO.tD TITEI8BUaO R. R. CO. CosanenclDr 0ct.21i.lL. 1873. Train e thia road will rua as fallow i ( ; ' LtiV RiciWoKfi; octc 'J fvetrht Trmla !-1:4 ; tL Jf TknrkVill: a c at4 sreiKDt iraia. -..! i . . .i- ,U4 rrreasacaa. oara. " T: A My freight Tralo ; I M.. Threorb MaU ; T. M. Freight Trsla ; f 84 T. hi., TaMagh MaJa,-i. it -' h jii.'o'T Coaches attached to all frotrbf trala for acooiMmodailoa of saas rsrs. i i .ui .ThleOaaapaay offer special tndareneats to l He shipping public on lln of ths Rairh A Gtoo, Kalelgh A An frusta and ' Weslera n. v;. Kauroaas. ia e way of tow freight '. I. ..-.I j i ' A.SQAW : asperintsodsoL Uf-U .... QEEAT MEDIOAL'EOOX: ' and Secrets tor Ladles sad dents, f A Bent free for two stamps. Address. I If. Joenra Msihcil lmrcr, in v i -Mt. 'JeaerA. Ma 2Q usaiu r omoji sitta ,V To be bbM n any qnalaty ta rait porchs- . - Retail at M per ration, at ' .. B.C. CUWaXOfh aR8 Jk a'S, feb U tf -. . .. . WUadoirtaa eh $5.50 TbaSALXM 1 .. HO, -19, $11. ,1. fLOWS wPl aotchoktl Raa rhtl EKlr rerulated I Wul tar aU kinds snfl ! Merctrd by th . . . -Alpt AttaiCtl-ItaAi. W0BIS, ; Balea. QAA . ;TUE ADVAXCB HOW. Vlll er Is o won't red for tbseamlog at ths lew price of tM. A41mtbe State Areat, - . - C. A. iiiu a. rCURS ilmb, 8! r WMkoess ef ths Back or Limb. Slrtctsret. AffcUua of lbs Kidn-rs or f sddor, Iuvoi- nntary Intca rgts, lm oln r, (ientral L bUity, - Mervoainras, - isetsla, Inr", hum Hplrlu, innluslo at Ideas, Ps'Jt'aik of ths heart Timidity, Tremulinev Olmiwts of eifrfat or Glddlueu, LUea. of tha Head, Threat, Mom, or ekta. affacU of ths Lirer, Laon, Btamack ar BsweUtho ter rible dl-orders arising from soll'Sry Habits ( Tooth secret and solitary practice mora fatal to their vicUsss thaa tha soog ef tha evrraesto the Marioarsof Ulrssea, bllelit- 1 tl,,Ji( Moderinr marries aVo i sod aaUcipa- r niarriairs a most liaiKiaalble. SesweytDgeoti bedywad Mlad. ,, t.narrttge , ... , , sfsrried aenons or tou tig i eoatenipla- un marnars, sansnns nr Iron Orranla and Phisleal Wssknass Lvam of f'straatl' Powers. ImiiotoDcy. Proatratloe. Esbau ustsd Vitality, Inrolnntary Dischanres, Koa-rae-Ubillly, Hasty Rotrwloas, f Jpltatioa of the Heart, Kervuos Suitability, Decay of ths Physical aad Mental f ewers, Derangement of all the Vital Force and functions, Nerv ous Debility. Loss at Meuboad, General Weekaeea W the Orraas, and every other onhpfy dlsnaaUflcalUm, speodUy rtMed, ssd fau aiaaly siirur restored. ' ' ' Thes are some of the sad sad mslanchofly stert praduaed by earlv haba - afyowth, rtst 'Vt eakne of the Back sad Umbe. Pains la the head, Irtmntm of lg t, Loa of hi awuler Pvwer, ralphatlu oi Pi Ueart, tT"PP,, ' Vrrtoat Irrltsbtltty, Derange ment ef the Digestive f anetluua, -- eeerel Debility, Symptoms of CoasojntiUon. c . Msaauvr. The fearful effecU on th mis are maeh ta be drsartoV- ,as oi Mata. iry'C'nfuli.a ef Ideas, DepreMlea