M fUlUlAJLEKU! SENTINEL -causae UAlLT, WUKLT AND SKl-w"RIKLT. Offlrial Crcai of Ksirll CanliM. " ! STATE PRINTING A BINDINO " 1 ESTABLISHMENT. 1 ':-' WATmWBWMur f.ny"emniei I y-ar la advaace........M 00 (Ml Mi raaathsrssdvaaee 4 Oft Snl Weakly . " ... .... 00 WwtlT Bentt-wl " B The D4ILT 8eTt Bl llt be deUvsrad ta aay r of tbs City at Flftee Coats a wee. V EVER BEFORE EQUALLED I The Largest Stock a? ; Record; IfSlMEL Uma ItttHrntd. r lie 14 kiU f U old BUnd withe larger aeaortmeat of . SPKINOi 1 dOODS , THIS, ETUL... Hi TJ.B CESTEKSIAt OOODSL f FOURTH JCLT CtSTtSXlkZ GOODS- Look at my late. Fsabloa Plate and obooaa yoor style. l( .'I ' i i. '.'... CASSIMEBES. ! suitings. Ia -tot snything you waot- Come and see ma, I know I can suit you. U WHEEL'S ESTABLISHMENT, .(fij. iK lad in t i'- 'i ia at tha old pi", 00 door aonth of tb Southern Express office, - , ,, !I guarantee all my fit. " y. , ;'..) apt 18-8m , x 7, .0. . WEIWJty . UNIVERSAL: LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY IT 1 1 fflairrm Str r.' ' --aaBBaas " Statement,' January; lBt, 1876, Accumulated Assets ": $3,491,635. Gross UaUlitles, lndui- - ; ' : 'nmsnL : ..." i83iA8ar Sorplns Jan. 1st, 1878 - 657,153. Annual Income " - - 3,391,645. flMeiiOTeiittr'SlSl 6,403. Amount of tew Insurane 14,575.219. Net Sain In 1875. 7,383,611. Amount of Ins. fa force;" 33,907,240. Wiujam WAUtaa,Praidaat . ' . ! , Ha.fBT J. Fcksib, Vioa-ProaideDt. . Joint H. Bivlbt, Hncrtary. : , Ocoaoi Lu MowTAora, Actimrr. Edwabd W. Lam car, Med'l Examiner. .AOtWCT. DKPARTMITT. 1 Chablis P. Ourru, General Manager. Bakuei. I Karon, Baporiutaodeol Akdbw Stub, Odn'l Agent fur N. O. aiar t It " "; ; RIMQVOOD W1KK COMFAMT. t ' ; ,i kaep eoortaatly ea Baa4 ' ACVrriEMONO WIXB.impriat fccmad. WHITI AND BCD COMCOR WISI. TVHt' SCUPPIRN050 BRANDT, tary rapar1orJbraiedtRiaal parpoata, equal tat ia lafor to ike kea fnmAT r l 1 1 1 BCVmUUiOKO V1NBQAR a aew article. , wry Id, v t a m , V I 1 ?. 'J o Taeee artlelee are aiaaaiaetared by the aa- , . I'ry ' i . . i i i i I 'oentsaea froai Qrapet groaa oa tbeir (rwa ,e.,' t ' A vineyard. Bad are werraated free froai aay lojarioa adulteratloa waaterer. i . a ..jlddreai. C.W. GARRETT CO., luiiaftwova. He Sr Balltx ceu ty i. C Black Hills GOLD riQLDO! a0BCtK BOOK. A ft, 14TB, BOCIlA, k. ,,,, ISNr rEB to any addre, , Apply t W.' P. JHI0!t," Oeceral Paie. Ait I. . R. ., Lhtcaro, er to I. F RAN .liOLP . TrareJli.g Agv i. 4. B. R la diaaapoue, lad. , ape M u END 85c U G r. ROW ELL CO., Heir t fork ,- tor nMB.pb.lev el 1 0 papa, oa tatahig lUiaof 800 Bfewipap n, aad HUBttM aurea f-lf - ' ' f ' r A XL L A R D & C O., OBXEBAtt j flHHH.HI MEECflASTS ... ABD DEALERS IJf . . . GRAIN, HIDESi WOOL, TOBACCO, Bope, TtSh Boter, Cberee, Dried Pratta, I earner, rar, Lard, Talloa, Beeda, Baeua, Beaaaj Poultry. Eiour, eg ruiue. c , ,. ... WARXBOC8E, SOT A 9 ft. BROAD ST. Ac , ,. PuiLADELfElA. aprflT-irdia - Iwtlltn tmyhoaaaJaVark'e Creek Uvaebip, EORCAaH, anreral eulte of JLtNr8C L O T n 1 N G . Oa Ue Stab hwt, to eeilefy eaM eraiaet ALLISON Mian, ' ..U.-MH$S--fc .U...