ilia 4 lAlwerttse' rnesf SB West alias si WEDNESDAY APBIL 19, 1878. I 0, equals Bi33cptxr , m if ......... . i - ' " - il" iA'Thmch- debtut ia ckrnd wifli ' poiawoing his petieate "oav tommiwot. sj IVreqna whoa rich; relations would not " .' ff ia timt for them toToaeldiiSe Pre?-. "frtwQaUappljtpthedeptiMtopoiKjn than) vhileVaprtiiWvVWctMk' la Is Ji snAliyBMWshaar . tenon ehetgee 'iveeiunt the dental inietnUri' This only J'sbowiliow deep sad, wideiroreeil Js tie ;iNnw(uo:M Bt mm.,' . ru,t.i.j ? jf lfjiSQBDjAT. THE CiSxij M Tit War nponv the Sentinel rtafen (xakd( ijr nlIra4;cqrpQnaioo am) ring tanievtlta failmg to buy and ellenoetbe - 4Uf. rWrtwipi tlie;'jeVtple sgitloat M ft Uv; ncdiMra tpd politiciaas' to ncwvwadonkl the-tate. B tort in4 Votfof i(w&ii'ihd wlftVbte- to part wilh , tuftsin's Intnreat in iu fodr 'tejnalaiag- sutadsv .ii"t ivi" i.M in u.,.i . . i i nti' I. !. ..' t i ;C3IALLENtrDfO A JUDGE.'," ,iS- ! .' V Jill'J ,tfttln wi'l i ,f ,To challenge a, Juror WMtlwtyt ad .rT-,t-' la old .times "when Judge "War para there was aeY challenge "of a . . t 'la commoiu ; Nswa emea uoov Waabingkm thai Caluaakua 'jiiexandar, the intended victim of the 'salt tonaplracir,' will abject ta JudM TJleJUth;ucaiUing on tlt b?m h, io the , trial of.Jtht seisburglai a, because bt fai 'latsraat la the real euU pexI, ' Where 'Crrr muddle. !I-Of ?S (llf T.J i !) I T Nilf" P -rf lAfter a faB dijaaien on yeeterdty fWa'1ttidaB1a1t,,Jadial 1 Henry ruled that the mayor aid aldermen puet :,W Reorder oX tha4nrt to JaoU.,an election nsder tha old eity bbaHer; and! ot under tha lAtThia.Joiofnisf the jCpmaflj' jfor ','tta', ayorjpgniflad )eb 1 jaarpoaatoabey tb:oarti The-mea i IsUmaabeinfi- eaeftoaea' of. ' 7adM ' Tmrle J7' InotWf jto flianiisa tha 'jftt t jM fair!aa' jaffnaiha wajor .W jWannan, ba .anae.flo paaotioal good oatdd oma af "the fiiTcatigatloii. "ThJa U a writ to ' in ' '(Juira by what authority,' the mayor aad jjjaiWmeQ bold their aAwCi AamiiMW diaeoaaion ia bow going an and will eloae, wbaby.'VTlblhe day. , y u ' 'yIK)?r TPEYyBOB!. ,.l! a toWTttffi goat tb xDatUm'a Wlpitaitndef Babcotk and Orwf See " bo It goea,a( the" capital oi eretj itata. At Raleigh they -eichaoco f tea cant Jjondfpr bonJa'wf Jh lanfldollar.; Go' : i He county ,g9erainBU w wraovuie, Traokltaii ravea and Baiilhx and there eaj'hoWnAbery'gbe on.!; taearfrooa , .lha. banka 4a erery idireetioa aad yoa bear of defalcation. John B. Carmen. f o ' banUnj?-'i&ua ,f r Cortb A r &rmon, :4a a defaulter' U IL Bane, of New York, baa' been arretted' fbf em bezzletnent. Jehn Seal, of tbe'.aame oUy-a 'teller of a aaticgs bank, baa -ared 60,000 for fahnaelf and fled the coon try JtCi UJa atealing and fleeing , ionUnoea UWiU ao dlmlnli-h. tbe.cur- jttWvyiivnMHMUU aa oougen w lanaia. "it: 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ' ' nii . ; . f f-Dr Howerton anea Col, Clark,of the SaMjb Nawa for; (Waa rfWf3VvM feia oat t f?cn. wurrtpt oaa libel CUrk baa been before tha (nmd jory thia week to find a bill BVSrt? Torner-6rUbel. iiu biaa htrblklibg HawcrtDtf a card. Nat. McKy baa aned tha Philadelphia xiinea ior(UDei and toil goea. II cat . tora would wnte troth tbera woold be fewer WmptbeL Wa bae: waya called 'on repablioana to ataUtn what partioufr'Uie Sentinel haa wronged or nuarepreaenal th&m. : Dr. Howerton ia tha only gLTaa aoma forward. -Ba denied tha cLargea published in ILe Beatinel from tba Index-Appeal, and for publishing his denial wa Lave undergone 'Too' LATE. . The state once pwned tbree-flha of tua . wunungton t Weldon railroad. Tha aUteYetock In (be road nuuie bp a , part M Om aobaol fund. Wi W; Holdetf, Mnapeecb yeara agp.aaid thia -fund waa aacred, let na politician