L o I . 1-.., t f PIOXMON'T ahi-li.m: uail WAV. . Hrt-HMoxn & Danville, Rh tmtnd AlUsfiLt k R. Mf (y.f. niviMos, ; and Noti t it tTtttf X. t". H. W. i f COXDOiEU TiMiiXaT.Lt. s Ejtxi vm mj nfUr JsnuUi'ff, Dee, 194. 1X75. I . A' THIS TATZ1 W t rn.K 'WITH W Wa.. WlLW!OTiv friM, N'ar tk etrwr .f Il't. .:. r1 lr"'ft et eel-. nrk wi-liai.d ti.j' y t'-uuii. Kb 17 !f TIIK ! Pi'ostx i Y.f.v. TV t- A, v , ... , t eThaws AsvartJalng (Hirti b s " i ; j wtnoua question witb the invali L He flada the market flixxlxl with proprie tary nralicines, core of which re re commended u certain core fur Lia ps ouliar ailment, II reada tha paper, .- mrcalsrs, and almanacs, and fin da each sustained ky pUnmble argument et ting forth its virtues and apocifto action. Tha reoummencUtiooa ara aa strong for one as for auoiher. Tha cures claimed to bsve beeu wrought by one are aa wonderful aa those claimed to bar been 'wToabl by another. labia perplexity and doubt, the euflerer ia aometimee led to reject all. Bat it aboald be bora in mind that thia oondition of thine ia one that cannot be remedied. In a land where ail are free, the good the truly valuable moat corns into competition with tha Til and worthless, and moat be brought to public notice by the aame instrumentality, which ia advertising. In auch a case, perhaps, the only . absolute proof that a remedy is what it , claims to be, is to try it. Tns-'Uwt of pudling is the eating of it." "Prove aUtbiufra, holdfast that which ia guuri,"i tha apostolic injunction. There may, however, te atrouger prs sumptivs evidmoi in favor of one rem edy than there ia iu favor of suotbor, and tbia ehould bo allowed its due weight. A. due regard to tbia may aavs avaet smoa'it of experimenting and a nle-ia outlay of moony. Aa pruaump t.ve cvidnnoe in favor of Dr. Piorw'a Family Medicine, the 'proprietor do Si rue to say that they are prepared bv a j ...:...: a . . .. j.j. iu Air w puvi m imiuiiu piwfa I'J wuiuit lue virtues of the crude pLuit and roots are extracted without the use of s i.sraoie of alouhuL Not a partiois of tins de ( st rover of our race enters iuto the com jxmitiooof either bis U ldn Medical Discovert , or . Favorite ' Prescription. Thia oouiuderatiou alone ought certainly to rank tbsm bigb sbove tus wile com. . pound Saturated with slooboL Jamaics rum. mr beer,' or vinegar, wbiob are everywhere ofldred for asJe. Acrain. they sre of uniform strength, and their vinous can never be impaired Jur age. Tliey are al) made f n.in fresh hert and roots, gathered iu their appropriate aeaaou, wnen uiey are naiu witn meat Ciusl properties. Iu aupitort of these claim tLe following testim hy ia off red , Ncwau, N. J. i B.T: FuM'B.MlD.:' l Daab Sib : I have aold a grt deal of o your rxonlleut rumedies, and i prufer to ' sell thetn before otben, beouua they give good