Tins liiXElon C sentinel: L - - . 800 Cord for 1 at living price, t '' F. C CBRISTOPULRS A CO.", ' WHainummwt,' UIIIIS A.D HIM. 1 Mala hI Hmh, which wUl arriv her oa r bf or th lata. " W art able to sell great brfln;.-. - fa tu-iw oto. w. w i wie yco. N v 0 It c i Bavin- bsa BDDolnted ut dulr ausUled a Exrtuiora of tba will of Peter Aatust Sternberg, 4aera d, ail per b Minx eialm tgaloe the iai ef th antd SUra brrg r Wrey autUUd to preecs.t tb to U B'lrli(ocd before lb la dT of March, 177, wr U aotie will b plead ne eordlnglo U au prut ludebteo: tow hum i brebv called apua w aetua at oee rodi will m nmi. tit JOSk. WATSO v. 1 1.1. Ua,VKUX. f " In. feb Mli TM UTTll IiaLIU. Ptrftct Sewing Mmekiu for Light Work. jvn tbc TBiaa. SBt Fr to to? addrea oa receipt of Three Dollar. FAIRCmILI) A Co.. IT Blnkar B .. Mw York Cltj. r. O. Andrea, Boi 4798. AGENTS WAJfTID. atK-dedwly -ITT AM COCNTT t IMTHXSUriRIOB V COUKT. Bare hard A. LoraaU. OaaUvM F. Fh. " ' and William H. Klttisr. Mrtocr of to Arm of LoreoK at ftittlcr, Plaluuflil B. C. FlaaBMru an4 W. W. Fkmaagaa part aera of tka Ira of B. C Flaoaaf a Sob, deresdanu. , ScafMONS TO RbUXT. . TBI ST ATI OF NORTH CtKOUNA, JV (A Onrif H"bj Ommtf Gmtlng : Toa ar Baieby eommaudrd to ummoa . B. C. Flaaraa and W. W. Flaaaagaa part aara of the Irm of B. C Flanaaraa A bub. th defendant boot named, If tba b . fooed wttbla jrour eouBty, te b aad appear before Ue Judge or our aapenor vonrt at a Cotwtuhe haia forth count! of Wk t in untn nvm iw mum m imm mt j day after tba eecoad Monday of rvbraary, A. D. U78, and answer the complaint which will b draaelted la U offlce i f th clrk of - tk Superior Uaart Mid county wlltala th rat three day of the term, and let th laid defendant take autle that If they fall to answer th aaid complaint wlihla tha time preeer bed by law the plaintiff alii deuad lad rmeot forth turn of foureea thouaaad " a twenty ts dd'ara-aad inter aa thlr teea thouaand aerta bandred and flfti ta dollar 44 100 from April IOU 1874, th flrnt "day of laid tarm; Merem- fall not aad 1 thl taaimoaa mak due retaTi. Th defea danta ara alaa antl ad that a warrant of at tachmeat has been iMocd In thl case re turnable to th next term af tha Superior Court af said conaiy, to be held at th Court House la BaleUh, on th eighth hfuoday 157a, and tba th plaintiff demand Is for ' money d oa six acceptances, by the dfea " danU, of draft, drawn by th .plaintiff oa tb defendants, payablatotb order of th plaintiffs, tiiven under my hsnd aad seal af sold court thiaStUk da of February, . D. 1876. i. N.bt'MTlNU, . ' Clerk af th sup lor Cwurt of k County. SKIT! A Btbows, Attorney for flalauff. march 10-d Is w6w OKTH CAROLINA WAKK COUNTY- in fga oramiok COCBT, FebraarT, 1876. Joseph D. Powell plaintiff proceedliir for partlUoa I land ugatH wary . Aiiea, William M F. FertvlL Richard Fcrrell, . James Whitley and other. ToVTI Iiam H. F. Ferrell, on of the de fendant abev aamrd, who I not a leakiest oi mi eiata. You are hereby, required to appear at tb offlcaof be Cl- rk of tb Superhr Ceurt for tb County of Wak by tne Slat day af March next, 1876, and answer the eomp.alnt I. -. 