-LL - s 7 : 1 i- -" . 4. YU irALEIlitl t;tiVTlNEL -lllJfc KALfclli U LNThN tL. "j t ...' ',- ' . ' ' Adwittiewix all! UwT'cd tm-li ftianou. M the folluvltif ris par tjunm M ack, ar Ma aoetos Uoa , . Um uun won llin 8L' UmUmi eak l... ......... ......... 81' -i t i- i im dAJLr. WEKKXr AND SIVI7f:XKLT C'Crraiifrariitei. STATE PRINTING 4 BINDINO ESTABLISHMENT. .. .. -, -- aawor seaacturrHM. i -Oslly feattael I year ia advaaeev.M. ..88 0 DallT ail moBih in adraaca 4 0 Sr"? .' " 8 OS -ly etJ-rf " f t M TbeDaatBaim at MB a dellvarad ta ii - ' J i etfi V. mm 1 eatiara. t wefc 11 eaoeth 1 - I BWlli 18 V 1 1 . M a I 1 1 .. 1 8 " ........ t VOL. SXIL - i U ALEIOH', ; V; 0 iTHCJ S4D A.7;' MAT U.' 1876. 4 u i.- 4 1 0 H 1 - - M W OH 1 8 No." 68 X- B. 11 the omr. POST OFFICE DIBECTORY. - For the benefit of Um public, we pub. Ikk the following directory ef Um poat etice of this citv : Waaiera mail closes ! 1 11:15 a. ra. .". arrive 8:23 p. m. Eastern clee SM p. as. . - grrjTei ' n.45 fc Chatham cUe . , l.) p. to. : -v arriwa ... R. A 0. R. R: amil closes' ' 9:1" a. : '- frHW ' 3-IS p. nC Thmngh northern via B. 4 0, I mk h northern sua B.AO.-' LJ '.lTir-niifc iiarUie'tn vta''tflJ''r. ,liixmi n'miirnim Ufltua,-, , i bora arrWaa'' i i . A lh(S a. M m . . i a " " OtHoa bosra fnr delireriag asaila fraaLf 7:3ft a. ta te nr. - Maner rdm arantted and 9 VST jrom a at. M 4 p. m im x ok wtmu a 1- rl ItliTi C4U b ratfiterd Cram :15WI - a, la 4 ii aa. -1,-4 ,. v-t. i Um hourt oa Bundart from 4 p. lit to ((p. til. A blgh prica will a paid at thli offlc fur a eopy of Mwa Let en. May llih,l87tt. f 3t : M 7 tha sev Ittaa Hot Philadaiphia, ' Pa.," m Ioc4 at tba eraara of tailraad 7 'J anil Wpphic emaiaaoioaUon. ur tba .. EibibttioB groand. fllw Lo.. Da. 2 . 8al your job ofBoa, LJL work 'to tba4 BantiiMl OeoaralJ. 0. Mtftia. of AAsraie.l u Straw bata aud liaoa suiU don't look, .- ainMnilarMloogHt. 1 f i W .Township mertinga throughout Um oounty tn tha a'th. Not a case worth reporting at tba polloe VvH thia morning. s, BtrawDamea aod green paaa were among tba luxariea at tha National to . day. Major Neathery, Prirata Beoratary t tba Governor, ia detained from bia olBua by aickneaar " . ' " s Col J.-FontbroT Taylor aara'tha proper pronnnoiaUon of it ia "wano, (gnano.) ' ' ' ' " Thara arc jnt aboat 6 Hyea repab- lieana in thia eity. Blaina baa tba krgeat following. Bradlay'a aoda f.motain U in full Mat. Hia Tanilla cream ia extremely handy to take, (. all on him. J. H. Manning. Sheriff of New Han over eoanty,arrived yeeUwday afternoon with 18 eonviote for tha penitentiary. A lodge of Good Templara ia to be organised at' Mount Moriab ebnrcb, near Aaborn, in this ooanty, on SUtar - ' day next ; ; V:.- L 1 1 1 ' AH pervooa wb have uWribed to the Odd-Fellawa' baquet an h qkted to HfHi( T,,K.Wi,i ad) grttbe'r Vti apaaJn- mW lotto, A ti lie tfboutibWii iZlaoorated nuig. r ; :tnv :. A. 1 fl y r--.fk.