satisfaction to tlioae who ae thein. I htwMiob reiuuikiss "Snge'a lletnedy ooinlotdy cured me ; it ia a splendid thing;'' or. Pieroe'n' l)uwnv r7 " ji" s hat I wanted ; I feel b tt-r 1 thu I over ilid. One of our oWHiratod aiugera maw it tor atrvuKthoniui her voice, and aavs "tin re is nothing quale it; auu ao l might give aourea of re Biarka Msid about ywur prparatioua. A colurtxl wuuuui waa Ufting your Dikvt ery, and after taking three bottle wjjj couipltoly cured. She, Mug in the atoie, auia to ine. "I Uou t want no uoo- tors "round me so long as I cun get the uwcovM-y beau au your dootora." . Ana so x might go on, 4 . ' , 'j I am, (u oat respectfully, yours, ' Atha B. Cmooks. SPECIAL NOTICES., f TO CONSUMFTIVI3. The sdvertiaer, ss old physician, retlrw. fro aeuva practice, savin j bad placed -n bla band bv aa tart India Miaaluaarv lb a tut- saaia of a almple Veitruhla Kentrdv, for the apaedraad iermaool Cure of Coaumntl. ivroDciiaia, Catarrh, Aitbma, and all lliroat A LMug AllecUona, alao a roaitive and kadtcal Cur (or Nervous Debility and all . Nervuua Com Uttita, after saving thoroughly teated tta weaderful eurallva puwera to tboaaaoda of eaaea, feela It hit duty to make it koowa to hkMiffarhig fellows, Actuated b) thia aao'lve, and s eonicleiitioua de-lm to ' relieve huaaa uflerlng. ha will aand (free f esa re), to au aho dm re U.lhlt raci a, with full diisrikma (or preparliMr and a eeeaafully saing. Heat by Rjtura natl by adilreMlag , . W C urEVO'e. i ' ' Hooroe filuck, Syraeuaa, N. T r -. ssv 33-wlj A 14NII. To all who ara anffering froia the error sad iodlacretloanof youth, iiervoua weakaeea. early decay. b of manhood. Sc., I a 111 end a rml that will cure you, I'KtS UK CUAKUK. TBI- great remedy vat dUc-srer" Sy a niMiociary id gjuih AuMrtca. aelt-addreaaed fBTcloje ui the her. Josapa T. Uhui, mhim l, BMiMimm, Arm )rt CVp. s x ; , aofl3-deodAw0oj r TUIUMPH TRUSS C O.. S34BOWICRT N. T., " to Wni.in Wa aaarJed tas rrmiu Vedal tor tha beat Elie Traia a.4 8upp rter at tba last aeaaloa of Ibe ; , , GREAT AMKRICVSI IN'STITCTE FAIR, area a ruture la trois 40 ta U0 dv And 0r l,l0 dollar fr a care they eaaovt sara; '1 hwy ea,oy a FIRST CLASS LADT SUZGEOJ. Term mlrta Ca raru'erd. Or 4erBlird r bmiI KiammatioD fre Tha sat dicoaai to pirou. St oi 1 cent Ij oeccr pnvr bo-'k o . frof W. U. BCKNnAM. M. D , mar 3 d If ( Cbl4 Surgeos. I! - V' J I y a u L'-s lTor Salo. TE 'OTTFR-'THE TVI', 9TAXD, l'f. M Be , L-'N, KuK .v , t.f the "e u t;n lUtttirattd A h-r mIc al a i irsa.!!. -ii-Any en'la wnl af a complete outfit fo a aerk'y v,t wilt lo tU W call J B' tin il.TIl,l dJ ub HUM. A(srtH'iii.( ibe'TjeU) e. and c-mifU f n l 1 : Ij" r rrin.e', hrrvwr, Mnnw, V.-VaV:.;,!.. .u.uT.-?r4ffn:,' " h lvMf. Kii.h, N. C. r. ,4.i ,v.u;u. i f t.; u.. aiii , ,. . i f '"thitwhi i '.