f af!' """ """ ' " ' "' """"" """"" SI f" rt ilxr w'iJi 7 v 1 QC J1 M III f! -'""m . f 1 in 1HE HOST USE 'VB m' SETS, CLASS BETS, FINE : TI) IMtAfcEIGH DENTIN E Lr" Ifi) f.i il , 1st Amendment: That section 4, of article 9, be stricken ont and two new MCtioui it tubstItuted.'T&e sectjdtf to be stricken out ie in regard to and ' flren tat tbt Btate by congress ancV (h appropriation e unee, penalties, ' etc Tht Jiectlon . to be substituted give all Utula ant proceeds of JandV given by the United SUUi, to th't state,; to educational purposes ; and all twamp . ''lande, finea &e.,"ar to be need lot pur poses oi education, t 2nd AnMadmeat itrlkea oat eectloa 17. article 3, and lubstitotes sactloo pro- vunng ror tne establishment or a i no bean of aericmHure,lramlratkm and eta .Us tics, and .the protection of sheep - ambandrr. . . . .-. . 5 . i M Amendment adds to section 25, of article 1, that "secret political societies are fjaneerous to the liberties or a ires oeocle and should not bt tolerated." ' th Amende section 10, article 8, by toravidlh' that tlie trorernur, witli the ' advice of the senate. ahaQ appoint all , office whose appointment are s not I jOiberwMe provided for. V' ; 1 1 f out ADrogates end amends section to. Wand 17,1 o articles, and allow toe general assembly to allot and distribute ' aa judicial power among tne several counties except that of the supreme ;u eow which is oed by the eoMtintion Joeth Striken oat sections 1 and t, of . article 13, and forbids sailing a exawea. ' tiou without first oonsnlting the people 7th Provides for submitting J the wirrimiiinnw v mi ,jimihwwi the aeoole. si fhetbe tooUa, Toasday .t aW the 1st, Monday inKorember. 1871 The amendments wiUJM Banned or n Jecte4 together.' he 'f w e-m J ml . . ,8th Provides for publishing the rdi nanoee for the information of the people. S7i., rfrth Beqaires the judge to reside in -:t las ustncst i or wub am s eiettoa. -ad forbid- his- holding -oouzt-.in, the i same countr. laore than onos in lour Team. ' k ') iota Itoduoes the number of . juagei -from 12 to 9.andsutborises the lemala tnretoitureset or jrttiaiBinh the number. 11th Provides for ih assembling of YJtbey Vgialatureia Jlaauary, ineteed of ' November. " " '( g 12th HitacivQ righto on the head try fomddinjr white and black - children ? l going to the seme school, end providing J that no ' dwonmniatiou aball be '1 to the Dreiudice 6f tither race. ! '! ., ', ,18th Fiiea the pay of members of the ceneral aasembly at $4 a dav and 10 " eeuts aiileege, aad limits the eeewon to ftOdavs. li the seeaion is prolonged 11 beyond 60 , days, , members receive no . pay. , r 14th Provides that the term of office for senators and members of the legts latura shall begin at the time of. their V: i' ectioa. t .hk -hi rs ii--'. -,' . . i - 15th. That section 29, bf article 1 is ' amended to allow the general assembly , .r to change the time of holding elections t for ta general assemDiyv . t 1 6th Strikes from the constitution sec tion A of article . which is the old re publican gerrymander of the senatorial - districU in 1868. ., . ,1 17th Seduces