V: k 1 $ THE HOST USE 'UIIXA SETS. CLiSS SETS, FINK CONSTITUTIONAL AMEXD- '" , V ' MEXTV Itt Amendment: That section 4, of article 9, be sUkkeu out and two new sections be substituted. The section to be stricken out Is In regard to lands given to the state bj congress- and the appropriation of tines, penalties, &o The 'sc lion to be substituted gives all lauJa oroceed of lands, given by the United Uti to the state to educational purpose i all swamp lands, lines Jtf, are to be used iv par- posts or eaucauon. 2nd AmenduM-DletrikeeouteecUon 17, article 3, and ubutuu-s a aeetion pro viding for the establishment of a bo- beau of aicrlcultureJniuiiirratioo and sl tUttcs, and tbe protection of sheep Husbandry. 3d Amendment adds to section 25, of article 1, that "secret political societies are dangerous to the liberties of a Tree people and should not be tolerated." Ui Amends section 10, article 3, by providing that tbe governor, with tbe - mlvioe uf - 4be senate, - shall siipuiut aU . omoea viioee ' aptxMntaieuM are not otherwise provide! for. 5th Abru-rates and amends aectioa 15, - 10 and 17, of article 4, and allows tbe general aaeeaibrj to allot and distribute all judicial power among tbe several counties) except tbat of the supreme court, which is fixed by the constitution itself. - Cth Strikes out sections 1 and 3, of article 13, and forbids calling a conven tion without first consulting tbe people attnepous. .-7l0v, pwHde for mtbsttittia - U amendments to tbe constitution to the people, at thethe polls, Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November, 1876. The amendments will be ratified or ts- JWMXI tufftwm. I. .:,. 8th Pro villus for publishing the ordi nances fur the inf urmauon of the people. Vth lierfjuirea tbe judge to reside in the district for which be is elected, and forbids his holding court in the county more than onos' in four years. i 10th Reduces the number of judges from 12 to 9, and authorizes the legisla tureto increase or diminish the number. 11th I'rovules fur tbs assembling of the legiaUtui - in- January - instead of NovemlMr. 'r 12th Hits civil rights on the head by forbidding white and black children going to the same school, and providing that no discrimination shall be made - to the prejudice of either race. 13th Fixes the psy of members of the general assembly at $1 a day sad 10 cents mileage, and limits the session to 60 days. If the session is prolonged beyond CO days, members receive no pay. 14th f rovidea that the term of office for senators and members of the legis lature shall begin at the time of their cction. 15th, That section 29. of article 2, la amended to allow tbe general assembly to change the time ot holdiug elections for the iceoeral assembly 1 Cth Strikes ft oiu the constitution sec tion 4, of article a, which ia tbe old re publican gerrymander of the senatorial districts in 1808. - 17th Reduces the number of supreme Iurfges from five to three, as our lathers ad i t, - 18ih Declares the judicial power shall be verted in a court lor the trial i impeachments, a supreme court, su perior courts, courts oi Justice of the peace, aud such others interior to the supreme court as may be eotablmhed by law. 19th Establishes the supreme court in Haleigh, until otherwise provided by the general assembly. , 20th Strikes section 8 article 2, from the constitution. This section was tbe old republican gerrymander of the ouee - of repreeeutativesr- aud - the , aople can do without it. 21st Forbids vacating any office or term ot office now existing under the sonstitution. 