G .:;!. 0)n hi I niv;. : 1U rj la . e.v . . . ' ., I 4 m i vvs vv imI AfrMHr.viavm V. OIPTS '- im - OPENED : IN RALE OH. ."jilHE HOST USE FUL.-ESTENSIVE AND:CHEAPESTAtSTOCK ,v .. . .. i : . : . . .. ... . . ,' ! itll LA PS. VASB'VfUf WLAbsWAUE - -- ' - ' - - n ; ' U f. . X V-.cJy:A-A - jU -J ; Tl E 1 4 WEIGH FtNJTfEC fcONxMT Uf lON'AL AMtM). UIVT. ' ' rr-r- !( W-J in wi't v lt Jmendmrnti That actu 4. of article 9, bt strkksa out and Ho t . sections be tubtiiuieL TbeM-cdoa tu , be ttrfckei out Is to regard to Uutla V tirca to ttie sum If eoogressand tbs , '' appropriation ' of fJuee, prDaliks, & The . -eciiuo to be substituted gives . all lJe t'TPOceed of knb, given by tht UniteoeUtet ,'9 tht WO, to educational purposes all wamp lands, fiaes Aoi, art to bt ated pur poses or education. 2nd Aroeadmeat strikes out section 17, article I, and substitutes a aectioa pro Tiding for the establishment of a bu beaa of agricultar,immigraUonand Bta . j, . titica, . and the protection ; pf abeep .1 - . auahaadrr. r i : M Amendment adda to section 25, of ; article I, that secret political societies ' , dangerou to the liberties of a free r , people and should not be tolerated." 4Q1 Amends seoUoa 10 article 3, by , -vproriding1 thai the governor, with the J 'advioaof tho senate, shall appoint all " offloea -whose appointments ., are aot -iiii e&erwW provided for: ! ,(!l(M" '! 6th Abrogatee and amends aectioa 18, and IT. of ertieU eVd' allows the general, assembly to allot and distribute 1 au judicial power among ine 'aererai eoontiea except that of tho supreme . QQng whiqh ( 4x4 by the, fi&P&ffi011 itaslt )., CthBtrikea out sections 1 and 1, of t v arUclo 13, and forbids calling a OnrieB kVinwithmii first eonsnltuur the terml4 7th rrorides for ' enbmlttmg1 "tiM c -amesdmenta to the eonstitntion to 'the-people, at the the polls, Tneeda .. r-1 after tho 1st Monday in Norember. U76V T'Ibi amendments will bo ratified or re " 1 k':!jeeted together. w" -I' l ,r. t. Proridee for publishing the ordi nanoeo foe the information of the people. 9tk Beqoires the judge to. reside in ' the distnot for vluch no im elected, aadfoWdhia-hold same eoonty , more than ones in four ' yeai. , .... ' lUth Bednoea the number of Judges from 12 to 9, and authorises tho fogiala tureto jBcrease ar'diiaiidah the number. 11th Provides for the" assembling of YtTT legishaur ajwrjr pstead of Kovember. (. a2th Hits otO rights on the head by forbidding white and black children ' v ' gouig to tho same eobooL, sod provuling uiat no diaeriminatioa shall be made , ', to the prejudios of ritber race. " 11 1 -, .1. 13th f'lxue the pa of ueiubisrs of the : general aaseutbljf at f 4 a da and 111 ' cents mileage, aud hmita the seaion to V ', 60 dap. If the session is prubtugud ' beyotid 60 days, members reotav no par. ' ' ' 14th rvldet that the term of offl. 9 for anators and oirmbere of tlie legis lature shall begin at the timW of tueu tenon. " s 'w " - ! ' ISih, that eectln . 