iV fl aierauite . m a t : ri - r ? - - - , &. V THE HOST USE .,... .miKA RETS. KETS. MX1U TI.E IALEIGIl sentinel ctbrttit utional amend ':: MESTi. . ...... 1st Amendment : That section 4, of article dV be stricken out and twor new sections Uf substituted. , The section to be stricken, out Is In regard to lands riven to theXstate by congress and the. appropriation! of fines, penalties, Ac Tbe -ctlon to be substituted gives at! lauds af proceeds of lands, given by the united fctaUs to tbe state, io educational pu acd all swamp lands, finei I to be used iui pur- mui or education. . 2nd Amendment strikes out section it, article S, and substitutes section pre viding for the establishment of a bu beau of agricultare,hnm)gration and sta tistic, and the protection of sheep husbandry. & , -. . n , !;.-.. 3d Amendment adds to section 25, of article 1, that "secret political societies are dangerous to the liberties of a free people- and should not be tolerated." 4th Amends section 10, article 8, by providing that the governor, vith fiie advice of the . senate, shall appoint all omoea wnoee appointment are not otherwise provided for. . ? ? 1 1 '" 6th Abrogate and amends section 15, IS and 17, of article 4, and allcrs the general aaaembly to allot and distribnte all judicial power among the several counties . except that ,of the supreme court, which is fixed by the constitution uevuv u ir i. ,,. 6th Strikes out sections 1 and 2, of article 13. and forbids oalluur a oonven tkra without first cowultina the people TU M TlTll t .... 7th Provides for submitting the - amwadmen ts to the people, at the the polls, Tuesdav after the 1st Monday in November, 1876. The amendments will be ratified or re jected toeiHher. . 8th Provides for publishing the ordi nances for tue information of tlie people. 8th Requires the judge to reside ia the district for which he is elected, TsnJTorladaTiia aame county more than once in four years. 10th Reducm the number of judges from 12 to 9, and snthoriies the legiala- tnrrto ii)creae or diminish the number. 11th Provides for the assembling tf the legialaturo in January instead of November. , r 12th UiU civQ rights on the head by xoTbiddinar white aud black Children going to the same school, aud providing that no cuacnminatKm snail be made to the preradioe of either race. 13th Fixes the pay of members of the general assembly at $4 a day and 1J . omits mileage, jutd limits the aeemon to 60 days. If the sowrion is prolonged beyond 60 days, members receive no pay. I 14th Provides that the term of office I for senator and members of the legls- lature shall begin at the time of their ectioa. 15 th, That section 29. of article 2, is amended to allow the general assembly to change the time of noldiug elections for the general assembly. 16th Strikes from the constitution sec tlou 4, of article S, which la the old re publican gerrymander of the senatorial districts in 18oS. . - - . 17th Reduces the number of supreme judges from five to three, as our lathers 1 8th Declares the Judicial power ' shall be vetted in & court , for the trial eflroptsxbm?ntoAajupreni5 jcpuisii: perior (courts, courts of justice of the peace, and such others inferior to the ' supreme court aa may be established by law. 19th Establishes the supreme court in Raleigh, until Otherwise provided by ine general assemoiy. 