P, D0HA3, Sola Editor. always sal AH CtreaatUMM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25. ,; ' BABCOCK ACQUITTED. ,1 I,! v Grant U; now happy. He ha not ' been s happy since Bullock aad IIol " "Hen went to Mni complaining f rebels Wh0U4 oght: agalnt th flag. Beecher bai been acquitted to, but there ia a verdict of guilty recorded in - the heart of the people which cannot be obliterated b j the verdict en parch . ment recorded at St. Louia. There are facta going to show the guilt of Babcock , and all the waters of the MiiUipii whkh flow by the whlflky-flewing town of 6C Louis can't wah.it out. ' FINAXCEAXD BUSINESS FAIL TIRES. t f ! ' ." Tb paper north contain long 1UU of Ikilarea in U aorta of trade, la New York the great hatters, Copperlj & Collins Went op. .In. Philadelphia the firm of Lee & Walker were declar ed bankrupts. In AlasaacbusetU the woolen manufacturers, Smith A SuliU. went up. Evert her aud In every business msn fail. .Farming, universal. ' ly admitted to bo the slowest but auresi kitaiHAad Ira lifa I at in mmvatt tn.l a iwu a) . . failure. Th; office-ji trgiLiht fore went brKging, nebwd . wauted U( now it i. important and stwgltt f, because of Uie uiortiiage rriMaMrdi Every ihiog and ' ever) body la ao.t gaged, except.' fe bank and boud. v holders. ' Tbs prevent ftoaovial ant banking system of the fruited State t productive or Doming out zu per ceu . to the bondholder and ruin aud "fcaufc- , ruptcy ,to the workingtnan, and th . who trade on small capital. . There - no more chance lor the people to pros uer under the present banking system ol the government, man mere was tor me state to prosper under Bolden aud Swepson, or Georgia to prosper under -; Bullock 0 Let our members in congress t do something to break down the pre " ' ' fc'iit bank svstemor the system will " break down the people! ... COMPLAINT AT THE CEXTEB. Gentlemen whose good opinion we value have complained that the com munications . from the werklngmen. which have appeared In the Sentiae! are calculated to Injure the party. Many of them we bare not read, because of our absence. They are from some of ? the steady, christian workiagmen-of the rltv. and If thev feel as titer write it will do no harm to print the writing. . It ii- the feeling, not the writing, that may do the harm anticipated. We see and feel that the way la clear to break ' up and destroy the okl Hslden-llaw klns-Bwepson ring. Through their newspapers and editra they hare ma Ilgned and slandered us in a stylo never before known in DOliticl wamre. This Ilawkins-nolden-Swepsou " "ring . stronger to-dav than it was in 180849 It baa been reinforced by lawyers, - tors, landlord and office-hunters, who, profess great devotion to tbe democratic party, when it is well known they had no politics until the great victory of the people in 1870. Tbe people can trust us not to do anything to injure the party. "nor the country. Let the stockholders of the Chatham road go on with their u bond awapping and running the Raleigh . News. Let the workiogmeo complain. not at their worK-oencncs onij, out through the columns of a free press th Hawkins and a railroad corporation shall not, through bob- tail lawyers ami oflko bunting pelitciaus, run cheap newspapers to oppress labor and p aj - tricks on the state treasury by swapping ten ctnt fur dollar bonds. e" ELECTION HINGES. , Grant would make tbo hinge ' upon which the- eleetkm should turn, the Catholic church and religion. Morton and Blaine would make it the bloody ahirt and the lato war. This will be -. done to keep out of sight Moses, of South Carolina, Beed, of Florida, Bui " lock, of Georgia," Holden, of North Car r olin Bpenoer, of