-4 BTATION'Sb Laava Cbarlotta ... " Air- Una 4 sac's " gaiUtMirv " Ore-biiro.... - Danvllla M Dua4i...... I " . HurkrTllla...... Anivaat Kiclim.md.. 45a M. 14 a -JU ' !0V -1.84 r. BU 1.4 51 ... tM - 1 GOIXQ SOUTH." r STATIONS, Leave Richmond...... M Burkevula M thlOilM " DaaviUe.......j H Creenaboro.... - BalUburv.... 5 .50 A. M. 9.00 1.89 P. M. 149 , 4. ai 64 - . M - VS w ' " AiUoaJoDc's Arrive at 'hartott-. GOINO EAST. 0OIS0 W, TATION8. I Man. Maix. - Leave Graeaboro.... U.O A. at. A. 4.18a. " Vo 8hopa..... ........ Lt... ....... ' KalelKh .. S 49 r M A. 11 05 rive at Oold-boro.. S.40 r L H.1B ' STATIONS v t'a Train. 1 - i 1 I I 1 1 ' Uave Oenibtrs.i. i 1 SO rn . 6.00 A M. Co Sbopa...- i. ...... Lv.. ....... Arrive st Raielah.... 6.00 a a A. 7 HO r u. trrtTeatOo'd-bofu.. ll.tft - JL.fS.00 P M NUUT11 WEM tKX St. U. B. Ii. Salem H ranch.) Isave UreeiMboro 4.45 P. U. Arrive at Salem S.45 Leave Balm 8.IJA.M. Arrive at Greeu.boro.....ia3a " PaaaeDKer Tralna leaving Raleigh si 10.U6 . M. eouwew at ureearhure wnh Hie ooutfr era bound train, nuking tha qulckeat ttnw to an sosioera cniea. sec iniuouailoB Tram teevlo Halebih ai T.80 P. M.. eouarcu slth ortbara bouud Tnus at U eeaaburu for Rich ia ed for all poiau ILaat. Prtua of Tick eta mum .aa via other route. A coia uodatios Trala leaving Ores atboro ai i.w r. mH cunuecte at U'Mrlioro with N.Hibera and S 4iih bound Ul. oa t e WUmliiKtou aud Weldow KaUrowL. -Ltucbbura AuOimuh odaibia lavea Rich mood dull at D.Uii A M.,arrivea ai BurkeTtlU t'ADM P. M., teae ttarhrvilie l.liU P. M., ar- nvea at hicubmhiiI .m r. M. NO I'llAMUM OF t AKS HKTWKR.t CllAR LOTTK AM1 Itlt'HMoNI). x2MlLU . John k macmlkdu, Ueueral PaM-cer Ae. t, , Ricbiaoud, VS. T. M. R. TA1.CTT. - llrli'l BtllKTlirti-ll'loit. f ; . I H 1C t JU . .4 31 tl 1'ltfr.tULii'. s Li.o era mm. coaaciau Aran. IT 18.8 likluo on Uiw road !! ruu aa l .lltia: LKAVB rETKIIMlL'KO KORTIt. i-M A. M. Firl.-lil trala da ly except ftu day, with eowk aUcheii 12.00 M. T-r Ufca M l daily o aecting with k., t. A f. I t'lroad for all polii tattaod Heat. 1XS, T. M. ihrouith ih daily except ' Suo'iay eoDu-etliiir alth K. F t" ;. A P. K llroad, f..r all point Kaat and We. fail man 'i Blerper attached, maul g through to Baltimore, niakl"S cloae conr.eclkm with (J. and . - ' O.R. R, for Virginia Spring and all point Wet and fionh. The 5:10 A. at. trala from RJchm d, and the 1M P. H train front Petenburg wUl atop at alt rrgular atatiooe. Paaaenger tur Clover Hill connect at Ctie-te MONDAY. WEDNESUAT and TK1DAT. - - All tralna leaving Petersburg will atari Ova the Appvmauox uepot. A. SHAW, sp S-4t . Saperinleadent. ' -"?"''- r ' ; f PTBUKe. Va,, March Slat, 1878. ' gC IIKJUJK OF TUAIN8. , " 00150 aODTU. Tbroagh Mad leave Pateis harr at................ 1:87 P. If. Arrive at Weldoa at......... . . 