of Spir it, Erll-Fitrebodlrigt, Aversion to Society, Oe&Dlstrust, lone of aalttad4 Timidity, etc.. are soma ef tb erl s pruduced. . Thousands of persons of sll ares ea aow lodr what- Is tha eanaa Ot their dacltning health, losing their Vigo, - beeowlos; . weak, Cla, Bervoos and emsclated, baring a stuga- appearance aaoat the arse, .suagh sod symptumsof coMumptloe, t ( t , s A tipeedf Care Warrintra - la recant DUeaa ' Imssedlato JUlUit N Kercury. Persons ra aing their health, (ut ter Uiae ' wtth Ignomat pr taadsr aad lra aroaer treatateat, drirmg diaaas. rnt the syrtea by that Deadly fotoon, ' Metcary, esaotag Fatal ACaetloos of ths Md, Throat, Nose, ot eJtln. Llrer, Lonrs, Butnaash or Bowels, speedily cured. Let s delicacy nre veat apply haatedlately. 1. :t h . ,u. .IneloM stamp to ate oa reply, ,. Addr ftp ' Jnlltliitnw ' . bf tntkitTivontiocK Bosrriiii 1 MV. 1, OWl la rJtMUMKt,M r' ,t . . BkTWStX BALT1MIIRK AND- ilCOXD HTtLMJCTS, JBALTJMOMJt. JtO, Omatf. It.- d "l''l rit--,h. T.bni W AtTID I Good enerretle "Areola So fntrodae sad sell Acrlsaltarai Intptemeats and Maetthaery, Wnwt wrmwta snd 11 1 1 m lilinil 111 - J a ' 1 vur AntffiPiirif aAort BP alUMVVMlViISM WT VltnOf !--si..t HHi i.i r.i i lalmaj JtVat f pOATS' SPOOL COTTOIC. ' 1 i we will fo ths prasen sell arty; mbr aad eolr st 07 cent by th Oo. Tf ! YOU W ANT A GOOD HOUSE I ' Power for one er two bones, ad'lress tb IALZ V AQKICtLft7RAL ORES t,nuiifvjij.j') i- .jua .baua SMwesa,. A JX. KINDS, or , impkoVed Arrtcaltarat Ima'ement and Mschlne- ry manuractared sad for sale by the ' eauL aw oju. 1.1.1 uaAi susso, ! ..1 ... ..M -r , 1. . Salem. TICKET f ART AND TIM aCHBD ULK TOTiia KeT, via THS CME3- APK KRatUHIO R N. -first das faro from ' alebrh to ClnchiBati First elsss far treat Ralelzh teladiaaaa- oIIS&.75... - , - first class far from ' KaMrk t ChlcsrO ttsft. ' J ' "4 ' fvst class free Ralelrh to St. Louis 83. . . first class from Raleigh to Louisville 275. ' Paasenrers far CrucinnatK and the Heat. karma; aalelab by the- tL 6. R. K. 10.0 a iBVtrotaj setek iUehmoad 1.45 p. m. leaae iUchiaoad at 1U.SO, p. bv, by the Uw oinnati 4c Onio Rsflruad, aad reacb Clscln ball at (,00 ea the mornlag of .th second ...i.. ..,,,. v ttaa.Pna. A llcaal Aaai. 1 W. at. A Pfw., , , ra l.j jntr aglaaeer aad Bup t. , "t lvntmil af ggyaw of oa aHoraay aanhsaed . pree , .aa jug snare oi.n. i. Central be Pat (3 lot aad Call 1H baying 100 ehsres sralnU th rut (Ct 107 which wan old (d ltd sellmr at the same price 10 (haras called uavattlng andlt t.ShS,' this s pernio eae bereeeate srery month uf tb ysar 1 10. 90, 50, 100. 101)0, wlU pay as wall fur smoaat Inresied. Gold, StockK. CoUon sad Tobacco boagbt had aold oa enimissloa; Advance e etmSirHDeata.' -u.; .-. J-j. frioe list and CireuUre rree. i i . ! ; ..,! I-..