tg'AkU'ii3?JIUftB3 THE RALEIG T iz fbepaked A agent tot th ihanoNeturer. I sat prs nmi I effr UU Fertiliser at very reaaua 1 Bear rate. It I JuaiwhM oar bud need aad Ml rffeet r permaaeot. I hare certificate from WMot UmM planter hi that end adjoining coauUee wbe lasted' At Ra ether high priced Uunotr and recommend U a vequal ,u av th Uh : htn, ut It ouit eoett on third oi lb price; of other far wmsiK Saaeat.Tkf - bK;a ,biimtwJiot . tar a It la elmrly Bnell - Unw -wit aoai edit lugredeat thoroughly impregnated Into wkluh a lit make It taU at ok on th gioalag erop whit iU effect apoa our toil e laaung aad beneficial. - j 1 am bow reeetvlnr orders and would b plaacd M aecaro thai aa aari aa poMlbl to lave It ta Hum. Alao oa bead Bu Iders and Agricultural Lima and Land plaaler, M la. JAMEa U. TOWLES. ytjT OODI WOODI ' ' ; - MO Cord for aale at ttrtiir price, at - s. . e. Christopher a co.'v ,- '.-. r.-, wr i- WUailaftoa atraat. J' HOLES m HORSES. TTJ8T Kaeatrad a Car load of broke If alee. J - Aiao kaTa oa the read oaa kaodrad head I Mulea aad Hareee, which will arriTf hen as or be lore too ioui. r - We areaWa to aell ireai barfmlna. feh 10-lw a GEO. W. W A MK CO. ' O . T l Q ntTlnr beea aDDolnted and duly anaMed at Exacuton of the will of Fetor Auutt EterBberWt deeeaaed, all peraoM hoidlof elalme antnat the eatate of the at id Btora- I acainat tna eeiaia at taa aara Dtera cw hereby notified to prat oat the tame UBrienigned before the let day of i, 1877, or thw notice will be plead ae- oerf are l tome a Mareh.1 eordiue- to law. All panose Indebted to the aama are hereby called apomtt apoa,to aeule at one or mitt will be browcht. AJNa.o h8WAT80,l,,t u mvcui'l .11 f. I. OEVKHULf 1 febMIawOw' REAL. ESTATE Bureau. TARBOROUda BOU8I. A IX KM O FROPEETT EOCQHT -ca aadaoldc ha if EINOOLAWD N Er STORE ! HEW GOODS 1 1 MItS.J. T. WATTS, , 7 . MARTUf , STREET, . , , Om8 Doo Fjw BAirorOwOTav RALEIOIT.X.C. Mraj WaU la a practical Milliner a-d Wo ker la Straw Gooda. Altera, reatodeU, and praaaet straw ana relt Hate, nonnote. .JAkat .and nmxllt every neacrlptlua of r Urm or Chlldrxo'a lUU. her a call aad you may get the Utetl Lad tea' Give atTiet af Parle mr Mew fork. )aa 14-2m K OTHER LOT Rica Cotintry Butter at F, r. CHRISTO-l FHER8 dt tO.'U, at SS cenU per pouai. for it at it la alee aad freea. Go I Q ATS I OATS t 1,000 butkcla heavy KhlU Seed OaU for F.C . CHRISTOFBER A CO.'S, Wflmlnglon aueet, Bear City Scalea. F Oil BALE OB EXCHANGE.. 106 ACRES OF VALU 4 RLE MINERAL I LAND for tale, or wui escbann fur ClTT FKOPEBTT. Tbe land H rich la the beat Iroa era, abunt 70 aeree la arlKlDal Rroath, withla two muee oi tae ccatbam railroad. 'r "MaV'bROv. , ; BIIBinjaawgial aVMIlwUSBBEf a Raleigh, N. . Jaa-tf. JIMQWOOO W1ME COMPANT. ... ' keep eonetaatly oa haad - . - BCUFFERMONG W1KE.-Imperlal braad. WHITX AHD EED CONCORO WINE. ' PURX SCCFFEKNONO IBAKDT, very uperior for aiedkiaal parpoeet, eqoa( at ta lavor to the boot French, v.. . i v -SCOTFERKONG TIXESAEV-a new actWe, ....V t . ! t TIC - '"' ." . '..' " - ' TerySai-!i f f Theae artlclat are anofactared by the aa- ...... - . dcrtlgaod from Grape growa oa their owa vineyard, aad are warranted free from any I "tajarioat adulteration whatever. Addreee, a W. GARRETT A CO., ' s '4 Kingwood, dee ta d4m. Hallfaa eonaty, K. C THOMAS 8TAMLT, ' Dealer la all kind of . CORN A SPECIALTY. Nrwbera, Jan. 14 Im. vr . 