THE RALEIGH" SENTINEL THE RALEIOU SENTINEL" t-v nrnuss UAILT. WEE1LT AND SEMI-WT.EKXT Official Onaa of Rcrti Carolina. - STATE PRINTING A BINDING ESTABLISHMENT, r. Do.ri.r, t t mtur, ' urn or sraacnrrnen. - rf renttnel t veer hi sdrae?;!r;r?V3.t 86 Seraf Weekly " " i 4T WNUrtradotl . ..100 Th Dilt8iil win be delivered lay part of th City t Ftfteea Onu week. the enrsr. J. D. Cameron, editor of th Newt, it tick at hia bom a, sear Hfllaboro. 80 cord wood at Osborne' Onda A Feed Store, for sale cheap fur cash. J. J. WwLfewdkh A Ca,, dealer la grain. Cera a, apecialtj. Newborn, N, C. , ,?, 4- ) , . 3oa The communication ef one of the hi dieted gentlemen of the city la crowded out today. From all account this eltj will be filled to overflowing with visitor during the Methodiat centennial. -. Bradley A Leonard, of the new candy f aetory, have fast brought en a lot of dainty bride's-cak decorations. T. T. Oliver manufactures beat heart pine and poplar lumber, At. Seasoned flooring alwaya on hand. Pine Level, N.C. Cotton markrt very dull.' Middling 11 ; low middling 1010 J eleaa ataina 9 ; deep ataina 7aS. Trade very doll in all branch. "..,:.,..'... i; The tew atreet recently - opened through the Bledsoe landa presents an opportunity f r the purchaae of deslraue and cheap building lota. N . l-.Nrgge enise upon a f the municipal ela tion. We rail apon Mayor Maui to arrest theee eqadUra ander the vaihnt iw.r:r ... ,. vtt Our bachelor governor hav ano'.hr aruesake. The locomotive Juiteluk'e, on the estera North Carolina rati, baa juet been jMchnateaed "Gov. fx i Av A II i i n . -Tinaf 1-Ifal rrVrtf VOL. XXIL RAXiEIQHt"N'rC., THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1876. No. 9. Catsouo Uviojr. Last evening number ef our Catholic citixen met and organised the "Cetholio TJnioa of Rai eigb," The oflloer elected are : Presi dent, If. B. Barbee : vice-president, Patrick MoOowan ; aeeretary, Jamei P. Hayes; cot responding aeeretary. IT. Plomadore ; treasurer, F.Oalagher. Mashxo. James Mullen, a fireman oa the yard engine at the ahopa of the Raleigh aOaaton railroad, waa aeverely maabedthi. morning while attempting to couple aome ear, W have net been able to ascertain the particular! of the accident, bat learn that Mr. Mullen ia painfully though not dangeronaly hurt Btohxwali, Jacksox. W. B. Troy, of Fayetteville, a aoa of Stat Senator W. C. Troy, ta uoir ia the eity in the intereat of a military biography of Stone wall Jackson, illustrated with handsome portrait of all the prominent Confed- erate general., The work k published by Appleton, and ia folly worth the price asked. - HorRuta Codut. Court met at 10 'cieck, all law juilce pi eeent. Utdooa Perry et al. va. Henry ' M. Tupir, from Wake. ArUiueut Wuu en yeteiUty and wa reu.ned to Li. M, taw la and P.O." Fowl for frtwhwiffi ami J5s mntU Mraugcoutra. ' Peading t't argu ment the court alj juraed uuul tennor- rywatiOtViovktM, .21 Fur The double log cabin of oae of our colored feiltfw-cituena, who sport tiie rather rai e and ataxtlhur name ol Bmith, wuborned in Thite Oak tow 4 AN DfTEBESTTXa RELIC. a awoito that waa rr aw ed wrra Toai auxu at the unu or hooks' caxax BujMa a wvmm t MEBCnAXTs'MEETIKa LabtNiort. The adjourned meeting of the mer chants came , off but nluht, notwitb itanding the rain. Jordan . Womble took the chair and ealled the meeting to order. J. C. Marcom took hi place a ecretary. A letter waa read from Solicitor Qs ris, proposing to compromise and dis miss the indictments opon payment of half th fees. This