'.-V; 4 . THE RALEIGH SENTINELS fTBM uAlLr, WEEKLY AND BKMI-WMKLT. Official Organ of KortJi Carolina. STATF PRINTIN&A-BINDING ESTABLISHMENT,.. -ath or siisaKjuirida. I'ani ,T-m- : rwll. t mnnthstn sdvsn.es..... 4 Ml sml Weekly " " ..... ...:... 00 W,,l,lv8et.tlH.I ",-,: ". 00 1 he DslLT 1. he delivered la tnrpsrt of tlteCtty at FUtaeaCenta a week. the cmr. NOMINATIONS - FOR ALDER WEN. TH. DEMOCRATIC TICXXT. rnurr ward : JOTTN ARMSTRONG. LEX. H. ADAMS. ALFRED UrCHURCH. SEl'OKD WAUD J WW. E. ANDEUON, GEO. T. niUKK, A. C.SANUEK3. THIRD WARD ; . r. R. BRADLEY. J; R. II CAKMEtt. p. C. WALKER J. , B. LUMSDEN. JOHN ltd VL). FOVBTIt WARD. JOEriLH. i.HEEN, - Ji. W 1T. ' ' nrra ward : P. C FLEMING. J. K. WILLlAnB, R. 11 JONES. if" t I'OST OFFICE DIRECTORY. For the benefit of the public, we pub lish the following directory of the post office ef thi city r - - - Western mail close 11:13 a. m. " arrives 3:2 1 p m. Eastern i" clo-e -A zr3:U3u.ra arrive 11:45 a. nu 3:(K) p. m. Chatham " closes arrives - 9:4i a. ni. K. & O. K. R. mail cloaea a. m. M arrive 3:13 p.m. Through northern via R. ft G. It. It. closes ' 0:30 a.m. Throuh northern via R. A G. R. It. arrive 3:45 p. m Through northern via Gelds- boro closes 3:03 p. m. Through northern jjIiol(lt. .. ,u boro arrive . , 11:45 a. m. Ollice hows for delivering mail from 7:30 a. in. U 6:30 p. m. Money orders are issued and paid Irani 8:15 a. ra. to 4 p. m. Letter can be registered from 9:15 a. ui. to 4 p. m. OuVe hours on Sundays from 4 p. ni. to 3 p. ui. W. W. IToLDES, P. M. . (For tb eentluel. ADOPTION To go d parties bandsoms child s u ikl muBib old. - Address, B. P , carp uf Sentinel Uttti-e. Trade was very dull in the city to-day. .... Nocace at the mayor's court this morning. " " - There will be but very few apple in this county. Rt uietnWr tlio entertainment t Met ropolitiut hall.tlii eveniug. K i. mors of mHrriaes. lios parties anJ ml kWiUol Ithiivuir tueadt. J. J. W oi FLMit.H & ( o dealeisln irain. turn a pcutlty. Newberu. A'. C. ' . ' ' . ' ' ; " ' - 301.'" - It will be a Vf time in Raleigh whn the Odd-Fellow Utaud Lodge niteu, Ua 10. ; - ' . Straw hats are ortcd la the morn log, but ovettoaui are wom in Uie evening. '; ' 7" ; - j' Bewaie who you take into your con fidence, took utuis are ayaiu abrvad in the laud. ; ,i ' , W thdi-rsUod - that the ummer schedule on our railroads will soon be in'voguo. '''; Middle ward radical are caucusing over bogus candidates Jor tde bogus elvciiou Muuduy. . . . Wliat has become , of the ( Raleigh Light' Artillery t They tuve not been heard of m quite a lime. ' Gvvernc JJrogdeuTiiU lurueJ fro in a visit to Gbldsboro whiter La went to attend the Wayne comnty superior eonrt WenadorstanJ that Judge Bunting says he won't be a candidate for com missioner for Middle ward at the bogus election next Monday. We understand that ouxoolorel fire men are going to make an effort to get a steamer, U the supply of water in the eity is to be largely increased. Our fellow-townsman, General W. R. Cox, is prominently mentioned by the state press in connection with the dem ocratic gubernatorial nomination. The new Atlas Hotel, Philadelphia, Fa. is conducted upon the European plan, and will accommodate 4000 guests at one dollar ($1.00) per day. 24-lw. MfTJnitaEens'seningba oak wood at (3.50; pine I3.00a3.25 per cord delivered, provided the cah at teuds the order. If he has to collect . by ticket he 111 in all cases charge old prices. Call on him in rear of Citizens' It seems