1- THE RALEIGH SENTINEL -1 XX 8 PREPARED LIME. As srest tar tn msnuTeturer lia p 1 pared to offer this Fertiliser at very reaai-a- . ..tu tl la tna whl nMff Wall Dltdfl AM tu effects are perm tor nt. I have rerun, ates from mmvI the beat planters lit this and Blga prtceo. Uuauoer mnu nrannni oust M ny tey """i uu. " i .. Ihlrrf n Lka nriivB tf Other ff tliiserW There can be no humbug about .i inomtunts thnraarhl ioiprerueiefl 1b te it which will nisks H tell at ouc the growing crop while U effort upoq our toil re leUng and beswnckU. ... r MMMni orders and would be pleated to secure the- a. earl T a poMlbt to have It la Una Also on hand Builders au4 .agricultural lime ana ?sb 14 lm. JAMES M. T0WLE8. vyooDt- WOOD! 800 Cords for sale at livtng prices, at if, C. CHRISTOPHERS A CO.'S, ' Wilmington street. MULES AND HORSES. JUST Received Car load of broke Mules. Also hare oa the read one hundred bead Mules sad Horses, which will aniYe here oa or before l be lam. We are able to sell great bargains. fcblO-lw OEU W.WftiNEACO. TO" O T I C B . f--J- .Mouhla at wit Anl nimlilleal XsntVlUBf, 1W0W spuiwwma T.-- a Executor of tb will of Peter August Sternberr. deceased, all persons . holding claims sirainat ths estate of the said mere- . n .irii 4a fiMjBt the mama vera are muiw f- , to too undersigned before the 1st day of March, 1877, or this aoUos will be plead ac cording to law. an persons uufjuxna w . sans are hereof eslled upoa to set tie at once Or SWtl Will OS Druurni. T. P. DEVERUX. I " lri feb Mlittf ' ; j. c: --REAL ESTATE . -. . Bureau. TARB0ROUGH HOUSE. "A ll KIWDS OF TROP1BTT BOCOHT xl and sold oa Commlsaloa by feb M tf A , z ' KINOSLAND Johns tou J ones Attorney At Law, tRAunoH, if. a tf Practices ta all the Mate Court, jupedal atteattoa green taw at attars eoa Meted with reeeat Ctat Legislation. (Office; t door above Tarboto rlo . THE "CARD WELL Til HESHER "and Cleaner Is n-w nne oT the leading machines la the South. For .circular and full particular, sdiuen the SALEM AU. ltUi.TlJi L WORKS. T TDBK J KXW G00D8 U MRS. J. T. WATTS, MABTIK TKEITf On Dooi Fkm Baptist Omtb, 11ALEI0H,X.C. Mrs. Watts is a practical Milliner a'd Wo ker is Straw Oood. Alters, reniodels, and presses Strsw and felt HaU, Bonnets. Mskea and kbkmIcIs erer' "iteacrlptiou ol Ladles' Men's or Children's Hats. OIts her a call and Ton may get the latest styles of Parts or New fork. Jaal4-am JVOTBXM LOT Nko Comitry Butter at F. C. CHRI8TO FBEKS A CO. '8, at 38 cents per pounl iio for It as It is ales and fresh. VATSi OATS! - N,009 busnels heary White Seed Oat for " T.C .'CHRISTOPHIB A CO. '8, " Wilmtngton street, aear City Scales, IOR SALE Ott EXCHANGE. 106'ACRXfl Of VALUABLE MINERAL 'LAND for sale, or will exebaoge for C1TT PROFEETT. The land Is rich la the beat iroti ore, about TO acres In original growth, within two miles of the Chatham railroad. For further Information apply to liollsman BuDdlnr. , Kaielgh, N. . Jaarf, -1S0W00D W1U COMPANT. A ; keep constantly on hand SCCPrtRKONO WINI.