THE RALEIOU 8ENTINEL. nn r arb n o nut wit WfcMA4wHMtCitMi saaae. Socckm n Adtbstwiso. In tiuve past it tM thought immodest to pro claim ths exee lnuoe of one's good, or to licit patnw ge tct them io ursrspa per. Daring tbe paat twenty-five years thronga h imnteaias eomprtitiou la trade, it baa become a necessity. The pnbUo are always anxious to leara of prugraax, bat are equally deeiroua to void all frauda, aa they have been buru bugged by aaeWaa wrea uuiil I Ley haw become skeptical of au arUula-piawf ring geuuiue merit, and are particularly pre judiced agauuitt aUrtliag auiiuauueuwuU ul eome new and wonderful BeJicioe wit boat chaiaoter or woatn. BCill the ara grateful to manufacturers or inventors of article of merit, eu if kuoaa aa medicines ; many of them ere the result ol Team of caret ul study by our moat emlueut physicians, aud em braoa such principle! aud productioos aa Quinine. bkffoforu. Chloral Hydrate, Poaa Plasters, ke. Booseae iu advertising depend much npou tba iiitrunun worth of tba article itself even though it ba a uedioal pro amtiai. Aa au evidence uf tbi a eU e braird physician of New Turk uiale a greet improvement io 1'oroa PUnt ra by adding Gnp iue oa eooouut of iw giving im-raaaed elfoct and quicker relief aud cora Uk.ii any known mediciual pn party ; ba luaaUted about adTertnong, ieenug biareput.tioo would ba injured. A firm of Puarmaoeatkad chemiaa iu his city laaruing of Uur decided im provement, nude aa arraogmuaut with Ida physician and ounimnoed advertia - ing iu tba beat newpapni ; in a abort tint tba aala iucraamid frooi hundreds to thousands until now tba saio f lieu- , auu'a Cepeine Plestera ia exceedingly largo aud daily incmtaiug. They can ba obtained of any JJruie-ist at 25 onute yH ---- SEaBUBT k JOHXSON, Agent New York. For sale by Williams k Haywood aud Symptoms or Catarrh.Du1i, heavy- headache,' obstruction of the nasal passages, discharge falling iuto the throat, sometime profuse, water?, acrid, thick and tenacloua mucous, puru lent, muco-puru.ent, bloody, putrid, oneosive, etc. in oinert, a drraeas, dry, watery, weakj or infLimed eve riniiing Id ears, dcufnets, hawking and coughing to clear the threat, ulcers tien. scabs from ulcer, voice altered. nasal twan, offensive breath. Impaired ameu and taste, nzzinea. mental de pressitm, tickling c-aigh, etc. Only few of tlte abova s oiptoin are likely to ce present in any case at one time, When applied wilb Dr. Pierce Aasal Douche, and sccom sn'.d with Dr. Fierce' tiolden Medical Discovery Catarrh Kmedy produces perfect curvs of the wet si casea of Catarrh aud Ozena of mauy years' standing. 