-. ,ttAJUUKd jBslIDLET A CO , . , i Ji yj.m t Bankers At Broken ire. dl 40. Bond BL.Nef Tort .1 ?'J , uar'OniA and AtaeV anevV mil. D41HU Dk. C . a mtk. P. V3. Bot 877. " " '" feblTtf i rX)LTTKCHS10J UOM SCUOOL. ' ; ' ,ii .i ini. . i,, A ' t' ' ; CLtMTJfTS BALL, - A J talcott CRv, aenr BaJUatora, MA ' ''- i WU tbHsxd ttxronga;upanar ssaaa fIB.-t t-rt.-v T.-i.'i- r.s li.. .' ... ;,' ; Oenarooa table: tovtmatina cuatatei ae Sick neat. ' VP '": . . . Uraduate rack hlgli,-1 reeertee aaiyarsv Foor Course r Cmirlrsb UbtraL Setea- BeConMaerelal. . , . ii Tea Rav, d. Avaar Basra n, D. D.,' 1 "U1 i ... t, . T-ji ... Haaa atastari t : fiijMi A. Da at Srwtroaa, Pa. IX, 1 i .id hi .j .n.wi'.K i iia " Issn aTa I aag d weew iy l m -i :j i". ,,J Til' una iuuia"-'i A Sewimf Wnki . . i .rLiM frer. ii.'K- ! irJHil;'J'l.i 'A) .71;', i or-J;.dTJST"TM 'TtmO.Vi t'- Sent fraetoanyaadraasoa twselfi of Three Dollars... fAUlCilU COm I7aweaer B KswTottfc-rrA' usarots. Jtl I t7". '.).:,! intXTgarAWTtD. V 1 -; eetSS-deodwIy ... - i r A JUL VAE.UCIIX3 QF FOUNDBT . Job sad Vsehm ' work done at ta SAL&M AUULTUBAarWVBb,. i ,. ,'.t.M hJM ti - i Rwjr Sale.. 'wicr mraravaawT. -" I U K rTaaaea.KsiI.BoaatMirsar, V k Petersourg, vs , inovwmtter U IBTa. C1HAMOB Of 8CHRDULC TO tax affect eUSDAT. NeTtmbor 85th: UUlflU BIU 111. I , . Lear Petersbnrg at 8:90 A, bt.and S:27 P. Ardr at WeMoe at ths) A. aL tkU P, M. i , " OvlSQ NORTH. Leave 'Weldoa at 7:U A. M. and 4 P. M. Arrir at Peterstrarr at 11:48 A. Ji.' and T P.' r.' - " ' Trains aonuaet ai' f eUrsbani and Weldou wtth trstn for U.nalhera and aorthera points. Ticket sold to all souther, sooth wesb-ru, Bunbern aad eastern puint and baggage checked thruurb. ' ' ...-. - ... . u. T. UUtiWblt, feb 18-ddw-tf. - - - Saaertatoadeat. U 0 ALL HEN A SPEED T Rhoaes' Super Pliospliate. r.e-a - mow aeuiag iauyUiS' BTAnUARO AMUOXIATEU Bt PER PUOSP11 All 5 1 -it 1 ' '', i '"''. -'- 1 i' .-..-. .- vy Prepared Expressly for Cotton, v This fcrtniser kae fires the rmatet sttsfaetloa to all who hire ued I not onl as grower of Cuttua, bates a PKRsaN K.NT laPKUVER Of TlltSOlU It ta sn article bltH ta pereeour of the most vshuble fenillsiaf Ingredients, which are booerhophste ot Ume, Ammonia, Potsnh, A. We respectfully refer by perniilai to the following; par ties who br ased this Fertiliser: R. 4. Iey, alelch; w. O. Riddick, hue; Chrla.' topbe s,RalelKh ; R. folly, Hrakefls d; A. B. Dawar UarneU; Dr. Waller Dtbmaa, Raleigh, a rthr.X'elloagmaarawolddoaTaUtosa u befur pun-htlnr thrlr Guano - R. F. J05E3 A CT -. Ala keep aa hat fall Ua af QBOCIE1XS aad UQU0K& ..-iw.vt,- i .t-V-K. K; JONES CO., - feb IrUAw to. , Waelsssl Uquor Dealers, Wilmington street, Raleigh, N. C, warn mmm m v.-i i wr ....,! ........ ir .fir r Ji.-J v 1 i t.i.;, : . , J iliii-ix t' SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE id 1 '.. 3:r-o.; V hav mead by vera years experteec actaai bsarvaUooL that they hanao superior. - j l sa . ' it i t ' . ' r l ,r .. . ' i , .. . i ... r i : iVtv.'i :,.'