29. of article 2, is ' ' ameiiiitd to allow tht t:-neial a-iubl to ituuigt the tiuie oi holding election forth Knersiasmbly - ; lUth btr.kvs fiom Mw ounatiiution sec tion 4, of article , which is the li rr- , publican gerrmander of the senatorial districts in l&tta. , '! n " 17U Ketlucea the number of tupreme lodges front five io three, aa our latbera -' i8ib Declares tho. judicial power shall be vested la a court tor the trial at Intpeachmcnta, a supreme court, su perior courts, courts 01 jouce 01 me peace, acq socn oiners mienor to uo supreme court a may be established by law. .," ,,, .1, t j , ' 1 19th Establaihet the supreme' court In ' Kalelgh, an til otherwise provided "1", by the general assembl. ' ) - . " 90th SUiket section i artlclt 1 frost tht cooatitution. This section was the , -1 ais section was un 'gerrymaaderj eCtthe esentatives, vand the thoutit. l ;. , f old republican -! ot representatives, ' ' 1 . eonle can do without It. ' ; -i . . . . .. " . . . ,r o ) xiu r oTDiaa vaoaung any orace or . '"" tena of offict now existing under the . tonaUtanoa. Jf.w-r.OK Hi -, . 22nd Provides . for tht election of t ' Judge of the lupreme court and; eupt-,-.'.nor court, by general ticket, of tt of 'j all the people ; but allows the general ' ' assembly to changt tht mode of: elect ' '" lug superior court Judges froai, general ' ticket to district elections, ',,.; !, f -.l" 1 t i ,23d lisqukss 12 months' reildencs -; ta tho state, and 90 days In tht county, - before a man can vote, and txemdee i,.r 1 felons and v ei-penitsntiary , convicts 1 iroan baldins: afiice or votinf tan til re- stored tocluseashlpby doe proeeaa. of ,, ',, w, . There vu two cajf aeoaio on , this ordinance, !esrs.' Dookery. Albertson and Buxton, .with' ill the . negro delegalee.speaking against It and ? t declanar it wa aimed at the negro, i 24th Provides for the removal by the legislature of any Judge of the superior ' k " court, for mental or Dbysical diaabilitr. rrlIt-nlso ptevidct kit tbe renaaval of 1 t - clerks of the supreme and superior t courts bv the hMhres of the courts for the same reason. r Anneal la cast of removal is allowed as in other cases or if. . suita. -k t. 1 i V a ji ',''". 25U Provides that article 7 of the emv sLitotion be amend! by adding that tht ""'general assembly shall havo power to modify, chan (re or abrogate any and au lot tht proviaions bf the article, and sub stitute others in tlxnir place, except seo- tionr 7.9 and 13. Ihis aUows the kwiala- 'turetoappomtttagiBtratea ae andor ihe v.- old constitution. - 26th Oivee jurisdirtioa to Jnstioea of jtirt the peace "over civil artMas founded on . contract, wbtm the saut Joea not exceed -,, $200 i and allows tho loatices to call in a jury .of six men in certain caa).T to29th Authonspe the mployin-nt of , . eouvicts on public works and high ways. 28th Adda the following new eecbotr to article 4: "In cam the pourf! a tembly shall exUlxiHh other iuferior eonrts, the preaiiing of&cna and clerk thereof shall be elected in suub manner as the general