'V. THE RALEIG II SENTINEL. . . . l ruBLiinc :. i PAlLT, WEEKLY AND AIMI-WFJCEXr Official Onai of Horti Carolina. STATE PRINTING ABINDING ' ESTABLISHMtWl. ... n.n Kritliui I war in adraar M 00 rwi fit niAnlha in tlTftBCtf ...... 4 00 Th Dili gssrt ai IU be dnllvarod la any port of thoCfty at f If U Cents a tiA POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. For the benefit of the public, we pue- tUh the following directory of the poet- office ef tbw city t Western mall closet T arrive . Eastern closes ; .. ; arrives ... Chatham cleeea . . .-..- irrire B. AG- sUR, mail closet 8:49 p. m. ' 3(30 p. m. il:5 a. m. . 8:30 p. at, 9:45 a.m. .. 9:30 a.m. ' arrives 3:45 n. m. Through northern via tt. l. . ftlteleaea t : .. 9:30 a.m. Tb rough oerthem via B. 4 G. . R. It arrivet i 1 : p. Tkrnnnnk nnrlhoni wta HdMl.. C : ! boro closet ; " 3:30 p. u. fhroagh northern yia Gelds " ' ft, ': sot arrivei ;-m.t 11:08 Office heart for delivering; mailt frtm 7:30. oa. to o:3W p. m. ; , . ,v ?, Money orders are issues' and paid troiu 8:15 a. ro. to 4 p. m. Letters can be registered from 8:15 a. m. to 4 p. m. Jfo mails sent or received on Sunday. W. W. IloLOBir, 1 Vsk THE CITY; , &3 cords vood tt O'borne's Grain A Food Store, t tale cheap for catb.T j rv J. J. WoLrKRDKif A Co,, dealers la grain. Cora , a specialty. K Newborn, X. C. 3m.- T. T, .Oliver manufacture! best heart ; pins and poplar lumber, Ac- (Seasoned dooring always on hand. Pine Lerel, s.c. , " .. : Mr. J- D. Whitaker it selling good oak wood at 13.50 ; pine 13.00(13.25 per cord delivered, provided the cash attends the order. Call on him in rear of Citizen's National Bank. Prof. Taylor preached Monday even In j at Wake FaretStlgooo; TttuilfsT Four students went up to the anxious seat, and quite a number atked the prayers of the congregation. Just arrived at Osborne's Grain and Feed atom GOO bmbeU of aeed oats, at 65 cents per buabel; 10 tout of Anthlacite Coal at 110.50 par ton ; one car load of Marshall1! Salt which can be beujhl low for cash. It. The A'amano Glraner, of March 7, , brai thnswiaa of a goose: "The Senti nel says, t-at Col C. 8. Prown hat a sow that gave birth to tkreo pigs, aud two woeka afterwards gave birth to three more. ! That sow won't compare with John Boon's old goose. She commenced aying eutue months ago, and has kopt steadily at it, until the has now more than fifty eggs, and is going right ahead. We wouldn't give that old goose for two of CpVBrown't old now" r; The fery fine remiltt and increasing demand of ,tbe Star" AnuhObiated! Solu ble PboBpk'tte seem to have lersated quit a ,aeneaton among manufacturers of and dealer in" commercial fertilisers, - Other manfaotHran - have - area ; oom moedJnajiipnlat4D na.b asls a! lertiliztf eaUed the Stajt Bone Phosphata.". Farmers should beware of imitations. The original and only gen- uino Btar Ammoniated Solnbla Phoa- phato , has the trade mark of a atar printed on each tack with the analysis manufactured by Lorenta k Bitter of PaUimpr. ' , t f"T aala by A. Cm Sandera A Co., at their agents. ti ll II II ViS.i.Xy. AA. U ,, : ESo WrtCi rCY vr ft ,i ' r:- . v -.-'J' ' ' - -4 - lM tkAB VaMll toy ,. SO 1-1 Boot a. wU..;.;...; I" 1 awatas.. ........ .r ltd) I ' " m r k . ......- w W i t .........i.oo i a , . j fiA.AA I J If AYB DKASTEB. :.!,?, "tolAi" 4 ' - A CORBECTION Of SOMC BBBOHEOVS tTATKMSKTS II MABD TO TUB . Finn amd'ibb vturfdBf- - MAAY AKK 'pOLAfT-J The accounU of ihit sad tffJrnich apDwattd la th Sentinel aid Newt werw bftth erraocoui ia ititny pVlfculars. Wrstw give thsXfaOt'tt relUd; to os by those who feel the lalamitynnoat. Thej nnfortunate'girlt Mary! Ann Doltav who DerUbed in the flahrea. had been Mbject from infancy tj."leptic flu and sometime tad teveft la single, day. Her min'dftonsequsUtly was neveK Hevelonod andahs alwart rs- quired- (u closest watching to prevent t 7V f a -.tlJ OL.L.l m : . naiweomiug ivuer. one uau mqueot- Iv