LA B - .1 i)3':PffAtl a-1 U VJ i-l W tJ t J mmt THE HOST USE tuiNA m:ts. CLASS SETS, FIXE TEE FALEIG II SENTINEL CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND :Z'Z'r'z. MEJJTi, ".,,,.' jut Amendment: That section i, of article 9, b stricken out and two new sections be tubotiiuled. The teclioo to be ttrkkeu out U Id regard to laud riven lu the state by conureae awl Hiti appropriation of tint-, iiakii, Ac The ecihm to l&Mibniitutei give all laoJa ar! proceed ol' liun!, givm bj the Unitca rts'.M t tfte rtale to cduealioiial purjioses ; all swamp lauds, fines &., are to be, ued im r ui - po a of eduatHn. ' 2ud A mca tim-iit strikes out section 17, article 3, and ubiitut a a" trctm" jnu vidiug fur the iai lioliuutil of a bu- . heau of aTU:ulture.iiuiuit(iation aud nta ti"tica,aud the ptoltcUuU of shtep hulandr) . ' ' . 3d Ann U4!ment add to section 23. of article I, that "secret political societies are danerou to the liberties of a Iree people aud should not be tolerated." Jtft. Amends section 10, article 3, by providing that the governor, Viih "the advice of the "senate, ahail appoint all offices whose appointments are not otherwise provided for. 6th Abrugatea and amends section 13, -18 aad: lTrofarttole4,-aad allows the general assembly to allot and distribute all judicial power among the seTeral . counties esoept that of the supreme court, which is fixed by the constitution itself. 6th Strikes out sections 1 and 2, of article 13, and forbids calling a conven tion without first consulting the people at the polls. 7th Provides for submitting the . amendments to the constitution to the people, at the the polls, Tuesday after the let Monday in November. 1876. The amendments will be ratified or re jected together. 8th Provides for publishing the ordi nances for the information of the people. tith Requires the judge to reside in ' and forbids his folding court in the same county- more than once in four years. 10th Reduces the number of judges from 12 to 9, and authorises the fegiala tureto increase or diminish the number. 11th Provides for the' assembling of the legislature in January instead of November. ' 12th Hits civil rights on the head by forbidding white and black children going to the same school, and providing that no discrimination shall be made to the prejudice of either race, 13th foes the pay of members of the general assembly at $1 a day and 10 tsMita mileage, and limit the session to 60 days. If the session is prolonged beyoud 60 days, members receive no pay. 14th Provides that the term of office for senators and members of the legis lature shall begin at the time of their ectton. 15th, That section 29. of article 2, is amended to allow the general aembly . to change the time ol holding elections for the general assembly loth strikes fioiu the constitution sec tion 4, of article , which is the old re publican gerr) raauder of the senatorial distiku iu law. 17th lteducea the number of supreme iudges from live to three, as our laibei adit. . 1 8th Declares the judicial j.ower shall be vested in a couit lor the trial oi iirleacliUiiuU, a supreme court, su perior court, court ol justice l the peace, aud euch otl er iuit-iii r to the supreme courts urn) lie eetabliolied by law- ; 19th Establishes jhe supreme court In ltuleigh, uutil otherwise provided by the guueial assembly. 