665 P. H. Boutbera Exprea leave Pa- teratMirg at... ''. ' Arrive at eldo t.. ...... -r Tb ouicb PrciKtit with Paa- ' ' ae.iiref Coach a- ached, la v Prterb.irga ... Arritaat Welttoa at. OOINU M-KTH. S S0 A. M 9A1A M. 8 S0 A. S;15 P. 7:SS A. 11 M A. Through Mail leave Weldonat Arneeat fetenburg a bout h err hxprewieava 'el Son at Arrive at Petrroburg at lhnah freight ita P- 4 00 P. M. 7:05 P. . teiier ( one a a. lac Bed, leava Weldoa al. 4:15 P. M. 10:10 P V-, kaalrra and Arrivwt Pe'er-btu at 1 brouzh 1 k'K(a aold to all Pnaibera put it M, d Harrara I kecked througn U..T liOUULAS, ap S4L- Superintend.' nt. - p ICIIMOXD A PETER8BCRa R. R. CO Commencinc Oct. 21th. 173, Tralna ss thia load wul run aa f .low : Ls4Vf Kicnuuao, -otTa. -&10 . Tbr.i-1 Mtl: J.45 A. M.. T eiirtit Triuu : I.-Ij r.llj InruuEh Mall : P. M., r. ifm 1 rin. LAAVa riTEK-BCBQ, NoRTS. ' " ' " 7M A. 4.. F rht 1 rain : a H.. Tbmnrh MaU; 6 P. it. ire'cot Iraiu ; 7.85 P. At., 1 arottgh At ail. - . ' , -( . ; . Carbe attached to all frelsht tralna fot ao-o urn 4lta ol ptarner. I but Cxjiimiii illr nixitl iiHlaivrarntr to ibe h'P4 ij public oa ili.e of the K.rlt'b A G lo.., l ajeik'b A A gula and riern A, l'. hUuru-Ml!., m uie a ot low freiirb' aH pmBgm rL. , - i 1 i A. SHAW d.lw-tl fujH-rlu ei.Ueut rrrict er S rntiaTBbBnv, rlcijur, a , Aor. tulwr i I 75 ) c II A Ml Mr" Ml ri C.DL LK TO take riitvt t' MM V. uvcui Jt-r C5 b : tr4;M Mil 'II - Leate PeL-r-tmrji i6.U A M. an-1 :37 P. M. Arrive at V i t S " 3 A M. 6 P V. l.til (i . K I II. Leave e'iiiii .1 1:8.. A. M. 4 P. M. ArriTe.t IVltr. lurir a. A. a. aid 77 P. M. Tntiu- ci.neH:t at Pcler.hur an I tV. ' l. .n vltk tnth UfT all roum.u ntl iiur'U.-ri. "t. 1 ii t ' t.. a 1 .;. . r.-a. ..M'b- W ' ' ' ' ft. t f,... . !. lit; it ..:.;..-! - c At r. c. i .. t B. IT. JONES, raathsr Crcc, Vaia Co , puhh-xtumi CMWLISA Rye and Ccm VhisHcs, APPLE BHAXDY. OltOEES PROMPTLT ATTE5DED TO. Apru to-iw. : i . : :: ... ; 1:1 MACE KO ESUAOEME TS TILL etE oti TOO NEW BOOK, Which la thrilllnr Interent, aterllng mert, elaaasce and rheapna-a, haa abaoMtrly ao eo'ial It la "Tbs 1 b ag'' for tba venteunlal period take ea -I hi Tba North American Review aaya B la "de aerving of Bfqu.lifl. d pral-v ; me antwlpaia for It aaeateudve P"puiaiit"i tba tmbuqiie Tiuiea aaya 4ut uch a ae'rk aa thousand of tba r aaericaa Pmcla a ill be lad to po-ea-" tba in.lt Advmiter call it "i ferabla to anv yet publl.bed.' ANY ACTIVE MAN OMAN of sd addrea iuaored large profit ai d ') y work I ar a jear fur full parilei.lai, addieea K B. FvKL CO., SI Park Plae, aprftJKt , , Htw York. 1876. Cur LiTir and Car Dtxl. 1876. A MAGAZINE OF 128 PAGES, Dnoitd la Xorih ' antinaArpaM, tttrpmnl ;,.. m4 her Jitiurt, TUUM t3 MB TSAR, PovrAOB PSSPAIO ..'