100 barrels No. 1 Lime at depot at lowest rates. - , JAMES M. XOWLES. iy-iw. . . I tONT FOHQET THAT THE PLACE to buy asy thing and everything appertaining to a Srst clats Fancy Store is at I BROW1PS VARIETY STORE, HdLUHf AN BCILDINO. ' i H ENET CLAY RICHARDSON,' 9 s - - ATTORNEY AT LAW, DVRBAM, JTOMTM OAM0L1 Si may lStf Richmond a Petersburg r. e. co Commencing Oct, S4th, 1S75, Trains on thl road will rua a fallow i - Lstvs Richmond, 'octs. a.tA a m TtM..k u.n. t m . w. iu . M.. i.nniEii pun, I -W I , Freight Train ; 1:49 f.Jt., Through MaU; b r. at., r rcignt l rain. Laivg PaTEBtBtrae. Noart. 7:50 A. M., Freight Train ; 8 M., Through Mall; ft P. M. Freight Train ; 7J6P.M., lorougn stall. Coaches attached to aU freight tralas for Borommod allot of paatenger. Thl Compaay effer pedal Indaeement to th (hipping publie on Ho of th Raleigh A Gtttoa, KaJelgh dt AugnMa and Wewtera N. C. Railroad, la th way of low freight Bad paaaenger rate. .. . - v li- A.81!AWt i dAw-tf wfctrintBdeat," "D UBMONAra-IJSE. BAIL- Richmond 6 Dahtiixe, BrCHMom) ' ft Dahville U.W., k, c. Division, nd ifoBTii Westitbbt 5i, U. B. W il'OXDEKSED II ME. TABLE l-y Effect m d after dai, Dee. " "' imCws; .. ' - COlSQ iiOBTH. T1TI0H8. Mail. Leer Charlotte ...... Itfi at . " Alr-UoeJuae'a 0 Sallabury 8 80 - - Oreee.eoro.... 10 58 - r. PanTine..,.. 1.84 r, - ' s. ' JJarkerUle..... t f v Arrrre.t Rlobmood.. 9.85 J ' ' 1 " ' " ' i : : TATIOHa. Man. Leare Rtehawad .50 a.m. " . BurktriUe 0.00 - - Dundee 1.80 f. M, - DaBTineTrrrr.. 1.43 , 1 ttreeotboro.... 4.88 " . H Ballabar 6.54 " - Alr-Uoe Jqbc'd Kit -Arrive at Charlotte. . . t.U - GOIN0EAET. OOINO W. TAT10N8. Xaik Man. ' V . i ' f : I f 5 Leave Oraentboro.i.. 11.0) A. a. A. 4.11a. U " Co. Bbopa. ... Lv.....i..., Balelrh.V. 8.40 f m A.11.05 five at OUdaboro.. 0.40 Fat L. 8.80 ETATIONEn- f VTrahWv.. Leave Grtentboro ... 7 00 r at A. 0.00 a K. Co. Bbopt.... Lv Arrive at Raleigh.... 5.00 a A. 7 80 r at. Arrive at Ooldaboro.. 11.15" jLvlOOrn. N0KT1I WESTJSRN N. C. K. E. Salem' Brajicb.) ' Iave Greeaaboro 4.49 F. M. Arrive at Salem ....0.45 M LeavtBalem. 8.18 A. kt AjtItq at wraeMborp 10.88 " k Ftamiftg. Tralda laaarina- Rklelfh at 10.08 ArU. eoiiitata Oreeoar)iira wUAt toe ftbwve4 era bound train . maklag- the utrkaat tfane I w in ooataern cuiea. ArcomaMMaitua iraia leaving Kalelgh at 7.80 F. M., euoaecU with Northera bound Trata at U aenaboro for lUcbm ad for ell PotaU EaaV Frica.uf Tkk im aama at via other route. vArcomoKidatloa Train lea via a Graeaabora I at J.00 P. M.. cobdccU at ti.Jdtboro wnb ortbera and Boaibera bound tralut oa tbe wuminirtoa and Wei don Kailnmd. Lyncbburg Accoma odation leavea Rich-1 I moeddailvatO.OO A M..arriTa urkeville -t tltotr FrMa leavea rtartwle-MO-Fr M.,ar-4 rivaa U Klcapoad 4.IH P. M, , : i t " ; . ; J No chahgr or Cabs between Char- 1 LOTTR AKD HlCHMOND. 