that the report of the oondi tion of the affairs of theNottli arolina Agricultuwd- Society don't pan out welL W bat Las Wwme of the committee who rcliMrg d ith ilie duty of makiug ""Oils ri'mrt T Did they seivrf Tliis rv poit u a long tiato in coruuig, being premised autc iu 1873. Ai1 a 10 VOL. XXII. RALEIGH, V. 0 WtSDNESDAY, APRIL 26. Noiakt vblic To day Governor Rri)(deo. appoii.ted Eugene . Grav. connected with the In-Uiance firm t4 Utenc k Wiusin, a rotary inblic. Mera. Lawrem-o & Wiuatoa have a number Of cwnipau'e under their cha ge and d a very extensive busUiess.' Mr. Gray is a ) nug man, I ut poi-sesse firt-rate bUfinew qunl flfstions. - MtTaoroLiTAH Uaim turn Evkkixo. Lrt it be remembered that this oveuing the ladies of St. John' (Catholic) church have their fete mmdeale at Met rowolit hali. . Everything , Las been doue to secure a pleasant time to vis itors. The ball baa been uado very at tractive by beautiful decorations.. R. freNboaeats, elegantly txrved. are to be had at a small price, the booths contain ing table laden with everything likely to tempt the appotite. Sweet muaio, flower girls, with their beantif dl offer ings, knowing gipsy fortune teller and a hont of other attractions are offered for the entertainment uf those who may at tend. The price of admission ha been placed at the email sum of 23 cent. The proceed of th .entertainment are to ! devoted to laudable purposes, and on this ground eloue, to say nothing of other strong reasons, it deserv. a hearty patronage at the hand of our libdMl and benevolent citizons. , i . i GhwS Temflab. Last Monday even ing Bethel lodge elected the following offioer for the ensuing quarter : W. Cr T. , 1L Harper. W. V. T. Miss O. V. Starr. W. R. S S. M. Parrish. W. P. aa V. House. W. a- W. J. Edward. W. M. vl D. Hatchings. W. I P. Mis Fannie Osttis. W. 0. G. W. H Uole. " ' Last evening Hickman lodge met for the purpose of electing officer for the ensuing term, and this is the slate made out : W. C. T. R. W. Belo. W. V. T. Miss A. E. Wstson. W. R. a T. A. Nichols. W. F. 8. F. T. Booker. W. T." Miss Annie E. Upchurch. .- W. a W. R. Richardson. W. M. W. 3 Weir. W. L G. Miss Cecil Smith. W. O. O. Jo. Watson. - Boot's ( ANDiDATts. The rsdka's of old Eastern ward met in conclave last uixlit and cave birth to W. w . Widte, M. B. Barbee aud btewart Ell.. ou a caudidatus for ciumiiiouers for thut dead waid in the illegal election lilcb they pt opese to hold next Mon day. ThU bgu and ridiculous election lil do no harm to any one nor inter fere with the preseut lawfully concti tuted authoi Hies of the city, but It hws a pirit of lawlessness which h- uld be coudeiuned by all good peo ple. Iisliowslhat these corrupt radi cal leader will sacrifice everything iu order to engineer themselves iulo place aud power. , Unscrupulous hi th man lier in which ihcy obtain power.ihey are more unscrupulius in the way in which they discharge public trusts when the people are f,o!ib euougb to give them pe-iiion. The recoid they . made while in povsefsiou uf the city iMiveinaient was one of riial. fnaiuinpfl aud coi rupt ion. ' 0u te5 b la w they now at' cropi t again cotiie.int. power, bj fraud aud cldcanery. . , .t AeciDBKTs rnoif Nox-Exrtosrra " Oil. We have UteK noticed with sat iafwetiou the record of a deoiaion bv the nprema court of Louisiana,- affirming lutouiiy oi auverusera vi "non-explosive" oils for damaged, in the event of accident or injury resnltiug from their use. The petroleum inspection laws of