THE RALEIGH SENTINEL. 1' Xtt PREPARED limb. ) - ; It unl for the suuf acterar, Im m urf te eff er thi Fertiliser M wj reaeoa aMrate. It Hyatt what our land Bswda aad u. .fun are lxmuL 1 kmT ewrUneatee foaaBef UMM planters la thi Bad adjoining counts who tested it with othar high priced UMMit end iweoamead It M final to say that they hare, ad only eoeti owa third of the prtoa of other fer- , Uiliar. There caa be uo humbug abuat r . , i. i i av.ii li MbL Into it which will mak It tell at once on the growing crop while itt effect hpoa warsoll a m WmtlsiaV mA IkaMkJtAMavl. I M now receiving order sad would be K- Meed te secure them M early bs poslbl.o e R in time. 'Alse oa hand aeildsra Mi4 Agrieultaral UmuD Land PH",, fb 14 la. JAMES M. TOWLES. yfTOODt WOOD! tOO Cords for ! at Jiving prices, st F. 0- CHaUST0PHk3iB CO.', Wilmington street, mules Aid mums. J Ala have oa the toad OH hundred boad Jf uloa Md Horses, which wiU arrive hero ea or mi a im iota. We ere able to aetl rml bargala. ' fnu-iw QKa w. wi want ACQ. N I 0 " -a - a.axaalaitit Aawl rlillat Mffi1(paa4 h iha awlkl PaaLoif All that Btorabarf, doeeaAed, all mrauat b-Julaf claim acalaat tho eUt of th a. Id Stem berg are hereby aottned to preaoot the am to the axleraigaed bvfuro the lat da of Mk 1H77. or th t aotkso will be plead ae ordlog to low. All paraoej lndMKl to the aarae are herrb called ypoa to wtUa at ooeo or Mil WIU DO orooani. T. K DKVEKl'X. tr. fb41aww- REAL E8TATE Bureau. . i TARB0R0U0B HOUciK. A U. KIN1M OF PKOP1HTT KlVflHT Xa. Md sold oa Coaiaiiaaloa at faaiatr KiweLAt N tW STOU I NBW GOODS 1 1 1 I V T T W A T T t! ' 1 1 vImaktis sroirr, . ' ' On Dooa Fbom Baptist Oman, ..-! RALEIGH, N.Cr Mr. Watte I a practical MUUoer and Worker m Straw Good. Altera, remodela. and pro Straw and Felt Hate, Boaaeu. Make ad nmodrlt every daaciiptloa of Ladlaa1 Mra'a or ChUdrea'a llat. (Hvo keaoaU aad yim nt-getlha lairat tvle of Pari or New Tork. aal4-Sm V NOTHIK LOT" Nice OowBtry Butter at F. C. CHRISTO PHER CO.'B, B, at US ceate per poaal Uo I st and fraah. I forktalllBleo QATS! OATS I 1,000 kcMhew heavy htte Seed Oate for F.C . CHRISTOPHER A COT'S, Wtlmlogtoa ureet, Bear city Scale. JpOR BALE OR EXCHANGE. 106 ACRIS OP VALUABLE MINERAL LAND for eale, or WIU oxcaaog lor VI 1 X PROPERTY. The land la rich la the beet hroa ore, about 70 acre la orlKloai groetB, la two aiuee 01 uo luuiu nuiruwo. Per lurlhar Information apply to ZIAI. Ab BWHi Hollemaa Bulldln. Raleigh, N. . JaatL JINQWOOD WINE COMPANT. keep eoajtaatly oa hand 8CUPPERNONO WINL-Impartal brand. WRITS AND RED CONCOR1 WINE. PURE BCVPPERN0N0 BRANDT, very ; ttprtor for medicinal purpote, equal to ta Savor to the beat Preach. ' SCCPPERNONG VINEGAR new article, very Ine. ' ''" . "" ' The article are auanfacturvd by the nn deralgaed from Grape grown oa their own vineyard, and are warranted free from any tninrloa adulteration whatever. AddreM, C. W. GARRETT CO., Kincwood. dee SS-d4m. Hallfas cou ty. N. C I OW PRICES ALWAYS TAKE THE Li ' LEAD." 1 1 1 1 i mm W. bow offer to tie PDilic tlic Great-! -elBariaiiiftae-lier