282 MlLKS. JOHN R. MACVCROO. inerat rat" A(et, T.M. R.TA1 Geo'l BuperintcBdent. , 1 ' - QOSFAILTOC Crown's Vavxiety Store FOR TOUR NEW YEARS iPllESbNTS Great berftloa can now be had. - ' NAT. L BROWK, Uollemu Boildlog, Fayettariilo tucet, Kaldga. a f . auuaa waa .iibii MOOEE UHO, I A T T 0 B HIT 8 A T L AW RALEIGH, M. O. atata aad Federal Oonrta aad tbo Uoark of aovn-tr JOARDINO HOUSE. Mr. Reckwlth haa opened a. Srtt elate Boarding Houttat tbe Corner of ktanla aad Wllmlagtoa Btreet, la Iherealdenee formerly K I B I I oixupwu oy ui taio ur. w. a. one b) prepared to aoroaatodate permanent well aa traadent board era. The table al wiy tqpplled with the very beat the market afford, aad the room! kepV neat and "cod fortable. nor l&Hf "t'l ' QLAS8ICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL,. J. H. Eoiiu A T. J. Hoaaca, Principal. Mr. J. H. Horner haa retanaed to ht home at uxioro. a. u., ana will reopen hi tchool there the wt Monday In January next. Ker. T. J. Homer wUl be aaeoclated with aim a joint principal and the school will be I conducted on the tame nrlndDlea that wen I formerly to occeeafullv emploved in makinr I I good bovt and rood eckolart. v . I The price of board and to Woo,' (fcrutlvf oi waning ana lignie, u f 13 per Mtilon of twenty work.- kach atu.lent it to Yurntah nit oianieie, meet, puio w-caac and towel. owe ao-u . Q. K E E N S B O RO ' ;. . FEMALE COLLEGE. OREENSB OR O, iV. C. 'l ! "' , f , 137 Will BtglS " tb m J'nu' "d Board (exclutlv it w wuhlna- and IfcrhlaVSTS. Btttoa In regular eoarte,' . $24, i.nargeiiir xtba TvniBt moderate. For Catalogue 'euctaining particular, N. 1LD. .VILdON, Fretldeat of board of Trustees. doeS-Sm . . . y o. 1 u 1ARPET1BOSI - The largest stock of CvpetlvN Lag. Aa, Btbel.1iyt iowetA Caak p iae. AIIbsi aad boaght alnet Jana&ry . W. f , A R, 8 TUCEER. 11 S5 10 20 SJ L worklnr peopls of both sex, young sad old. make more atone at work for aa la their awa toealtlet, do ring their spar mo ment. orU th time, than at any thing slea. We oflcr tuple meat that , will payhaad- i at tour ea vauaur ir every aoar- wore. I tar, term, Ac. 'tt free. Bead drea at oBcw.- Don't defay. Now ks tb time Don't I' k tor work r baataesa eltewkere, til yen bar learned what we offer. O. tforsoa A Co, Portland, Malae.- 4 - was UVly "nu. BY. VIRTUE OF THE TOWER COX f erred upoa toe by moei.-ga deed from F. H. Busbee aad wife, aad t thn request of ail the partlee concerned, I sitall ipoa to publie aale at the court- bout door, oa March 7h, U78, the houne an ! lot on Blount ttrvet, lately occupied if . it. Hutbre. .. . . v. . T. P. DtVEKKCX, Feb 8, 1878 UwBw. - Trustee. o; N C E 8 ORDINANCES!! Hi tfN m tf'. :.Kf rfij 4 i i-. ... . t :i. . ;.f URDIBiVCES! t v. I J 4 7 0 TVS f I- CONVENTION ! 1 t)ix! Urn . i'.,.' CONVENTION U I AT THIS OFFICE. ISingl Oopiea 10 Ota. Per bondred V.J. i 18.00 t ta thonimnj , . :. ....... . . . i ! -) T(Mlil ; ;,! J '. - ,..,... ( ' ' 1-xjwm :i : . 85.00 , . HeSBead in jam ordera a ooriav mi ) ii'i! .!. i 'm Addreatl 8ENTTNEL, UaletRb. X. U cma fafxx n on nxa wmt LL VARIETIES OrrOTJNDBI 1 lob Bad Vaehlna amrb Amm tt AUUiO UL1 UKAL WORE8, v !. . Baiem, Q Q A TUZ ADVANCE MOW. ' isaow offered for theeomuig eaoa at taa Im nrtsa f eon k otaie Agent, C A. HEOE,' '$10. THE SALEM CORN SHEL- wa awarded the Srst prs- mtam at th N. 7 State Talr fa 1875.'' Price tm ' JBanalactured by the 1 LEM At. ICULTUR1L WORKS, '- ' ' 1 I- " ' . Bateta, M. C rrUlE CARD WELL THRESHER -1 and Cleaner d atwone of th leading machine in the Sooth. Tor circular ana full particular, addrem ths SALEM AO .CULTURAL ttORKRJ 1 . ,. . ... -' ' , Salem. S"1 OATS AND CORN. 000 bushel prime beavv eed oats. Dries 70 linear cent pr. ouanai. uw nuabela eorn 7U eeata. . . ... . . . - j . - B I LV ABTfe.K BMlTllB . Feed Store, N. C DopoC A gold rtnc wkh a ruhv act la IU Tbe flndo- earrying R to Dr. Little' will be rewarded. 