TI E I A LEI Gil SENTINEL REASONABLE ANNOUNCEMENT. n The prent warm spell will cause a demand for our beautiful PLAID AND PLAIN LIS ESS, " -v , " SUMMER MOIIAIUS, PRINTED LINEN'S AND LAWNS. All of which wo are iovr ruoeiTinj a fresh supply. ' r . Also lor the gentlemen a lull stock 01 the fiuiliiouable. MACKiy i ir HAT In seyeral styles, and the straw and Colore! ventilator Summer. Hat, ! A case of sew (early' sumnier) Bilk Hats at $5.&0 ! ' apr 11 ; W. II. It. . itjua.t.it. DK.,' 'p. BABCOOK, DENHST. IIAk opened bis ulti .Bice over C 1). Hsarti'a Phra-Store where hi w. b glad tu aSo bit many friends requiting Deitul " operation, all opera-toue eaMuliy ; ptrfjrmed and at reduced prices. . . . lev a..-U. i . ' . , - . '," .... a -r -m T w- w- -r w- era. -M -i B UlNlVUUSAL LIFE INSUHANCE COMPANY IT 19 n'urrtn Mief,.. r. Statement, January 1st, 1876. Accsadatei Assets - $3,191,633. Grow Liabiitics, kckd-. ing reserve.. . - 4,831,181 Surplus Jan. 1st, 1S76 - 657,453. Annual Income - 3,331,643. Policies issued dur'g 1373 6,403. Amount of new Insurance 14,575.213. ITet Gain in 1875. - 7.3S3.61L Amount of Ins. in force. 35,907,240. OFFICERS. William Calkkk, President. IIbnbt J. Ftjkbkb, VioB-Presidenk. John H. Bewlkt, Kt-cretary. Gbokob Jj. Montaocb, Actuary. Edward W. Lambert, Med'l Ejmminer. AGENCY DEPARTMENT. Charles P. Gbifpin. General Manage Bamobl I, Knight, Superiutcudeut, Axckrw tJrue, Ueu'l Agent for N ., 'WeS 84 U a-a a ' J'- 1 ' uun;ani;mEuL! , .k m . a.i i.i i - ' i Always no hmd ta low a a ths lowett, at '.. 'A a .1 ...itil.ait ..III ril .11 Id I jr. ti. nruo t rnt.na i v o, , YUuiti(tou auvet, Boar City Scales. uriMD - keadiw;. psyo omant. J 111 0 sk .mat.. , U iL.wuin and Ms Vtaire Uuliie, iiolttt how either a. May facina'a and iisln the love snd slte"tl i ( any ir- lh -tno--inMWlyT- 400 tie. . H ids 1 60 CM. Hunt A Co.. , 131 0. 7tn Bt., Phii. Pa. ai)lU 4v I"mproyed dowlas cottos plan" : 1E.it. I . . ' " The Hismifactarat cU'ra that Ihey s'e tts b acoim )lmtra a .d (ruanu diaiTib iun lii - he w .rkl. Toe prUM h been rs durd -3, Ui att the Umi Sud In yuur ordvra Iw aecuri thrin In Kna. . 1 JAM to M TO l.M, Alff, 1 ntRtTAw . ... To Msnmsrlure. U L K . L ; I M E. Ini1 t.uf T?;vrftn Prwlr TJm m ccivtd b uii-ik, and uflp ed at thedrp-.t In quanii'y HW cis. j rbusliel and Irt igtit to cii out at i..r. JAilEL M. TOWLES. Ajjt. Biar252r ' A rr.ria cf Ycit, Own T1.3 Ert F.::.::y',f:r Mfcs ! ::i:c hum esteaus 1 a.n inn Bent ami chi-aj i hiinmd Laid are on ths inm.t It UKIOX F.-.:" ii.VLLF.OAD, : KPriUiK. A IIUMK NOW. Pull tntormtio icnt FREE to all parts . ... l A .. IklUlw La- d Com'r U. P, R. R., Omaha, Nebraska. KBI4 4W' - JIXGWOOD WISE COMPANT. ' " keep constantly on Band fiCTPPEENONG A'ISE.-Imj)erlI brand. Will TE AND RED COSCOK WISE. PURE CTJPPSRNa'3 BRANDT, . ery aujerkr lor ttiedirltitl purposes, equal in In flavor to the bes FrcDch. 