- Addreaa, S. D. POOLj : --'- Raleigh, N. C tW Thoae to whom bills have been aeal WUl plesae remit. ll Two Tears lorOn'j 15. Having a few complete 111 of Oca Livims abo oca Lie ad for I875s hand, wa will fur-ol-h that year' aud tba eutiia tear W0 tor V. IJnrary Aaaociatkma si d RlHorical Socis lira would do aall to Btote thl. 1st ltd and 8d volume haodaomely bou' d library tle furultbed si -SLSO per Vol im, or ti. ,A, if ru bt a.ail. - t - I atk mw memmpmng all vrdtn, AdureM S. D. POOL, i JanlU Raleigh, V. C. ; T EiV ST, RE ! NEW GOODS M f U US. J. T. W A T Ti I Martin stref.t, f ; Ovs Pook FnoM TJaptist Grove, ' II A LEIGH. X. Mn''li U a p actlcil Milliner a d U'oKertn ftraw U." Al!er, (Cm,i1iU, and pee Btmw a..l fct tx, h'iiu.e. akr Bil l niu.xli ls eierv eci Ij.tiuu ol Lad ea' Mm' or Cfaildre ' lijt. Gvebera call aud you nut) get the Jalatl tvie Tfiri or IeW Ii fork. Janl4-2ta I. 8. Wait- G. M. Waht NEW SPUING GOODS! EXAMINE PRICS AT d s. wAirriBRO'o Dtaltr In r Ready Hade Clothing For Men, Toutb. Boyi and Chlldres Styueh, Durable and chean Sura to pleaaa. . DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Votions. Hosikrt, Gent's Ftjrw iskino Goods. (iLoves, N eck- W K R, ( ' 1LI.A RS A N I CrFFS Kl BOONS, KlOIN()8 A.D j ; iNSfcRlKS. .: '' - WKHWTA1 FINE 7HiTB SEIETS. AUo as CXLAUNDRIED rlllH F which wt gnarant to be of Wamantra Muslin . . sod . Richardson 'e l.liiea wefl Blade, warranted to fit. )-.' OKLT 11.00 a piece. hfpg, IUi, IWs r d C'p'i UhBBZLLAI, TbdxKS, VALtSE Dub- sfji Clothes, Coats a.vd Caps . Aa Aa, t'e tvt'irk our ttiank to our friend and foimer i ttnrfi fur pa-t fav..r and -oln il eutinuai f the iie Our wij mil ne d f r carh and a Vi rr anisil olli Cal and ee u ' mr ! 1 fU.-.l. I-.. dtir ibove the market ra I '.lf t etirville St. ltcH'.-t'ollv, l. S. WA1TT & March 11 dlaaAw ; . L - - : - 10 to 2 "per U.;v; ri---et -rsj n At. C A--' t a CO., . t. aOua,'. i. '.r.antia iervi:;e. Tliirrvm N-re Cnqiif-nr . a i-uri. 1 ;-i.'!-j. l-f'.4Vr!rtt :.., rr ,;itiiii!., M,. Viiu li..-e i ii tt.l N.-rV.'l. 1 i t.. -n ; 1 1 tf .tivr tif.. --.t f r ,i---ll i. it I ) Of.-n li 1 0' ? 1 1 ,u'svn - :'.'i baa B--r hee- At.oau I.t f I iu a ,. '.1-.J 1 - f'-r. I oet r i: e lit Cn coxnxuts to weite pouars on l. rtsr of insi r bli propeett ON Tilt Mo? REA."M)NAl!LE TkKMS. Cl a..lI Jta Storkh 3rr ar anuauc lb aanat prooilBaat aad rapaaaflte hotHwe anew las tta. IHirti.f It exisenec S b paid out tu kuawiwe, fur ma, wver lOO.OJO, aad Sa aeraaaa- la ed earn ngs bare beea hiaaed to ear e Vgents in every R. II. CATTLE, Jr., O. B. ROOT, SEATON ALES P. COWPEIl. - Raletgh, March list lm. hie m warn is ii Tts Star Anncaiatci SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE We have fonad by several rear experieace actual obaeryation, that they havens nptrior, If anv equal among Commercial Manure. ur price are sisch lower than there, not p nnlvrraal v popular, and tliat have prov e anequd