THE KALEIGILSENTINEL. . - r . nlUUM UAILT, WEEltT AND 8EMI-WIXXLT I " Official Onai of Korlli CaraUna. m o ecaaflMFTta. Dally Pontlnel 1 year hi advance I. 00 DaUy 81 i months Id advance 4 00 ml Weekly M " , 00 Weeklv Beotlnol - " 00 .. ' be delivered it aay part of the City at Fifteen Cent a week. : L E A A F II K I N B . Utbaaniy GEtTJIrtK WORCESTEIISIUUE SAUCE rOSt OFFICE DIBECTOET. For th benefit af th public, we pub lish the following directory of U post- oBciaf ihwcitjt W eater man close v. : ft. . laatarn " clai 3:30 p. m. m.m arrtvea ii:uo a. m. Chatham 4le 1 rw. 3:3$ p. m. V JfV arrtvea , , , :4J aw m. E. g;E.B. mail cl , 9:30 a.m. -.. M ; arrive 3:45 p. Thrrniri northern via R. A G. : IL 1L cle 9:30 ft. m. Through northern via R. k O. B. ft. arrive .c - ? 3:43 p. m Throata aorther via tiows-' bor clote .... 1 ' 3:3 p. tn. Through .northern rut ui bora arrives .11:05 a, m. Offlc hour for delivering mailt from 7:30 a. at U ft 30 p. m. - - Money larder are ttsoaa" and paid nam :io awm. tn p. m. Letters can be registered frm 1:15 a. m. to kuV.1 r, : If mail? efit or received an Sunday. av Wa naiatJEUf, aT m. ' VnV ' m TT . tl u A 'Tt " ' u rTHE-OnT.,- TAB. pitfijet Attorney Badger laTet - tu mtiaww maaaiag lac Waalnioa,. J. It Wauruoii ' Cv, dealer! la gra&,;;'Canf.a, tpeclaUyA NewVern, Cotton market dull Middling! .11) ; - low middllnga 10, ; clear ataina 9 ; deep ataina?. We tmdeiatand tbat Furbiah'a New York Dramatic company ia coming thia way aoon. Two new reaidencea are going np on . Edenton atreet, a abort diatanoe abore tba National hotel. Tba panic at tha capitol over tba ru mored coming of GoTemor Armfieldbaa aomewhat aubsiJod. The reWral at the Baliabury Btreat Baptist church ia atill progieaning. Bt. Mr. Jordan ia aiaiating. , Local radical pot bouse politioiana are abeadr engaged in making out their alaU for tba coming municipal election. , Waada' plna at $3.50; aeaaoaed oak at $4.00; field pine at $3.00. Call on J. D. Whitaker near Citixena Bank for aap T. T. Olirer manufactnrea beat heart pine and poplar lumber, Ac Seasoned flooflDgllwaya on hand.' Piaa Level, fa OaeweA hu'- iU-.A 'X SylVeatar Smith baa Jnat reoeived an- other cr-kia4 'pi, (hose prima seed oats and 1.900 iranbals eorn, and meal selling iiJaaaid. that BoHciiar Barria is off getfing np document to prawe bis inno- eenaa f the cbargea preferred by Hearne, and thUhla wmingbroadsiie will baa tremendous one. ' Tha blind huatio left here some days in the charge of a nigger by the name of Jim. Henderson, by tba sheriff of Buncombe county,' it auid ta ba in very diatreeaing oondition. He , ia un- Drovidad Uh proper bedclotbiag and Tha flle'of th" Dally Sentinel for the first ball of tha year 1868 haa been taken fxoja (bis'af&ca. V it waa stolen Ha re- tn wkv tKjk wrumM will hm tMtennSarilv M. wardiid no oueetions asked. I If aavl tha ratura will entitle. bim, or any ,W.Jm, family, to a " flaUering abitaary. n-"-" GMrjrAttctr A Co.", Flow Manufac turers, Jfewbem, N. 0 offer to tend to any address, samples of their Labor Saving Flows. . AUaa , ' antl-choklng Turning Flow; Dickson,' r Allen and Magnolia. SUftl Cotton Sweeps, at 4 lib eral discount for cash, with privilege off retftrnbig them, at their expense' should tbeyuot give perfect satisfaction. gfcfend for illustrated circular and prices. ' ' .v;- ' fcb'23-u2ftwAwlm , , 'I, ' ' aTery ' flne results and increasing demand of tba Star Anunaniated Solu ble - Phosphate seem to have created quite, ft sensation among manufacturers af and dealers in commercial fertilizer. Other maufaoturerl have even com menced manipulating and offering for sale ft fertiliser called the "Star Bone Phosphate." Farmers should beware of imitations. -The original and only gen uine Star Ammoniated .Soluble Phos phate Las tba trade mark of a star nrintad on each sack with the analysis manufactured bv Lorenta A Bitter of . Baltimore, 3td., and for sale by A. C. Panders A Co., or their agents. 