1 fc15-!t. !i- ' ' : . ; 85.50. 18. 10, V I1L 1 be BALEM FLOWS will not choke I Rua Hght t Eaaily regulated I Will tare aU kind ef anil t Manufactured by th SALEM AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Wbore Advwrttota; faatratai 't'na be ma4a I yALUABLE B0PEBTT FOB SALE. WO be told at Chapel BUI. V. C, oa the 8th day of March, 18.0, the IoUowtn ala able property I A valuable tract uf land four ilea from fhapel Hi I, oa. Uie UlUiboro roaa. conuunm( fuu arret, one oatl 01 wimcb. la cleared kd arable, the other half Id Heavy Uaiaer. oak. hlckoYv. walnur- aad aunlmr. It to weH wak red and toud ttrariuf Itnd. I wo aei wnwaia on u tua (OOd tilit, aA aad good orchard. Alu, lain e and romraodloaa boaaa- with ill DrroMa'y out bulldinift aow occupied by Mr. Thie Nurwood.and l pieaSaniiviltna'rd tatna ewe- acre aaa M-oqnMuiani or- ualuae or for taking atadeuU for bnardere. ' Alatt the handaoma rotidnuee fnreaerly mnon amm. m . rniiiipe, bxw orea plotf by W. J. Ua, ailuata ew the ala etreet oppotlte . Mwala'a former rwfclence. IhU la U moetdealrablerreldeejce ht Cbaprl Kill, aad If la a hlicb tte of linprovemeul. Terma of aale, one third eath. ike balance oaOaad U atuutaa, with leleraet from dv ef T1Ue reterrrd aatn paymeni U maJe1.' 1 V . I. k.f.M..ll... I. . . . - . iur iHiwvr wivrwwwi myvtj w jar. am. Mkkal or Mr. W. J. Ho(aa, Chapel BUI, JAMES NEWLnt. AeitT for JOHN HEVVUN BONE, feh IVeodiom Tb Store, oa Fayettevltle Street, that I now occupy a a uqaa Foaaeetloa medUtot.' Uqaor atora kt lor real. febl4f f ;j..FRAUUat K.yti'0 uTt A L K 1 ' fTttmuuttm Shirt,' BIT C.J). HEAHTT IT. BEATS ESlj ALL ON GENTS' HATS Gents', Ladies' itsi Mldcs. fbxsh un w -i'l BOOTS, SHOIS AND GAITS A- CL L. nEARTTS. dee S4m VOW IS THE TIME TO BUV 1". . . X uuk scatool-ooet-tt ABB Brandon's 1 the place vow ea1' bur at eheaun at other More la the city cU and ma be- Ijr pnrchaaing elaewbere. , U KKAKBOH, Bookaeller, dpt7-tf Eallgh,N.C.t V ALU ABLE REAL ESTATE FOR 8 ALE. Bv virtue of a mortirate -execoted to A. J. Bynum A Bra., oa the 11th of September, 18? by LN.tlfitl, and by vl.tua of a Srcond mortgn exemted by the aforeaald 1. N Cleggto A.. Bynum on 8 4h Of M.reb, n YKW' ojawiooi, iota, tae uuueraurneu wi i ten oa tna preaa taeaat publie aucUoa oo the ' ' ' .! 171H LAX AiAHUti, I70, for eaah, that valuable farm on Deep river, la the county ot Chatham, ppoeiteibetoaB of l4KVine, snoon a me Uegg larm, contala. Ine FIVK HUNOKtU ABU THIRTY TuKEK acre. The Raleigh o Augutu Air. IJne railroad divide the tract, and Deeprtver I navurable lor ateamboat about 80 aiila bove and IS Biilea below , Lockvllle. . The farm U about w mile Irom Kaleleb ana 48 mile from Fajetteville by rail. Tke tract contain 100 acre of Deep river low around: Mace of branch land and 100 acre of hong leaf pine. la well adapted to the raiting of granea, cereait, cotton ana veceunie, ana can be divided eaaily Into tare. excaUeat farm. The railroad depot it within 1 ISO yard Of lb farm aad Merchant' nulla, mllla and foundry withla 7ft yard. The lata Prof. Emmon. a late noloctoLdeacrlbes thl larm a witnin ine ncn coti ana iron rorma- . .... . .. Uon of th Uera river batla. i.