A SEERT All made and flnUhed reaiy for th Lundrj,"witk the exception of the but ton or ejcletholea, ef Wanwutt Miulin sod Richardson's Round Thread Fam ily Linan. i-.: For the exceediDgly low price of S for 16.00 by the doa. or dox. only. . wa It , in that thu ihirt ...nnl excelled in auperiodty of make aad flnUh or hi quality, by any ever offered before In thia market. ' i i V, H. A R. 8. TUCSXR. PIEDMONT' Altt-LISE RAJI WAY. -. . i RlCaTMOKD DAKTILIJE, RICHMOND " k Daivux R. W., N.C. Division, . and Nobth Wbstebm N. C. R, W, CONDENSED TIME TABLE, Im EJftet on nd mUr Sumdag,' Dei. . IMA, I87S. :C0IX0rS05TIlJl STATIONS. Mail Lsev Charlotte-.. Sift A 6 ' 10 M IMP. 1.49 ' n.51 U " '.. Air-Una June's " BaUsbwry...... Ursre-Boro.,.. Danville....... Duadee. ...... ' J If ' M Burkevill. .... Arrfre at Richmond.. GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Mail. Leave Richmond; ... " BurkavtUaw. - Duadee Danville " Greenaboro... Salisbury ..... 1.60 A. M. 9 00 " l.W P. M. 149 " " 4W 54 " . 6 - M Air-Lin Junc'n Arrive at Charlotte. . , OOINQ KA8T. GOING W, STATIONS. j MaIU Mail.; X Leave Oroexaboro.. , " Co. Shop.... Raleigh....... ( at Uuldaboro, 11.0 A. A. 4.11 A. I L A.11 0ft L. 8.90 S40PM 6.40 m STATIONS t'a Tram. Lrave Greeaeboro ... 700 PM A. 6.00 AM. u Co. Bbopa .... It Arrive at RaleWh.... Arrlrt at Uotdaboro.. i'.Wk'u 1U" A. TWpm, LrS.00PM. NOttTII WESTEUX X. C. R. B. Salem Bbarch.1 Iave Greeaaboro 4.45 P. M. Arrive at Salem 0.45 " Leave SaWm SI6A.X. Arrive at Greeaaboro 10. . fMnagar Tralba leavlor ftalelgh at 10.05 A. M. cooaect at Groeaahoro wUh tbe Sou th an Utttad Uaiar ,Rkahiit( the qalckeU Qme o eu ooouera euira. Jieeoeimoaauoa iraia leavlag Kaleltrh at 7.80 P. M., coaaecu with Northern boaad Trata at G oeaeboro for Rlchmuad for all po4aU tact. Price of Tick eU Mme a via other route. AreomaiodaUoa Trala leaving Greeaeboro at 7.00 P. M eoaaecte at Goidaboro with Morthera and Southern bound train oa the Wilmlnrtoa and Weldoa Rallmed. LvMbbarg Aeooata odattoa leave Ska BtoodiailvatO.OOA M., arrive at BurkevUle r. m.. wave Karaevuie l.W r. M.. a at Rich mond 4.84 P. M. No chajcqb op Cars between Char lotti and Richmond. 282 Miles, john r. macmurdo, Geaoral Paueorer Ageat, filchmood. Va. T. M. R. TALCOTT, Goal Boperinteadeat. D ON'T FAIL TO CALL AT Brown's Variety Store , F08 TOUR , NEW YEARS PRKShNTS. Great bargain can now be had. r ti HAT. L; BROWN, Hollemaa Building. FayettevUI (treet, Raleigh. OORI ASAILUia, liTTOBNl T 0 AT LA RALRIOH, M. a - Stat tad Federal Ooarta aa I a O-irto e I toe IB aa4 Ota Jfte.l IM.,,,-. POARDINQ BOCSE. Mr. Beck with baa opened a Bret claw Boarding Houaeat ibe t orner t Martin aed V) ilmlafftoa Street, in the redne formerly occupied bv tti late Or. It McKee. She t prepared to accommodate- aermanent a well a transient boarder. The table I alwayuplled wKh the very beat the market afford, and the room kept neat and coo- lonaDie. nor 10-tf CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL - - oxronn, r. c. 1. H. Hoama dt T. i. Hoaa, Priaelpal. Mr. i. H. Homer