1 his tborougli course of niedicaiioo conti tuies the only scientltlc, rationaU safe and suci-eslul mmuer uf treating this odioo disease i hat has evur been of- fered to the afflicted. AX iMrORTART CTrK BY DR. Turr'a Expsc obamt. -We bava mm-d luionuvd by Mr. MUitsmi. itran-i dangbur of Uea. lararl Putnam, that site iuffer-! tor mauy year with A-ib ma, sco mDk-d i,h nret difttculiy orbrealiiin., : in.itel. she sata, it pr veuted ber from lying iu a recumlieut pueiiiiiD. and ufiru -uttValiou apr d Inevitable. fr which she um;d I'CTT'a iiPKCTORANT. The relict vat. io great that rba t-ucnirsi-ed to t-r severe n it smc uut.l every vetug af tba iuiui Oisa -a -was entirety re movtd. -Wa can not apk too highly of tbia valuable preparation oi ur. luU. aul for the aaka af suffering bomauity bi-e that it may become mure gvueraly Known. (vAruite 4nxN! it. District Corykmtiox. A coven-tac-o of tlie Deniiicrai ki-couservati va Vetera of the Ft unh Congremional Dif , tdct will be held In the rity of Ital- eigb on Tuesday, the 13th day at J ana next, for the pirjo-e of oom--biatbjg a caodidala for ronirrea an 1 a preshleuiial elecfr, and selecting two deleKaie to the K. IuU Cnveir- Uin. A- full auaudanca la aarMeHly desired. Eacb county will ha entitled to one rote for every one hiiadred votes and. fractional part over fitly given for alerriiuon tu Ioia. By order af the DUtrict Executive Couimiiiee. - H. A. Lordox. Ju Chairman. f March 31N 1876. Papers in the district will please copy, 9 mmmimm, RcPTURa Cured la from 30 to 00 days by the use of the Triumph Trass k Triumph Rupture Bemedy manulso tured by ths Triumph Truss Co;, 334 Bowery, N. Y. This Truss and Sup porter took the Medal at the last ses sion of tba Great American Institute Fair. Send 10 cent for their new book. For Bert. Two neat cottages. Apply to U. W. Bent at oftice af South era Underwriters' Assocition. msr31-tf Railroad conductors sbould wear Elm- wood collars, aa dirt will not atitk to them. . lTbaL.Tarboro 8onthenur asys that the revival reeling is sprea ling ia tba lo cality, bat it hasn't got deep enough to affect arrearages on newspaper books. SPECIAL NOTICES. . A CARD.,. ' Ta aU a bo are suff erlsf froai ths arrars sad tadiaeretioaaof yuuta, aenrous waakaasa. art decav. Iua of maalwod, ac. I wlUea eaa a recltia taas wui cure job, n.a,a. vi . , , i wiywt CUAltUE. TSUgraat was dlMovarw fey a attastoeary la ijmm America. Boat selt-eddrasMd cavelaia to taa Ktv. Jesspa T. laaaa, autkm l, mbliUmt, Aim Xert laaadwaai RAILROADS, &c PIEDMONT AIR-LINE WAV. BAIL BicnMonD & Darviixk, Richmond k Danville R. W., N.C. Division, and North Wester N. C. U. W. . CONDENSED TIME TABLE, s a Effect aa end afer Sunday, Dee. 19A, Wi. OOINO NOUTII. STATIONS. Man, tears Ch.rtuM. M Air-Una 'uuc'n M eii.bury Ur-u'n.... - Danruls - DuImW Burhrrllle..... Arrta aii-kiB-d . . M. e " aso i6m -i.M p. a. l.4w a6t GOINti SOUTH. STATIONS. Man. Lesre Rkhmund... S.S0 a. M. t oo . Ur. u. )4a M 49 " 54 . - 9. is - - puraeTutw.. . M iHimtea..... . "" Danvills...... ' - , OrwborO... Salisbury M Air-UneJaae'a Arrts st 'fcarii .. goiso cast. oocro'w. STATIONS. Man. Mao. Leave Graexsbnro.,.. 