1.1 nMI ... Km ..I.Im,I7 bill a. li. to tb Cbun for th rtllrf demaaded la said Oumplaiat. J N. BUfTIING. Clerk. If ooaa A Gatliko and Ustwooo plaintiff Attflraey. - i March T, 1876-wft. 0W faUCES ALWAYS LEAD." . 7 . TAKE 1 TBX .11 feioi 8lor to tHe Pnlilic tHe Great est Bariati cf tlie Aie:r iA. STTTsR All made and finLthed nadyfortha Lstandry, with tb exception of the ImV too ore jelct bole, of WamtutU Mutlln sod Richaxdaoo'8 Round Thread Fm- rfw T.tnan . , , For the exceediojrlr lew price of 6 for 16.00 bj the ) doz. or dez. only. We claim that this ahirt cannot be excelled In euperioritjr of raake and flniaK or In Analitv liw anvfawv nn.Mi1 T J , "J J wuwv before in thia market. "J, W.EAR.S. TUCKER. W A Good Baker one unencumbered pre fered. Addrcaa, f VROX, 449 feb4.Sw. . . Raleigh. J EES' 7REFAREC LIKE.' I am aaw reeelrlog weekly, car loads of thia lavalnable Fertiliser. The beet aad lowest riead la tb market, aad will v high priced Uaano. A word to th wise eu-ht to he sufficient. Tbose who Be orders will p1 apply at once, aad tboe wanting will do well to tend la lh.r atder bo a to b Mtr to ret ft lu tiate. I ti iedmost airline bail. I' l ' ' .'" ' WAY. Richmond & Danville, Richmond . A Dam till R W..2T.C. Dmsiow, and 'orth WsniRM N, U. B. W. ' CONDENSED TIME TABLE, GOIXG NORTH. STATIONS. Mao. Leave Chariot! 8 45 A K. 8 80 ' " Air-Liu June's " Bailstisiry 10M M M Daavtiie. i " luad. f " BurkevlUa.... Anita at Kli-hm'wd . 1.46 i .6l 5 , SS - OOIXU SOUTH. STATIONS. Uuu ' Lear BJehawmd IJU a.il. " Burkerlll 00 " : ' Dande I SO r. M. Danrill 148 " Greeesboro.... 4.88 " Baltabury SM " " Alr-LlneJuac'n .68 " Anir at Charlotte... 8.l GOING XA8T. GOING W. STATIONS. Man.' Lear Graemsboro. . . . 1L0 ' A 4.18. ML 1 " Co. Shoo., Kalrlrh 8.48 pm Aji!6i' -rireat Uvldsuoro,,) 8.40 p a STATIONS fa Tram. ' Lesr Greensboro... T 00 P M A. 6.00 a M. " Co. Shop Lt Arrfre at Ralegh.... 5.00 a M A. T 80 p m. Anita at Qoldaboro.. 1L1 " . LrS.00 P M. KOBTU WESTEUN N. U. B. R. Salim Bsahch.1 lar Ureeusbiiro 4.43 F. M. Arrtr at Salsa ....6.46 " ; i Lear Salem 8.18 A ht .-JL Antra at Qranubor...10.83 .. . t Faaaenger Train learinf Raleigh at 10.06 1 A M. cooaact at Ureeaahuro with tba South-1 era bound trala , making th culrkwt Urn I to an aoatawa dtie. accommodattua Trala leariag atakabrk at T.S8 F. M., Cuaoects witk NorUieru bound Train at O eensboro fori Rlchm ad for all points East. Price of Tick U same as via otW routes. Ai-eommodaUoB Trala tearing Oreeasboro I at f.etr P. M eoatiect at Ooldsboro with I Wortbera aad Bouihera bound train oa U WtlmloKtoo and VYehJoa Railroad. Lancbnaiw . Aeeom odsllaa laeaJ mood dally at .U A at, arrive at Barkavlll I 1188 F. it., leave BurkevUl 1.80 P. M., ar rive at Richmond 4.84 P. M. No Cham or or Cars betwekn Char- I LOTTR AND RlCHhTOIf D. 2H2 VIlLKS. jJOaN A M ACHUROO, WVUflW Bma-iiB7B ngcut. Rlchmoad, V. I. M. K. I AlA-'U IT, Gcn'l Superintendent. QONT FAIL TO CALL AT Brown's Variety Stor l FOB TOUR NEW YEA ICS PiiEStNTS. Great bargain can now be had. NAT. L. BROWN, Oollemaa Butldlnc, Fatettavlll ttrrt. - ' Raleigh. a r. ateoa . i turn uii i" OOBJC A OATUNfl, ATTORNEYS AT LA) RALBIGB, R. 0. 