& Ceaetabi. - . . .... . i - " , in m I. iniMiij i ii ii ". rCTMaiaiirfwi.'ft'w'' r . ii r i j i i.4 1! ii ft i- ii ii VOL: XXIL v RALEIGH; ?f. O W E ON ITOSIINATIUNS FOR'ALDEB : MEN. m DEMOOBATUI ttcun, . ') ! v.u - roar wa:" .i-i -1 ' JOHX ARM3TROXO. i; .fi'.LEN. H. r ADAMS, n i V'fBBAB"i;,;;,;;VAq R. H. BRADLKT. , J. B. H CABMEB. P. CL VTALKER w 6 J. r. 8. LUM8DES. JOHN fEScUU. ?.honiJ row ABa:;inqB w w at er . J. . WILLIAMS, ' ! .i'h f I I , ADOPTION Te fa d pari, baadeome ehUd ioa )M atoaiaa eld. . Addreee, ft. f , car of Beauaei tHBee. . -.t1. r ConflrmaUoa .at tue Catholic church UkBUwrow worniog ai ftvlocJu ' t J. Wou axDKH ' Cat,, dealara la jTala.' t'am a'lpocUlty.'Nwawn, i Remember Biahop Gibbon' leetur at 8t John' (Caibolio) church tbJ to. fafri- n't.'!''';, .ii.-'vtV.,i.i'i.; . Propo wanted for th dialog of 4 rUtxrna- R ciiv ulrartluimanL In ' cTbllta!elgh tbapte'r Wo'.w 10 will meat ThnraJay night,' for work la . the Uoyml Arch degrea.t'jn;!. ?!! ' .' . Tier WB"quiui it ieary froet- Uii mraing. n Pvacba all gon aad nighty littl'btng lot aplei -h: ' ( S"" i The Oak City Pleaaur Club giv a grand opening hop at th' National Fri day ereoing,,--' The 'Germaa --il b danoed betwa aet. , The rumor of the failure .of th W.dowa' and Orphaae', Fund Uf In Kuraoc Company uf Nanhrille, TennM turn out to be unf.Hiuded.. ' W. H. Jonea, of thl lty, ha received a letter from Mr. wooiiug.orSmithfield, that the ha a-oUJe of chalra that belonged to Patrick nenry, . : ' Meaar. A. C Saundera A Co. bar tor aalef 1,000 buahela nice white' flint oorOrJU) JKP. eacka of Star Pboepbate, 8,000 aaok Uapea' Nttiogeniaed Super pnoaphate, and 1,000 aaeka Acid Fho phateto be need with cotton need or atabl manure. They hav aold aino January 13th, 5,000 buahela oora and 15,000 eacka of guano. Call on ' them fbiaina.,, . . u. k 4 ' Thb Cm Casb A Gaoaa Ottbaoi to aa PBarBTBATai,-Iaut evening, at eonolualon of the argumsut. Judge Henry rendered a detoaioa euaiaining the deciaion of Judge Watta. H decided that the appeal from the iaauano of the mandamtu did not operate a a ptrf dtot, but the only return to bo made, to avoid contempt, .wa full and prompt obedience, and frdered tha seyor and aldermen te order an election, and ap point tha neoeaaary regUtraraCand Jn epectonof election, for th Brat afxaday in Hay, under the charter of 1857 and ubaequent amendment, and make a re tura of their action by 11. o clock axt day. Tbla morning the "board of aldermen held a meeting and. directed tb mayor to make a return of due obedience to the command of Ibe coart. Tb fui lowing Treglatrar and inspector were appointed at the 'meeting of the alder OSeDt ift' -' :- '"T" ' , Etutvni Ward. Registrar, Sherwood Haywood.-' lnpecten, John Wier, J. it. Ibvrb and Geo. W. Wynne.. I oiling place, school boue near the city ceme tery. '. " ' it .,"-i)' KlL rlVerer W0rd.-Krgtnt;" J." W. Browa. - Io pectora, C. $ Alien, J. B. UimndN.'W,Wt'L Polling place. Hargett street achnol boa, - Middle ; rWlltrar.!: 2r.,'i.t. June. Inspector, P. C. Hardie, E. T. Hall . and , ft.. C '. Crow." . PolHn place, the court-hooe. ' ',; c '.' ' ! , Bo it teem that w are to bar ait election under th old thtee ward tri te ro, eaatera, weatera and middle, in pile of the lawpaed by the general assembly. Thia establbbea the pre cedent that any legal office holder la at the mercy of an nncrupuloujudge,anl may be by bint cutcd from ofllci and not be - righted - until tard;r jU'Uce ia obtained from the aupremt court. This whole proceeding u a Tiolatioti' of law w.d ju.tlce aud ia tt bae outras upon the good ciuaen of Brfletgh, and all who are Coucerned in it deere, and will receive, tli execra ton of all good and law-aeidog peo