Iu reaulta, ei-on nwora atatenieuu fair trial with anyth ng aold Iu Uie South. KXpeiliC,' bo have uacd our PboepLatea R. J. IVET. Wake Connty, t , ... W. II. WillTAKE'S W'afceConoty. M.: II. 110KTUN, " -ii.C. ITLtV, - " , . I t'L. E. STkU AkT, llj.nett County,' JANiESA. J )HNtiUN, " ' " ' V. McMcKW, " And many othrr a ho will glAdly give their , , , , For Sale by .. . A. O.SANJDJRS & Co., T AGENTS,-'-:.'' "". :. :T ItkLLWll, y c. Ehodes.' Super Phosphate. We am nos aelllag ; Kfl ODES' 8TANDARD AMMOKIATEO 8UFER PHOSPHATI. Prepared Expressly for Cotton, Tbia Fertillasr baa (riven the greateet -tlfact!nn to all wbo have aed P not only a a rr"er of Cotu.a, but a a PtRw AN KNT Is PKOVEtt UF THE BOIL. It ia en article high hi perrenure of the mot valuable Fartlliziug l gredlent, wblca arc bone Pboepbate of Lime. Ammonia, Potah, A, W e rwpectfully refer by pernii!' n to t tie following par tlea wbo h.ve omm! tbia fertillter: R. J. Ivey. aletfcfa; . O. Riddkk, Neue; F. . topbe a.Kalelgh ; K. I'ull, Wfkr6e d; A. B, Dewar H.rnett; Dr. Waiier Debman, RM(rh, and other. Cotton grower would do Well to aee oa before p nrcbaiiug th -ir Uuao . Chrla IL 1 J0XE3AC0. Alao keep on band a full line of GROCERIES and LIQUORS. ii. F. JONES & CO. feb IfVdJtw Sin. Wholesale LlqnoiDealere, Uminnoa atreetl halelrh. N C. Established 1811. HUH II I K 6 ' 0 Patent Ch:npi:n, IK3UB AID FIEE FE3:F 'QATffTO : Bank Vaults &; Doors, ALSO Illdu JjUUlllJ IJEIiniNG & CO- , 2 r.r sdway, N'ewV rk. ' ti ! MKlbmy Sft., ln stoii. i-i-i'iii 25! 1 ap IS 'I icsrr fai:f3 ksn nxi t-enzh- lit Hi I t. M, via (ii- UJr- A I r. k .V HJO It. . . ; l'irt iiL-A lure liom alt iicb to Cij e in atl ZS ii w ' ' rii'- el M fare froai RaK lfi to ludUnap-oli- i. oV Ki-ic.uso fee from RaU-lsh to Chicago il i Firt tin. fr.n Ra'rlL'h to Si, Li'Uii3i.25. Hri t'laAr f. ra luincblo L nl'ille -'J.as IVI'L'fi. t'T I l.M'tiii4l ahij the Me-i. Wavim Kaieinb by tit ft. ii. K. . fo.iaj a iu. t-ain. re tb ftKhmunJ at 8ii p ..... leave ftit-'ii'iiotid at lo SO p m , tiv tae CI . ci' i '! At O lo It .ll !, aud iem li C'lic'n rr.:i at b i) on tiie tuuruii of llie c.jt.d ur. cv at r.. rwAfD, da. 1 . A. iu krt itfuU W. W. 8 Era , J!,.,,, n'i-nerad f apt 2. Us a peop. Countv in the State. Prr!lent. Vit-e President. Fet'retary. - 8oin.-rTiiMjpof Agencies. " , llap's Uitxoycri::d MAPiS atTKsnatc ancsiuci at umc : " -SUPER PHOSPHATE 1 - OF LIME. Is aellh g the above Fertilize ra, a well a b from autny of our beat farmer. AU we aak la i J We refer to the following Kenttenieo of larg for aeveialyeaiwi v I JOHN AVERA, Jolint.nfCounty. W. II SANDERS, " DAVID ADi S, " " -JAMES PACE, CbrlL.m County. M. THOMAS, R. n. WILSON, " FUAS UA1NES, expericDce. 