1T " The Wisconsin etata convention to nominate delegates ta the national repub lican convention, which met at Madison Tuesday, adoptad ft resolution condemn ing third Uwu ana enuanuug ouune. Tha nebbictt collar you can wear It the Warwkk. It it the stylish width this season. Ak for it at the furnish ing stores. VQT., TXTI, RALEIGH, N C. T HTJRSDAY,. FEBRUARY. Habka CoHPia Tliera Ja a well grounded report afloat in thia eity that laU Tuesday night Col. T. C. Foliar, arrlred la thla city as aapecial train and gat from Judge Settle, of tha toprama court, a writ of habeaa corpua for Ceo. W. Swepeou. ? What " understanding tbara to a te (ha return of tha writ wa have not aen informed, though wa hara been diligent lu our March after Infor mation. 'i,:.Xt Soranm CocxT.aut mat at 10 o'clock thia momlag; all tha joatioea preaent. The argument in tba cat of Joaeph Harria Tt, D. A. Jankina, public treas urer, and Raleigh 4 August Air-Una Railroad company, from Orange, ocun menoed oa jeeterdaj. waa naomad. J, H. Flaming for plaintiff and Merri man, Foliar Aaba, J. B. Batobalor, and WMJMIJlifje ing tha argument tha court adjourned onto to-morrow at 10 o'clock. Cbabocd With Ktbauiio ; Coat. Yeaterday afternoon Henry Bigge, tha colored waiter on tha an prcma ceurt rooms, and special police man for tha capitol, was arrested on tha charge or attempting ta steal a coat from the store af Zacharias Fayette- rille street. The case was heard before tha mayor who deemed tha erldenca aufflcient to bind Henry arer to tha next term, of the Wake superior court hi bond of $200. Henry gave the band. and is now pursuing the even tenor of bis way. r- I m in i i . ... Tn MncHAkT Mxxriaa. Pursuant to adjournment tha merchants of this city met last evening iu tha mayor a offioe. Tha report of tha committee ap pointed at tha first meeting, in regard to consulting counsel in order to reeiat tba action af Solicitor Harria waa sub mitted. They reported tbat they had obtained oounael, but ba was now ab sent from tha city and would not return for some days, when he would give them his opinion. The secretary read out tha names af 230 of the indicted merohanta. J. H. Ennias stated tbat he had con sulted aeroral lawyera, all of whom agreed that tha indictments could ba aueoeasfuljy resisted. Soma lawyers doubted tha solicitor's jurisdiction in the matter. . Mr. Ennias also stated that tha first day of January was a national holiday and people could not ba required to list their taxes on that day, and Monday tha sheriff waa in court all day and could not give his time to attending to tha taxes. , Tha report of the committee waa adopted and they ware ordered to continue as a commit, tea. , Mr. Maroom thought it very queer tbat several merchants had listed the same day and part were indicted and part ware not. And another thing tbat looked odd, he had aeen tha stubs in tha aherilTa office and none were dated np to tha 10th, but all were dated after tha 10th of January. The meeting adjourned till next Wednesday night at Metropoli tan ball, when Col T. C, Fuller will ad dress tba meeting. " '"' -NEWS AND NOTES.-'. ' Speaker Kerr baa resumed hia duties. Didot, one of tha oldest publiahera in Franoe, ia dead. :Ti.