8tU aad Federal Coana aa4 the -0U aad la Ja4ieiai (MawV aaetl-tf - Uoart af OARDING BOCSE. Mr. Beckwith ha opened a first eias Board In Uousaat th t'orner of Mart in tad WUmiagtoa Street, In tb reldenre formerly occupied bv the late Dr. . U. McKea. Sh la prepared to accommodat perms nest a well as transient boarder. Th tabl I always (applied with the very best tb market anvrae, ana in room Kept neat ana foruble. ; no? IS-tf ... QLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL I OXFORD, JT. c. 1. B. Hoaaxa A T. V. Iloaw. PriaciDala. Mr. J. H. Horner baa retarnad to hi hom t Oxford. N. C, aad will reopen hi school mere me wsi noaaay in January next, ev. T. J. Hortier will be associate! a ht him a Joint princiual and th aehoot will he eoaduetod on tb same principle that wer formerly o successfully mpioT4 In maklag good beys and inod scholars Th pile of boaid aad tulttou, exetustre oi w.soiDgaaa itgnu, u ia per session of twenty weeks. Lack sta-lent I to furnish bis bis seta, , Beets, ptllow-cascsaad towel. " UCC BO-U . - QUE EN 8 B OR O ; FEIALS COLLEGE,' GitEENsii or o, y . a Tki Jpriig Jfulu tf 1871 will Itgli ' : - CaWdnradsy, tha lAsyoUjuMjyUat r eontlna twenty waeka. " : Board (excJusIr of washing aad llshu) 875. niuoa la regular course, . . ab. vnargn lor xtba BTDnias moderata. For Catalogue containing parttculara, apij h iwt. i. ja. eunaa, rrearaeni. : , , M. H.D. WILSON, President of Board of Trustee. dec8-8m pARriTiNoa f Th largeat stock of CsrpaUnca. Raw. A. bj tb city st lowt Caah p lose. AJi new aaa oougnt ansc asry. W.H.4Lt TUCAER, S5 10 20 Z"lhJt22Z":, orklnr paor1 of both set, vour.s- aad old. a.k mm a.aei st work for aa la heir wa loealtlw, di.rlag thefr ar mo nraU. or r 11 the ilmc,lbaa alary king aunt W ofler rmplo;met that w li ty haV omly 'or a r boar' wort Fall parte. iara, terms, Ac. - eat fre he.l as ear d teas at oaea Dof'taala. Now I tha Km Uon't ik for wark t baaoMa kwbt. attl yoa have learasd wbat w dr. L Bwoa dt (A, Ponlaaa. Ms as a ! I-1 - . RT YIKTTJX OF TBI POWER CON ferrcd opo B bv siortne deed from F. B. Sua bee w wile, aad al the rcoaast of all k panic eneoarard. 1 shall eipoae to public l t th eourt sous door, oa March Tib, 1874, I Bout sad kx n Blount street, latoljr occupied by F. H. Basbee. t. r. viiuwi, r Feb S, 1876 lw5w. , , , , Trust. OR D I N AN 0 8 I ORDINANCES!! 4 it' -A) URDINAVOBSi ! f TUB GONTBNTIONi CONVENTION 1 1 i' CONVENTION!!! AT THIS OFFICII J Single Copin 10 eta. Per bandrsd I 6.00 Par tbouaand S5.00 o . . . 