the number or aopreme ludges from fjvs Jp ree, as our Jatheri ,4. ".18th (Declares ..the- Judicial power . shaU be vesbsd m a eourt Jor the tnal , 4ti impeaebmentr, t supreme court, su- - parior courts, court of Justic of tht U peacej ana sacn omers interior to tne .,, opreme court my pe estaDusnet oy MliJsVSrl i i m s.:i u it . I n1 . ,r9uitabluhes the tuprems court tu4 in'italelgh,1' until otherwise provided . dt tne renerai assembir. '20th Strikes section 8. article 2, from the- eotutituUen. Thi section was the aid -republican gerrymander of ithft t t oast , of. representatives, and the " atopltcn do without it, , 'tvij .1 21st Forbids vacating any office or tenn of office now existing under .the ' tonslitution. .V'jiT. -22nd Provides for tht . ., ludirii of tht lopremt court and aape- "mw court, by general ticket, or you of ' nu ut people; duu auows ina general aasemblv to ekanrt the mod of elect- superior court Judges fronj - general I ticket to district electiont. , . I n I . 1 " .L.l . I 1. 1 n'l Acquires .a ruuuuia residence in tnt stat, ana w nays m ma county, bfbrt a man can vot, and exclodes rfekma and ea-ptniteatiary a tonvicu f t-, -. fraan holdin omo cm votinaT until re " stored to citizenship by due prooes of law.'Thert at two days'" debate; ea this ordinance, Uessnu Dockery, Albertson and Buxton. BTilh.aJl the negro dele3tee.speakuig against it and idtclanng it) was aimed tt the negro. , '24th -provide Tor tbt removal by the v , legislature of enr Judge or tbt superior " ourt for mental or rhrsical dleabilitr. 'V-T. It also provides . for the removal of "Titlark "ofThf- lUDift me and y lUpartbT ..l loourt bv the tadree of th courts fori tbe sam' ressoB. ' Appeal ta cast of I 5W removal it allowed as in othtr cases or - aaiittm -j! , j it r 1 tt . - I 1 25ti Provides thU article 7 of the con stitution be amended by adding that the general aasembly aball have power to modify, change or abrogate any and all l-bf to provisions of tbe article, and sut 1 . atitute others in their place, except seo- T O an1 13. Tliia allnara tha firiiila Vt toatoarrpoirjtlnsgistaatet as under the old oonsUtution;" f j wn- 2Cth Gives JtnTsdiction to justice of the prao over .civil actions founded on 'contract: when the nam doe not exceed S200 ; and allows the fustlce to call in a jury of six men in certain oaseaP to29th Aathorisea the. employment of eonvict on pnblio works and highways. . OOtV kAAm fT1ninirn'er aectioa . " i article 4 : "In case the renersl tb aembly shall esUbliah ' other inferior eourts, the presiding officers and clerks toereof snau oe siecveuin suca aa th general asaantU nay prescribe" ' . . . . FUL, EXTENSIVE AND OAaTOK rtfOOXS AN& FOBK! 39th yorb1de'mlf!rfweea ihit and-black and all persons of negro de scent to the third generation. " ' j 80th Adds to article 1. section 24 : "Nothing herein contained shall Justify the naotiosv of - oarmrur u oonoealea I wetpuoa or prevent the iegiMhUure from inacting , penal ; atatates against , aids 81st abolishes asetma 81. of artklet And provides for filling all vacancies offices provided fur by tUis article bf the governor not otherwise provided lor. , . 