fallen Into thai Are. but was alwavt rescued before ierlous injury wai done. Ijrderto p'acejielin aecurity aad KfcouiJLTdaa. "We were among the Begulatort of Alamance last week, at McRAyVstortrwh'.'frthey-Totod con . demnatlon of the 'gift of locks and dams on Deep river to Hawkins, Beck A Cev ' They voted to osaderan the ex change of bond, "-with the! treasurer They voted for the lost amendment and that the v Would vote for no man for any office who would vote to part with the ttata'a interest in iu railroad property. Tbey voted censure on the lawyer aod railroad presidents, who are attempt ing t run the conservative party at they ma Heldea and iht radical. We wilt tell about the vioit by and by, a Peter Parley would eay. n JflBIAH TVBHtR. 1 Mktkbs. We have heard a number e! gat eomomen my that the reduction in the prioe of gu from 7 to $3 per thou sand feet will be of little or no advantage with the meter now in nas to do the meat oring. - They tay that the meters are out of data, and never af much account, as fat a accuracy is concern od, at their beat and now in their old and worn condition, tbey aw'peifecUy. Wlsai lWe are told then ia an improved meter in use is many of our cities whose accuracy it registering the number of feet burned hat boon thoroughly tested. , The cry it now for new meters. Long meter for the ootnpaay, ahurt meter for th nter aud uncommon meter for the bflls, has boon the role long enough. : lL - OOOi 1 Snnca or Boa. Josus TcaKsa. Loot ovoning, at the cottrt-houaa, Hon, Juaiah Tuiwr delivered a speech on high freights, railroad corporations and their corruption. " Ha tpoks about aa nour. ; . , ' . . .- .; , ' , , comfort, her father made n ktUoed en cloture for her' near the kitchen fire place, in order that she might tire the neoeasary warmth without any danger, 8bawaa never left eatirely alone for any length of time," seme one always sUyior in the kitchen ta regulate the ore and care for ner. .Monday morning, her little brother had been (n the kitchen, but was tent"on an jertand a . 1 ... . i m y . uon Hins ociore ine ore wa aiscoverea. ShoVtrymfllialer cook, -after piling up the coals in the flreptaos auoT seeing that the door of the UUkod encluture aot tecure, also weut out merely cloing'the kitchen door, not looking it She aayt the bad nut been in her room, near the kitchen, tan tniu ntes before her aUenttou wa attracted bthajtrangfi ala jmadejif d-I dog in the yard, who was barking, whTnimc aod atumptln; every now and then to break open the kitchen door by throw ing - bia weight against iL The cook cam to ber door and taw the flamaa hooting through the roof of the kitchen aad itsuiug through the ciacks in fiouU She ran to Mrs. Dobin aod gars tho alarm. Hn. polau'a 0i4 thought wao of her daughter and she rushed toward fie kitchen and Would have precipitated henelf into the fLune to save or die with her child, bad not lady, Mr. McGoau, whj Wat with ; her, teeiug that the act would inevl ably cost the mother her life, retrained ber. It wat ten miautet aftar tht discovery the Are before any as!stauce arrived, and long before that the doom of the poor girl had been sealed. In fact, all hope af a rescue had passed wbeu tho fir wat first discovered, at tit house wss old, very dry and composed In "great part of light-waod, and burnt like tinder. The ttory of the dog preventing a ret cua and the kitchen door being bunt open with aa axe hat ho foundation in fact. The dog did fly.at tome persons McGowaa ia endeavoring to restrain Mrs. Dolan from rushing )ut6 frthe burn ing house, and afterwards bit someone out in the street' ; .-. f?"w Mr.i Dolan .desires us, to return his sincere ' mno' grateful thankt to .Mayor Mauly, the police, firemen and citiaont, of both cblortr for - Iheir alou efforts In his behalf on that tad occasion. ' He will never coae U remember with gratitude the efforts made toasit him, and thoktod tympathy extended oa all side to him in bis bitter bereavement. 