22nd l'rovides for the. election of juuVi-B of the supreme court aud sutie- nor court, by general ticket, or vote of all the people ; but allows the general assembly to change the mode of elect- ing superior court judges from general ticket to district elections- . 23d ltequires 12 months' residence m Hie state," and 90 days in the county, before a man can vote, and excludes v felons aud ex-penitentiary - convicts trout holding office or voting uuul re stored to citizenship by due process of law. , There was two days' debate on this ordinance, Messrs. Dockery, Alberlson and .Buxton, with all the negro delegates.speaking against it and declaring it was aimed at the negro. , 24th l'rovides for the removal by the legislature of any judge of the superior court, for mental or physical durability. ' Jt also prevkles for the removal of clerka of the supreme and superior eoHrts by the. Indites of the courts for the same reason. Appeal in case of I removal is allowed as in otntr cases or suits. - . 25th Provides that article 7 of the oon- s:itutioo be amended by adding that the general assembly shall have power to modify, change or abrogate any and all of tbs provisions of the article, and sub stitute others in their place, except sec - tionr 7,9 sad 13. This allows the legisla tors to appoint magistrates as under tbs old constitution. i 26th Gives jurisdiction to justices of the peace over civil actions founded on contract, when the sum does not exceed 200 ; and allows the justices to call in a lurv of six men in certain cases. : to'Hh Authorizes the employment of convicts on publio works and highways. 28th Adds tbe following new section to article 4 : "In ease the general as sembly shall establish other inferior court", the presiding officers and clerks thereof shall be elected in such manner ;;" as the general assembly may prescrib.' Oi mm M Mil k II. 1 S FUL, EXTENSIVE AND I CASTOBS, 6POOX3 AND FORKS, sou ma sua su wnii UHicp uir scent to the third ameration. - 80th Adds to article 1. section 24 "Nothing herein contained shaU-justify tbe practice of eej-rnue oonoealea weapons or prevent the legislators from tnactuur penal statutes asauiat sum ensooce,. 81st Abolishes section 31, of articles Aud provides fur tubus? all offices provided for by this article by tbs governor t ot Anerwiae provided lor. - aid ttvMOH lor payina; omoersana members of tue convent!. 33d Oives power to tbe supreme court to try issues and questions oi fact a under the old constitution. f INSTITUTION A L CONVENT! N OF V NORTH CAROLINA OF Wi, Complete ts Pairtoerapkle tr up by 1, W. WATSON. The sly eumulets copy In et nuance and will be sold st s moderate prk aii at m MM i usiiery, nmwira, . o eel MM - - - . . SOUTHERN rOUCT-UOLDEK. Am IsMrsacs Jottrnal devoted to the Inter est of fuitcy-buidora. Cuotslns ill ltaa surssce literature of Lfa day. Onlr lusur new usiwr Is Nurtk Csrullus. TresU of bulk U(e and in liMunues, inMtiic wlld-M eointNUiirs sad eoniDMnullBC th troos u io io peuuie ui ona lru m, uw pspcr ii.r iduw uiiMvaira is iDtursnce fulMrriirtitMi S3.U0 In sdviwe. Advertise- sseut la ertod at rimbnibk rate, r '- j ; Aldrm, - ": jNac. ncrsoN, Editor sod Proprietor. septt4f MaleixB, M. M !. g tsm , absbmos U tlawrsa U tHThH te( AK1 