V TDE TALElGLr SEKTIKEU. PKUSfEKS' CMOS VA IttE 1UL ElOrt NEWS. TO TBI OTIMNi OP ALU OH A.VD THI ,;.- .. . , , - The Daily New", of March 1st, in re ply to certain ooniinuuieatiout published lu the Sentinel, concerning that paper, ood taint an article that ia false in many particular, and doe ttie printers of tlii city great in justice. We, a members of - bat ht known t every one a lUliU Typographical Union, No. fit, issue Uiia circular to the ci'Jinna of lUlcigb and the state, in defenoe of ourselves, and in refutation of the httenieiits made bv Uiat paper. . Aa the objects of Ui organization of printer are not know n bjr a great many, we will, before noticing tlm charge of the News, endeavor to et them before the public: Pi inters do not organize thetnaelve - into Uuious, aa some people are under - the impreawion, (worktugnieu ainoug Uie nuniber) for tbe oppreatdon and lOeeJuiR of employ em, nor for. the purpose of "applying the toroh in aecmt," aa tbe editor of the News would have those that know no bettor believe ; but they baud themselves together for the protection of their labor against low-principled and " jack-leg " printer that infest the ouun- try men that have no respect for them selves, and are respected by noeue ela j for tbe promotion of skill and proficiency in their art i for their euliglteuuieut and elevation, and for the relief of each other in sickness and distress, an example set ' and practiced during life, and a legacy at death, of one of America's greateat sLrfesnieu, iJeujanuu r raukliu, (a prtn tor) , For these principles we are awii'ed and maligned. We appeal to the pub , lie, aud every honeat-iuuikiug man to know, il they are not priuotplee that every freemau should feci proud off . . Because Union printer will not allow the News to aay what is a fair eompeu sation for their labor, they seek to prejudice the public agaiuat them 'by puuiMiing statements was are antrau) and which they cannot substantiate. j Now fur the facts relative to , the "strike" in the News office : The News says, For the benefit of the publio- the masses -the News again stepped forward and had tbe public spirit and the enterprise to reduce the price or jb 'work to moderate figures. It was fonnd that the printers then in , the oflloe were paid out of proportion to other mechanic,, and to the shrinkage ' of all value. A reduciioi waa asked and refused, oo the ground that, a ' Union" to which the printers be longed, refused its perimanion. A fur , ther request waa anawered by a 'Vtrik" in the oflioe. The Nwa immediately employed noti-Uniou priutera," Ac. ; As regards the reduction in the prioe t tob work, there wb nev.-r anyUiiug of the kind, befur, m r until nue linii ... after the "strike," and wa uwd thon - siiiiiily booi ni the man who lwl clwr , of that depurunont knew nothing aUoat job printing, for he had never worked in that branch of the busiue-t before ui his lifd ; conseqneutly, if the News re duced the price of job printing, which they claim to have done, it was done tf rough the ignoranco of their celebra ted "job printer," aud not from a sense of duty to the public. Nor waa the "strike in the News office caused by the printers refuting to work fof leas than the established Uuion price, but for tlio' nou-pay incut of wages already earned by the hands at work on