-Imperlal brand. WEITI AKD EZD CONCORD WINK. FtrWE BCtJPPXRSOHO BBANDT, Tery tiperioff for medicinal purpose, equal ia k favor to ths best French. BCrmKlTOJCO ynrXGAB-a htw article, tery ine. .Those articles an manufactured by the un dersigned frott 0 rapes grown ou their own tiafjard, and ant warranted free from any Injurious adultertUon whaterer. Ad drees, C W. GABRITT A CO., BUtrwood,' Halifax county, N. C deett-d4m. rpHOMAS STANLT, , ; NEWBIRN, N. C, Dealer la all kinds of GRAIN . CORN A SPECIALTY. XfWberh, an. 14-1 1MB. 100 barrels No. 1 Lime at depot st Inweft rites. JAMES M. TOWLK8. D yji'T FORGET THAT THE PLACE to buy any thinf sad everything appertaining to a tret class Fsncy Store is at BROWS VARIETY STORE, HOLLMtAX BtlLDUfO. JTJE5ET CLAY B1CHAADSOM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, v DUMBAX, MOMTS OAMOLl XX. ranylfrtf v ; -.x " EIEDMUNT AIR-LISE; RAIL J J v:j il5A.VA :) r RICHMU5P & I)AXVItLa RICHMOND & Danvillk It. W N.C. Division, f and unTft; WtTEB N. C. K. W, CONDENSED TIME TABLE, , In EJftd on and after Sunday, Dte, GOING -XOHTIL 8TATK)J8. Leave CharlotU " Air-Line Juuc'n f Sal labory ...... " Ureenhoro.... : ItanvUle..... r" Dundee....... BurkeTllls..... Arrrrs at Richmond.. M. " tin - r 10 8S 7 1.H4 l. M. 1.4I " . 61 t.88 - GOIXQ SOUTH. STATIONS. Mail. Lesre Richmond..... M BurkevUle " Dondre.. " JJasrille M irecnsboro.... M BalUborr 5.80 a. M. t oo " i.8 r. n, - 1.48 4. " tVM Kit 9.15 - " Air-Line Junc'o Arrtre at Chariotte. OOINO EAST. OOIKO W. iTATIONa i Man. Uin, "$ -''"" - UaTeOreeniboro.... ll.OJA. . A. 4.18 a. M. " Co. Shops..... L RalelKh....... .4 r tl A.11.08 " irlrs at Uoldsboro.. 6.40 r M U . " STATIONS ' Tram. Leave Greensboro... TOO r bJa. S.00 a U. " Co. hbops L Arrirsat RaleUih.. 5.00 a M A. T Mm ArriTSStUo)dboro.. 11.18 " LrtOOrM. KOBTU WESTERN K. C, R. B. 5 Salem Brahch.1 j , Leave Greentboro.. ...... 4.43 P. M. f' ArrlV at Salem, ;v. ."," ; -T-r ... Leave 8aU-i ...... .... 8.18 A-M, : Arrive at Uresntbero.....l0.3S J Psssenger Trains lea ring Raleigh at 10.05 A. at. eounect at Ureenahuro wiia toe oouia- era bound train , making the quickest time to su Boutnera euira. AceomoMMatiua) i ram leaving KalelKh at 1.30 P. M., eoaneeta with Northern bound Train at O eensboro for Ktcbm nd for all points Cut Price of Tick eta aarna aa via ntliitr auotea. Accoininodatiua Train leaving Greensboro at i.uu r. m eoniiecU at Uulosboro with Northern and Southera bound traiua oa Ui W UmioKtoit aad Meldott Kailroad. . Ljuctiount Aecomo oda.la leaves RWb- mnmi dnrrT at v.ttv A M-iamves at Barkrvilte l.m r. At., leave iturkevllie I 'M P. At., ar- nin at ntciiuiona r. m. So CHAMOit of Cars betwekm Chab LUTTB AND RICHMOND. MlLKS JtIN R. MACMUR1KI, iieneml Pan" gre A-ent, RicbuMMHl, Vs. T. M. R.TALCOTT, . Ueu'l Buperialendeut. JOS'T FAIL TO CALL AT Brown! Variety Ctora V TOR T0CB ' Sr YEARS Tl'ESEyTS. Grtal bargalut can7 now i btd. r ' 0 ' " If AT. L. BROWN, Uolleman Building, FsyetUville street, Raleigh. a. r. Moosta ; ' t sosus Oavus IOORE tJATUMO, ATTORNET8 AT LAW EALSISH, M. a SUte and Federal Courts aad the Coarts el the let and eta, Judicial District nov ii-tr JDOARDING HOUSE. , Mrs. Beckwith has opened a first class noarmne- uouaa at tne corner ol Martin ana WUmlnirton Streets, in the realdenee formerly oecuplea by the late vr. . U. Mck.ee. Bke Is prepared to accommodate permanent aa well as transient boarders. The table Is always supplied with the very best the market affords, and the rooms kept neat and coa- lorutuie. nov 15-tf CLASSICAL AND