THE UALEIUII l; EN TIN EL. J" a -A 1 advwtlaemmu will awmMTied InltieDauy tkKti-sat the fiiikiwrr'e ntc persfnarael ue atk, or tea Biiavoujiui- ' - - One sqtisrs eee'ome ---a-. L0a " . tiat h u.wjueiit Insertion 'A ..rr II I 1 t I ; ' i f 1 v ta iliin a e-S . 80 I 1 H t 1 .IM 8 00 19 A 1 r .r It amtith.. 3 Bt!tlllUI.,. .... a I I xf a . . vy vp n 1L"' 4," " 1 6 70 1 " !7 ept'Sva'a4 .....I.. 8S O ........ 00 . I - , . , . a ii-t I ' '! ( , ' . ' A :.. Tl 1 Ki- cl. J 1,. U t h ! fj& t.a.a ! :r kt-t Wru l. :i 1 1 l?o-.t frgwi t tpt f try f t",-t. gjsj efy tormtxr f t rj c. n,4 ar.j U. Bi 4 La Wa ik.u trt, elxvyg (.ttb tf Ui lo. Le K re rapttie b tft rnrarrt. VI brr m ti two luidlticmaJ ltfin fcy U citj ftbrtf Ktr. N.Ju l nJ Uormaa were la iored. Thffr lt iuttt feat b&sa coo i4imlV ." n2io plating water inta a prinucg oUku aruiutl b equal .V Tckk. -The and Bt Hernia fcurj;eia in tb wrli are nne of the adramagea nSr-4 ,b' U TriunUsh Trua C'.-S34 owery K. Y- mhmt ItttK llltl !!',?.! WM tM1 Hr awarded 1 !, lledal at tl lateiaori!, crft AUa:i Insttute Talr. bvud iO tenia, f tLeir new teok. ; ' ' . A J - it m - 4 r . - L t f "- - - .- r a - f i " ' f M-Im." . . i 1 ,.t. r r - r t 4iJ i . . - mmi t-' t i t i feaMftiMiv , vi. . -1 asi t u r i ;.. lt, av tii , ; ,:' f na-fy to It aa t. ; J. -t- . .r-tt a.- prfrr4 - ,. i4 otH-r a;ti mi . if ,. 1 w-.Il vol u J ti at4 I (if it t : -! .. k:txj , i wiU.tu. . J k (t -"! tnir brj lT- .!.. .. L4t. I'ha tiwf ! tf 4 tui oeJ aoJ d i arrJiL-l t.VjP ru'd tit Uk tea ::h ter, an J lt tfotral (i;ala w beg f A d m, i.. rreilni tur by tlie eUnvU tly attuuIJ; ur, LcaI altema l ?e, their r-:' -icrial lonl atiouU walk C. I'Unk. l; .t ther ilu't taks tea pr:h eet;t," a the tua of Orleaua tnilit bat kuown, ior were there not ve reavluto women arainat one poor man t Fie lo one I VV hy the confet eracy toiiUlnt hold out againt auch odda donbled, etea when reduced to Ibe macUl oe Sfoder.f The ladiea and ihcir lord left mmn and preump Uus?y in hlv'h'dnrfwjir,' Tbt la, all except Sir. Van Burtn, he war fond of ta aud uij. at that time he wuld hate taken it in n charnel hue aod j bone ott ' at that, if " the ncntl " : had Wt inuuntd a wWh to il, it fffeck Ilaik the II r. Calcutta, ! Ulea right and the cvutitatin, had . to lake a bc k sent. , V ar.4 M.uj , ventralizatioa :. 1 txetuuve rutiuticta-, 4 ' i - -mm m t -4 , rft- I , , . - $ - " ,.I 1 as. h-M , Vl S V- - 4 5 , ' i ... t 1 4- " t f s okctsu. As t, ? t . f -j lfi t , j f tr a s jr. . Wl4 . i ""1. - . f " I HU, i arm . J. G. , a ins, la Frtkia - t - I at f at ex. IV. 1. - . wr fam rawd ei a . .? vy t.w4t tf bra rt - , . kj.. ft i Ims Ir,ga - . ?. ... X4 e Pit : . f jt r-iru. ir - -f 1 twr-m rmm f,.if J ia b4 m tnmZA v - mi u! t pr V4 f m 4 rKitii ri8C.--mita, I Mr jc I4 .45 for fr AH I Wf m i;WW LOW fH IjiU- rt wt Merc! pwi n4 Mack t - T : : f tf u.