7 AEE COUNTT : I THE SUPERIOR W t L'KT. Bernhard A. Lorentz, Uu-Utu F. Ph Dauibuian aod Wil law ll. Kitiler, partner of tba firm of Loivu'a A Kittler, Pialutiff A. C. F'aiinAean ana W. W. Flsnuapun part uera of tha ttiia of V. C. Flauu-g-o s. bon, deteauant. t ScMVOva FOB REUEr. THE 8TATE OF NURIH CiROLlN'A P ttit 'MrHJ' vf Ifs'Xw "dmilf &rIOgr YuU are h rrny vo-u ..a .d d to autntaos B c Flannaan end VV. W fianuagmu rt uer ol llie Bin ol U. C. Fia ngau A Our, he dutrn.lauia abuva naiued, it tbey be f.rti. d altiiio v.ui c.ui.ty. to be and appear belore tbe i. dire of i.ur eu, er or C'out at a ( oun to be h. Id for thu couuiy of V ae at the AO it Houae in IU ei bou be "lb Mo day after the -ecDiid Aondy of F biu.rv, A. U. "ft aou anawrr ibe uomplaiut ab tb 1.1 1- deposited il tb'; oliU-e f the el rk ..1 ibe nup rio L-ourto d eimnly wliblu ibe H at Ui re day of Ibe t riu, ad let the aa d deleuuauw take u. li.v tliattllbey latl t.i auaarriae aaki e..ui(1aiu l bin tba tinie u erbea bt ia IU- pUiiiilll. i.l den ai.d JjvJlT'..eiil Iim llir uin ol four eeu Itiu.iMM., ml teut) an dm ar ai.d nu-rvrt oh tbir leuu tb..uaaiid wxu UbU rd ai d lift t .. d Ian H loo from April 10 n lhlti, tlie fir t lay of tald lenu. ' herr-u f .ii u.ii and of bia ruu iiioii ma -e dur ivtu a. I be d. len nai.ta realrw a.xl ed 'bi.a aa' aui f i lai'liniuhl baa luen lu.i Iu At. to ee re ir aole olbe text term vf l.e tsupcrior "urt of raid m) h y,to In- brut al tl.e,"ir. ll U In Kilei b, o Ibe eU.iu U lida jlie lliea ioii.1 .VI. I ily of le f..ar, A. t I t, -nil I i-i ti.e i ai.iill U. H1..I.J i lor m v d run six aCT'.HWBiiiC a, iy ibeiieien- ai.t ,ililiafa Oa-iili) l . l jh.i.uk o. lm l.-l 1- ai.ln. ayl'le Ui lllf order of Ilit (.ia nl i. ivrii u .ler mt bin I a m K al n 1 coot Una is.utl of r.lr-iarv. , U. I'ii. J N'.bC.M i.v'll, Cleikof ibe .-upe lor O'Urt . ' of ake C"iuty. Smith A fr-oo, ttloiuej Un I iaiat'.lTa B.arcli lo-dlaatiar n.to s; Ti- r & i o., ui-n b 7-wiy 1 1 i pe' any at boTi alu le wort! I. free Portlaod. Alalue. GLIAT HICK AL IllEV " " "d Pi-crtta for and Cent .-nt ft-, forteoaunijm. A l lrtu. 't Cr. Juatru J! bi)u;L I irmt. 1st. Jdv ; 's, i . o- fc ... .- a i a! u : i.t .1 . 1 s J'-fciri-ai. in m 4, tA -'-. ) U 1.- ;i -1. a tkU. line bi-t fcfe, li a . .tr t at j I. aiw 4 All l taf. 1 be -I'sriw-r J.i : I a a,4 s v I.. . l Bii-r St IS IIjj Ma;( , al ttrxl J na'. It ail b , . So llie iueie-l ) I he fjartnt-r j X -C'arwlma. ao-i W AVat.-ure) t s:. evnj tJ witM-nt f aa-i a; tore, a a. ai-iti, btkAUir sud o.nuru e.. , v omy. Is aJJi Ion lo t'.L it w ul cucUa , the tffipurtant sews Ottt day ; of tits weatixr, crops ssj yr j markrt tvpuru; SauVrmesta u aMtT aaj pleasant of iastntrUv tesJu,, Uts boms in U. 1 Lere will Le txmnertej it eraj epecial (inres to nLka 1 4cwt u direct aitentiun, to 4 : An organised at" of rep-alar sow. " tors, couipoaroi id vat iWat ag-arv, a. isl sitd ai.