this state wuiou,. if proprly onorced, might afford a - very teasouaUs degree of security to the user of burning oils, have proved in practice (which intro duce the personal equation) so utterly iaeffioMUit as to be geutrailj admitted to be Worthless. ' Perhaps the prosecution of unscrupulous compounder of ben sine mixture and "combinations" may lead to something more -tangible in the way of protecting life and property. Polytechnic tetitw. ' The above allude to a case in which a house was destroyed, and an inmate seriously burned, by the explosion of an oil advertised and sold as "non-explo- i-ive" Suit for damage was brought in one of the lower courts of Louisiana and a verdict of $16,000 damage was ob tained. An appesl to the supreme court of the state failed to reverse the judg mont. Oil dealers hsd better be careful in warranting oil as "non-explosive,'' as such guarantee renders them liable to heavy damage if any serious accident shoald. happen by reason of an xph ion." . V It peaks fr iuelf ; is what a lady said oi Dr. Huli'.Coub ryiupUteulier da, fr a single bottle cured my child W a MHH)t dreadlul ci ttgh. . . A gtntleman of this city recently cap tured lour wkte mice In on day. , J . w DXATH Of CaLVW J. ROOBBS.--.W lesra that a telegrsm was received in this city this morning from Durham, announcing that yesterdsy the body of Calvin J. Roger was found In a mill pond, near his borne in Oak Orove town ship, tLis county. Th body had evi dently been in the water om time. It is rumored on th street that th drowning was accidental, ; but up to 1 o'clock this afternoon no definite partic ulars had been received of the sad affair. Mr. lingers ws well known i this city, He was postmaster hero daring Fremi dent Grant's first term of office, and was succeed sd in offioa by ex Governor W. W. Hoideu in the early part of 1872. He leaves, we' believe, a large family. Mr. Sogers Las been well known in tVake i county politics for the past 80 roars. J , .'. ' Messr. A.a Baunders A Co. haw ror sale 1,000 bushels nice white flint ourr, 10,000 sacks of Star rbosphate, 3,000 sack Mape' Nitiognuised Super phoaphaUs aud 1,000 sacks Add Phos phate to be used with cotton seed of stable manure. - They have sold sine Jm.uary 13th, 6,000 bushel corn and 15,000 ratka or guano. Call cm them for bargains, , , The Tvcent cxjiericnc. of twolittls mauufaciuriug village la Lancashire, Euk laud, has thrown me liglii on the iiiystrritof modern disea.Zn the villages a huudrvd and seventy-twe peron, or about on third of the whole population, were suddenly prostrated with typhoid disease. 'The yniplonii resembled blood-iiol-ouiog, being! marked by pain in the bead, spine and legs, with fever, delirium and stupidity. The water supply, the pollution , of which so often leads to disease, was examined by the physicians, but with out discovering anything wrong. It was, however, ascertained that all th families affl.cted took their milk from the same farm. This clue being fol lowed up It was found that a brook from which this farm supplied Its cattle bad been so much- polluted by privies that it waters were partially sewage and totally unfit Tor drinking. It was not satisfactorily shown whether this water found Its way into the milk through th cow or not. Milk producers should be particular about the water served out to their cows, or eUe iu regard to furnishing milk to their ca-toroer when typhoid lever is prevailing upon their premises, s milk Coming ft urn house wl.ei