'Bead in your order at onoa. AOdiW SENTINEL, . Baiaiffh.N.a Tans fapkx ts ov warn Wlsars Advartaalasj rniiE CARD WELL THRESHER 1 a. and Cleaaer I aaw on of th leadlnc machine la the South. For circular and full particulars, address tha IC tLTtRAL WORKS, Balem. tElJ UATI A HO COR If.. 600 bushels prime hesvv seed oat, arte 70 caata pr. dumi. iiw wheis corn to cent, at IYLVE8TKR SMITHS'. Feed Store, N. C. Oopot, A (old rins with a ruhv set la It. The flnde- carrjlng It to Dr. LltUe's wUl be rewarded. feb is-au .....rTz m L 1 M 100 barrel No. 1 Lime at depot at lowest rales. JAMES M. TOWLE8. Jy 6-1 w. . . , J jONT FORGET, THAT TBX PLACE to bay aay thing and everything appartalalag to a bi-si cuss anc j euir m t ' BROWN'S VABIETT STORE, t ' HOLLaTMAir BCIXOIMO. JJ ENBT-dAT RICBAXDBON, . ATTORNEY aT LAW, O 0MB A M, BOM TB C A MO LI BA. Ual XUlialsaa LaitrifanMaEo. lbfaMAfB.lt IMPROVED Agricultural Ian'ementf and Macalaa- r CsanaabiiaaaaBaaa II illBBBj J I asv a an, I aria asuu avrr wbmv vj tUW j SALEM AGhUCULTUaAL WORKS. 1 Salaam. ' yALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Win be sold at Chapel BITL N. C, oa the 8th day of March, 18.0, the follow ln valu able property I A valuab tract of land four asile from taapei Uiit, oa th II u labor road. coBtalniu: 7u0 acres, oa half of which I cleared and arable, th other half la heavy timber, oak, hickory, walaut aad poplar. It Is well wak red aad rood farm lag land. Two ssuUiuenls oa It with good bains, ate, aad a good orchard. - . Also, Urg and commodious house with n jseigattvyoi.ihBilrt Mr. ThK horwood.and t- piesmtiliy itnard anout tb ntr of ia villag Tb lot eua lai.is on sere aad l conieuieot for busbaw or fur taking tudets for bnardera. Als tb handwm realdiiie f raer1r ewax-d bi Uae Bam. F. Phillip, av,w Oucu piby .W.J. li gaa, tllust oa th aw strrel epcKits imv. aaslu'a former roklew lku Is th aaoat delrsBtrs4deite In t ksprl Mil, and I la a hUb t of IniprovemeBi. Tanas i.f ale, ou third caah, ihe balaaee aa 6 sad M aauatha, al'h mtereat from day of sale. , Title reserved aalD payment la made. for fuither informaikm apulr lj Mr. A. Mlckal or Mr. W. J. Bogan, Chapel Hill, -1 JAMES KEWL1N. Abb: f for JOHN E LIN SON'S. febUkeodiSm . p O B N Th Store, oa Fjettcvfll Street, ihst I aow oecapv aaa Liquor Stur I for rent. roasewloa immediately, feb 18-1 1 J. P. PRAIRIE. k'B OUT A L K fVaWMff AAlrfa, BVT C D. HEARTT BEATS EM ALL ON GENTS' HATS Gents', LaHes' ail Hisses1. Gaiters. nni lot op GENTS', LADIES' AND MISSES BOOTS, SH0LS AND QAITEES AT C. D. HEAETT'8. dec f8m i OW IS THE TIME " TO BUy4 XI YOUR KCHOOL BOOKS AB0 -Branson!ri I th place you e- buy a cheap a at any other store la th city call and see me be fore aarehastas: elsewhere. L BRANSON, Bookseller, septT-tf Raleigh, N.C. Johnstou J ones Attorney At Law( I RALEIGH, N. 0L gjr FraetloM la all the M'Couru. Sbspecial attcalioB Klvea law Battr eoa aectad with recent But Lecbuioo. lOmeet 6 doorbov Yarhuro HoasB.t 6 4 if OmCB OP Bl'MBIXTXKDXBT, PrrsasBuaa KstLaoAD CmtrsBr , Petocs aurg, Vs , Movamber 84, "lHAGE OF SCHEDULE TO J tsk eflet bUNDAY, November llSih; ooiNaaoulH. Lesrs Petcrsburn t6:8U A. M. and 8:27 P. M. Arrive at Weldon st 0:63 A.M. 0:81 P M. GulXIMKrH. Leave Weldoa st 7:S6 A. M. and 4 P. M. Arrive at Petersnurg at 11:46 A. M. and 7.