assembly may presoribo.1) 29th Furbide marriage between whltr and black and all persona of M fctQ'de tuent to the third gHwration. i ' 1 Upthi'Adda to article 1, sectioo 24 . othtug nereia eontawed aaall Jastify the ' urautice of earryiiig eowwikHl avaptMM or prevent the- alature frm iuautuiM penal statute tagamet .Bio i mm. Abutiahet 'sectaoaSLof artkilea 1 And uiuvidt for ttUiuir all -ai-tuoiea uffloM prwidod fur by thiaartioki by the governor nut uUMrwiae provided lor, Xid i'rovidea for paying iAnaersand mRih-m thm AnflVtifirist-l. i . .... ' 83d Uivee power to w npremo court to try issues and uuestione of tact a under the old oonatituUon. A 4fcl4 MfUlkltltltf If in " rON8TrTUTIONAL OONVKNTI M Uf W vtlUUTU C AKOLIN A US U7 an Coantete ta raotocraphle rr -p by I J. W. WATaON. The al eon olcta codt ia k4aaeeaB4 rUliMaoldata atoderU price, an at watsoa'a UaUary, Kaieiga, ji. v. est 194 j COVTHUUI rOUCT-HOU)ia.U i Aa taswraaee Jovraal devoUd It the tntee- sst ol PoUejr-hohirr. CoMalat all the nrsDeo Utenturs of the day. Only Ibm anee paper m North Carolina. Treats of both Lite and Fhe tasarsana, ezpoikig wild-cat eompaatas and eommeading the stroof one to tfaa people of fiurth Caroiuta. the paper tor thoM tutitd ta Inturancs . . m SobacrlpUoa (3.00 ia advance. .aAvertls. meat tatertcd at naioasUle rntaa . - -.i-ii ,t uitATuul Pmnrtatnr. Sept Ml ''U't m .t.- Bsielgkrli. i,m mi .in hA ataxvaaV Ctaiaa, AaaaMcsJUCaaTaa, :i. ATTOEligYi AT LAW, t ' rPnetlea 'in' UM-Batmma Coart 'as Kal- lea. sad ta tar Btsta-ead f liaiar OsKs w-Ww Utb Start Carahoa .- s -u" aav-iai aaaatsCra Itata., , , ,., , , - ( - p-C4Daag ftoaK AaiajMraiaaTJ Aa meewete Mam)t of Vbotoo liter lave, (a raaeaaa sasaitlrat t OU)BOKO, . 0. ' " ! It la a bsaaUraili tllattratel Kapoaitarv el Ultra! a ra, dasttaadi.ie beeuaie the ttraat Uoasnhold - Macaaiaa Jae MosUl -smts Uorooghlt Ideailssd with the people U the) Miai aaa uoskhu uie uaa i ay Mwaal-M la thv eeaatrf. aad fer the aun nrka. Wtve Mere naadlac. - Mo ed-antac arieeted which elthrr talent or capital eaa aa soiaasad te aaataf sauh Uaaa aa ayr able aad IntUactlva eumpcndiam of enuto rrad'BK. tKpaiar wnws. both hosts ear broad. ,. ; t m rtcrtraa aamuat. .. f i moat airactivt taturr. . lha JanBr iiambcr cuataina a his 1 he portrait of Bi i Z H. vaca,a d .I4ue;raiblcai aksiea. be followad IB S h SBinbvr ! photo ah 0 th pfOtauant stataaniafi, dtvin- HhLTtiui A ItxL Poaure Free, ae eca iniwnM caa sk, a tbomiu u ar l ot1 haanufal largr Ku.r vl S ais ( b H4x t in-aa vis: 1 be Ftudiat H ea-loria tae aai'ln.' lis Uado aa,' r0 "dm Lrar Dtfytas h 5l tiu," to a on -C T the aatteripfos MlOtJ K he ul b. Bnr v- g worti iumh ri rteeaaa-d t" tba Masaati Jr.) oa "fiirw a chib n it rreMW aw axtr aarriptioa f a ft ewpina a oav; s SMItiUs ohfp' attboxt ttw K in fl aaW Waufad gvartaaar '' A tret " " ' " " ' Hit Hi olTX rabnaber. SVrf J...