82d Providee for parinaj .ofiloers and members of the oonventi'm. ; j, j S3d Qives power to the supreme eourt to trr iflsoe. ana flTiesuons oiiactst under tne 014 constitution. , , 1 CONSTITUTIONAL- COMVENTIoK Off ,; u A'OMTU CAKOLUIA OS j Complet ta Paotogniphie group by A W. WATeOM. The only complete copy at tie IsUoee mat wul eeeuM at s BMdrte price. van at wbii i waiiery. SMueva. v.f gouTHxaa roidci-flOLpinvtj ( Aa laMtraaee Joe rati devoted to fee Inter est of PoUeyeoloera,, CooUku aU U av Utrmture or the day. Only Iniar- saee paper in Mortt Carolina. TteaUofboth mw wiu aw lyiiiwrn 11, upjw ' wwna. eoapaalat and eoauaendieK the Irosg oaas to th people of North Carollaa, the paper for tlMiaa IntMMted ta Insannca ' ri SabaeripUoa M.U0 ta advaaea. AdferUMj sent ttwerte at reatoasMs tatea. , 1 X VJ tfiUTSO! -,h:,, I'M i jduaad Proprtetor, aeptt-tf s rti 1., ..1 j JUtalB, afaxvni A Cabtbw, i tAaamips I Caavaa. CAHTKIt At, C A It 7 11 TTORNIlB at law , j Aavrt an ( FTaelWfa theSprene Court stWwh. aad ka tee Suie aad redenl Ooarle et W tart MenkeUaa ta ; ' ! ...Uains eeUaeled e any rout t ta tote 3':r , TTiT,;" TW , 2BK CbbNi' DOUSSOLD AaUlartprte 'aloetblr Caetee' 'liter11 ta Is pabUsbed moaaif at 1 xma 1 KUBOBOlH.O:'', ' It is a beaaUfady Ulaatrated Setiealterv et Literal ore, , oMUnaS 1 l b'Bie the reat .boii Mfnm. . ol .taa.aoatat.aMn; laorODghlT idealised with tbe people is tkf' ' Social and D001. atle Life thaa j " Waa-asieeav l cwantry, sad far las saaM rice, lvee Mere Kaaais. arfraatat a.'r.ecld wbtct Mtkrr Uleat or eapltal aaa ra ooaiBuad to reader eac Inaae as are alle aa4 UwUmi Uve eonieadlaa) of esoicr iradiijt,"y popularwnwa, botb bono- aar Is Btoit stlraativc fvatarc. lb Jean amber cuntlas s his 1 be portrait of Ex ijof Z . Tance, at d biugratiblcal akateb, lu be followud la rai b number vita, pbuto tcrapbe o( oibK iouloeuttUteeiseBidlyluee rtc . . ..... t ... ,( . ( - OJTLT R 00 A TEAK. roaUirs Tree. , aad eacb aubwrtlwr cms uake a cbotea bt three csoet batifnl, large Intinvt ro auK of ewk 84x: loebea. vis "l be rindloa- of and "Kin if Uar DcfyiaV Tba SMna for- waram 00 receipt or ina iuocnpTioe price, ither of Ibe Inrrtvii r la wortn doable ibe price aekd for iheXrlr) asyoae tadirra crab of Bye will reomve sseatrs pnbacrlptioe tree.1 ' M tgt ' copies W oraU. Six months qCstiiptloi without tbe la r srayinK l.(Xt. 1 Kiate Wanted gyerrwhere, atereee - ' - - 1 JDi.lli'1 A BONUS rabhtber.j a -tf ' A OINTSt 10 ELEGANT OILCHROM03 mounted, else Vxll. for SI. Novaliiaa sod ChroBMS In every deeertptlon. Katiosai. Caaaao, Co., Pbua., P tw.1 i . . TpoSJIC' a I rH I" i'.ai .1 1 (Ml m ia au fvai sum A UVJ AAVMBrV ! SVWVWai Buleboro' Btreet orpoelte tb XxcbaaM Hotel, knows as Uie It utclilnr property la mom eoniaus eignt eoaiiuiaDie , woaeas juaen conuinm Ids lour rooms, Two Qmee all la rood order. OuUlde rooms ta yard pantry sod Woodbone.n ell of good ' ' w wnae appiy to for terms ai ,.H i. D. HUTCHING a. Aril 1 Lii ' or to W. B. HUTCHIN08. fayettevule 8., eppoeHe TackerHa L If OeetfO-tr- i re h -HIKSII-CiUEBll ASOtbertorof that flsa flt Ctieeee Retail at SO eente perpoand. Try K. A f. C. CHRISTOPHERS A CO.'S, .j viumlnftoa ttreet.,., ID ACQS I BACOM1 A.. . 