thanewsiapcr, as can be proveu by reference tbhiTicorrpspijniteiieirbe-" tween Jordan Stone, manager of the cenipany, and the printers to wheiu the money was owing. Does not the editor of the News know that their statements are false? He must know it, for he wondered at the hands stoppiug work iu the job office when the "xtrike" took place in the newspaper department, say ing, aadid the batanoeof the "Htockbol ders," and "'managers," that he desired no reduction of weekly wages, that tuey only wanted the price of computation per 10 JO ems pat at 45 ceuta iustead ol 50 cents. Cau this be denied ? ...u. The manager of tbe News say that they have saved the publio from the gross imposition of high prioe for job work caused by the combination of prin ter. Now if this be so, why did they want Union printer,' at Union prion, and even offered them more than the scale of price naked for, r to remain at wor lor iem, ncnTTurinpy-aayrtiy r euiployiug non-Uuiou priutera, (.Uie aliould have said nou-priucipled), they liawa auiwaal iVtA naailtuitfeft Im in i a 11 f dollar. And even at tbe present time, they are otrering meuila-ra of our Uumju, K11UUO H 'HTVIUK - Will f(M them to an establishment where ow price for job work prevail, " more than they are getting aa Unioo printers. Doe the editor of the New know what he i talking about when he aaya that Union printer are clamoring for tbe bread earned by hi employee f We think not. Why, man, these very em- :'. ployees of youra, of whom yon pretend to think no much of because they can be shaped to suit your narrow-minded ideas, have been fed and oared for by w ''fancy . priced" priuter. Ask them whether this is so or Hot, and if they deny it, we will prove what we say by our records. Ood forbid that a single crumb should be taken from them, fur we that demand "fancy combination price' are prompt ed by a feeling of humanity to put bread in their montha rather than take it out, - knowing a we do the diinouiUe under - which every vrorkingmaa ha to lalnir, and especially those that ha veto con- iriuuie a poruon oi uieir smau earnings toward "saving hundreds of dollar to ' merchants" and enricbiug the cotfera of oapiiaUata. ' .. -.... , "" . 1 it not InconoU'ent-in Colonel Catii crfta, the en iter of the News, t cr dolwn au organ istliou f workingmen. -. simply i becaue, they demand a living price lor ihcir labor, when he tiiinfeli received the arh-tocratic fancy price" of five dollar per day as cleik if the houe ef rnpruHi-ntative, anil then ' "clamercd" fr an hdijuioiml one liuu drcd aud fifty dollaf? b sde receiving 30 per week edithig the- News, u hii own paper, the Hillsboro It conler, I it uut inctiusis eut in Col. n alter Clark, s a stockholder lu the Xew, U ..11 L!. - - . .Jl If.. M. . ..... , .., . . - a - .... lion of mechanic that has the "suriaci ia wice 4k the r-lahoi when he belongs to ihu-gal fraternity, w hich, hi ugh they have no ryauiza tion. abide by a mutual aiinemeui aa t charging for their serv'wsf . ... Is It not Inconsistent in Dr. Graham, another stockholder in the New', I tolewe thia waf aLlut ft vet of wwrk logmen becauae they l.ava a uulfonn . a e of (i-e for the lata eifiruied by ti.etn, a h a he is a member of the academy of medicine, which, if be were to charge lea than au adopted price for hi aei vice, would braud blui . a -.ll tti-l ! 