20th Strikes section 8 article t, from the constitution. This section was the -id -repubheaa- gerrymander-- tbe ouse of representatives, and the . eoole can do without It. 21st Torbids' vacating anfllcebf term ot omce now exiaung underthe onalitutioBW ' ' ' 22nd Provides for the election of judges of the supreme court aud supe " nor court, by general ticket, or vote of I all the people ; but allows tne general " assembly ta change the m ode of elect ing superior court Judges xrom general ticket to district elections - ... 23d Requires 12 months' residence In the state; and 90 days in the county, before a man can vote, and excludes felons , and ex-penitentiary convicts from holdint office or voting until re stored to citizenship bj due process of law. There was two days' debate on this ordinance,. Messrs. Dockery, Albertaon and Buxton, with all the negro delegates.speaking against Hand declaring it was a med at the negro. ' 24th Provides for the removal by the legislature of any Judge of the superior court, for mental or physical disability. It also provides for the removal of superior courts by the judges of the courts for tue same reason. Appeal la case oi removal Is allowed as Id othtr cases or suits. . :;. :.; ,. -,.: 4 25th Provides that article 7 of the eon- Btitntioii be amended bv adding that the general aasembly aball have power to modify, change or abrogate any and all of the proviakms of the srtiole, and sub stitute others in their place, exoept aec- tiunr 7.9 and 13. This allows the lccisU- tare to appoint niacristratos ae under tho old oopautation. -. 2Gth Gives jarisiliction to Justicea of the peace over civil actioos lounded oil contract, when the sum doee Hot exceed $200 ; and allows the j oat ices to cell in a jury of six men In certain eaiveL to29th Authorize the employment of I eonviota on public works and highways. 28th Adda the following new aeotkm to article 4 l "In ease the general as- eetnhly ahaU eeUbuah other inferior eourta, the presiding officer and clerk thereof aliall be elected in socJa manner as the general aasstnUy may preeeribe." FUL; EXTENSIVE AND UASXOU.rOOX&A2rD,liOKKa 29th Forbids manWe between white and black aud all persons of negro de scent to the third generation, 2 i .i utn Adda to article . eoetioa zi 'Nothirur herein contained shall justify tne unction of carryuiir eoneeaied weapons or prevent the iaialatun from tnanonar peual statutea against ai euaotioa." t . h--);;.. Slat Aboiuihaa section. 81, of arUclee Aad provide fot nUuur nil vaoanoiea offices provided for by this article by the Kovernor tot ottierwuie provided Ior.,i SUd noxuut for paying officers ana members of the eoaventwvt. 83d Oive power to the enpreme oomt to try issues land craesuou or zact as lmfler ma old nrmstitntirtn. " ; pONSTITUTIONAL X)MVENTI'N Of w kokth Carolina or 1875. Coinplete la Pkoto)rrpbla (roup by J. W, WATSON. The only tompleU copy la tx utaoear od will ba cold M k -nodcriil pries, lau at nauoe's usilary, Kaiaign, A, .C. oetlXf OOUTHI&S rOUCT-HOLOXB. v Aa InraraBce Jonraal devoted le the iater- Mt of Poltcy-holJers. CooUliii all the ia saraaes literature of the dir. Oalv laiur Boe paper in morxn varoiuw. rraau of aoia Life and Ttra laeuraaoe. ezpiMkiK wild-eat companies and commending the strong oee to the people of North Carolina, the paper f