-- ESPS Wphm, hung The ewvernor of Maine haa surned tha bill aboliahing capital puniabment. Tha Ruaaian troone were iovfnllv wel- oomvd by the inhabitants af Khokand. Buffett, tha French minister, baa xe- aurned and bit resignation baa bean ac cepted. ' Tba Sulphur Springs orphan asylum. near Buflalo, N YM waa burned yea- Dyer, cashier of the Farmers' and Trader's bank of St. Louis, la short $30,000 ia his accounta. The heirs of John J. Crittenden hare sued Fremont for $10,009 alleged to ba due we aeceasea ler legal services. Tuesday sparks from a trarap't fire caused the destruction pi a block of buildings in Tarrytown, N. Y. Los $84,000. Madrid telegram announce that tha Carlist war ia virtually ended, and that the ex-Queen Isabella ia soon to coma to Madrid. . It haa been decided tbat the apaolnt- ment of bbanks as caiumissioner for Ue Indian Territory was not authorized by law. $5,000 have already aeen paid Shank. , ' ' v Tha Sublime Porta haa offered to grant homes to all insurgents who will ky down their anna within a month. The houses, churches, Ac, which have been destroyed are to be rebuilt by tha government. The national democratic convention meet in St Louis July 27. Alt tba states are entitled a represeatation equal to double tba number ot its mem bers of congress. Colarado, whose admission as a tut in July will entitle her ta Tate in the next electoral col lege, to Invited to send delegates. lETTEBFROM ALAMANCE. vtrat awEPaoX C4.IE Till OLD ftR- ' ixKa BivoLtmoKAnr -2 - " ' SKKMIaCSWCa. -: w j h- .. - 4 - . Eorrftft Skst t 'X (reti portion af i ha M ab gula cc" af Alamance as sembled brr y4erday to wltoeaa tba trial af hweneoa.' Tha veapla were ahead of tba rraad lurv. whe had found no bill until after midday. The defen- daat will ba arraLrned to-day. The public art not ft triaed whether ba will trt to-dav or remar the caue ta another onontr. 1 Ruffla. Fuller, Boyd, Bmob and Farker appear for the de fendant. :Baiicuor BtruawK, uuici. Dillard, Graham, Sc-)f MalorUraham alidStronf prosecute, Tue crowd was Immense ty?terday and promises to be aa laree to-dar. '-. - I nave met many old acquaintance and frieoda wDo voted fur mawnen was a candidal for tha legislature be fore Alamaace was taken Irom Orange. CoL Jerry Holt, .tha game ehickeu aud whisky man, wba it seventy and four. tuma out toe Da wniaxy ana game cocks to ba found. David Uapp, about tba same era. baa mater forgotten bis whiffKery. His father bat buried at Brick Uiurch,with thia inaoription upon hia tombstone : "Hera bee Barney Clapp, a whig of tha rwrolntion." Hie David ear all tba evils af tha coun try have resulted from the abandon meat of old whig principle as piaotiosd by hia father and bud ,down by washing-toor-Mambalt -ana- thair com peers.'-1 met Thomas and Nathan Woody, tba re presentative of tba Quaker who settled on llaw river, near Woody ferry, long before the revolution. Jona Woody was the foander of the family who came from Baltimore, or near there. Defer Mam George peaceably acceded from King George. John Woody settled and cleared tba plantation now owned by Junius Alston, oa ttsw nver. ua bad four sons. Hia son James had three sons and eleven dsn gn tar. -j nomaa Woody ia tba son of Hugh, end Nathan the sou of Samuel Woody. Tbey are the areat-greaimndaoikaof John Woody, of oi Aiaryiana, wno semea on new xuver. Time and tha negro Institution caused moat af the family to move te Indiana and they ars to be found In that and asr a n a ra other state west. Nathan Woody tells me that the Jrnends disowned Herman Husbands, tha leader of tha Regulators, before the revelutieo. Wil liam Allen, a nephew at Herman Hun bands. Is now living in thia county. The grand-children aad great-grandchildren of Col. Fylea are also here. Col. Pjles waa ft doctor and af Quaker descent, man of character, property and probity. Hia daughter Susan waa the queen or - tramp, una or the Alstons, from Chatham, who escaped from the hacking match where Cel. Waehingieu backed ap