'i'., i i -1 Doe !r. Vlacknall. who own tock In the Xw. allow a traveler or any on eUo to board with him hr a wrtk and pav what be thluk w a fair price ? No indetd. - If a tuau aava he is unable to pay IS pt r annum for their paper, do the man ager ol tn News let lum have it tor 911 No. They set their own prices, an I proMim to set other peop alto, and wheu their leiuaud- are nH accrdt d to they set up the cry of lancy com bhiNtion prices." &c. . , V do uoi mentiou the name of thre zeuilerueu to in in e tlieiu in their pr- f wloti, laitsuuplr to show wnhx what uVgreo rrpropnty the I urui in wtiici i hey owu lh'k aasaila u because we have the mtnbueaa to centeud tn that which U due us aud every other cluv of luecuauk a, The New mi, that immediaUly alter the "irlke." thev em. l.ed non Uuiou pi inter, aud ihatthei-e pilnleia have wot ked U tbe olnce ever uh!' wild aiifactiu to their employer aud themselves, lb ia mueth hk tliat we do not piopoae ti hilerfere w th, but it dora eeui rtrangrt mat ' ne e men are content with. their lot, won they ray publxjly tlx-y would aive auytliiu hi.aina' la If they ould tetrace tiieir trp. One ha Ik.ch I 4r( t-i sy that he w.Kd t w hllnglj tlve1.0'0(((rovided he could raise the aiu uu ),. to place Iniiiacif iu the pwiti-Ki tie j oocupml t for aoiua to the Saw ,oihc;i while auottier at knowledge that hi action I a eaowd him ay quantity ol "team'' lill aitXlug io bi-jeaiefuj ab "ie mexli' taiUig ve ahe Iwrong fit ha don hnu-e.f and thoa with wheui he one wa aaociated. The thiug i thia, Uiey tully apprrcbite the odium they hav iirpught 'Upon thntAttJvf ' aud , art aatilkd", wt b anvibing their env ployer gifes ileii, (uowiug that'they cau werk ao whcre'el,' ' Honing that these uuvamUhed slate men i concerning Me- 4lferenc: be twe n the News P iblishing company and . Union printer may be n-ad and appreciated, leave the matter with aa impartial public i B-fc-1 -,, j r -.- Jos. A. UiKRia,,, i J. C DlKlMDIKO, Jno. W, UkcoM, Com. Jamu S. Uakward, I , Z. T. Uhocohtos, . !, I, ' ; UTHO IRaBTKKK, 1 ' ' ' Davii C. DlDLaT, SrH J ' J. M I OR, ' ' ''' JoiinC. Kto , - l.K 1 O,1 1 Ol'UKE, , ... F. T. hOOKKH, .,, -rm ' M""-a I.cir., :t 1 ' John U. Hay. William II. Newbt, W. Hoys km, , ) James M. bcTrox, j - It. It. WlCKKK, SSlMEON bMITH, H. L. UMoUt. ' H ' I wing to i be absence of several of our memixra f oui the city, their tnraature do nut appear. WALL 8TP.EET CAIUCATURES A new Book. 48 Pairea, coutaialor H Kd- graTcd itluatrat uoa, with luIormaUua lur etwa dn-o.ilaturv filca 10 tt t br matt.' TUMBKIDGE CO.. Bausera aud Brokara, 9 Wall Kwcet, . y. . fxb ia-w Ml mocopnthic " VETEUIXRY PRACTICE Works oa that subject, git hig roaciie and p'alnl) wrhteu lntltuctlona for the treatment of all oidiuaiy ailuiema of all l)oii.eilc Animal. r C'.tuunt'i ke.t In Mock, to- yt-tber allli appr..prllB Mnliclne '.'be.U Tba b i'k a uei'lall wntiva fur the t'Her . ktuca Kabuir's or Uvery 8ibe- an atM, avuldin at aaras poa-icie, an UtkBlt-aJ ifiSK-.t k'jjtjeaerlptlva Price Llat rtitl ta p lu lbs ilAiiTiMoiia Homoeopathic Fhabmacy ' Wt vat raett Brreet'' ' B0ER1CKE A TArEL, Proprietor. II O It S E I AND. MULES. To arriva In a faw da a. Elchl V Kenmrkr Hnraea an1 Mule. ' filers to aull ai y una. olauiina them " "-?. wm. lrcSU-'iw O.. w. HlsSr. at uu. lab kll lift l.aliilb. ' A Ptt 'td Siting MtckUt for Light Hork. 308T TUE THI50.