Alabama, snd the , lionisiana outrages and the whisky ring f rands. In spite of the war which has bom over these ten years, Babcock, Bollock and Holden will be bobbing np as the great evils to be removed with all other radical evil. The railroad ring in North Carolina, which has had con trol of pet lawyers and eagle bird peli tknana since 18CS-69, will be content if they can get a governor, lieutenant gov ernor and speaker of the bouse, aueh as may be acceptable to the Asheville Citi iten and Baleigh News, and tha Virginia railroad papers. The News will not be able to carry President Hawkins and bis exchange of bonds through the campaign., There must be a plank in the state platform condemning the v exchange of bonds,, and patting the odium of it upon the radical, convention of 1868 and President Haw kin and', the Chatham road where 'ii rsiJrosd bwkr y feud, but the people will not be silent. Brethren of the press and bar, speak out against thia bold radical swindle or go over to the radical ranks and bo ailent abont Swepson, HolJen, Babcock and Joyce t Sixteen counties ' have con demned it, and sixty more ahall before the democratic convention meets, unless the railroad managers burry np the meeting of the nominating oonventiou six months before tho election.--" "--- XOW THE FIGHT WAXES WABit A Durham correspondent speaks feel ingly of the state of things at Durham. If they were not of the toughest mettle In the world SO per cent, and high freights would have crushed the last business house in the town. We would advise against starting wagon train. The people are entitled to have the pro ducts of their labor taken on their raiU roads at reasonable rates, and they should demand It. ' They should meet and remonstrate against such a tariff. Tha whole community should rise tip against it, when 174 is charged - to transport 14,770 pounds of tobacco 25 miles. . It is true this road offered 415, (Kk) for the Sentinel, and paid over 0.000 for running a democratic paper ia rUleigh and one in Charlotte to break down the Svntiuel, but the road has n tight to reimburse Itself by such extor tion upon the people aud labor of the ctiuotryT It ''Mwto1erab'rrMUie t hatham rtH.After spending 125,000 on Sioue. UmcII and the) Ba'efgh 2?e thev reimburse the road, or lu stock- lnddeis,furnUhlo the money by charg- big II for carrying freight six miles and wep,4ng ten cent for dollar uTnI with Hi si' treasurer, ami tbe peop'e an pat ent under it and even subscribe Ur their papers.; ..,'','.'. ,, ' ... .... '? AXOIHEB DEMOCRAT FROM. HEARD V Iitoh, N.G.Feb. 24, me. M. Eorron : I read with, gratification the "appeal to whit men and patriotism," in last evening's imue of tout valuable paper, by"lin Top." I heartily ap prove of evervthiaff he says abont radi' ealism, but at tha same time we have othor men in oar community and who are meaner and more dangerous than some radicals. x "Pine Top" ssys,V'rea, despise the wbite-skin coward tu&t would seek, by word or deed, to place yenr wives and daughters npen any kind of equality with black impudence, black presump tion and black ignorance," and at the same time says nothing of the, "white e"wh 1 upon ignoranoe" that is being forced portion of the democratio voters of thii community by the "so called or their party. of Mr. Editor, I do not know who "Pine Top" is, but as an editor once said. tmni l see me -ear-mark." II I am right in my surmise, I am satisfied that he is no frumd to the Daily News, and if he deeirea to see every democrat do lus dnty in tne approaching elections. let him denounce also those who run "democratio newspapers with "rail' road", money, to oppress thst class of the deniecratto party