8CUPPERNONG VLSEGAR s new article, yery fine. Thee article are manufactured by the nn dTk'gned from Orapea grown on their own vlnf f u-J, and are warranted free froa sny hijurioua sdultration mhaterer. Address, C. W.GARRETT CO., Kiiiiwwd, dfc3 dim. IlaliUs con tj N. C. !b J e j y ( , t o- a p K-es. oil w WALL 8TL2ET CALICATl'IUJ A uew Book, 4kf Paio-a, mi umini! 14 t rrai lilumrat uua, ith luiuiiuaUon tur eu k dii-uti on P.lca 1U c u b mail. TCMBKllXiE CO.. tiaukera aud Biokera, 4 WaU birctl. p. I. fcbld-w - yg - xi mocoptinc TE IEK1 SHX jPBAUflCE Wurka on thai subject, RivliiU euueks and p'auilj rii teu luatiucitona fur the uvatmeM of nil oiUm.y ailuxiiia ol all oiueiie Auiuiala, are tllll') ke, I In rtuck, lo Kt-luer "ilii apur .ruil hrUiviue .beat lbMi b-ok as otHUllj aniiea fur uie k u.er'a, ru Kamu's or Livery Siab.e f au'a M, svHdiu as ar aa (m-hhs, all Wihuical triuaa. For tnc.lpti Prlc LM miij tu p iw the JUsXTlMUlt IloMOKOPATHIO Pba&XACX . IS. VttaV aeite 8 leet BUEidCHLE it IAjc jLL, jfrvphctora. li OR E 8 AND If U L Eft. TusrrlTe to a few davs, Elifh'y Keautcky Uurm and Muis. fi icea u auil a. J oo. okauiiu tbeiu uec ao-Kw 0. W. WTNNE CO. G ItAKD orESISOl llnirlnr rennt. d ths spsclous snd cleirant BlLLlAKO BALOON t J. P I ranr, at 81 i PayeiUivl l s ivs , ( lake this occaaiott o Ui irui u.y iricud- and the ( ub.ic i enerally, thai I bull upvu the .mm ou Moud , au( a. y the ioiU. Ai. mceiieit Fiftceu 'ill Pool Tab l attached a. so. tiWr m ill. Ji lal. 1UM I j.r(LE3. . ,W PKtPAKEL LI V1K. . . , . I tmuow recelvtiiic weekly, ca jkiada of Ibis luvaibatiHP leitihser. ihe ot and lumk rutitl lu Ihe market, and alii rave our pet.ple fruau ruiu U umh! iuatrad of .lie Ulb pllU tauaiH). o worn wum wiar ou.bl to be auitiL'ient. 1 h.ie wuo have uidera will p tut apfly at ouue, aud those w .iiiluK ui do k io i.n in ina r oiuer au aa to I aifta totrt it ilu ' hu i, J AM to M. Tuy LU, g 11 OK8E3! IIOKSE31 b.isrhl eTtaa.it flirsit fi.r MiIa. W l em at P. V. CUKlSIOPll KS A CO If , n l miUjfcVOb airvvt. . ATtBT NEWd SAVED 1119 BACON : . I avirtc aaltid two buud'ed or gs, ws are I'reiiared lu 111 older lor biu tuadH bauut. of ail kii.d at " K. . C KI TOPUEKSArO.', W UmtnK on street, sear City 8 also. $100: THE SEW TIIPLf Gtar floras Power. PrUti lov. la juaS what the' farmer need t It un light! I eaIJ I'Ut d.n readv f work I cu be hMdi d aud uuhtadra by four ineu. Jut the tuluic lor cotioa uma, 1'hiehera aud Uca era. Ac warramed to aland x h r ea Mauuiae cred iy ibe bAi-KJt AUKlCVl.Tt.lvAL VNUKh-8, tsletu, A. C Seud for CLeulars. J OR RENT. . For the Tear 1870. Tbs Houas and Lot on tillleburv Street opposite ths tichanifr l oiel, kuowuast s i uu.uii.g property, tue Moums couial' a elubt eomfT.rtabie roomea Kitchen cuuluiiiK four ruoiua. Two Ottii-e roouta In yard ail lu Kood order. OuUids jautry aim wuoaDouao. m U oi jjooa water u yard, pump s tavb d. tut teiuia app y to C. vv. D. HUTCHINGS 'g't., or to . B.IlUrcillNUS, Fayettefius Ol., opiioaile Tucker Ua L dee 'Ht s r. sxooaa ioaa sarus OO RE at QA.1 LING, iTTORNKYS AT LA KALE1GH. M. 0. Vate and Federal Oonrta and ths Courts of S ia ann nut 4usiciai mavioiav an f"tf ' v . V OKTU CAROLINA