MATniMATICAL SCHOOL, OXFORD, jr. c. J. H. HoankB A T. J. Hobvm, PriDdpalt. Mr. J. H. Horner has retained to hie home at Oxford, N. C, andrlll reopen hie school were ue last Monday in January neat. ksv. T. J. Horner will be associated with him as Join principal and the school will be conducted on the same principles that were formerly so successfully employed la making gunn ooys ana Kooa scnoiars. The price of board and tuition, exclusive or. waamngana ngnis, is f ia per session of twenty weeks. Each student la to furnish bis blankets, i beets, puiow-cssesand towels. aeean-u n K E ENS B OR O ' FEMALE COLLEGE, GREEN SB Oil O, N. C. ... ' . Th fpring Stuin if 1ST. will Btgli On Wednesdsy, the 12th of Jsnnary, and ;t continue twenty wuekiM J Board (exclusive of washing and lights) 75. uimm regular course, - . sa. Chargea for xtaa STuma mouVrato. For Cstaloru.es conuiniiic Darticulara. apply to kev. T. M. Jonsh, presMmt. it . A. It. v. v nova, President of Board of Trustees. dee S-3m ( lAKPaVriftuat a, nsw asms virv,m. vi lrVMHB mm tspt.es. anyy, ta tbet i'y st lowst Csith p. Ices. All new tad bought since Jaca7 TK. UmI aiMb APaoMtl.M V- Am W. U.A B. B. TUCKXX, CD TO OH per day. Jgentewant. : 4J ed. , All claseee of workintr people of both sexes,' voong and old, tusks more moDe) at work for as ia thsir own local tlw, during their spare mo ments, oriuioenme, uasataryibliigeiM. We oiler enitilotment thst will Mvhaad- somely lor every hoar's work. Fall parties lira, terms, Ac, rent free, "end as tour ad dress at once. Doo't delay. Mow la the time Don't Wok for work er bailncsa elaewkere. entil yon hsve learned what we offer. nV Stiso A Co., Portland. Maim. . ALT. GOODS, WINTER GOODS in - : '1875," '; . i;jOS.P,CDLLEY, rATrrrrriLLB ' SnErr amd 8octh . , EXCUABCIll'LACB, t , - v R A L E 10 H , V. . Offers to the public S eomplate essortinsnt of Black Alpacas, bespat prices to defy eonv petltioa. , A4ntin hveaBad tav r ClMb Bniafi ineat of N. C. and Va Caasimeres, and our New York City suds White e-uir e for Gen tlemen, prettiest, beet Suing, and as good shirt ss Is sold ta any market for the money. . LADIES' SHAWLS, . FLANNELS, HOSIKKT. . PUNTS, , RIBBONS, ! LOVX8. - I ' EDGINGS, . IN8ERTING8 . , - Ac., on hand 5 ;v ' - AND UAT8. Iir tuck tiiei loots en't bo iir- UUi Tar Men, Ladles, Misses Chlldrea, Boys, Tontht Fsw pair Ed win " Burt's Ladies Shoes (or sale cheap. Have Mile and Z lexer's make. Have Miles' GeaU' BooU and Gaiters all Grade. Tbe famous Burt's Boots, and above ail, the famous, pretty sad good Boydea Gaiters for gentlemen. Mr own brand Gents' BooU and Ladles' oboes that I warrant to be good, or snotber pair riven free. CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS. . Mr Clothing Department ap stain is full, rom'jrunns ail the Styles and Grades for Mea, Boys. Youths and children,' at prices thai can't he beet. . . BPXCIAL. I wfll apea In a very few day s department for the sale of Frank Leslie's, "Ladies' Jour eel," Cwt Papa Pattsme; eompdsicg all lea latest novelties of the season for ladies, boys sad youibs, oi every aiseripuon oi areas. ruoue mvnea w csu. Baleemen I K. v. Itedrora, of Wake County; C. C Hamlet, of Chatham County: W. T. fliaaihhM. of Franklin Coontri Job. P. Wyatt, of Wake County ; A. ti Uayea, of wake coaaty i a. a stoore, w Aiaoama. jtespecuuuy, octM-tf J. P. GULLET. MI VIRTUE OP TUB POWER CON- I J f erred apoa sac by mortrare deed from F. H. Buabee aad wits, sad at the request of all the parties concerned. X shall expose to public sale at the court-house door, oa March 7 h, 170, ths bones end lot on Blount street, lately eecupiea ov r. n. nuance. -T. P, DEVERPt.UI, Feb S, 1878 lawSw. Trastee. 