ha retarned to hi home at Oiford. N. C, aud will reopen bi school there the iaat Monday In January next. kev. T. J. Horner will be aociatd Ith him a Joint principal and th echooi will be conducted on the tame principle that were formerly o ureefully employed la nukmf Tbe price of board and tuition, esclutlve or woinrana iiKni. w via oer seialon of twenty week. - tack etadent- i to- fornteh nu Diinkeu, taeeta, puiow-eaaeaaad towel. dec u iO R E E N S B O R O FEMALE COLLEGE, GREENSBORO, N. C. Til Spring Stutii sf 187S will Btgls t, wth ot January, Board (exclualve of waahinc and llirhU) ITS laltioa in regular eoorae, - - -J5. v"i iur iiiu BTunisa moueraie. For Catalogue eontalnlnr - nartienUn i. d if : ' myytj w mi. . ja. unwa, rrearaeni. - .- It. H.D. WILSON,- Preiidrat of Board of Trot tee. dee6-3m qARPETINGS I h targeet etock of Carpeting, Ruga! U. la th Ci'y at loweat Caak p tea. All net aad bought doc Janaary. . W.H.A11 TOCKXS. worklir modIc of both aexaa. tmu aad old, make more money at work for aa, ia their ewa loealtiee, dvriag their apare mo menta, or 11 lh lime, than at any thing alee. Wo oner employmeat that will pay haad ornely for even hoar' work. Fall parUca Wtra, tanaa, ate., rent free, fend a tow ad draaatoaea. Doa't delay. Now la the time Doa't kiOk tor work r baaiaaaa alaewhera, aaUl yea bare learned whu we offer, fl. Svneoa Co., PorUaad, Matoav . , ., waf la-lr . BY VIRTCE OF THE POWER COS f erred apea bu by mortgage deed from F. H. Buabee and wife, aad at the reaaeat of all the partlee eoacoraed. I hall expoe to pablle ale at the court boom door, ea March Tth, 17S, the hoaae and lot oa Biaaat treet, lately occupied by F. H. Botlee.. T. P. DRVEKKUX, Few S, 176 lawSw. , TruMeo. o R D IN A N C E 8 ! ORDINANCES ! ! (Ill D I iA UHS 1 1 Of THE GONVBNTiON! CONVENTION II CONVENTION!!! AT THIS OFFICE. Single Copies 10 ote. Per hnndred : - 1 6.oo Per thotukaad ...-... 45.00 Send in your order at once. Addre4 SENTINEL, RaimKh, X. C Where A d rei tblag Van ana V WE CARDWELL THRESHER . and Cleaner Is B4W one of the leadlne macnines u foutn. rr circulars and lull particulars, address th BALM U ItlU lX L WUKKS, Salem S" D OATS AND CORN." 600 bushels prime he tv seed oat. Dries 70 cents pr. nntnei. ltvo nusneis earn To cent. ai - bilvabibh en 1 1110'. ' Feed Store, N. C. Dopot. A gold ring with aruhy set In It. The Snde- carrymg n to ur. Little' win nerewaraea, feb 15 St. $5.50 8. 110, 9, The SALEM PLOWS will not choke I Rua light I Eaaily regulated 1 Wul turn all kind oil I Maeuiaerareo ny ibo SALEM AGR1U LTLRAL WORKS, IMS. 100 barrel No. 1 Lime at depot at loweSt rales. JAMES M. TOW Lis. Jy4-lw. fON'T FORGET THAT THE PLACE to buy any thine nd everything appertaining to trot clas fancy Btor i at . ... BROWS'S VARIETY STORE, HOLLKMAK BCILDIHO. . ygjaj FATXR IS OK TUX WIT JENRT CLAY RICHARDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, VMS AM, MOM TB CAM0LI MA. majll-tf y ALU ABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. vm be K.ld at Chapel Hill. H. C, oa th 6th day of