WAKE COUNT! . . I- f , i I it l. X I 1 'i tits in tu orlRlok ooVBTj pebmary, IS7t . . . jost'pn u roweu piaiin.ni -"rj M. Alien, Wi ltKtii H P. Fern U, Richard tfaMwll. Jamri Whli lrv and olhera. Proceed . biir to. partition ot la. d. tr 1 V L . - Anm .f ti Am lit ni iiam v " V ' i ' " ' mw felidai.U ahat aaisedwbo la not a- ksaldest of this Mn'fc T"U are hereby required to apiwsr si tns oflire or he Clik of the Super! r Court . . .. A ..... Ql.i A..i . .t lor tne couiiLV oi naaa mjf wi.i ij . VI arch belt, and answer tlm conipiaiut 4ti ... ... t.t ..itiiu Iih .iiltih.riir will Mnnlv Uicu in paivi fii.'i ... . .......m. ..... to ihe Court for the .relief demanded In aald Ci.uipiaiut,. ' . Minna (iiTU o aud lUfwoou tilaiulUf Ati'.rueya. ' .March 7, 18.0 WtiW.' - . . : 0TEB LOT. , j ' Nice Country Bnttrt at F. CniilSTO P fc.K8 CO.'t, at 'J5 centa per pouni. bo lor it aa It la nice anu ireau. . KkltikE Caktss, , Aasskrus 1 Caetsb OAHTKH & ( All 1 1 It . ATlOKNkYf AT LAW, - - .' t ' ; ; Aaasyiu-a. i. C Prapiice In the-rncivmeiyctirt St Ral H;B na in u-a t"a'e ahd ftde.-al Courts ol Vs rn -rib C-roili s . i Inline co itKjtnd on any rrnjp? ft b ?P 9 , , WW ed.. Ad claja vf . rklnr people ol both see. yosi-e asd Old, o alt mure B.ooej St wi ra fores tbwr aws loea.tle., di.rtns; Uieir Sr sao nt-nt or II thr .iuie, than ataiy bii ei At .fief enii.lo meat the w I. pay hBO omel or ever, host' wor full par ico .ra, teras, Ac., ent fr-e reno our sd . ..... rvrt. .tu.'... Na ta tha timtt .Ton't I ok tor aort r bournes lHherr, om you save leiroea wwv. T.aoa tt., P.wtlaaS. Main. . - ; - ITUATIO WANTKD; r 1 wlh to procure ssituattnn, either at "if . . i t t.ia ouaineaa, or aouie. ui.ise.n, me tu make a euppurt f r siiaelf and family. 1 ea t make mtaeli uatful iu any capacity. . ... .main. uiLtiM. k F fit- ter, t rk, Copyist, Co Lcio , r anythli.s; elt, will pleraae addresa uie at Ra.elgh, a. C. -Address " SO U WrMARCOM. -Kalclgk, M. V- E I will aril -t niy hous, ta Mark's Creek township, FORCAeli, several suits of MEN'S CLOTniNG, On the 2h lnt , to satisfy eofcts against VV II.LUM 'JtAKP.-: ALL1SOS HIGH, Connable. ; : -h E E. STAMPS ATTOHNKY AT IJlW, . I'rsctiiVS ta ib ' is:a and Ft - si r .nrts. :..lir4insB!sdel at.y part of oi.acar Gi.0 A. FKLN'CX A CO. Organs t SrfMlenns. Ths OUeat, Larrsrt sa Ut p.rfa I Msna factory l lbs Uailal tuaa. 54000" ' . Mow ass. . No other s'satcal iDstrnnMat ever sttdns Be asiaa Pnpaianty, fW "'aid Pries Lwt duress BTri-ALO, W. f a.r It tf F Oil SALE! 6,000 pounds . C. Bacon, shto all kinds of Weateru iu. at at , P. O. CUftlSTOPH r RS A CO. '8, i r ' " Vi Ouuugioa street. F I NEST IX RALEI vllt Sweet snd Irlh Poiaioesst 11.00 wr buh el fur table uae. alao pl-nMne. at P. C CHRISTOPHERS A CO , " W lluimirtoii atreet. M . L 1 . . LAW OFFICII On Court Uouie Sguar$r RALEIGH, N. C. fiaplal Ittaalinlt rlt.it tn B.ulna nf H.Mtok tesds. In view of the late droit we of the Bs vt-ms Court of the Units! til. on tfee ant. at : ' " : f - SS a-dayarrf iOTJTHrRJf POUCT-HOLDEK. , Aa