20th bti ikes secliou 8 article 2, from the constitution. This section was tlte old repuiiiicau gerryuianaer oi vne oue of representatives, sud the , eople cau do without It. 21t Forbids vacating any olfics or term oi office now existing under the eonslitutioo. ' nt IWiilvi fur th election of Judges of the supreme court aud supe rior court, by geueral ticket, or Vote of all the people ; but allows the general assembly to change the mode of elect ing superior court Judges from general ticket to district elections 23d Requires 12 months' residence In the state, and 90 days in the county, before a man can vote, and excludes felons and ex-penitentiary convicts frnm tinlflin nffina OT VOtinsT until TO- stored to citizenship by due process of . j i jv. law, mere was two uavo- bcww this ordinance, Messrs. Dockery, Alberteon and Buxton,, with all the negro delegates.speakng against it and declaring it waa aimed at the negro, i 24th Provides for the removal by the 'legislature of any Judge of the superior fnr men till or nhvsical disability. lt slip provides for the removal of clerks of the supreme and superior .mi,t. h the, tiwlirm of the courts for the same reason. Appeal In case of removal is allowed as in otner cases or suits. - . v- 23th Provides that article 7 of the con stitution be amended by adding that the I oaomtilv ahall have Dower to modify, change or abrogate any and all of the provisions of the article, and sub stitute others in their plnoe, except sec ;.. 7 o .! Tliia allows the Wiala- tare to appoint magistrated. aa under the old constitution. 2Cth Gives jurisdiction to justices of the peace over civil actions iouhumi vb .r, tVo. whi tha mm does not exceed $200 ; and allows the justices to call in a Inn nf mi man in iwrtnin caHeSL - to29tih Authorises the employment of ... i- i i i : u i- couvicu on puuuo wwas auu iu""; 28th Adds the following new section A. In m tkn creneral as- bunhlv shall establish other inferior courts, the prwiding officers and clerks thereof ahall be elected in such manner as the general assembly, may prescribe." FUL, ESTEKSIVE AND t'ASTOBS, U0XS AND FORKS, 29th Forbids niarriSge between white and black and all persona of negro de scent to tne Ultra generation. ' " v ' 30th Adda to article 1, section 34 ! "Nothing herein oontained shall justify the practice of earrying eoneealed weapona or Diwvent the legudatur from iuautiiig peual statutes against sule anacQoa. - .- -". list Abolishes secboo 81. of articles And Ufuvttlea for nlling all mukhb offices provided for by this srtick by the guveruor not btuerwiae provuieu lor. . 32d t'ruvuh-s for payiua: officers and luetubfca of tne eouvotinnn, . , Sid ihves ovwer to the snureme court to try issues and queeu-jus ol mci a uudor (lie old constitution. , , CONSTITUTIONAL ttiNVKSTt M or NUKI H CAJU.SA r 183, ' t'omtle la Pn KoifiujibUt. r up by J. W, WA TaoN. The aly nun, 4aUt e py In liManee nd w til tmvolii t s ti(oclf piive. alt Uou Ulktry, tUtelgU, a.