ple." Aa appeal ha been Ukm to tbi oprem court, but It will hardly amoun t to aojlnibg. aa Uie jusuce t ina ct'Urt are known to b- aa bitter ami nnact aluua partiaaua aa tboae ia lh) lweT coorta. At ther T.oorTJf-pattiBrj ibis tanue to pre th j pwrifU wa To thb trxiriAi -Pro W. C. Kerr, our ataU gokgiat, ia busy pack lng-np- article for ihibition . at th PbllajtiliJiia teiniaif A atuperlof Urge boxe aVa already packed, filled with Specimen. of rolural,!ore,' Ae. ftJfrna rJ waiUna alrklA. ol Jnarbfej granite, aandatun and other building material will als be aent, together with ptHmaanaof manttfaotured iron. Col. Hook, of thia city, ouatribute a grind aUa made of Chatham county aand atone. Thia stor U highly praised by rperta. The article wer to ,hT beea shipped to-day. W hope our people will not orer look old Joba Hun ter, of thl aty," while 'preparing for a proper centennial exhibit ",hk worthy eolrwr maa I aometmng over itv yean old, and ha many, interesting revelu tiooary recollection. An aocouct of aa inlerriew with him appeared in th Ben tinel aereral month ago. t John abould go to the oentanbial by all mean. " ,- T i. Bdbvt ATE.Oa Sunday last two boya ea Flat Bieer, to Orange county, end twelve aud the other, fourteen, 'ta iled a wbiky thap. Where they drank to eicea and bee me beaatly drank. Adolphua Robert and William Cah wer th boy. Adolphua B-ibertt reached the h use" of Wr. Cah after daik so drauk hat ho ewl3 r.l no in telligible accouot of hi comnioa,Cab. In great haata )Ir. Caah and her sbter, with torch In hand, locked hp the houe and hastened out to And her missing son. leaving Adolphua Robert la Ui house. When Mm. Casb and l ter reached tbeir. aeareat neighbor, hoi quarter of a mil olf, they diacovered tbeir house which they bad JiM left 1b a Hht bhiae.-" Asfor life the poorwomea ran to their burning home. Tbeyar rived' only In time to bear the last acreama and citnea the lat writhing of th poor boy Robert ia the fire which consumed him. The women sajr ther was broom straw in the loftnf the house, and it must bar caught from th torch which one of them held in her hand at she left the houoe. Whisky and lire uncontndd become terrible element ofdestiucilea. . . "'fj..'. -J.L-, : llaatiwo or th BartTaxiOA Oom aaaaaioBAt, Eiacorrva .CoKaTrraa, TaaterJay afternoon th republican eon grrwsinnal executive committee for thia district held a meeting in thia city. Tb object of th meeting waa th appoint ment ' of delegate to th national oon veutioa at Cjuciaaati. - The meeting was a alim oae. B. 7. Bullock, of Franklin, chairman, preaided. A. W. Shaffer, 1' J.. Young, J. Q?h.u Harri and C L. Harri repreaentej the conn tie ' of Chatham, Oranville, Kaah and Johnston aa proxiea, I Wake .waa repr Mnted by J. C. Gorman and Orango by J. B. MaeonJ W. A. 8oith and B. 0. Badger were appointed delegate to th Cincinnati ' convention, and J. A. Mc Donald, of ska, and . Washington Duke, of Orange, were appointed alter- tea. '' The nominatiog eongnaslonal eonvestioa wa appointed to be held in thia city July '11th. W understand that Blaine, Briatow aad Hayo will hav a following ia tha --delegation from this .