with his itching palma touch it." ' Under Hel- den'a adniniMnUumibaioadAwaa axfld far $37, a .abare. New, read, what fol- lowa and you will aee the neoeaaitj of xi vu inn wu Birpunmoin WOO are aeeking to gobble -up the failtaida from llorebead City to Qldork Tpthia end they pay lawyera anna newapa pert "and politicians. lhe following ia from theTVUaon Adrmafce ' il H 'J- lleasra. Branch, Hadley k Coprder, ed a lot of gooda from Baltimore, which were shipped to Ooldaboro ttia.' the W. . tW.RR' The maranteed freiffht on aaid. gtoda tqi. CSbrkt 72ja Bat thsiuilroad com pan v ladefianoao all JuatioeL and tiKviokttioa of the eon tract and bill of lading, charged Meaar. a;1L ACaTaslu, Vbiok wu abort loeai cnargea u tba gooda bad ahippad to tLw , aoa. Tha only excuse wa can imagine ! thia outrage ia tha fact thftt Meatra. Branch, ILkU.-j k Co.. Uto in WiLton. ,' Of coiua tb Ktfaed to pay tha exoeoaiTe ch.irye,- when tba fteai aoccumbad in tha matter of the freight and agreed to receire the ill 20, but refuaod thea to ahlp tba gooda to Wilaonooany terma. Thia waa after tha wagona bad left on Tueaday moruing. In the faco of thia refusal, one of the Arm, 0pl Hinea. flotifled tha agent Ltfiat he woqld give hint until the- next morning to amp tha gooda -to WUeoa, eeived that the gooda were furwarded, A repetition of auub nagea ia intolera ble and ealla fur retiree. Huch ert denoea of petty apita are treated with eon tempt and are unworthy the dignity of any eorpartion. " ; l rOOB WAY 10 HAUMOXIZE. ! M? l .1.-,-.: Tba Roaneke Nawa tbua , apeaka about the, candidate for e6vernor. If tha Sentinel bad ao wriutn tbera wtwld hare been a bowl that Turner wa dea troylng tba party.) 11 era la what tha Newaay,n . ' A prominent gentleman .from Chat ham county cJU d , to aea oa yesterday. 11a Ma the people In bla county, and in the maloritr of countie went of 1U1- aiyh, art net only oppoaed to tha nonj- mauun oc.uof., vaaoe,utinaay wtiu not,aupoit him if be ia nominated. He ays Hun. R. B." Vance, Oen. A. M. tScalea, or any other wetern nud.woald be mora acctrpiable. If our party nom iaatea.. a, man to, whom thrat ia Urn alixhteet oljectio wa d j it at aur peril. We cannot afford to ignore whatever ia calculated to ensure the co-perati"Hi of our western frienK and we ahoutd. by all nieana avoid nomiuaiiog a man that will n4 be entirely acceptable to a concede to Gov. Vauce tba quel iflcations for the offloe but we conceive) that we Vill jeojmrdite our mtcrest b) putting him forward. ' "'. ' Wa know that great efforta win be made to aecure huu tua nommatioa and te lurce it acceptance, but Uov.Vauue knowa full wuli Wvu a deieat would be bis permanent political death, aad auo- braa wwutei forever tiur tin our from anUber and jHU)r place te which he la. ay ceaimon consent, entitled. h( "THE, TRUE LTSE." ; Hi!. ;"! t-i!iJ. !" U-.' .! vj WBUf BBOVLD M THU CABBIHit WiXIM Ma awewas VkvitAMtMi taa avais war w nafl X Vg 1M vauiwbMaav CMia atu aa Ttoa n tditeriai (athe HswTerk Bsrald.J The true line for the democratic parte to take ts tbat snggeetea by the extraor dinary and appaluafg ' events which now startle tne country i un tne . battle Da fought apon the issues vf Grant's malad' ministration. , Let the party trace every stream of corruption which now pollutes tue country to its source, sua call upon the: country to tise' and 'cleanse the source. " Let the leaden begin the cam paign on the violation of the constitution involved in the appointment uf eta If noeraandnotatuteamen tu tne AOtuet Let Uieaa abew bow tke moral aense of we aatton waaderaded by the taieouoa of worthless relitioua and whiskv- drinking oronina to high oflioea here and abroad, Xjet tnea afanw how, tne ita -k derraded itself 'by beoom ing .