- 1 For further kifunnstioa -apply to. A. .J tl... Ok.1l.. . ti Tl .1 1 T.J . f pjhuw, Duni'li um. ,vhi maanU)(, citta- 4BOt.A1JStJ?ieggVJ!i?, V- - ! . . a. . nixu. i ICBt-SU J ohiistoii J one?? 'Attorney AtLawt RALEIGH, K. a UF Practice ta bR the oU'erU ' atpecial attentioa alwen taw iraUert eon acted with recent etata Legteiattoa. (OfBce; 8 doorcabove Tarba Hoate U hi If Orrica or BoriBiBTtDMT, Prrroncaa Railboab OoatraBr. " , Fetenbarg, Va , November U( I 75. nHARttl OF SCHEDULE TO J take effect SUNDAY. November 25th ! . nniNO mi th. 1 Lv fetenbarg atO A. kf. sad 8:27 1. M. . Arrlrs at Wtldoa at 9:59 A. M. 6:M P. M. s GOING NORTH. , ' Leave Wetdoa at 7:85 A, M. and 4 F. M, ' Arrive at Fetenbarg st 11:40 A. M. and 7:07 p. it. ,-r.vt P::? i r. K. . , .ri ) , ' .1,1 r , , i Tralnt connect at Fetertbara and Weldon with- train for all aouibarn and aorthera bomta. TlckeU told to aU aoathera, ouik wtern( - Bonaera aad eattera point, aoa Baggag cnecaea tnivugn. H.T. DOUGLAS, : feb 18-dw tf. , , . Superlbtendeut, s ITIIATION WANTED. f I wlahto procure aaltuatlon, either at mv butlnea. or omeahlnrelat, that will- eaabls Ba tu rnitk a topport f r mjteif and family. i can maae tutcti uteitu iu any capacity. ' Any on wishing to employ either s Pi In ter, clerk, Copyi-4, Collocio , or auythlbg tlte, wUl pleat addret me at Raleigh, N. C neat oi reie encc given. , . AddreM ' ' io.tS W. MARCoSf. 1 Raleigh, N.C. A NOTIIER Car Load ot Geaula White ua Data for tale cheap. At - ' ' F.-C CHaleTOfUERS A CO'S. fcblS-tf - ViUmtiigtoa Btreet. j- 0 TIC,. X ; Will be sold at the ' Henrv Place." Fyettevl!l Btreet, oa Tuesday tbe Hh dt of febraar), 1870, al th periahabl proper ty belonging to tbe estate -f-Mr. L 0 Henry, dec d, eontttUog of Houtenold and Kitchen Furniture, bed, ehalra. tabic, ate.. etc.; A. ; 1 ermt asa. - JOS. B. BATCHELOR, febS3-lw - - Admr MARRIED PEOPLE New Invention Juti what yu want. Bella bi and Durable. Mailed on reeelut of7Scta. Addrca Dr. MOSM AN A Co , Wddletowa, Conn. ' . A REPOSITORY. OF FA8HIOW, FLEAS f . CBE, AKD rS8TBVCTIO.' 4 Harper's IBazar, . , 1LLUSTRA TED V';0' v-,? - -t wawaamwm (. - e BOTICEa OW ,I!tB PBBBS. ' - VTbo Baw i ditd with c-imbin. tioatif tact and talent that we seldom find in any Journal ; and the Journal Iwlf 1 tna organ of tua great world of rxTBr Bazar coromenda ttaelf "to mrr member of tha houaebold--4o-lua thiU dren by droll and pretty Pictures, 10 the young . ladiaw by Us iWhloo platfc in andless ariety, to the pm video t itittron by rt pattern for tbe cbildnm'a cluibe, U plrfmiliat by tta tasteful dealgua for embroidered slippers and' luxurious ter of tbe Bazar is anlformly of great exoetlence. Tbe Paper bas acouired a wide popularity for the fireside enjoy - meatk afford. N. Y. venlng Post. . In its way (here ' la' nothing Ho U. Freh and tnintwortja s fashion guide, ti stories and eays,:iu poetry. and rquibv re . all inrigorating to the mutde-Odoage Evening Journal. : - 'rt : i A 1 I L.i h t.J'-'. ;' V. Pttagt rt to uli Stibtcrbert in Ik ' f7aii Statu. 