0 TIME OR IXCLIXATIOS, - "i .'' -rr. I A :Ths public mutt Dot expect us te take bp the whole Sentinel, ia replying to the Raleigh Xews. Ws whipped the founder f that paper in ItTO wbea we whipped out Ilolden end the Era, though we did not know U at tha time. AVe will not be dUurbed by the little editort they te. uplr it T Hawkint, Swepon, Buftrd, Tom Scott aod Ihe Chatham mad we fight, and not Sugar Lipa cr the Last Be-te of Summer.; -' . JesiAH Tcbkeb. f' ; CoxriBMED. V understand that Uie tupreme court hat ' coiifli rotd the Judgment of JuOge Watt, 'at he lait term of tee Wake , county luperior court, in the sentence of J, Q. Bryant, of this city, to the peniteatiary for 4 years. Bryant, it' will be remembered, was convicted of having ribbed Dr. J. O. Wilcox, a member of the ceattitn tioaalcoaveotion from Aha county, ,, - Beward Offxrko.1 -Governor Brogden hat offered a reward - ef 1200 for the arrest of Jamet ,H Frizzle-. ; He is charged with the murder of Clingmaa Buchanan, of Jacksoa ' county, tome time lstt November. - 1 Mb.. Tubm-b : Please publish the printer card to tlie publio. When the Graham Clarkt, Cameron and Hulta fall in aa sn-eaaora te Stone A Ustvllaa atuckbolders in a paper started and built np on railroad money. .worUntrtnett must betrin to . think and act far tbetn- self. Bespeotfullyydnre, X Baleigh, N. C., March 8, 1871 . XO THE' CmZESS OF BALEIGH AUTO THE 8TATV' Tho Doilv News, of March 1st in ply fe eertaia oammnnieation pnbliahad Iu the rjentiai, eonoerning that paper, contain an article that ia false in many particulars, and does the printers ef this city great injustice. . .Wa, as members of what ia known to wvery eae as Balauja Typographioal Union, No. 64, iasne this ciroular to the eitisent of Baleigh and the state in, defence of ourselves, and in refutation of the statement made by that Daner.' V .. Aa the objects of the crnnixatibn of printer ara not known by a great many, we will, before noticing the charges of the News, endeavor to set them before the pnblio: - " ;' .' ' ' 1 ; llnnters a not organize t&emaeivet Masonic W. O. Hill ledge meets this evening at the usual hear for work in the first degree.' Members are re- ..i.ji. j ii. f ""i into Unions, aa aome people are under the impression, (workingaen among the number) for the oppression and bleeding of employers, nor for the purpose ef 'applying tho torch in secret, as tne editor of the Newa would have those that know no better believe ; but they band thftmservet top-ether: for . tec protection of their labor against low-principled and " iack-I lxrmtert that latest tne eoun S-pVa that have no respect for them re And are respected by neone else ; for tne'-proBM&on of akjll aid profldeocj in their art"; for their enligi'teament and elevation, and for the relief ef each other ineicBBeMand diatrees, ae example aet and ijraatk-ed during life, and a legacy at death, Of e of Amtncas greatest ttateoiatm, Benjamin Franklin, (a pria- For tliese Drinni dIos ws are assailed and md'ignod. We appeal to the pub lic anil every honeot-tuinkini man to kaoayU lhoy ate not- priaetplee tboi every lreemaa euooid (eel proal oi 1 Beoautt Union priatera will not allow the Netra to eay what it a fair compen sation for their labor, they souk to projudije the publio agaiast them bj publishing atatemeote that are untrue. and wV.cu thov cannot anbsuntiate. Now for the facts relative to the "strik? ia the News office i The Sow says, "For the benefit oi the pul.lio the mass tho News again stepped forward and had the pul lie piat aid the enterprise to reduce the ptloe e ' job work to modHtate ngores. It was ound that the printers then in the offloe were paid out of proportion to other mechanic, and to tne ahrinkage of all vsluea. A rednoiioc was asked aud refused, on the ground that a 'Union'" to . which the printers be- ion ed. refused its permission. A