those interested ta tniaranee gubecriptioa It. 00 in ad ranee. , Advertke- SMQt uuerted at raaaanthle rales, , Addreas, JNO.C HVT80X' " ' ! Jldltor aad Proprietor, ...... ..yci. ItaMga,!!.' ' : aeptt-tf , Xblvui I CAavaa, . Aasaiios U Caaraa. OA ItT to It Sc C A I1TI I ATTOIirlJKiS AT JLAWf, - :- Aaasvuxs, jN. 0. - Practice la tapreme Coart at Bal tea. aa tn ui suta aad jreaerai ueana el wes- Vs Nurth CaroHtia- -....,... . A IMt OA ROUS A HOUSEHOLD Aa Biestmte afoaihlv of Ofcelee Ure,l I'lblleliod aioa'ilTat . OOLDBBORO, M . O, , , t It is s besntUollv DIdc rated RaDoaitorc of juitref.oiiitea.iQ p;'p ui.Mrv uouo-boki MDjraatne oi 'oe eouuii orongrhl kleniiled with tte people ia -fcia ane mnm cue hit- tdu m i Murrain In th- cosatrv. aaa fer the price, ttive More Koadlna. Mo atlvaotairt 0' x rctel whtc erlkef talat er capita eaa 'a runmaiid to reader each iteaa aa arrne- abla andlnttrui tlvs eompendluia of. choice eaa nc, Kf popecar nura, tu aoats aa- broad. . . ... - ITS riCrCBB SaXLKBT. is a most .vraetiva t atara. ; 1 he Jaaaan DBiubr eoetalD a Ufa I ke portrait of Ki ot Z h. Vkaca,a S tka;rinlcaj aketeh. In he followed li rk aamber nh photo i'r h ol vthur romUMfil itateaatea, eUvkie t'NLT ti 00 A Tli-l. Poataire jTrse. mi each (ubacrttjer can neat a ehoice ol th a otOM htaoUfnl, large XavnTt r, als r e a im incoen, vis: -1 se r in a we of ce tfartoria the tmtle. 1te MadOi.aa." V)B! I I H.le.' AlbeJ IvtBK fee St' tnd "Klntc lar DefylBit fhe SI tui," for- a'dd oe fee)pt ol the aotwcnptlos pi Either wt tb Knur-vitM k wotta dt i,rlc' " theliajtasiiie Anj price. OBblf Anv oa v ndinc a rlob o' Ive will rrcle aa extn ubacrlptuB f e-j. igUt , copies H0 eente it.l Bonth sntM.'p'iui IUiet the Ko raving tl.vt t taU wanted Xverywhera iA Jt'l'iuS 4. 'WiNITZ'PaWheu',', T - l A GKNT8!10 ILKOAICTOILCirROVOS d flionntcd. sise 0x11. for SI. NotsIiIm sad ChivoMielaeverrdeacfiDdon. Matioaai. vmvhu, vv., raiia., ra. w. For the Tear 1876. The Houea aad Lot on BUUDoro' StraeV oppoalle the Asehanfe Hotel, known as tte uutchinn property. Tie Hoqhi eontaloa, eigbl . . epmfurtable rom Kitcbea containing four rooms. Two Ofllce looms la yard all la good order. Outside pan try and woodhooae. Mi ell of good water in yam, pamp aiiacs o yard, pamp attached. for terms appiy to C. W. D. HuTCHrNOS, tX. vv a aa v vnJi'uu, i-m e. or to W. B. HUTCUINUS. jPsvetteviUe St.. eDnoalta Tucker Ua L LHEEBEt CBXEBKI . J.':!1 '1.1 :i: Another lot of Utat floe GUt Edre Cheese. Retail at SO cents per pound. Try it. AI. F. CCURIUTOPHEBS ACO.'S.' T rVUmingtoo streeV acon i BACoirr ..... Jaat received 10.000 noondi Weatera baeon. boaf hi beiora the rle. Call aad get your sappliaa. At small ad ranee for eabfat -' r. v. tMRiiurMi.Ksatu'B, ' nmlagtoa ttleet, sear City Scales.' ' AKOTHEB CAR LOAD OP FLOUR, from rat hand, for sale at small protiu, st I ? r E. C, CII RiSTOPM I RS i CU'B, Wilmiiigtoa street. REMOVAL OF OFFICE, -i - - . : I I- 1 I .lit. ,!!.,- I j 1 ,t '"I".IV ) Dr. "William' Iattle. Offlee at hU Raideaee, enraer of Bloeat street sod Mewbers arena. ,. , , . . i Jaa 14-tt. T T W A T I T' ...... .a ,,;t. ,:'. Auctioneer'. asn COMMISSIOH MIECHAJJT, ' haleigu, N. :'. .":.'" .;.' . ' a ' i iv ,.. h r Prompt stteotfba will be rivea to all Mer- (baadiae or Produce et to m for sale. Particular attraUoa will be glvea to the la