-aharer in tba piuudir aad t patronage i ..tne - executive, tet tuem snow bow tne country was parcelled out like the proviaoea of the ancient Bomau Empire, every state with a aenatorui , proconsiu Ckjuiuiiig tn New . York: Cameron in Fenuaylvania. Fatteraon in South Carolina, and ao on until the country, ao far aa the patronage . i , . i i - . was . TOUoernou. is unuer sne uomuiou of an oligarchy which ouly oppoeea tba) ureeident when be uamea menfurofflot bka Hoar and Dana, anpporang mm 14 hie selection of a Billings and a Delano. Let them abow bow inveetigaiiona in the boaee were made Impassible so long as the brothers of neubere were allowed to bold trad poata and . rob Indiana and apldiera,. ; Iet tbem. ahqw bow. eoandal after aeandal aupervened, until ea bad a aecretary of war at the bat of the aeaate aa a confessed robber, and a aeoretarv of the navy rapidly on hia way thiUier for bavpisr used a milhoa bf dollars i of tha government money to'tuatain I iutkbig taking bouae in' Louden. H i k j Ltl the democruU lay dS W a aramai maxim or tneir canvass tba neceaity of oue ter n for the presidency, and the re-establishment , of the civil service. V LaUavaonator a 'krave 'a" tfd keen aa Bayard whxrw that' (he root tif II tnest evila Ilea in that tendency to i avartsm which nas crown out er tne' twe term pi IncifBe. Let hWh shew bow, with the re-elecOvag-rvoeiple as it now atanda, we virtual v of or a premium to all ambitious preidetilv-io do aa Grant baa done najrUjtife'lhe, nr. aidency as he would have u-d a reb.'l ramp, for pillage by himself and hie soldiers. Let him shew that the president, instead of taxing tne prvauteocy as-a solemn and sacred trust, regarded it aa a chance lor, a good time with bis friends and cro uiea- high pay, little work, lota of fun and no.questiena aked, and the only cart to bandit its enonuoas powei that it might last aa Ion aa poxaibleJ Let the country be summoned, without diBtiactkMi of party, to riat aa one man and put an end to it all, even as in New York the people rose and put an cud to j ee ana jus snavtnee., ,, 1 . ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO. THE FOVRTXEXTH Of APBIL, 1770-. WASHISOTOS's; ABBIVAt ' ABU WOBB. ' , f i 1 1 A :& i 'V , ."' "'j i t' 1 ri 1 One hundred years airo Fridar last Uen. aahington arrived n New York. coming by way of Providence, Norwich, and New London, and transferring his htadquarters fiem; Btietoa to thia city. uenenu wnariea lm nau been here since the 4th ef February, and had dona much toward lot tinlng the city. eivct-t ing Dattene up ,tht .lludion and at rivers, as.. lar; as Uousten street, and throwing np entrenchmenta atOowanus and on Govenior'a Island. Sir Henry Clinton bad looked in on the citv ami aalleeV-ftway agsli" with bis quadmn.and It was not until July 9tb that Oeneral tiowe landed his troopt on Mateu Island. The agitregata American force in thia city and vicinity was 10,000 meny of whom only 8,000 were fit for duty. These Voope were without pav. ud manv bud neither uulforma nor arms. WhenWat!in?t rre ,toii r!-y be made kia beiulquaners' at ttia he feyster mannlnu, ISO pvarj street, op polite Cedara part ef which waa standing until quite recently Tbett be remained until May 3, when he went to Itiiladrlpliia on a summons tt confer with cougrea. Keturnlng. he went to the Keoucdy houe. at I Hi tad way, where be remalued until the city wa evaouau-d Jn hej-timberj Ther were no holidays theu at headquarters. GVeranraaiugleiTWrltea of biiueelTT "I give in to no klud of amuaementa myaelf,and consequently these about me can have , none, but , art otniined from morning tin 1 11 evening,' bearing