- tmldbo-u H.V'1 OKNT8!90 KLLGANT OILrHKOMOe -: aannuivd. aiaa xli. fur tl. ' NutaitMa and Can a in rtrr oVartrjAkiai H aTloa ah taauai ., Co., f htta.", ra w. - - - For tha yaar 1878. Tas Tloaas and Lot oa UUltboro' Suae oppualta the. kxchanri lioiel, kaovaaa t -s v atchiiirt propany. lii Hotue contain stent comiurtabie rovmes Kitchen ouatalnlDg four rooraa. Te Vftlei mom a hi yard all ia good tiraer. Oatatds pantry aad woodhouaa, t a) of gaot waisr m or wnH app J to - , , , C W. D. HCTCmTtGS, Aft, " - or te w . . HU rcHIMia, 1 ' rayettevflis at., sppoatte Taeasr Ua L Jai.i. ,.a. i.ii,l'l l,h'4: Another lot ef thai ana not Kdra Lireta. Retail at SO eenta prr pound. Try M. , '' ' At . -r. 0. CUR1ST0PHER8 A COC'8, ....-I ., !., .. . jj WUmlawtoB atraat. 1 ACOMlBACOill 4 i.-'. 1 A. 1 Just Neelvad 10.000 Doaada Watteri baeea. hanKht hefora tea riaa. Call aad gwt yew sappiiea. - a siwaii saTsnes iot caan, at r. v. v-ujuaiuruaau! wA o, WUmingteB atraet, near City tkalea. AS OTHER CAR LOAD OF FLO tit. Iron Brat hasda, for sala at tinaU profits, at F. C CHJUaXOPHKKn A CXJL'8, r BSKQTAi.OI WlW-V.t , ; I .IJa Tr. WTilliftm' T.TflAvA , 091 re at b!i residence, comer of Bloaststrset and Nvwbera svsaaa. - ' ' '! Jsa 14 at. . . j. i ,a -i, t. iif.r,-.,j .. jvil ' a" -- - .ASn , , , j -.n j . f V 3 ft H o -''1 COMMISSION. M1ECHAKT.( ' n ALEton, w. c; .'i-;'. ' 'Trr.mpt attention w4 be ajlvef ta alt Xar. ebandlae or nuance tern 10 me lor aaie. ParUcwlar attention wU l bs giran te tea In. troduetion and aaia Machinery aad 'ans tag ntawalli al'ed te Ibis eection. . I Unraaa and suUas sold svary Gaterday at M oeiMek.- ,. .r,. a i l r, I . I , JanMSB v I , CHOOL w.JtitQ. a'eatleman a he haa bom tarag"d for kn natfa ha s.cfilBaiaatI at hom.-t hlh Knit, m Vwal ia, al-be-ia aaeeliar httm-i4tral ehe4 .. Coiciny th Ni-nt tartiltna. lie i prvtra ! a.wiKli Himrmritnm In le L-na. iimk. rrw-r aad kuglloei U.JaK. (alll:iu f ife wrri lurui.itv oum lUr ut co i.men Ala ch t .t and tralh muatha, pc ratr k a OHur a a-tun , f Awiw wnh " rutt par-kntl rv v W hjDjO.N, h.owa - Hi f. aa.. WjlWl'o a. ' f a 7-ilawdte Um 90 and one SU Ba or ineas eeienraTra isiitf Kill Ulua Ja tUunt, aad arUI be sold a .."4 M"81..!-. ifilii fj(" li.m ASTMd. " I ' I 1 " It HE HOWE BtWLNO MA rw .-it Ik -I'l JJi !' " 1 Vl "Jr I ( , L, FlfiSTSACHIKK P1TEMED. ,TJy fie M&i ; JYawavred Tke Beat la tke CtiMiacst.. potest ef sapariority are iuraouiiy f ui wt m unuun i Range of WorkWithout rarallall I Perfection 1 of SUkh and Tenakmt '' Headquarters for the Booth at. i- ' j a 'n'rr tij''piir Baltimore, Md- m. rot tiiccuu 01 mm men riCIAl. INDUCIMEXTS TO CASH FUR- CMAUSlto'. J A liberal dlaeoont te Clnbe of Irs oraMrs. Every Machine Is warranted and aatiafae- Uoa gauiantatd. f, .