-," " '' ' V hat Abb we Goma to Do. Governor Brogikn hs received from the department of state,at Waabingtoa,tbe BTperjded resolutloo, - pueed 'bf eaa. grestseroe time ago hi relation to the great bentebnUl humbug. If we are going to have any . oration, historical sketches &c oq the . centennial anni vettary we have not heard .It mentioo ed." Hew U the resolutions- Be it reaolved br the senate tnd beute of representatives of the United Sutea of America to coogress ataeroDied, Trial it be, and la hereby, recommended by the senate and house of representative: to the people of, the aereral states that tney assemble in tbeir several eoonue or town on th approaching centennial anniversary ot our national' indepen dence, and that they cae t have1 de livered en such dav aa historical sketch of said county or tows from its forma tion,' and that a opy of sad sketch may be filed. In print or manuscript, m the clerk's office of said county, and an additional copy. In print or manuscript, be Bled la the office of the librarian f coagres. to the Intent that a complete record may thus be obtained ol the pro gress of our institutions during th first centennial of their existence. IimTATiox ExTBiroaD. Governor Broaden and tun nave reoeirea an in- vitatioa from the cenUnnial eommiaaioa to attend tb Philadelphia exhibition. W auppoM the governor will accept sad go attended by his full ataff. n:, .-. -..Mr. D. Whltaker 1 selling good ak wood at 13.50 1 pina U.OOaSVU per cord delivered, provided the cah at tends the order. If be baa to collect by ticket he U! tit all cases charge old price. Call on him ia rajrf of atiwna Bank, If. .- ;itti vA-r ! ,, ",".( .1 " '';'. , 1 )..; ...;: f.v.',aTi'.:MI !,ifci..3.i,!;!! E D A. V,-- APRIL 19. t'to-.w.ir TAB DROPS. liUtfel'tia baa a Uuriog school. ..til i ,. Hbad and rock are coming up to Wel d0O..f !, . " j ' Diptheria ls j 'ravaging , McDowell eooutjr.x-i'-.--.1 v.r.".'.w T ! ; Scarlet fever 1 racing la Terqutmaa aoOBtj -ts-i i. .".j.- - a -.. irtt t,a-;- Newborn is amused with amatuer th IriosJa. "' " jt . 7 ,.7j ti' i . i. ,vj' ', ,xw---J ' The east wiB have little or no fruit thia aaaaoa.:u.-j f- w v . . The Wilmington fish market U new weB euwUwL ,;..,, ,i::,.,V Kf,,ut-.', W Umlngtoalant viewed, an aarora Friday evening, -t . .i'"-U!; t 't' ' Tha democrat of Paader bofcf a oon vontioa, AprU22. . .. v ... r Th Episcopal convention meet In TarboroMay 17. ' .".' , Buralara continue to diaturb th re pose Wilmington. ; r ,, ' ,.. It ia doubtful about Cbarlott celebra ting the 20th of May. - Iredell county farmers are very busy preparing their crape. .. ; , f( W. H. Wood, of Nrah oounty. has a peacock 82 year old. " . ' The Enfield ABricuitural Club had a big dinner Weduesday. , :, Charlotte ia the happy recipient of fraetiu&al ailv.r currency. j Ilia Sudi BAlLoC'barlotte, baa re ceived a legacy of $25,000. , , , , A large number ef tobacco' plant have Letb killed by the cold. ; , j There ia no prospect tit peacbee la the weateia part t the etata. . ; Person ' county superior court - lJa scsalop, iuage jwterr prrsiuiu . . - b y The federal court bexan at Statesvlll Monday, Judge Dick preaiding. , The Weldon ladies have contributed liberally te the centennial nag. " Ktatesville who'esale merchanta are telling huge quantities of good. Ther htttr bea Rrand- ball atthe Bruwa house, Bocklnj'haiu, May i. The Good Templars hold a district eonventiou at Rocky Mount, May 5. TbaJSanhLOiityemocratahald a convention on tb tirt Monday in May : A mad route ia about being alarted beiwet n Weldon and Aureliau Springs. The Denote of VTiUoo and adjiin1og caunue- are