1L0 A. U. A. 4.18 A. M, 44 Cu Bbuiw... Lv . - Raletirk.V. S40paA.llOSM rivsMUuld-boro.. tWf L. a.) STATIONS t'eTrata. Lrave Onteeba ... M Co 8bM..., Arrive at Raletkh..., rrlTrst Ou'd-boru. TOO PS) i.a.00ABL Lv a.00 a m'A. T HO P m. tl.lft " iLvtOOPM NOKTU WEsTEBN N. C B, tt. (Salem Brarcu.1 laavs OtaeualMro 4.45 t. U. Amvsstaaleai ....6.45 u Leave 8al-ai.. a 15 A.M. Arrive at Oreewbore 10.SS M PaaaraKar Trains lesvtog Raleigh at 1S.06 A. M. couueet at Ursmiahuro vUb tua Boats era bound train , making the quickset Ume to ail outuoera cities. Areomnixiaiioa iraia learlBK Haleih at' 7.30 Y. St., euaaecu aith urtbern buund Train at U senibura for Klohm ad for all potsu Kast. Prlva of Tick etaaans ss via otber ruatea. Arcommodatloa Trsta lesvlng OrasMboro at r. at., connect at UuMUboro lta Nortbera aud Suut bare boa ad tralnaoatiia Munlnctoaand Wvldoo Kailroad. LyBcbbunr Aeeoeia edatlua leaves Kkb- atoad dally at (MM A at.,arrlvca at BurkevUle IH.MI r. H., leaves HarkrvUla LM P. M., ar- nvas st sucsntuao .m r. m. No charge of Cars betweer Char lotte ard Richmoru. 282 Miles. . JOHN R. MACMt'KDO, -Oenerml Pasanaer Aifent, Kii'hmcmd, Vs. T. M. . TALCOTT, Gen 'I Superintendent. R1 IC'iaONO AND PETttOSBt'KU SAILSOAD COM r AST. COMMSKCIMO araiL Ur. IHio. Train oa this ruad IU rua a follows : LEAVE PBTF.BSBCRO RORTII. 7:50 A. . F.laht train dally sicept BU' dar. alia eoaca attacbed 13.00 M. Tuv.uicli Mail dally atiDrttlng with H., r. de f. Kailroad for ail poln s r act aad el. 7J5 r. If. 1 bruUKB MaU dally cxeer-t SuiKUy roBB-ctliE a lib K.T A P. K llrvad, fr all point Last aud Wex. Pullman' eloipef sttschsd, tusi.l tbrotikh to ItaliluMMe, aiakl' eluee eorn ectloB altb ('. and . K. K, tr Virginia Sprse and sli Biluta vtet ana onn Ths 5: IV A. M. train Imai Rlclin !, and (ba 1iA r. M Ualu fnm letenbunr aUI toy at all n suUr rtationa. raMinrer r Liver mil eonneet ai ( be-t MONDA), WLDMSfAt sad rkluti. AU traaa Icavlnc Fefersbarg U1 stsrt I rum lb spuvmsuoi If pvt. A. SHAw, sp S4t Buperunsndsnt. Pnsssaiaa. V Mairb Sist, 1870. OOINO BOt'TH. Throats Ma leave Peters- nura st , :Z7 T. m Arrive at We d at....... . 6 65 P. M. bouts era kzpre-s lav Pe irrunc st . e:u A. " Arrive at aluoa n ' & A M, IbtNMrk FrelKlit a t b Pa. - - - , seacar tach a aeaad, i la vs Peterb-irca ..... . 8:90 A M. Arrive st Wcldoa at........ 2;i P. M OIRO RoKTH. . - Throach Mat) leave Weldon at 7:95 A. M. Amvaat Patarkbart s ....... HM A, . Soutbere Ssimbwi mbvb et eesai swo r. M. Arriva at Pelrtvbure at 7.-05 P. j . Ibn.uh Prcigl.t HS Pas- eifer I omen s tscard, 1av VY aldoe si ' 4:15 P. V. Arriva at Pa'er bunr si.:.. 