known as working- men. Tbe Newa claims to be the organ of tne democratio party. Now, if this is so, can the leaders of the party expect men of "pure hearts and honest im pulses to follow them when their organ seeks to put "white men, born of white women and begotten by white lathers," on a level with or even lower than the nemo? " , K . A correspondent in your paper of the 22d instant aaya that thia "spicy little journal" first reduoed the wages of its poor printers from 918 per week to fl6, then 912, and now propose to pay them only 110, requiring them to work nntd three o clock in the morning. There is not a negro in the state so oppressed and outraged I Is thia the way that ffkingmen are to be rewarded for their allegiance to the democratio party ? If so, can they be expected to do other wise tnan support tnose wno pay them a fair compensation for their labor t While we are fighting radicalism, let us not lose sight of those who are plun during onr state of everything they can get their vile hands npou, and setting up cheap newspapers here and there to tfofeud tUm iu their stealing - If the democratio party desires to meet with soouess in tna owning election in this city let the state executive committee disclaim the Raleigh Nsws ai the or ganof the party, otherwise tbey drive from its rauka a Wge number of voters. Mr. fiditor. while y-u are ventilating radicals, do not forget th News and the railroad corporations and office-seek' ing political tricksters who extabliahed it to promote, their own selfish ends and schemes. " --A DnfonuT. A CORRECTION. , .,. Irom the Charlotte Democrat J The Raleigh Sentinel is mistaken in saving that the Charlotte Democrat 'hoists the names of Vance and Cox for governor and lieutenant ditto.". We hive hoisTed no ons's name to the head of eur editorial oolumna and never ex pect to de so again, but we intend to support the democratic nominees, aa we have always dons from tha day we were tnirteen years out (tnat being the aire at which we first began to help print a democratic paper.) In the article to which the Sentinel alludes we merely intended onr remark as a,suggestion or approval of what other cotemporariea hsd said about Vance and Cox. We never did approve of hoisting names in advance el nominations. We are a little particular about mating pledges in advance, and if the Sentinel will copy this article it will explain oun position to its readers, for which we will be obliged. There is much complaint now in Mas tach usetts that a man there mar not many either his mother-in-law or step mother, daughter-in-law or atep-daugh- ter, though none of those are blood re . ISO yy- Ex-SecreUry Delano is in Cnliforois with his wife. , A Baptist Church in Qawcy, UL, bis three doaoonesses. v . The coal business ia very dull in the Kentucky mining regions. The democratio majority in Texas is expected to be between fifty and sixty thousand. There were thirty-six eouplea in Washington on their wedding tour th other day. , McDonald, Joyee, McKee, Bannock, td id jrs, taay now be called "tried republicans." , The tombs of Fontaine and Moliere, ia the cemetery of I'ere la Chaise, at Paris, are being restored. ( :.; ,IM.