resitting railroa I extortion with a Vim. , ;. ?; Warreu McOitter has beea pardned out uf the Xew Hnovr work-oou by the govern' kt. ' " 3i9 rcftUtered letlera were received at the Grt-eueviUe . pott-otnee dunog the past V0 days. , ; . , Last Wednesday the priaooeM in the Wilson J ul mad aa uusuccetful at tempt te escape' ' O i . . i, . T. L. Emery has bought th Weldon Mill, formerly i owned by bmilh A Uogg, ! Ualeigh. . : ; ' . The Greeaville comet band propose to IbruUh the public grati muic during the summer months. . ,. , . . Dr. W. D. Bollock, of Tarboro, was badly injured th other day by being thrown irotu hi horse. . ' Major B. F. Bynum, of Stokes county, has a bullet that wa fired ia an Indian fight one hundred years ago. Mist Msggi Marphy, ef Ashaville, wa seriously injured a few day ago by being thrown from a buioty. Lt. Governor Armfleld hu been selected by the mtesvUle ladies to dehverthememerialaddrea, May IP. The democrat of Edgecombe county hold a maa meeting May 10 W ap poinlilclegatet to the state convention. Jesse Lewie, of Halltax county, waa kUled the other day by beinij crushed benrath the wticela or a heavily loaded wageu. .. BoaaL. Woodfolk, f Georgia, baa aued the Cbarlotto, Columbia A Augusta railroad for $5,000 for injuries received Nov. 17. '.' '-' t , f"-. r The Tarboro Odd-Fellowe have elect ed , Zeoiler grand repre-eutatlv to attend tue Grand tncauipmeni la Ral eigh, May 9. :;, u . Here i a dream' of a Belling-bee, which is enough . to wake almost any victim from el ambers however profound: "Menagerie where leuth-hound cara cole, ' 1 -Where jaguar phalanx and phlegmatic gun " . Fright pUnnigaa and keatrele cheek by With pewit and preoocioua cuckatoo. rtannt anneachala. in crochetv cockade, With Mine net trawl for porpoise inla- mnni : nnila amilliooa arausre erratic a-apde Of madrepore ia water-Jogged gallona - Flamboyant J tryptyeba groined with rhxrkina arreen. Tn klAsa (raoaa with eoauetiah beam, Exatette pargoylea, with grotesque cba- " ' grin, ' '. Garnish the grutome nightmare of my dr, ' Doa'T FoaoiT. If tha merchant in dioted for failing to take out lioaoe fail to give bond before tha clerk this wtE, - mpiainit against thm after I court adjoarna. . Sav float and give bau 1876( No;! 49 : ,rs . 2IEWS ASD XOTES. r England declines to. extradite . Wias- OW ... -'.a' !t-'n--K? ' -')i There was a fuuta'hin et meeting ye tertuy. " ' ' , The Algerian mturrectioh has been trashed.- u-y Two formidable insurrections are in prograaa ia China.'" '"' (S' " p i : : 1 Grant hie vetoed tha bill redueirg the preaidenft salary to 125,000. ' The p-ime minister of Japan ia to visit this country and Europe, j A j' A recent fire at Mllford. Pa- deatroy ed 80,000 worth of property. , , ; : 1 Artiola for exhibition at the ceatea- nial are poariag in from China. ' - Th ahtp Great i Bepublio landed 1000 oooliaa at San Fraocisoo yatterday. " . Testerdaf Danville. Ky . had a $75, 000 fire. : The aldwell Institute- was burned. .j ;!.. tv: j-- ...fv , - j-t urr- ; It i said that negotiation between Rome aad Vieooa have beea, sus pended. : ; .... ; ... , .', ., , Th attornar-aeBeral ha daoided that th law required that silver ahooid be ia toed at one. - The thin Victor, from Shield for Kan Francisco, has ba lit with all hand on board. ,. , ,. , ; j , Yeaterdav 1 the aenat had up the hoo-a bill in revard to th Ux ea fer meated and Mail liquor. - - ' ! A riot took place In LImerlcki Moo- day, betweeu th Feniaa and Mi me Kuiere. Over one nuudreu people ware hurt. . . . . a The friend of McDonald tried hard to hav th jail substituted for th peni tentiary aa the place of hi imprison ment. , .. , .