10:10 P. a. Tnrouirb Tlesu sold to sli kasiers snd tuaibeni ooinu. sad Haarrsr Cbevked hnaiirii H. T. lUCOLAn, sp Buperintakdent. TJ iCnMOiD'A PETXrtSBCTWRrTCCO la Contmenctar Oct. S4tk. Ih73u Trains this road aUI rua a f ilows : La&VB RlCBUoSD. OUTB. 5:10 A. If.. Thnaiek Mail 7:45 A. If.. Freight Trmla t 1:45 P. M - Tbroueh MsU : a r. ., rn-nrnt t rain. Lssvs PsTaasaoao, Nobt. 1 TJCO A. .. Frsirht Train : S M.. Thmurh Mall ; 5 P. M. Freight Trala j 7:86 P. Jt Tbrough MafL Cuaches attached to all freurht trains for BCCotnoMdalios of oasaaocars. This Uompaat offers soeclal lodueaments to tbs htppine public on Una of the Kalebra A Oaston, Kalalrfb a AuruaU snd Wasters M. C Kailroad. ia tba air of low fretirht aw paaaanfer rues. A. BUAW dAv-U Superinieadest jgEYDEL & CO'S. Pocket Hammock, WEI0I1T OSLT t POUND, BEARS 1.900 POUMS. A atost luxurious Coach, Seat, Svtnr, As. Circular aisy be hs4 by sddressln t VAM WAHTAMoUOT, 184 and 134 Uosne Street. Vsr Tork. April 7 eSre, n')RN AND MEAL! A1t e b-ed ss low s be lowest, st 'ssasvsas ' Wusuagtea esreet, aaar vity I LIU8 TAYLOR, Wstehmsker ud Jeweler. KiiunaaToa Sraarr, Kar ths eoraer of fl"lBrtna and Hsntett ors weuaaa esoapiy sxseutca. OMK FEKTILTZEB. Ssd to 0. B, Afford, at A MS, for s elrea- hr. Mitt us dollars cbewtcaia br vbich )ou atake a ton o good lanUisar luf rotum, eorn, tobacvo or any etaer crop. Thia la tba cheapost snd beat fertiliser yt-flerrd to tba tmrrr. Mr. Al ford's swhuucs have tried It altb aiarkad success. Taa foltowlag geaUaaMB fcavs tet IS J lUfoudeusilia. A. a.. trawBta, Peter Knight, ftitffla a U bur, Aiaey trarmaa Rev. J. T. Kogers Joaepb Mradaiaa, ReV A, I Llaekaoad, Rv. JohaHoa Olive, Alria I Hire, a. U. Al ford. Albert b'orri-a, T. A. UmumU, AlvtS A MUM, Hubert WuUaais. jaasD-tf ' ' ESTABLtanED 1811. II B H It I N 6 ' 8 -2 Patent Cliffipirn,- ICEGL1S AID rilE PE03F SAFES, Bank Vaults t&Doori Till HERRING & CO- 251 & 232 Broadway, NewTork. 51 -CO Sudbury St, Boston, ap IS-ok-2iii ' W. A. O ATT IS. J. A.JO.NE8 Gattis & Jones CQranory&FeedSlore ADAM8' BCILD1N3, Wflmlngtoa St., I Is place to a yoar suppiiss of ' GRA1.N, MEAL. FLOUK, FODDFR, HAT, SHUCKS, Ao Ws hsvs Just raeared 20.UW paeau MUMood, Bast II on sad Cow food to be kad. - (0 000 peasds eblp -Stuff, or heavy aiiddtlng. W.uuo pound BrjBB-atuff. apieadld siticla. 8 UW tiuabel brat, cleaned W bits Con.. I 000 buahcls eerd tat, Spring sna Winter. Sua bushel Mock Pea. 100 Nirrel Flour, very lew snd rood. ' 60,000 pound Tlmolh Uf, splendid quality. 20,000 pound Tlutotby Clover Usy, uilxed. 40,uJ pound M. U. Hsy, saaorted. 40,0U0 pounds Fodder, Complete sad loose rialed. 