- V SvtiuxK.i rvjuvx-nuiaji-a. , 1 Aa loMirsnee Journal aevntr4 to the tntsr- st of fmlcy-aiiidvn, Cwntats all tbstn ursnce Uteratunt of ths day. Only Iiwur save per la North Carolina. Treau of both Life and rif Isaaraaee, xpuslag wild-cat cum pan lot sad eoiuawndlng the strong eaa imm. oBoplt. of orta Utro ma, ins paper tor IboM luterwtod ID Insurance " v BubscrlptloB W.00 to advanee. AdvarUis teat ta.erted at wsnaanls rates. . , ) f , ; ... . , . Addn-sa, , . i J " ' - . jso.c: mrrsox,' . i '" Editor and Proprietor. - ' npt a -- ItaWghr---1-1- MblvwB Caavaa, ' Aasaaim 1 Caaraa OAUTKIt St, OAIi T XI ; , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . . AaasvuiB, H. Q. . PrSetlee la Ua-aapretna Court at Sal- irk. ad ta las State aad federal Courts at Was lava North CaroUaa Clatois coUaetad as ni esse 4 tfea E ' ODRauSUudK aataaraoaa. IBM CAROLINA DO CSS HOLD r MAQAUSK, Aa lUostrato Veataly ef Ckotes tai,aipabUsaadBiowtiara OOLDHBOBO, N. C " It Is a bcsnUfoili Ulasmted Rspoaitar ef Uteratatay.dsBluied i.ta. .beecma tha tireat Uoum bold Magastne of bs Sontb ; ssors thoroughly Identified with the peepls la the)' ooial and Doavstle Lifs tbaa my MagastBe la the country, sad for the sum price, Ulva More KeadiBg. He advantace arcleetad wblch either taleat or capital eas eaa eommand to teaderaach tasae aa arras able aad Instructive eoai(adiuBi of caoiee reading, y popalar tnwi, both aoase as abroad. ITS riCTOIl aaXUBT. las sioat sttrastlvs fcatura. Ths January snaiD- r cuataias a life I as portrait of Xx i.o Z H. Vasec, s d blonraphlcal akatcb, to ba follvwsd is oarh Maitwr with photo rratta ui olhor Lrumiuaat lUlwaai, diviBas tte. HALT fxtn A XaAa, Poatairs rrss. aad each autMrhtMr eaa agskt s cboica of b ae b o beanufol. large Enunvl ra. slat otevbstx SliKbes, vis: "lbs Finding of J, avlr ta lis temple," :' Tbe Mado: na," and "King hear Defying the Btnrm,n for- a-aaea os rrceipt mi us ssMcnptioa price. Either of tba Knirreviifi ts worth doable ba print assd for tba Maitasics dny one vadlncs dubo Ive will rceeiva aa extra Bbarrlptios I'aa. B'ckM copies su eenta. is biouUis nbK.Hpitui witboat ths En ratlOM tt-Oo tgtsfa Wanted Everywnera A drcat a. BtiNITZ. Pabhsher, ' Jas JS-tf -' told-boro N, C A OEXT81 90 ELEGANT OILCHROMOd mounted, sisv Dili, for SI, Noreltles aud ChniUK hi Mt-rj dearnptiou M ATI ok 41. Cbbom Co., PblU., ra. 4w. F K KENT. Folh te r 1870. ths Hue sud Lot on iiiii-buru- Mri-ei u.p.iie . tin I xvuaiii-r, tnael, kiHiauast e uulil g proper.), 'ihe Iiuuhi t-ou ai s elithl cuuii rtaba to wa KiW iieu c- uuiuhig ! ur r. wum. Two litbVc ruoui In lard ail lu Kuvd older. Uut-ida iianiry and aoodhouae. eit of auod Baief hi yaid, pumps i.b.l. ,' :. i lei mi app lo , . C. . It. iiUTCniXGS, 'g't., or to . B. IIUICH1NG8," Famtevtue ot..'ipiioalt Tucker Us L deettf . HEr8El CHEE8Ei A t J ,ui . fill. V X f' iw vi nu. um auaa vm Retail at A cents per pound 1 ry IL . At F. C. Ct.HiBlOPHI.RS A tO.'B,'' ' WdininctoB atrmtr' ; 3 ACOS t BACOX i -'',"': ' 'Z , ' -V 'u- v . Just received 16,000 peoadt Wertera bacon, boai(ht befm aba rUa. Call and (si your supiUe. At assail advaeca for eash, at i. v. tu su e lormiu m iaj. 'o, Wilmington tree I, uar City Scalea, ANOTHER CAR LOAD OF FLOCR, from Brat haud. f.r sale at small prottta, at - W. C. CiiKlBTUrHr.KB k CO. B, WUmlutrton street. - REMOVAL OF OFFICE. , : ,, , Dr. William Xittle. ; Office st hb nsldeoee1, Corner otBlount street sod Newbers arenas. Jan 14-at. Auctioneer:; '. i - - - - COMMISSION - MIECH 4NT, .,' BALEIGIl, IV, C. V. pmnt iftki vflt h rireB ta a)l mtt h.n1tu or Pmdnra sent to BIS for saldu Parttcalar attentioB wDI be siTca to tba in troduction and sals of Machlaery sadj rn- tnr Btansus tuiieu to iris secuuu. Horses and ssuies sohl evsry gslunUj st jo a 'Clues.. , I. . jaa 14 Ida - --- T : 'CHOOL WiM lEO. A centlemaa who