aad aaawerina appHcailonl and leiters.' Though Mr, WashinKton' aad lbs wivet of the nther Qeusrals were here, there waa little social Intercourse; The wealthy people of thia city wert nearly all loyalists,! and would rather have welcomed Howe than Washing' ton. "We all live here,'' write a lady afNew York, "like nuna abut up In a nunnery; - No aociety In tha town, for i he re art ndnt te visit t neither can wt go In or tut after a certain boar without tne countersign.". Another ctrresrto- dent write t "When you are' iutoruied that New York la deemed by ita old rababiuntaand filled with aolditra from New England, rblladelpliia Jsraey. Ac. you wilt natural ly conclude - ths environs of It art not' very aaft from at until -ciplined a multnuae aa eur tiro vinclal art represented to be t but. 1 de believe there art very few bloce of ao great a number ot men together with ad little mischief done by them. "Tbey hare all tne simplicity trniougnmea la their manners, aad stem autttatrangera to the vices oioiuereoMiere," .i') , Aa Oeneral Oreene one day paaaed through the Commona (now the City Hall Fark) htaaw a youthful aoldier trauunga. pranocau eoutpany iof.artuV boy. The boyieh reaptaia, we -toly twenty yeara old, bnt be waa full pf lire and vigor: and abowed bo little knoa-t edge of military " acienoev1' llrvena atopped, admired,., and. invited. kim to his quarters, anbaequently giving an in troduction to' the commander-in-chief. The boy aoldier waa Alexander' tfaniil ton. k. very Haw lorkar kaowefcia auto aeouent "Uwy. . . f . . . , . ... . , New Turk at thia time was a Tort city. Ita leading men generally thought it waa aster at adaetwi to- tba JLmg.. Its business intereeta were averse te huga The committee of .aafety bad opposed ue entranee oi tne eonunental vroopet and had advised that they ' be kept wiuua wo Jiwiia oi uoaneoueuL. i Jjet bad assured them that be would reepect their wiahea, bat at the same added: ' " r m,i u:, i i hi i t U tha BriUah sbipa of war'art raiet I shall be quiet ; but I declare aolemnly that if they make a pretext of mv tree enoe to tire on tba town, the first bouse set ia flumes by their gUos shall b the fuuaral I pile of ' aome Of their beat fnenda." . , j , ... , ;. j Ia a letter to Washington the flrery Virginia aoldier aaid that he found the provincial congress of New York !'wo fully hysterical" The committee of one bnLdredorganixwl the year before embraced not ouly all the leading pa triots of the city, but aome who after ward became decided Tories, , , Isaac Low waa chairman of the committee. and ita leading members were John Jav. John Alsop, Philip Livingston, James Dnane,! Xaae, Uarauel Vtr planek, John MortuoU Leoaard Ltepen rd, Nicholas Hoffman, Joun Broome, Nicholas Boorart.'Alexaiiilar McUuumd. John Lasher, Jamea ' Beck man, , John Morin Hoott, Comfort Hands,' ' John Lamb, Peter Ooelet and Jamea Despros- aea, Aw iV a a. I. ;l District Comvkntiow. A conren- Uon .of. tba Democratic-coritflrvatlva votera of the Fourth Comrresslonal Dis trictwill be held la the city of UU eigo on ,'iuesuay, ma I3tn day el June next, for. tha purpose of nora-j mating - a- candidate " for contrrets and a presidential elector, and selecting tmil.Uinliliiik k T Uon. A lull attendance ' ia earnestly desired. Each, county will be entitled to one vote for every one hundred votes and fractional part . brer, titty given for By order tf the District Executive COntaltttaV .v. !;;iR ;:i.V. -J. H.A. LONOOK, Jb., : ' e i!Jii urn, Chairman. March Slat,. 