- 8ent Free o any sddress nn receipt of Tbrsa Dollar, I Fa till? ILU CO., New York City. r. o. Aodraaa, Box ! ' AB KA la Vf IKU oetSS-desdwly G RAXDJOENINp Ravlnr rennted lbs snaeioas sad elegant BILLIARD SALUON cd J. P. rrarta, at lit rayettevlJe stives 1 sk tbl occasion e b Um niy frtena Ba tn pUDiic rrnerauj, U at 1 bU open tbe aame oa Mood -., Jaiia v the lh. An xeeta-n rtfiaee li Poet Table auaebea alea. , iHiw bm Ja 13 lw., t l mJLES. EES'. ?KEPAUEC LIME. . j',, V, i an now reeelvln; weekly, ear loads of this Invaluable PsnUlaer. The beat and . J . Ik lk.u uark .ult will 1KT. t m r. h irevw mm ' ...w- . - our pepls from ruin U nted instead of lbs bla;b Vct-d Uuano. A wont lo tbe wmm outht to bd MmeWM. 1h.ee- wno have onlera Will eae yT oae. and lboe W-mtng Ul do eeli toaeii In the r older as W he UISW aeta ta llui ' hi- l jr ,r,...At IV" . c LASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL ..: . i oxFonn, .n c x J. O. Iloaaa X T. J. Hoaaaa, rHndpsla. Mr. J. H. Tlorner has retaraed to hs home si oford,"!. C. aud atir retipew hbracbwl tbe- tbe lat Mvadav la January swat - v. T. J. niri er will te aaroetated itb him aa Joint principal and tbe acboul will be tnmturttrd o the Mtples tnst" wrrs formerly ao urcefMlly employed ia makhiij go. d buy a and eaid acboiars j r The iTlua uf boa d and tuition, axduolre of w shine and IlKtia, Im i3 per e-ioa i4 taent) w.eas. tacb atu cat ia to larntah hi Ma krt, hreta, puMow aaeaa4 Weal. E L OB f 1 n H E1M1M Ot JOB WORK i Utrirm reflttd ost Job Office' And ocaredfthe aerricet of ,3 Hi a 'f iyf ,1, . : ,, ( Wa art now pi prepared .) to exemtu . I .. t.(i I tic .. t , s ; PLAIN AND FANCY -Job Work. , ,., AU ponoiw tWTing !..'. 's-r. v... BiU Beajs.''.---. Biaiaow Cam, Viaittng Cards. Wcddiag Cards. JlreaUra. Poeters." dsc. To print, will bare their work ex ecuted in the very beat style bf ' .. " i t. ' ending it to the Sentinel Office. We are also prepared to do 1 t kinds ot - 4 -ji-: Book;vWbrk In the very best style, si Ail work nt to n will . be dene as n, nkijy and . chesplf as k.t, 'SI . . a ... ... at any i 3 .. I rrtiNTiNo HOUSE LK THE 80T3TU .1 I '.f ! A fold rhut wfth mhj art hi M. The Snde- arrjiBK n ao ut, ume s win iisrewaraea. MULES WD mm. JCT Reeelved Car lead ef broke Mnlea. Al have oa tbe Ad nae hundred bad Ma'-aad Met aea, vklch wul arrite krre oa UP H ec twl e tbe iMk. W are able to aril arret barrtln. fekto-lw 6IU. W. Wi.N CO. k -4 aOREENSBO Ifin " FEIALB "COLLEGB, ; GREENSBORO,X. C. tit pr:ig J(u!m f 1S7I will Bcgii .Wednesday,- the 13lh of kuuarj, eooilna teeety week. - sod Board (excluslv of wahhlnf and llgbU) 73. . nitkHi la regular eoursa, . - - fJb. Chances for XT a STUmsa noderata, fur Cataloruea containlnc oarUcalara, apply to liev. 1. M. Joa, Prealdrnt. It. is. v. ntLoii, President of Board ol Truateea. decS-Sta I f AEE COUNTT i It THE 8U PEBJ0R W Ct IKT. Bernhard A. Lorenta. GnUvu F. Ph Panbataa and Mil lam H. Kn Her. nartuer ( the ana of Loraa's fcutUer, Plaintiff sgmmt, -. S. C. F'anaacaa aoo W. W. Flannairan part. rsof tbe Sim of . C Ftaunican v Hon. aaieuiiauu. Sciimoh fob Relief. THE STATE OF MRTH CE0LINA, To ' iifi-rif Walu County Vntting: Tua are hereby eomvsud d to sumnion B. C Flannaaaaod W. W. flauna(u in nere af Us Srm