- Cot. t!a' '...te. .f. A f U las Af tit R C-it 1 av t mait abeut every AiTi.n. s DrxucsATic Votekb or tn TiiiKtt WatfK Mr. K. II. tiH hi',tii dkcLced lb nominition 4 t r ef i! e a:)iimen bom tie third nl ju iu Ltrtty nottileJ that there M I - a meeting of the democrat!: otrra tf aii ward to fill the vacancy ctaioi Ij the above retsa'.lon, to be Itli at the : Major' ofTice on Taer day B;,?.t next, Aril 4ih, at 8 o'clock. Rf ankr of JlaleiV Trnrtahtp Exe tnti. CowauiUee.. J. A. IlARBia, ; , Cuairman. ' ' ' " ' ' "' im ' ' AStiiitnTaoiBTi'T'- Ci.suv Aboal 12 o'd ick, J&.Uj tlugii-' rnlsl I'Sil r'""' ulc",,,f"tl 'Cla'", could go Into tie Cj'ii i;ioo of tla f of "taUonefy by tW vitnena, Df. Hower ton. - Mettbr. Levia Flomiiig ; ob jected, that it bad nothing to ' do with the question before the eonrt Mr. Lewi aaU it waa a bronj field, and be conld not teQ when the case would ter minate;, . for it threw upon the witneua the tieoessity of ahowing the correctness of bia atAtionery pnrchaae in New York. Akrestkd. A telegram was re ceived this 'morning from Morrwvii'e that a man answering the description of the Italian wlie rut ihe man and wo- iran to piece ou Vinegar Iliil Saiur.'ay nfvt, Tia rteeo ." ar-en I. -Ao r whs irnmc.raltly Ci-juLcl (- ?rj,;' ville t'i V t'.- r .'j. LIl:tL n sn ro l.l-Mcu. I ( HH !, bS u8 irf t'll 2. D. . - ".i ft f t (j d hf the Untrue a- I dark a trading . . hi t.Ht I ut'iu:u , A. -e'. tl i, and to 11m J ' I. i -t a more nr , s it;-,.t, rfitrl t'-e mall-' :!. i Pe.Saf A.ite i, t ,i :t .tm metier l aujr ct . - -m iHa-'-'n tfr-t NWHf - A.- .n , a ., -').! rcp t Abut , s Mi I' ttiry t weut btuie ssjal ra.5i:tr airrtMn. . On aim n and waa nvt ur.t i Kjie ith f tn dnya. i . a! wimv f,r taat pertMl .th i Xi"Haa. t.piWd hy MTMlT, W !.- . rf-4 fc., I tkt noi ka w by itbmi I t"e ! at the '( of (lie j I , b t a aui a t w briber the ek l rn.i nl t'w ufa bht lie -vw a4 a ntU by CoL VUrk f i t i -. fcstt t by iftuta aua w.jw wernitesl ty te iurt..A. Vea, j i!ii t ant n ftrred U a ":" t y t vL I tak a 1 karned from 1t article acaded 'Peculation " waa brre reed by l iL rmUell, couooel hm 6.l.te. .... t: trtii s ,! iite'ifw or tne vin tt ;-tii.u h the art ale from tee Index A riat tate tlie & wr Ot'j-cied t by u, frwtAiHi aad theubjuctioa wa ..!. ! it. .."".II O. Bca wbthr prior to the paLK- (9kt u tne artM ie of tne xuax-Ap- fK, n4 N. H., . Mnh 9ih, CuL. Llrk ImI a4 directly or indirectly by ru.u, etierernAuon, butums, luctte er li.nvt publication f " A. The pahli eaia wae rjut entirely at toy own mr wjio, tixHiirh wuh full koowl .V-eeiCuLiUrk that! waa ta xrmke it IJ. btai w belli or not Cul Clark Kj-J aiTtUiui to do with the prei)4r of an arik'te that aptieared fa the Ne of the ITta March, braded Tur av MewrvtiM Cotttpirao)? o,' any pu-t t'Hrmf t CX'jocW to by prmvcaUja nd Li ototittt auKtunied by couit. r. U. n aa not CoL ('lark inforttied of th il. ff! peraiatMM in. uuicm of the Mud tit, uc vt m rumor of auch . pecn- Utttta Xvt tu the allrod euuTcinatiuu kri-n CA. (. Sulk and the iW'iiditiit, r iru.r w tlie' 'tru..rt f If yea. bw t! U-fure? A. I have no rtMtiou to brieve tMi be waa. . i . 