1876. . . rapers w tne uiatfict wui pieast copy 4 .CI I Rcptcbi Cvbeo In from 30 to 90 days by h tut of the Triumph Truss J l-luinplt nuptmt Echiedy mi rurac' iured by (lie Triumph Truss G.. 331 Bewery. N. Y. Thia Truss, land bum . a t. .1 wst a . . a porser tooa me uenai at ma last ahm of the Great A mericaa itntituta I- air. Bend lOtent for their new book. IBlUMPHTRU.-W.tO., 1 8M BOWKBY,! K. YnK I- to whom was swarded the for the best Daa'le trass aad. 8aprer at' tat mat aassiea at tee- i.i;ta uu rm GREAT AMERICAN INSTITCT' FAIR, cures a rnetors hvroas dO te 00 days and alter 1,000 dollars for a case they cannot eure.- iney enuiora -' - 04 ' , "FIBSf CLASS LADT SUBQiOSl' - terms moderate.' Cases roar steed. ' Or dsrs filled bt atauVn Ksamuiatio free. 'The usual discount to patrons. Bend . li cents roruescr.ptiTa doiik to 1 r riOf.' W. 11. 0UKBHAM,'M. v., " marS9-dlv Chief aarreoa. ; 70BTH CAROLINA WAKK COUNTT I lli: tn n rnairrxalo cocar, February. 1878 Joseph. D Powell elalntlff osafcul Mar M. Allen, William - H F.- Ferrell. Rirhard rerrelL James whlllev and others. Proceed Ier for partition of .land. :! .,- . U Te Wt-Uaia H. P FerreU. one of thede- fendants abors aaraed. who is not a resident ef ibis State. . Tan ars hereby reanlred to SDnear at tha office of he CVrk of the ' Bupertur Ceurt for the ConBty of Wskr by tss Slat day ef March next, 1870. aad answer tha aoBnalnt tiled In aald office, or be plaintuT will aunlv the Curt far the relict demanded la estd cumpiaiab J. n. EUrfTINu. Clark. Mooaa A OiTLiaa aad IUtwood dUIoiiits Auornrja. jiarea rf i.s wewt r ' ... I.. 1 , . vf KUllIKlC-'CAIt IJIA1J UK XI.. f FLOUBt i x ; - t Jest arrlvln'. Give ns a call. ' ) F. C. CB&iSTOPtt KRSsx CO , , WllaUngtoa street cTrlT'oawil VI I Established 1841. Q ! , Patent Clanpi:a, i EUEGLIR AIDmS iPE03F, 231 & 252 TJrosdvray; ewTork. " '51 - 60 Hudbur 'St.'. Bostorl.i : 'ip'18-feod-2in' i 're L'Joaat. JCCqTTitvtfMtoag Faanza Btnunnta auixaTa Timat .riiit-jiV til. ' I )..U(I I. r' t'i l'A t . BmUight jr. c. i vw aaa area Mivawuutno a s"vsw. uiyvsi kWalata,.i Us4gatBsaassoiklt4.; ! ; Bstoras promptly and sailifartorUj aufla Refr , te 4. 0. WlllUnu, presldsat Suts jiiiiuhj owia. 0. , t iihit. Major vi mt . lfaW. U. A it. a, .Taeker, 4- V. Meskaeil I sruorou a uouae. , ,, , . -Jaa la-taa- B. M, aiau) oy'SOkracAEousA in i.j JV: JOHNBONr strTTON VCO, .j.d t.TZTZTs rr.nrr,'. s; Sb$, tat gsltuaote aad 1 "ont Ubert eta. ft W. oassoa. X. K- CBABsa. T. af. Sittol " ' u. 4,'oaso. iH ' i .'i"iii Ikfroyid bavruDt corros run' TtaV-' --'; r. i. T.1:; j The siaaBisetarsra clslm that tbev ars fb Mst cotton seed planters sed guaoe dlstrlb Iwt la ibs wrlL Ttas Dries hae bssa le duced 8, to salt the times, ftesd la your erdsrato secart them m time, ' , . j " ; . H TU LXA. Art. . mar254 ' ''' Tot Msnolacturers. ' ! i r ii. mi , n in . i. I,, a 1 1 i i i H U L K.; L, I, K .1, ns carload best IUtcHow ttaek Lime te- eetved b atlitlaks, and oaTartd as the depot in quantity at xa eta. perDusneiana xreiirat so ewse oui s onee; ( i JHML1.1L. TUWl.10B. AaV mar25!?w .... , ft ' -;IO" ';I - -txrooo r wo-d it woodiii Woodi Hoe. Ilpw eord. Oak. S9.W pereerd. Beadoruerto ' T ' ! .... - . . t , HL.L.I DtOre. i i i i ii. , .... BOAflDWO -B0C8aV 4" " ;i ' I'J.'.l (1-1 f ! Mrs. Beckw'th haa ODened a' trat etass BtaMtlng Ueuasat the Corner if Ifsrtla aad wumuunoB Btrssu. la us raHluvt lorsMrlf oecuphxl by tns lata Dr. . U. McKee. . ehs Is pfctauesi to aeceassBodata aeratssieat as wall ss Uaastest buardsrs. Tka labia la al ways supplied with lbs veiy best the tasrkst aauroa, aa ue fwaraa aept aeat aa tortable. ., ,r ... A KoTBtRtar Lead ef G sob Ins WalM Oats f or tan ebesp. At " " n 1 F. i. VAiKleTOCaCRa CO'S. fsblS-tf " WUniagua Street. OW IS THETIMEt ' ' j t mp jomr nuns; aju sc -asea OI a . . . . . . Mate wauia ao wen to bay er u 1 a-- r. C cBaiaTui'ii