propositloo wu rejected ananlmously. A letter wa read from William A. Ilearne, ahowlng the difference between NEWS AND NOTES. Spain win teen sen4 30,000 troop ta cuds, r arewell to ail Ulytac' dream oi west Indian greatness. '. .: 1 he visit af the disreputable ex-Queen Isabella to Spain la said to have ao political significance. - . A caucus of northern railroader waa hold at th St Nicholaa betel. New York, yeeterday, to prepare for a little aeeper ireigntcouging. .. v. . Prayer-gauge Tyedall waa married ia Looaoa, last Tuesday, ta Mia Louisa, daughter of Lard l laada - Hamilton. The matrimonial bow-knot waa tied by 4JA. I Johnstone Jonea, of thia dty, ha ia his ps anew on a sword which used at the JbatOa of Moore's Creek bridge, February 27, 177a, by hi wife's greai-grandfather, Colonel, afterward General, Thomas Brown, of 'Bladen county. A member of the family now living heard from the lip of th widow of Geo, Brown that be brought thia I the action of the federal government I Dean Stanley. aword from the battle-field atained with I and Solicitor Harris fa regard toths blood. Another deeoendant of thia gal-1 time allowed ta take out licenses. lent soldier has in poossssioa th cooked I Hon. T. C. Fuller,) counsel for the hat which he wore at the battle. It is a I merchant, being called on, said it was three-cornered black felt, and is perfo-1 no occasion for a speech and ha ahould flited with givenl built t-lo ea, but talk as with hi client. II said there i still in a good etate of preservation. J were no culprits, no cilrainals anion General Brown rendered distinguish I the Indicted citizens. The anlmu, the ad serrics during the revolution. He I intent, made the criminaL He felt waa early in arma under Governor I tUra there could be no conviction under Tryon, at Alamance, in 1771, and after-1 the present Indictmente. ward was wounded at U name or I , JoIab Turner wa called upon, T who tnat RriiW. In Virginia. In 1775. he I K fi iK iu... ' r it . ' j j, . '. . 'I AW. PtrnnjM. Eq.. Lvnchbunr. Vi the Bladen rvgimrui; "of which Thma J have 10 Imitate member of cougrW reguktrlv a uklins; eomru t nwm Koheson co'onel, and Thomas I who atw4V t tkei about evervthlnj I At givee relinf ami puts me to sleep, li ... - - I I. .tl tB mm m I 1 - . " I Immwi .nil J.m.t Kb MMdH mtMil. I ..w.l .U .,1... 1. . .1 I wuvu unou urra- v - . w " - j mmtu, wWVKI'y uoitfrv . IDf QWIM0. H wtt area! diaUnoti'to by hi victor I II knew a better tim thm if over the tone at F.niicthUrm I tte IT Jay, 1.81, whera wi h rUty men, h I eiaiir tle ma terorratlMnd freitih1. attacked and routed three humlred of The freight-were lug'wr In North Caro the enrmvr Tbi baUle eotkMl the tor.v Mm titan la hhv oihrtate or uart uf the The Louisiana house of representa- uve u inreaiening to march In a bod t to the eeoalo, and demaad the ImDeacb- ment of the infamous malefactor, .Kel logg. Better go slow, brethren. Linderman, the federal mint director yesterday ensured the bona committee on appropriation that specie resump tion is possible now. He aars there-is $19,000,000 ef silver coin and bullion ready for use, and aeveral mints can be started on silver anv time. Linderman ia evidently a near lineman of Balaam'a saddle au aoal. - A t V ERTISEMKX Ts AdvertiMfnaata wfl be lBna4 la th Imhv banTikat, st U foiWwtnf niM sorsaaarsof oae ac. or tea n tales Uses J (ne Mjnara eoa Um -' Mm ' gLOt " eaca anetqaeaa aisamsa . - " lets thia a f i.. ; 8 -. I iBar, 1 wak 1 M , 1 " l'Bonth 00, 1 v' " BMKlUll H0O I .