-07 P. M. i Train connect at Petersburg and W. Idon ltb traiaa for all sou I bar a aad northern points, licket sold to a l aoutbern, south westers, Bonheru sud eastern points, and baggage checked through. It. 1. UVUULAO, feb J8-dw-tf. Supertutendeut. s ITU ATION WA N TElif I wish to prorur a situation, either at my business, or something else, thst will enable me to mak a support f r mjself and family. 1 can aiak myseli useful la any capacity. Any one wtsblur to employ either a Prin ter, Clerk, Uvpytat, Collncio , or anything else, will pies address me al Kalelgn, . M. Hest oi relcrence given. Address JOaN W. MARCOM, Raleigh, N.C. A NOTHER Car Load of Genulu WhlU OaU for sal cheap.' At r. C. CHKloTOPUERS A CO'S. feblS tf Witmiugtoa Street. N O I TJ7I11 .nU -8 6k. IiUaks-j Plmsaai . Tf tea aaj BVNV tUQ U1UI J at mmVWj 1 FayetUvtile Street, oa Tuesday the SUlh dsr of FebruaT)', 1876, sll the perishable proper ty belonging to tne ratals oi Mm. 1. U llenry. uee'd. eonslstiag; of Household and Kitchen Furniture, beds, cbaira, Ublee, ate., etc, ate. Terms I asR, JOS. B. BATCHELOR, feb BMW ; ; ., Admr -i f ARRIED PEOPLE New Invention Just ilAwhat you want. Reliable and Dursbl. Mailed on recelLit of 76ct. Address Dr. MOSaAN A Co , MkUletowa, Conn. rq-OME FERTILIZER. Send to G. B. Alford, at Apex, for a circa-wtt-Fot ta dollsr ha will -send yuu the chemical by which you mak a toa ot good fertiliser lor cottuo, corn, tobacco or aay etbar crop. Thl I the cheapest and beet fertiliser yet offered to th farmer. Mr. Al ford Beighoor bar triad It with marked success. Th following gentlemen hsre UstlfleJ to It goad Qualities : - - A. K. Clwaeat, Peter Knight, Ruffln as tie bury, AUsy Freemsu. Rev. I. T. Rogers, Joseph Steadmaa, Rev A. D. Blackwuod, Ksr. Johnston Olive, Alvin Olive, G. H. Al ford, Albert Norrist, T. A. Council, Alvta Ahuoa, Robert WUltams. JaaBn-tf F 0 R B E NT Two house on 'WUmlcgton Street eoa venlent to business part of town. ' jaw ss-sw. vn siusu. QRAND OPENING! Harlnr reacted th Dciou aad elersnt BILLIARD SALOON of J. P. Prarie, Bt 81 FayettevhlwwrvBt, I take thlsocessloa o tu form my friends sad the public generally that I shall open th sua oa Moada, Jaau a y th 18th. Ab xcetlu Fifteca BU Paw w j sa IMo k atucbed Jaa 18 Iw. tv m a call. TOM PEEBLES. 'L'Bquesllonsbly the best sarUloed wroa of a kind In U World." , IIrar FlttrMlat i -y. itXCMT ATED. v ; havrlarasingrlieBitlaof thUtx eclleut wmmW ij prove it aautinaed adapt ttva U populararsaae aeeda iBdsed ha w think I to how msay hoc c It tvn antsarvery month, w mast eoa.iavr Itar m of t da ate r aa well a eaUrtainer "yf tltibe5BV-f or. ha ferwpaiariv adie or eepraved taste -maat Ws. Th ebaraeiar which tbi mw,i h v 4 for Varletr, mWlirM, .artiati w. ub tad literary raltara'tbsl ha kept iaca a hf tf It be sot hed th liu.ee, bu'a d cBsa it' -uadiclors to rrgrrd it wub ) irttnh twm 4acsic. It lso satiUe- ibeui to s rrea -I la on the ptilk rrstltudH lb M s" has d.Hse food aad tn eril all tb nay Us iHe-iwwoiiaai Aeyi. . TERMS: Po t A o al Mlscrlbrr la th tlai- SU a. Baap a aMsaasiaa t . 