ol K. C Fla 'nana k Bor, he deltadaate above sained, it tbey be fou 4 a It bin your eoanty. le be and appear before tbe J dire of our safer or Uuuit at a oun to he k Id tor tk t-ouuiy of Wake ai tbe t.0 n Hoax in Ka el k oa he "th Mo -Uy after tbe .scoud Monday of F bru-y, A. i. lem ana aoawer llie ciMupiaim bivii wt 1 ! eve taitMi in th otttre tbe rl rk oi imp rtu Louito's-ideuanty wlthlli ike st tureeday of lbs t rut, sua let ibe said defendant take bottc- that If I hey fad l aaaarerilte said cmplalu. a I. bin the time f r bee b i tb pUmilll I I demand udf iieul 10 tbe UBt of four ees tbouaaim mtfi taeoty at dot ar sad Blereat vm ikir tee tbouaand aevea udied ai d Sft t d tar 44 luu from April 10 a ISTo, tli lif t dayofeald let in. lierea fjll ai and f thia uamoMS aw du rata a. . tbe defen dants ntaio Ml ed thai weraul . f at UvanMNit Baa breu taurd la this caas re lur' able to tbe text teria f 'he Huperbir wan ef aald ee a y, to b held at ttie Court H.. (a Kalel h. e Ibe eltith M aday aft- tbe aeoad M-rtlayuf kei-rusrv,,A. It. . . a... . . . jt 1 . . ent ou iuh tue uatiiiiu ucmanu w lor in Br d e on all accctMane a, ny ihe drfeic dant-, of drf d an by the piatittina oil tb dvleieanta, payalile lo tbe order uf ibe pla'bi . t.lfVa Hodrr my bsad ami aeai ol akt eouit thl kk da of February, . IX im. J. N.btNflNO, ' ' Clark ef the sap tor Court t '. - "Of aaksOwnty. ImitI A- STaO'O, Attorney lor rlalauffa. march IO-dla6w AafalfAuat The uvrrrat rVek of Carpstlaca, Raca, Ac. a ft I f at towwt Caah D leas. AU ad DOttgbt slae Jaaaary HOUSE AfD LOT AT CHAl'EL Bill fo- bale. b virtu ol au uider of the eui-erforCourt f C'hklbaai eooaty, 1 arm aeouiuik aluerott.Meda), votu of Mai eh a- xi, at the tourt uouee dwor in rtiwnwii, st uunut: auction, that valuable bout and lot In the tew of C bapei UI, kuuwn as the lluui house.' Termi of rale 1 30.00 rsh snd the remainder Ba credit of ais nn-hlti aim U-nti aud eartiy. Title retained UUiU pua-haae wouey la p.id, 4 Feb. 5, 1 78-wSw, A. . BTCM, Com. yALUABLE PR0PERTI FOB SALE. Wilt bssold St Cltapel BUI, N. C, Wdne- day dh of April, la.a, the 1oIIoIuk viu oie proonrtyi A vaiuab.s tract of laud lour miiea Iroai IDaoel llt.l, on toe miiooo road. Coulauihia, uO acres, one hall of allien la clne'ieO ,d araole, the other twit in Heavy timber, oak, utckor.v walnut aud poplar. it M well waUred and ood lartulug laud. i'wo ae.tlauicni oa it a 1th a ood bain, c, aud a Kuvd oi cward. . . ...t . Alo, a larae auu coiuuiouiuut noune vnu all unM.y out buildings uoar occupied by Mr. 1 bus urwooU,ud l- Uitatautiy itoa-rU aiout Uie eeutie ot.be vUiage. 1 be lot em- lalu oue avis aud b couveuieut lor bualueta or lor laa tug- rtuduuU foi board, r. Alo. tbe baudouie reiduca ioruieriy oautdbt ilon baiu. V. t biilipa, B"W occu- bhMby w.J. it-an. altuaie t .the am atrcel vpouah i.ov. oaalu' loruier re-ideuce. Ihia I Ulr luoaldealrabierrdueuce m Lbapcl iiiii, and le In a blk tac of liuproveuirut. leruie of rale, oue third cah. Uo balance oa sod li nwuitu, nith UUeicat 'rum day of eel. 'ihle reserved until payment Is mad. f or fuitber infoiluaiiou aply w Mr. A. Mic.el or Mr. W. i. iiue.u, vhapel illll, N. C JAMES NEW LIN. ABB ' ''' ' " for woil. aElVLiJI J bON9. msrU-eodha "";,--.. v :': I ICKET FAhlS AND TIME eCHRD I llETO T K kt'f, via iHk CllEa A fa. b AuHlOR. . Flnt ilara tare lroia alelah 10 OliChlOatl ii 'r---w . tint class fsr fr Kaleiirh to ladtanap- oli-HilS. Fiiat. far from Kalelah to Lblcaico l-.