.) r .-K Isiliasajatl ?r,Y V 1 f v-'ll--i3i-:.a's.-! Oar price are asach lower thaa etbers, aot ae aiveSal)y pepalar, and that hav pro? a aaeqosi ta result, upon twora sUtsmsnts freni aaaay ef ear best tummr.' " All we ask Is a . !'-ti a tfi !' i n. ir Uu" ' !.''': ' - T'. ,'i stir trial witk anything sold fa th South. refer t the followtas, genUso of .large who aav easd ear Pbotphatas ..hi -..': !.) i.t-i ifjrw IT, H WBfTAaUtR Kr)Rf"tJn aTBOrKW, ' -r I '; ' i'l - -i(U it f.t! li li f( ("'('!. -wBl- COUP Wf.ytApt, Haraett Coaaty, ; AkllalJ(raI..-.Vj'l VIl -'Ti'! , D. ifa. Vt-rAY,1''''''''" iw-K-ij i voJi j .tuu.fiMii w-i m k'-'.-,' v-i- Aadaueypthar wb fill gladly give Uelriperlnea. -fifil efnto triJ ,1i.-.i v!.VJf' 'hUl in H V toil Ut c. tl'K-Vf :' I '1 .iVal -II fT B-.jnia 1 a 11 1. j-ivr-it i u.i. nr. poutHoAdMX;r,;:;r::;:V:v Kirht gned ores fne- sale, 'ran ana see t.em t f. C CHRI8TOPH KRS A VO.'w, ' '? r' 1 ,1 1 - !llmlnrowret. ! ATlSTSt.vrs '.8 ATtD HIS BAC0S ItavlBf aattad is kniilrrf aera. we jtrs aresared to td order for boa mad bacon ef U kind t W.V.a RITOPHIRS CO.'B, ' WUmlngton street, near City Seal. iriirtl Ivl.cre. Bl fcaoiWa and Sra .11 .ill laPrtlriilrite-af. A4drM 4fe w tw mm A SOItTUalMM 1 wavy jj . w oaia a w- at. tuiaaw S10J TTIE SALEM fcOHN SHEL- ler was awarded tb ant pre- t 1 mlooM st ths X. C State Tsir in 1875. - Price 1 10. , MsBofaetared by th . d. LEJCAOblCULTUR L WORKS, Salem, N. C. $1200 PROFIT OX $100 Vad any dsy la Prt a Cm.: larent aeeerdlnr t yonr mesne Sid, S30 er 8100, la Stack Prtruesss, has brought a small for tune ,to tb careful inretor. , We adrtk whea and bew t operM rsfetr." Book wtth full taforrotloa ssiT fas. Address orders by mall bad tedegrapb to - . , . f ,1 T. BAXTER A CO., Banker and Brttkers, 17 Wail St, N.T. 1 iCU B' Sl tl't ':yJ, V 4i;-'J-v.;T s .V ?evr.V li f 1 i'l.Pnl y,l ;,V1 ".'n't ii .:.; f"Ta 'i'.-.-' ,-.9af ti-. hr f-J "rl'f tr - P .! ' I rj Hjl 'i til ; fay g " '" B .vt,4 -sr; H - li ! ,m',m H,Vf , .; i-j!)R. l-.?!lH't ie ,Jfc any-?" tit J5J.(l..7 , -jTwTJA ti, it tsaaal C Itiiu: laak''Mil 11 -9 i .. IjJ It. 1.1 ilpaw.ftj fcj.i U -..Llir(.a aA j 'SQ " JV".f ijj "! w r y .tiwidw ...jt tail iran.ii i .i.ajv: '(ir;Ct" xt rryt -m f-.'t7 . -i,!f ;..'. rhi-t. i' y .; j tii.'. -jfj ....... p if u ,? . .ft.-;?-..X ..J!'(tJi pan .v my riWiswJ s a ag x;;! iV). it- ' . 't,ti r 1 sj .... fj . SJJ.....I.-...--t j J3r t.,(lr NWui i. )aa aVdawly. . t ; " -1 - .- Ill Mi SUPER PHOSPHATE : OF LIME. to aslheg u above fertiliser, ss well s by If any eaaal smesc . Commercial Mannras. fat several years i . ; , . , - " JOHlf AVERA. Johasto CeeMy. 'i' ?fk,U.wjLKIM, .-tv" t ii Hi , -DAVID ADlUI, , M -i t tJAMtat PACE, Cbathsat Coaaty. , j t s. Ifct-THOsUieVrrfn AC'tTTwhidM,WTt- UJABHAINrj. .XT' l Per Sale Vy-- "' Safii" ;.'