I.J' ATiOKNEYn AT LAW. . , , Asssvnxs. N. C . , Praeiier In ilisraprvsn Conrt stRal lea. ao .a tee 'r sad frderml Oosna mt Wss It s tl C- roUt'S : .. ;(. VA HO UN A UOVHKBOLD MAQAZIBS, JLs Ulosmte atoatoly of Cbotcs Utor : lam. I i abliabvd Bioa'tif at " OOLUHBOBO, H. C It a tMMDtif villi Lla istcd sVuosita of Lit rs'trs, dMliSwl be tbs tirsat Haw bold MutsiM uf 'k eoutb : 1 sort UitlTttrfeBriaetfwnruieiwcrpleni tnr-4 asa iMtwauc uw isaa sy Mis.s-im is th cosstry, ahd for us smdc piles, .ivsc Mors Kaadlnr No alaBtstrs ar ctst which stthtr talent or eauttal ess a eunswi,d to reader tseh laaae a srres- '! sd tau-a Uvs coaiitidlnta of caoloe nad ) p- paUr mnlnt, balk hoas ssi" (hroad. : m ricToaa aatLaai. s t it'twt'i f ataiv. Ihr Janaary kiI- r ri-auib Ills I as portrait of Ha- Z VB.a d bltrai bUMl keteb. fe it tvllovaS H. 'k Banahrr mn pbota )! w uia , nNalneat aUtassMk, dlvbiaa tr. ,.: m : . i NLT ft u A TEA-, Puaiais Eras, i a-cb n' H-fin-i ess B'ak s cboica of a m a ' iiraauf si Isrsr E r vt . sis r iHs S a, b vis: fisdins ol !.. n,i Btpk. 'I e toado sa," ' KW Uar Dtfyta h Bl rut." foe a e m lerip ui tbs slrr''toB trlea. a ar ... B Khar 1iil i mil noable It ..- . d ! th stagaSti a An) oa iti at (lab l an rrecitc au eitn ui rlit'. t t I si epir Ml cm la I tl'0"t' llH-'p't lltlOt Ibf Ku rvxbllO gcsU Wabd Er)"ber. A' S'MS jaf s-'T nu; k' S, i ' CENTS! SO ELEGANT OIL CH ROM OS l noautcd. slu ill. for it. Noveltiea and Chromua In rvtry dearnuUou NaTlosaL Cshom s co.j Phil., Pa. in. OR KENT. " , For the year 1878. Tba House ' and Lot oa tiUUboror Direct uppuaita tba kxclmoif iotel. koooBMt s uU-bli-npntpan. laa lloua oDial4 shibt toiul..nab , ro mea KiU'bcn o.uuinUn fur ruoioa. Two OtU-e roowa ia tanl all is rood urder. OuUmIs Panlry and woodbouaa. Mall of good waier ia vard, punips'Mt'k d. . : . g v. mat app J w .. W. 1. I1L l.llll.B. II. or to . B.HU rclll M8, PayettcTios et.. vD.it Tucaer H t dec 20 tf ' ; . , , I -HE8t! CHEESE! Another lot of thai fine Gtlt Edge Cheese. Retail at 0 cents per ponnd -1 ry h. A E. C. CliKlSlOPMtBS H CO.'S, , Wiliaiugton street. ) ACON I BACON Just received 10,000 pounds Wmtb bacon. bniiiiht bef re tbe rUe. Call sad grtur aupiwa. At mult advance foreaah, at r. . vn K4 s rur h k at oo 'ts WilmlriKloo treat, a-ar C'Uy Mjales. Ah OTHER CAR LOAD OF FUlVR, from Brat bauds, fur aale at saiail preau, at i r. cciitusiurHrKSACo. H ilmlugtoa street. REMOVAL OF OFFICE.: t rr.'waiiom lata: ; Office at bis residence, e mier of Rlonntatraet aud Kewbern avenue. Jan 14-St. . , .-: , , : J. W ATT S A uctioneer aD COMMISSION MIBCH&NT, RALE I Gil, IV. C. Prompt attention will be given to sll M ch and toe or Produce sent to me for sale. Parttcntar attention will be rireo lo the ln- trod actios and aale of Machinery and Faras- inc nteoaUs lulled to this seebon. Horaes and males sold every ratardsy st 10 o'clock. , . i i . Jan 14 HOOLWANiED. A ftentlemaa who has been enraged ' for ten Tears ia teachiiur cisasical acAools el bixn trade, in l ginia, iueMvaaecnanre ola prieate seoooi or aeaaemy n jonii Carolina. He is prepared to rlve borough Inetrnttton ia the Latin, Greek, French and Eacliah lasaraasea. Saiiafaeto s refer eacra furuiabed. M ould like to eouinience Murk 1 at and teack tre mouths, preparatory ts s looser aeatkMS. ' Addrraa with full particular, w. w. WOODaON. Brswa t ill t. O., Wjtbs Co Va., , .A fek T-daod Mill CHEAPEST, STOCK OF