March, ln.B, the following vala abl property t Ji valuable tract of Und fear mile from Chapel Hill, aa th UUUeoro road, eoataintag 7U0 acres, on half of which i cleared aad arable, the other half la heavy timber, oak, hickory, walnut aad poplar. It I well watt aid and caod farming bad. Two aeu la menu ea it aith good barn, e.j and a good orchard, v Also, a large aad eommodioua boas with II aeceeeary oat building bow occupied by Mr. Thu plurwood.aad l pleamntly aiload about the centre ef lb vlllara. The kit eoa uiirtroa acre and 1 convenient for pu8lnei or for tak lug atudeuU for boardera, "' Alae, th bandaome relIenee formerly owned bv lien Warn. F. Pbllllpa, nnw occu pied by W. J. Hogan, situate oa the kala (treet opposite t.ov. naalu's former reilenc. This I the (aoetdetirablereiidence la Chipel It III, and ta In a high ataie of laiprovemrat. Term of sale, oae third eah, the bwiance oa 6 and 13 month, with interest from day of ale. Title reserved until payment b made. For further Itifermailoa apply lj Mr. A. Micael or Mr. W. J. Uogsa, Chapel lllll, JAMES KEWLIN, Aob-t for JUUN MAUN BUNS, frb 15eod'IMa J1 R R E N T Th Store, oa Fatette villa Street. tbt I aow occupy a a Liuur Btur ia lur rent. roae loa lauediauuy. feb U-tf J. P. PRAIRIE. T A L K ABOUT ltaVAMMfal AUklrfa, A BFT C D. HEARTT BEATS EM ALL ON GENTS' HATS Gents Ladies and Misses'. Gaiters. PKESfl LOT OP gjg.yry, ladies and misses BOOTS, SH018 AND GAITERS : A , : , a D. HEARTTS. dee SJm JN OW IS THE TIME TO BUY - YOUR SCHOOL BOOKS I 1 B Branson's I the place yoa can bay a cheap aa at any other store In the city call and asa ms bs fore purchasing elsewhere. L. BRANSON, Bookseller, ; -septT-tf . . Raleigh, N.C VTALU ABLE REAL ESTATE FOR 8 ALE. By virtue of a mortrage executed to A. J. B.vnum A Bro., on tbe I Itb of September, 1H7S. by L N. Clerg, and by viuue of a second mortgage cxeruted by tbe aforesaid 1. N. Clegg to A. J. Bynum oa i th of M.rch, 1175, the uuderaigned wl I sell on the prem lsts at public auction oa the 17tii DAY OF MARCH, 1876, for cash, that valuable farm oa Deep river, la th county of Chatham, opposite the town of Luckvllle, known as the Clegs farm, contain ing FIVE HUNDRED ASH TUlRir TaKEE acrea. The Raleigh e AuguU Air Uu railroad divides the tract, and Deep river I navigable for tteamboaia about UU mile above ana is oelow ijcavuie. lac farm ia about 30 mile from Kaielgh and 41 mile front tavettevule by rail. The tract eontaiu 100 acre ol Leep riv r low around; aoac-eaof branch laud aud 100 acre of long Mai pine, la well adapted to the ralauig ol granes, cereala, co toa aad vein; table., and can b divided eviiy Into three excellent farma. lb railroad dru.t Is wl bin 150 yards of tbe farm slid Merrbanis' mills saw mill ai.d loui drv within 7ft vard. 1 he ate rrtif. trnm-taf. atate Keoloi-ist.ueseniies tnia farm as tin In the rich ousl aad Iron lurma tlons of the le p rler bssiu. , ror lurtlier fc,l imsllon siiblV to A. J Btuum. MlwlH : Huu. John Msnniug. Pltte bora, or 1. IS. Cletf, Locktlll-, .K. C. A. J. HIM,JI, feb 4-80 Johnston