1 - ,v..t,.. rtui.i. . JaM reorlred 10.000 neusd Weatera beeoe. bought before the rUa.,' Call aad get four Ulil,lk . .ilnu. h.k .IT L' WUmlnirtan street, near mi aaales. ' - ; ' A fothik cab load of flour, from Brat handa. ft eala ai amaU araSU. at.' Bret hands, for eai at small arodu. at,' r. c. CHiusTOPHtKa oo.-a, i W UmlDirtoD etraet. d, Office at hU residence, corner of Blosntelrvet ana newoera swans. .K tae &1 "? t ''a li ViWtUi dT . .rkii .fn.fr, A '-rtfi ,J. a'i-: ywt ,t ' I .T 5. .; ,i,,-.mi A ut -,iu.!t J .U .A .'!' ,i:.'itii a.:Hl ,v'r n:''A ,Vt" (11. ,'3i'Vi ,'oa "Auctioneer .Asa. r r a a a o 'u oioassipirMiECHt yttALBlCn, N. C. " Li ri . ProeiDt atten'tioo'wdl brxfVe' t si Mr. ebandlM or Produce ent to ai Jar uM. Particular atteotloa wttl be gtrea to the kv Irodueuoa add sale MMaewuery aas rt ateaaim fOiiad to Uie ecUv rr, i i fttiidtotbieaecttvi'rriii I -1 1 aad males soid every ftatarda at It o'eluek.,- Tts tai mm I'.t'U 1 i(.Vi j '- .Jaasa-ian hhiw ha .;-! 7- I CCHXl'wttID' .t-i nr A r rati mm who baa been engtff for t-n Jrr la teacaiOjC rlawtiral. tulmuS' of biarti sraae, m vtrginui, iuo)Mcnrei of a private acaoul or Academy ta forth Carolina. He la prepared to tire ibourb taetruaUoa la tbe Latin. Greek, French and oxllb lasraere. Satisfactory rerervner farniebed. Mould like to commence. rro 1 at and teach ave moothe, pirparateri to S I x-rrrfT -"-.rr. f 74uod57 . ..... wfj i CHEAPEST,, STOCK! OF LAMrVASECUTGLASSWAilB One SO and one M law .of three celebrated Bang Rib (iln la Store, sud wiU be sold st reduced price, i ney are said 10 clean oruer, sin faetor and last )oucr thaa any gtber gla m he no we sewing MA v-T ,1,, r. .Wf'l,. wl 'tn w t'ir 1 .a i ' .1 f, ' 0 1 j a 4k - i 1 FIRST MACHINE PATENTED. Tbe Ilest la the Ctieapcst i:iia.issUao Simplicity and Perfection in t 4- rirabmtv Will last a lifetime 1; Bang of Work Without FaraUelL! Perfection of Stitch and Tenslont T7 iffllttS &?xtti'Slf a i.r. iixutitico oi., Baltimore, Md. rrT I'ftt ft ' 1 I rot mccm. ir uuuriicii BPiaAt MDCCIMrNTt TO CASJS fCB- A liberal dlecooet to Clabs of fre or Store. Efery Itacbiej is warranted and eathtee- tloa (auras teed. 1 The HOWK JIAOHIHI k for sal ta ALKran at no: IB, ratttterUIe St. JOHN . BIMIBi t 1 ,i- ATTOSNCT AT XAWI feoom :' i'rtrit' WoorUlljuUdlng, AUeBdsaUtha Couita hi ttaleiicb and Fay- etterlUe. Claims Collected In all pans of M. C... keiers to Jtlun, ft, M. Peanes, Chief Jtu tlcs of N. X iloa. iL W.,.Basov V.S. Senator J t'ltUene' afVBank, W. y, A K JJ. Tucker, HUllama .Uavwood,, Kelelirh: ratetteyflle NaU W, ' Merchants' Bit oi VayetawUler Hank of New Uasjoveit WU BlaiEtoo, . U ; Morton, Bliss A Co., Pkelps Uvdm A ;Jo, U. Kulkvrber Co., B. B. UaflloACo., N. T. Undrath to, PhlU.; .W.Oall As, Bait, - m ' . "7 i J He has formed a eoanrttion with X eears. Mens At Broadfaof FsyettevtUe H. C., with a fen nee ealy to) Aie : futare bnebisee at that pom. All ooamuplialleae addreeeedto i. W.Hmaaale,csiwot f cMao A Bros foot. rayettevUls, : M. du wttl reeeiye atompt .at tealioa. bv i'v. u-wxt io t-i " ' act lt-tf 1 fc'i , a al aaH In! ) ' T U L I V f T A' Y;l 0 (ai, vr.,1 '.'niin'.K t- t B 's? ndl ti mt I Watrnnislcar'hirfli Iinrttlef. 