--- 1 The HOWE -MACHINI -ts for sale m SaLKIUH at No. 13, FayettevUls St. I . juiy n-u y-r:. - ,. : j v . aiiivaHB ATTOBN T AT. LAW, Boom No. 9, First Floor,' Law Favauerllla ainM. oaUdlag, RALLlUii, N. C Attcndt all th- t ii u Mi' fcaleub aad Fay ettavuie.! Claima Uacaad w au iwru f S. U haiarato tton. H. Ja. foaratai, hlef a uca ol . C; on. M. . Kauaoni. a. awaaiar ;Ouan' Mau Ainh, W. u A K. K tcar,-. MlMW. A Uatwuut, H klahl Ka.cticTilla U h'h. Marrna .ts If k ul iTatcUavillv ; Bank "f IUikmbt, H U- gtoa, . VjI Jtorhoni BlhS at rhtlpa UuUar at Co.. K h. I burbrt at Cu.i H. a. UahlB Co., h. V.t Landiwth ., fhUa., U. l uai4t Aa. Ball. . .. MS haa lunuad a cuniiecthia With Mar. Me se M. HnrndtmA uf Pa)cUviiiu, N. ., with r larenea vub to klm lutura buUuran at lhat pulnt Ail tumuiuiikatllua auilran d lu r Minaoa-e. eats wl JlaNaa arua him. FattSMTUte: hi. C, wui rueat.c pruutut al tsatsaa, - H j . t i J a bf, aaa -w ";? lute J iU1V, telm ler aidLJ velrr. .- " n.MiseTo frrtt5 -f ; Near' tbs corner of - Hlagtia' sod tlsrgett streets. .' ork well and cheaply saeeutcd. feb 17-tf . " ' - . ' ' j ' ..i. . T. eaa, ,fafi aa -at- 'Wi r T ' Organs ft Xelodeoaa . The OUaet, Lartatt aad Meat Ferf act! JUaa- factory ia the Uaitad Itetea. "u r:""aMiT :: te nnfcvo'' Na ether ataaical lastrameat ever ehMaed tbs suae ropniartty. " - HP Band tsw frtes UaU. -t- Aodraas BUFFALO, X.T. 1 OfTTI Y.K.'.t.i.d X' O Court J2euti8p e-'0pd)re' - ii AI l JAJal.ISi J aeelsl attaatloa riraa to Baviar of steads, la view of tha late d4Ka of the ta wrasOoarte4 thstJl4ta4BtaiJSoa thssab. raet, u ? (...v-,T,(u;,,,savBdswAwtf iD X.-m DOORS A BUMOd , hj i rs aiiat ;'' ta itti i or 1 - gew aafiwa' (AorwaJU flaaseiid ' , j:m.1 , iUfytewitVAaii' fiw'a c a- ' --.I W 'Vl ii;ii5 imJVZJBS LKW1S d CO. EALNT14. OILS, COIAJlCi, - . ' . tl I ":! i 4 't' J2wdwar4 ''cf ' 'every Description - JULIUS LEWIS V tO . ! tl t man KITTT.TITWO. .rsawaoo.'r.r--;.:" n.anoi Uomea Waters A Cobb, 481 Broadway? K T. wilt aiavoar ! V .tM4 aad r.nol ar alar n ah r. laclsdirc Haera, a a t WM-l low prra. or eaah darnr b a .jiau. hi tan cuh. asd hs'sare a frail " ea, h'i t'nfiU. T a xaiuc It ht" ( H1 wvfl fa-r a-lb teatSikd he t"Se tlasi a. and a tor ainaina tin. war Si. ri end aaa . Aafr C raf O fas e Bitot be air ril-cm ton or b a ). a'j wt rtitow The t'oarit o a aae .aiawoi oi ii aantaa o a IMwfttw -4 abacai daaiaa t li a. ' baa r a ahafraa achaoia. lodraa. etc. en waaia ao ine mac. luaatraiao .ataiOnS oh t i PBAUTICB UM BntTans 0wri or ta Mats the Clrewtt and IMawiet axons of ue United -tolas aad lb eevwraj Uo..rU I t SUsdieialUiaVitoWi'aJ 'mea on raita,ili-BW. eppeshe te A 'W laaonmu wat u p staira. ' U If M 1 B O 'g FATINT HIFFINO TAW ver Two Haadred htUUnss aa iaS aaad w;tuia the as it year titoni .tlaiBt. ef kwa hi Tea Haa.-aus. taj-k4 I nn- aaa nnn i.i m. aajamne ikivvua BaLaa aa av Tae S va. AU arpraaa Uoapw its a Ihasj . mid by f nniara sad rXt- aar-aiiwhr. QJUNOOF. SORf AROUNA, muh i'' . wira, -ii.ia. ' i. JOH580iri,i 8TJTT05 CO. 1To. J9fl Balttmort ana"! yorth Liberty Bta. T. V. JoBnaos. !, J. I. R. Caaaaa. R. If. bdttow, , isa OA Joaasoa, asp tMai vi"rtrra Kt-wvr?i'-&: t aOtgiLE. Y DISCONSOLATE ! ..1a- 1 .ul SiMst Hen ia ami vi iinnmuu uuuia, tc vary Lateia Tip of Faahlea, -aad pat np i a styf lhat wul cult the meat fastidious ate, eto J"i ) i Meala search f TTRST-CL W OOOM. tec ta laata. aaut. i '- " it- oa Fayettevflte Street, ooe door BoaUof th ' -t'-'iI " rilF ' l w rtr'. i .