-.- .. Fu-t el Trom Kalel(D to el. Ui'a99.2a. tiro eta t om halt mb to L ats.ti.e iX.ni. Paaarniceta inf Lliicuiua I aud the et. leariny Mletkh by tbe iw r K aVW.00 a a. t-aio, re in Mcnra rna t o.ao p. m., lae atcba.oi.d at lueU p m , by lu U " ei. uaU U. lo KiUioad, aud leach Ciueiu katl at a.tM oo tue nioiuluj o( the seeuud VVi "A iv. nun ni)i Ucn. Pa. & t icel Aire.it. . . . d ttrwv n ii W. M. S. Dob , 'ai(liia.r and Hup t. - ' t I " 0X8E9 1 HORSES I Light (ford Horre for tale. all snd see t cm at IT. U. cUKlSfOPU KS CO. 'a, . . . v. limiuaiou ktrret. C . .' . iT, ' t "AT EST 3IEWS t BATED BIS BACON I ''svina altd two bandied bor, are uresared to 1 widen lor nome waan oaoua efaUklodaat; ' , f F. 4 C Ml TUrukaS t tl.'B, WUnun oa street, near City tt sUa. S100 THE NEW TRIPLE Grar Hors Power, i'rlce lou. la Just what the fanner seed l it mi. Hirhil la ea tut a n reaa lif work I can be loadid d auloadVa by four, Jat tbe UMiia- for Lotion u.na, Tbiebrr and Ilea era, etc Marranitd to land a a bjr e - Manuiae r.red by tbe SALEM AUKlCLlTvHAL. W HA3, ealem, H. C Bead for ChcuUrs. , r i ; tPEOAL TO BUILDERH. WATTS, LOMMLSSI0N MERCHANT AND Y " " AUCTION EEK, y. . trtbe aeneral eeetit In Ra'ewh for th a)a lif lu.n er from Woof end other-em tie. Builder sad tb-r will Snd It H tbelr dvaotaic t! f e hlin Ihrlr bl'li of mm her, a he cau furoi b In kny qtrnriHyat-tke Jaw Mt iirlMft. OUSc- iVartla Street, between Wilmington aid Slount. , . Bib 11 lax Now Bonkijunt rw1y, Vjw atithor of liw IIouMriuiu i lot Uouverie'' Jciferd Dill. , lirniam! KrDeirt. es sid tbon The Household of Bonvene. , 'HeBter Howard's i'emptatioiLTj i . Th above Six New Books are wrtltea bv ine potMiisr tr-uthura Auiboreaa, Mr. Latb- anne A. Vt'rfie:d. former i of Miaataatoia. but now of Loobvilie, Ky ( and sutbor of tbe world wide aoted wont, ''the nouaehoid of imiverte. ' , whl h la o of tb beat ano moa- extrsordinrv n..vel eter oublisbed. Tbe above six book a. each lau d In iHie lanre duodecimo volume, bound in morocco ciO'h, full k! t back and -i le. price 1.75 eack. or 10.50 For a cuaiplot HI ( the ait ol- nea, pot up lu a neat au lroi'g box. Abut JJwU art Jor wis by all Boitludlm, or emtim of tithtr otit er men iff (tie abort bovl. or a pmvUU tt of them, milt b tent at met tv an u one, tommy plat, potUttf profuul, or fro of freight, a remitting their yrice i at letter to the rmxunert. T. B. PETERPON A BROTHERS, 80fl Chetuut Btrect, PuilaUeiyhia. Pa. GOME YE DISCONSOLATE 1- Mrsm search of FIRBT-TLAfB GOODS. 1 i -. vi.. - m r. . L i i ... la a style that will ault tb moat faathliou taste, Koto WEIKKLS ESTABLISHMENT, Fayettevttle Street, one door South of Uk SuuihuraExprea 'Hr. . It Its a Conreifd Fact that Wrlkel ran pat op th brat and niwt aalltfaitory JOB ia (be aa of Sue olu ot Cloth UK, from Wedding to a Bu-lnrM Suit, that can be turned out In Kaleiirh. Tb old and young awn aay tt, the lad in (Oo uleao them) endorae it and tb children cr over it, cry for joy ar e their rvvered "dsda" pui on a suit ol emel cti'MiUig. . Wtrikel Uk Ibis oeradou to r turn hi thank for the large and librral patronaicr heretofore rceetved, and reapKetfullyaaka for a couUuuauce of the aauie. ilia stock of CLOTHS, I , CASSIMERES. T HEEDS, SUITINGS frr. Is much laqr r than ever before, and cora prtaee all the latest . NovIU lo 8tle, bavlp been rceenuy purcaaaea at low price from FASHION HEADQUARTERS. At ausl hit tore of Workmen ar Picked Men, a hoe kll and ability are known to tor 'dretUC public. come one ana an to me r.uiiwnum oi Faabl B, elkel't, the Merchant Tailor, for Brat claaa Su t of CI 4bne, of flrak clar good, put up lafirtfchikaatylc. Oct W : i .