- li.t . .' v i "i At last accounts th Loudon stock exchange wa firm. Th Berlin and Vfroua bourea bav been unsettled ad price lower. , w l Monday a vessel from New Orleans went to aea through the 1 rjuUiwt- Pass. . Site dre w 18 feet and 9 iuche. This ia a ulutupti for Capt Bade. SecreUry Fih has addressed a letter to the bouse of repreeentativea covering the oorieepondetioe reKardiug a diaorim iuatinK tariff aminst the product of alav Ubur. " ' The Berlin psper aay that Ruaaia baa plaiuly iutiiaatrtd that Servia would be protect! from Aastrau eoeretoa in tue eveut that Sarvia deelare war agaiuat Turkey. ' ,-1 ,i , A riot teok plac yesterdsy at Leav en worth, Kan., between striking eal m uers ami imported nigger. Pitol, kntvea. rock etc were used, but ue one waa killed. .. ' .. ' O. E. Bahoock, Biohard Harrington. H. C. Whitley. J. C. Nettleship, T P. Sommerville, Geo. E. Mile and Walter Browa have beea indicted in the afa burglary buaineea. ,..'.,-,,'.-.;...';.;,( . The San Frnclco Chronicle make teriou charge against Commodore ltouert and ca-tt imiiutation upon Senator Sargent In couneciloa with, the corruption ia ihe naval deprtmat. ( A young maa in New York, Henry HeUy, twenty nine year f age,, waa bitten by a poodle dog fire month ago and died of hydrophobia last week. Two l.ttle girle were recently bit In the eame city by a mad dog on th street The Star .iinmoniatei SOLUBLE PUOSPUATE We hav foaad by aevertl jeara eaaertsae 1 ' ' , ... ; . ' ' ' " i '" " " ' ' y V" t t ... .-!V': r ' 3rr fj ' ' tttBBOBICtT j 1h!Sv ' Z rrM6--Cl ''il5BjaB ' ,;; T - WiastS yr ,pj . ... actual ebservaiioa, that they baveae tap-rior, If aay equal ataeag Co-aaMrHal Itsaarsa. Our prices are muck lower tbaa ethers, hot so narrarealiv popular, aad that hav prev a aoeqail hi results, apoa iwoni stsUaunU froai atsay of our bast rarsssrs. AD w ask Is a fair trial wrth aaylblag sold la lbs Sooth. sxperVxe, who bar ased ear Phosphates R. J. iriT, Waks County. ' W. B. WHITAKER, Wah Ceaaty, M. H. HORTON, - : ' M. C.CTLIT, '. .1 COL E. STEWART, Haraett Ceaaty. JAMES A. J )HN80, : I l r D. Me. McKAT, - And maay other who win gtadly girt their A.C SANDERS & Co:, " . .' . TUB, IULK10U rTI(K'v Advartlassts wffl be tMarlad la taaiaui ABTJBBtt.tb MWwtai ft rata aaraamarsaf . ia aea, er tea faiaiei Oae square aae Ura a ack,erta aitatoa Uas.JIvI ' " XBI ; aaebea I. i seaars, t I - I I a ., ff ' 4 ;'.,..:.' t r I I. a , a I - B ... ............ as. asooth.... ...... ........ SO- eraaUe.. If ea. . atMlMMttMa W 00 1 ................ T..7 r. " . .j JJ :.i....:......;...jBB 1 awaaWaweC M fj Mnxioxa roa Chicago. New .a been tveeived nf the death fa Borne of Mia JaUa B" Nwhrrry, deagritef I of th 1st Walter Ia Nwlerry. , 11rotfa thia event the North Piviain will aum time b houored with a matrnificent pub- , lie library. The late Mr. Newberry left, an estate dear of H inenmlvano, coo aiatiiig faiefly of real fwtaie, mud vaJoed.'t even at tb presaut dpreoiated prioaa,. at HX),000 or $3,000. (XXX Alargfpoi. tioa of it is anprodnctive. but th in emne ie upward of $100,000 a year. One-third of thia goea to