LAVrS, VASES, CT7T GLASSWARE TV BOls wmiJI lSI,iw 4)oe M aad onsjOOLDaJK. lit Uii relebmtcd Ban Kib tiios in Mora, and will be sold at reduced pries. Tbey are said to cleaa bcuer, ris faster and last loogor tuaa any other (is IS use. - , , Also. One W Saw BVened hand Ear. JAMES . TOWlES, septlS-Sia i .. Agent. TUE HOWE 8EWINO MA - ' ' CHINE. VV "" ; . h URSTMAt HINi PATEMKU. Ts ; Bt Mckin4 MfaetwrU , The Bel Is tke Cltenpcsi Tae i4ala f aipariorlty rs j . J Simplicity and Perfection in Mo cnanum. Durability Will last a lifetime! Rang of Work--Wtthout luaUeU t; Perfection of Stitch aud Tension f , . Headquarter for the South at . 2 T r- is JIA JiJHy& i 4 Baltimore, Md im foi ciKcniis or mm rticn si'Ea a tTDrciifENTH to CAfrr ruB- ..... CHAFERS', i f - A liberal discount to Clobs of Sre or mora. Every Machine is warranted aad sattafae- tios caurssteed. Tbe IIO WE MACHINE is "fir sals Is RALEIOH st No. 13, rsycttevDle St. JOHN W . H 1 N I D 1 L I , ATTOBNAT AT LAW, Rooni No. J; First Floor, Lav BuUdtug, , RALtiau. n. a. AUende sli tke CoarU la Raleigh aad Fay stUriUa. CUima collected ia ail parte ef K. 0 Ref era to Hon. R, M. Pearaon, Ckief 4na tics of M. C; Hob. M. W. rUusom. U. & Scuator : CHixens' Nat. Bank. W. H. k K. a. Tmkcr, UUIiem 4s. Haywood, RalelKb: ra)eTuia itai. H I, Merenanu' n a of Fayetteviile ; Bank of New Hanorer, WU minrton, N. C. ; Morton, Bliss Co.. Phelps IXxlire A Co.. H. K. 1 barber A Co.. H. k Clsaln Co., N. Y. ; Landreth to, Phils.; . nr. uau at si, Ball. He has formed s connection whh Vesara. Me ae di Brosdfoot of FaTetuvllre. N. C with r ference only to Ais f mart bustneas at that point Ail com niun teat ious addressed to 4. . Hinsdale, care of McKae Bros foot, FayettevUle, N. C, will receive prompt at oei IS-tf - .-.. i V L I U S T A Y L O It, W. (Cera ker sid Jeweler,"' -r.--Laiiso SvasarV"-- Near the corner of M lllnrt iti and Harrett tieet. ork wetland cheap y exeeukd. feblMf ; -.-I - tl LNl.'K OU OrtraiiH A Velndeona. , . t i i t it M I I lit I TksOldtwt. Larseet as) Moat Perfect Msaa- ,fyifyV4i fait V4eay 5.000 '1 "?-...J N a. aaa. No ikM ll llcat InalruaH at erer alt Jsed , ' Be same f npalanty. Uf a. S t.. Prt l.iai. Mt VUFFALO, V. T. A i AV'lH-1 OKrrr i i ... v -"Vaiff q sir ...... 4 ' RALXIQH, M. a . . rtlil sttentioa rtvea to Savtar ef Hoae- . ads, la vtew ef the hue dednoa of the Ss v me oosrtor us u alia a sui s ea us sno rt , : mar S-dsvAwtf Ossrsaf ats tkorougUy Statoiud A T MOCK BOTTOM PMJCXJL , . hmrf UX JVUVB LKW1S A CO. pADTTS, OILS, tOLOBS, Hardware of evtry Description JLUisLtitraa tu flSHU BOILDINO, A - r KaJeisb. N. C. r ' 2aw3oJ ' J MBAT OrFEtl j j Uoraer Waters A (ona. tfll KtouIwst' R. T , ill eispoac of 1 PumlS and rasns of Sr, t class Bakers. Iscladiss Wa.ar. si x- trrntrly low prices for cask, dsnnf th s moats part caait. ssd be Sacs a arnaU son h'y psjmentf. Tie -sow lo let Vs. Vrs New real. Pus.. B'e tbe best mads Tbe t aeb .last c, aaJ a (a, tlniing tone, pawer st, pas ad ae. Wi'n' C racerto Oirr c Boot t a estelk d ia toa or b.eitj; lie) delj rtaMios. Tbe t'ooceit stop is a i'te Imta-tna of th haisan on-s. AgesS wsate , i liberal dieroaai W u r--rs. n.isuiwr , eharrka. schools, lodcas. etc -peoal s daaimanu to 'he Uads liiastratad .ateioiratMasuMs. , . 