1 1 Q Had yuu not with Liia, or la bia firwaon, eoatertiation touchiug tbia au-K-d t'iiarge prior to tlie 2I-t Fetx ruarr, lsiTtJ, or bow othvrwiae. Aj (j Lhdnot CoU Clark at any time pt n to th:a date give tou auch atate- tutriiie utM yon wjum imer irum iiiera that b piMmweJ auch information ? A Ud.dnut." " . - 1 : t Lnd not OA. Clark admit to you; or ia your prtwrnuoK, that be wae aware of the rumor of tbia cburge, a of a time prior to the 2Ut of FeOruary; 1876. whether anch ail-uisMon waa ainde autn aqriiit or prior to that- date ft A, Mace then I tUii.k Co). Clark has, spo ken of a vawne runn , which he had besrd, poaaibly mome time iu'Jaouiiry. ' Q. tiute at what time' the iuaurance a(aementor r.orUwre tukea from the Newe. and iveu to the Advocate ? A. I have uxditifttood. thotie report to be Rrrn out ana lully ; they were given to the iNe; tl.y bnvo hot' been re newed ; I do not know the exact deto, ' Q. What did the Sew get ior tU rtUlieatioaof the wpor ta butt yaur. ' A. duB'tknow how much in the, aggie the price paid far , each one waa J.OO. ; I presumo there waa nearly one hundred of then. ' i n'. " Q. You atated that the oalumna of the Nwe were nuder the . control , of (19 one but yourwlf. ,fcute whether you em-aiji-r you hare the right to cuauge the pulley of the New, without eonaulting the managers 1 .11. .- i .The queetioa waa objected to and pendiDg the argument ef tbe objttction the eunrt adjourned to meet Moudnyat SJ o'clock, p. m. "-' . 1 ,,j - J ; -:: rr t PaiTx eitt. -It ia a aelf-evidont fact thatnuleaa a person poaaeeeea ateorliug worth be will not have tU eateem of hi fellow-men. . It ia trap, that for a time he nmy deceive, but eventually hie faults will be exposed, I.' - . ,. ' Xhia ia applicable alao to articlea reo onunendvd to the conflebmee of purcha aera. for a bncf period by fuwe 00m meudaliuna and glitunn'' exterior, they impoti on the pople, bnt aa' aeon aa toatvd they are eaat aside. ' The teat of ten yean baa proven the intrinsic worth of l?r. Tatt'a Hair Dye, and to-day no preparation eujoya geutvr populnrity. J'rom year to yeatr the demand fr it hita incre8aed, and now it ia in general ne both in this and foreign coau tries. No atronger proof of it value could be giTen. . . . it . . . UuPTCRK Cckeo in from . SO to 90 d.ivs by the uxe of the Triumph Truss & Triumph Rupture Remedy manufac tured by ilie Triumph Truni Co., S3f Bowery. 3. Y. TliiaTruw and inip porter tok the lled.d at tlie kst aion of the Great American Institute Fair. Send 10 centi for their new book. For Kent. -Two neat cot lazes. A 1 ! 'y to 11. IV. It st oPii-e ef south- era LniUTr:Urs Ass'X'ii.iO. marCl-lf Ko ore f.' o..l 1 r or aiire t'.r-;..t I r. cures t' eu r, 1 j r- a c '1 c c r ' 00M i:nr;r!:TOX e.w; . BrcTtwi m AntanTinrco.--In timoa pitst it waa thought imuiodtt to pro uitira the excolleuoeofoue'a goods, or tu aolictt HttrnuMgn tor them ia. newwp- pta. During the iMHt twfut-nv years through the unmeu-e comtetitiiiu la tntde, it baa bttcome a necH)ty. The pubho are alwaya auxioua to knurn of pMgresa, btrt -are equally aeauruoe to avoid all frauds, a they have leen hun- tiuggwl hy nsela waoa until tbey uw become akeptical ef an article poaaca-diig geunme tnertt, and are particuhtrly pro- j ai I iced agaiuBt startling annonnoeinenls ul aome new .ana, wroudetfal aneutcu without chaiacter or .wuutb. Still the puljlie are grateful to mHUufacturera dr rovcuKKw 01 anasme 01 -merit, uvea, u known aa