1 u-., 1ms ItlUWreiOP .HJWti au.l j oc Near the eoraeC f W H via yton and Barrett street, i U ork well aad cheaply executed. feb 17-tf .cv.- mm ; -'t-nss t I ! I i. ,d, I M I,. GBO -A. FBINCX Oreuii A afnlodMni. tofJLrVUaVo. BUtss. vv r 'A 3 n.fJTtUU V7.1 Mo other Musical Iuti-mou'it' erar ebtabMd lb earn Popularity. '"wTAiilsf STylo-tr!: f .... 1 tl)l1.i' . S tpifOCt-.Ml 1 I1J' tlutr,YA1 JH ! ,f , ,y I 8 l.aa .1 iKALXlUjU, I Mslst attewUrsrryataavtaf of Boas. steads, la vtaw of the lata deetrtoa of th Bu ptvaeCwnsftheUslUBtsisa thsab hrUiVrri i niueiM9i ja MswAwtf fS i an 'vvtOR A ftT.TTrnn'iT - .'in a- 'j l - Ji i i'v j UljfflmylatfallmTMsj iIITKAfV ! o I T A 7 T 1 O I rtJUVS LXW18& C(k , DAtNTS, OILS, COLOBS,1 "1 ;.:s. A' J- !..l 1 1 ,.4'Uft ft rl - Hardware of. wruJDucrtjption ' JTJLlUit I.EWISAV i e me. "4. -2aw30d . I s GttRAT orrgai 'ii: ii i .. i i ;ivMrt''r A Horace Watarn A Sonav J Bmda. S. Y ( WrU fefcet 110 Pita and rauiaol nt eteeemektrs, laelndiec wata,te tnmslv ioW ) on s lae asib.-4are' th s "-a'e iriri cah, sad ' e 'a smaU B-Oa fcly psjateatii, Tbe sanie u M. i a Wrs ecale Pianos,, are tbe best made Tbe loach elast'e,- and ine slnrlng tone, powerful, pare and eve. " Waters' Ojoeert brrwa cannot b etselird In Soae er keaatj; tbey drty efrnjietnioa. ' T toeert stop Is a toe ImiUlkts of fti biniM 'voire. Ageatawnat.- d liberal diseeanl W tearh arc, ministers, churches, schools, lodge, ate, epecUl tadneeatenU ta ta tnds. Illustrated setalogaesstaUeA . .. I ZHAS AND NEW YEAR iioTTQ -lure ?a'd ;i 84 uyEit WaE"1IVrireWaWrsOTaat 'OMIBaJOKIB It r t ey's At Law, aULXIGU.ll.fA QKACTICX tathsBstrresM Court f th X SUta, th Circuit and ilaUi District Court f Uie I'atted mates a4 th vm ai. Courts of tbe SOiJadielal-lMalrlcaTli i A O otnos on rayettavul. BU. ODDMlts Q'Jaeas Mauonal Bank. Dp stalrm. ; iaaa-itr ) m. DiNNiBo PATENT 8HIPP1NO TA08. Over Two Hundred Million aar bsca asd within tb past 10 years. without eomplaiat of loss bv Tea bedins detached. Tasrv aaa aioaa asi.itai.s roa asans Corroa Bau rasa aar Te in sea, ' Ail KxprCopaisathean, Q W. BU1JO, OP NORTH CAROLINA, I It JOHNSON, SUTTON A CO, DRY GOODS, Nos. K)6 Baltimore aad 1 North Liberty Bts. T. W. Joassow, t. K. X. Cassra.' A U. BDrroa1 Vt O. J. Joaaso. espt.jiHMa !,. , w QOME YE DISCONSOLATE I Uea ta search of PIK8T-CLA8S GOOfS th rery Latat lip of Fashion, and pat up 1, and pat op ost fastidious; m a sijie u wui sun ie taste, goto (yHSTlfL$lQT, 1 oa rayetterllU Street, on door South of th Southern Xxpree Omc. : ... I It It Conceded Fct that Walk el ran put ap tit best and most satisfactory JOB ta th way of Sae eultt of Clothing, from Wedding to BoatneM Bun. that eaa be tamed out In Retain. Tbe old snd young me say H. ta ledlee (Got blew tkeoi) eadurae It and tbe ehUdre cry ever It, cry for Joy wi ee their revered "dads" put oa tun oi enters etouiag. I Welkel takes this