0 1:1 1 "I r--e , - a a i ; . a a i st , - a nrv S1IAS AND NEW YEAR MOTTO CUM AND ilaiwt ' S Ml . . . ::;:rr 8 A J O K I ft. - ttir's At Law, RALEIOH, N. 0. PRACTICE la tbe Supreme C. art sf the Slats, the Circstt and DieUtrl CrU of toe United Ms has and the seymi 4Jnrrt of t-e Alb Jsdistal Oisuist. ft A Vi (iO .at Vat lie l nutissits toe U ISen- auia hwis I s mm D I K N I r O PaTIT cHIPPlNo TANi Over Two Handred MUUnns ham bees used wAule tbe pat 10 ier ttioa' eomj'lsiat of tuts by Tag hee- -saint fe-taehed Tssi ass seas aausaus e. aaasiae t Vitro Bsxs vsa asv Ts s f-al S SitaMawias B--am, i. JQ F. E1NU, OF NORTH CAROLINA, :Wrrs JOIIN80X, BUTTON A CO. DRY CT0OD8. Noa. y Baltimore aad I vortk Liberty Bui T W. Jornsuji, J. E. R. CasBsa. m. m. si ttos, ',i u d. oaaao aept ii-MB - GOME YE DISCONSOLATE ! Men In aeanh of FIRST-CLASS GOODS. the Terr Lai at Tin of Faahion. and nut no is s style that will suit the moat fastidious taste, Koto . os Fayetlevflle Street, one door South of the soothers Express unite. ; It Is a Conceded Fact that Weikel can put id tba beat an. a luosi satisfactory JOB is the wav 'of fine euite of Clotbinc, from S tt'eddln to s Business Suit, that eas be turned out fat Raleurh. The old and youns; men say It. tbe ladiea (Ood bless them) endorse It and tod children cry over It, cry fur Joy wi ea their revered "dads ' put oa a suit oi eiaei eioioiag. Weikel takes this oeeaaioej to r tors his thanks for the large and liberal patrpoaire heretofore received, and respectfully asks for a continuance of tbs same. His stork of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, ( ., f SUITINGS . Is much Isrr r than ever before, and com prises all tbeLatest Novelties hTtyt, bavtpf been recently purchased st low prices from FASHION HEADQUARTERS. As usual his force of Work mea are Picked Mea, whose skill aad ability ar knows to the "dressinn'' public. Corae one and at to tbe Eaiimrlura of Fasbi' S, eikal's, the Merchaut Tailor, for Crst class Bu t ot UJtrif, oi flret class -WWWfWtvv vs. Ei mm m mil Xww Jlookajaft re.ntr. T author ul "the llouseholUOI Iriford D.ll. kir.(iim,i Irmotrt, mi nd Sbirc. The Household of BouTeri&: -'' :- Hester Howard's I emptauon. . , A Double Weddaj. . Tbssbovs 8l Kcw Books sre written bv ths popuisr Southern Authoress, Mr. Cstb- anas A. Wsrtleid, former y of MislstmV ut now of Lo iisvO s, Ky , Sud sutbnvor the world a ide noted wura, 'lhe n ouar hold of B xivcrie." wlii h is o a of tbe best ami Rioa estrsordiiury n Tela er puousara. Tbe shove six Ikjoks s.e each Imii d In ime cio'h, ful. t I t hock and -I le. price l.tScach or lU.au lor a complete set u ine six oi amea. put up l.i a neat su strong box. lr Jiuuk art Jot tule by' aU ItovlmllerL bf ciniiet of either one or more of the atwre IrL. or tomjiltte art of f Arm, r7 bt vit at onre to any one, to any ptnee, portage prepaid, or free of ' frtiykt, on tndttine Mitir friee itt a, letter, the T. B. PETERSON BROTHERS, 9S0 CLert Strtrt,- PWlailelj.hls, Ps. FORRENTr' :;- ' . A weU arrsnjed two Story STORE-UOUSA Ml he nt ntsd ioo4 termarn t t rm ft - " 3 R. W. BFST, aov a-tra - HtllsboroBttaet. T 1 R E - MRS. S. A. MOWT, ' Makaa anA elcaaa elntkna hi the beat saa efceapea.' atvla. na Rlnndwnet.h St. NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD IN QuALlTT and a. least r , i ', '. j dee 9-srs u u. uux u ai Orrica or tbb Sac'r or aa . - WasTEaa N. C. Inaasa AsTxtnt, ... MoaoasToa. il. C., Feb. 4th, 1876. T order of the Board of Commissioners of the esters Insane Aevluavof North Carolina, bidders who have fore warded