has been enfraced fot ... M iH.kin 1aAtel a.iuiols OI blab gnie, in VI flnla, wUhes to take chanrc ni a nrtYaia arauwur iimiiwj .i" .u. liuiiiMt -f r n i..i.iin h ih. Iiln Hrrrk. fmrk aad fcnKluh laofCUSKes., Miuiicw-y iTinrmT. faruisbed. M ould like to comntewca jaarca 1 st and teeth flrs Bwutbs, preparatory to s IOBKCT SCWWa ---mm mm Add 'MS with full particulars, w. w WooDsON, r. O., WjtaeOe Va. fa 7 deu& CHEAPEST STOW-0? LArs, VAsia, cutglasswabb D U. BOISE COTTON 01X8. Una SO and as tO Eaw of tbnsa celebrated ana; Klb Gins saducad price. In tttora, and will be sold st They are said 10 class better, last loufor tbaa any other gta is taster alia as. - Aiao,OBStO Saw BVeood hand Ear. . ... JAM AH M. T0WLE8, sept IMa " tlE llOWK-KEWING MA , ,; chine.5 : .A 1' : ... if f FIRST MICH INK PATEN TK I). lisTasaratMT tr Tlie Best la tke Chcaipcst Ths pohju el saperlortty are ZST Simplicity and Perfection, in JiV- cAaniim. DurabllitT Will last a lifetima! Bangs of Work Without Parallell I Perfection of Stitch and Tension t Beadqnartera for the South st i's'ir. rcnAiiLEs sr., Baltimore, Md ttMJlBLMILtllJjftgimjl SPECIAL UTDUCEMENTS TO CASH FV'BV A liberal discount to dabs of Its or bscts. Every Mack las la warranted and satlsfae- UoBtaurantead. -j. i . . The HOWE MACHINE is for sale ta RALEIUH at No. 13, Fayettcvills St. . juiy o-ti JOBS W. ailflDiLI, : r TT0aU.T. AT LAW, , , Room No. t. First Floor, Law Building, farm terms atrcas, balLiuu. . a. Attends all the Courts ha Balehtb aad Far etterllle. CUIms collected la all pans of N. C Refers to lion. R. M. Pearsoa, Chief Jus tice of Ns-C; Hon. M. W. Rsnoosa. U. 8. Seaator ; aniens" Nat. Bank, W. U. A & 8. Tucker, ttullame Haywood, Raleigh: rayeucvuie aa at k, aten nautar it s of Fayetteviils; Bank of New Usnover, Wll ailufrtoB, S. C ; hiortoa, bliss A Co., Phelps Uodin k Co.. H. A. Iburber A Co.. H. k Clanin A Co., N. T. ; Laadrath , Phlia.; U. . wall at AS, Halk He has formed e auBBeetina with Messrs. Ma se A Bruadfoot of Fayettsvlllu, N. t. ., with r fereue tly to s future badness at that point Ail eoajaianlcntkjM aodrenn ed to J. . liinsdaie, cats wf McKas Bros foot, FaysUerttis, N. C, wUl reeol.a proaspi at tauuoa. .; net IS-tf ' u li ub't a y ho n, ; AVitctun. kF ard JrWfkr, ' 1iiLMioTo raiKT,".' ' !",! ' Near the e.)r srif 'i H inrt- sad fareett tieeto. ork we I aud cheap y sxecuu d. nrs si-ir i jjii r ! . ';;.'''' ,' ! - V,art. HiLSUC dt 00.' J ; , . I ft.un. .V'lluvJ.A-d - ,vif sus ) iivutii,: , The Old, Unrest sn ' Mt Psrfeut Maaa- ; ,,. isetory Is tba Ualldd atstav. o . i 54.000 f He ether fs steal InstraaKst svsr ebtUaad -r '-the ssBM Popularity. ,r - - tafr asd for Price Lktu AuTsaa .. r . ,, , .., BDFFALOL n f. v ll-t '" '.. - .5 H j - A Mfl .ItH'fi !".''. i-l f . ' V RALKIQir. a taelsl atteBttoBclveatotavlatof Eoaie- stiaoa, ra view oi tae atas ocsirwa oi vaa ai te Court of the Uaited Btai eu the sab auj aswAwtf 8A.H, DOORS BLW04 s -."ii ' fJaaraafMdT ttoroeoWv cVaveaieaT 1 f MOCt fOTTQM PR1CI3. j ' (., :, v cups jrwtf at , PAINTS, OILS, COLQKS, , . I llardwr of . tvtry -Description V t fULIUS LEWIS k CO, . ,. r . fish kb Btmjro - !.,,;,vJ .. vluiaiih..a A- ttKAT OlFEttl vr. ... . Uaraeo Waters A toae. 481 Bfwtdwar. t. r , wtilalspaorof rePtanba aad of nr-t cawBsun, iBeHiaase waters. aie treately low friars for cash, -dariac tb'S atoaU. part oaak aad balaaae ia satall ujoa'bly m;bmb1.i Tbaaaaw la tat trrV w aaai Pisses, era tao- beat nude The toaeh atast'e, sad a (aa alasiac too. nawar si, paw aad sva. eare' Coacarta Oiawaaoaawat bootAeUrd hi Was at beaatj; taay defy rr-etaetitleet Tba Coaeatt atop a las ua talioa of the kssua Toira. ataats waatsu d liberal dtsnoaat to taaca. . a Is .