600 ou.bel Bolted Meal, beat ts be had. S00 bu.bcl Ba ted Ileal, to antra A car lead or to of guoda received evety day or two, and sold for cash st Nrttoa prf e. GAT 1 10 tfOMfcS. lOOTAtiCaal snd 500 Cords of WomI st Io M 'sb prtcrs for sale b. Mcb!s-da. J.A.J05E3. Y P For Sale. E OFFER Tn TTPF, STANDS. Cases, ems . lsd. Bulm. . of the "pou btia llluetratsd A(e,"iar aala at aintatn. Any on- la want of s complete outfit for a lanra weekly paper will ao wail to rail aed esam.ue Uil uitertsl,o add 'eaa u b Basil. A KMtivu of lbs vks Is aa. sad eunMate uf Small Ftra, Lone Irln sr. brevter, Mtnloa, iuupaie bum i cuaitavt aiBiaj vpa. UWASDS.BBOUUBTONACO., Meh 10-tf. haleib, N. C. a . aooaa oa avi.i fooBJt m AiU9t, 1TTOBKJTS AT LA BAtElOH, M. a Vat sad Fsdsrsl Ooans sad ta Ooarts as S lit sari Sta auSielai liiatrie'a. - WAV Sl'tf A Good Bsksr one snancaintvred ere fered. ; Address, . ''BOX, 440 ' feb NJv. . . iuieiga. 1876. Cur LiTlci an. Our Ocairl876. A MAGAZINE OF 128 PAGES, Dnmfi at XmriX 'erWia Aarsajr, kwprtmn ana AarWar. Terms 3 rsa tear, Postajb Fsxtaid Addrsss, S. P. TOOL, -. - ' Raletfh, N. C. UF Tboae In whoa bills have bsea seal will pleass rsnttt. Two Tear for Only 15. Rsvtiis? s few eotnplete ffl' s ef Oca Lrersa ASP Oca Dsad for ISTSon band, ws will fur alb lb at year aad tbe entire Tear lsTS for IJbrsry Assoelstions aid Histories! SoclaH Ues would do well to sut this. ' 1st Sd and Sd volumes bsndaomely board library t)le furoiabed st s.M per vol ume, or fAi, u rent ay meiL tats awtat actaiiiaawa all m aw a. , Addreaa r . 8. D. TOOL, Jaa IS-tf Baielgh, N. & GBIAT MEDICAL BCOK. w and Secret for Ladle sad Gente, '' 'jr Sent free for two stamp. Address. XJ St. JoaaraMioicaAlTiTTrrB, r at, Joseph, Ma. oct la-lOk fm e a X A aoMTH -Arrata wanrra ever St. 'rt I wlere. inriia honorable and r . II 1 1 Iclaaa. Paritmlan aent fraa. Arttlreat wUUU a.ORruaCUSt.Laa.ato Black Hills OOTiD PIDT.DSI FOEtlCIJ! BOOK. Hlra, KITES, ROCm, AtH BEHT FREE to any address, ' Apply to W. P. J'HNON, Oereesl fsas Aet. I. i K ,. Chicseo. or to I f BAM. iMtLP-r Traeeiii J AgV-i. tT-aV-B dtaaapolia, tad. . aprS4a J" Streets, teb 17-tf H 71 THE ii i i ii i in t hi i nit 1 1 urn u t iii a iifirrt r- ' " a " '' CONTINUES TO WRITF POLiaES OJf , , OS TUK MOST lu Stock b 'der srs snmog tbs svwt prominent and reapontlM boatne ea la be-ttal. 1 hi iis It aslarncc R baa paid nas tu Inajireea, for .0at,, aver 1160,000, snd It aecunu- aawa mm m mwm mmrw www mwu w wf wi ywywm, , Agents in every County in the State. R.II. BATTLE, Jr., (5. B. ROOT, BEATON OALES, . P. COW PER, .' Rat.leh. March t lot-la. ' THE HOMEOmCE 1 Cash Capital 150,000, ABUISTEAO JONXi, Prfsiokkt. K. W. lltST, Tbl Corapaoy laaure agakitt Lo or l)m a by Fir oa , ;; Reasonable Terms. STATEMENT OF CONDITION, MARCH 15rJ 1373. LOA! OS M'lRTOAflES, fflrst tleu),. . f 10S,04 00 COUNT! BONDS iMarket Vslue), 27, 00 00 CITT BONDS, 4,71 o o. CASH ON HANI) AN D IN BANK, io, 1.14 00 TOTAL ASSETS;.. 