Inaur vnce Jnurual devoted to ths inter est of Policy -boldera. Contalus all the In an ranee literature ol the day. tmi) inaur anee paper lu North Carolina. Treats of both Life bin! Flee - Inattraut-e, eipoiuic wil t-cat companies and eiineidi the alroiir uuer U ihe wople of N ortk :ar Uia, tbs paper lor l note liitereated lu luauraiics Bubacrlpliou SJ uO In auys K-e. AdverUse- meul lu erted at rraaotisble rates. Addivaa, ' J.NO.C, UUTSON, Editor snd Pmpnet or, septS-tf . ,, k- ,4 lialeUih, N. T OOD ! WO' t 1 1 WOOD III V vt oodi Pine, 3 per cord. Oak. 13.50 per cord, tkudordera to U. l. ILLl ' Ktors, march d dim Uills oro street OARDING HOUSE. Mrs. Beckw th has opened a flrnt das BosKling fWueeat-tbe Vomer of Martin ad vtUiuii.KioH SlreeU, in the rldii-e loruierty uccuoied by tue late Dr. .11. McKee. bhe l jpreoaied to accommodate peruiaueut a web as trao stent boardera,. Ike table l alwavaaupulied wttb the vera beat ihe market atioriia, aud tba roouia kt.1 neat aud ou tortable. not 15-tf ..,.... 1 vtTrTT rrrt DTTTT Tll?TU li.vUUJ aV kUkAJavJWA.vJ. J, Tl WATTS, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND AUCTIONEER, la ths general agent In Ra'e'th for ths sale of lu.u. er from Moois sd other coun ties. BuUders snd th-r will Hud it to their advantare t rl him their bids f mmoer, as he cau furul-b In sny qu .ntlty at ths low est prices. OtliCM Martin Street, between WUmlntrtoo snd Blount. nib 11 lm A LL KINDS OF 1MPHOVED Agricultural Imp smeutssnd Machine ry nisoulaciureil and lor aale by the SALEM AUK1CULTU AL WORKS, , Salem, A. BOL. Eureka Washins 1.1a- ' ' 1 1 xliine-! t Piltrnttd Oct. II, 1874. Tkis new lBTsntion kt a somplets sneeess. vVasi.ea every U Inn frota a lady's lacs Collai : a Counterparts, I. ths most thorooKh and , ,,-.f-i. . T - omptets style. ' - ' Works !Ui eass and rapidity snd wlthont Jnry to ths cloth. , : . t rlMS AN. siONEt SAVED. The -Wasbuuf done by a woman In one .layman be dons bi lbs pattented Eureka b tbise hoars. '. i Price $13, with wringer s itched . .. .'.1; J. B. PAt RAR, . Manufacturer snd PsIlentee.Ui ry, N. O. Q ALE F LAND IN AND O NLAli KALEHill. OoT. JiTiliefchnf Mar, li-.' at 12 m., by ynt.. t i a inoiigke exe.-ti ed i u.e by m. t.aii bioau, 1 alii aril at ihe i-ouit h ue d'H.r lu ria.i ih I llama of land ad loiuinir ihe l.m.U I the la's John t'K.nke, (Dakeood t eelery s. d a-l f.iriiit nv tw Jottftiia: B van U Inn a; S'jd alM .wl . lm in the piau of he eily tf liaieixh, ad J. lnliiir ir. .. MUlT'e o on Aeabern, bi. d.nh and Ede.n S'ree s. TeruisCasu. M. HiNtO.N. , , . K. U. BATILE Jr., Alt'y. fprSM) J J kin - : DV IS ftl E TIME! T.i tn n n v.iur fencea. All In need of Lumber would do well to buy of P. c clihibTuHlr bd A CO., Uuilii'.oU atreet. w END 2,5c to G P. RO ELI. A CO., New York, for I'hBiplilei ol 1-0 paifrt, eon tainlns; list of 3oo0nrwpp ra, snd wti mates suowmir coat ol saveruaiuf. mait h 7-1 v J T . W A T T S A-uctioneer comiissioir wmim, ntLKfcn, n. o. Prrtrnjit sttpntlon be firfS to a'l Vfr cuan.ise or ,iiw. rv.. . - Particular aten'kn will b gtven-to the ln- tr.nl'H ".. ari'i .'