-( L ' . , ULKAl K HOWE ENTKUPt-ilSK. UOVHEUVLD MAUAZINS, Aa Illoatr'te Monliiy ot Cbolo Liter .are, ia pabllf bod moa'tlT at UOLPbBOEO, V. C. , ; It it s besTitirvil) lllo rated Repotiio-y ot Literal lire, dentiued to bt-e ma th Ureal Uout bold Mains ne of 'be routbj mor borooK'ily Mku uled with tb people In the' ist ana . mini tiic tut- man n .. daiczme in th country, and lor lbs susw rice, iiivva More HcadiLtr. Ha sl'sntaii m-irrccted which eitbrr talmt or capital can B commaiid to rentier eei-ii iisaua aa aimie ttle and Inatrin tlv compecd:uu of cbulo ead-uir, bj pupul" wrnra, Ooin Dome M abroad. , IT riClURS 0ALLSKT. a most attractive I aturo. I he Jannan aombi-r codUIdi a lite I ke portrait of El cv Z b. Vance, a d bkicrai'bkal (ketca. to lie followed In ra b Bomber wib photo :rapht ot other prominent it teamen, divine le. "' --- r - ONLT 12 00 A TEAK, Postaire Free. tad ecb aubH.-rttiei can niakt cboice ol e n o' beaatiful. Iar Xtunvt r. i f evb iMx loebea. vts: "ibe Finding o' tie Havlor in tt ttmiile,' 'Tb Mado as,' tod "Kin Lrer Dfyin tbe Bvirw," foi wd-d oa rtce'Pt o tbe uucrip'loo price. Eithei ot tb knur-v.i g 1 wortb dosha be price aasvd tot the Miujaaire Any oo- ndli.c a clBO o' bv win receive aa axin aoacrlpttoB f ee. 8 t gle coptt W) eenu tx month snt.Mpba witcoit Ur ' rsvlBit l.aii , k.bU vVautc4 Every when A' dreat . JULIUS A. btiNITZ Pabliabw, an Ctf i.,,m.k..-. ki.C I ji BOlSKtll IU.X Ul.NS. One 60 and one ISO Saw of these celebrated Hanir UUi liln Hi rtUin;. and will be old a rt-Uuced Vrtce Tbry "are aaH5cteauXcfl"er," iu faler and but lougur than auy otLsr Kin I Ui-. Alao, One SO Saw Seond band Ear. JAaAS ja. TOVlE8, sept 18-Sm Ageut. 1, UIV U1. OR BEST - A well arrancrd two ttnry STORK HOUBk will be routed on good terms. Apply to - . B. W. BF8T, nor 4-lm UillrboroStnet. HIIIfD RKADIN'O, . PSTCUOMANCT, if Faaclnation, Soul Lbarmiug .Vlenn nm, snd Man late Ouide, thowinir how either ex may lclnate and Ka"1 the love and af frctl-'U of any person that choore lunanily. 400 pa)rea. By mail 10 eta. Hunt k Lo , is a. lib au, rntia., ra. . AGENTS'. W ELKUAN r Ulttntujaua mounted. aUe Oxll. for SI. Novelties and Cbnmolu every deacripUon NaTiokaJ. CaaoM s Ca, Phlla., Pa. 4w. 4 ACON I BAtON t Jaat received lo.owiroonn ciern oscnn, bnuiiht bef re the rl.-e. Call and grt our subkhe. Airmail sdvsnce tor eah, at rr m .. ...... .. r. ...... ii.. Id r l.uiaioii'ruciunv' a, Wilmlni(tun street, uar City Scales. TOR BEST. " : For tbe year 1876. Tbe tlouae and Lot oa rlhlborOr Street oppolte the txarhanre r otel, known at t e- uu hl-gprpeny. ibe Houe contai' t eutht coiuf .rtab e rv nie Kitcbea e.nlaluln( fnur rooraa. Two U8li-a room IB )ani ail iu goou orurr. vuiriuu pantry and wuodbouae. ell of good waier In yard, pump a tacb d. fortcrmaappy o f. . D IIUTCHIXCS. jr't., or to . B. ilUl'CIUNUS, TavetteThM