150,000 00 Tbt ts hoot institution, chartered by tba Lerlalature-of 187 , snd I un.lrr tbe coattrut snd sunaaT ateot of naliva Nortb Ca'olluUn. Tbe capital I well Invented rn the 8ia and sli earnlnfai f the Company will te Esrr at bomb. Llmsctlve, ellabla ArauU, wanted la every part uf tba etate. Address tb S eretaiv. nch l(t d" ' Eliodes' Super Phosphate. ' Ws srs no a selllag RHODES' STANDARD AMMONIATED 8CPER PHOSPHATE. Prepared Ujrjiressl for Cotton. Tblt Fertiliser ba rfronth STesVeTtUfactlnn to all who bare Uid I not onlv s rroaer of Cotbat, botaa a PKKHANKT I ePKOYEK OF THhSttlL. It ts an article Llurh In pereetiUge of the moat valuable Fertilizing l (rredlentu, a Mil are bone rhot.bte oi ume, ammonia, roiaan, ex. nereapeniuiiy relet oy petmieei' n to the lolluwiiiK par tie wbo bve uaed this fertiliser: K. J. Ivey. aletich: tt. U. Kiddlck, Nruae: F. . tophe a.Raleljrh; K. I'nll, Wakclle d; A. B. sua otsers. t,ouoa growers wouiu uo wu to tea us Ueiore p urcnaai ti tn lr ttuan t. CUria It. F. JO-NES it CO. Also keep oa band a full line of GROCERIES sud LlQVOKa. U. F JONES & CO. febia-dAwtra. ' Wbolesale Liquor Dealers, Kllminctou atreet, l alelcb. N C. w CD S in C"? o 'i"rtkmV v' b B -CD g s CataaTatf w P P Ej 'I'll' In! e""3 I CD H0MA8 8TANLT, NEW8IRN, N. C, Dealer la sli kinds of G -E- A-I IST-. CORN A 8PECIALTT. Kswbera, Jaa. 141 STTTTyT kaSH (kaaNaMv M I IJ 1 1 1 I I .a !'' inaraieaaa, aaanf.' I I r I I I I I a mttr a tar mtmcmn. l r. Cm-1. Vsl lUUl-a- a Stability ! v Promptness ! ! lXIIs, AM. CL'MFJ OF IN8CB ' ELE PBOPEBTT REASONABLE TkRMS. Preeidont. YU-e Preeidont. Secretary. , ' bopervieur of Agencies till! (i. W. BLACKXALL, Secretary. Treascrer. Dewar Harnett; Ir. rt al rr Id'biu in, Ral.lirh, r. S. Waif- I O. N. 0 WSITT. -new -mm GOODS! EXAMINE PRK'S AT D S. U'AITT & BRO'. Dtaltrt In , Ready : Made Clcthing For Man, Tout ha, Boys sad ChlUrea : ;' "," 78'7S71)arii"Ws sad heao ' . Burs to please. ;' DOMESTIC DUT GOODS, XoTroRB, H08ISRY, GSNl'a FORN- ISIIINO UootlS. liUlVKS, NKCK- W'lJR.I OLLAKS AfUCTFFS .- ltlBBONS, tlKilN08 ANU iKSLRlIONa. . 1,000! yJliSHAimrnEMTBiHiais. Alaosa UNLAUNDRIED SHIRT which we fuaraut- e to be of Wsmsutta Muslia and Blcbsrdsou's linen well msde, werrauted to fit. ONLT 81.00 s piece. Khoeg, Hats, Boots and Caps, UarBBAXLAA, TbUJIKS, TaUSES, BCB- bob Clothes, Coats aicd Caps 1 " ia ASo., '' . -. .. Ws return our thanks to our friend snd former patrons for paat favors snd a continuation of the ratne. Our Kooit will be sod for eaah snd a very small o ofit Cal sud see u aa tbe auie old auid, two dMr sbvvs the market ea t aide t a ettsvills St. lieepectlullv. Ik k, W AITT & BRO. March 16- dlawAwSra Y ALU ABLE PROPEBTI FOU ALEl . At the Court-Hous d or; on MOND.tT, THE 17T1I INaT , AT 13 M. rri J Mil the follnwlng ra(erty, eno4iine of tweB ylit Jut beo.d oberliu, nearlhe fork of the road, st that place known ss tbe 8AMCELRCTH PROPERTY. Tin mi Twelve month credit, ten pe- Cent vf Ibn parvbass JTQOlrtd jo rH,r.ajalojinfiili.r in , lb pr done . - K. Ot MACX. I . teaslie. and al leUUCcd pike. AnrO-t, lbTstdvfs. 187C . THE 1876.