Jones Attorney At Law, RALEGH, K. Q f0T Practica in all the ttai Court, hauecial attention ctvea law s, attar coa ected with reeeat state isiauoa. (Ufflc : S doortabov Tar bora Hoas.t . bStf Orrica or SiriHiRTKNoxHV, , i - PsTSKsacno Railkosd Coursiir. Petersburg, V , November H, I 75. ) HANUE OP SCHEDULE TO take effect SUNDAY, November 25th ; UOl.NU SOUTH. Leave Petersburg at 8:80 A. M. and 8:27 P. Arrive at W eldoa at tk53 A 1L &5S P.M. UUINU NORTH. - -Leave Weldoa at 7:85 A. M. and 4 P. M. Arrive at Petersburg at 11:46 A. M. and T.-07 P. M. Train eoaaeet at Petersburg and Wrkloa wkh traina for all aouthera aad northern point. Ticket sold to al aouthera, auuth weaterar, northern and eastern point, and baggage chocked through. fL T. DOUGLAS, feb 18-dAw-tf. - - Superintendent. - SITUATION WANTED. h I wish to procure actuation, either at my business, or omethtogele, that will enable me u make a support f r myself and family. I ran make myseii ussrui m snjrCTpaciir, ter, Clerk, Copyist, Collecto , or anything else, will pleeeaaddre ma at Raleigh, N. U Best ol reference given. Addrrla JOdN V. MARCOM. .- ,. RaklgK JLlt. A NOTHER Car Load of Genuine Whit Oat for aale cheap. At F. V. CHK18TOPHER8 dt CO'?, feb 15 U VUmlBgtoa Street. O ' T I C E . Will be sold at the -Henry Plsee," t FtvettevUle Street, on Toeadav the isVth d. of February, 187a, all the peruhable proper ty belonging to the estate of Mrm. L. D Henry, dee'd, consisting of Household and Kitchen Furnitare. beds, chairs, table, tie., Ac, Ac Term l ash. JOS. . BATCH ELOR, feb 2S-1W Adcnr MARRIED PEOPLE New Invest loa Just, what your WBBt, Reliable and Durable. Mailed on receipt ei Tact. Aaarrss ur. MOSHAN A Co , Midaletowa, Coon, 4 A REPOSITOBV OP PASHIOIf, LEAS 4 PRE, AKDIHSTBUCTIOK." Harpers Bazar, '" JLLVSTBATED. V Koricn or t:ib press. ' 1 The Bazar ia edited with a combina tion of tact and talent lhat we seldom find in any Journal ; and the journal Itself 1 the organ of t! great world of uahloo, llouon Traveller." Tbe IUr cwmnfcDla ivatlf to every member a the uoum:IioIu to tli thii dren by droll and pretty pictures, lo the young ladie by it ' fcwhuKi pUtes in endlc s variety, to the provUleut inairon by its patternioc.tliet'hildrcu'i cluiiM s, to paterfamiiiu by lis tunlrtul deaigus for embroidered alippera and luxurious dressing-gowns. But the rr-ading-nutt-ter of the Rasitr ia utilornily of great rxccllfDx-e. The paper baa at-quiivd a wide voii'antv for tlie Hrcsule color menl ft alloids. N. Y. Evening I'oct. ' In Its way there U notlilng like iu Fresh and trust wtirty as tathiou guide, t etori. a aud eswats, Its p. try aud iqulba, are all iuviaraliug to the n,:nd. Chicago Eveuiug Journal. TERMS : Potfaft fru to mil Smbtrrilni i'm th - r&d a. Harper - Bsjsar, one year, ft 00 $1.00 litclwles preimynM-ut of l S. po-tage by tlie pulilmhcrs. 8uWriptin to Harper' Magazine, Weekly, aud Bazr, lo une adlie fur ode year,; or, two of Harper's reriodlcals, to one address for one year, 17.00: postage free. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or liazar will be uiiu gratis for every club of five aubm:ribers at 14.00 each, in one reniittanue ; or, six copies for f20.INI, without extra copy postage free. Bock numbers can lie supplied at any time. ; - - - ; 5 Tbe Annual Volumes of Harper's Bazar, In neat t lot b binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for (7.00 each. A complete tet, comprising eight volume, sent on receipt of cah at the rate of S5 2 er vol., freight at 1 airpanaa. iL iniri harT -.. ; froniinent attention will be given in Harper's Bazar to such Illustration of tlie t ntennial international Exposition as may be peculiarly appropriate to lt etuunina. -.- : Addrewa IIAKI'KH & BKOTIIE1LS " ' New York. ' 'L'nqueatlouauly the best tustalned- wrok of -e-ttma-to-tnenciTia. llssrpcra SIMiMslne iLLUST FATED. be ever iae'eaaing rlicaiatloB of thlr i eel lei t wtoali ly jrovs Its continued sdspt tioa U. popular desires .cd needs Indeed w hen wethlnkl to bow bust hoa c It , en Irste . very moBtb, w must conrlitet it s one of eda stc rs as well as CBterUluep f be paMIe wind, for I' vsst opa'arlr baa b- rti woa by ro appeal to stupid pre Bdlee or depraved taUt AaStm Oieot. Th cbaraeier which tfala 'ss.S' ae posse for vsrtelt, tu-rirlrr, ar'Ulic w. suh and llierary ca turc Um La kep.l pace a It b if It baa not led the, snuu d Cause lt conductors to rmc rd it with i-tltlabi.- coia , Iscetcj. It also f otitis- iheia to area rl im a, on the pablic gratitude 1 h. Mir sin ' ha done rood and no' evil .11 the day of lU Jfe. DrooklifH lagU. -" x. TERMS: -Po t ire fr e to I eabacriber In th Uni ted ota e. HaP a' Maessista. 'r M w 4 00 Include p-epame(it ' 0. piM age (y the asilaber. . eabscrt tioas tliai par's V(,si e and loaar, tu oik aodnas lor vti ear, th 00; Oi IB o of t asper Pe ludits.a, tu nn sodrtss for ot. tsr, 7 00 ; , osU fr e. BiXratopy ol i Uoi .be Msstax Weukly. or Ha j wilt b sa plm r l i every l lub of Hva Subscriber at I Oj e c. ia "ue rcuiittsn-e ; i.r, el opie ior .ii U wlth-nt extrs copy ; pis-tsjre tree. Back N umbers co besa plied at any time. A Uompl'te Njt of Harper1! Majt-ixiu. , uns (omprinnK 4tf Volume, In neat cloth uini ng, will be eat by exiies, fn-lght at e gene of i nrchaaer. for tt iaV per vo.umr Ingle VJlnmoe, by wail, pottpaid rt'P Cloth easea, for binding 58 eenfa, by maB, p jstpsid. A Complete Analytical Index to the first Fifty Vuluuies of Harper's Magaxlne has just been published, rendering available for re ference the t ast and varied wealth of matlon which cunvtitulea this peridiusl a perfect illustrated literary ctt'lopedi. bvu, Cloth, .tJ J Half Calf, ti.25. eut kisk prepaid. A series of paper under fe title of "The First Ceutury of lost Republic,'' contributed by tbe most euuueut American publicist-, is now being published In Harper Matraxiue. This terie of over twenty paper give a comprehensive review of Pmgreta during the century aow closing, ia every department of our atioualiife. Newspaper are not to copy llilt advertise ment without the express order of Harper A Brother. Addrc . HARPER A