0 R DIN A NO 8 ORDINANCES!! URDINMOGSI! . 99 run , CONVENTION! CONVENTION 1 1 i A A u . CONVENTION! IX ii ... AT THIS OFFICE Single Copies . lOcts. Fw thonaand. , , - ss.oo WSf 8Tid in jonr orders at one, ' EENTTNELb Raleigh, N. C, 7-ALCAbLI PR0PXBTT TOE SALE. Will be'toli st Cspol HilL 1. C on the 9th day of Menh, lK.e, the I..lltM valu able ur.ierty : A iilmb tm-tof laud four mile fiuta t haiwl lii l, on ths hulabwre road. Contalnli'k vM acres, one half of wliU'h to cleared aid rai.le, the other hall in heavy timber, ok, hickory, walout aud poplar. Is la wail waUrsd aod vo4 faruilug lasd. Two aetileinenu oa It with good batua, c, and a good orchard. .Also, a large and commodious bouse with sil eceaery out building now occupied by Mr., Thus NuTFOod.aud i pieatsnlly situated snout the centre of t he village. The lot coa talua ona sere end Is convenient for busiuets or for taklug ttudenta for boarders. Al", ths hsndaome realdeaee formerly , Bed 1V ItOB Ba F. taiUipa. now. ocra ple4 by W. J. Uogaa, slluaU oa the fcsis atreet opposite Gov. Be alu's former reaidenee This la the most deetrsbls resldeBcs la Chapel Hill, and Is la a blifb state of Improremeut. Terms of sale, eoa third cash, the balance on sad 12 Btouths, with interest from day of sale. Title reserved aatO payment la made. For further information apply to Mr. A. Mickel or Mr. W. J. Uogaa, Chapel HOI, N" f JAMES NEWLlk, Ao for JUUN NEWLIN A SONS. feb 15-eodttHa B X N T The Store, on FsyetUville Street, that I aw occupy as a uuuor sun ivr rent. ossessloa immed lately. feb M-lf . r. PRAIRIE T A L K A B O U T ItHMaMffA SMIHb, BIT GrDHEARTTr BEATS EM ALL ON GENTS' HATS j ',!; -id i i t' fit Gents', Ladies' and Mines', Gaiterx. fsuwh urr w 'GENTS', LADIES' , AN9 'MISSES BOOTS, SHOES AND OUTERS . fl C P. nEARTTS. . dec Mm" ' ' " JVJV, 0r" tlon emer- Frlce iou. Is us wbst the farmer needs t ft runs light I Is aa-lly rat d i-a readv for work I aa he loadVd and nuloadVd by row men. Just the thins; . for t tua Uiiis, Thr h-r and Clea . . ranted to tn t alx hore. Mauafartiired by the . 8ALH.M AG .1CUL1URAL MOKK8, -" ' ; . Salem, N. C. SVnd for Circulars. ' ENTENNIAL PRICES! BPBINQ SADEfi876 l ' In order to close out our Fall and Winter mm we win price mem at 7 cent per Just received a few cases of new designs at meamni ceiorea spring rnnts, suitable w, wi; oiipg wear, . ' NEW STYLE BOWS. ,J' The Caahmere Bow Is all ths go for the LMies. sue la design and graceful m ap pearance. - 1 Fresh arrivals by Express of f reach Kid Gloves, new style Ruchlngs, Linen Collars ana luns. BLEACHED AND BROWN DOMES . j TICS. - 90 cases and bales of all widths and Busli nes 01 Biescnea ana . urown nomestics at Bottom Prices. 