-, eaareaas. aeaaoia, tootaa. ata. a 4se-ata ta Ike ireae. tilaamtad taiasM htsisedt. - - AS w ZIIAS AND NEW, YEAR MOTTO CUPS AND' SAUCERS, Wm. W.Joass, AutsTaao 4ua. OHISa lOSIB,'. i . iter- ey'e At Law, F BALEiaif.l.a : ill. ' .Ml 'I-l O BAUTICE is ml Bui ira Court of tee I atats tbs C ires it and IMstriet UstrtiM oa United Utea aad the se Sural 4Hrtse t sib Judicial Dlat-ieV - ' ' - Hnc os atu Ue at., eppaatt ta 1 bwsis Satumal aor-a. up atair,, ; tiat euai plaint of loss b) Tag bacauias ietacbed ' issr aaa aoas ssuasls oos aaasise Vnttwi Bsib )taa aar Tse wa. All ErpraaaComiaT'asae tbess os si ni rr.iwers ana ristiaars or) wnsf- J35 JT. KINO, OF, NORril fAKOUNA, JOHNSON 8UTTOX COi 4' ' : XHY GOODS; Not. 200 Baltimore, and 1 Verth Liberty Sts, T W. Joasaoa, J. E. R. CB4BSS. 0 J. JOBkSOS. at. BiTTToa, asptiT-am flOMJS Y& DLSCONSOLATEI ji - i t i lies IS search of FIRST-CLASS GOODS. the very Lstest Tip of Fsshlon, and put up In a style that will surt the most fastMieas taste, goto WEIKELS ESTABLISHMENT, ea Fsyettevaia Street, ooe door South of ths Boatheru tjprsss Olnce. i j ,-,i r U U i ; ftneedei' rRct;'; that WsQtsl eaa out aa ta bast aad most satisfactory JOBia the way of fine suits of blaming, I root a meoomg io a ousinesa Butt, that eaa ba turaed oat ta Raletch, The eld and young men say K, tbs ladies (Ood bless Uieai) eadorse it end the children cry aver It, cry for toy wt ea their revered "dads Welkel tokes this occasion to r-tara his thanks for the lares and liberal patronage herctofors received, and respectfully asks tor s Contibutors of the same.- His stock of CLOTBS, CASSI.VERES, TWEEDS, SUITINGS. 4e. liaiuchlarrer than aver before,' and coai- prtses au me uttea xnoreities in oiyie, haviPK been recently purchased at low prices from FASHION HEADQUARTERS. As asaal his force of Workmen are Picked Msa, whose skill and ability are known to the dressing ' public. Come ona and all to the Emporium of Faahtn, elk el's, the Merchant tailor, for a srst class Bu t of Clothes, of first class foods, put up in Oral class style. . j ,. - 4- tfnvr Ttookw Jat reartr. T author rf", Ko ltiuuuhnliioi iJouvorie-" Irsforu Bill. tir.iiira'i Irniin. ti aid Ikere. the Household of Boaverie. " Hester Howard's I emptauon. ; A Double Wedla. ta. fit. Vaa tXnlrai sins, aarstiatn KL i avc aii"v t7iJa aw?w siub v v.. bpopu.rb utkern AuihorvM, Mm. lath urneL Muffled. frmr of MiMlwlpil . . .. . . .i . . out IMIW or t isvu e, By , SHU suim.r nr wunu wioe notea ure, i ur ifuwuu.u v B aiverie " hi h U o e of the best an-i . it - l . n. MUhMl Thelabeveaai books a.sech tMurd la ad larjrs daodit'tiuo) Volaniej bouttd lis meroccd cloih, full rl.t back snd 4le price l.TScach or ' tu.oo tor s coitpieMi sev i.i nw .w. aroes, put up la s nest am strongbox. Abot Htwl art for sutf tF rtmnlmtUtrm. or Hlia nf either CM OT Stort qf tkt abot4 hotl. er .a eompUU set timmm mrill hm memt ml Mmt to ana SNA. U any aoo, pottafft prepaid, f fr&t af freight. ea reattaiM? Mr prtrt is a truer w u T. B. PETERSON A BROTHERS, at)6 Cheanut Street, Phllsdclpbla, Pa. F OR RENT. A