1 4 w 8 0U lai la a p iuciiI t, , , ;-v i ) Um a h Ubcra. ; , rnomtn- louav- Ha-i'a sjkb j no i"r, h a uuph 'or M.m tmr, ) a io of I arr Pt iu.j ., u, t .4dre fix at' arl 6 0l ; , .'tt!H: fr . a t'opy of 1 rj'- j-'-i Weekly, or Hts r -. ii- ini ! every club of rive Sauxnot. .; 8 u. a I'M remittaa' ur, ru J ur ' with at extra copy, uUfc-c re. Bars N amber a be sa. i liad ataayUaaa A CompUt M H of Harveri Ma-vaiu , lOmpnalBa 48 Volumes, IB aqat el lb bind In-, will be acat by sur. In Igbt t ri peats of rur chaser, tor SH Ka per voiumt aingl fJlamea, by a all, postpaid. ' Cloth eaao. for bUdmg 68 cent, by pnrtpald. A ComplaU AnalrUcal Index to the fl ret Fifty Volume of Harper's MaaTaxio has Juat bean published, readeriiig available fur ra le reuce the - sst aad varied wealth of infor mation which coontitiiies this periodical perfect Illustrated literary cvclwuedla. bvo. Cloth, 8.tW ; Hall CaJf, ,4,145, ,ieutpol(r prapaia. A series of psper nndsr Oe tllle of "The nrrt ueutury ot ins nepuoiic,' eooinriuiea bv the iuot cuiluent Awencaa PUblk.it, bow being published la Harper s Magasm. IbU series oi over twenty papers ifivt comprvheaslverevlew of Frugraiadunug the century bow closing, I every departmeat of our BiMMiai me. Newopapers are not to copy this advertise ment wllnout to express oruer oi war pur Brotbara. Address UARPEKA BROTHERS, But 87-tf - New If or . JBERXVM,BEB.l Urders fllicd lor all kinds of Lumber at the lowest pi Ice by "' F. C. CHRISTOPH KEa A CO., W Uiuliig oa .ireet. JINGWOOr W1NE- COMPANY SCL'PPERNONO WINE. Imperial brand - WHITBANOEU4mCpAJiE, PURE SCUPPERNONO BRANDT, terj superior for medicinal purposes, equal In I la Savor to the best French. SCCPPERNOS'OnriNEGARrnew arOcTr, very fin. These articles are manufactured by the un dersigned from Grapes grown on their own vineyard, and are warranted free from any Injurious adulteration whatever. Address, C. W. GARRETT A CO., KinKwood, dee 22 dsn. Halifax cou ty, N. C. ANOTHER LOT Nice Country Butter at F- . CHRISTO PH ARB st CO.'K, at 86 cents per pounl. Uo for It as it I nice and fresh. O ATS t' OATS! 1,000 bushels heavy W hlte Seed OaU for sale si F C . CHRISTOPHER A CO. '8, t UmlngiuB street, Bear City Scales, 7OU fALI OH EXCHANOE. 