(. A Yankee in St. Petersburg ia trying to sell baby-Jumpers, bnt the Russian mothers are afraid of the ex. ; , ' A son of Mr. Jam Lick, the Cali fornia philanthropist, baa received a judgment, against his father of f3,283 f or aerrioea. , . ,';;., ::. ',;'".;,, - Tha Servian press) declares that no power can faros bervia to prove faithless to th iasnrgentav . The war feeling ia becoming intense, - . Mis Cnshman was never married, and had aha lived until th 23d ef July next would have been sixty years of age. Sh probably leave an immense estate. A Bible, one the property of Charles U.. waa recently aold in London for &J0 6s. . It was urijsted by Field. Cam' wridge, in 1600, and the plate were by The latest statistic tell us that ' mar riage which is reckoned at thirty-nuts per cent in Eugtautt aud at tntrty per eent tn irelaud only reaene unetuen per oeut in Oermauy. Th candidate elected in 893 districts of Franue are cuusuned a follows Re- pubnoaus, 187; Conervativia Repuoli iuus, 71; BouaparUata, 69; Leguumsta, ii: Uusnrvativee, 'M: UouatiluuoiuttuU, 10, ju nauicaua, 4 1. The cadet of West Point will havs to get along oa $540 in pay and allowanos aiur the end of thia nsoal year. ' They are now receiving foiu, wnicn is oonaiu crabty more than Um average family of tne laud la oompeuea 10 subsist on. The Ubrary of Franx Hardinger, the great Vienna book eoltactor who, died reeently, is to be aold. It consist of 21.000 volumes, and is rich ia German playa of the sixteenth nutury, and in the German classic, every edition which it contains. 'Boston is preparing to weloome back her fugitive Winalow, and ha ia willing to come. He says that he would rather be in a Boston jail than in a Dutch palaos. There ia something exceeding ly beautiful and touching abont this home feeling that characterize absent Beetoniaaa. A curious story ia published by a Ger man newspaper, according to which an o nicer of the Imperial Prussian Foot Guards hss received a challenge, in which thirty officers of his regimeut are challenged to fight aa equal number ef French officers, the Germans having the cnoice 01 arms and plaoe. Colonel Shaftuer.of the Twenty-fourth United State Infantry, who reoently maue a long scout tnrougn lue Staked Plaina of Texas, reports that their true character has been misapprehended, for wood, water and grass abound in the sections he explored, sections that had previously been regarded as almost nn. inhabitable. . ' - The Secretary of the Treasury, in re sponse to inquiries, states thst h is still undecided when to eonuneno paying out iuih wui w iwyimoo turn uwmuuu currency, tie aaya, however, that a very strong pressure is constantly exerted upon the government to commence oom pliano with th peci-resnmption in this respect immediately. ' A illustrating the carelessness of peo ple generally in businea matters, ft ia related that one of th men in "authority in a Philadelphia trust deposit oompany aaya he would be glad to be allowed t give 9100,000 to th oompany annually to be entitled to all the (weeping ef the floor ia other word, to have for his own the precious papers, stocks, coupons, Ac, the depositors leave en the floor. HOW THE LATE ttEVEBDY JOHN bOX LOST AN EYE. ; It was In 1833 that Reverdy Johnson met with aa accidcut that resulted in a partial lota t his eyesight. Mr. 8tan ley, a member of congress from North Carolina, waa challenged to tght a du. 1 by Henry a. wise, 01 vtrinuia. ur. Sianley went to Mr. Johnson's house, in Baltimore, to prepare tr to enconitter. aad h secured hi services in prelimi nary practice with th pistol. H was nettled by Mr. Man ley's lack or skill. and taktih; pistol fired at a locust tree some, ten feet distant, bnt the ball re b nnded and struck him in hi left eye aud he lost It entirely. The challenge waa caused by bad ridmg. Kidinx to the race course Stanley rede against WUe who struck him with hi whip or cane, lor which challenge ensued. Mr. Johnson waa the only man hurt in the fight. Ex change. MEETING OF THE STATE DEMO CRATIC-CONSERVATIVE EXEC UTIVE COMMITTEE. Rooms or tub Dkm. Con. Ex. Com. Ralxioh, N. a, Jan. 29, 1873. f. At a meeting of the Central Executive Committee ef the