fur ther votinest was an oared by a "strike' in tne office.' The News iinmediatelv employed non-Union printers," Aa As regard the reduction in the prioe of tob work, there was never anything of the kind, before, nor an til aome time after the "atrike." and was made then simply because the man who had charge of that department knew nothing about job printing, for he had never worked in tnat brancn of the bosiness before in biaiife ; eoneeqeonUy, if the Newe te doeod tho prioe Of ' job printing, which they claim to have done, it was done through the ignorance of their celebra ted "job printer," and not from a sense ef duty toihe pubtier r Norwas the "atrike' In the Newa office canted by the printer refusing to worx lor lees tnan tne eetabiisned Union price, bur- tor the ten-payment of wages already earned by the hands at work on the newspaper, as can be proven by reference to the correspondence be tween Ionian Stone, manager ' of the company, and the printers to whom the money was owing. - Doee not the editor of the New know thai their statements are falser He inust know it. for he wondered at the hands ttoppinir -work in the job office when the "strike" took place in the newspaper department, say lag, aa did the balance of the "stockhol- dors," end "managers," that he desired no reduction of weeklv wares, that ther only wanted the price of composition per ivm ems put at o cents instead oi 60 cents. Can this be denied 1 . ! The manairtrs of the News sav that : they hav aavod "the pttblie from the grees impeeitiaa-ofhigb prices for job worn oausea bv tne combination of prin ters, Now if this be ae. whv did ihev i -want Union printers, at Union prices. and oven offered' them; more than the scale of prices asked .for, to remain at work for them, when, a they tay, by employing- non Union printer, (they should havo said non-principled), they have m.v-.i the merchant bundredaof dollars. And, even at the present time, they art tutoring members of our Union, who work in the offices to which thev all ml hs "seeing work go away from them to an establishment' where low prnwa fur job wart prevail," man this theyaie getting at Union printers. JJoo tUe edit of the News know what he ia talking about when be says that Union primers-are clamoriag for the biwad earned by his employees ? We think l ot Why, man, these very em ployee i of yours, of whom yon pretcn-i to tuiiit so much ef because tbey can tn ahapf-a to suit your narrow-minded ida. nave rxa fed and cared for by We "fancy priced" priuUra. Ask them whether tnis is so or not, and if they deny it w will prove what we say by our records, God forbid that a single crumb should be taken Trom them, for we that demand "fancy combination prices " are prompt ed by a fooling of humanity to put bread ! in their mouths rather than take it out knowing at we do the difficulties under which every workingmaa has to labor, and especially -those that havo te con tribute a portion of their email earnings j towards "saving hundreds of dollars te merchants" aad enriching the coffers of eejutalista, I'"," ,j iint aa a I it not Inconsistent In Colonel Cam eron, the estier of the News, te cry down an organization or worklnemep !mi!y because thev demand a livime price for their labor, when be hlniteit receivra tne ransiocratiu iancy price'; ef five dollars per day at clerk of the bouse or representatives, aad then "clamored" for an additional one hun dred and fifty dollar, betides receiving 30 per week for editing the News, te ttv ntthibK of the Income derived from his own Tper, the Hillsboro Bscoreeff It it not incoasitteat iu Cel. Walter Clark, at a stockholder In the News, to allow hit paper te vllllfy an organiza tion of mechanics that hat the "audaci ty , to establish a price for their, labor, when he belongs to the legal fraternity. which, though they, have ne organiza tion, abide by a mutual agreement at M vaary nig tor vihsit