- 1 that Welkal eaa out aa the beat aa satiaf aetory JOB la the way of ansaaltoof Clothing, from a "Wedding te -a Buetaeat Suit, that eaa betaraed oat in Baleigb. The old and young men say It. tbs ladlna tSod Mcaa Uiem) caoonc it ana ins ciiuurea cr over It, ery for Joy westheWirsrad 'dad1 pot oa a aalt of lkl' clothing. i Weikei takes this occasion to rtara his thank for the larra and liberal patreaasw herntofora rceeiTad. and reaDectfullvaak for a eonttnttaocs ef lb same. Hia ! stock bf - '. J J!i, f CLOTHS, i '"" CASSIMERES, ' t TWEEDS, "H SL'ITIXOS 4A 4 uucBgrAhsq Jvt? tef sri, snd rom- rtaes all the I start Kovrltira In; Btrle, arlpa been recently purchaaed at low prices (rosa t. ..... - ? FASHION BKADQCARTXR1 ' i Aa awal his force of Workmen are Picked Mra, whoa kil and ability are knowa to thr qn mof puhiic -Conte one and al te 'be Emporium of Faaiil a. eikcl't. the Merchaut Tallur. to a amt clans an t of CI &. of Brat dm Vraa 'awaainla, ' wa jjftii HiUUtkliJ Doff Now Tlookajuat mady, Kv author ot ht liouMliolcl ol liouvmie-" f , infers hji1. r .i air. iim't Ifooln. Tho Household of Bonterie. ' tester Howard' I emptauon. A Doable Wodifl .!. Ihsahove 8ii Nsw Books ars written bt ths nooolsr sV-othera Am bores. Mr. Vith- srinsA Warteld, former y of Mtaalailppf hat sow of LciUrtl a, Ky . and author al tae wuna .wwe aotea worn, "ise nounoia ot Baveris " ..Whkh la n.c ef the brat aad moa. extraordiaary s .vela, aver ptiblbbed. Tba a bora tlx books ais each nd In on lars doodeciiao Wui time, ceuad a atorocce winto Wwloiae. aeuad B morocco lit back and aids, pnee l.f 6 each. doth, full gilt back and aide, pnee 1.7 each. or 10.50 tor a complete set oi the six vol umes, put up in a neat aad Strang box. - Abwt Book ar for ml bf M BookmUen. r eovie of tiUur on or moro of Uu abot look, or a eompktt art of thorn, wMU tent o one Utmoono, to any place, pootaff pro-paid, or fret offrtigh, on remitting lluir prux ta a tatur to wo T'FKttRSOJf 'A BR0THIR8, . , 806 Chesnut Btrset. Fhuadelphia, Pa. F OR' RENT. A weH-erranted two story BTORZ-BOT781. will be rented oh good terms. i sovi-la HlUborolret. T A I L O 1 t r I afakea sad etasaa elothsa m the hast SM cheapest atria, oa Rteadworth Bt. XTOT TO BX CNDIR80LD IN QvALITZ Av and price at dee Ma C BV HIABTTS. . Orr ica or tbs Ssc't er tbb WtSTBaa N. O. Insass Asncv, ' Moaoaaroa.N. C.,Feb.4ih, 187 ' BT order ot the Board of Commlaaloners ot the eaters Iaaans Aiylnm of North Carolina, bidders who have fore warded pro- wU thervif "sraerebt taieVmed that the opening of the said bids has been deferred until the 10th Inst , sod at Oren(boro'. Thryare notified that ths Commiealon did not, and do not aow, propoas te furnish ana, lor me mhi wora, in an; auu bidders ar free to modify their r ds In re tard te the supply ot sand, if thryses They will farther anderatand that eieettteA bunds wUI be reaulred to be Sled by that data. : ' T. GEO, WALT