ot., ipiait Tucacr Ua L ao"tf - -- navroc beea appointed arpt duly qualified i tx-cuton of Ibe wliljijf rerrr Aunt leriilierir, decraaed,' all pe 'iiiKB"l"ltn claim aralul ih eta ol the a. Id &Uuu- Ivre ae bereny itotltird to ptvrM tbe ! to ibe an 'rratirned bvlore tbe l't day M Ma'b. 17, wnxb notice wtU be ple.d a - entdtujl to l All peraoce lud bted lo th ame are herrbv called apoa to eetll at vac ur suit w 111 be bro ubt i a w . a 137 I T" D V W T T. t. DEVKkUX. M ... feb S-dIaw6w i " 1 1 . Tsssmm j otu AEiaTeUiiia,, ! B 0 1 0 ': K B I -K D B R ... ..... .. . ABO ' . BLANK BOOK MANTJRACTUEER, otui. & auriii, B A i I 0 h. w;;''n.;k. Wm wll. anenretle m and wnae xrara vbaV will pAf from S to 8 net f. eaa baparauM iu voar owa i,eLrbho hood, aadw stnctlt kwumto ParUcalar 'rce, or samples orth several dolla that will enable oa to ka to work at once, will b on receipt oi any eaa -Adore J. LAI Hw AO.. 4 If in Waaal-urtoa BL.Roatnm. f , J. Li. I1 LU M Jtt 1 Mt ATTORlfBT AT LAW A L E I 0B, HBe Soatt of th Oeart B BaeUaal otSe. eawTtr B. STAMPS. ATTORN FT AT LAW, Raleigh, N. U. PrarUre la th atafa and FadaraJ OoarU. OoileeUoMBMde la soy part Of Mortb Car- tin . . . . tt E CE LIB B. A T B I Sftey Organ can be found at IROWM'B VAKIETT STORE, JS4l-tf J I ffJoll. a BullJlnn . nLEa 1N-I In -HiiidAj avkitv -r taut SB itireka Washing Ma- cliine. Piilttittd TBfL I, 1871. Tbl new tLvet lionla complete toeeeea. Vaat.ee ever; tblBK from a lady's Use Collar i a t.'ostterpsae, I. tb moat thorough and implete ttyle. ' ' ' Work witk ease snd ispldjty and without jary totbs clota. TIME AMD MOET SAVED. Tbe watblng doss by a womaa ia 'oa ay eaa be done by lbs patten ted Eureka m hie Boor. Price with wringer a lacbed 2S. ( ,, ; J. B. FAhRAR, tannfarturrr and Ptiet'lf, U ry, N. O. : HEr&E! CHKESEI I Another lot of that flne Gilt EJire Cbeete. rftctaa at tO w ma lr pound y-MV : At . l. viiitisiurti r.n ti Lt. o, Wtliuiuglou atumt. J-EM0VAL OF OFFICE. IDr. William Littlo. Office at hit resilience, e dner of Blount ttreet and Newborn arvuue. . Jan 14-at. T T . Aructioneer COMMISSION MiBCHiNT, Prompt attention wfll be irlven to s'l Vfer- chandite or 1'Mduce ent to ma for ssle. Ps ticular atteution will be elveu to tbe In troduction and Mile f Machi ier) Bud Farm ing ub-u-il ul td to tbl aectton llrre and mulea told every Saturday at 10 VI. ck. Jan 14 ilia : THE HOWE SEWIA'G- MA CIILNE. mo. i'i " i P.'-iK.-ir, ) FlllHT MAt'HlNr PAIE.TEl). The But Machine 'Monufooturtd ' Tbe Bet i ttm Cheaipet .. Tb plau ! aperiority ar Simplicity and Perfection in M omnium. ... , Durability Will last a lifetime I Kange or vYork WiUiout Parallell t .i Perfection of Stitch aud Tension I . Bead quarters for tb Soo.th.at 42 A. VllAllLtX ST., Baltimore: Md. ed rot ci&ciLiha until 4 ri.cu 8PECI A t IN DCCE.M ICS T TO CASH PCB . .,- ; C Aas.HaV . . '; A liberal dieount to Club of tri. or mors. Every Machine U) warranted ud eaUifeC tkm gauraUteeiL. t--- i The HOWE M.tCTlIVE la for sl n B Ltlti H at 5o. !. FavettevflU St. July If MIKlXPZ OFTIirpnOVED" AgHculiUrtl Imp etnetrtttnd Maebloe- IT Burnaiacturrtt o4 ln- (r bv he ft A LEM AOKlCTLTC- AL WURES.' . . .-''" SahwavQ. ABO ' S?. . VT.c'Sa' ' t.. ir i." Pi '.r - m i V i . : ', .. - ' ifv '"v IK: 2J ' ivy 'r' . . . ill - h t i' I.

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