1(16 ACRFS OF VALU BLE MINERAL LANl for sale, or will excbai'K for CITY PROPERTY. Tbe laud is ilc-h In the best Iron ore, ab ut 70 acrea tn oriuinai grow ih, within two milea of the Cbatbam railroad, For further information appl to N AT. L. BRO N. Hollenutn Buildine. . lB-tf. Raleigh, N. . RE AEbT AT E Bureau. Y A tk iKOQGH llOUE. A LL K ND I'F fnrt Com - ' a I 'IH " a A v A 1 NErV STv-'RK I NEW GOODS 1 1 M US. J. -T- WAT TH, MARTIN STREET, Oni Door From Baptist OboVk, RALEIGH, N.C. Mrs. Watu U a p'scUcal Milliner a d Wo fcer In IHraw Uoods. Alura, remoUels, and presses straw ana relt lieu, Bonoeis. vske and n models every rescrlplion of Udi' Mea's or Cblldmu' Hats. Giv her a call aad you may get th latest styles ofPariaorNew York. JaaU-Sm EE'S PREPARED LIME. As agent for th manuNeturer I am pre pared to offer this Fertiliser at very tea, : sole rale It U just what our hmd-needs al Its effects f r permanent. I have certificate from sotneof thrf best- planters In thU aad sdJOirjIneountte wboieedlt-lth otbe-r high priced QuanoiT snd recommend Ha equal to any iht they have, and it oniy cost one third of th pric of other fer tl Izer. There can be no humbug about this a it I (imply Shell Lime with some sctlr lngredents thoroughly luipregnaied Into t which a III mak It tell at one on tke growing crop while its effect apoa our soil at lasting and beneScial. I am bow receiving orders and would be pi eared to secure them aa early aa possible to oave ft In time. Also on hssd Ba lder and Agricultural Lime and Land plaster. feb :4 Im. JAMES VL TUWLES. "HOM AS hTANLT, NEW8ERN, N. C, Dealer mall kind of G H A, I 1ST CORN A SPECIALTY. JuHXSTO JONr ATTOBNEY AT LAW, KALEIUH. N. C. Aug HMf OR SALE OR BENT. A desirable House and L t In th town of Cry Tb Uoun eontsiu six rooms, with all ui mo4atu coutcuUiites.Uh all tiecea aa vrcnard vt VM cuwee fruit tree ad joiuiii(. 'tie whole premises eoa-istlng ot 8 ai res. Possession given Irsiof auuaiy, 1876. Apply to WILLIAM E. PELL, , oetUf try, N. Ib7&. CtrLiTiLrji Car Dial 1676 A MAGAZINE OF 128 I'AGES, UnuUd to Sorlh I mrotinMKtr pad, ktrprurnt and htr Jutur. Tefii $3 rxn tkar, PoeTAai rUEPAii. ' "Udress, 8. U. V(K)L, Raleigh. N.C. IT Those to whom will please remit. bills hsve been sent Two leaFM fop Onfy 15. Having a few complete 81 of Ot a Livim. abu Ufa Or, ad for 1874. ib head, as will fur si-h that year and the eutii tear 1:78 lor 65. Library Associations aid Historical Socie ties would du well to But this. 1st 8d and 8d volUBiea handsomely boui d library st) 1 f uroUued at 8.50 per vol ume, or 8-i. 5, li sent bi mall. IojA aiwat mcomtfjmy all eraVrs, Addrea 8. D. POOL, Jaa IS-tf Raleigh, N. C. lYlTXirATIY ACADEMY, lULLSBOUO1 N.C. This Institution, recently known as "1IOK NER UKA VKM' ecnool," will hereafter be eu tucted by R. li. Gbaves sol Principal, aided, as bsret fore, by the accom liahed In stritctora, liUoH Moasos, im , et Maw. I), li. Uauia-tob. Tbe prin Session of 176 will on on the 17th of January, -for circulars apply to MaJ. I) 11. Hamilton until tb 6th of Juu-a'wd-lJarwidtoUaJpjJm deo l8w - N O T I C E Anolication will be made, at the offlce of the North l aroiin ksllroad i ompany- It, thirty das from date, lor -inue of a duli este of Certincate Ao. 8818, datel Febru.r My JwM.'