- PAKUER'S JOURNAL Prospectus. The iiii!erij:ned r"aes to etsb liah Iu the city of Itulclub, SO " al neaaiepr. to lie en Ittrd the "Nor; b ( arolina l'a'ii. r' Journal.'' to tie a TTIJh a a"iy In tHi , -al in -1 re .ul)lih U wiekly. Ilia dfl i.umlrt r Will se:ir early 1 . Anu-l ol ih; m'. tut tear. - '1 iie Frnrr' Journal" I n no cnn r,eftin . f Nt Vrr w lli flic flut A-n-t'ul ur I J u t a'. It 'iil be oj ru, ln'the lL't ie't uf th lanii.-r- ! Xvr Ii C'Hiolina. wil l I d hi.' in it in in luil-i rvriy (tfiiir tmciit uf hfjli tilli'ie. a i k-lai-itijj, h.Hticulture ati'l ilciui--t:c ecuti oiny. iu add! ion to lliii It wCl cnfam sli tba iinpolUut iieas ul tbe iUv ; a.rccurd of tbe aevtUr, cTm ati.l p.tx-a ; full lnaikt report ; bioveineuts iu cotton, sud lis.iut or iuitructiTo reading fur tbe home t-irulH, I here will lie ooniiectd arith it st. tral special fetures to wbich I Jceire to diTHCt alU utiiiti, to wit : Au orgaiiiat il ataff of repular cortrihu tora, rouipcaaml of uur abltsat agricultu ral aud Beirut ifio writers ; , Regular correpoitdei.oe fronftbe sev. era! d put es of tbe N. C. StuUs rnugo ; Mobility crop reports frotu ofBoi-rs of gTHUgia iu every aeutiou of tin sLito ; A department derutud to tlie devel opueiit of our tnuteri ! rtMinrons ; . A oolaiuu of hiquirii sud auswers ; A lierury fgn for orviuid stories, pot ms aud otuer writiuga by native ao tbors. Each department of the Jourual will oe letidernd as eoloplete aud us good of its kiud si it is ptna-itile fur etitcrjirisp, euergy ml close sthvtiun io aoconijiliHli. Tii Farmer's Jounud will tie nlit J for the whole state, aud not any particu lar axctiou. Partisan Kli:ica auU sevti hau dwnnKlous will bo I'leltuleil. It will be iudcpi-titleiit of sli si-cts, pariirs, fiictious, or riuH. Itwill coustuutl.v sim to aaU'b ijie farraprs'-iTtPrrwt ; to improve tbeir OJuditiou ; to keeptlicm w 11 informed ; to secure ainouj tlitw baruxttjy, good-will, slid vitnl tirot lit r luiod ; to promote friendly relatious bi -tweeu producer aud lo'ihsnicrs ; to bring to the notice of tbe wor d tlie vast sgik'nlturul and miueral wealth of North Carolina; to induce immigration, and to iacresstf the productive industries of the country in every line. Beftidns this, it will labor to secure. lijjid economy in the sdmiuiHtration of gorernuieut ; to aupprexs natiouul, sec- Uouul and local prejudice : to promote tbe canse of centiuio reconciliation with tue North ; aud, iu a word, to d what ever fidelity to tho people may require ; aud thus co rue, ia good 'time, to merit s warm welcome in every" household iu North Curoliuit. The suWription price is two dollars a year. iVrmms tlemrmg to subscribe iny send in their barunsuud post ofliot-s uuw, or ut any time U tween now and July let, tho aulMcriptiou price to be pid on ri'Ct-ipt oftbo Hccouil liumlier of the pupr-r, wuicli will be iisued aliout tbe middle of August next. AJv rtist rs wisbiug to secure prominent positions in tbe culumus of tbis jtniruiil, will liud it to their advantage t'J spply.ut ouoo to ibo uiidrtiijutd. Fur lurthVr iufyrina tiou, uddrL.