- f a a e j tP Ira L.Xt J? J? ) 4 UU t " T - u oe x l as oe WaWl.TOlaTsW TWt T-q-jna- i r-BfEfJIA't NOTICE.- A MUD.' Te en wke are safferntr fresa tka errors aad ladlaerartues ef jaeth, aanrous weakness, ear) j eea, leaa of ainhooO. tc, I will send s raelas that wul core roe, JBXi Qt CUAKUK. This great rataadr was aiseevered bj a mladaiiarr la South Isaerlca. Bend a self-addrasae4 eBTelooa ta tba ftc. Jaaavw T. Isnaa. HMom J). Mi$ Utmm. 2fm Itrk aov ioeoowosi ,. , - ,:, ; j ' ' TO COXSUHrTlVia. '-: The adTartlasr. aa eld nbvalelaaJ ntlraa from aetlre practice, hsring; had placed ta hia haad br aa Kast India Mlsstoaarr the far- anils ef s simple veretasle Bamedr. for speedy and permanent Care of Coaseaptioa. Broochttia. Catarrh, Asthsaa. and' all Throat and Laar AflacUooa, also a Foaithw and Radical Curs for Nerroos Debulty ssd all Nervous Complaints, after having thoroughly tested Its wonderful . ears tire powers ia thonsands ef eases, feels It his doty te Bask H knows te hissafferln; fellow a. Aetoatedl by this BMtftve, and a eooacteBtioaa dwlra to relieve human suffering, he will scad (free of aa re), to an wao aeeire tuuia recti a, wit a full direetloae for prepartKr and auceeufullv , Bent by retupi aiall by eddnwelng . " . Da. W. C 8IVKNV ; , , Monroe Block, flrraeiue, N. T. '-aevSSwly . ; , -----j. NEW AD YERTISEMENTSr., 1 t s o . ..... . .. thwJ 1 1 . - T . .. ' .." - - ."rr ' i ' - ' r i w A Good Baker 4Nia 'anraeamb'ra4 'era feed. address, -BOX, " febst.Sw Balelgh. on rwcts AI.WA' LaAii.' 8 TAKE THE Brogd;o.'r t ! : The Italian a'rirg band ialonce ni jr miuiiling mufh with moonlight au our street t'ou;h the moonshine pu.tof the mixture baa b-ien rather tuiu ibi- a few nlghta past. .'., , , v r Mr. J. D. Whitaker U telling good oak wood at 13.50; pine 3 00(13.23 per.cord delivered, provided the cash attend the order. Call on him In rear of Cltixen'a Nauonal Bank. The Then and Now" festival and eonoerl of . the Methodist ladle take place thia evening at Metropolitan hall, I and will be repeated to-morrow evening. A very pleasant time wifl be had by all who attend. Go. 1 Our county commissioner deserve thanks, especially from our country friends, for the substantial bridge re cently erected aver Walnut creek,on the Holleman road. It takes the place of a dilapidated and dangerous old dead-fall of aa affair. . .," . The Wilmington Journal, of March 1, apeaking of th Swepsoa case, say j "Swepson ha don th state much . harm, and th gentleman h killed waa our friend, but In View f all tha facta, wa feel obliged to lay wa think Judge Settle did right la admitting th prisoner to baiL 7,1 -. -- L. Prang k Co., art and educational publishers, of Bo ten, are preparing Tor the publication of the ooats-of-arma of . the various atate of the Tnion for exhibi tion at the Philadelphia eentenniaL and have addressed a letter to our secretary of state asking information in order to have that of North Carolina properly represented. - George Allen & CoM Plow Manufae- turer, Newbera, N. C, offer to send to any address, samples of their Labor Saving Plow. ; Atlaa anti-cbukinc Turning Plow, Dickson, Allen snd Magnolia Steel Cotton Sweeps, at a lib eral discount fpr cash, with privilege ot returning them at their expense shvuLl they not give perf. ct slisiaction. MT bend for illustiaud clicuiar aud price. .. e. j f' f -..