scrvicrar , ., ,1 it not inconsistent in Dr. Graham, anotber ttockhtlder in the News,. U tolerate this war against a set ef werfe- Ingmcn- became Uiey bare a unitorm txale of prket for the labor performed by them, when be is a member ef the academy of medicine, which, if be were to charge less than an adopted price fef his services, would brand hiia "cheai-Johntw ' ' Does Dr. Blackaall, who ownt ttock In the Newt, allow a ' traveler or any one elte to board with him for a week and par what be tblukt la a fair price f No indeed. ' ' 1 if a man aayt he la unable to pay 13 per aanum lor their paper, do tne man a;ers of the New let him havo it or Wit Ne." They set their own prices, and presume to set otter people' alto, and when their demand are aot acceded t tbey sot up tuc-ery of ttocy ewm pinauon prices." &c. . . . - We de net mention the namea of thete gentlemen to inju e them Iu their pro- fWsKlon,' but limply to thow with what degree vl propriety the journal in wnicb tbey own ttock assails u because we hav the manliness te ceutend for that whh 1 due ua and every other clt of mec lanua. . Tim T in tin. that Imtuodiatelv art:r the "tnke." they emoloyed non Union pr'uter, anJ that these priotett have walked in the office ever smc with tali-faction to thtir emptoyeit aad theoiselves. This U something that we e not propose to interfere with, but ItcVt teem strange that the e men are ontrnt with their let while , tbey sat iNibll 'iy they would give anything huts' inable If they could retrace tlieir tepi. Or has leea beard t tay that be Mould willingly give 11.000 (provided be could ."viae the amuuut), to place hiniaelf in tlie position be occupied be fore iiewu- to tlie Newa oiHce; while snoUierkv know led j-es that bus action hu rati.. .1 him Atianlito i.rloan.v' whild sitting la hi peaceful abide medi taling over the wrong he bat don him elf and thuae with whom he once was anaociated. The thiug is this, they tully appreciate the odium they have broutit ' upon themselves and are "sataaed" with anything their em ployer give them, knowing that they cad work ne where else. Hoping that these unvarnished ttate- menta concerning the difference be tween the Newt Publishing company and'. Union printer maybe read and appreciated, we leave the matter with impartial public , , , . Job. A. Habbib, rf. v. DiauMISVi . I11- m t tt.... . ' . vom. JMO. W. MABOOH Z. T. Bbovohtoh, , OTHO t'RABTBEB, David C. Ddduct, (Sr., J. M. Cross, , i ; JOHM C KlKO, . .. - Lewis O. Louass, P. T. Booker, . Charles . Leb, !. John R. Rat, -WlLUAJtlL.NBWBTt- W. , It KOYSTKB, . James M. Scttob, K. D. WlCKis, i Simeon Smith, . '. H. L. Nichols, -i Owlnr to tho absence of sevoral of oar members fram th city, their. tigntnrat-de aot appear. ;. f-,: r r ;...-,:'.!...;..:. - TAB" DROPA A biff revival is Koinjr on ia the Bap tist church at Shelby. 1" ,i ii v.'i"j.' Wayne oooperative grange . meets in Goldaborp, Friday, March 17. William Bird,' of Yadkin eonnty, a veterae of the war of 1813. died a few dayaafo.'"'"' " ;" "-.- : '' ' : '. A fine irrey mare waa stolen from Wiley Dilday, of Greene eonnty, . Ja on day night feb. 28.,. . - - ,. - WDmingtoa't cotton receipte np te March 8, were 73.887 bales against 61, 879 to same date last year. ' ' ' " T'je Cherokee Indiana of this state bar j appealed to congress, to protect thma agaiutt official a windling. -, . .. A 5 J-pound eel waa caught atWil micrton Monday, and ia said to bsve attricted a good-eel of attention., ; Cuarlot'a ladies are going into the Miutha Washington tea-party trade for the beue.1: of Hornet fire company. . c !.-. .