'VV Harper's Bazar, one year, ; ., v; 00 4.00 includes prepayment of U. S. postage by the publisher , "SubscrlptloDS to narner 'a Uazasinel Wstakly, and Bazar, to oue address for one iyear. 110.00 2 or. two of Harrier's Periodicals, to one address for one year, 7.00: postage free , . , Ao extra conr of either the Macrazlne. "Weekly, or Bazar will ' be suppued gratis for every club of five subscribers at 11.00 each,' in one remittance t or, six copies for S20.00, without extra copy ; postage free. -: Tt..V K. 1 1..' ... ii. . 1 1' . tiuuiucra cu w upiucu at any The Annual Volumes of IlarDer' Bazar, In neat doth binding, will be ssnt by express, tree of axuense. for 17.00 each., A complete set, comprbing eigni volumes, sent on receipt or cann expense of purchaser. 1 rrominent attention will be siven In Harper's Bazar to such illustration of i j pie centennial International Exposition -j aa may rjo pecuiiarty appropriate to 4t ''. AddreM ' . '.. it. 3 HAKPEB dV BROTHERS, ' ;' New York. Ttqatiaonsblrtbs beat imUlaexl wruknf , . . tLSSIaflU tleS Horld." - . . Harper Hacasitie , " ' J'JLLCoTRATED.', 1 be ever inereialn: clieolatlna of thlt ci' eeiiert prove iu coutinned adapt tion to popular deel re and need indeed wbea w think 1 to bow many boite It ine trau every Dionth, we nut eoBrtder it a on of V eda atora as well at entertainer ft the pabtie wind, for lie vaet ii.alnii Jbaa bea woa bv ro aroeal to ttoiid i,ra i odice or depraved tattca HoMcm aLt. ' Ttie character which tbta Maca n. J -.mi , for vuieti. emrnri tti v..ik t for VkiieU. eiiterprlaa. trUttic wi-a.ih J and literary cbUbm that bat kept pac aa ? If It he not led tba tiwaa. Loam ir ii ca not led to lime, Hoa'd evOM iV conductor to regrrd It with JiU Habit coui I'lecei cv. it iao rouuexi litem to s ires Cldrt Bc h pablit gratitude ' H V M. ga Slno hat done KOod sad sol evil all the dan Pf IU Uffc-jBrou,n iagk. ., .,. . . f. Po t ire fx to eJ dabacrlber la th link, ted BUiea. . . j HaKr a's MaeaZiaa, one year. 84 00. i 84 OS Include prepavroent of ti. it. immi age by the t'Obilehera. t enbtcn OooaViHarper'a Mag!, Week f had iMiaxr, l en odn ior uae year, tit 00; or l ot vit' Peiiodkai, tu oa Sddre foe oil ) ear,' 7 00; pottage frt. ! 'Aa Xtr Copy of alihar the .MagasiB, Weekly, or Haw will b an plia'l ru. for very club of five Snbeeriber at S Ou aucb. ht one remittaai; or, fix Copies for iOu.b. Witbont extra copy poatags Ires. I Back NnjabereaB beaai piled at say Uma ' A Complete Met ot Harper1! Magasine, bow tomprlaingSO Volnmea, In seat cloth bind lag, will b Beat by expre, freight st ex Mate or rarchuer, tor 8s 88 per vomm. Single Volume, by wall. pMfpald. St.iJO. Cioxh raaas, f nr btadm paatpsld. . . . - " : "' , y I A Complete Analytical ladex to the flrat Fifty Votunie of Harper's Magaslne ha Jutt been poblUhed, rendering available for re ference the vaat and varied wealth of infor mation which constitute thl oeriodlcal a perfect illustrated literary cyclopedia. 