aaa avco.. - , 4 - r, - . ,- r . Oaiuigtoa sareet. , STOCK HOGS! ' . J,,ttiftJ rii 11 ,f?nttf 1 "m ! I'i MrksMra aad Ckestee.yigs lev aala. ,AlH ply te, T. C. CHRISTOPfl-ltt 00 .,'" ..7 .rf ! Wlualagteaatrest.t EOR -8AI.E10 -1 . t t tl '.'ii tivir ii i'l ii '.iin.'livl a t.000 eoasds N. C. Baeea. else all kinds ef western sseau at 1. c CHartTornnts a co.'s. - "f a iM'ttadartea strsai. liSE8T IN RALEMil ' OlJHi,ifc ' J :' I Mi-'j-lii avaat ami Trial. PatataMat tl tn M feiaah at ier taais use, sn-s pintinr, st .j rC'tUHiti vriKkseveo.' j., WltaDtagtoa street,, t i Samaritaa 'Kerrina.' THE great Nerve Coheuerou Aeuiae apuepcieriis,vnavisloBsi V8pam, Bt. Vitus. Dsaee and an nerrnua uiseases : us 0111 kaewa aesiUve saaedr for Cub Title1? It. It has esea lasted bi thoussnds snd hss never base ttnewa te fall la a tingle esJ aCAsssefuf'Clreulaie giving evil aeat,iea. ;4aareaai 1 1 . ",. : ........ ibjiivuaviiwi r. act lftte T i Box 74t, St. Joseph, jit "GBEVT MEDIOVL XOOK. set Sscrfttfof iaiea awd Oents, Seat free for Vwostaam. Address. t. St. Joaara Msdical 1 stitutb, a.,.. . .t-. :. '""n ect is-Ues ' "V ' "' - A.- "'M;'. ;'f B W I 'rl . i.' -j 'j w r j LAW OFFICE, :..- i. 'u ! i 't 'I VM'i ii.' 1 n On Court Ow$$ 8f ar RAUEftSH, N. C .in 1 it,' ; rr I pedal attention rtvea to Ssvlocof Boae steads, fa view ef the lata dedwa of Us aa Kef isueert oi us value atai assiMtw , ,. r Bjava-dawAwt -1- " - tOUTHIRN POUCT-EOLDIB. -M .. : Aa Insuraaee Journal devoted to the Inter est of Policy hoMeis. CuMaias all tha ta saranea Dterature of the day.t Onlj iaian ance paper ia North Carolina. TreaU ot bolt Life and FVe Ineorsaea, espostag wOd-eM . eon awaiting the strong on ef to tne peopis of norta uaro ma, us papei foe tbosw IwtusssJ ta Inswtwnes J Bubsrrtption tXlW ta adasce, . AdverUee. meat Ifc sited at reasoaaute rates. rt;, iv 1? Aden sa, ; 1 JNO.C. HUTSON, . . Xdttor aad Pronrtctor. ' 1 ' .f-'idiifi v- '.f-i;iii 'ii ilBlOI, ,:in; l-.l: i V M aa .w.f" SeptS-tf Balaifh,M. IeYW(joods : f Til i I i MMEECH STILL -AjIJ.1AD. A H w'LZ If IV (UWjalJaewandJtonic Spring Calii-oea at 10 cenu per yarj 40,U0a)ardaal 7 aud -i-enu aro. per yard. JBOll LISTIN!-RRADf lBETTTB HTILMM Just received 20.000 yarda at 5 cent! per vanL A plenty tn make all or the clilldren adrea apiece and have enough ett lor a wrapper, all for one dollar I (tf java(vrr.-..'!f4'i'ii YViM COMETOCREECU'S, Ha VW-'rW te toake'' prices. DHES3 QO'dM fir'i LL DESCRIP- ' Tba trait Will always find1 on hand the largest and otoef K"H:ire aart- -W- -.'11 'j H..H , Srjrinsr Dtpss Goods to be lound id the eltr. es'tiecial atten lion baa been given to their ael-ctioo. I pronounce tliemfld- beauty of effect. unsurpa43 TJyTiByfiffered at any pre- j- . . . ii e i . "pvu I jsa wanj can wiu guar kuler jou entire sallstactltrtl for1 ali 1 a . . ftV-tTr " J -i t -Ti-"f? ; f ' . , "1 Staple ind Fancy Goods. My atock embraces a.o ever itlihig iliantept to a Hrat . class Dry Gued houe. and In fact I have never be tne btd the pleasure of offering in the hl- tory of tbt avy Kooda trade, ia an' ex periepce of tweuty-ive years, so large and complete' and so ouili.rruly cheap a stock aa this spring, and am lullf pre pared taaieat ibe bard times aa to, ion prxctt. Hats & Shoes; ' ONE Jt OF' 1 MY. SPEOlAIiXrESj I keep the largest and rodatfeitaplelt Block of ahoea to be found iu the city and bavin bought them at the larife trtdf brnt in New ' York, from flrtt hands. They will . bt sold at aataniah Ingly -lov-Mcea.-7-7-- When you want a pair of .bbota, . ;j ' cotilfl'fir.JiiEttcn AffTflL' i New York ;vor.f JH) .!!"