S, febMt . f ; W,; V,.. Beeratary. T O T I C E Va'nb Go d In Fer Nlc By virtue of ss erdee of ths Superior Court fnr IbIom tooaty N. I., aipoiaihgae com m It loner Wi sell the RJ at ef W. . (ureton, deceased, I will aelt al pa Bile sartioa to the hiKhest bldd. r at the C wit i.otiK d.mr In M or e, N. C. i B lbseh day of aa-ehta tVlketri-bratedUiraleiainek-tn Kin d Miue,tth AA acrea ol la. 4 l.tegta I'ahm county uoa ahica sahl aaaaa.n SMnaled. iiij.-.. , tor turns ss4 ether part 'Milan address, 4 H. O tVIS. 0 a Care T, D. MciacLsr Ati'y stLawy p)ti27-wtd. ' . . hteaiaa, M. C. L.lTiM...il-; jj;. .:;y i f ;.;.(! I J' -',!. ' 11 i it a n 4i.J fm ., nnmnn I i. , !.ZJ .si i'Vi ' KIND OF t O MUM J JOB : 0 RK e a i a if. . ;i i l i. a e 'i.tr-.iiwwa " '-. -.S -5., w.wJ.id. ,) ik tin a I OlTT 1 JiKli; rJ ....... 'r, ; K iH f Kir k "1 Utvipg refittsd onr I t fit . i.,... ,.. aa.I TJJi" it lr-- f.ii).iN .at ,4 I -i.!l..a aril ttx.iltln , i(a7 t.-.iiK ei j 4l!.Kuir.A . H -K r4llMt ; j ' Jld4 eexnra4 Uit wrrioM ot .a a .ft't. ... ii'.1 1-' j .,?( maVI , i .' ' it .1 S I I im We art) now prepared to execute ' ri"rf- ).t) f 3 to- T 1 !;" " PLAIN AND FANCY - All penon hmng j BiUBea t. "1 T A BTI ruf'TT ii Ltu r aVaa. ' a Buaiaow Caw . 5 tf) ! 3 ..V".. Vudttag Cards. T .' .;: 1.. ' Waddiag Caria .Is is t. tt -a ' .i '' i OiwaJara,v ' Posters, Ac. .." .1. i ., . TovpriJtt, irilr hv thoif-, wofk x ecutod in tht vary best style bt t. : ' f-4 1 BBdg it tO tht . . 4 .J fc tJ.m nt 1m .it . . .:: IT-. ft !iw frwrr '-f-' - u tii tan:!f!t M-)i M"f j a 1 it. ' J. a i s RiodUof Book Work In the verj beat style, af ts:'.. t All wprk iv to n will be 4ent v qQieklj inJ eheaplf a U Bnv itler,;, -. r'. . BJJfTINd B0TJ8I Ef.THlr POUTH . - V OR B f B.'A K D H V L B A fearrtve to a tew da.v BW-y gaa-ueVy llorsr sa.f Male ttmvo to wan a y voe. ?BaerWwtBsB eVaaw-2w O. W. HTMNlACa II JUD U ." ,k' il . ' i . . IUtl . ' '.v " W SM ''-t , -, ..an.:i . . ii ... ' - 1 .. ... : m Omce D B BLAKX fUVla MANCRACTUKXrl, ' l '..!. w. n . is. mu. ' wll arts arsrceUe m w and wnmra (PiasaaTsT wiu.far frw a t te i . t s.u. and m atnrlit hosur la f arUeuie a raw. r aaa worts sevwrsf doilara n t u waaow yum to c te wurh aionea, wl'l te -at aa vaealiit ui ru eenta adwi waa-- i. La I H w A', fr aaht.B,.BU J . IL .7 L tV A At i. A t , . u . ATTORK1T AT, LAW. r jMrf ,. h. .-!.. a l b . i jr 0 . Hua Bonth of the Court Eoaaa aar (in. antiaet iMBefl. , V ATT0RS1T AT LAW, j .M-.s.! i HAHWlya, U, .1, .. " rractlces la ths ctstssnd Federal Coart. Collue Job made te aav tart of JNorth Cm tttaa, ' -" ''-. . alUK CELKB RATED .t7i' i i Zawtey'OrffmMt r-, . rr r . .eaabafouadat r JBOWX'B VARlETr STORE,' Bulldlnr. eUKfi THAT UUGUI ., i..-iJh!,.-ljt Dr; O; MeMannen'a s .- ; .sit ''. ' AUEHICAN Till ,.rx;i3- z.-n-.iUil MIXTU'EE ) rmCBONK DOLLAR. Taa Oaaat Bodtbmui IUiiaDT ro ... . ,1 . CoNsvarTioa. 