well arran red two story STORE-HOUSE will ba rested oa food terms. Appiyto r, tfBEST, Bov 4-1 m ' . HlllsboroStreet. r a i L BBS B J&' S. A.J 210 TT7, v ' Makes sad deaaa clothes at the heat sad abaaosst atvle. oa Bkmdwnrth at. NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD IN QUALITY and piles st - - dee S-om C J. ttaAsi i b. T rv a.n v.i WasTsaa N. C. Isssaa Astldm, Moao&BToa. N. C. Feb. 4th, lHTft. BT order of tba Board of Commissioners rj tk. a. bn Iiuih A Hvlum of North Carolina, bidders who- have fore warded pro posals anrisyisg w n um Dimorr itHi heiebv lnlormed that the enenlnc of the said bids hss been deferred antil tbs lh Inst , ana ,s unwuiwra . They srs notified that the Commissioa did mmA nWS maw. nronoaa to furnish sand, tor the said work, in any rase, snd Brader era iree so sooauj tueir unu " tsrd te tne supply oi sana, u urcj Mllll 1 .ill r.k MiMiaiJ tti.t .tactiImI iikj win mi .u.. bunds will ba required to be Sled by that date. T. Utttl. HILI S, fehMU Secretary N- O T I O E Valuib'e Go!d Jllne For Naif. By virtae of aa order of the Superior Court for Cnloa County N. C, appointler ae co at aila. toner to sell tae aeai astaie ei , J. Curetoa. deeeased. I will sell at public a action to the highest bidder at the Court House door la Hoar e, n. c, oa too oay of alareb ltrfi. the Celebrated Dole orBtoe k- toa Gold Mine.with 1 juO acres of latd ltlngM twioa county apoe which said saiao Is sltusted. . far terms snd at her particulars address, H. u.tvis, worn raro T. D. McCacur AU'v at Law. iaa7-swtd. MoBroe,N.C. I A I 1 FaTENT aHIPPIWO TAG I li J VmrTwo Hundred MllUona bar If lUaJbocB aaad a.uda toe tsvt IU tear- I .J , i . . i . GIFTS EVER OPENED TEA SETS.TCUTL'EUY, PP1T U ' BiM 1 Xv b L i .... .-, ... flR nFFTPF JU Uillulj. .1.;,. ALL, BINDS OF J O WORK r . (laving refitted our I : Job Office, And seenred the BerTicer ot . s ) flEMJT-lTPSHl, We arw now prepared to- execute ail a-inda of : 4 ;t t .' vjri-;;.-.-,' (;.:vr i; PLAIN AND FANCY ) Job Work. All peraonA LiATing Bill He la. Letv t Hda. ' DnsiaOD CsMS. Viaitinn Cr?ls. -; Wuddiaa: INrd. (Ji real ara. Pnatera. ate. To prinL"WUkt.thairworke seated in the verj beat Btjle bt : .t h -t; tending it to the r! Sontinol- OiiiCQ. . ; - -; t " We are also prepared te do b!1 kinds of bt:. Book Work In the yerj best stjle, sf J All work aent to ni will be done ai qnicklj and cheaplr as at an; other, . . , . . . -1 . PRUfTISO HOUSE UK THX ; t 801JTH ORBES AN D XVIili. r i . J.a. Clirht Evntock Uoraesaad Muiea. Prices to suit any oaa. dTw . W. WTNXE ACa IN RALEIGH.' ; TOOXS.CHILDBEN'S SEtS,c,&t: B O O K BIH D C ' am 1 ; - BLANK BOOK MANUBAOT CBIR. T OVBai. C. awBiajioaja----'; ; a a .L-r-TrwK'o-f!:;;'' '. W wip aivs erer etle m-a aad wmnea l o.iasMTBsf aiu. Pal iros ii to IS i( ' jy. en bsparsnrd 1 tuaf owe leurnee f -iOd. snd at strict h hoaira la Psrticsls S f "rm. or saaapka worth aeveral do'hirs tb-t e.u raaew sua to r to wk atonco. wl!l ts wat oa receipt at irey cests wrras Mint ..... aot 4-t' , sen Wsahlnatee SV.BosvaiMa f 11 tl iff tSTtfiif. J: ILi ?L i ATTORNEY AT LAW." V'U 4 L SAL B I 0 8, I - O. ilea South of the Court fleaas sear the aeaUsal UllSk wm T-tr -J- E. B. 8 T A M T B. ' ; ' ATTOR5TI?T AT LAW, . Practices la the rtate and Federal Courts. ' Collations made ta aa tart at hortb O. ulina . .. . ' ' ..' 