occasion to r turn lis thanks for tb Urn and liberal patronan heretofore received, snd respectfully asks for a onstlnnsncs aLtha sjtmetl' stock of I.,. CLOTHS, - J CASSIMERES. TWEEDS, If a Is much lanr r than ever before, snd eonv prises all lbs latest Novelties ta ftile, barlrf been recently purchased at low prices irom PABIIIOX H KADQU AXTEBA As uual his fore of Workmen are Picked Men, whe skill and ability arc known to the -aressiug - puoiic . come one ana an 10 me unnorram w raanlu. duel's, the Merchant Tailor; , fo Srst class Hu t of Cl abee, of Bret class saods, BiitoD ta Brat elasaatj-le. ai fin: nw. KW Ttookajjumt retaMty, tT author 01 he Hounenold 01 lfouvrle-" . j loiford Ball. Biririim'i Icmoirt. ' Itt nd Wore. TliaH6iiaelifjlflofsBoilVeriB. Hester Howard' Temptation. A Double Weddng, Ths above Six New Books are written, by the popular Southern Authoress. Mrs. t'sth. srineA War&eld, formerly of Mississippi, but now of Louisville, Ky , sad author! the world-wide noted work, "The Household of BouTerle," which la on of th best sad moat, extraordinary novels eer pabltsbed. Ths shove six books are each issued ia on lanre doodecimo volume, bound ta morocco cloth, full gilt back sad side, price 1.75 each, or 110.50 for complete -set of the sit vol- mes, put ap ta a neat snd strong bos. I AAfcw .JSoefa ors for taUU aO. Booktc&eri'or copit of tither ont or mor of tfi owe both, er m complete set of tktmc-wm ee sens at ws t u any plac, pottaff pre-paid, mrfree offrtighX, nwemMtgYtMt. primjmkttr te the Publisher. x A.- rr '",Mk BROTHERS, t""1 fi- f Vrladelptaa,Pa. A wan-srrancitwb story STOKX-HOVfX WlUbSrtSirtaoAJenAead-W ! .w .... . R. W. BEBI, ' " Mv4-lm BlUsboroStreet. I .., iAlH i.L.tj. 4 K-l BSSj Vakes sad elesas clothes ta the bast ana ebaapeat style), oa Blood wort. 8. , Val ehaa 5 OTTO BX CKDKBSOI))f IjCaLTTT W1s??'t teVfiXAXTfA Orrics or vaa Bao'v or tbjs -araseaas bWIaaaaa Awum J . Houufai. N. rb. xh. IbT. 3trder'oi:th Bar4.',oi dofcstl4loners 9 of ths ratern InaaneeAylUaaW' Berth Carollaa, bidder wbe have fort-warded pro posals for" laying brt k for ta fnuadatioa waU l uiarril, ars serew imo-ieeu. me me ng, of the said bids has been deterred Open Until ins 101 a mat, ana a uiwinwro . are notified that th Comniison did said 1 aut' Vr trope (t furnish Th. sand, forth said work. In any eSSey sud mdfters sre free fc Modify tbelr fid In re- rard t ta supply or aeon, n way see Ihey will farther eder' tBatexeented Vds will be required to be Bled by tbat da: an -- VU- a T) 1st ' tl A fcV y-U"?V'V, B7CBjweH ,1, ni 1 i.i 1 1 i TxIban'CbM nine For Nale, By virtue of an order of th Bapertor Court for Union County V. C, arpouiuiir o al ommialoBr to srll Uta Kaal AetM l v. i, CurtUm,. deceaseds l yUlatll at ptrttrc auction to the hlshest bidder at tbe Crmrt House door In Monne, N. C. oa the 6th day of March lWTa, tbeCek-brated Howie or stork- too told Jdlor.wlta 1AW eore i raiai jingrn Colon county upon , sal Duise. Is sttnated. , . ,. " - , ' .t ' For term and ether" mrtvnrar 'adflreM, ' H. OAVlS.Com ?'- r-y n v, i'.n,f iii',.ilnr 17-s ti Monroe, M. C GIFTS -EVER "'OPENED t , 'ill.! . tv.y v . . . y;;rtMit , . i t .