-for- thiee stui'u t eit- la t" " eoiupauv, the original being lost or uilMant his 7th day of January, bili. Kfcfttr -TV-BATTLE, Admr. MhMi E. T. bMim gOAKDING dOUHE FOR RENT. I will rent at s raoobl pric my House, ready fuinifbed and eiiirtlily located ou the coruer of Newberw Avenue as 1 Person- and only two squares froai tbc wspltol. Possession, ri veu at ouon. UHii. HENRY W. MILLER. WeiieM l ED 1 sTmt for tbe best selling Prln r Fa ksge In the world. It contaim 15 sheet psper, 16 envelopes, Pen, Pen Holder, PaiicU, patented Yard Measure, and a piece of Jewelry. (Uugic package wlib ele- Saiit rrue, poaipald, uc circular rree. hidb dt Co., 7&W Broadway, N. Y. J-ABU! LARD! Home rendered out of Leaf Fat, alxi, Northern tn ail si !, st F. C, Clihlo'lOt' -EK8 A CO '8, Wilmington street. JAST NOTICE. All peivon Indebted to W. H. A R. 8. l a. her surviving Drb.ersof W. H. at K. . Tucker at CO. ara notined, thai sli Cia.ms re maiu ua U settled by Kb. 1st I 7b. wi.l b placed lu lbs banu ol an s'lurnsy for collec tion. M cannot-' Bias any Variation Iruiu tin r bsl soTica a we bsve rrsu ed all th iadulgeLc lu law aili aiiow. IV. ri. A K. r.. I tCKkR. aervivlng 1'aitrn-r. Dpr BABCOl K WILL kEcX'ME THE aractlc of DeBiitry iiktiu be can fll up bis old rooms, oa Fayetieviil Ktieet, over the Bb Stor ol L. l rleartt. He will uo as skilful work as any one in leiioM and st reduced prWes. Ihe pr- leo t-bs A Great Offer!! We wUl during the HOLIDAYS dispone of lU0PlANuSMf UhUAM ot first class ms kera, iucluaing ATEl S' mt lower puces Uutm ever before offered Monthly luill ueut lecetved ruuuinc from 8 to 80 mt nilii. Wsrrauted for 6 tesrs. Secoud Hand In slruuienls a txtrrmeiy 1 w price for cash ilttutrmled t'ol(nu Mailed. AytnU wwnlr,l. naieruomswi oruaiway, n. 1 HjKACh WAlEhS A 8ON8. 4 EJHau- N. L. Jos 11. JONES, 1 UCTIONUEliS -AMD Commission Merchmatf, Prajkix BriLDuro WiLtaxoTox Btrkkt . ttuMghjr.C. Will sell Merchadle. Produce. Htrnkt. Real Lstsie, Ac ConsignwenU solicited. Returns promptly sud kaiUfactonly mule. ' Refer to- J. G. Williams. President Stsl V..L....I U...L U I' Uunl U....r .,t K.I eigb.ifj. li. R. e. fuckar, (I. Blxknill I aruorauan nouse. iR.I4-lni. : ICKET FARES AND TIME BtilF.U L CLE TO TuR RT, via THE t'HW- APE EKdlUillOR . First class fare from aleith to llnciimsil First class fare from Raleleri to IndUnap oil- 83.75. First cl faie from Raleigh to tilmL" LSS. . . , First class from Raleigh to hi. Loui i Pirst class from Bsleigh to Louisville &:l- Fasenirer for Clucuuail and the leaving haleigb by Ihe K. dt G. R. K. 1" i a m. tialn, rccb hlrbmond st 8.45 p. leave Richmond at I0.8O p. ta , byuetia cii uati A Unlo Ril,oad, and leach Cincin Ball at 6.00 On the morning of the sd'H.l day. aeaV IV R V t HAW llflV VV.l " J av. iiw v sw ' Gea. Pas. llckel Ag" t. W. M. 8. Dt, - BgiaBter.aad Sup I. IblCAL INSTRU RESTS, Si n'-'" and Tiimminga, of sll kinds t BROWN S VARIETY STORE. . BoUemaainJI''- Jm AMAS Mt TO W LIS, Aft. I ewbem, Jaa. lflfa,

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