tmditrtioa aad sale of WacbiMry aad Farm- kigateaolls ai ed to tais aecuue. llre aad aMilea sold every eatarday at JaaUiha - ' SCHOOL WAKlED. A trentlemaa who has see enjregd Ter To tea years la tecbin( cfaasical acbools of high grade, M Vl art ia, wibelotksehan e of a rivate arboii or academy la Jiorth CaroUaa. He at prepared to giro ' boruetrjl InatrwcUoa la Ute Latin, Greek, French aud Eurltah laaruarea. SatUlacto-y rafeirncre furalabed. t oM like to commence Marcn 1 st aad teach Sve mootaa, preparatory w a tonirrr arek. 1 Addreee with fan DarOcnlam. w. w. WOOOeuS; Brows I OX T. O.. Wythe Co Ye. 1 febT-deodA : -J - ' -' .-: . CHEAPEST - STOCK OF LAVJft VASES, CUT GLASSWARE JU OWB OUTTOM GlSaV.,., ,, U One TO and one AO Saw of these eelebrdt d saag hib Gins m Store, sad wUl be swd at mlurad price.. Tbry are said to deaa brtier, ilia fsMer aad met loagor tbaa any ether gia U ae r - rr -t-t - Also, Owe 80 Saw aVeoad head Ear.. - ! l. JAMLS M. TOWlES, sept l-m J, ... ,. i Agent. TUEsUOV SEWIKG.MA FIRST MACIIINK PATENTED. TU But MackiM Mnufadurtd ' Tk. Dt la, tbe . Clienpest The pnlata of saperiorttf are Simplicity and rFerfdion in Jfc- . onanism. DurablUly-Wm last a lifetime 1 Bang of Work Without Parallell I ; Perfection of Stitch and Tension I -i neadoarters foe the loath et 1 -i- 42 N. CHARLES ST., i-t Baltimore, Md USD FOlCllXCUkiGF THIS. filCU SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CAB II PUR- vHAoalu) . A lib -a) dlaeouat te Clubs of Ive or mors. Eft-n alacbioe m warranted and aatiafao. tloa gatiranteede , . . ..... f . Tbr KOWEMACHIWEHsfor-aala In KALr.Ki II at Mo. IS, FayettevUIe at. , - .- OHM W HINSDALE. , ATTOHNAT AT LAW, Eoom So. t, First Floor, Uw BaOdlac. raveuenile Bireet, .JKAJUiUUH, N. . C. Atteadu ail the CourU In Kalelvb and Fav- eilerlliif. Claim collected In all pan et N. Kd mitotioa. K. M. Pearao. chief - lice of N. V.; ioo. M. W. Kaiisom, U. 8. SVoatoi iCItlien' Nat. Bank, W. U. i It. 6. Tucker, William At Haywood, Rtlclh ; ratettcrtlla Sat. Bit, Merchant B'k of layetterilie; Bank of New Hanover. WU miiigtoo, N. C ; Morton, Blias A Co., Ph. I UodKCot Co.. H. K. lhurber At Co.. H. Clalilo Co., N. T. ; Laudreth vo., Phlla.: U. W. Gail 4 A, Bait. Ha baa fimniHl a wmiMrtlnfl with Vh.m Me ae di Broadfoot of Fayettcvtlis, N. C, with r ferenee oalv to hit future bnaineaa at that point- AU communications ddreaed to 4. . Hiasaaie. ear or McKae Bro foot, FaretuviUe. J. C wtU racdra prompt at teoUoa. . ee IB-tf ' -1 v ' qru i i tf s t a y lq b ITttehnisker snd Jeweler,-; WiLmseroa BreasT, 7?fM U"d5 b5fpl V?"1 ; febl7-tf OEtl A. PbLNCX A OU V 0PBni'& . Melodeostai . TH Oldest, Lsicest aal Moet Perfect Caaa isciory m tn vaivsa BUtea. -T" 1 ' rv- 'rmr 54,000 Now la aaa. " .: '," .' i - No other Maswal lastramcat ever ebtdaei th Pepaiartt. - -i OT bead tor Priea Una. ddiesa BUFFALO, U. T. '1 tf. B' 1 1 s L.A Wi Oanrioic, .. RALEiaH, K. CL : pedal atteetloa rtvea to Savtor ef Hesse strsds, m view of tb hit deslno ef the S srrm cowrt of lb Ualted Btei j o tea Vrt auvt-eewdtwtf IA.fl, DOOR3 A BLINDS ' '"'. Oomnmtooi t&cnmghlii Secuoned ITMOCX BOTTOM F&1CXX , Large felAf Ah julius uema a ccv 1 or dinar of every XWffwftw JULIUS LEWIS i 0, .'Ml -rt. FUBXB BtJlLDiaO, ' Baleiicb. V. C v '2aw.Vhl titaaT-OtFEitl Horree Water Jk rest, 481 Brotdwe. X. T . 