-rtif. r-naw'iT.v '1 . jX, -1 tinqeiav i: ti 1 1rg puna manafaotarer al Berlin, Traaaia, and ; half brother to Prof. Agthe, of thia rftyr la at the National. ' The Oak City PWure Qab give a hop on the Friday evening following the leap year TwpTiob-tak pkcoJlftl ? norrow aveuirw week CSoma eight bTlen wagon of oar :Jf swing people went to Mnhdrnla on 1 : 1. - - . n :pio-D exDornoar thbrrinornuigTTTbe j-; Wan atring band wnjt JritJTttlHi, " A diapab h waa received last evening ' from Governor Brogdea at Philadelphia.' He apeaka of the op. niog evrentoniett' of , the euutantiial aa "giand and fmpree- aiva."- .-, i Tha repnlar meetln of Poatnn (Jab .Lvlgt). 1. 0. 0. F takea plare to nlgh,' ; at 8 o'clock;" A full attendance ia d. a aired, and all vUillng brother arc in tiled to bepieent, ; ; . Tha offloera, taaobera, aobnlara and , frienda ot Edenton 8tn et Methodist 'Sabbnth achool are reqneated to meet ' at the church on Friday evening, prompUy at 8 o'clock. Tio-nio . diacna. aion. - A cpy of Moaet' Lettert ia wanted. No reference ia Intendod ta the old Ir-litish gentleman, aa bia correepoo denoe ia aoatteced around promiaenotia ly, bat to a aeriea of lettera written aomo yeare before the war by Judge J. N. BanUng. ,r4...;. , A long line of carriage baggiee and 1 wagona, pamwd down FayetUville atreet at 7 o'clock Uiia morning, being the . Swain Street Baptiet 8auday achool to Petiny'a pond, wh-ra Uiey pic uio to dav. Vinimt m, (...k.'i.t. ... 1.1.1 , tne ba a m w a ar - - a wa. . a - Uii.aut. i cai-MiiMfKa Tbtu - MV IH a-nrdancA With U! t0 - Ijr at tha cmirt-houM aaa moved, in the followin oiler for tha 0a(Vdef attreiaetervs The Ro-eue m Flrauai-; r. t. '14; patij, I api. it'a iaIt-, panvt cHntumjiled y jT. Honk aud - 14 HHr aof pany TtiMitaa IT IValit f iVkll'a ipt. V. Htcott t RaleUh liMArr lillery. fn. W. Ufj, lUlebl t-ght Infantr. U. JF. F. tf ud j carttcM coutaluiag Chaplain anl aior aud elU ucna. 'i nrwoie wajjodt-r tna itmr ma nioiM B. UW-plan!r.jCbi-f i4ed SlMraaKtt.HiTaajrrRT.V r. At ttiw ceiueterv a crjwd af hn' iaMbUd,Uk- aiua mat ked . :Ati tlMMoa'e Afer thltttttl praveZind hymn flie if-: r rVT T oUr of vtl.e Jd-y. CY 8. T Wtt ilMDtv wi luiraduued byiba Cuiar llt . . . ... . 1 f fc . anal. af -diiverei ayerjr baaVM na apiniriaia audrei . . It woold ba anjasi tH apaakar t attanagt a fall wpurt oV effirt, W" naa ouljr auaoatu wfata a law of tta poiuta. :ta aia axf'lium. be rfarrAI briefl 1 tfco JtfAittifutjpvl appraprit4 oereinoaiea of Jf ounMiullJjr, aaJ-Jr tbw aapbfaif tha taJWMaorial Aatpci- tiuu. Tba buqaeta of ff Sbtioa aiutUiretl pou um aou oTor our tttavj ooauirawa wn tribnla1o Um eaaaa in wbkb. tbVr fell apl trpiuut tf Um Waaatlu i faioa wbick anciavlaieir browal Our aoldiera need no epilapha carved ou lilocka of atone forTIie rejurlT&t their aohlevementa u wri l-n tbrighteetu, iiag of onrriatory; The l4ood paomLiMit in deienoe of the aoutUj waa ptyud andchvalroaa. and every city, , villa, a auiIjiieigblHahood tsontriaaitaxt gome of itf beit aud breeeet' to the exuae, He alluded" to the dead of IUUtiC . and paid '" junt tribute to their gallantry aod devotion to Ul canae of the aouth. He referred to the proud distinction won by the troop from North Carolina during Um war oar brave privatea, aa well aa MOpany and regimental offiuera aad ourgvner- "Ula. Hrf curainutd oa tba priuoiplea of honor and integrity which illuatrated the caret ra of our noble dead. ' Tfe ould not, on thia occaaion, attempt to vindicate by