Pyle and his men without giving quarter, intormed tba family that CaL Pyle . lay dangerously wounded ia the woods near a mill-pond 20 miles , off. No would ventura to , re-visit tba bloody camp where aa quarter had been abown. Tba girl was not afraid of Col. Washington or tha bold men wb followed him. Lighter than Light Horse Harry could have done, be etnaag from tba ground t tha back of Selim, tha tallest bona on the plantar nation, and galloped off in the night time to ner wounded utber and brought him home before daw dawned, aha riding behind bim.' CoL Fylea ia buried where he lived, near Cain creek battle ground. The plantation ia now owned by Dr. Worth, of Randolph. la my next 1 wiu tea about tha poli tic of Alamance. T. P. 8. Pine writing tha abov I have learned that Swepeon will be tried in thia county. The arraignment tehee place at 10 o'olock, after tha mail doses, to you can get nothing of "to-days doings" unui to-morrow. lS-. A. I ATTENTION RETAILERS. ; Editob BasTtirtx: The following Item from the American Grocer should be published and kepi standloz ia the Raleigh papers especially, Aud while know that vry wholesale grocer win pply it to bit neighbor, and ear "I never do so," ; I simply ask each and every an la look ova hia past record of bosines and sea if be can't find not one or two offences, bat ft whole cata logue of such littler crime staring him In th face. I am in a position to no tice these things, and tha mart particu larly because I am Interested. Here to What the Grocer says i . - . A friend from Meadville, Pa., tends us a totter bearing on this subject, which will ba found in our correspon dence column. Whether carried an at Meadville or In any ether aart of tha country, the practice on th part of th wholetale dealer or trenching on the pre- . i i 1 4 i l -n- fit of th retailer, by Belling In a retail way at wholesale prices, cannot ba too severely censured, both by wholesalers and re tail err. The retailer er course suffer by such unfair competition, againat which be cannot make any headway by buying ever to cheap ; but tha whole salers also suffer, and tha short-sighted policy of snatching a profit from the retailer in this way ia detrimental not only to th offending party, but to tba entire wholesale interest.. Whatever ia lost to the retailer must naturally be lost te th wholesaler ia the long run, and any serious encroachment open his business hi a direct weakening of tha aourca af all the prodta of the wholesale trade. The old Table af killing th bird that laid the golden arc never had a better illustration. Wa don't think that any wholesale dealer, who could subsist in any ether way, would ever commit himself ta a policy so danger eus to his own Interest, independently of tha odium attaching to such unfair- - -1 our truly, - Rrraixn. If i TAR DROPS. B. F. Sunontoa, af SUtetville, died Bunoay nignc. Monroe to now talking about "the "first shad of th season. if Tba Newborn military ' hd target nooung axaraae lueaday, ' Mrs. Harria, of Granville county, ha uvroted atoastug machine. .' a i:a . Th Moor Creek centennfaj 'cele Vt$(anM TAawaMataaaai lA Ka 4 K(a t.nW l'J ' t4 saaawa aavaaaawtisj jv ftfl fcUtil , Mania Mitchell, Monday night, drew out tha Wilmlngtonlan Us a vlaaj rain. ;-. ;r-i i.-i a; r : A nigger weman was drowned the other day. In Brown' . creak. Union Rev. J. B. HartwelL a : returned China missionary, ia lecturing ht Wit- aamgion?;,;. i : t, I Tba stackhalden of tha Atlantic. Tan. neaaae A Ohio railraad met in Charlotte Ttssday. Eight peraoos war converted dorinr the recent revival in tha Bantiat church aiuaruoro. . ara . 