1 1 alspoa ot ! Pisaie aad raia of tr't aeakrra. lacladuig Waiara. a x Urmtlit low pr.ee for caab, durlu th S -at . or part caaa. tni Uvaae m small fc.ea'b y payment. Th tame to let (t lrt' ewrcalr Ptaao. ara the beetmtd I bat meaelaafe, t elnrlng tone, lwtr.L pare aad ee. Waten O iarar Organ wnot b eicellrd ta tone Or beanttj lacj atij rwicuiiow. i ae ;oaert i ttop M nae uaiiauon oi ta aamaa voire.. aceau waawJ.. d liberal diaeottat to toa S. Mi, uilaiab r-, Churchea, schools, lodce. etc. tipecial n daatmenta te th trade lUaatrated eaUiOKWae BUUee. . MtMi sr. li . I' 7 1 jtw 11 AS AND NE W,YEj f MOTTO CUPS AND SAUC1 W, Jas,-:. Aaaueraau waa.v 'ONI'fl eVJONBS. tr efa At Law; - EALEI0U, H. O, r - piAOTICE la the Bsprerae Co art of lbs a. . us vucnji and ifteirtct vsens of tas Caltd Watae and aJjn Mveral Courts of lie sta J ml trial Ulatriet. OiBce PattT ilia BU. eppestte 01'Jlseoa National Hank. V stairs. taa.H,f DIXXUO '8 PATENT eaiPPIWQ TAGA lOverTwe Be mired atUIioes have Ibaea aaed Unla the vert It reare. wiuioai compiaiBi oi toaa ay lag neaommg detached Tatv aaa aoas aauABLS roa Maaarae' Com Bai.se vflasi est Ta sw H.B. t au Kipreas tmnanifs a Uem. ) ci ty Pristers aad bUttiiaarS erejryWaers. F. KING, OF NORTH CAROLINA, JOHNSON, BUTTON A CO. ' DRY GOODS, Kos. 2M BalUmor sad I North Liberty Sts. T. W. Joaaaos, R. X. Suttos, septl7-Sm 3. E. R. Caaaaa. U. d. JOBBSOS. QOMJt YE DISCONSOLATE i Mea ta search of TIRBT-CLABfl GOODS. the very Latest Tip of Fsahioa, sad pat up in a style that wul suit the moat faelklknu I v '.v 7 7 0 WElKEua ESTABLISHMENT, oe Fayettevflls Street, oee door South of the aoutbera Ixpreea OtUes. It to Conceded Fact' to tT We lk el can pat ap th beat and moet saUafactory JOB la the way of ane salt of Clothing, from a Wedding to Bualneas i Suit, that eaa be turoedoet fas Raleigh. Th old ana yoang men nay it, tba ladle (Uoo bleaa tbem) endure It and tb children cry ILmrnl Uulrm.nl Am. put on a suit of elkel's clothing. tVeiket takes this occasion to r turn his thank for the large and. liberal patronaire aerewrure weeivea. aa ipeiinuiias lor continuance of the aame. Hi stock ot CLOTHS, CASSIXERES, TWEEDSy ' ;' SUITIXCS I m ich larg' r than sver before, and eom priai s all th Latest Noveltie In Style, navi.ig been recently purchased at low prices from - FASHION HEADQUARTERS. A aal his fore of Workmen ara Picked Mrs, who. e skill and ability are knowa to the d vming'' public. I cm irne and all to tb Emporium of Fail i a, ' elkel's, tb Merchant Tailor, for a fir cias Ml u ciitbea, ol lrt gwif , put up la first class sty la. ' Ocl 6-t Nsw Bookujuait ready, tr author of 'jna Houiiehoiaot AJou vtrriw-" lonford Dill. , lirirlim'i lemoin. : i ti ti tkopc. The Household ef Boarerie. Hester Howard's temptation. " A Double Weddnj. 0 Ths above Bit New Books are written by th popular Bouthern Aatboreaa. Mr. Cath arine A Warfleld, formerly of MlMlulppl, Booverto." , whick I on ol the bat aad most extraordlnarv navels sver pnbliabed. The above six books sr each leeued la on larg duodecimo volume, bound ia morocco Cloth, full gilt back and std. prlee 1.75 each, or 110.50 tor complete set of the six vol ames, put up la a seat aad strong box. Abo Book or for nU by aU Booitellerg, or eopie of titker on or mar of tAt-abort look. orm compUt$ set... (Arai, will be tent at one to any ons, to any fiaeti pettag froyoMy mrfrt ; of night,, o remitting jricoi m Utter to th Publisher. .r-rT',, : . T. . PETER80K A BROTHERS, ' ' BOB Chasnut Street, f hiladelphisvJrs. F OR KIST.