pro posals for laying sii k for tbe foajndatlon walla thereof, are hereby InfO'med that the opening ot tbe said bids has been deferred Tbey are notified tbat tha Commission -did" ot, and - do not now, propose-So fsrtjish sand, for tbe said work, in ufl easy, aefl bidders are free to modify their Me id re tard to tha Wppiy otsu, rtf -theyaee Mwnsr.' : '- i "-' Ihey will farther QndersUad tbatexeeated builds Will be required to be lied by thst date. T.GEO. WALT Hp feb7-lt. SceretsryJ - n .r -1 - rr YalasVe Uo'd Mine For , Hsle. Br virtue of so order of the Superior Court for Cnlos County N. C, sppoa4lrr me rommlM loner so sell the Rral katssa of W. f, Cnreton. deceased, 1 will sell at public aacuoar to the six hast bidder st im uurt U....U.l.w ln t....w m V i ' rm (K At I. AmW of March Wt, laeLel. VaWd'lJoa ie orStock- ton uom 39ine,wna l.tv acres oi lata mnf m Union county upon which said sulne is itualed.'j.;-''':.Avirf 4 I I For terms and etber particulars addaua, '-1 I .'J- H. UAV1S, Cem t'mr X T Vi-I il l it AU'T alLsw. liana7-swH. ! V. . . Moaree,' N. 0. .. ... im. fmimm e)lsia sieeeim'-A: aststiwaat " ant GIFTS EVER7 OPENED TEA" SETS, : CUTLER"!, '. SPIT rrs H E ' w It V f fa. sr I 'I ir.yMiiwji "I 7 . Cf ; -!J -f-iM' tt .i JO J O B " FO R K ; ,... ,1 ; . .V; U I ' . i. ."f i. w.f , ,! ! .f ilavilifc- IwfittoJ Olil , y And secarod ihs servirw uf a . 5 . -i t v 4 it;- I l , . . ! I ; " .j . ; .-,. -t .,-.1 I jj:e -4 !.: We art tu.w prepared to execute . ; I1"- it; jkU kinds til oiaJii loiiiiV itviO'iU PLAIN. AND. FANCY, Job Work. .r. "... - ...v , .. All peraotid havinii , it1: BiUHea : a i Z. n I T A Lett r Heads. Rqaiaoi Csrda ,V ! . ...1 :f j, J . it i.iw ti' -.- j ,..; . . I , 1 1 ,1 ! i' ':'..... , ' IJ.reuwrs. P.snela. aVc j it ' v: seated in the veh' best style bt ending it to the 1 r '' r-: i. t: aontinol Office A i.il . ' r, . ! " i: ' f .1 il f We tret slao: prepared to do a.l bl-J. -1 took: Work . : j; i 'i. : , ;" '' " " f X. . ' J r ' (-:' !' 'JM ' is-.- - ' . ....yrifrtfTT.(T, In the verj beet style, at ; . .;-: ; fs '.' i All wark sent f- ju will , be dene ! J.'A " i ' i-s ' ; : s ' v ssicltlj Bnd.dieaply ss t tny other FRUiTIIfO HOUSE W THK j .... . . is "... .-.;.. ' ' . . 'i ' r .ji DvU A sj ..i ; .i . . a . TTfO r 8 'IX D 'a U L I I. T arrits te 4 few davs. ElirMf TCeirttfeky Dorsea sed Mules. rrice so son say one. " xamrne tDem' " . ' :. .. . deaie-aw"-" w. w. wian t to. , '''' ... ' -I iU,! . il fti.; .: ...'! ' ( ... -.1 . ? -f ... . ! . ' . . . i.'.-o.-: a .: .,t ALL EINIMOf m i .!. ... .!-..., -. . .- .. ; Job Office, .HI 'tiwewii n.w tew. I mgiwt a-ilaaKffrTfTm;aw '.fll- r.'nUa :.;! t,":.:'l :' : . " ;. AV .. .,, ..,.,,-.; ,,,.,. I :;.. .) 1 1 . i ) IS RALEIGH: I ,v. J H'l ft T00X3, CTILLTJIJEX'S SETS. IcU il OfUI ARMSTKONO, BLANK BOOK VAXURAtTTTItER, OTSB . B. BnmnmB ' i A.L'S, J ,.ati. B.,rt.tili4 .. l A i (all. i j , 5 ,i j n-vtis" UDsiBSaavaaT will Pal fnua It ts It ui nay, m twparsaed ia )oar uwa t rinh" booc. sod is stnctU boaors Is ParlicuJara free. Or samples Worth Several' dollars tbat will enable yon to so to work at Osea, wi'l be eat oa receipt 3 sfti eeats , . SHtl ! i.a HIV All kSI ATTORHarr' AIT LAW ' ' . ..... ,t v .. f. ,. V . V, .04 . a, 1.1 .... nneth or the (feart Hse a ,()- ' sv (V''L l' t,S io .i:-:n-.. - i.: .' .' Practices Is the state sod Federal Ooarta UoU-eUudsmade ta asv jsrt s' North