tjpbod prevail Is believed olteu to" convey the diseased . TAB DROPS, Washington rejoices over a free bridge. - . , . . , . , . Pitt county superior court Convenes Oxford has re-oomiuated her old municipal otrkers. The Greenville cornet band give a grand concert May 3... Th pobf0ce biilhhni la Oxford hat undeigoae impiovement. There win b an Increased cotton acreage in Lenoir couny. ; ' Genfral Wade Hampton, of 8. C, was bora In Mokes couuiy. ;. Pamll ro river gets f.25.000 of the con greosiobal river appropiUtlons. , . , There 1 more sickness in Granvill couuiy than ver known before. e Th nigger in the town of Washing ton are excited over municipal polities. Th superior court of Granvill com menced yesterday, Judge Henry pre siding. , .i ( i ti.i j t; . -TTheTcrmbllcans'ars gmng to com. me nee the publication of a paper at Greenville. The dwelling house of G. Dixnn, of Hewbern, was destroyed by fire batur day night- : : . : last Friday Bishop Atkinson, of th Episcopal church, confirmed four, per son at Marlboro. ,-.. -it V.; D. O. Green, of Wilmington, ws badly injured Monday by an empty bar rel falling on him. . : - . n A corref pendent In the Granvill Democrat nominate WLB, tor, of wake, ror governor. The contest hi Granville over the re publican nomination for sheriff is grow ing very heated and bitter. Candidate for the Innumerable ofices to be filled at the November election are cropping out all over the state. . The Granville Democrat Is In favor of opening the campaign early and making it grow hotter and hotter to the end. Alexander Sprunt, the British Vice ConsulatWilininzion.ns to visit Ens land soon. James 8prunt takes charge vi ine consulate in me meantime. ' Jim Johnston, an African father of Pitt county, recent y corrected his erring son with a lead ot buck shot. Jim now mediiatea la Jail over th sweets of liberty. WKHam Mann,-of 'MiddleldnrHyde county, the other day attempted to oohiue Alt oto Credit. Mann is now endmvotiug to dig est pistol ball which Credle put into hi soJomen. If you once war an Elm wood collar, you wOl uot be tis3J in wearing any otlsr. j . U -KEW8 AND NOTEJx - - Queen Victoria returned ' from her eotitmentai trip on Saturday, and pro- eeeoea to wuasor. . Jldvior from Mexico bow tlist th dountry is districted by revolutioa in almost every state. . ! Tlie edifice of the Pennsvlvsuia Acad emy of Fiue Arts, in I'bihidctpLia, was cleUioaled on batnrday. ; , ; Beventeea person implicated in the Margery murder will lie executed in liurmah ou tb Oih of May. i The oonfreasional naval investigsting eornmitUte at - Philadelphia bavo eon eluded their labor and left t city. - i A allocking atory come from Hyde Park, Vermont, where as insane unm battered out the brain of his son with auaxe. i , ..;;. i ; ,,, A horrible Indian butchery is report ad from Kansas where an entire family of emigrants from Pennsylvania were massacred. ' The president and Mrs. Grant visited the cwbleuuial grounds on Saturday, aud were shown Uiruugh the buddings. - The fourth National Prison Congress, nnder the aiiKpice of the National Prison Association, meets in New York J one 8. " ' ,f- Ex-Queen Isabella Las written a letter to th Pop oAVriug to intervene with Lor son, Jung AJIouso, in connection with the rebgious question. Jnltn RilitiA. m tirnmSnAni tnArehant of Plaladelpbia, committod euicide on Friday at Norristown, Pa , by shootiag. e was a direutor of theKenaingtou Na tional i auk and of th Hanni Distilling oompany. . -- - Prinoe