elaborate argnmeut the oouductof the Co u federate Sutea. It would not ba appropriate to do ao. But the men who wore the gray went forth to the batUt lb-Id at the call of aovereign Stetee. Taoee who Ml, fall in obeili enoe to Um kwa of their respective State government they fell at the of duty and honor. - poet Tha example of ' Lee,' after the ur- render, waa held up for imitation.' We are now citi&en of (ba American Beputn lie,;, Our alleginoe'a,,aworn, aid oor honor will ibe preaerved.-. Thw'anMrii and miafortdnea of the p;tf aboald 'be fnrbiddeit XhemeaF oft bitW diacitnuo btxweea politioiana tdlt tbal auldierl of tooth aida bad aeaa left toaeifl the political diatdrbaaoea growing oat of the wr, tang ago would ibe bJaaauga of good will baea been reaiored' to I1 ftMufled natMO. Tba Federal and Confederate "?y& SfldViffWre were no prejuoicea aoug iinem.M ul Uie polkifliana have kept open aid 'Woan'da, and bate held eauudei1, tha Uriika 'which abould bind na together' aa ue peopw. Ue allotted to the charge made by a ue f-UM poliUci4p at the Berth that the 055 h. waa ready ewTdMrTIolCaa 0aM)ard roraendaroobtradlollda He who uttered it waa' Bot a patriot,! but the enemy of lw conutry. H The apvaker referxed to the opening of .the .j great eentenaial xhkiUoa near Um apt whare old " lud wnd enoe bell pealed out it' notei of dilanoe to British iippreasion and- proulainied' "lilrty thntaxhout the Uud to all tin inbabiUuta 010." He h MaOOhat i of tne revoluuou would restore a better fa-lujg bwtween the aectionn aod would eameut tha Uea of brotherhood fuoieaed by the war. A Voice" aboald' go forth from, our Memorial. Anaocudioua in reapnnee to tue uvocU w lor peace and brotherhood. The aoath waaanx ioaa to preserve the iaatitutioUa handed down to oa by the fatlira of the republic. Southern bbiod and valnr helped to build up that repablio. and w are aui - ioaa tocl ip handa with tha north in perpetuating the love of liberty and eonxtitctiooal govern ment. . Alter referring to the centennial flag; whu b ia being prepared by the lad tea of Kaleigh. be oouclud-d hi mmarka by tribatea to Um patrioti um and seal and apblime iiepuiaea of the women of the aoath I At the C"ncliuuon of he eddreaa the gravea were decorated and aalntea fired by the military. . ' j J. J. Wm raauaa A Cd..dealera in tiain. , Cam a ayetialtv. Newbam. 'Jut...,. I Ovm llkiLuoAD- Bko lurxov I HKJlTi "ifb " IlAllBoiD CC, Bufofd au4 uffi 0 tM.aaiej 9 pari of our State 10 larultW'thahw pnraejit uf Um badly worn ri1i4 bt elween' tljIiiiHiiDt ndi.oo;d(-boro. North OacaUna, ta tbia M ef praarea., lufwa ti.iiie'.rariav facilltlaa lhaD aha Mvaataea. .nd we were glad U hear atr ld tiaveW a nwoaja ajps k Uif liaUga aV Gaateo iroad waa n bvU (erco&gitloa hp. ihatf jaa Deeaw Um war. h ba beea the rvlf of th a gevii !x eVrral earaVlai leWtt b.fjW;Ml ptfeTf(f tbDOajry. liaprvvajiVgtaraiJjr ar aotki'aole waaabMuaa.bt-OMiilMUdy. aud. fmrt- kW Vr'lCR M irvaler.W W after doda to alte fwreat Wa tha cauae of alii tleJmd 'aVillng : awi liveiitr us Uiaa Vitlaeae of that aaoknt cillagt, X t4rnitle Wlow'.ilctiderion n aaUua baa . bean .eetabuabedV 'called .Midhuri,.'lut,.M; w.y;twen Baleign and"'eiwoj;' '.. ; V 