-.;: A full-ffrowa and healthy mule gently felt for Gvorge Beatie, of Oonoord, with one ef his hind feet It reached, and Mr". Beatie is laid up. . . . A Pcbk Toxic i Tlie wonderful Vi'aliihig power of Wiahart'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial (a purely Vegetable Extract finely distilled from the life-sap ef the evergreen wild forest) will tho roughly purify the blood, remove all symptoms of pulmonary diseases, and leave the entire system tweet and cleat : ' The Indian bureau it W be transferred to the wat department, -'-i "' A big brat Bismarck it to be one af cepwnoiat aiiracuonK , , . Hendrickt hai made a vlgorout south ern can vast, and been yery poltle. "t' Phil. Bberidaa ia daddy. Bad an ex change tcurgetts that he name her gBBdjMo,- Uri i'ft ,'ft " The reduction in estimates for leirft- Utivo, executive and judiciary appro- pnanous, IS SO.UW.UUU. , John Larkin, tad treasurer of Mid land eonnty, Michigan, has got 820,000 aueau otuieaear people. ; ;!u? -.'i p John O. Bailer ii U. 8. aanimr at Charlotte. It i to be hoped he will not speu ir -gongor, as many do. "J '. Postmaster Btvohard, of - Port Jervis, New York, aad his partner have ht out with $35,000 of account untquarod. Judge Sterling, of Bridgeport, Con necticut has presented the Presbyterian cuurcu a jwenwvuie witita costly nsgon foreommnnion pnrpoees. ''- m Kansas has wiped the offeaaive ward "white" ; from ber public school law. Correct ; a nigger is fully aa good at the average chalk-bided Jfanaan. , '. ''Judge Alpbenso Taft, of Ohio, has been appointed to fill the war depart meat gap oooationed by the a mash of the pus tie huckster, Belknap. ' Lot omsrm aociineq u, ' ' '. ; '.The New York banker. Haiaer. denies iaring;-tidrth bribe which-lod BcuenckintoEmuia Mine thievery aud ( infamy. patd through his hands. -' , Clymer. of -the iBvestiratuar commit tee, Uoclaraa everything eonnrcted with the war department was for sale. Even wharfing" privileges about Washington were peddled by Belknap. ' Mrs. Victoria aal h-r 'dmih'rr Beatrice, with-anetoort yeavr lryr braea bands and a grand notriJitf pieten- tioas charity, yesterday opened the new wing oi um Amndon noepitaL ' The Wilson Daily Topic, published by A. Barnes and W. L. Moseley, oumes to a for oxebange and gets it -Hardly bger than a minute, but neat and ne vst, it baa ample room and time to grow before ottr next centennial year. A terrible aoddrnt occurred Monday night on the Valley branch of tho Balu more' A Ohio railroad. A passenger train fill through a bridge near in choater, killing some 15 persons, includ ing a member of the West Virginia leg- Muuiurn, sou wouuamg several otuera, The home for tho ac1 a - tt illlama. burg, New York, waa burned yesterday moruuig, and a number of the old and infirm inmates periahed in the -flames. X wo old men jumped from high win dows, snd were killed. Eighteen charred bodies have been taken from the ruins, v' ' ; ' George Allen & Co., Flow Manufac- turert, Newborn, N. C offer to tend to any addreae, aamplea of their Labor Saving : plowt. , - Atlaa antl-cheking Turning Plows, Dickson. . Allen and Magaolia bteel Cotton Sweeps, at a lib eral discount for cash, with privilege of reluming them, at their expense theuld toOT Send for illustrated circular and prices. ' feb 23-d2aw&wlm ' THE RALE1 q ii Tent iieL '3 ; t f . . i.i ,..'.: 1 . i A4vsrtlsisote will bo tsoono4 as th Uanv baariosv at lb folWwtar rata soraauaroal est oca, o Sea Btakia liiMO. a .j. Juo aqaar od sum - . . ILW Xastippb. ft , teems . thtt the meminy of tbit woman, like thai ef her renowned hatband, ia likely to kekept alive te the end of time. mi la aaid te possessed a very, inltatle rtemaer- and her name has .become a synonym of nrixen,." er.'kcold."' H la more ban possible, however, that the , Judgment patted upon, her by mankind ha been too tevere. ' A mure charitable dbpoti Uoa would uodoubUdly have diaeevertd ia her, many good csali lies, and have attributed her Jdlings store to, -physical infirmiUst than te moral.; ohliauity Tbe party mottlnumatelyacquatnlcd wim. ner. . anu loereioro oest auie io form a correct opinion,-glvea her credit for many eorotttic virtue. . it -la now well known that many ef the; diseases to which women