-.f. ; feb 23-d2aw&wlm ; " ; Measra. R. .'ones A Co., are i gttt for J, V.hhitiiw & Co.' hor rhoa- phaie. Which t. one of th best standard fertilizera In tl ia market. The suciefs Ship laat JitaJay nitfht IT.J-. pn.j(h nr.iwn, It gained laat jear ia such that they 1-ve old thia year alrmdr a great dil are than they exrecied t eel'. Tb i- fa cflitie for Vopphing farnwr with thia valuable fertilizer are great, and farmers ahould buy at once. This guano, in stead af impoverishing the land, im prove It permanently. Bead their ad vertisement in another column. The very Una result and increasing demand of the Star Ammonia ted Sola bl Phosphate raeem to have created quite a sensation among manufac turers af and dealers ia commercial fertilisers. Other"inanfactttr4r hav - even com' menoed manipulating and offering for aalea fertiliaer called the "Star Bone Phosphate. " Fanners shonld beware of intitationa. The original and only gen uine Star Ammoniated Soluble Phos phat haa the trade mark of a star printed oa each sack with the analyaia snannf aotnred by Lorenta k Bitter of Baltimore, Md., and for sale by A. C Sander k Co., or their agent. wet all hi femuure aad apparel, itt including a Cuiekerug piano, marbd topped bumana and tables, a roue wood eacntoje, and aev-ral other artidea ot value whiuh were nninsnred. Cokkkxdajile CoL C B. Brown, the popular landlord of the National hotel, haa given the anperintendent . of the Oxford orphan aaylum a standing in vitation to atop at hia houae free of cost, wnenever ao nas occasion to pas through our city with any of hia little charges. The generous offer, which waa made some time since, has been ao oepted and acted on. In hia pastoral letter for lent, Arch bishop Bayley, of Baltimore, uses these strong and truthful words t "Beligieu teaching I as necetsary to anything that deserve the nam of education as oxygen ia ta the air wa breathe. With out it, it may be seriously doubted whether a good deal of what U new called education doe not do more harm than good. It b) ridiculous to apeak of harpenlng up a quick Intellect with a corrupt heart and depraved will under it, as if you "were necessarily preparing such a person to be a good citizen and a useful member af society. T say nothing of our political combination, our penitentiaries and stale prison are full af the well-educated people.' " Tub Hawkins Oboak. Wo will reply In time to th Raleigh New of th 2d Inst. -They renew the old radi cal charge that Swepson bought the Sentinel We told aU about it in 18C8. We never u lie, steal, bora or blow np a house.or attempted to bribe Mr. Atwa ter. Such attacks have failed these seven year to damage eur character. The railroad presidents aad pet lawyer who txpfct to be lielj ed te oraoe by railroad paper are indignant that we refused i-'U.OiK.i tor the heuilnel when It wu offi red by Meckbelder Blacknall, of ike Raleigh News. Dr. Hawkins, and his board ef diivctors, will not lie able to jitHt'fy the fraud uoW gingeu with the C hatham road. Evert thing cnoctd with or iriva ' or oublie life l both heoft and hou'trable. N can Sweioo. Hawkin. ftfc Aden, aitd all Uie affl. e-l Ui.ti'nir la vers behind 1 lower in 1:1a en. In Wheeler's his ory f North arulina, volume age 30.1- iveo a gloaleii record of thia brilliant achievement It lx thtre said f Gen. worl.l. audit is 'urixt with paUeuce ami u xulas mi. I In- p-',)ie 01 the no tuaest r e-up ao I cm lied onir u.iv tr-if-li s when they wte u t half ao high and ITU AT10.,WATKll. . I wtuhte proeo'e eitfit m. rstbarat ssv bu.loea. orfoibi f tin. tba will eaaMe ' to w mate a jppon i rat.Miiaaa r.auiy. -r. can auuir mys, w I i in any eapaetry. : , , t . a.i utut wisuti4g .o enp'oy enaera r to- - s . rt''TkrtAOTfl'rtt