-a'e .! ra-i.H'iy ran ... ... 1 ti. t . . ... .n 11" if UU U-ll- Mi - - Jj.uvrs and uiuiea fid t- y Pi'.uiaty at U. L It iU.I ! lulu II II OFFICEISrear THE DAILY Is nncomrroiniiiiiigly Conservative, GENERAL NEWS. It i furnifcl.cd t $S.OO per annum. TIIF SENTINEL IS THE RECOGNIZED ORG AX UF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTV The Weekly. Sentinel, 1V BUSHED XVhlir TVFSDAY. CONTAINS ALL THE NEWS THr.I3 bP THBUin-lWi One copy, one year, ..... Ten eopie, ono year . . Twenty copies, on year. Semi-Weekly Sentinel, PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. TK11MS OF TllK Ono copy, 1 year , THE SENTINEL O10-. y Is now in a condition to tnm out all JOB WOBK. First-Olass "W orkmcn Have been pccnrcdfor this Department find ti.o Job O.'ce ciiilrjcc a complete outfit of ' ALL ICIXDS OF TYPE, We are now prepared to receive Orders f r JOB WORK, winch will receive prompt attention and be dune nt And in tlie E OF nrniTT i " i i I j fNy aaJSi ,.!.st Adlria-, J tJa. f ra U - II! II li x t I I I I ! I w ma m M wsji atr.ali 6k..n. n -na the Court-Houso. SENTINEL and is devoted to POLITICS and OF NORTH CAROLINA. OF THE PRECEDING WEEIv. . . .......... .... $ 2 00 . , . 18 00 .1. ......... 3.1 00 SMU- WEEKLY: $ 5 00 "?) ' ' ' ' ' i. i If. It I ! lit t aa Jt - .jf kind of Lebt pofsil!e THE " AET. rr:NTi:'i:L o:t;c::, .j JNl cvts'-i i xm: : ins CM:nuy r-.r-r ::.:.!) X''-...., An i:iui.trii h tare, (a i'U:. . -J f of Cho.ra Li -rf :.i'st . c ' ; " ' " ' It is at. j i:,. i ..... -uTof Lll-rire, deji.i.o 10 !. c b.e t. e i .cat Uoua bold Mairaa i of bs Pouth; im.re uioroojrhly !. lUrd W'll li.e fo.ir in !. .si sad iKint slie Lif' thaa et waff.is.nr in tb rouutrv. snd for txa aams' wrks, Sirree More ttraumt; - No Sitaniaa-s sk act sd which sitbrt tai.nt orcapiudckn .a i iu . m I. rl la aMnitav aai k lall .a i. - -t-..M- i ls and luatra- live romind.uis ' cloic ead y p..pulir wrura, b"Ui home a .broad. - rrt PICtCBS OAtXEBT. t S Blt alvraetiy. t at lira. I be Jannnry umbrr etntaina a bis Iks portrait of k a-' Z H. Vanrs, a d l)i.'rj Uuial ekeuh, ie followed la rs b nnmher i i.-u isi ha e! oih. r ppvuiinent stateatm-n, iivtnco tc . . tNLY fi i A YEAn, P.wai-e Free, tnd sack ntH-nKt can n s cboiue of 9 ee O f' beaut.ful, large Pn.r vi e, sis f e b SS-il d mehea ''li.e ttuuiiitT of be nari.ir in ti.s Mtrii !, 'li e Mmlo. , aid Kins L ar IMy ne Ihe Bt-'riu," for es, dea on reept 01 ths tubaenptiou prwa. Cilbsr ol Ihe Enar Yn ft k WoiUi doabit be price aakrd fr ths iaraiii.a An one Bilins a club u' five wl.l rrcuive an extra BtHK-rii'tloB f ee. d rgle ci-pies S ceni. ia months sobiipiit wnitoit V, ka raeina-11 Oo i frtnu Wanted Avarjahers. - drvaa , Jtt.118 v. ro.MTZ. l u' ! .. .... Ian "ft-if t,.,M-rv.... S.ti " MWS i-tj'.