-:) ooi 3i.i-uA M .j. .. 1 . .- ALLKUTMOP r I". .18 .taa; Mi' JOB WORK . -jL, d". :im--;) Ti I .A i,rfni't.l rKi?(iw .14 . et:i 1 And scared - tht . atrnoa of 1 .J.4 ' (. v,i !.' (t !. -.a?ti y.sto l lxwt! jui..i i.T '. !'. rt'l.'4l - i lllM.liI: .. -A 1 'I ul t. h 1 4 lyvtnu. 1 " rt'td-f lJ I! 0 i riu ru') "o a ! It.- ' 31 i'l Oit JK 4.V -A i ... Art now prepared to execute ill kinds of (I - oJX5 h"a FLAIH AND, FANCY Job Work. vt:t . i 1 Bill Heals, : 1 a f 1 - ii y nil r LetttrBead'a inJ .. 1 K4 P?-' s l. jli''. , ) '.; al- . t r 'si f ,'. V- If wis Cards, 1 tija.ii.ou Becii ria .YlsltiflK Cari,; v 1 .Br.',Vl t'l It .'"H!.!. lf".."U.''' H k Mt,i,.-W ca '. T.V7f)sWvi!wiw- 'tSiwtdart,- ' Posters, eta. .v;:.i.r.r- t 'K ex by tented in tht very best style teodino; ft to ths -t .r ?; aontinol Olflcoe , ... Iji. i : I. ! ..),,J.:r.' 7.1 1,1, -.;l :i,' .:J i at .i ..td I 1 1 : m 0 rrt-r ! - IT T we law Aiso-i prepared te do aU AJndjoi IH ttf?I ,1a .1 B6ok "Work inn iJtlu.j-5 rf' V , . 1 ;.r . : -..If "'1 !! (, Jtr . ; :i ..' ; " i':''.!'.' v -t. . r An w very oeei sir 10, ' 5.v.!'ra''.'it,-j All work sent te us will: be done aa qBicilj and 'phesply bb at j any other. ti E0TJTU ii i 1,1 1 isuil OKlt $ '' A TS D at V L X B. .. . . . , , . iii .. , . . To arrive fa s few oart, Brtty Kentucky . 4 Se.fi 'rai'l.:.j J ' " rt ';. .nrli-' t- . 1 I I.-I4 J08 OFFICE; . .assK .Jl'OITsT . . j T -C aVawaaa " : .e-'. ... -'- " i t . . 1)i ... .rr,-f-':t - . ! ": ........, ..,.;.-.!". .?... ; k 1 : f 1 ; - , ..." : J-W-V-W ,irr--tif;.v-f7-r-T! i: r .! r!oiTin" j W .A x i i.T . - ,.-..i-.r fl I . . y.l ... .... i !,.ni 1 -j 1 t .A a. pu.u .. ..rf:-'il I j J.t'J: tl.ir L.ttviil i) J fT- 1 r i, 1 4 l lllll'H Corses snd Kales. Prices' W tun sny . xsmlne them. -, . 1. dee BMW ; W. trTXlft 0.; IN RALEiflH.' i:'' : . TPOXSk fHILliUJCb' fETS, ii, te T OtlJS ARittl HONO, D B BLANK BOOK MANIJBACTTJrUIR, , .. t 0TB . C. aW'WrTOBB, " .,.-Vli. X UH,"iJI;,, a. W AM f SUv t , 1 i We will ala mmutwtU me snd woman DOSiasaa vaa wux Pav from As aa aa tw y, eaa be pursued ta year owe telhbor sood, sud atrictiy boo oral, le Panics 1 arc tree, or sample worth aaveral dollars that wul enable yoe to go U workatonoa, will be seat u receipt of Iftv eenu. aadress . LATHAM pt4-tf aWsmunaBetm,M s. L Jfi ATTORKXT AT LAW; . 1 1 . . .;it t ,i a-.:, iA.;L;K,-fB ' s S js - : . a 1 -. f 1 -s , Ome Soatk f th Court ..BeaUseiOfflc raT-tf .. E.: X. STAMTS.,. AlTUUItl AT UIW. . 1. . -, .Rst.Braw, M. C t : . ' Practlfei In ths Btata Snd Paderal Cowrta. - Colloc lions mads la aar Dart it aorta iw. march .t-Aia ItHX'OKLKBKATKD '.I. j .j s . . . . .:. Ditty Orran j ; p 'p est b fwoad at tr . A r. uiiun ISOWM'8 VABJXTT STORK, . taai-.y 11 TfonemwBandiag. flUKE TUAT OU0U1 d .ii!ri';'?J c lrt. i -if AMBIUCAXIT1H ,ll.Hf- r.JT M'lXTTD'EE 'PRICK ONB DOLLAR. TuKinT- TaisUUuJUatKnT f 1 OoNBOMPTIOn.' Pnr C hen-. I olfls.SJr Tfamat 'Boara- seHsndai: Lusc I)i-s-es: aaiiecla y rve- omm'ded as s F.mUv Meiclp 'r t h'ldrea a it arresta st - every ryniptom f rotip, or a tai ks of t4ia. ucb