BROTHERS, nov 87-tf New Yor . OME FERTILIZER." . Send to G, 8. Alford, at Apex, for a circu lar. For ten dollars he will send yoa the chemical by which yoa make a ton of good fertiliser . for rotton, com, tobacco or any ether -crop, Thl I the chrpet and best fertiliser yet offered to the farmer. Mr. Al ford' neighbor hare tried It with marked urceia. Tbe following gentlemen hare tcstlfleJ to it good qualities ; A. K. Clements, Peter Knight. Ruffln ( as- tlrbury, Alsey Freeman, Kev. J.- T.-Rogers, Joseph Eteadman, Her. A. u. Blackwood, Kev. Johnston Olive. Alvin Olive. G. II. Al ford, Albert Norrisa, T.. A. Council, Alvin Alston, itooen wuuam. X' . jn a-tf ' , L O R RENT. Two houres on Wllmlcgton Street con venient to business part of town. an ao-zsr. 4u11.1uJi1u.1u. RAND OPENING! II a vine renntrd the soaciou and elerant BILLIARD SALOON of J. P. Prarte, at 81 Fayettevllle arm, 1 take this occasion .o in form mv friends and th public generally, that I (hall open tbe same on Monday, Janu ary the imn. An exceueni iiicen oau root Table la attached also. Give me a call. Jan IS lw. v ' lux rttBi-r.. 1 1 C8ICAL INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS. and Trimming, of all kind at BROWN'S VARIETY STORE, Hollemaa BaUdlng. JMJNBER! LUMBER! Order filled lor all kind of Lumber at th lowsat pi ices by . v. vosigivrntH at w., V Hmlngiea iret. JVUNfTOE J0X-, ATTORN KY A T I A W, Aag la-tf jURSALEOR RENT. 4 r. . A desirable House and L t In the tows sf Cary. The House eoutaiu six rooms, with all tbe modem eonvenleuee with all nece (ary outhuusea. The Kardaa contains acre aa orchard of 100 cboic fruit tree adjulslnic' turn sunt prsniMBS woamsiiiig-w sn roasesstou prcn Brat or 4vmrfi IsX"- Apply to WILLIAM E. PELL, oct-tf . Cary, N. (., 1876. Ccr LiTiinti CarCtai. 1876 " A MAGAZINE OF 128 PAGES, ihtuttd lo Xorth t aMitmKtr post, krrprutnt mnU her Julurt. Tbkiis $3 rca tkax, Tostsje Fkapau. Address, 8. I. pt.iOL. Raleigh; N. C. t-sT Those to whom bill hate uvea sent wUi please remit. Two t lor 0 ntjr 13. Having a few complete II of Ota Livisi, Aki Ula Iji-.u foi i;5..n hind, w will Iur si-h that )tr and the rathe year t;7n tot 5.. - - Lltttary Assocjution at d Hk tlest (K4r. tie would rl ell to-are thisr" tst zd at d l voluuus bsndsbmeiybnu' U library 4.. le furniabea at 2.50 ier l time, or ti'.i. If seiil tit mail. t A anHaf mrotMjxaiy fl untm, Adar 8. D. POOL, Jan IS-tf Raleigh, S. t Hillsloro' irillJ f AH Y A CADE1YTY, UlLLSBOllO 'N.C. This Institution, recently known a "Holt NEK A GRAVES' School," will hereafter tie conducted by R. H. Gbavss ss sole Piiwlpal, aided, as heretofore, by tbe secouii llslinl In structora, llcon Moaso, i , A Majj. 1. II. UlMILTon. Tbe spring Session of 1878 will open on the 17th of January. For circulars apply to Msj. D. 11. Hamilton until the 5th of Janu ary aud afterward to the Principal. - dee lVa4w IV. O T I C E Annllcation will be made at tbe office ol tbe North Carolina Railroad Company in thirty day from date, lor Issue of dupli eat of Cert Incst WO. 83IK, dated February