1..' ; " H E CBLEBBATE D Citey Orrsn Stat at Ymm trm saiiV ai - -eBss aasMsa saw . - JROWN S VAniETT 8T0RI, adS-tf Holleiash BulMlnx. " II Ml? Til At I illull Irrr- S IV .M AAA A WW UU i, Dr. O. T. McMannen's ; A1II5IUCAN Till M'lXTTTEE. . PRICK ONB TOIJAR. ' Thb GaatT HocTaaaa Rkmkdt n rii Comumttiok. I FevO arhf. Colds, Sors Throat Hoarse ness and all Lane Diseases ; etpevls'lr ree- oanieaded as aFaaiUy Medicine rarthlldrea salt arrests at crea avery symptom ef cronp, or at lac its 01 vmia, saea ar ehuarea A ars subject to, psilicu sriy to the relief of f Vbooiina Couku. its combinatioa with Sufrar snd o'ber krared auu makes It aot aa. pleasant lo tba UMe, nil re daneer whatever ' in iu ksa. - Tskraia ooriioas of half a teav spoon 1 nl at a Vaie wheaaver tbee is s dtspo aitioa to eoub, and at abtht whea yoa Ue dowa. . It ecu Aoelj aa the Aidaeys sad tba t, Ter. Maaaraoiared and sold wholerale tad Ro ll br tbs Proprietor. Itarhaav N. C Lib eral discount to wholesale dealers, Orders solicited. j .... JNO. A. MoMARHKN, ' iienmi Baslneas Aireat. TESTIMONIALS; floldboro, N. ti ' After rpendlnaeurbtoraai albs la s soata- '. ars Climate to reato e say Lsura I saveap la dnplr aad canw i oms to die with sir t niiutvn in woiq do o. 9. v nana mrrs i . btsine a bs 4 Ur MeMsaBea's lar Mix- v-f are. Its Bist ta ct was locaable st U ovp; Ui mj, aih twffew t rvtara ( hope -sir a: ay cours cava way - attar thst .- . . - . . . . I ,.w I i t is noita. was rrwim iv naaiw Pw rah 40 lb- 1 ow air Ufa to ai aliiuiev ud wUh this pnliliabed to lue Wtir'd . a a nun run. I have b -en afflicted with scenph for thirty ears I save van) ell um popMsi aiaaias 1 have a vor found atitUib W amain .u "be s o - scb 'ar tis afcy roiief. iiii I sand lr Kiln nan's Amerioau Tr Vistura . lu n:s eaabbw m to-hno wall; lout's b ve ens.i cd ibeir sirenrtb, abd n:i nitre t en'irelr fre from a dbirrasiac -in.ifb tiiat attack a me 1a the morumg. 1 i rapidly recov-rin MituftrT'ER FABCH4L, :: ' Mr Ln- n esve way while oa my circuit 1 Wis w re. ire froai mj wor, mtm Sad a Ittie bops or rve very 1 BsrdoneBOX if Ur. Mi Mannrb S Tar Mlztara, my cosh; tuproved. my strcnfria return wj, saj i as" moo atue to rrsums my work. 1 recommend U to all who have a eouh, o w-st 'ants. at. 4. Hum, . 21. C Confersiiea, j Durban, V.C Of all the medicine yes have taken, the Tar " Mill arc la thaoaiy tlunf that has dona yos say nod.' Mi. 3. R. GREEN, To her Husband. Durham, II O. I bsTausudDT.C.T. McMsunen's Amertcaa ;- Tar Mixture myself, and In my family. I do not hesitate to rocou mend It aa a remedy tc be ased la J1 cases of Cooks. Odds, aore Throat, UoarwiBess and Lanff disesses u. v. r Ajtaioti. Hunored of other Tesilmenisls cos d be offered. Takes stall times It portions of half a teaspoon f ul or less. Mo danger whatever. , hLESiIBO TO ITEBT BOtlSB J h. HOLD. Eureka Washing Ma- chiner ' ' f -rltittrilrt874i- Thls new laventioa Is s leompwt suceeaa. Wsabes everyttlng from a lady's laea Collar te a Counterpane, to the most thorough sad complete style. Works with ease sad ispldKy aad without ' Isjnry to tbs eloth, . I TIME AWD MONET SATED. The Washlac dune by a womta la aaa day eaa be done by the pstt anted Eureka m j three Boers, ' . . .',''. ,:' Frtce SIB, with wringer a tacked 128. i. B. FiklAR, Manufacturer sad Psttenter,Cry, V. V. - i t DO .TOU WANT A KEw BTTLf Gmi'i list, call at j .. . ' r dMaam ... . . V. i. Hssnrt a. h.f t; . i ,; vvt,'j n