4 Stout's to th name of a new postofflc la Union county, and J. M. liarkey to the poatmaaler. s , , , Tba Young Democrat to tba name af a uvely little semi-monthly paper pub- uenaa at uxiora. '. John Williams, a fugitive bora thief noa BUkea county has been arretted Munreugnoacx.31, L. C. Brown, of Union county, wu naaiy nun one aay last week by tba taumg or a luno or a trea. - ' Bradsber, a Granville county nigger preacher, haa Men deposed by hit con gregation lor xfeecberism. Jstnes Fleet, of Wilmington, died of mall-oox bundar. Since that time two esses have developed themselves. Last Thursday morning the masonic lodg in Uxiord caiurht nre. but the flame were speedily extinguished. The cotton gin and aw mill of J, C. Clutx, af Cabarrus county, was burned last Wednesday. Caught from matches. A whita woman baa been perambula- lating the treet of Charlotte trying to make a present of bar infant to some body. The Oxford Torchlight, one af tha best papers in the state, put on a mourn ing dress for. the death af Hon. A. B. Venable. C. E. Dibble, af Wilmington, has been appointed rout agent between Rich mood and Charlotte, etc 4. Ai. i urren- tine, removed. .yi. got a bullet in bis left leg by his pistol slipping from his hip pocket and fall, ing to the ground. Tf ' Helen W. Gedshall baa mysteriously disappeared from his home ia Wilming ton. . H to only 1$ years old and his parenta are very uneasy about him. . . Bnmor Lnuv Amamfsrra-Srvaa VanTATK).--Wednesday, February 23, iiockyitount-;v..r;;; Thursday, February 34, Toianot, Friday, FebruarfSSi, Wilson.- , Sunday, Februrry 27, Clinton, l v'; Monday, February 28, P. M., Faiam'a. lat Sunday in Lent, March 5,Oatds bora '. ; - :l 2d Sunday ia Lent, March 12, Greens boro, ordinatioa. . t Wedneeday, March IS, Jackson. ' Friday, March 17, WoodrOle, Bertie county. .-..---., 8d Sunday in Lent March 19, Windsor, Tuesday, March 21, Murfreesboro, ' Wedneeday, March 22, Win ton. Thnrsday, March 23, Geteevilla. , ." Friday, March 24, Hi Pater a, Gate county. ath Sunday in Lent, March 23, Elisa beth (sty. ; TTTr-rnrr; : Tnaaday, March 28, Woodville, Per quimans county. v - '. Wedneeday, March 29, Hertford, Per quimans county. : s'.; sr y-m- ..v Friday, March 31, Edenton. ' - - 6th Sunday In Lent, April 2,Plymouth. Monday, April 3, St Lnk', Wash ington oounty. . - wedneeday. Apru o. Ht. David. Washington oouaty. ' Thursday, April o, uoiomma, xyrroii county. -;, . - 6th Sunday tn Jjent, Apnl V.Jata. Tuesday, April 11, nntego. Wedneeday. April 12. SlodesviUe. Hyde oounty. xrvday, Apru it, xaimoid, tiyde oounty. Easter day. Apru 10. Lax Landing. Hyde county. Wednesday, Aprd 19. Zion Uborcb, Beaufort oounty. Thursday, Apnl to, Washington. Saturday, April 22, Jameaville. 1st Sunday after Easter. April 23. Williamston. Tuesday. April 23, Hamilton. . Thursday. April 27, Scotland Neck. ' Saturday, April 29, Weldon. Sunday, April 30, Baiifax. Collections in each eongregationIor diocesan missions. Th teamer Switzerland while steam ing ap tha English channel,Tneeday,ran down and sunk tba brtgatia Hero. Four of the crew of tha latter were drowned.' AD those wba have given it a trial will not be without it. It cure. Dr. Bull Cough 8y nrpy - 24, 1876. No. 3 , UirUMIfXD RlMEDIlL RESOtntCKS, People soraetimea suppose tbat Dr. Fiercel- family Mediciaaa,. represent ta enura extant of his reseurces tor curing dtoeases. This i an errer. Ex perience proved that wlile tha Golden Discovery, , xsvont iTeacnpuoo, Pleasaat Purgative pellets, Compound Extract of Smart Weed, and Dr. Sage' i atarrb i Remedy . .Would, if falthlu ly ased; cur a Urge variety of, chronic com plain ta, there would be her and there I i wbleb, kraaa Us aeear ity.-'ar- frest na o4apiieatim wiia other ii elieordera. 