Bismarck's railroad scheme, bv which be propose to control all the lines in Germany by direct governmental purchase and operation, fails to meet with favor among the directors of the various railroads not owned by th gov ernment. ". . The Cook County Having Bank, Chi cago, has suspended aa a bank of de posit. It liabilities are gfW.OOU. There are six nnoured depositors, mostly Scandinavian, who, the director affirm, will receive nearly, if not quite, dollar lor dollar. Two student at Bethlehem, Pa., be tween whom a fend existed, repaired to a neighboring driving park early Hun day morning, to fight a duel with swords, but an officer epppeared upon the scene, and the whole party, principals and sec onds, ran away. " A dreadful disaster is reported from South Wale. An explosiou 'of powoVr in an nutlninbed railway tunnel caused the roof to fall in, burying all the work men, : At last accounts tuirteen dead bodies aud a number of wounded had been taken from the ruius. Dr. Schweiufurth. the German ex- Elorer, uowiuth employment of the Lhediv. ha resigned tlie presidency of the Geofrrauhical Society of Etrypt iu eoiMeqitenee of a diapnte with General Stone, tn Amenoau entel oi atun oi tne general of the army, The United States government has been- notified of th arrival in Pris of 16.600 from Sau Salvador, Ceutnl Amor ioa, in Counterleit United States five dollar gold piece. ' The counterfeit is aid to be wry dangerous, being ot platinum, good e lor aud proper weight Ttonnrta f mm varuina nointa in wes tern Iowa, in Nebraska and southern Dakota represent destructive prairie Hraa ntrtnir tha nasi two dsTa. invulrinsr great ut property. No live have been lost as yet, mougn in sme in stance people . escaped with only their night clothe. , ; .. . .. . w Philadelphia is excited over the ques tion oi steam cars on street railway. A trial trip by a ear of tlie Woodbury patent asst wwek is admitted to have been a success, its track arrangement perm fe ting en easy turn of curves, andttpos semiug freedom -rrom- amok and un pleasant notae. '. i : . ' A party from the Black Hills at Fort Jarsmie say that about ten day ago three wagons were found at the entrance to Buffalo Gap, on the Yankton route, destroyed and ttock gou. Signs' of fight were numerous The wagon covers had been shot to pieces.. The Indian had undoubtedly attacked and destroyed the satire outfit. .7. ' An Indignant democratic editor ex claims: "Not content with bringing bs so loss charges sgainat the prominent living democrats, the republican have now taken to elandering the dead lead era of that party. Senator Morton had the audaoity to make infamena insinua tions touching Thomas Jefferson. Pro bably th next democrat assailed will bs Oeorgo Washington himself." It is said that the oldest church edifice in America, except a Romish church in St. Augustine, is St. Luke's, Isle of Wight county. Virginia, aDoas n venules from Smithfield. It was built as early a 1635, and, after being roofless for a oenturv. th present roof was put on somswhere between 1830 and 1835. It is now used for worship, and th ground round it are used for burial. " It thick wall and nign tower are sun atrong. TEe Methodist camp-meeting estab lishment at Tarentum, Pa,, were de stroyed by fire Friday night The Tarvntnm grounds hsve been owned by the Methodists of Pittsburg snd vicinity for many years, and the-- cottage be longed to the member of the church in Pittabnrff. Tha srounds nrobablv con tained one hundred