vv m' 'iiB'a''"iMisii wMiiaaic . eUe, win plnse addna n.e at Kalelgh, N. C. ' ' ' barf O Ma races el n. Address 40 V V. MARCojr. V, fcvigb,B.c. . : . J . whim tho hl-lAiT o' our bavv aa the bdiu m men of italciirh oav . i Ha ha l atlled on a mervhaut atate shall ue writtra thia a t on alow. afrt from hia chivairio conduct at tlin tiiea! BricLjf,. will pace him by the h e 'l hin ! pauioU, ilrr, Mariou aud iwjiter.itf the aouth' and rarther, t al "he vaiKjuiahed the enemy by the exercUe of uch skill as coul I not have been surpassed, and by a boldness and hardihood In promptitude of obedience and rapidity or movement on the part of those under hia command, that would have ahed a lustre , on the disciplined legion of modem Europe." . , . ' Mr. Wheeler says of him t " The affair of Elizabethtown proves that the service of war waa congenial to hia fearless temper. His life, charactei and services will afford tome future biographer an opportunity to present his chums to the respect, love and ad miration of hi countrymen.'' everyday. that day to lean t .ntliiug about the rat s f freight un til th rotulx leading to t .e city. One th -ud liim two bill uf a, dm from WiimibgUn for hominy. Que lot, which came direct to lUleigh by Goldabero, waa 18 cents a bushel The ether lot waa "through freight" and taken to Weldon and by the Raleigh k Gaston road to Raleigh, and the freight waa 14 cents a bnabeL the distance being 173 miles f jither. An AJamano farmer yesterday broaght 6 bales of cot ton from Mebaneaville, a distance of fifty miles, Th freight was $9.78 or $1.63 a bale. He saw aitting in tho meeting a merchant who paid $L23 for a barrel of vinegar from Kittrell' to Raleigh, a distance of about 39 miles. If tho barrel bad only started at New York, it would have been brought for one dollar and had the honor of coming byKittrell's too. Tho freight on smoking tobacco from Durham, 27 miles, is 60 cents a htm- STILL iJIEIB. We no? oir to the PnbHc the Great est Eariaiiitf the Aje; Too Warn ro Pass. Caldwell, of the Charlotte Observer, ia hi paper ot March 1,' tell thia yarn : - - - A Rood manr of our reader, if not here, in other porta of the atate, know Jordan Chambers, colored. . He wa a I eenta. What haa Raleigh don that she aiave oi auj.i-.jj. unamDer. ot ireaeu .vu h n-ntiaa in th. w.v of -freighta 1 Bnt thia . i, not , the X SHIRT All made and finished ready for th Laundry, with the exception af the but ton or eyelet holes, of Wamsutta Muslin and Richardson' Round Thread Fam ily linen. ' ' For the exceedingly lew price of 8 county, and one of the beat hi all the land. He is almost a whit as one of pure Anglo-Saxon blood, ia smart and intelligent and many a white man might envy nun nis address, Jordan became a rampant republican, however, alter the war, ran for tb legislature onoo or twice in IredelL aad wa defeated, and haa of late acted aa a servant at th ex ecutive office ia Raleigh. One of our ciusena who is just from ' Raleigh, tells ns that a week or two ago, Jordan took hi daughter who ia whiter even than her father to tho colored normal achool which ia conducted in that city by Rev. John Smedes, a brother of Rev, Alder. Smedes, D. D., the principal of the cele brated St Mary's colWe. Be intra. dooed himself, and explained the object of hi visit ' Mr. Smedes ealled him "Mr. Clumbers" and blushed and told him that he wa mbitaken in the olaoe: that no admixture of the race wa al lowed there, and that he wa no donb; loosing fur the noneolof hia brother, which was in snotb.Hr Dart af the citv. Jordan auked if that waa not a school for colored girl, and brioif answered in the affirmative, told r. Smedes that bs and its daughter were oolorod people aud that he wss oot mistaken ia the place. The girl waa aoeordiugty pnt to ufaooL and Jordan hi ft, mightily tick!, d and mightily fluttered. h.r.Dra.M.yi,aK -mi caa rajia um oo. aTw, m 1 W Thb rH.IK.XCK F HkALIXO. The fl..Um .1... . . . ... ! T u l...k... - ..I 0 tlirm. Brake tt antwar tu tlw .,tr-. I , . ., v., ' , "J- . ...IT .1 1.. HIT...