Ur. Nawbar- ry, the widow, a her . dower, aad the remainder, now trial in beir are dean, i to aeeumulate until after Mra.'Na berry'a death, when on-hlf tt -tha waoja tat will be devoted toitMuaia. a free public hbrary in the .North piyia- ton. -vaieaye jrwaa. , ... i ' i a O i aa I r ' J . PTMPToxa or 'Cata Bate. Dull. heavy -headacba. . oUtructioB of the nasal rjaasages, discharge t falling into ih throat, sometime prefu, watery. acrid, thick and tenacious mucous, pane I Bt, "muce puruient, bloody, tmuu, fl'snsive. etc t In blheri a dryu, dry, watery, weak, v or mflanvt-d -eye, rtn.lng iu ear, deafnest hawking ana -couching to clear the threat, ulcere- lien-. ab rrom ulcers, vntce altered, natal twana, eueusive breath, impaired roelland laat, duzin-. uieout de aressbm. tickling caigh, etc., Ouli a ew of the ab-rve tympto ns are likely to l present ia any cae at e lime. When applied wliB , Ur. lerte'a Nasal Ducli..and Bccoronled with Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Disco vry coostituti'Hial Uauuenr, Dr. Sage CataiTh KnmedyprwdiCe urtect cure of tb worst eaaea of Catarrh and Osena n J many years ataudw-HA hi tberougti A-eura of , aiathcaiMm consti tutes the out acieuudc rati itaL f. and uc.-etul m iuuer of treatiug thia odkHN dia that ha ev-)r" been of- iered to the afttivted. ' - .i i i j d- ? Dariag Monday' prooee lines of tb eouimiUee inveatigvtiag naval expendi- turea, at muan-Uptiia, aevenu piece ol plsKtsring flL bitting la clfainaaa Mr. Wittnoru-), om Uie bead. It djaoovered that a reporter had encored the room overhead, bored a hole ia the ceiling aad inaerted a tube by which he eould overhear everything that trail spired iu the -OoaimiUe room. . The . euterpriaing newspaper man waa cap tured, his note destroyed and he Sworn to aeorecy. a. : -. . Th eoretary of tiie treasury baa in atrautedtite aasintut trasurra at Cbarleaton, New Orhsuia, Waahiuirton. St, Louie, and aereral poiuU north, that apoe pn-aiitatiun of f ract onal currency iu sauia ui Bj and uirrrcytaa, aut.toex onad $100, they are authorised to . issue therefor a hke amouut of sJver exau, xcept$l pieoaa ' i . '.- Rev. Wm. H. Chapman, pastor of M. E. Chnrob, O -nrgelowa, D. '., write t "rlAving had au opportunity to teat tha excellent qualities uf Dr. Bull' Cough Syrup, I beeitate not to aay, it, ia the best remedy I have ever aeed id my famdy."; . ... Fob1 Bemt. '1 wo nat cottare. Aiuily to U. W. Bast at otttce ef ftouth- eru Underwriter' Assocition., mar3l-u r . , . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . . W A TOR'S OFFICS. 'vr. s!(!fit,friT W tuaataa,-- - ' ' - ApN . lift a 1KB. Bealed preposals will be rreetved aad eeeard at tbla efflee ea Batardst, April Wtb, tare, at IS Ul4km parpas ef tmUd- ia( f ui n LUUKia,-; nt b pee deaituas caa be seea sow at this ettce. B. C MAS i T, h Mayer. April 19tb-td. ,- : . Uape's Nitroge'iiizei SUPER PtlOSPIIATfi OF LIME. la scllhig the above Fertulaers, as wall at by Ws refer te the fbllewlag geatleavsa W large for several years : T 9 4 , 1. ii JOHN A VERA, JabaatoaOeaaty. TT. tt BANDERS, . ;". f, DAVID ADAMS, f , ,')'. , JaMEB rACE, Chstaa Ceaaty. W.M. THOMAS, ' '." i." - a i- 1 . i "v R. H. WILSON.; ELLAB HAlNEB, , i' erparleaea. Far Bat by. . i ! -L' . AGENTS, it. , , 1?j i a m ii u . ...v.. ' aauuir aa it .l .. Iti.-i tb: a-J lJ ra -tj ; 3 :

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