Democratic-Conser vative party this day held, it waa re solved that a meeting uf the StaU Exec utive Committee be called t assemble in the city of Raleigh on Wednesday, the! Oth day of March, 1H7G. The object of the meeting is to decide upon the time and place of holding t ft e State Conven tion of the Democratio-Conservstive party and to consider such other matters as may coma before the (Jommittee. " Each member of the Committee earnestly requested to be present , W. K. UJi, CH M. J. J. LrrrnroRD, Hec'tj. , - RCBEER AND CAPCIX ( There ia scarcely a branch of human industry in which India rubber baa net in some form found it way. Although widely known and uaed, but few. are aware of its madicinal virtues and great curative propertie. Practical experi ment has proven that it is a natu ral reservoir of electricity, containing more man any snow snbstanc er com pound. Owing to thia fact it baa been used with success la curing nervous eomplaiuts and rheumatism that were invulnerable to drugs. . It has also been Uiscovered that India rubber possesses all the properties valua ble aa a speciuo lor pulmonary oem- plaint snd cure many forma of euaautnp tion and lung disease. Combined with Cttpciaeit is nn paralleled aa a pain re liever, whether external or internal. Nearly all the surgeons have adopted it on account or lis great beating proper ties. The most effectual way of using th artici is in the form 01 a perforated plaster. Th extensive us of ordinary penorated or porooa piasters, 1 a tes timony to it merit , 1 -The only objection ever found with th ordinary Rubber Peru Plaster i that it act too slowly- requiring days and eontinoon want to relieve pain or effect a cure. -, - A celebrated physician of New York. who has long mad the medical proper ties of rubber a study ha succeeded ia making a great improvement in Porua Plastera by introducing Capciao, which overcome all tne former objectiona, causing th plaster to do in a few mo menta or hour, that which it formerly required day or week. Capcin ia th moat valuable ingredi ent ever need aa aa external remedy. It operate with stooihing vigor aad re- Levee pain immediately, t Ita curative properties ha become so famous that an eut rpriaiug arm in Aew lorK. tool it in hand, aud by bringing Capcin riatre to tbe attention of physMiaas, have met with anurweedrated soceea. Tbe artici is known a Benson's Cap cin Phv-ter. Th prioe is th asm a tb ordinary l'oraa llaster, eenta. Every Draggist hae them. ' i n SEAfiURY A JOHNSON, 4 . Agents. New Yurk. Fer sal by Williama k Haywood and 1'saeuO.le Uo, iialmgh I O aid, MEN A SPEED T CI AM, WaakaeM ef the Back or Limb, fttrfctarae, At ectloa ef the Kldib-ys er BladiUr, Uvul- antary DUch .rye, Iippoteaey, Uvneral De bility, MervnoMMaa, irfjta, Languor, Lew Spirits, Confaloa f Ideas, rlpiUo ( th Heart. Timidity, Trembling, DlmneM of Slrtit or Uiaaionw, DUu of the Head. Threat, Mom, or ftkla. Affeetioa of tb Liver, Langs, Stomach or Bwel taoM r- rtbis dwortlcra arising from solitary Uabils of Tent secret aad solitary raeUes ssors fatal to their vtrtlaas tbaa tns sotif of tb Svreoea to tbe Mariners of L'lyssea, blight ing tbelr most brilliant hopes ssd sotielpa- uons, renuennr mamage almost uapossiMe, esirofing.iKHa isauy ana Mina llnrrleige. Married persons or young aieo eontempla ting niarriaire, suffering from Organic and Physical Weakness, Loss of rrocreatiT Powers, Imnotency. Prostration. Kxhausted Vitality, Involuntary Discharges, Mon-Eree- tabillty, Hasty Emissions, Pslplution of the Heart, Nervous KxrltabUitv. Deeav of the Physical aad Mental Powers, Derangement 01 an tne iiai forces ana functions, nerv ous Debility. Loss of Manhood, tisneral Weakness of the Organs, aad overy other unhappy disqualification, speedily removed, anu iuii uianiy vigor restored. 