-, JOHNSTONE JONES, I liaU'igb, N. C. teiyrujirrs of the stutti will please coiy or notice. OKTU CAKOLINA WAKE COUNT T IS tbs icrimoR cocsr, Fehniair, 1 S rr.. Joeph 0 Powell I'liiinlid ,ayttinl v,rv M. Allen, Wf liam M K. rVtr. 11, Klchaid ri-rrell, Ja'ue Wniiley and oilier a. Piored loaf IO palttlull Ol "la - al. To t'l liain i. K. I e rell. one of ibe. dc fend ii t aiaive naiurd, who ia not a uf I bia Ma e. You are uereby required tn appesr at iY ofllccoi rm CI ik ot the Srl r t'nurt for tla Count -hI Wka- lr tneblatday ef Maivb neat, l7r), and suawer the coniuiaiLt fl.i-d in aaid olliue, or he pluindlf aa ill a T to I be Court for the rtli. f deuiaudeO lu auiil Cotuplaiui. J N. HUN1IVO, Clerk. Mots A OaTU a and llalwuou ptaiuuff Att'irnet. Jfarva 7, 1:6 w, t'rrics or Si rtsisTixDsnt, rsTSaWBUMO II.SiiU MP4NI tNf, V 4 1 75. ) ' Peteia.jurg, V , uV -tuber t "I II A N U E OF MCH KDL'LE TO V U eOe.-t bUNDAY,NuTember26tb: 0O1.NU eoUIH. Usvs Peterabui, a.6UW A. M and 3:37 P. M. Arrive st W eldnn at fcM A M 6:5. P M. OulU V Kl H. I.esve ae'Ooii at A, M. nd 4 P. M. Arrive t frtersuurir at 11:46 A. at. sud 1i7 f. if., '.-... Train-connect st Petersburg snd Wildon Ith train for all aouitieru and nonbiTn p 'tut. Tleketa aold M s I aoutbetn, south am, nor b-rii ai.d eaaUsru point, and bacifaire checked IhroutTb. U. T. OOUULA. J0l4i:S ir , r- aWlieriiTt.ltBfn.-dr 7- $1,200 PHI Fini $100 Mad any day In Pits abb Calls. Id Teat according to your mean 10 tOO or flOO, In Stock PrlvlleKva. baa brought a small for tune to the carefui Inveator. K sdvt-s when snd how to opente aaielv. Book with full Information ssT rasa. Address ordrt by mail aad teles aub to BAXTER A CO.. Bankers and Brokers, ,17 WsJl St., S. Y. janav-oawiy. ; Samaritan Nervine. THE great Ners Conqueror, V.-paariia, BL Vim, Date- and-u all Nervous Oiaeaae; be only kno nofitive reined v for Kt- .jptleFita. IthatOeeii le f tliounandt Snd baa nevr I kiiiiau to fail In a iiif ei!l by never bem iiiifle case. I'lial K-kire liee. Kucioa .lauipfor Circniait giving cvi- acuce oi curea, Aililrco . - r DK.8. A. RICHMOND, Bat Til, M Joaepb, Mo octlS-llm rent. p kas for the best elllng.. Prta ge In, Tte.aorm. It coniaiai 15 alieeta DSiier. .15 en-elope. !,: IVn Holder, ' Peneli. -patented Trd .Meaaurv, and s piece of Jearlr). Slugs' Jt-ksge wii h ele- gain rrixe, poMiiaiii, -k. Bkids A Co.. JiiUllroad!. TTiTuTaf Tfee. N. V. . D1 R BtB' Or K 'It.LtOfK THE ir' tiee of li-no ry a n ' lie c Bl Up bl -old nanus, ou FJet Ville oer Hie Mli.mdSJore ol . 1 tleant.' He aid t.bT-s. VA

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