-. W.M. ffltlT" I'll , WUIUUi TuaMK. I .byvhiati. and t kj aitno-iaed Kmu -- mmm- i j lMpius and Apiln us. of ftaiia, f oai a t nttx CB rfvuixu The ' their ciirr.i. The m te acient fic dred. From Atlanta to New Tork, 800 tor 16.00 by the dox. or dot. only mile, it i only 41 eenta. From Raleigh I We claim that thi shirt cannot be to New Terk, 525 mil, the price is 40 exceUed In sunerioritv 'of make and sf ; finish or in quality, by any aver offered uciuic iu wuaniaract. , ; worst Another merchant showed him . W. H. A R. S. TUCKER. a box of manufactured tobacco and a bill of lading which was at the rate of 10 to 23 per Day one ooiuir a nunurea trom xwnam to Raleigh. A barrel ot flour from Mebaneaville to Raleigh, 50 miles, 45 centel te New Tork, 525 milus, it is only 70 cents. Sacb a tariff and tax U at war with and must kill all honest labor and business. If you be men, no longer bear it. If yon will quietly sub mit to this extortion your oppressor bn m , . i a will aeon make It higher. high-1 l&g dt&T AlIlIZ1011ia,t6fl tann rauroaa corponuiona are ruauinx Cheap newspapers and lawyer iu North Carolina aud Virginia, and all along the lii-s af their rvMs They cwoirol your politicians and make ur randidt e. Mr Turner aaid be had relied upon the BTanKe to check these monopolies, but when he found out that J. D. Cameron aud Jordan Stone were grangra, and runuing a newNuaper fur the railroada and in their iiittrest, be had not been ao bouefnl of aid frvnt that qaarbnr. He ooui Indeti bv tiii -.urf that a ooiutnittee of five merthautHlie appointed to wait SOLUBLE PHOSPH ATE npou th jnulrc a managMr . anl ask a r-dnctiou of ru J; ruinoua freighta. Mr. luruer a iuv'.i n tor a committee waa adoptrd aud tit Lcliair sppoinW JoriLia w oiurtle, Mr.. A. CreeVli, U 11. AiUiOV btrouaoli as said jN THUur bd ef Genuine White Oale o Mle heap A I tt. L. CBhlfT'o iirs a CO'H. ItblJ-li M lliu.ngiua btrsek 4. ; the 'Heory tltt.."', t Will be A at rjyr levtiie m-wi, r-twiiiay tae avta air at teuru.r , lj70 all tb perbttU pnnier V io the n'ate -t Mr-. L O. K U'V, u. c d, io M-ti t( t Ilouaehulil anj Kivhnn Fuim u.e, b d, chaire,, ate. , c ,4c - - - Term ' " '"""""'"w-'..'--- JOS. B. BATCEILOR, feb S3-lw Adntr OPRTHtl tauwal raunkawi MMalrju mm hr waTttaiws. Dr. Vmr wi it ' Orrrcs or avnanrrsantir, ' . : aaaaaa K.fLanaB O imp tar, ' Petersburg, Va , November 84, 1 75. J CHAR (II Of tCHEDULE TO take effect 8CNDA T.November 83th i .. QOINO BOUlH. Leave Petersburg at 0:30 A. H. snd tSt F. Arrive at Weldon at 9:53 A. Jt &5S P. K. ' . .GOING NORTH. Lsave Weldon at 7: Si A. M. and 4 P. It. , Arrive st Petersburg at 11:48 A. M. aad ' 7:07 P. If. f j, Trains eonnect at Petersbnrg aad Weldon with trains for all southern and aenhera points. Tickets sold to a I ou there, aoath- ' westera, nortflern and eastern points, and bsggsgs checked throojrh. feb 18-dw-tt T. DOTJGLA8, uaeriotendent mi papxs n ox rai wxzx aajaawi aai J Ulllliffi II - f. y V. Hape's Nitrogcaizcd MAftS'J Misuusun aftt-nttSrWrt I visas