jtrtv. tuhject have a direct tendency to render theuirritable, peevish,.; cross., morose, unreasonable, to that thev chtte' and. fret over all those little ill tnd 'anneyaaeet that a person in health would bear with com posure. , It It fair to infer, that most of the tantrums oi Aanuppe were aue iq these causes alone; and could Socratei, as he returned from the Senate, the. Gymnasium, or the Atbeneum, have stepped' at Pestle A Mortarsl Dru Store and carried home A bottle- of Da Pierce's . Favorite Prescription, , now aad then, .ne doubt .he might hive evtded many a ' "curtain lecture,' allayed many a 14demeaiic breil,? made it much pleasanteffer the children, and more enjoyable for himself,' and rescued his wife's narna frbm the aneaviablei world-wide, and eternal notoriety it hat attained.. Thousands of .women bleat the dtv en which Dr. Pierce favorite Prekcription wat tint ' made Known to vbem-AaiBrebrttieeiteneveadoli- cale and. tuO'enng women more rUr ihan montlia of - tralment: from their- f iamily physician.- In all thtte derange- menu cau-ting back at no. ursggng-aewu sensations, nerrona and general deblli ty. It tt a sovereign remedy: ' Itseooth- Ing ana healing propertira J reader it f tbe utmost value to ladiet tuffring from Internal fever cengestif'O, luflam- .niatlon. er ulceration, tnd its stMigtu- e Ling effects tend tocorYect disolace mmtt of internal part, the result of weakness ef natural supports. It is old by all druggbta.. . - i ' . i ! NEW AUVEIiTlSEMENTS. " WOOD ! WOOD!! WOODIII ' Woo Mae. tSporeord.OJt.t3.S0 per cord, brad orders o u. 4). ti.i.ss' more, - : Bitrcho-dlm JitU xr suet t. I) t . pjiDVr a, vb.iiigi, UAH od his old iffic over C U. ILarti's ChovSutr whero M tH b al4 to mai-v irieua rvauiriiiir XMutai all. opervrou earvfuUy rcauceo prices. , r ieo si-u. hi eperstloas. ptrfumsd aud 'Hi . .!' st OBTII CAROLINA WAKE COUNTT. ia tbb tcriBioa cocar, February, 1870. Joseph D Powell plaintiff proceeding for partition ef lsnd again Mry M. Allen, wlillam H K.. FonvlL Richard ferrell. Jsmes Whitley and othors. . - -. , To Wl.llam H. F. Ferrell,' one of the de feodsat abovt asiaed, who 1 aot a resident of tbU State. . . , Ton srs herebv reqalred to snnear tt the offlceof -ho Urk of the fiaporinr Coart for th County of Wake by tbe.Slst diy of Msreh Best, 1879, snd ' answer the complaint Died la said orttee. or - bo ptalntUf wui spptv to tbe Court for the relief demanded to atd complaint ' .' - ' -: --..- .. - - ,41. etjff iuxu, visra. , Moots A Gatliko and Haiwooo plaintiff Attorneys. ----- -- -v-i-- r--- - Marco T.jffjBwowt , :,s t . 1lllMl o END SSc. to 0. P. R0WELL A CO., Vtw t York, -for Pkasnphlot ef hi par, con taining lists of 3000 newspapers, and estimate showing cost of advertising.'' - '. ' . marea The Star Aiiimoziiated - Hape's Nitrogeaized MAftS'. wiMcrtiZTD, OJUMC v Ci Jfos s ii.X . SOLUBLE PnOSPHATE SUPER PIldSPIIATE"1 Jl OF LIME. "1 ' ' Ws have found by several jears etperitBCt in telling tb tbovs FertOltert, tt well u by actual observation, that they havo so superior, If any equal among Commercial Haauro. Our price sr much Jower than ethers, not se antvwsallv popular, aad that havo prov unequal fat results, upon sworn statement from tuny of our test farmer. All w uk b s fair trial with saythlng experience, who have used tor Phosphates for several years : R, 3. IYZT, Wakt County. . W. IT. WniTAKIR, Wakt County. M.H.BOBTO, . M. C. TJTLIT, " CUt. t STEWART, Hamott County. JAMESAJJBNsbir, " ' " D. Me. licKAT, " And ataoy others who will gladly gtvt tadr experience.' J0HX ATERA, ohastoa County. W. H. SANDERS, ' r ' OATIDAOiiit M JAMES FACE. Chatham Couatr. M, M. THOMAS, ; " ' at'tt WILSOK, ' 1XIAS HAINES, . , , -t.-tr A. O. SANDERS & Oo.v- laatftf f fT" X. h' i. - v.- a- .' ' X : u I r t v. -:.' - -1 - f. ... - - ; - . ... j j iff a- if. if ' . I- it t t. I ; 1 V t f f I

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