8vo, 183.00 ; Half Calf, to.85. BeotposUg A aerie of paper under U UU of 'The First Century of the Kepubllc." contributed by the most eminent American puhllciatt, I now being published In Harper' Magaxlne. Ibl aeriea of over twenty paper give a oomprebentir review of Progri during the century now cloalng, la every department of our i alloaal His, ' m-i, . , Nawapaper art not to copylhi sdverU- raent wiuvout tna expraaa oraer oi Harper ek Bruuvr. is',- I Addreee HARPER A nov27-tf " BROTHERS, New Yor. HOME reRTILIZEIV-;;. i Send td 0. B. Alford. at Anex. for s elrcu- Isr. For tea dollar b wui send von tbe chemicals by which you auk a tea ot good fertiliser tor cotton, corn, tobacco or any ether crop.. Th I U :ehespeat and beat fertiliser yetonerra to toe leraier.' str. al ford' neighbor have tried It with marked , tufcett. - The following gentlemeO bkve teitiflej to as gooa qusiitie ; A. hw liemeuu, Peter Knight, Ruffin II- bury, Aleey FreemaB Rev. J. T. Rogers, Joaei.b eieadman, Rev. A. D. Blackaood, nev. tfonustou uuve, aiviu uiive, u. tl. Al ford, Albert NorrUe, T. A. CoiiucU, Alvin AUton, Rubert William.- i laa !S0-ltl :U i:.-- : 'MS -. XX-R RENT t Two Boure oa Wflmlrgtoa Street con venient to butluett part tf town. - - - -)n-i. . ... , JoriN vlATLINO. R A N D OPENING! Havtnr rennted the anaelnu and elerant BILLIARD BALuON ot J. P. Prarle, at aia FayetuvUa (ireet, 1 lake thl occasion a la ..rut my frieud and tb public gauerally, that I shall open tb rarua on ktonda. , Jauu try tb Ituh. An etcelicn. Fiftcea BaU Fool Tabi I attached alio. Olv. me a call. s j Jaa 18 lw. TOM PkkBLES. sTubICAL IN8TRUBENTS,78TRL.NGS. aad Tiimmiog, of all kind t j ' BROWN'S VARIETY STORE, . -"T''. s-i 'a ; HoUma Building. ,.' JUMBEKf iUktBEKl . 7-' t- i Order filled lor sQ kind of Lamber at tb lowtt price by ' j cuKisiuruciui co., JuHNTOE)NE,. 7,, ATTORNEY AT LA W. : i . . . vi BALEIOO, Jf. C. I 1 pOR SALS OR RENT. -4 A dealrahle nue aad Lt la the towa ef Car jr. ' ibe iluaae eonuio tlx rooma, atu all the enodera ermveaience with all nerea ary oh6aea. The garden contain I acre iwcawiiTn nrat otvauuaryylaitfc- i - , , ApVlj to oda-tf - - i , . , Cary.'M. I 1876. Ccr LiTlr2Eil OnrDial , 1876 A MAGAZINE OP 128 PAGES, XnwW " iZt?,zZlp'' -Fi 1 Trans $3 rn tkab, Postaoi PaxrArD. s .' Addrew, 8. D. rOOL, . .:... , ,( . Bsiegh. N. C. teT Thoee to whom bill her beea tent wUl pteaae remit. -. .!.. , ..... fj-flf. 1 ill, l.uJmm. "A VI tjpf v j. ,,. .Two TesF for Only $3. Having a few complete fU of Oca Ltvras ABB Oca DBAS for lo7on haad, w will fur aita that vaar and tha entire veer 17 in. ''flibrarT Aacociatlon ard Hlulcais Socle tie would do well to note tklt. . lt. td and Sd volume bandtometv bout i library tt)lefuroUhed at I2.W per vel- ume, or ,?, u arnt by man. ,a , , ..(Mk muM mctvmpatty all order, , , ' Addret , S. D. FOOL, JB lS-tf Rielgb,N.C. BEiUsborQ? XrnUTATlT ACADEMY, mLLSBOllV N. a i Thl Inrtltatlon, recently koown a "HOR NER A GRAVES' School," will hereafter be conducted bv R. H. Gbavss aa tole PrlnclmJ. aided, as beret .fore, by tbe aceompliehed In tructora, Uoa Moaaoa, Ja , A Maj. D. H. liaaULTOSlrf i -.;, ,. ".. !