metlunuea ; tunny of them are Uie reault of yeara 01 caret ul atudy ly our most emiueut pbyaioiau -auli.wij tr siw-n tnitat(iMtaut prodiiciiona an Quiuise, . silurvfurjn,! CUluhd Uydrnt, 1'wf na fhtHten, Jko. , 1 Kneoeas ia adVtTtiwn'g dependa mnch oikiu the iutriuste -worth of the article iteelf even tlwugh it be' a medioid ire- parution. Aa an evidence of this, a oet- elirated physician of New York madd a great impruvemetit m l urua l'laxtera ITT adding Ciipciue on aooonut of its giving increaiied i-ffrtet and quicker rebel ami nre thtn any kuowu fnedinol ird J fearuig bia reput tios would be iujurvd. A firm of rharmaoeutioal chemists , in bia city learniug of thir decidd im provement,' made ' an arrangement with hi pJiyaicum 'and comuienoed advertia- lagiathe best Ubwepapera; in a slturt time the aide tnorenm-d from linitdreda to Uiouwuda until now the aide ef Boa- aou a Capcinn Heaters' n eiceedinglv Urge and daily increasing. ' They rD be obtained of any Drnggiat at 35 cuta riEACVIiX -TQHXSOX, .. ' f AgenU, New York, j Far aele by Williaaje k Haywood and Peacnd.Lee A Co, lUleigtt - i, . Teall wbe are sufferlnr trem the nra and ladlacretloaaof ywuth, uerviMM weakuMa, early eecay. lea af aaaaMl. c.t 1 tUaead a ndM Uist will cure tou. FKKK tit UdAlUiB. law gweC rewedy waa eMeverH ey a amwienary .ta juia Amttrlea. e. imlf-xldrmima aavelOee tae Mr.' Jaaarai .wr. T - aea tS-daodA wlha 'f I I The advertiser, an eld ohmtclu. rtlrve frura sviivs umctice. barlnv had Disced 'a his bead ky aa aaiav tadla MtmhiiMirv tb lur- mult of a tiniile veiretl)l Kea-d, for the peedv and periatnoni Dure of CoaumpU m. and Lung Affection. s1ki a fonltlve end Ksdlod (Jura fur Nervous Debility and ell Ncruo Comi Ulnts, after bsvtnir tb(xuuirhlr ttwfcrd V vunderfitl curatlva fiuwers la thiunj of canes, fmils It his duty to aaakv n Xuotra to hl suffrrliig fellows. Aetuaied k) Uil rmi Ive, and a euiisuit-nUoas da If to rellurs human sutfe-lnK. hy will aend (free of rha ire tn all hu dvstre IM-ale toed ill dlri:tlos for preparing' aud cceasfully aalng. Kent by returw oiail by edrinprnag, t, Uuaroe UxkT eyraeiMe, X. V ua. v U Blltv a.s, eev 23-wlj t . III. - i - Th BALK u PLOWS wl'l not rhoka I Rue Uebit Es ly realated I Will tare all ktada of S"U I Mauf Htarre by the 1 BA1.XU AUKlvti.TLKAl! WORKS, j ' 4KII, bodrlA dl liLLNDti t V li 1 i . ) i Qaurantui iXortrnghlv 3um$4 AT M0CS fiQTTVX PJUVJO. y.tfc , fniin : n 1? c n - r n rt rri ii jmw i- " j u etuj-i t , i ',.h till Jrl T.rr Cl5 - Star!Anitaiiat:i '.'Hap'L?:, Kitrr:r:d 1 . t t ( - , . 1 1 r I W Bl . . a a . . t 4, . , W. 1 : jl . . f ' -' J .. I ... it ! - ' ' ' t -' ' Th SOLUBLE pnOSPHATE n! We ksv fotisa by aeversl' jean cxperleaee actual ebervsU0B, that they hsveae superior, '- .rA 'M'- 'l V -"'J'4 , VJ ft '- V'f ' J j -. : J . 1 J .t ri :1 . Oar prices aresoaehlowet thaa rthsrs, pot se BBlvcrssiit papular, had that kv prevca jit , ,. t , . ' .. I 1 '- ' I I I' P it- K "1 (( '1 .-- J uofqad m retails, upon iworn statemewts from many ef ear heat farmers. AU ws .ask la a - I fair trial with anything told la the Boats. We - ' ' 1 : ' f -I.