?. '.If :U i nave inu aay opened a wnoiese ' i ul rvmrnvr ,iantu! irum my re ail ue I 1 . H partmeok, whkh tmhraoes lull lines of -ir-i- i v '... u I " a"-';j l" . tnassifatntfe( at I saai I I. n thai,, k u al.u i avasaaa"t sauu mm A. I'MJ VJ .atJA . .L .i Ii ' - euunuent (bat 1 can save yvoe nx net bybuiing goods from me. All ihavl ak tisa call and look for y ourselves. . . . . f A. CREECH., march gl-dlwswtt. 100 barrels No. 1 Lime at depot at lowest atea. - - .sVAMaA M. lQLEa. it a-lw. r..,.;.,,rT - ,-r, .- . D ONT FAIL TO CALL AT it uCrowa,ti Variety Stor 5 Great bairalaeeaa bow be had.' " , -T4 'fc'-" ' kATBROWN? ' " i JlaUeamaa BuUdiaf, ITayewevliIa strest, : , u;."t: "a "m-:-a iU riw t l .1ghfll ' ''tuba and ITtusdo Molasses lot sals by fab 15af V.f i WUnuagtoa h-v i -I a. rW.T FOsUSXT THAT TUB PLACE te buy aj thter aad evrytkng appertainug to am etaae aaacy atere w aa -.Jt -ri 01 iv r rii.-' :'.u iiu4'-3.'-.'..-.t ;-f.i, j , IIOLLBM A? .BrILPHFt). , OIVEN e are airing S5 Hewitt hta- i , ;J.ehlnes Uusting Uasa Wsfchrs . " ' ' Velvet Ve.t, and Blsck 8ilk Dres-i - aee, freewttaeur Ureeobacfc Paek FREE sees.,. Send W lurvutors t'oioo S Ursnwich tftrest, NsW York. - ' T - - ' ToO WANT A NEW 8TTLE Gari'i Uat, call at dee -tat 1 J, DEARTTS. $l,250Trbfitfrdto lnveetmetrt''et SX,"on'of ooi" eu-iotar Grchased tread ea Jut abarea of N. T. . nvraths Put ft 108 and Call 10 buTlar 109 shares against the Pat 61 107 which wa- aol414ellaig- at the eaoai price 100 Sbarea eaiied 1US etUGg proOt 1,0, tfaU eperatten na o4 repeated svery mouth of -.ha year (10, 80, 60, 10U, WuO, will paj aa well lot amauptiavesied. Uold, Stocks, Cotton ad robaeee bnurbt had sold 'ea ' e.asmissioo. Advaaeea ea eooatgamsota. . .m i.,-. rnce usu ana circulars tree. 1, CHAJlLta aJtEULET A CO., . .., ' K Bsakatsdt Brokers, . t ' 40, Bond St., New ork, -,J 1 aeei Gold and Stuck Axe eoev'a .rQ-BexV, I,,,,,,,,; tfc latW4fJ ISI)' REAI)W. PSia'OMANT, itAFasetnaifon.BoulCnanniua-, atftiuertsm. aad Ma Mage Oulda, stwwlag how either eta msy fa-clnate and gala tha love snd sf! action ot ssy persoa the hooe fustantly,' 400 pages., B asa ISO eta., hunt "Co., 13V a. U St., Phiia. Pa. , , ap!14-w. i (Cay at hsme.'' Arents" wanted tat ana enaa tree, t u vu, , march 7-ljf , . Augusta, Vaae tttn 1 tna WAKTlD.i ' 1 ' Ti ... - . ? J r. I wish to Dreeare atltoatloa. either tt at fcuilneaarSreomethl'iS-elae.' that will enable Hie te make a support f r myself and family. I eaa saaae mvseii aseiai la say capacity. Any ease wishing to employ etther a i P b- tav. Clerk, CopyWt, VnUaciv , er aaythlug else, wtil pleasa address me at Raleigh, N. C Meat St rrie tnees riren. Address . JOaN W. stARCWM. Bakagh, M.0. - " - 1' - W uaA MAOAZIXR OF 128 PAOES, Demtti JVprU 4rKiK-A4-asf, Aver ' " aW ker fuTunt. ' Tebms A3 wan nam. PoaTAa Pimm ' ' Address, S. D. rXX)L, V.-:- ! BaMgh, N. C. t" Those te wheat bills aavbsea aeat wut iJeaaw reaiM. !" ...n it.'ii nic 1 1 -in mi, ' 1 ' ' Two.TAaraJor Aula. L ! ! Earing 4 UH eompiste U a of Oca Linse aau Ota biaa fot IsTJi.a hand, we will fur-sl-h that year and the en tns year lsTS lor , t - i, library Aisoelaaeos at d Hlstaricat Beci. tlva would du aaU u O.U 1st Sd he So vptBawahaadsoBMlyboued llbrmrrstyle foroUbed at sx.90 par rol ante, or Sa.".S, U sent bt mall. lass saius amawpaaf all si ears. Addna .rltttttt ttlt 71 .' tJ-'ttWOL, Raleigh, N. C. jaa lX-tf Mini J"'1' 'P r' laooEor rSalen . Tx OFFlt' TB 'TTPB, It M... - IA. B..I stands; the "toudiara bliuiratadic fV ai .t ate, of abanrsia. . ., " ' , Aay owe la wat of a eneaplta otitflt for a larga weekly paper will to well te call and sxaaaiM this sssterial, w address) a. bt maU. rra forUoa of taaffat tsew. and enaaaaU of maJi Ptca, JUg rusxar. aVveiar, Mlaloe, Nuapartd, and 7 toats of UUpUj type. Addtes, m UWARDS, BROCGHTON A CO w Jfea lovut. 