( Tbe Borinr Seulon of 1870 wUl ouea oa the I7tb of January. For circular apply to Maj. V. H. Hamilton nodi tbe Sth of Jaon ary and afterward to tbe Principal. N- O TIC E Application will be made at the office of tbe North l aroline Railroad Company In thirty dai from date, lor baue of a dupll- eal of Certidcate tio. 8318. dated February 14, Ibid, for three tharea-1 f etock in taid touipaay. tbe orrgiual being lott or mitlaid itu viu uy of January, - 7t. , Ktf If. BATTLE, Admr. HUH. E. T. SMITH. JOARDINQ HOUSE FOR RENT. I wit r nt at a reaaonabl nrke tnv iioute. . . .... . . L j . r .. ' irwuj iiiiiiieueu auu tuiginiy located on ta comer of Newbera Avenue a1 Peraun atraet. 1 and otiiv twu auuare from tbu apltoL xoaacmou given at oikm. ; . MRS. HENRI W. MILLER. for ' the bet Mlllnr Frlw l A Pa. knee In the world. It . nwit.l 18 ahveu iper. 1ft envei.mea. - Pn. P Holder, Paucu. pateuted Yard Meaaura. and a pieee of Jewelry. Biugie package whb ale- Suit i'riie, po.ipald, Jc Clrcalar free. bibb A Co., 70V iirvadway, N, T, TAR'J! LARD I 1.,. Home rendered out of Leaf Fat, alas, Aorihern in all etyle, at F. (U CllKUlOfrtERS A CO.'S, "' Wllmuiirtoa street. jA8T NOTICE. T . All tiAMiMi. InAjkhiA A ur ti a. m m Tucker aurvivinu nartnm nt W U B a " Tucker A Co. are Dotlned, that tU claim r maining ui etUed by Feb. 1st 1 70, will be placed In tbe hand of an attorney for eollee Uob. W cannot make anv tuutitn from thl V'BAf. aoric aa we hare graatadtU - th indulgence the Law will allow. .; ; . . , nr. i. t K. B. TUCKER, T " ' ' ' ; Servtvlng Partars. "v DR. BABCOCK WILL EEbUME THE. practice of Dentlatry a soon aa he caa St up bU old room, on Fajettevtll Btreet, over th Sno Store ot V. D. naartt. U will t aoakUfut work a say oa In th. prx : feb 731 A Great Offer!! WewiU during the HOLIDAYS' diapoM of ' 100 PIANOS and ORGANS f first class ma ker, Including vt ATEkS' t lower price then ever before offered . Monthly lnsull- -meut received running from 18 to 80 moath. Warranted for year. Second Hand In strument of extremely 1 w price for eaah JllMtrattd Cobfcywet Mailed. Ayrnl, wanted. Wreroom8l Broadway, N. Y , Horace waters a sons. j 4 . E. X- Hall, , N. L. Joss. HALL& JONESI " A U CTI O NJb lili S .ji.4 ? : i;r ABB ; Oonunission Merchants, PaATjira Butldwo WitiaxaTox' Stbxr Will tell Merchandise, Produce, Stock, Real Etiale, Ac, Consignment ollclted. ' Return promptly and aetMaetortly mad. Refer to J. O. William', President Stat National Bauk. B. .'. Maufv. Mayor of hal elgh, W. II. A R. e. Tucker, '0. Vt, Blackiall, laroorourk Uouse.' - au 14--1 m. , fi ' GREVI MEDICVL BOOK. yf'r snd Secrets for Lr.dlet and UenU, T -'i Sent free for two ttanipa. Addrem. r.I ST. Juasra MiuicjO.1 btitvts, - ", -t ; -St,' Jcoeph, Mo. 1 ICKET FARES AND TIME SCI1ED 1 Lt-K TOTi K kVT. via THE CliES- A1'EEKAOHIOR . ' Flrtt -Uf fare trout sleigh to Cincinnati Hint clatt far from Raleigh to Indtanee- 0li.'i&.7ft. . ., First etas fare from Raleigh to Chicago First elaMTroto Raleigh to St. Loul33.9S. rini cut from Raleigh to L uUlll Paatenger for Ctocuiuaii and the wett, leaving Kaleigh by the K. A G. 8. K. 10.t0 a m. tialn, re cb Richmond at 8.45 p. leate Ktchmood at 10 80 p m , bytbeCia ciiinatl A Ouio Rilruad, and reacb Ciacio Sail at 8.00 oa the murping.ot the accocd '' , CONWAY R. HOWARD, r?- - GB. Pa. A Ticket Agent. , W. If. S. DOB, lii" i lagiaaeersBdSBBV.. .... , .-. it X.U.ii. v.asuftea.trat f J --x :