1 '-a 'j!TlM'IWe'AiuU'-Air-t4M U IJnguhed W comfiletioB, flfty-tween niile already fiWhijd aid fifteeea atde BijaVW' ha,ralli JrtJ: ekjbt iailee m.ifa and a caonecti'will bit t-peJ with tba liaroUna Ontral at Rockiogham. Thia it la pmpneed to do thia year. Tlia'toooer Uiarbettwr'ar KateUh and, hide!,' all uoapd dowa the lin'. ' : v - A fowdaye g a gentleman wkhad on tha at 7 P. M. lie bad U ttop thett all niaht and bhill'nxt nuanihi 7 o'clock, reached LaabertQa at 4 K. M Ha could have reached New, York in the anut iota. Jia doean't call U a flhi) jrUt aiiyaKtre.'1'; l-''"L''" ' V" O hen the. Raleigh at Aogneta' Air Una .la ean pit ted It will give u aborterand much quicker rauta to Iim- berton nd all that part ef the SUte, aa a-elj 4 ,gtva av, direct route north or rNewhere. I MeW haul and better rnada, and NorU Carolina will goon her destined j-Kirney of greatneaa, fta' I lf !") The Lao. Ft' said Lopoa Thia body a 'J nuned to-day at. a late an hour wa have not time In th;a 1oe to give more Utan th alecUon of grand officer. They are a follows jl M. W. firand Maater. U. . JneaVof Vfilmlag- t-n ; peputor rafld Maater, A, J. Bur ujtfm$iliM Warden. F, J adbmtof ifctHtevill ; iJrand (iecre- Ury, J. J. L'tchfnrd, of Raleigh ; Grand Treasurer. Tbeo. F. Kbit x, of Wisbury; LiNhra of tba Us Srata UaWi of iWtf .pprfetw4' afBcri' arHh b )Rtinejmwtd,Uimv jThe Qxaudtidgaai.rcepted aai iattilatwn to tltlC'itj a balvCthe lu'stliiftfon f.r tha I noon. At 1 a clock an at journwent took plawa.OBiiLai'. M.! . .ul a : i L 1. 1 Narfa SAiff rrj jJcdob j The j RalJ "I .i.-. ( eiU.Nfwa said . aomeUuBg. The Bib liual Beoorder atrnck the New tor the taking i The News says U neverfaaid it, hut the Awistant Bishop did ! Tha (ergy will bo doabf settle oeatioa without the oaa of carnal weaponaj f--? t-VitLix countiooxvenI ... t VEX HON. .. . .. . ... H- m . -'t - A chairman. I. am ntrmted by the executive committee or the Democratic Conservative party d taka roonty 10 give notice .tl.at Uiera will be field a oavemlfk of the Democratic tonstrJ vatitfe.rotere of lite" count rat' the" court noaae otr if 9 10 h day of June next at 12 rn., fur the purpoxe of sending dele fiatca ' to ! lh-Ute ind :eoiigr-sional ditrivt conventions and to coasfdfcr tbf ptoprtety of no'minatiugcandidatea for pulli .fflcest J am further iaatructed to call upon the chairmen of thevarioos towhsfdp jou-4uee to. hold'rneeilngs in Uielr respective towtih plTbn the 7th day-of May, hi order to appoint delegates (0 tlifa convenildoT , , W. W. Joraa. Chjn'a. , : 1 If your, tongne k:eoated or if you. Bare a bad breath, take a doaa of Dr. BuU'e pUla. J Price 25 eta. , .. ; T)iri.f feiHiajreRVB Rtrp, trilhaMd Beat Ileru'ia fjanooa.lo Ihe world are a..jnevof Um advantages offered by the Trtumph Traaa Co IU nowery N. . Y., 'whoa Trusa and Nipporter were awarded the Medal at the la t session r-f the great Americaqlnatituta, Fair. beud 1 10 caau for the if new book, a - w vUk Ltpbert.f fcR.dTn cpuntyi wnr EMIGRANTS DONT COME) i..l --1 i, " j ' Ma. ExtlTO . tha Xewa af Way lh. ia a v-ry lotereeting let'f r from " 4." ou V What' tba nutter in North Cwolina l why a'iitW dou't eatua here to eetileJ j bat ha aay