4 would, f-reaiat 1 thair actio,' That' exceptional . case Qtared a .ttasraugh i'axauinaUod into their symptoms,, to ascertain the exact nature and extent of the disease or d aeasea under which tha Deaeatr v laboring; and tha use of specific remo- die ta meet and overcome tha same. Thia led to the establishment of the World'a Dispenaary.- at Buffalo. N. Y. with it taculty of nbvaioian aad am geona, each of wbom'ia akiltod in the reatment af chroato diaoraers in aren orat ana .tacM belonging to his own special department in larticuW. . To s aasiimwd niaesaes oX. the. throat and lungs ; to .another, diseases of the kidneye and urogenital organa : to an other, diseaeea of the digestive system ; to another, diiaaee of th nervoo sys tem ; aad to another, disease of tba eye and ear. Thus the highest degree of perfeetioa in medicine and Bnrserr to attained.,- The eeeabliahtnent of thia in stitution enablea the Doctor to meet a loog-iell twaiit i tha treatment of the more aevez chronic aiTectiona.' By a careful oonsiilnration of thaaymptoma aa given in writing, h siKoeaafiilly treat tnon.aan.iio or case at their, borne. Other , riait tha' Diweneaxv in person. The amplest reeourcea for th treatment of lingering affection are thus placed a tba dispssal ox. erery patient, and those oa whom the proprietary laodiciao oo not nave th desired ecect can pro cure a more thorough and officiant course by a personal application to the proprie tor of the World Dispensary. ; ! . ; ,; Secret Toting to gradually "Americani sing" ins electoral system of Ureat Britian. Instead of offeriaff him self ta tha electors, the candidate in large cities to henceforth likely to be nominated by convention, ims. it appear irom a London letter in the Tribune, was the case at Manchester, where Jacob Bright waa made the Liberal nominee. , The man who killed tha "Irish Giant" 0', has been acquitted, on the ground that if he had not the tote giant would nave killed him. : At what height does a man's liability to ba killed with out danger to hia alayer, if the big man quarrel, begin? All the tall men t ti anxioua to know. It ia a Bight that precisely aooorda with the eternal fitness of thing to see Lan- daolet Williams defending Bibcock fur defrauding the government for did not caDooch and he often ride ont in that fifteen hundred dollar landaolct stolon from the government? In discussing the presidential Question the Chicago Tiibnne, Republican, saya: the lieputvijana are not certain of electing their nominee by any manner of mean. : In the Terr beat aspect of the case the contest ' will be desperate an ' doubtinl. ' 3":- ' i u. i - Ji t- . -ill mmmi9mmmm i. ' .T;.si.ii i.r (( rnnl T all who are suffering from the errors aad ndtacreuoes af yeota, aervoat wosknas. early decay, loss ot ssanaood, c. 1 will arod a revise thu will cur, ton. FREiC or CHARUK This great remedy was dlseovorvd' y s Mtoaioeary ta Booth A aeries. cVa a Wf-oddfesssd eaveloo to- the Iter, Joaara i. immkm, pumm it, jMMMtum, Mem turn aov 19-aaocawtsia . , The Star 4momated -.5 -it's-, ' I S ."iii'rH.',i" f T m a- s7 H . .. . d; .-'ah ''o' J 3 ii v t r! ii - " -i n..'.-.:i r. v lfl J'.l(1i':i I' '!t .T,I..V;f .-'..) v.rii ;; I SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE ' W have foaad by several years experience aetaal ebeerraUoa, tbat they have ao superior, If any equal aaieng Commercial Manures. Our prices are much lower thaa ethers, sot te universal! r popular, aad that have prev.a h. Tnltjj BOB sworn stateaienta from fair trial with anything sold ta the South. siperisace, whe havt ased ear Phosphates K. i. 1TIT, Wake County. W. H. WHITAKIB, Waks Connty. H.HOITOX, " " - M.C.UTUT, " COL. E. 8TIWABT, HaraeU Coaaty. - JikaAWE580K, " DlfcMcKAT, " And ausy ethers whe will gladly give their . -A.. 0.8AKDERS &Oo v ' ' ' - ' : ". .7 - 'agekts, , "Zi ; JaaSMf " THE RALEIGH EENTINEL AflTertlaeBMats wffl he twerted hi the Immv sans ax at the foil wire; rates per saan of so wsch. or tea aalaioa liaaa. - -.. - , . ao sebars sea Urn - $L each aubaaaant femaarilaa loss thaa a woes. t.....M....M-. t aqaare, 1 week .w. ........ ........ a 1. i - 1 tsoeth..., . SO 1 : 1 aaoatha... 11 BO I " " MO 1 " 4 ..SOO I " " -MOO i a :... M OS 1 " . 7 - 83 00 1 ! I o Da. J. A J oxxa TxamroTrr or a I A'-wa, I. , 1873. The following vol-. , nntary testimony as to th thoronghneai and emaaciouenees of Dr. J. A. Jonea ' matbad of treating diaeaaea. haa been ' handed at, and we take pleasure in prin 5 mg, in. Uijah Koberta u an old ana " welt-known shutter of Screven county: v 1 wa aorelv afflicted fur roasT Vwai f with Oxoeaa. 'Catarrh.' Neuralgia. ! and: giaraaaot the br-wst, and cbioaio com-, plaiiita, so, that I was 4,iven up by our' nysioiaBs in Augjaw aa a nopniees u this aufferinar eaditiou I-ptoced attili ' self under Dr. Jonea' treatment bo jtfri relieved me very jnnoh in a few , hours, and. . by the continued uaa of his remedice' at born, i am furtd of a at af my camplaiau anil enjoy lifn. "tery well for an elderly-' man of seventy-five, and I awe my life -'a to Dr. Jones, and cannot recommend bim ton nighty. The doctor also cured MTdauirhli-r of dlanah Of tha liver." I aiq a planter. My address to Mobiey 1 Pond poeiefflc, Screven eouorfy, Ga. , , j Dr. Jones to healing tba afflicted at .-. tb MiAdoe House. Greets boro, N. C, '. J wber ha will remain until Uaruh " Blnrj " nd far a circular. Dr. Jonea treats , , th aye and car, atraightent creMya-'. without fail in every case. . - . , i A Dr. Jonea will practice at tha Arlinev . ,,, t ton House, Danville, . Va from the 6th 'a- t th 18th of MarchDr. J. will prao-.,, - Vice at the Ballard A Exchango hotel. Richmond, Va., from tho 13th -of ;i March to tha 8d of April. -..i ...-,. i A Uoo Xakerone 1 aaencainbeead tre- fered. . 5 - Address, . ,"&OX.4?' ' fcbJ4.8w.wV, wf.,, W!; Balelgh ; it .r. Wffl e sold at the -Henrv Plaoa." oa PayettevUle Btreet, on Tuesday the SVth day i reoruary, vht, au ins pensBaoie proper r beloaiing to the estate of Mrs. L. D. ' earv. dee'd. eonslttlac of Household and Kltchea f uraltore. beds, chairs, tables. Ac.. ilersastash.- ' . - ' .;: -. I . . JOS. B. BATCHILOR, fB93-lw .-" Admr Auction Sale. AT I.tOSi;iBACM&BRO, Will take place at their place of 15u8ineB8 at night only from , 7 to 10 o'clock, p. m. Prirate Sale at lnction Prices, ii - - Between Eonn. - - Sdeirunence to-night at 7 clock, Feb. 16th, 1876. I. Bosentaiim & Brb. feVl6-2w Dally New copy. ! '! A wOTHER Car load of Genuine WhRe '. ueis lorsaioeneap.' . i , ., . v r'HRiMTOPnCM A !rta. feolS-ti - - ' VVUmingtoa ttreot. f'4' Ijsaaioaaai ok --at . a. t . ota . -, w - .-. Tat . On tne'lOth Inst : let ptured freM WDIlass -i frsw MS overcoat, OM dress c t, two pair. ,, , tf paDta, one pair of hoo s and several other articles, which ars sap-weed to be atotaa( rKl.. The owner will please call for them .n sndpaycorts. , -. e . Mart's Cruek Township. - ' fsb33-w9w Xagle Bock, Wake Co., M. C. -, ' - Uap3fs Nitrogenized -'LQLi ' f I r : ,. 1 ? super pnospn ath OF UME. la sslllng the above rertulsers, as well as by tnaay of ear best farmers. AP. we ;aak Is a , We refer te the following gentleaita ef lergt for several years t ' . ' JOHX AVEKA, f ohnsto County. ? '., W. tt. AN0IR8, ' " "rt ' a ' . DAVID ADAMS, v " , ,, JAMES PACE, Cbataau County. W. It. THOMAS, - ml-wilsok, . r " XXLAS HAINIfl, ' " nperience. - For Salt Vy - JtAZIIGff, Jt . ' - i 'ij f' -f " r .. i . i it- it 5 . ;.. I' mi M V r . ' i . ' "- ?' '- ' ' i -.. r . '". ". :- ' r ', J- J J J J