'V"''V'.'''"'To Tonar Slen These are some of the sad and melancbolly effects produced by early habits of youth, via: Weakness of tbs Back and Limbs. Pains in the Head, Dimness of Slgbt, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Htrt, Dyspeosia, Nervous Irritability, Derange ment of the Digestive Fimcsioa, eaeral Debllitv. Bvmotoms of CoosumnUoa. ate. Msbautv. The fearful effects oa tbs mind an much to be dreaded Less of Mem ory, Confusto sf Ideas, Depressio ef Spir its, cvu-roreooaings, Aversio to eeeieiy, Self-Distrust, Lots of Solitude, Timidity, etc.. srs soms 01 in evus proaucea. Thousaads of persons of all ages eaa now tadge what is tbs cause of their declining leaUhv losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous sad emaciated, having s stag. ar appearance aaous las eras. eoaEsaa sympuimsoi coniunipuoa. . y -u A Speed j tare . Wrrnted In recent Dlseass Immediate Relief No Mareury. Persons ruining tbclr health, wast ing Urns with Ignorant pr tender sad Im proper ireainieai, anviag aiseais into ins sy.tem by that Deadly Poison, Mercury, rsasing Fatal Affnrtioos of tha Head, Throat, nose, or earn, uvor, iungs, etomaca or Bowels, speedily cured. Let ae dellcscv Drs- veni sppiy immequtieiy, inclose sump to as oa reply. Address Dr, Joltnstci, or mi sjl mvosM iocx irosrrTAL, iu. t, nuvttt rtfiUKKii,. nr., B'TWKKS BALTIMORE AMD . SXC0XD HTMUTS, BALTIMORE. JiD. Juas SI, ly. to ATS' SPOOL COTTON. ' we will for 1 he p essv sell aiiv aamoer ami corn- si vi Trm ny Tne oiuc leoii-u w. u. n. o. lbitu, Orrica er nvrsaiBTaassa, . PrrsHssoM Kailkoao iiwraxrr a Pstarsourg, V , November 94, I 7& nHlXUE or tCBtOVLB TO V take ettsv-t SUNDAY, NovsmbsraiUi UOlBiU HUU I H. Lssv Petersbant sxfJ A. M. and 1:27 P. Arrtr at Weldo at ft) A. M. 8:55 P M. GUI MO NORTH- ' Leave Weldo at 7:3 A. M. aad 4 P. M. Arrive at Petersour at 11:40 A. M, s 77 P. M. . Trains connect at Peter burg and Wrldea itb trains for all southern and northers points. Tickets sold to all souths ru. south western, northern and eastern points, aad Baggage enccaea inroasn. U. 1. 1IUUU1.AB, feb lMd-w-tf. Superintendent. Til LITILI I1IL1I6. vs SI Perfect S Ligk JUST ' Perfect Sewing Machine for Light Work. iXXT THE THING. . Sent Free to any address oa receipt ef Three Dollar. FA1KCH1LU Oo. 1 Tit filuku New York City. P. O, Address, Box 4755. AGENTS WANTED, oet 95-deedwly TTOCSE AND LOT AT CHAPEL XJL HILL FOB BALE. By virtue ef an order of the Superior Court of Chatham county, I will sell as commis sioner on Monday, 2oth of March next, at th Court House deof In Plttsboro. at public auction, thst valuable bonso and lot in the town of Chapel b ill, known a the Hunt house. - . -- Terms of sale t30.00 cask and the remainder a a credit ol six moats wild bona aaa security. Title retaiaad until purchase mosey Ispaid, - I I I It A ,1 .7 -t-T"""""" -'1 t--rr-r 1 1 " , - c 1 1 11 1 11 1 iiviiii ujtmiAtiT n Wears nos selltag EII0DE31 8TANDACD AMMOMATEU Sl'PEH P O8PHATE. Prepared Expressly for Cotton . , This FertUlxer has given th greetent stbfa4ioa to sll who hsve u-d t not onlv u grower of Cottoe, but as a PERMANENT IMPROVER (iK TUKSWIL. Ills su artkh high Is percentage of tbe most valuable Fertilising ingredient, whicb are Bone riionph.t, of Lime, Ammonia, Poth, U. We respectfully refer by lvrmiMlon lb the folluwinf Mr ties who bav used this Fertiliser: E. i. lvey. LaMgh; W. . HiddUk, Mease, f. t . tlirit. tophe's.Ualeigh : K. Fully, Wakene d; A. B. Dewar Harnett: Ir. W.lter Drbmsn, KalekjU and others. Cottoa grower would do well to se us befor. purt lia.iug their (iuauo ' It. P. JUNKS A Co.. Also keep oa band a full Una of GROCERIES aad LIQUOKS. , , . K. . JONES & CO.. febCC-dAw Sm. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers, Wilmington street, Batclgh, N. C, 18 Q I CD g 1 pmL. .i ltta .w.t H awk til to a H OBSES 1 HORSES 1 Eight good Hones for sale. ' all snd see tsem at r. C CHKlTOl'lltllS A CO. 8, . M llinlngton street. JATEST NEWS 1 8AVED Ills BACON I Having salted two hundred bog, we are prepared to fill orders for Iwuie made bacon 1 all kinds at , F.CCHRIsTOPHEUSACO.'S, . . Wilmington street, near City Scales. $250 MO?nll-rlitfl Wftiitot nutitii'M iiunurtiiiinu .rn rrl i 1-11 .pill frw idilp... . n ukiu m t.o. u iouit.ua. rTWCKET FARES AND TIME BCHET). JL CLE TOTHn WEST, vu THE CHES- APESEIAOHIOR.il. First class far from t alehrh to Cincinnati 3.25. . . .. First class far from RaleMrit to Iadianas- oiis nin , First class fsrs from Ralelrb to Chicago 1. . n. M . si. w. 1 . . ..i- . First (lass from Raleigh to St. Louis 33.25. First class from Raleteh to Louisville 2T.2&. Passenrers for CmeinnaU and tha West. leaving Raleigh by the R. A O. R. R. 10.00 a. ss. train, resch Rk-hmond at 8.45 t. .: leave Rirwmewd wtM.80 p.-nr., by tbe Cia- ciaaati Kibuy Hatiroaa, aaa roacn unci ati at 0.00 oa tbs morning ef the second day. 1 tOSWAl K. HUWAKD, Oen. Pas. dc ticket AreuL W. M. S. Deao, sgiaaeer and Sup't. $1,250 Profitfrom Investment of 1906. one of oar cu-tomsrs Durchased oread en HO shares of N. T. Ceairai ha Put n lu ai d Call MM buying 100 share, against lb Put (4 107 which wa sold OS 114 selling at the aame price 100 (bare ealui4 (a) IOS netting proflt Sl,s 0, this opera tor eaa 11 misled every mouth d be year ilu, SO, SO, 100, lOiiO, wUI pay as well fur aoMHirt luveS'Sd. told, Suicka, Cot'oo h4 Tobacco buught aud sold oa e muiarioa. Advances oa raMislgini'Snta. rnce Usu ana Circuia-s iree. CHAKLEs .4I,ILET A CO., , ! - Hankers A B Okrrs, . , 40, Boid St., New tore., near Gold and Stock Exc anir 'a. r. a BOX8774. . v. -tl..:,- fe I74f . MO to 25pep Hay lIs: mm m Ml n ntett a ST APL u Com S. wTmrmm as eaa nuiaiai. ooM s. im t $1,200 Pltllll'IlN $100 Msds any day in Prvs saw Cslls. Invest sceordlng t your means 110. XTiO or $ 100, ia Stock Privileges, baa brought s small for tune to th earefuj Investor. Ws sdrUe when and how to operate safely. Book with full Information esxTr he. Address order by mall and telegraph to UAilfcUftCU. Sankera-and. jaa SMawly THE ONLT POLTTECnNIC HOME SCHOOL. ST. CLEMENT'S HALL, Elllcott Cltv, near Baltimore, M J. Well established ; thorough; superior teach srs. Oeaerous table; invigorating climate; so sickneas. Qraduates rank blgU; receives only flrst- elsM boys. Four Courses: Classical, Liberal, Scien Ufic, Commercial. Seed stamp lor ueretmiai catalogues Taa Rsv. J. Avsai SasrusRD, D. D., Head Master. CsUBLBt A. Ds M. Brsscsa, Pa. D., Assoc Master. Asg4 weowly . DK. P. BABCOCK, DENTIST, HAS onened bis old office over C D. Iteartt'i Bboa more where he will b? tld to see his many friends re Quiring Dental operations. All operations cart-fully performed and at reduced prices. . . . MARRIED PEOPLE- New Invention Jiut what ya want. Reliable and DuraMe Mailed on - receipt ef 75cta. Addrets Dr MOdMAN A Co., Midcletowa, Conn. MIND READING, PSTCUOMANCT, Fasematloe, Soul Charming Meamerism, and Marriage Guide, showing bow either sex msy f urinate and gain tbe love snd sf fectln of airy- person they ehooe instantly, 4110 pages. By mall 50 eta. Uunt Co , 1 8. 7U Rt.,PUla., Pa. , . ' AoaaT WawTXD for tL Gbxst CEHTEHNIAL HISTBET. 