and fifty frame cottages, which were generally of four and nvo rooms of neat architectural de urn. and many completely furnished. except with bed clothing. Tho ouly builiung saved were the tenaut bouss ocoupied by the uperiutndeut, and th camp Hotel. ' um XoU,uuu. : MB 1876. .; ; No. .55. The Intrnrst manifested In the nubile schooU by the Enipen of Brat i dui Ing his brier star Ja.New .York addf soth r to the many i)futrat!oos which hsve been itives if h s Intelligence and iirscilc-il character. II evinced mark ed pleasure at finding that the children of a fferent classes were educated In these schools further, and took oc cation to have au iut eduction tea ladt who Lad long been euzajptd in the vwk of Instruction In tese iustiUi'ions. Thi consideration and Tetpect thut shown to tboe unn-trniaiieu but useful per sons, the educator of the people, who are among the greatest of public bene factor, is an boner to the Emperor, snd might bo imitated without deroga tkm ot diguity by republican otficiala, ; Messrs. Faihbanks k o. shipped last . week from their work' at bt. Jolmsbury !, Cl ricales. and they had on n i iej orders Uon their . books toi 4.615. In iheae dull - times jnaoufsc tutors cou-ider themselves particular l rrtunsie It their business t up to the average ; hut when It I in excess of SevK'tuTyeare. a Is 'he case with ; the easrs. Fairbanks, it would seem as l the imhlic dad decided that their Kcales were the only one woitb having. Ac ror mot, April Zl. " SSi , Charles flson alias Christy Wis tar. who was arrested in Philadelphia charged with having participated in the auduo tiea of Charlie Row, was sentenced in Brooklyn Saturday to the Kinu s county penitentiary for five year for forgery. He was a compsuiou of Mosher and Douiilaa. When the clerk of the court asked him Saturday if he knew anything of the whereabout of Charlie ltos he replied that be did not Thx Only Hnait Ctna Fob Rcp Tunic The Oldest and Best Hernia burgeons in I he world are some of the advantage- offered by the Triumph Truss Co., 834 nowery N. Y., whose Truss and bupporter were awarded the Medal at the last session of the great American Institute -Fair, Send 10 cents for their new book. ' TO CONSCMPT1VI. The advertiser, aa eld obrtleiaa. fettn. from activa pnscdee, kartng bad placed ta hi hand by aa kaat India ktisnluaary ths (r nula of a simple Vegetable Kemedjr, (or th speedy aad permsoeot Cure of Cooumptlo. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, aud all throat and Laos; AffecUuns, also a Positive asd Radical Curs lor rvou UeMllty and all Narvous Comi lalnta, after hartox thoruugrblv tested Its wuuderful ctirsiiva puwers In ihoosands of eases, feel It hi duty to sssks It known to hi suBerins; fallows. Aotusted b) this motv, snd s conscientious de-irw to reliavs huruso sullsiins;. ha will send (free of eba ire), to all bo dssire It, thi recti s, with full directions for preparltta and st.ecessfull) uslnr. Kent by return mail by addresslag Munroe Block, Byrscuss, N. X sov 83-wly . , ! NEW AUVEKT1SEMENT8. -Agents, MAKE NO IN1.AGIME T8 TILL TOO , rKa OUR NEW BOOK. Wh'cb In thrilllnr interest, sterling merit. elessnee and i-he.pne-s, ha sbsoluisljr no rqtial 1 is "Tlis Th Bg'' for lbs centenoUl psrfcid tskesoniht Ths North Asierlcsn Review jr it is "d. ssrvMig of Unqu.llfl. d prsl-e : s snlk-ipsie for It aaeatenstva p pnlatlt)": ths Irubuque 1 tne ssys "Just sovh a work as thousands uf ihe t sivtiess Psi-le will be shut to pos ses-' : its eirvU Advrrnsr call It "ft ferabl U snv yet publubed." A Y ACTITK MA!f K WOMAN of CO id address insured Isrfre protis at d stesdy wmk fur a )sar 'or full partlct-la, add'es s , . . B. rjKO CO., Xi Fart naca. . spr M8t . New York The Star. Ainmoniated ..