1 i suueiga, N. C 0. T. BABCOCK, DgwitST, HAS opened his old ulBes over C I). It aru's fluirous where ha wi.l b Iad U see a la aiauy fnaada raqulrtng Dsutal operalloos. all operaiMMW eaMaby pcffuraMd aad at reduced prices. ' te BMf : Y TJ LI U8 T A Y L O K, fj .. -X-i.-t rt-'BOT 1 1. .-iriA Waicbmaker aid i;l! Jrwehr, wiLuiveToa avaarr. Near tha corner ef " Rwfartow aad ftsrrett streets. urk well and cheaply assented. feb!7-tf 1- ---. 13 OMR FERTILIZER, Bendlo6-B( I Aid's Antxftor 1 circu lar, j Fr rs, del Lars her wfll odyatbs fertUisee tor eottos, corn, tobaore or say ether crop. Tow is the' cheapest and best fertiliser yet .nered to tha tar met. Jtfc, Al fort's beljkoors hTt triea k wttn- sjarksd success. Tka fullosrlnr cmtlsase ham laatlBaJ - Bsgoudnusrlties; - J c-' K. (.lament, rater ansgbt, Kuma a th burr.'Alsey Freemsa Ift-v, J. T." Borers Joseph ewsdmsn,- Err :A.. U - Blackwood, Krv. Johurtoa Ulire. A Win Ollre. ti. H. Ai: ioeaVAUMrt NoM-s.T. A, Umdl, Alris Uum, Hubert WaUame., - )aa s-U ' ' '-' - . - 1 i-n rr f 1 W.A.OATTW.W J. A. JONESj :Gattis & Jones? ADAMS' BU1LDIVQ, Wnmlngtoe St, Is the p see to ae your suDOllea of (iRAlA, MEAL, "' - -' ...r- HA, SHUCKS, Ao We have lust m-el-ed 20,000 puuna MUMood, Best Horse and Cow food to be had. 10,000 pesMHis eblptuff, er heavy middlings. aO.UOO nuunds flrju-8iuir, .pitndid article. S OuObusbet bmt,tlesea Hblta Cora. I 000 bwabeis aeed uats, Spnug aa . Winter. 9utousbris Mock t'S., , ,; 100 harrela Flour, very tow and aood. 60,000 pounds TluHrtb Mar. sulndld ouslltr. 10,000 pounds Timothy Cluvr Hsy, mixed. ,ouOjouiida NAisjr; assonedi- r-r- 40,000 pounds Fodder, compress and loose iled. 500 bethels Bolted Meal, best te be had. aw buabels Be.ted Mesl, le srrlre a ,mm ImiI tA mmJ. I. 1 .lu. day -e two, end sold lor essh at NHtoa pries.!'- (JAT lit at JONEd. . lOOTeosCeal aad BOO Curds of Waud at ft est Cask prices for sals b. Men ls-dom. , ,,,:;t.,.,1 J. A. JONES. JENRT CLAT BJCHABDSOM, ,. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' 1 DUMB AM, M0MTM OAMOLt HA. mar ta-tr flMlE. CAftDWELL ( TUBE3UER ' and Cleaner h aw nas of the leadtnc mack lues to the Senth.' Far : etrealara' aad lull particiilam, adcess tha BALaM AU lv Ui.1 VB L WvBKB, WnvForta,;,rl AxanrraA.B voaaa. 'ONI SA JON If). - RALEIOU, M. 01 n RACTIC1 In tb Sanreme Sartsf tka ' I BUM. the Circuit and District Caartaof law UnlUid Htates aad ate ewveral Oeertsef tie eta judicial uiatnet. Ofties ou rsyettariCsT BtTT oppealte the rVtlu-. aj aj a a- s-t . " inwniiaaiasi sw, up etairs, ,. , , laa a-ttf - - , ...... ' ' : Ii' I ' ' ' JtjffMSTOSE JONES, ATTORNEY A T L A W, RALET0H, N. C, Ave l'f UtTlON 1 1 A.UCTI0N111 f BOOn 3, BQ0K3. YAi.DAfir.B? sTAwnAur ahi nfprgf.. LANE'rlS BH'Ks for sale at Aarilon at lha Bookstore tf Alfred WUlUais, Esq., te utgnt si vacate i.ignt .i MliJ.-ai- tiws iprSIt. 7 Admr. TALCABlK LOTS FOR SALE, , . On Mondav. the 10th of Aortl. 1871. hv Vtnnevf a Judgment of the Superior Court of akseoantv. 1 will to public sals "oo Us ttreiulsee those TS.aable lots la the norths tstern part of ths city ot sJelgh, ' ivnw est or rersoa snvet ai.a between Polk Street sod the northern limits of ths eiy, containing-sb lt twelve (131 or flfteea (lS)acrei adj-rfnlng the iou of J.' C. Win der. Miv. . v. ilfton J.iha s. Peaead. Jobs Walter and tha Raleigh Cemetery Aa- nortkwest poitkis af Morderat'a gn,Va oe ixuisourg roan, aujotaina ioa oi a. a), siar- tlo; sakl i U brlungiiig toibe esute of lbs., lata henry Mordccal The lots will be sld ia kewsrsl pareela 10 salt parchassrs for siis-thu-d cwh, lb remainder ia alae aad tweaty OM BtOaths, With latere l. ' .... . i MASf UA MORDECAI,