ru. oiiaa. ..... .,,..., , . ,.. - HE CELEBRATED Eiter or mn - JROWtPB VAldaTT fVoRE, Jaj-tf " nolleasa BuUdlaa. QUltE ;fllAT UUJI1 - .. ef f A-t v1 ft fl,T Dr. C. T. McMannen's AMBHIC1N Tilt MIXTURE PRICIONK POLLAB. fa Qatar Botrraaai Rkstket vo ToiscwKir Few d arh. olaa. Bore Throat. .He Bess and alt Laos; Oisra-es: asuevia It res omm aded as s K. mtly Mediciss lev tjildrea a it arrests st rce every Symplons' if. vrosp, or s-tacas ut wd m. sacs ae cSHSrea arc awbjectta. patties arlr lotas eaUef of -Wboopins I onia, ita cembmatiss witk Bairar and oikarlrared saw ssakaa It sot aa pleasant to tbe ta: te, and ns daatrer whatsvar InltsBaa. Tskrsis purloa of half Bteav spoonial st a tma whenever tbse is s diso. siUob to eonb. and st sibt whos yoa lie dowa It ecu flwilj OB tot lldneys snd tba I. vet i k Manaractured snd add Wholerale and Ke- Uil by tae Proprietor, Uarhem, a C Lib eral die'-osBt to wbo sea's dealers. Orders solicited. JN: a. McMAMNBN. General Bualueaa Atat. TESTIMONIALS;, ,',; fter ttienJthirelifbUMBOj oitbs In a south ern Climate to res'OiS my Langs I ruve vp ladesp.ir. srjd earn rometodle with my ihildrvo la Itold-bo o N. C While there 1 obuine s b-. of l)r VcVsnsen's lar Mix ture. IU list Vff et as to tBtble m to -sleep; Bif strttu'ii beS" t rviara; hope rriv d; n y coiifcu cava way .iter neCdf ill hoii n. waa restored to health 1 Bow we Kb 140 ibe! 1 owe ni life lo tkia mixture. and wish this psbllabed to tne world I bare k ea afl uted witk a conch far tklrtv tear I have Bard all tbe uotulai remediea fm cMis.ha . 1 hve a ver found astai s; to remain on tLe i'o ach sr tve any relief, sntii 1 wsed tr scMw sm'a-AaMnvssi Tr - Mill are Its u-e enables me to -leap well: r) lonira k ve i semned Ibeir tlresKlk. and I linn mie t ennrely free (rum a dixtrraaiBa nonifk teat atuck 4. me Is tbs morning. 1 sm raptdly recov-rins MHO. rtlT I la r ASOU AL. Mr La' rs save was walls oa my circuit. 1 Sa rttie hous oi recover 1 aaed use box of Dr. Mr.MauBeh s far at lit are, my eonxa tmprovea. m siren-is reiarnea, acul I .aa oon abis to resume my work, i recommend It lu all wbo have a eoujeb. r w.t 'S'sa. at. e. bun i, ,.' r . M. V. Coat area oa. Durham. N. C if all the uitdicine yon have taaas, the Tar Mix' err Is the os y thins thst ass dona vos any good.-'' ' ' '; ' ' I ' ' MAS i. K. Kf EM,- t . To Sec Has aid. Durham. If :. - A bans asad Dr. C, T. He M stiaen's A met lea a Tar Wixfars myaelfL snd in mt familv; I do net hftkaUirewoo mssd at aaa rrmedy U. he aed ia n c aaes of Cooh. (Mat, core Throat, Hoarsaoess sad Lang diseaeee Hnnoreds of other Tes'tmonisls cos d be oSered. Takes st all times II portions of half s teaepooaful or teas. No dancer ehetevar. claiiie. ." t i e.i' is - riucitce utt. is, loit. This ass feVsaAioa Is a ssmpWts success; Washes i.verytfclsA' from s lady's Wee Collar ttoMtsrpa com plats style. ' , Works with ease and, rapidity sod without , lalaritotbselotAv t,,;. y JIM.EAND MONEI RATED.. . . Ik- Waakmg duse b) a woman ha oss dsy can bs done K'bs patt anted Eareks as j-; these boots. V .';,.!-.' vU t"'i Pries SIS. witk writ t er s tacked 12. ixt" ' i. B. FShBAICj MaBBfactsrrr asd FstteeVc,C ry, U. C' DO TOU WANT A NEW ST TLE Gent's Hat, eaJl si -., n: i rr , -.. i r sosvaxjiaa J I BlJL l 8 I TO ivIxJ lnV t i if ' ' i r ' i r i h r I'V i, -' s. i is- l 5 . 'r' deslsm vu. hiikh a - .' - ' ' ' a"'

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