1 100 pieces of Pique cheap. CUSTOMERS AND THE CASH BUYING PUBLICS Remember that we keep our stock full and complete. That we buy aad sell for cash and there for we eaa aad will make ft to vonr Interest to mske vour tmrrksse of oa. We eaa ave yon 10 per cent oa your moBtniy purcnases. We continue to Mil our beat WamsnUa nnflntohed Bhlrts, with ths Richardson Round Thread Linen at 81.00 each bj Ue hslfdosen. I NEW STYLE SILK HATS. Just received the' only new style 80k Hat la the city. Price 5.80. ; GAITERS AND BOOTEES. , la a few days our stork of Button aad Laced Gaiter for Ladies, Misses aad Chlld rea, will b complete. f , ten tl II. rT.ll. K. B. 1 L t,A.Aiw OW IS THE TIME TO BUY YQUR SCHOOL BOOKS . ' . A ... Branson's : U i Is the place yon can bay as ehesp a at any other store in the elty call and see me be fore purchasing elsewhere. - , t 1 L. BKAAoun, Bookseller, aeptr-tf Raleigh, N.C. "ALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Bv virtue of a morteat e executed to A. J. Bfuum A Bio;, on the tlth of September, laT bv I. N. Cleirg. and by vl-tue of a second mortgage cxwnted by the a foresaid 1. N. Clegg to A. J. Bynam on S -th of M .rch, 1879, ths underlined ni I sell en the prern Isesst public auction oa the ' ' ..... . . . . . r . rt J. 1ITH UAl ur ahwi1 to 10, for cash, that valaable farm oa Deep river, ta the county of Chatham, nppoeite the town ol Lockvtlle, knows a the Clegg farm, contain, ing FlVaV HUNDRED AAD TUlfiTY TukEK acres. The Raleigh A Aurusta Afa JJne railroad dlTlde, the tract, aad Deep rivwr Is aavlgable for steam boa ta about 80 mile above and 13 miles below LockrlUa. The farm la about 30 miles front Kalebrh and 44 miles from Fsettovilw by rail. The tract contains 100 seres of Deep river low around. 50 aces of branch land and 100 acres of soog leaf pine. Is well adapted to tbe ralatng el granes, cereal, cotton aad vewetablea, aad can be divided eseily Into three excellrwt fsrms. Th railroad depot Is whbla IM yard of the fsnn and Merchants' mills, saw mills sna louaary wuain ia ysraa. 1 mm mie Prof. Kmnvn, state geologist, describee this farm as within the rich coal and Iron forma tion of the Dep river baata. - For furthev Inr .fmatloa apply" A. Bynum, Shelfi; Hon.- John Minntr-r, Htta bort, or t. N. 4gg, Loekrflle, N. 1 . feb4J0 " A BEPOSITORT tP rAR10J,"pLKA ', 1 ;' CUE, AKUISSTKCCTION." ' ' ELarjiei,B' Bazar, ILLUSTRATED. id' i MOTICIlS OK THB fRX8. - Tlie liaair la edited with a cumli'na- lioD of lact and talent that we rliim tod in any journal ; ani the jourtiBl itself ie the organ of w.e great world of Qkehion. Boetou Traveller, Tbe Bazar eomtniMiila Itself to every member of the household to tlie thiU dren bjr.dioU d1 iiniliy pu:Uuea la Ute young India by 1U litaklva-platea In endless variety, to the provident mairun by ite pst terns for the children's clot bee, to pater familiot by its tAxU-tul deeigua for embroidered slippers and luxurious dreeBing-gosma. but the readiogutU ter of the Baxar ia unilortnly of ercat excellence. The paper has acquiml a wlUe popularity lor tie fireside enjoy ment it affords. X. YEvening l'oet. In Ita way there la nothing like it Fresh and trust wort ye a fashion guide, ta stories and eMaya, tta poetry and tquiba, are , all invigorating to the mind. Chicago Evening Journal. ! TERMS i - Pottagt frt to mil . Subicrihert i tkt ! United Statu, f Harper's Bazar, ona year, ' $ 4 00 4.00 Includes prepayment of U. 8. postage by the publishers. Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to. one address for one year, 10.00; or, two or uarpera Periodicals, to one adures tor one year, 17.00: poeUge free, , .. 1 -Ji -----j Ti't.- it. t.i.' Weekly, or Bazar will be supplied gratia for every club of five subscribers at 84.00 each, to one remittance t or. six eopie for $20.00, without extra wPYt postaga frao.- j - ' " ' Back numbers can be (supplied at any The Annual Volumea of Harper's Bazarln Bcatclotb binding, will be sent by express, free of expeuae, for 17.00 eacn. a complete act, comprising eight volumes, sent on receipt of cash at tbe rata of 15.23 per vol., freight at expense or purrhaer. Prominent attention will be given in Harper' Bazar to audi Hlutrations of the Centennial International Exposition aa may be peculiarly appropriate to it Addresa . ', 1 " ' HARPER A BROTHERS, ." ;-v ,- ew York. 'Unquestionably tbe best sustained wrok of , . tLsauia in tit worm."-. .' . Jsu-fr .JslasajssslMe I ;,,Viu.usT'ATED. The iaer easing rbcnlatloa of thl eelleot monti ry Vv its eottlnaed adapt ttoo to fofnlar oavlra .t.a need 'aoeed when w think I to how man) bvrr e h 1 ear tretao rvery month, we mast eoBrMer II a one of t' ads ater a well ai ratertaiaer of the pablic mind, for I's vsat irl" as hvaa won by ro appeal to stupid pre dice or depraved tastes Bottom (Wiucx. . Th character which this Ma--in poaaea for varietj, entenxiae, artistic weailh an litsrsry culture that ha kept pac wltb If It has not led th times, sboald caua lb conductors to regtrd it with jiMlinabl com plaosiicy. It lo so title them to eras cl dta nion ths public irraUludo ' The Mga Btoe baa dons good and not evil all the dayi Of 1U Uf.-iwi Aayl.. , ' '. ' TERMS t " Po t fr to all Sabscribers la th tJnW ted BUtr. . . Hasp a' hUsuaina, ona year.... 14.00 ' 84 0U lacladea prepayment of ti, a. pott g by th pnbllshers. - - SubacnpOon toHsrpar' Magasln, Week't and Bamr, to on sodreas for on year. Oil'. 00: or two of Harper's Psriudicals, to one address for one year, 87 00; poatage free. Aa Extra Copy of either the Magasina, Weekly, or Baaar will be sunplled gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers st 0 1 0u each In one remittan ; or. Six Copies for (90.00, without extrs copy ; poatage f re. Back Number ea te aa gulled atasyUm, A Compltt Sat of Harpert Magasinc. now comprising 40 Volumes, in neat cloth bind ing, will be sent by exprma, freight at ex pens of purchaser, for 8 28 per volume, Bingl Tolumes, by . wall, postpaid, ta.08. Cloth eases, for binding, SB cents, by mail, postpaid. A Complete Analytical Index to ths flrst Fifty Volumes of Harper's Magaxin has Just been published, rendering available for re ference th sst and varied wealth of infor mation which constitute thl periodical a perfect illustrated literary cyclopedia. Svo, Cloth. 18.00 ; Half Calf, 8-8i. Sent postsgs prepaid. m . A series of paper under the title of "The First Century of tbe Republic," contributed by the most eminent American publicists. Is now being published In Harper's Magaxin. Thl aerie of over twenty paper gives a comprehensive review of Progrei during ths century now cloaiijg, a every department of our t atkmal life. - HewsDSDars ars not to eon this advertise ment without the expres order of Harper A Brothers, - Address HARPEB A BROTHERS, nov 8Mf i . : f . 