--V ' .. A WU-rraaga tw story BTORE-&OVBE Will be rested e good term.- i Apply to - R.W.BK8T, HUlborootreet.A aov 4-lm Makes sad etesaa clothes hi ta beat ae beaoMH etrM. na Blmdwnrth Ml j 1 1 . NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD IS QCAUTT aad p:ic at dee CD. nEARTTS." . ... omca or vaa BaoT or vaa , WasraaM N. 0. Iksasb Astiom, i .' If oaoakToH, N. C, Fob. 4ihh187t) f BT order ot tb Board of Commlnlotiers of th v rstera Inaan asylum of NoitA Carolina, bidder who hare forewardr pio- rriti'iUeifaia'hMtbr In od'nat'tb opening of tb said bids baa bee deferred natil li.a lSih Inut . . and at Ureeubor'i They are notified that tb Commit Ion did ot, and oo .not bow, propose to furaUh an l, tor tie said work, la suy car, and htdiler are dee to modify their bid in r ard U th auPDlr of saed. . If they Se P"!1- - , .. , . . . b. i will be required to be Sled by tbat daU. .';., ' " ! ' ' T. GEO. WALT fcbT-lt. -'--t. Secretary. w V , f T . I 0 E . , lYalnal.'c Oo' Ine For 8fle. Br virtae of an rder of the Superior Conrt for L'nlnn Coeuty N. C, piolntier a eommhwioasr to aril th Krai EaUtevf W. Jf.l aretue, deceased, I will sell st paWi auction to tbe highest bidder ' at the Curt Houae dr la Mnr e, N. C, oe tbe 6th day of March MTS, tbe Celebrated Howte or Btoca trm Gold Mine,with lJIWaereeet laUlttagm L'nlo county npo which aald mlua Is siltiated. tor tarsis sad tbr partlralars address, J.U. DAVIS, Com . . Csrs T. D. McCiCLBT Au't at Lew, eaS?-vld. Monroe, H. C 11 1WU GIFTS EVER - OPENED IN RALEIGH, TFA 'v SETS,V- CUTLTDRY, BPIT - .UliiL - ... I' St.".. i hi " EIMDSOP ..fiM JOB iV.ORK Having refitted oar And aecored ' the eerTicw of s ' ' t: "l " J - ' We ars now prepared to execute all Hnds of Job Work. All persons luring Bill He i. Lt r HtadSw BtMlaoss Cards, i i f. .Viaitiag Card',...fa ' vTsddlng CaHC Clfeulars, Fosters, Ami. 'oTntfrtywill bare their irwk ei ecnted in the verrbest style bt sending it to the - - ? " u Dentinal Office. u ;i -: ' . . . We are also prepared do Ail 1 1. kinds of Book "Work In the very best style, at . All work eent to nt will be done u qnickly snd ' cheaply sa At any - ' .!--;.- snmxo hocsk cf thx - ' 8QUTli s ' - '' O BSE S ..A SD.HULI 8. To arriv la few dsrs. Eighty teataeky Horse and Mule. Pric to suit aayea. lamina tbem - - ee SO-S . W. WTBSX oo. tt -m 't, TOONS. CHILDREN FET, e., A . -i.. -.. 'HI. '.. W-HW-WBW" OitJh,AaiaOAW, - BOOK n.i. N .D. K R JTD- " " ),', v.: -:4 . , BUVK BOOK MANURACTU3IR, : . . OTBBB. C ao.ajToaa, m ! b a t t i o h, ' o: J , r , i . . ty A'fatfc .i.;. .t . W wtli . e enerrett mm sad wja Besiasssrsta wru. Par from it to S net J, aapeiwaedla year sirs rclgbber hood, sod I stntll; hoeonsSl ParUealar fr, sple. worta Mveral doUar tbat will aaabt ya le ge te work at once, will ee aeatftwtaceu-tot ttxs eata ril.ifv a0to;M li tATH4jrX, Jl , W H ?t wslifta i,fcea. Wi aaoeeaaitM LS.TH4V JfX. MJ J v jIL" l"l ATTORNEY A IAM. .. ' It. t l J)vtV Odes Soetai ef U Comt 8 , SenUael uflle.. I14r. ,-. , i , , ATTUaX at lavt, . ; is , Practice h th Ptala and Federal Cowrta. CoUeeUowamada la aay part ef Bortb J olina -. -. : ppaE CELEBRATED, LB HA ny) to t m 51 . FSD.DfoUOlSt' JL 1ROWITS YARIETf STORE, JVbl 1 r :t- - HolUmajBBafidlag.