700 pages, low Price, t quirk aalea. Extra tsms. P. W. ZIEULER CO., 51b Arch SC. PhlUdelphta, Pa. WALL 8TBEET CABICATCBEH A Bew Book, 4H Ptgea, containing 14 Eo graved Illustrat oss, with tuforsaatio for Stork Speculators. Fries 10 ce'ta b mail. TUlf BRIDT.F. A CO.. Banker and Brokers. Wstl Strei-t. N. T. -febl3-w Hi !,'- i iniw oa il Csbm, History, t'umio,! S?. SJL r. alt-Til ku. u liKW.ii;V": fnmttt of Istxr suae. W A 'WrP r7Ti AeV for the la-.t Packages in th wortd It anntama 15 ihM- iper, ii kuvel ipa. golden pen, Pen-bolder, 'cbcii. Pale t 1 ard Mea-arr, aud a piece of T Welry." Single -packagr; wli pair of ele ssntGold St oeeleeve Buttons, pnt paid. UV S fur MX1. ibis package has brru examined by law pubiutber t the hentiiu-l, slid found rrprtMuled worth the moi-.v. W'atcbe given aaay to all Agents. Circular) fre. - BRIDE A CO. 708 Broadway, New Tork. Congas. Colds, Boi'tticu, ml ill Ikroit UiitaMV U8E WrlliTirfcolie T.klrti. PUT L'P ONLT IN BI.CE BOXES. A TRIED ASD 8LBE REMEDY For sale by Druggists generally, and JOHNSTON, IIOLLOWAY et CO.. PhlladelphU, Pa. Homoeopathic VET EH IX A BY PRACTICE Works on that sulj-ct, giving concise and plainly written lntrnciloii for the treatment of all ordinary ailments' of all Domi-.tlc Anlmala, are constant 'y kept lit stock, to- fnher wtth approprlut Medicine Chests. hee books are stierinlly written for tbe Farmer's, Hock KaUnr's or Livery Ktilile man's nir, avoiding a far as ponilihle, all technical tvrm. For Descriptive Price List send stamp to t he llALTIMOKB HOMOKOPATHIC PHAKMACV vn West Karette Street BOEUICKE k TAP EL, Proprietors. GILES9 LllJIl.JtlJ I IODIDE OF AMMONIA- "GtLaa' Iodidb or! Ammohia Is. tn or judgment, tb beat remedy for nearaigta ever put before the public. 1 have been alllicted 1 witn mis atsease lor 8 years, sea never antil I fell upon Mr. Giles' remedy did I Snd any assured relief. I Uk pleasure In aaylog this. Inasmuch aa I desir always to b a bene factor f tha human family. W- P- CORBIT, Chm'a ef tbe Methodist Church Exlejuton." Sold by all Drugglsta. Depot 451 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. Only SO cents snd 1 s bottle. For sale by PE8CUD, LEE CO., Jsnli-dwAw4w. Raleigh, N.C. Samaritan Nervine. THE great Nerve Conqueror, EpileptieFiia,CBvulsiot spasms, bi. Vitus, us nee ai.a all Nervous Diseases ; the only known pocltlve remedy for Epl- epticr it. 11 nas nee lesieu t y thousands and haa never beta kuowa to fail ia a single cae. I rial packago ire, ancles .tamp for Circulars giving evt- Aum u. uitl, Address, DK.. A. RICHMOND, act 15-12m Box 741, L Josepn, .do RICHMOND A PETEKSBCRO R. R, CO. Commencing Oct. 94th, I7i. Trains on this road will run as f ilowa 1 Lb its RirsMOMD, eotnru. 1 MO A. M . Tbrourb st.ll : 7:4J A. M.. F-Tiirht Train : 1:45 f. M.. Taruueh Mail : P.M., Freight Train. ' LBAV rBTSBSBCaO, NOBTg. 7:50 A. M.. Frelirht Train : 1 M.. Thronrh Mailt P. M. Frelirht Traial 7:5 P. M.. Through MaiL r Coaches attached to all freight trains for accommodation of passengers. This Compaoy offers special Inducements to tbe shipping public on line of tbe KaXeb s. iraston, Kalelgb at August and western N. C. Railroads. In the way of low freight ngT ruler A.8nAW SupenntcndrnU dAw-tf Where Advertising (.on tracts caa be mmAa. At 10 oTlock onThiird:iV the 2d of Msnh, 197'!, I will tell t 1 nhlic am lion, tlif entire stock of Liquor end the furniture, liilnrvs A-c, In ttore on Wilmington V lisri-tt known as Forrit eorm-r. Ontl.c fame dar. immediatiy after the ,aIove sale elusrs, I" will tell thi Liquors, wines, furniture snd allure belonging to J. M. Forrest A Co. 4 6 THIS PAPER JS ON rUJE WITH ' J. II. tUSLMt, ieb 51 Ws, AMlsnes, a. 4. siata, 1 Tim. . Feb, X, tSTA-wftw: ' ... t " le si-ti. lations.

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