1 1 ( 1 1 :- New Yorg. H OXX FERTILIZER. . Bend to G. B. Alford. at Adcx. for a clrcn- isrv For tea dollar h will send you th chemicals by which you make a ton ol good fertiliser for cotton, corn, tobacco or any tber crop. This I ths cheapest and beat fertilizer yet offeard to th farmer. Mr. Al ford' neighbor Bars tried It with marked success. The following gentlemen hsve tesUfleJ to Rs good qualities: - A.. E. Clement, Peter Knight, Ruffln as fie bury, Alary Freeman, Rev. J. T. Rogers, Joseph Steadmnn, Rev. A. D. Blackwood, Rav. Johnston Oilve, Alvin Olive, G. H. Al ford, Albert Norrt, T A., .Council, Alvtn Abtton, Kobert WUliam: 1 - uaHI LP O R BENT. v :, a H'n: '' v'-i Two boue on WDmii gton Street con venient to budgets par uf town. - ' ) i. UllSttIU1U. 1 RAND OPENING! Having rranted the spseion and elegsnt BILLIARD SALOON ol J. P. PrarW, at 81 Farettevlile sireec. I tske this occasion o In turn my friends and tbe public generally, that I shall open tbe eanie en Monday Jauu ary tbe lth. Aa excelieni Fifteen Ball Pool Tahi Is attached a)o. Gl ue a call. Jan IStw. rtkoLtS. llt'blCAL INSTRUMENTS STRINGS. sad Trimmings, of all kinds st - ' " BROWN'S VARIETY STORE, 5 't v . ffoitomsa BaUdlng. T UMBEEl LUMBER! -U : " - ' - tlrders 1114 ior ail kinds of Lumber at to lewest price by . f. M. t,uviBicirtii.r.a t.u., Wilmington street. ' O TI C E ! Sr virtue of sa order f lb Snnetl r( ourt of Wak 1 wi ti m dimta, Utiin,( Mid ruifuaehiig i.e a Ad iiil-trati.r ih I u. ma, ai.u It, a.d ' lund alm-tr, U sell the rr.il eaiste oi r.mma tauiioa, dice.ard, to mat a-et alth a hu h my delit and chargea.of dM.ii.lrtrato , wiu, ia MONDAY, TUE .tb DAY MARCH, 1W, aell an undl-Lied half lnieret In tb. f blowing deacrlUd leaieUtr, 1 1-w II: Huuae 0 1 but sitoate M th t y "f hair Igh. on ... 1 . Lo kout ir,.t, b umled a folio n tb Norh by the laud o' tbe Ute (AiV. ( bi'le -Marly, oa tbe tl If Sr, h Buli.Hk.on the South by lAH.kuat aireut, airfl on tbe w.ei by. JiinUn llall, lnn..uou lkit atreet about 00 fret and ruiinii.tr back about 100 fnet. Place of bale Cuurt Home duor in the fit , of Raleigh. Time of Sale-March 6, l7n, 19o'chM'k M., Tfrm of Pale One-third rath, residue In S month therealu-r with Interest from day ef sale. Boud with approved sreurlty leoulred. - E. u. ma r, ' . Adm'r of Emms Csnsxm, dec d, , ' . . aud CouiininalODer. Gxo. H. Snow, Attorney. Jan. 18, )87o-aod.-f , JUHNSTONE JONE. A TTORNEV AT LAW , RALEIGH, N. C. '. AnglH-tf . JJtOE BALE OB BENT. A desirable Douse and L"t In tbe town af Csry. The House cootaiu fix room, with all the modern convenience with all nece ssry outbouses. Tb garden contains i sere, sn orchard ol 1H0 choice fruit trees ad Joining, The whol premises consisting of S sere. Possession given Srst of Jsuusry, 1871V. . Apply to - WILLIAM E. PELL, OCttVtf . - Cary.N. C, 1816. Our Lininci Our Deal. 1276. A MAGAZINE OF 128 PAGES, DnoUd to A'ortk Carolina-her paM, hrprH end lfffututt, ' Term $3 r ykab,' Pohtajk Paxr-xto. .... . . ) ; Address, 8. D. POOL, 'rtrrprr: ..:;,.LI::LL,,.L RalelghicCrr" tT Those to whom bills hsve been lent will pleas remit. .. .......,.'