k all true, partkularty abait. the boioeetaed la. A tha taw ia- uo abuaed. I cotukier It a maudtug bid to tempt people to ba ilUkHMwat. TtiTii'1aar iwurht Ia. hm amended o a- b Drevent it abuaa ia ibaJ tutor , 1 have teen (old of a b e stead being laid off"," aud tha same awld ahenly atief Ward for 85,000. ' .1 will bow Bieutioo another Caue i banpla do nt t come here.' or a Urge boUkoa af tbem. 1 n Ueneral Aaembl at tJ4 ot Uart-d, ibeT pmfil of atauhiratwaHb pi Hit wtMrsnw ut rcporta n .NwitU Carolina ' telklfc rrawhjrawA, Stc i wUkJkwae -4 nm.1 Toe vp ici' isr utteaesung. 2lf;ianMa tSa aui graatwf all natlosialitka, and t'te peo pta a-oai ovary tec 1 hMi ia uor Uuton, aud 10 ail wa pnaauaa 4 awiaj wee root, the rt j t.tiucnt ialtoM and pptdcat uWdodt) Uf, full pratactUm vf ur ww, auu a iiuamiiy wucr per aooaf 1 fvty Jo. aby .aud every nectkMi of t a ftUta " TWs It ai It, ought to be. riien follows a great deal f luf.a-matloo that would ahuoat tempt any. peon rvadlng It lo come here at once. B 4 aa extract trotu page S7 -jwU it all for the Hotuan CatiMilcj "The hard Vau di- ham UM'Padmoa valkys of Italy WMuld fdnd twee cotigantal' borne. wbete baetwtd enj ey bia apuatoho creed wuiimtaeb a by UMOUlau pneaH aud at tna same Una flaw ecetiee utatiliar to hm troai Utaucy." n Wby gifa all orewde aud uaauliUea auch cordial uivdaUod wuty to ' tnault Um Cat tollcaa mtia further oHr.w bat baa rellgioujio do 'wrUt m wiigraUoa "V bantueae, auy way r ,.fww-Utuxla . vl. tba waigraimg people :f lieland. Fiance .Gerwaay ab Canada, are .Catholics. , JX u want tttetn Mr SUy away t If ao, be ooDot aud ay to, .Alihotuh if tha celebrated kvlure ".ialterad Jf at oa" iuu auy truth lu U, wa have at ! t much ritfltt here 'aa aur. . Akaiu. tc-L Kerrt Id hia a,pucud.x to toe repuitot tba geological Mirvey, aayai "But all net- are tquatly f ee beiore the law aud at the ballwtbox, whether proteetabtoc pawiaM'- Why not have aaid B auan Ca b I f ' Ua wa t to Vienna with bia rvpurta, 1 ra paa. we beard a good aVal f talk hw all were pleaded with the exhiiMt of Aortn canihna. ru bw many Aaatriaua have come to our State f ( Over il per cent, of tlie Aua- ulana are HoHian Catbolaa. - 1 Keep oat taiuoati4a about any atu. Give tue right baud of fellowship tta.t aoud peopk that come here, lor their proeenty will ba youra. I tin sorry the above linea spoil tba UHefulness of the pampldeK tar tttei will keep away mauy sccia, to aay node lug ot Rmau Caibollca, from IhU grand old Norm &ute. , Ita Ear. BRAMriKtDa, Granville County, ."V,. May 8th. l76. Mb. Editos: There waa a ma meeting called fori sjararday of laai wadr. v f our irt thia aprtag, but IUUe aotice waa given, :- aud ; a peraoa aueadad.TlM toaetiug area ad) iiraed to Uia x9th inak ; It waa aaid at court that Cape. Davat bad wrhtra ' 't ha would at be a caadidata lor re-elec-tioau Oae of , bk apecatl friend aaid ha kttdar that Cant. Davis waa nt a caudldat ' nor did be desire ti be. Tbeao facta are known to a few of tha Ironworker and candidate-maker wha - kep It to Uibmselvea. Their mala ot l-tct k to pat down the Senti- net, and ee to It that It ed tor, k not .. t Riwam. I :.. " .. m 1 7' Got. Hembrkks baa been talking