-a - I f Stall II ai S jail Nw Urtokujunt rul v, 1v author Ot Ma lit. ll..tiiM.iiitiit' 1 ion v. t-" Sr.nforJ Hull. liri.i;i:a'i lrs.'Av. -ta ltd 11 ;re. Tho IIoa3ch3U cf F-Juvrri?. . hcrtt-r liow:.r rr I tu:; tat.ca. ADoiblo Vt'ciijj. Ths stiovs Bit New IU.Ua srs written y the miu.ar 8..utlieru Aulhoreaa, M.a. tui.e- arme A. tvartleul, lormer l M .! M i'i, but now of Lo'.iavtlie, Ky . and still" r ol u.e World a Me noted wi.rk,"lbe inmwuiiiil u! n .uverUi." will h a o I w the t.it ana in. s ettrwirdm ry n vela e-fr pui.ii lied. Ihe aliove an tHH.kt s.e eurn bi. d til mo larire dii.ttlt-eiino Volume, bound In nioroet O iio h, lull ft I back and -i e price I, meat l, r " lo.iHi lor a complete act ol me an vol ume.., put up lu a neat au alriing box. j-l.Ws JkHk ur for ,it I y u,l lluuiatlU r. ir ewiii f ttther c w nutr of tht alirr luKtHt. or a annjilt?t ft of tin lit. vill i at vitne to any vhf, t a jf fiUrx )Ht'ttje firrfutiil, or fire ffn.jKt an rinUtiiit lutr rrus lit u IttUr tu (. , 1. B.-PETEi:.0N A rv.oTlinA , S'Ji) Cl.esm.1 ttiet.l, 'hiiad.'l,.liu, 1's. i) V BOISE COTTON GINS. One R0 Snd one WI Saw of thee ce". iiralrd Same Kill Ulna In More, snd will be soldi at red need pries They are aud tj clean I., hit, i(iu faatr aud laal ion. r tliuu any oti,. r g:a iu ne. Also, Ons 50 Saw 8. eotiil hand r JA.uka . 'lui.ra, sept 18Sm Aj-'t-t. V ALUARLE PROPERTY l-'Olt .oALE! At ths Court-ttuufte door, on MONDAY, THE 17T11 INST., AT 12 M. I wl laell the following proi ertv, cin.l''..a; of twen ylota Jiint ttmoi d I'l.e.nii, n.-iii' l'ie lorks ol Die loud, at that p..t- tl k'lon n us i .e SAMUFLiaTii riuirt irrr. TtnviSi Twelve nn.uihe rr.-.Vt, trn j t cent of the pnrt lianu j t-ijim i it to Iw l ai.t down. t.. u. .11.11,1. A pi 11 9, lt.8.-td fa. 0 1 11 E A P F IT E LI AT J . A a JOXl T f .; l . Ul.llt.uU VW.aA a-V 8t.lenilid li V Pins Wo .l at f: '' p'T rd. Oak ' 8 r...i ' ' Liriilwood 4 mi " " to.il. u.td " L. P. - Delivered la sny part of the City l,r ro.h Olllf. ' ' - ' ; Outers may lis sent t,i yard or o I.AIliS AJdMS' i i ' ... 'drain aud P traira "torn, apr i'.)-lf - H liiiiiiiton St. JIIoMaS BTANLY, ' ' XEWBEBN, N. C, Dealer In ail Kliula nf G II I Nr corn a enxiALTr. K'w linij .las. 14 lm, W. A. GATTI. J. A. J , ' r S GrvTii , "Try fi 'I fJ a aa 1 ' at Vt Wj Vnin'.t Jl t m v.-ikl..ae ADAMS' EUILI I;;, J'.il.i nnfl., I i a f to 'q Vulir HI ' '' I t C vi-, r.AI., - itcii, i"u:: 1 ). i t , , r : ?, , Aa We li.r t. r.-. rl-e.l i t .i i. . i .v 1,1 1 r ;..r i .'..w 1 ! o I e i .1. '. " i j i". ' - ,ji r T, . r 1 : - ' '-, i p-iLinis hi-1 i. fciti .1. ft . ii...,i a .e. t iibea iu't, r-iea-ed Vt i.iie t on,. I i t -i-h. .!... -, ; , r i . , ' -r. z ''I v ii. in " I e -l' reis 1 . :, very , w !! , -,t. b.i,.- ..poanda '1 itutMb tiav, s,trt-i.d mistily, Ui.. pouutis 1 lu.othy Cluv. r 1 ,a unir .1. 40.il jui.t N. C B"nrie i. ',Ui pounds EudJei, ciiipr;a sn-i Was .lel. f-l mt-hrlB P..l'e.l V--,, bit 1 t-et I .: fc,-, buhea I .1.1 .h'.o, loan .v A ear load ur to l '".1 evwty- day or two, and sold 1 rr at I' i,n p. I (..' I' Hi i - r. ;i. Tons Coat attt 6.dCr.5of t ...4 at loet tab pricvS lf tats b. .". f la d ot. 3, A. J A Hal" : f ! -ii fi I Juall i.a " J H n. A B. I.' TCCSES ts;reh .S . .('US i l