- exBerieaca, a he have need oar faefBhates for B. 3. IVKT, Wake, County. W. IL WBITAKEK, WaksCoaaty. H.E0RT0J, ,"'. " C.CTLKT "; . . j COU 8TEWAET, Ham.U Ceaaty JAMESA. J5HS30?, " . We. JlcE IT, , " , nd Btaay others who wiU (lasiy five their e ! ' ' ' 'i ( ; .'-: A;C.SANDERS cn.' Co., 'NEW AOtEnTlSEM E.NT8.S THIUMP( TKLMCQ., 834 B iWICRT. KT.,' j JLamifim waa, awarded the rrtmtum nra( V . V for ths brat Els'ie TiuaS aud Suppirterat w tbe tatealou yt (he t-. ; f 6KCAT AUKRIC is .INitlTtTT? FAIR, L eatea mnturw ta froos- 0,t 99.dys uid ltrr l,(KX dollar fr a car the cauUjt eereu. fawjreai aey a. n ;)! :i k..rt i ' . riliST CLASS J.AHY flUROEiiy, Terms modt-rate Cb rairaa eni. frSiw den llvd bt Mad .im imti-w fr-e-' The urvaJ dlocouatitii natrou,. aV-ad I- eoaU fur ueaer utiv ., ! fr.t , W.U.WKSnM, M. D -larvtaly" " '.thitfAuigeon' geoa. ; iwmm ?4 T do ud voar All Iti niMM tot Lpttibcr w.mld Jo WI to b-ij mt i W I ' 7 Ir i II L tu,1. rft!-, A .'aA aT Ve VUD1Q1VI 11 a, f J! i,f, tr iutiigue etreot. uJiUh. uuvi m:utnt . wv-ww tryvH a fee inlilrs and theater Pin for sfi r Ap ply tT., . ' , . , ., V , - F. U, (JlimaTOr -Etta A W , TjlOR 8At!1 ivmlr, V, 6,000 pviiid N. C, Bacon, also all kod of M'ttu meat -at -.' ..-...! r.ccuiiSTOPnuts tox'B, ' Vt Ubnutfuin struct .- ': 1 j .' t :i " 0LA.SSE.S--NE1VJCJ10PJ , Cuba sat atuscavad . Uotasses lor sale by any aeamity, CCURISTOPHint ' d'S, febltttf ' A NOT i! E ft ivAK -EOAD'OF . FfXCRI in arrivla Glv t a esll, , - ' ' W. v.vtlKl9 1 Or 1 r.KS e VKJ , c,V'Umington I rest. DO ' TOO ' WAWTiJ AH1W StYLC Oant's Ual, sail at . dec 3 80a r - j, U, BSiUlT B. 1 -, y -t- T S250 A MONTH . enlat Waintea1 . I afa UBUaCO..a. Atia-lwMw- SLirJIGSCJT iodidz of Ar.::.:o::iA "iiia: luuiua uWu aiJMUftNiF mj juilgmeut, tha beat niamoy fir nnural'acver lt b(oitlM Miblk-.. leave baee auiicted with tliUdiaeane for ti yeaia, and aevnr until t fell upon Mr. Wile -reiueily did 1 Hnd any aaaured relief. 1 take plaaaurs In saying dil, liia much aa 1 dwire always ta be a bene factor ef the human famllt. ( , mM P CORBIT thmhi of tb Method fa fCuurck Esuuwinn." Sold by all Druggists Depot 451 Sixth Avwuee, fiiM. J Oil so edit aud tl a betua. for sale br " . , : . . 1 f"'l PtSCUD.XEE 4 CO.; atMw4w4w.; fi .( lUleigii ItjC. D S N'N I 8 Qi"4l ... j ... 'tf ... ' PATENT StilPPIIta 'TAGS. ear Two flindrvd. htUlloaa have onea asad witlilr tba pact 10 tear. Uiuui eutnplaint of loa bv Tag beCHttnng rtacbnd Tbs1;bs moms sauABi.a roa asjs'(3Tros Biiu t's aav'Taeia a. AU FTXiresaCoiapai :eaa tbnm , ' osldtt Pni:vers and etati aerS-veriwaara Twnnnaes ce llmfi g'oa Street coa vaAiuiit tt ba!i)i uartjf f lea'. 1 Jiuaa-J. JyilSUATUXQ. 1 1 1 r n c ir n. f 1? p n .1- j. - SUPER rilOSPIIATS la aellir tk abova ru:sats, as wall a by lT. tf any equal aaKBg Com inert fl Si'aaarea. refer to the fallowing gtatUtaee ef hrge T'l (ihiiit ,,j; 4i several year : . f , , ' , i .,, JOHN AVEBA,hastoa:Ceasty. W. B. SAMDZK5, iiiT't' DAVID AD1M8, " JAME3 PACE, Chatasat'ceaaty. W. U. THOU AS, ' ' "'' K H. WlLSOjr, 1 1 ' ELI A 9 HtlXES, J" T xserieeee? ' .Eertalah H ... :'x'v:r I 5 Uf :.-.t Vy .sr;Uu,- j 31 r;J '; 'i J ; X

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