1W CoarB. t'oloa, Bora Throat. Roerss- baassadaii Lena liaraa: saoacia I omu-adad aa a r.aiUj MadiclLa tor hildrea aa tt arrsata t ' e - svary aymirtum f - Uroup. or a tat aa al t4 la. anea a children are abtct to pajticaar'y to ths relief of ooiioc tones t vemtimatlon with Faaar ana o t ar It kiI enu ankia it not an. . plrxsaat to the I la, aad no uan.ar wbatavcr 11 its aaa. Tahea ia m-r ioa of half a tea- toi. al st a t ear wbraeviw the r is a rilapo ti. u emit, an ai aUh aba roa He aB . It acta t unit us the kidneys snd the Maaa'actarad an M Whole air and Ke- ail at the roirlrlor Uursm. f C t lb. nj a t 00 at w wao ene a!ara. Ordeii Uailwd. ' ' N. a. MnMANNVN. MawaJ B'WlhaaS An eat. . ( , TXSTlVuIAL8t n 0.dd.bore, !. O. ' ana nr4lB( eht a ia tithe -a a oma- tm e.lmate tn let 1 eatia I - np is p tr " snt eaBH- - em to di with my s Mra ib -o'0 no 0 i. v ane ih'T 1 b'loe h i ..f Or weMsnaou's isj Mix ra Its tiat eg ct ass W enable me to wravt ait ainaaiA ':. t naara; hope "'V e; l yeouitu car way aiiar n..a wmm .eaira w aaaita 1 nw rah 140 1b I owe bit Ufa to 'hia mixture. ud wiah Uua aoliahd to taa word " '- v S. m USIU. I haveb ea afilietrd with a conch for thirty ear I ha aaed all lbs onpsiai remedies t exuaba J bare a w fenMI au)tbl to smsts oa oa S'w aes-ar rra auvraitei. snti. I aaad tW tvcMa. nan's Amaricaa Tar Misters. Its are aaabiaa m to 'leap wall; t isara h- ve .aaainad thats streaslh, aad nni aiyas.f aa'irelr (raa trust a dttraaina eouarh that attack, d at la tea morulas;. I am rapidly racorrrinc - MKa.rvri tbr r aac Hal. Mr Lai n save wsy walls oa my eirealt. 1 . vu f.oa ta rstirs from my wora. aad hsd a itttla hope of leeovary. 1 aaad one box of Dr. Mcklannah's Tar Mixture, say eoatch Improved, my strwncth tataraad, aad I ass mb able te reams my work. I recommend U to all who have a xafa, ot wash lanes. M. t. HUNT, R. n, Ooafsrsnee. H t r-4,-t .. n - Darhaim. H. C Of all the madielaa voa hare taken, the Tsr XUtara la the only Urn that haa do lose yoa saygooa... . . . " aaa, ot To her Haetaaa. .3 .K !' ' "v-- Darbass, K. C. 1 hara aaad Dr. C. T. McMauaea'a Aaurlcaa Tar Mlxtnra myself, sad ia my family. I do not hesitate to raeowawnd it a a remedy te be Bead te alt cases of coach, voids, aor Throat, Hoarweee sad Lang diacaaes 1 f u. u, rAjuuon. Baadreds at other TaatlmaaMda coa'd be oSsrsd. Taken at 11 Un it portion of half a taaspooefui or Vets. No dancer whatever. A. BLESsINO TO XTBJtT UOC8I HOLD. . Eureka WasWiig Ma- .. - " chine: i i tl i; 1 -l i . 1 1 4- ntttited ett. it, 1874. . This new tevsettoB Is s complete success. Wsshes arsrytUaf front a lady's lace Collar te a CoaBterpsns, la ths moat thoroura sad eompleta styls. . Works with ease sod iapldJty sad without Injury te ths doth. ' ' TIME AND MONET BATED. "TV Wsab'si dma by a wwajan ta one ' i . day -as ha doaw by the panes lad Eareka at ta-aehara. ' fne f a, with wri t a teehsd . 1 ' 4. B. rAhRAR, .. - - 1 :i -1 Mafetnrer aad ratter'We.cSry, N. C. f vO TO WtvT AJfE BTTLK I t a a'ihluulu aVeaaui. o. u heabttb; . '8 O O K t H 4- , ' i v "J. ' 4 ' . Ii -t.-W I' : r 1 1 . - ' - '.". i'. 1 J t;';; t"V 'yk?-I-r 7 ! 4