SUPER PIIOSPIIATE , UF LIME. : eelehrsiion last Monday of the "hun dredth anuiversary of the battle of Moore's Creek BridgeSwaa a grand af fair. Tba crowd ia estimated at 5,000. The roar of artillery and the melodious crash of drums and cymbal lent a mar tial flavor to the occasion Orations were delivered by F. K. Kerr, of Sampson ; Rev. J. N. Stalling, of Duplin; and Hon, Edward Cast well, of Wilmington, The first orator of the day waa Capt S. A Aahe, of our city, of whom the Wil mington Journal aaya, he ia "a descend ant of the John Aaho who, with Hugh Waddell, resisted tho leading of British stamps an the banks of ths Cape Fear, and who waa engaged ia the great event which the celebration commemorated,' Hia address waa greeted with musi and firing of cannon. Th affair wound np with a ball at tb Masonic hall in Lil- Iington, ia which eight or tea counties were reprenta, uk ems testify thflr apprvviatien ot k.ll In the h aiing art latlicr hy pat rouixing the ihaa deillug the dead ( and thia explaius the crowd of patient who have sought th oQice of Dr. Jones, at the McAdoo houee, Greensboro, often going hundreds ot miles for his treatment and operation and returning cured and rejoicing. And owing to thi great and increasing demand for hia akill, the doctor has been induced to remain in our slate a while longer. Dr. Jonea remain at the McAdoo house, in Greensboro, .until March 6th. Dr. Jones will practice at the Arlington - House, Danville, Va., from the tilh to the 12th of March. Dr. Jones will practice at the Ballard A Exchange, Richmond, Va., from the 13th af March until the third of April. The epidemic question on th streets is, Wbea will Solicitor Harris be "Henrae" from 7 ua motion, tn mooting taen adj i-iru ed, ulject io Uie Call of the committer. The rads have ii angnrated a series of midniebt t-ow-wown reference to the coming city election. Deviltry is being concocted. We smell a mice. We see it in th air. Let's nip it in the bud. Or word to that effect. We have fot ad by serersl rests e spefenee to eellh f the above Prrtflrsrra, aa wall a by . se vst ob.-errstiae, that they I evefao prior, If an., eqi al MSHltg tommeie'a! sfinaie. rar prices arc racb lower than i thers, not as nniversal v popular, and that h.vs prev a tnnii I If rr-n'1', v,-- ,A" '" "y f h, -, AH irt stk t a fair trial with anything sold la the Boath JWa refer1 to the following gentlemen of largo earwtence, who have uaed eur Phosphates for everal)esrs: ' ' ' 1 ", t.V Da. Jowa. Dr. Jones' office ia daily crowded with patients from far and near. Among hi urgical operation. yeeterday waa. one for polypns in the none. Air. llenrr raimer. of fairneid. an aged planter. Mrs. J. Speigle, of Charleston, who waa greatly relieved of j osopna.' Both whth thencaaw - made public and express the. utmost aatiftfao Uon. . Dr. Jonea rem sins at the McAdoo house, in Greensboro, until March 6th. Dr. Jones will practice at th Arlington House, Danville, Va, from tho 6th to tho 12th of March, Dr. Jones will prac tice at the Ballard k Fchanire. Rich mond, Va., from the' 13th of Maroh until th third af April. R. J. IV ET, Wak County. W. R. WBITAKIK, Wake County. . M. n. HORTOX, " .. M. CUTLET, . COL, E. 8TEWART, Harnett County. JAMES A. J BN80N, - " D. Me. atcKAT, " " ' JOHN AVERA, Johastoa Coaaty. W. tt. SANDERS, - -' DAVID ADAMS, JAMES PACE, Chathaai County. W. M. THOMAS, -B.H. W ILSOJT, , ELLAS HAI5E8, ft.. Aad auay others who will gladly give their experience. TffBAls7 atf A. O.SAOTERS & CO., - - -'. : AGENTS, ; j. .1-