.. ' Two Tears for Only (5. Hsving few complete 81 of Ot a livi.. ABO tcn llaao for ISiS'tn band, will fur nlob thst year aud tbe ei.tlie year 1:7(1 lor Library Aocltrionsrd HUtvricsl Socle- tie would do well to note thl. . 11 -Sd sue) 8d toluron hnUomclj bou-d library atle luiuiabed a 'iJ per vol ante, or Sl'-ft, tl m-m M mall. . tavA mn4 atcfwiMfty all orXtr. . xrtartfs' 8. D. POOL, Raleigh, N. C. jn 13 tt ! Hill.-rboro' LZlLlllUlll AriiDIIVTY. lllLLSnnlii? N.C. Tbia lul llutii m, rrcenlly knon aa "I10K NhU et bUAl La' rca .l," aOl bcreafier be cudi,xi by it. Ii liaavas aa Mile Pilucipal, aided, aa beet lrv, li Ibe .icckiu l.alied in tructorK, ilOi.B .oajN, a , A Mai. It. 11. Hamilton. Tlie 0(jrinif Sei-lon of 1T0 w ill open on the 17th of January. . For circular, j'p)' to MaJ. D It. uauilllou until tue 5lh of Jaim ary and afterwaidstolhe Principal. - dec lo -jtasr N O T I C E Application will be made st ths ofllc of the .North aru.uia Kaiiroail t ompaiiy in thirty dae froiu date, ior inue of a dupli cate of Certillcate No date.l February 14, l474, for thiea aharv f aiock In aaid compauy, the orl1nat being lost or BiUlaid ibi ith day ol Jai.uary, .i. Kr.Mr P. BATTLE, Adnir. MhS. E. T. BM1T11. JOARDINO HdiSE FOR RENT. I will rent at aTeaaonable mice mv lloune. ready furnlKhed and eligibly located on the corner of Newbern Avenue as 1 Person street, and only two aquarea from thw Japitoi. , , roisession giveu at ouce. MKS. HENRY W. MILLER, A gent for the best selling ' Prist l ra kare in tbe world. It coutalai 18 aheets paper, 15 envelopes, Pen, Pen Holder. Peucli, patented Yard Measure, and a piece of Jewelry, bingle package with ele- 6 ant Prise, postpaid, x&c Circular free. bids A Co., 7tW Broadway, N. Y. JARDl LARD! - Home - rendered - out of Leaf Fat, alo, - Menbern In all tt.yie. at - r r. c, CMiusiurMEKo a cu. e, , WUinlliglOB lreet. AST NOTICE -I All Dcrsoni indebted to W." H. A R. 8 Tucker lumving partners of W. H. A R. S. Tucker A Co. are notilied, that all claim re mainmg n sealed by Feb. 1st 1 To. will be plated in the band of an attorney for collec tion. W caunot make any variation from thta r mal BOTiCk as We have granted all th Indulgence tbe l aw alll ailow. - - ' TV. It. IS K. B. I LUB.ILK, ; -,v . Servlviug Partners. K. BABCOCK WILL BEbUMB THE practice ol Uentisury as stun as be can - over the Shoe Store ol t. D. neurit. He will do as skilful work ss any one )n the pr felon sou at rcduccd piues. . leBT-d A Great Offer ! ! We wfll daring tbe HOLIDAYS dispone of 100 PlANue and ORG A B o iirat daaa ma ker, biciuuiiik ATE 8' at loaet piicea tnan ever bef re t ftered Mouthly iusiail- meuti receive I ruuuing ir. m X m ni. nth. WlTraBCtd foT 0 lelTSTSel UIU HaUam trum. ni W rxtn mely 1 w prio lor cah JUwUraletl till tufut i.ai.4. Ayeult tnuJ", Haivruom4!l t,ioa Wa, A. I Ii KACB. t Alfc...b bOAS. I. T, HaU., X. L. JONB.' HALL& JONES, A U CTI O XJ2 E 11 S CommiBsion Merchants, PbAIBIK BUILDISO WlLMHIOTO! Stkkkt Ratelffh, .V. V. Will sell Merehuilie. Produce, Stock. Real Estate, Ac. Coiilgiuuenl aollcitcd. RL'turn promptly snd stl-fs'orlly made. Refer lo J. O. WiHIibw, President State .iLu.tl rUnk. B..4.v-Malilv. Matur of ital-. elih, W. 11. A at. e. 1 at ker, e.,V. Bisi kaall, larborouaB House, nay i-if janl4-lm. ' ' ." , " ' '

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