It, 1874, for three share tf Mock in ssiil coiupauy, tbe original being loat or nillul ibis lb day of January, KKMP Y. BATTLE, Admr. MRU. E. T. MM ITH. B OARDINO HOUSE FORWENT. I will rent at a reasonable price my House, ready furnished and eligibly located on the corner of Newborn Avenne atl Person (treet, and only two squares from thu Capitol. . Possession gi veu at uuoe. : . MRS. HENRT W. MILLER. l pnti for tbe beet selling Prin Pa hag la the world. It contaim 15 ahMtta nsnt-r. IA nal.,n. P.n Pn lit till er. Pl:UI!il. Iiatlftilod Yai.l al.aAlit- ami a piece of Jewelry. 8iugie package wiib ele- gaiit Prixe, postpaid, iflc. Circular free. rids A Co., 7bV Broadway, N. Y. JARU! LARD! Home rendered out of Leaf Fat, also, Nur.liern In tit (tyler, at F. C. ClihlslOfr-ERS A CO. '8, Wilniuigtoo (treet. jAST NOTICE. " " All oerson indebted to W. II. A R it Tucker surviving puttiers of V. H. A K. 8. Tucker A, Co.'are noiltled, that ill claims re maining U setUed by Feb. 1st 1 70, will be placed iu the hand of aa attorney f.ircollec ihiu, Mecsuuol n.ska any variatiun Irom Una r Bair aoticb as we have giau.ed all the tiie law ill ailow. W. 11. A rt. e. TLCKEK, Berviving Paitnera. DR. BABi OK WILL KEpG.WE THE practice of Deniisirr as n as he can 111 up Ills old ti una, ou rajetieviile blieet, otertbe Mo (store uf C. D. tteaitl. U will doarskilful vmrk as any one m I lie prv lerFion sua al rt-dueeU prices. - -J A Great Offer!! We wilt during the HOLIDAYS dispose of IOOPlANti8aiiKUA.NB of Bp class ma krr, IncluiJliig Al'Kl B' at lower price tliau ever offered Monthly lusisii -meuta leceived ruuuing Ir, m z lo BO uu nibs. WarrauUd for i years. Be olid Hand In truiu uM al extremely I w prices for cal lUlutmtt! Oll tuyut Juilnt. Aienli i tnmtnK vtarcrooinslM wroa'iwav. I U.lili 1 lr k 1 u-1. m a. ft . ,wra 4 E. T. Hall, N. I,. J'lKfS. H ALLtfc JOJS KS, AU CTI O XnER S Commission Merchants, PHAIltr BriXDISO WlLaflKOTOlf Strirt Alttlgh,r. C. Will tell Merchandise. Produce. Stock I. Real Estate, Ac Consignment solicited. Return promptly and satisfactorily mdr. Refer to J. O. Williams, President State National Bank. B. C. Manly, Mayor of hal elgh.W. H. A B, . Tucker, G. ,. Blackssll, larborounh Itous. an 14---lm. I xr. and Secrets for Ladles and (ieuts, Sent free for two stamp. Address. fKwa' 1 ST. JoSSPU MXUICALlSTITLTS, 81. Joseph, Mo. ) Oct 1-ljDI ' ' " T" I ICKET FARES AND TIME SCI1ED i ULE TO THK V EbT, via TH K CH KS- APK'KEAOHIOR e. First class fare from aleigh to Cincinnati 83.45. tirst class fare f rem Raleigh to Indlanap- oll !K.75. First class late irom Kaieign to wn" firat. elaaa from Kalelirh to St. Louis SI. SS."1 Kirst class from Bleigh lo UuUvllle 27 i!.r.. Pmk.auntr4rti for Cliiciuuatl and the et. leaving Kalehjlrny the K. A G. R. R. W a m. train, re h kk-hmond at-8.45 p. m ; leate hichutnud at 10 DO p. tu., by the Ci cti.naU A Railroad, and ieavh tlcn( aali t .00 on tbe morning of the Oen. P; A Ticket AgeuU- W. M. A Dt'B", .. ,t ' . ' I Bglnneer and pup t.

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