with nuuMtal AKlut&s k reporter of Ilia Cfaicugo' Joumat, Hmt-'cOnauea himaelf chiefly to remarka aboat Um republican eaudidatea, - Ma thought for party raw ona BnaUiw, aa the repreaautaUvw of refiarm meaaurae, might be tha atmngeat candidate. Penoually, he Uijnks Blaine k Um etrougeet, beeauaa be repreaenta better the hnpakive spirit of the mnaerw. He believea UMiWuteet will be aggreaa ive on the part of Uie republioaua, with a free taking of back iseuea, while the democrata will fight it out on tha civil attrvica and reorm, vWheq aaked.il the currency queation might not bo a lead lug imue, be aaid : "iha will depend, I think, wholly on the man who k nota iuated. f Blaine, if .nominated, would represent the more modern views -oa Uie money question. Bristow wo aid soaka iau-d money and etvd aervioe re furta the issue : aud Morton I hardly know wht-t)eei)u the earlier tkwa of Uie part on financial uhjwtev 1 : ' . ...... I ' Da. Saob's Catakrh - Rritbdt ia NO PATENT MEDICINE HUMUUO, got np la dope the ignorant and, otedaioua, dor kit repreaented aalaaihg'com- poaedofrare aud precioua sulietanoie baaaght from the ,foar corners .of the earth, carried aeven Umea acroaa the Great Desert , of Jkbara pa the backs of fonrteeuMDnela, aud brought acroaa tha Atlantic Ocean on twa ahipa." It la a simple, mild, soothing remedy, a perfect Speerlla for Cahrrau and -Cold in the Head ;M also for Offensive Breath, Loea or Imtadrtneut of the rjenae of Sroell, Tee, or Hearing, Watery or A'eak Ere Pain or Preaaure ia the Head, when caused, aa they all not nnfreq neatly are, by the violeoo of Catarrh. ' Tha new arrangement for carrying through paaaeuger bei ween all point Kt tli Penn-j ivania railroad and; New Eoglaud willaiut change of ear, -went Into effect Mouday morolag. Upaatbe arrival of Um aoutkern Vain at Jetey City It waa ran 00 board Uia ateaavr Mart land, which carried it thence acroaa ti e harbor, and via East river ta Har lem river, where ,be train took tha tail again a d pMcerded eastward. A larva l-arty -f ttiV (ed guest made in txcur ioa Vo ioaugurite the novelty. 1 NEW3A5DK0TE3. ; mi " - V i f.-'f K i-Ll.l : Sextoo. tba bUliard player, baa re. (nraea irota rraaoa.:,. . 1 , j v - Tha lltb anniversary of iha birth of Hahaemana waa .Celebrated fat Mexico . Tba Bv. Mi. tiptugaoa. af London, baa again decliaed aa iavitatiea of a lioatoa ioctare toares-) to laotare is thk aoaatry -.ift .tuj:wf -.i-nlj .Joaepi MacfarUnd,- a ' waD-knowa Washington -aiwreapiadaat, aoaetime managiug editor of Forney'a phrome la, ue on c-noroay, ifNWtet tba Em-Mrot of Braiil- givea thirty mionte te bis diopar, add inakt that everrtliiug aaa Be nWd m the table at oaoet Uataad Of boat eerved iu aoarsna TrT""'" tu V u t'ti k'reported tbaiW Fraaoa leaaeb engaged ja u ,Aoauna Bating trade bare been Iwt, and it i feared the wbok Beet baa peep (ketroyed. , , ,nt EiagAlfotMobMperraitkd 1,300 eO- rs wuo iotaed 'Joti Carloaf furoaa tu reaame eorvioe in tna yal army with tna ranx uiey new previous to ueaer uon. . ; " , -j 1 A Loodoa doctor has diaoovered that roa aura Um tnotbaoaa by diaaolv- lug half a dram of bicarbonate of aud ia an oauoaX watar aud holding the ao luuuBiayoar moauui i