- -i c SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE We have foand by severs! yesrr experience unn mi i iv imr, tllilLlUllo actual observation, that they have no superior, If say eons! ssasag Commercial If sawres, l)ur price are Bauch lower than ethers, sot so universal! popular, and that lav prevra ' nneqwsl la results, upoa swora sUtementt fan- trial with anything sold la ths South. experience, who hsvsused oar Phoephstes R. J. ITET, Wak Couaty. W. H. WBITAKER, Wsks County. mThThoIiton, M. C UTLET, " COL. K. STEWART, Harnett County. jAME8A.J3HSSOJt, D. Me. McKAT, And many others who will gladly gtvs thsirtxporieaos. 'TT ; . - ' " for Sals ly A. O. SANDERS & Co, 1 AGENTS, THE RAXEJGE 60TLNEL. - .' f f ' Tf t r t . , , ''t".'l , AdvertiseawBU wCl be Isserud ia Um Uaatt Ms-nan. st ths fIWwta rate sorssjosrs m isch, or tes salalo lino. . fjne sousr ooe ttsse v . '" ST.0 - M osebsubseaniitBjrtlo - sss tftas week i i 80 I square, 1 wsk ..v...... S SO t 1 BMOth... IN . I sjonths. ....... n 09 t . ' " -,.... 0 t " 4 " t " I st a SI as ro i si y m ii as an t m g ..im, ,.mti B.F.JONES, : Pstnthsr Creek, Yadlda Cou.-.' j Dbaiab in . -: VURt XORTll CAROLINA ' Rye and Corn Whiskies, ( AND f APPLE BttAXDY. ORDERS PBOJf PTLT ATTIJfMD TO. ', i Apiii ao lw. ' " '' " ' : ATOR-a ornc , Cirr or Katiisa, m . . - "Apru IV h, 1876, - MaW4 prspsssls wOl be seesived aa4 ois-atd at ibs office oa Saturday,- April rtb, 1-78. at IS f . th purp.e of buGd la rOUR i.'ISTKKNS. '. f-r.s---w.T-.: ttprc leal Ion caa bs sees bow at this offle. B. C MA W t T, April 19ta-t4. rt-r - l-m' Mayee.,.. EVEtt BEFOBE EQUALLED I Ihe Largest Stook oa 1 Record. - jt;; -.u V. ; . ii C. IVJEtKKL lima KHurntd. He is still at the old Stand with a larger ' assortment of SPRINO. GOODS THAN IVIB, U. 8. CENTENNIAL GOODS. FOURTH JULT jcEMTI.NXIAL 00008- 1776 LATIST STILES. 187..' Look at my latest Fashioa Plates and chooss your style. CLOTHS, . CASSIMEBES, SUITINGS. Ia ret anything you want. Come and see me, I know I can suit yon. WEIKCL'S ESTABLISHMENT ia at the old place, one door south of the Southern Express office. I guarantee all my fits. apr 13-3m C. WEIEEL. DW IS THE TIME! To do up vowr fences. AU la aesd of Lumber would do well to bay of F. C. t H K18TOHB . KB A CO., .a iladiigtaio street. AiNOlIJEIC i;au load of FIX)UR! s Jast srrivlo '. Oivea.seall. r. C. CUKlSTOPilKKB A CO , - Wilmington street. II A IRS L..CII AIRS I A larr lot of Country Mads Chain U b sold st low ItUtM st T. V. CH RI8TOPHERS A COB, : WUmlngtoa strest, "lNDf5e.lorP. RO ELI. A CrXfNsw. Tore, fur fhsmphlei of 1' 0 pages, coo talnlng lltof 300Bnwspsp rs, ssd ssUmate sbowtnc cost uf advertisiiig. , .- . BBSrCS 7-1 - i ., . -ill Uape's Nitronized MAPtS'l WTS3tOWr.S VDincswit. SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. ia ssUIng th bov FerUllsers, as wJI at by from assay of oar best farmers. AU we sk Is a Ws refer to ths folio win t; fen tl ernes of larg for several years: t : JOHN A VERA, JobnstoCoaBty. W. IL BANDERS, - JAXEB PACE, Chatham Coswty. W. M. THOMAS, - : -B. TL WILSON, r ELI AS HAINES, . . RAZAWU, 2f 0. h t if t.. ' ';. t ' i . . Uv;. i -, ,!..- 4 r tt t' t.t '.- iV r1'.. ; M i 4. .i j

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