.....? RALhlUll, if I. MARRIED PEOPLB-Sew laTeatlaa Just what yea want. Kclisble end Durable. M tiled on recci,4 af TScts. Address Dr. M08 . AH Co, Mid letoan, Conn. T ti mu nuui.iu, rri tnuasnci, 111 fasolnatloo, Boul Cbarmloa; Memeiism, and Marriage Uulde, showing bow either sea may fascinate and gain the lore sod sf ftvtiB of nr person the) ehoore Inrtsntly, parea.' By maU SO eta. - Hunt dt Co , 138 A Ftb St., Phil,, Pa., f r, ?, " Aqkut Wastxo for tha Great ' CE HTEHHI AL HISTORT. 700 pares, low price, quick esles. ternss. P. W. 2IKULEK tk CO., 518 Om WLSJ t-11 . r Filis Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.. WALL STREET rCARICATUBES A new Book, 48 Pages. eonUlotns; 14 En graved Illustrat ooa, with loiormstlo for Stock 8pculatora Priea 10 aat.U h mail. TITURRTIVir A CO., Bankers aad Brokers, 8 Wall Street, feblS-4w - ' - ..... . r . . rum IMmS h r. kklktlKlw V iliN If W.ikwstmt part aftae I .IM u,mtm mm . rMlst M twHrswaa. , WANTEDnrnM inerv Packares m tb world. It contains 15 eh It contains 15 sheets paper. 15 Envelopes, golden Pen, Pea-hrfder. i-belder, reacti, rateut laid Measure, an a pi tare, and a niece oi weiry. Single package, wlur pair of ele-. gans uug nieevo Buttons, poa SSct. for l 00. This packsr has paid, bees examined by the pobMaber of the Sentinel, nntnu irm,Btnrnjm in wnivmjm Watcheeglraaaway to all Agcnta., Circulars frer..' " -' -. -" i . , ..i-. i i BalDa CO. 7fi Broadway, New Tork. r Ctldt, ItsrKBtv, Sll arj- all Tkrtst OitriMt, LSI , WrlUTarkslis Taklett, J PTJT UP ONLY IM BLUE BOXES. I A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY for sale by DnirrUta renerallr, aad - . ' JWUNSTO.N, HOLU W AY dt CO., nuadelpbla, fa. w omoeopatnio ,- ' i- i 'e-'' if ..! .- , Works o that subject, giving eondas aad plainly written Instructions for tb treatment of all ordinary ailment of all Domestic Animate, tr constant 'y-kept m stock, to rether with tpprapriaUi Medlcln Chests. Thes b)oks are specially writtea for the farmer', fctoek Kaiser's or Livery Stable "is't ase, sro dlnr as far a pos-tibia, sll technical trrm. For DescrlptiTs Price List send statin ta the PAIIMOKB 110MOXOPATHI0 1 HABJLirT 1 18 West fsvett Street ' BOERIOKE A TAFEL, Proprietor. wt GILES' LKJinEUT IODIDE OF AMMONIA "'liiLSs' loniD or! Anmomu is. m my rudrn.cnt, the best remedy fr nearslpls erer fUl oeiore toe puoilC. 1 uaro arrm iiini lth tbUJtlsease for 83 year, ai d never until I feU apod Mr. Giles' remedy did 1 Snd any tssured rr let 1 take pk-auire la saying bi, inasmuch ss I desire slwsys to b a bene factor af tie human familv. WM. P. CORBIT, -Cnma of U s Methodist Church Extension." ' Bold by sll Drurrtats. Depot 451 Sixth Avenue, S. T. Only 60 cents and II s boUle. - fur sals by .. .! ' -. E TESCUD, LEE A CO., - JamAsT-m W Sjtvwv w. - rssa,- Ull i. Kr?air I' limit em ai. S IIW

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