ij Ex-Queen Chrktine will retara lo Spain aboat Uw aad of My, and will reside at Aran joes, and ex Qrj.au Iaabelkwill return dariB the su aimer and take aa bar reaidenoe at Sn Hotadian. Tba Priaca of Wale baa grown ery atout durtg hi i iadia j wrawy, aud ptopheciea are abroad to use e-Beet thai IM U1 by aud ay 1 lival tba weight and topotUMa oi' fata uncle, Uworga IV r - Speaker ! Kerr baa now occupied the chair lor five " niouUie, aud it k am phatically a'd if aim that, a a pre siding offl ar, he k fully the p cr ol bk predectt-soie hi Uiat Inipertaut position. Cufavorabla reports eorac from Uie Newfound knd Bahing grounda, where the fidMr-aea are repreatmted aa being ia aetata of deatitutton. ' owinar to a Complete failure in Uia winter' catch of oounah. Tba aeakra uave bean dekyed by ice and atormy watber, and the out look m oa tha wuok decidedly gloomy. Dom Pedro looked in upon Coagresa and Uia Supreme Court at Waahingtou Mouuay, aud aiterwarda called at the White Uooaa anil waa presented to Um Preaideiit and rkoretary Fkh and Uieir families. Tba imperial and presiden tial partie aoU Irar ' biugtoa to day on the asm train for Philadelphia. Tha faciliiiea for transit by street and steam cars ia PiiiUeelphie during h exhibitioa are aaid to ba excaileut rharoadaara reprenied aa rady for any cmergeucy. aod in a condittoa to fan port at leaat D.uOO per hour. The Chestnut and Walnut Street com pany have 10 miles f tract, aud wid tun 14) car. The FoatUi. iglt and , Girard Avenue a like Bomber, eapabk vf carryhig aa.Ot) prou to tba gate daily. ; Toe caawity af Uie other linea will be aUy great, Bot couutibg Um wagan aud ataga routes. RCTTCKJE Cvbkb In from ' 30 to 90 days by the ue r the Triumph Trues A I'riutriph Rupture Remedy manulae tired Dy tna rnuinpn Tma tu,, 334 Bowery. N. Y. Thk Trtiae and bup porter loox tna ut-dai at tna last sea. aion af Iha Great . Americas , Institute Fair, j &ecd lOceau for their new betdu Tba beat recomBMndatioa ' of any article k from the eonaamer. These give the Elm wood the prWarsaoa. : " "':r' - WHOLESALE CASH.. PlilCES :j 'urn.-, lo r" " -;fiV t. C. CHKUTQPHIR8 A CO. ' bUlsmb, Hay 8, 1878. COTTuR . sfWdtlnrs. Hi Ct. Low Blddlrnfs, ' II : ' i lcaaBtaised, ! ltirJ10 '' lulerlor sod dirty, . 7(0 . , - ek bbal aasT. . - Cottoa Tie, 6J cents. 1 ! "' " flour, W th J-oitaa 88 00.I5. ; C ia 80 esaia. Oaa Meal, 850. . ! Baeoa, S C. h ronal, UIS. ; ' " aama 1XI0 Bulk Maata, Dear Klb SiSei, UtaiJa. : - aaldeis It e-bt. r Laid, North Carol aa, 17. '')):' ., " .Waaura lief, t, . , r ks 17. ' Coffee, fritae Rfci Z!a! 'L ' " '"" 1 , 3eaJ,8l8A ;' ' -' " i Umibkmi, H. ' ' . gyraait. M 80. ' r . - . ' Motatsas.-Caaa4a, , . , - -a, Salt, ar-bal's 8. - Xvaas',815 , ; ' I . ' Valla, oa basta for 18, 83.08. bugsr A. 1. " , ' -, . Extra C, 11. .- , , ,. ... TeHowtUSI-aa-O. I ... Leather, Ked 8ok86sr. , 9 " Oaktanaed, 40. ' . 9 ' . HMe, gn-ea, 8 -8 ' ' t - dry, lOlU ' Tallow r. - i Fotatoe. aw I 79 eeaU per basset, , . Irish. 