- rUlM THAT OUOHl " ' ' it. e ,- A 'e k -v. , 4fc , V - 1UBKIGAN TAll MIXTURE PRICE 0MB DOLLAR" I Tbb Oaaar SocTaamB - IUmbsf to CoBsusvTioa. For Ci'Wb. Coles. or Throat. Hoerae- BCM Sndsl Lang Diaeae: ereria It rce- ommi-adad aa Call) Medkioe tor t.hildrea a it arrest st i re erery rymptom f Cronp, or a tacks of Oil la, tocb ar ctiUdren sr m Dire I to, piiucaariy tola relief or Hboouinc t O0Kb. its comhinatloo with J I ingar ard O'her ii gred enu makes it aot Sa- iiaant to in im, ana to aanxr w natevar in IU . Tkr m Por lo of talf a tea- spoomal at a t'ma wbenever there U a dlstMV sluoa to eoaxh, sad at U;bt whea yoa li down. It ecu Sosli oa ths Aldcevs sad tb ,. .- .." .-li?,-...,- i Maaracturd and sold whole-ale and Ra Ull bv th Proprietor, Durham. N. C. Lib eral dlaconnt to who deal!. Order oLeitad. V"' ' r-- JSi). a. MoMANVKN. t ' . . ' fleixral Bnwa Aireat. TESTIMONIALS; ' .--- i OoiaVbore, H. C after spradlag krhtera m -nibs ia aeoatn- er eilBMt to reel- my Lns I tve ap la deepalr, aa came tiome to die with my children la Mold-bo-o, N. O. While there I obtalne-i s box of Of MeMsaacv's lar Mlx tar. It Bret eS ct w totnabl m to leep; my (trraitlh begn t rrtara ; bop revived; apeoeg rsv way., attar Bala six botra. waa restored to health I bow wcichlMr 1 owe ar life ta LbU alitor. ' and wlah tbia pablUhed te tne world t av jb. auaiBuo.- I asv bca eAletod witAaeeagkfor thirty reera. j bsve ased all th popular remedies , for oea'ta. 1 har Brvwr loan aaythlac to reniala oa tb rew-aeh er slv any relief. anUl I ased Dr. .mcManaeB' aataricaaTar Mi!ra. It ws enable me to rleep well; bv luas ha Ve iad elr aHh, aad- 1 end myaalf eatiraly fre from s dtetrwssiag eongh tbat attacked si la the moramg. 1 ass rapidly reeoverlog. ass.ru TTEB PASCHAL. Mr Lenc rave way wail e mv circuit. 1 Wa force to retire from my work, aad had bat little hop of weaver v. 1 Bead en box - Of Da McMaoaeh's Tar Mixture, my conxh improve, my Wwagta retarwad, aca 1 a - oo mm to reeune my wort, t reeommea I Btoall who bar a ceugn, or weak langa. , - - - - ia. . juuni, . . M. C Ceafmsees, .- : Darham, H. a T Of all ths medicine yoa hsv taken, th Tar Mixture U the only thlag that has don vaa any good. 1 , To her tiaalend.. Dnrham, K. C I hv aaed Dr. C.T. MeManaea' Amerleaa Tar Mixtaraysl( sad 1 my faratlyr I do not hesitate to recoe mend It aa a remedy to bdiall raw of Cough. Orid,eor Throat, Hoarse a s and Lang dfrsei D. ci. PAKRIBH. H anarchs of other Tilmooll cob d b offered. Taken st all Umaa tt porUonaaf half a twsepooafaj or laaa, tio danger whawvar BVEBT BuliSE J. . HOLD. Enreka Washing.Mar chinei s ' : ritUlttiOel, II, JS7J, This sew IsvwaUo Is a ;ettp1te i Waahes very thing from a lady's Je Collar te a Covstarpaaa, In the ssest taoreegb aad compute style. ' " Worka wltbae and rapidity aid without tajary te the elotk. .., ', f . . mi AD MOXET SATED. :. Th Wnl ag done bj womajT la oee day eaa be don by ths pattseted Earakala Ueshomra. Price SIB, with wringer sched SsA ' - i. H FAHRAR, ; Maafactwrer ad Pattartee, Ory, M. U. T0 TOO. rTAJTT A SEW STTLE XJ 0at'lUt,lll i decBtia C D. BSARTTA t r I : I' Am f. . 1 h , W 3f-..' rC--.v li:, V." .' I ' V.t. ' . ' - n- i t a. IT 4 j- - t V I r r ft

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