rchlldrrn re sublrct to. pailleu sry to tb selief of bootina t ngb 4inr ingb - its vonrbtietloo with Sarvr end 'br 1 s SVed nt maks II aot as- uieaaaat to tbs tata, aad o aaacsr w katever m-tta use. TaBrS m pnr'toa of hlf a te-. spoon: nl st s t me wbsueyertbe'S I a lis-o- uon 10 coas. and at nhint von lie sow. It aoia flnely oa the Aldneys sad tb 'Manufactured and sold WaoWele and Re tail by the r-roprietor, Irnrham, N. C. Lib eral dVouut to wbo:eeie dealer. , Orders eolU-lted. " ' ; JN. A. MchTABTntBr." "r Oeneral Basin eaa Agent. . : - r . TKBT'ONJAUl ... :,: It .' 64dsbore,' . tV Aftar snendlna ebrhtatA mouths ta a south- era edmals to res lor my Lad a. I gav ap ia oespsir, una cam some 10 oie will my children la oiOboro, N. C. While there I obteiaeJ s bos of Or McMannen's Tar Mix ture. IU first tff ct was to enable m to sleeps my strength began to return : bop revived t sty cough car way. After using six boxee, 1 was restored to health I now weigh 10 lbs. 1 owe my life to this mixture, and wish this psbUahcd to the world. A. KUaiBUH. J bays been afflicted wlthacoughfor thirty ears. 1 have nacd all ths popular remadlea for coofchs. 1 bsis a ver found anything t retnsh) o th rawacb)-wrciye any relief. until I used Ut AcMar.nea's American Tar hllxtura. lUaMeaablea me to sleep well; lnna-s ksv leeaiued their trenxUl. sad ad myself entirely free from a distress in eougb that attacked me la the morning. I J am realuly reooyrriag. , , mas. rui 1 aa rav;uAL. My Lar gs gave way while on my circuit. 1 was forced to re lire from my work, sad had but little hops of recovery. I used oa box of Dr. MrManneh's Tsr Mixture, my cough improved, my sUeus-th returned, sad 1 was soon able to resume my wort.- I recommend to all who hsvs s cough, or weak lungs. M, i. HUNT, n. g, voaisi j i Durham, X. C Of all ths medicine you hay taken, th Tar Mix tare Is th only thing that ha ion von any good. - suss. . a, vtiu, ;; : Tohr Hasbsad. , i..'-'l-v 1- . Durham, bTj. I hare used Dr.C.T.McMsiinen's amarleaa ' Tsr Mlxtur myself, snd la my family. I do aot beeitata to recoar mend it a a remedy to d aseo ia an esses or vougs. ucida, eore Throat, Heartessss snd. Lang dliessss ' . ' o. u.iraajuan. Bunareds of other Tssilmenials eoa'd be - offered. Taken at ill times It portions of half leaepooanu or Mas. a o dancer whatever. A. BLXaslNO'TO - HOLD. XVant,' uuUBX : v. Tareka.ashiiig aC a- at n 1 Tl u (I itttittjtL iViBn : This new hvntis Is a complete sueeess, Washes ererythlag from a lady's laee Collar to a Cosnterpsse, f the most thorough aad ffoKikrrrA . , Works with esse and mpklity snd without tatary to ta sloth. TIME AND MONXT SAVXp. Ths Washing dune by a woman 1 oae day be dee or th patlaated Xareka ta thiae hours. Trtd f IS, with wrti ger s tachel BUS. .at. jVj-'-.Ma.:. .k f AliKAX, . Msanfsetursf and Patteatcs, Cary, X. 0, T0 TOO WANT , A XKVT 8TTLI XJ Gent's Hat, eaU at aesAsat C. P. BXAXTTS. . 'w wenwTi'att'prtjnsiae-?; I: 1 h f 1 1 1 1 t .' : 4 , V 1 . ..; . ... , i.: "r. .I"' V.- : t . -?-- (f; 4 A I' I' r, .. .- r : ' ' 5

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