108,;. ,.. -. , , VIM, atieiiea va, sheaf, frera wsgoa, l.SS cent. baled -I w. . Fodder, balad. t 8S. Hay, N. C. baled, rwd, 1.00, r fftr, serdoten, 1-Va'JOcM. . . , Batter, N. J , 30. ' heeswas 85. g.8. . . ' ph-ked, 8 eeat. Beef,e-it.iot,tH(gTe. , - tl -draaaed BftoM, 737 ' Hvy Copper, per pou ad. lee; . Llbt " 186., Bnwa, par aad, I U ICe. rtr, par peoad. It Wet. '' ' Lead, per ponad, tie, . ' .. ..j :-; Old imm. per 101 pana, nwv Pheee Bktis pea stats 8tV30c. JB l-wa"led, par pound, I , aawaaaea su w aa. .1 eld ?8eaU; harry, .1 How awfully eulpalik mast ba thoae affliotod WMb (JooauBptii. Brooch itia, Aathma, or any disease of tha Lunga, Thru r Cheat, wh'wvlect to asa Dr Tutt's Eipetiocant afbf reading the following letter, written by ooe of Um moat estimable ladiea ia Um aoath ; - 8taiia-, Ox ; April ?A m. Db. Trrr:iigtatitad fur the bene fit received by U naq tf jruar Expeo toraut, I d cheerfully add my tesUmooy to it wooderful power in eurin datm. seated t-oogha. . Tor several years I -oi- wm oreauiniiy wun a eonga attended with great difficulty of breathing. I waa indnoed to try yoor Expectorant, and it gava aimoat Immediate relief.-1 took six bottle Ifflrt am now perfectly re sniwd. ' It k abonirlre months since I began ita aavr, and I hate- aoiba an at task aiaee, It aa bean a treat blessing tease j I eaaaat aiferd to be wUhout it, and heartily recommend it to -ail who have Ipi g or throat dtataaa. T 1 ,'Yerjr tvatpeetfnllT. 1 it..'u.i.(iv j Ms A. ML .Wxtlaoxx. KW AUVEliflSEMENTS. TTJtsi t..j-.;t.i II i i ! ift'ei daet rateived Saether ssstsnatsat af TBI VtW LTI COIN, FtESH AMD MIGHT FKOM THt atlBT. Wkch eootlau to say out to ear eu aaawtoslMBge.-'.-: -Save also received 8,000 yds. short kagth. Mated LAWNS AND , ML'SUKa, which aaa he said tors prott at M par yard. ADDITIONAL rCBCHASM BrXXrglM. J ' . .1 l. ii- r.- Of a twaaUra) assort m at of , T f !..- O FLAID4, 8TMM841 AND I LAIN, at tBceedlBgly few prtoes la sU the sew abates. .;'( .;. t.i . Ecra, ' Browa, Blueaad Drab, 6rey, Ac. Also a sapsrb stock of Mea'S, Ladle' aad all' BooU, 'sbne sail Gal' ars. ; , Aaother pBichss ef these KXADT-MADK SgrkT8st8100eh. Ibsse Bhirta give aalvsrsal satttfactloa wl rarer assd. W. H. A R. S. TUCKER. May lt-tf 1 7 4. j- . V KVEU BEFORE EQUALLED ! A 5 -s t U.S., :j . T he Largest Stock on a . Record, 7-i r. vcijicjr. nm- Returned. -it .,- ?., ' i- .'; it; fi J:i 11 k still at Um old Stand with a larger -"'!' i-vsasortBMntbfyi r-h 'l U. a CENTENNIAL GOODS. ' 1 - rOUBTH dULT CCXTXJiXiAL GOOD 8 ! (I''if(1 f 1 '' i 's,s''' .,- - .i.-.'i f Look si my latest Paahioa Platea and choose jourrtyla ! 1 .., ,,f, ,u CLOIHSv , .. ' . :f 'i'i -iffliRE?-5'''' - -' " ! - nrcinxaii In tot anything yon want. Come and aee me, X know I can suit yoo. glCECB BT A BU8H X EST ia at the old place, 00s door sooth of the Southern Express office. . -I guarantee all my fits. , , ( , apr 13-Sm 1 C. WEIKEL. ORNl tOBJl.ll 1 ' K Thre as rs Car l4 "f spleaeid ela4 WMm t'ora Inst la aad ebae for cash ealy. . ar8tf - WATTU at JOMd. ... r . .; ,r ' :JL T TO kirA ilAW, KALEIOR. N.! a'1" aMi AK'iTHlJl 1 ar Lead ef Uat toraalaebsaa At Wane F. U CUXlaTorBBM CO'8. . fahlVtf j . ItUadngtoa . t. jjraiT xsat chaiwn,-'7- ATTORXEY AT LAW, . DUMB AM, MQMTM CAMQll . BMT la-u . eaaa wune, at Euv Wva tbt, '' FaB CataVarasi rasa h? sadt B.T f . ' . ' 335c.1 I n . . - ! 1 .-"' I ; rr weia - . "iw.ai .' .1 J