-miit?iO wnUT IIckuUt eorrJote.,cie frcsB tU era! dt'pnties of Uts N. C rjtate r" MotiUilv crop remru fmun r, grangHi in evry secu a4 lite !.. ; A dojurLaettt tl.-tJ to U-etk., iuueiit i4 onr tuakfi 4 rwotKx A etUuicn ol iniiurus an J anawen ; A h-crjry xw l erii-ul poeuia an4 olio writings L t,ti Uiora. L-h department ol tits Jourtul : os leuUeteii as coni4ets anj aa g-., lis kind A" It is a!.le for eiiUi; . eueiy tr.J oLies !U-Lti.S IS Snroe ; j Tuo I'aruMs 'a Jouruai wtll te.. . x tut tils a bole aUte, auj S'S any ru 3. Ur awtiou. l'artiaaa ol,Ur and m u. ruin Atusnk4tHta will tw ei.Ial U w.11 be iuuep. nJeut of all aects, wri, fitvtious, t riiigA. It vrUl ouet f aim to watch ibs farmers' ii termt; tit improve tlitr e-MiJiMtin ; to ke.pi' Wfli Uifuriutxl ; to sevurs ami t 3 tiarmonj, good will, aid viul 1 rv ' r nol ; to rouAute fnouUlv lelau.j u twtNHl pro-lucers suj ro-wtanuri; in liring to Um uutioe ol the w. J t v t a(ri'UltuntlaiiU miufral wealibU . . j Ouroliua; to iutlnoe imuigrstKt, ;.! - ilK.rcaA'l Ibe lil.M'tlVe llniu-,; J lis oonuiry in fvi ry Lne, UtauJaa tint, U will littxir to -n ligtii eoouomy in the adu.ua . . . u ,j rfuwruui. ut ; U eojiprt tut. re tiouu end local ir jiiiin ; V v the causa of getiuiue rwouiu.-., n a ,.U t .e Mortb ; auid. iu a wrj, to ti .v r-VtT ti lelitjf to Uie pttopl tuny r. r ; uul tbua txiniM, tu'giH! ,tt.ns, 1 u- ;t arai welooutw is Vor iiouwi, j m MtnLCariJiua. ; v 'Llie eulw-riptin prioa ia tsoil ,",- Jlii r. Peiei.lin ueairilig to buL-h iw-y e. lul in their uuuii'Sauil j uel t,.: v a mow, or al any liiuO l 1 4.ii no ttt 1 July. 1st, tbi Miie-t'iij'tio.1 riiD to L ,.tl tht rtrufipl til tl.e Novultti liUiiiUrof In- j-or, .Witioli will I i isfu.c.l aUii.t iut uiinulu of Auuitii-xt. '. Aiivt t!i. "i-lii'g to net urw roinmeiit fxiiini t u t;ie iu lulling jf tltia JunrinJ, will CiiJ t to tlu'll- mJvuulaH tu apply at once lo bo uu.l naigued. I'uT tuiUler iuforaot uou, aJdruan, JOHXSTOXE J0NT.3, lUfeigb, N. C' tv-tTrupera of tLe stttte will pltw copy or notioe. ' Black Hills SOliS riBLDQ! FoseciDii ioo i, i in, mts, tovta, SENT FBCE to soy adJrees, Apply to W. P. OHXSOX, General Pt.. A if i. 1. . R. f ., Chicago, or to I. F. KAN UuLP , Travellua- Atu L A. R- K. lo- diauapolia, lud. . , apr Ms H OME FERTILIZER. Bead to 0. B. Alford. at Apex, for a circa- lar. k'or O.B dollar ha Will nd VoU ll cbeaiical by which )oa siakt a tea ol f i fenlliaer fureiHUm, corn, tobaece or r otuer eroi. Thia ia th cheapest and bel fert (llaer yet. lleefd to the farmer. Air. Al ford a ueifchuor have tried It attb nirkt4 ucce.e. . . lite fullowiBAT rentlemea hv teat Uie J . It Ifood uuailiir. A. ft. t lenient, PaUr Ealght, Ru.T.a ' U bur., Alej rietnim hrv. J. T. b f f Jo-epb tuadman, JifV A. D. b:a. t K. John-ion UHre, Alvln Ullva, l. U. Al, ford,A.b.rt Xi.nl T. A.v touucll, A.wi Alauiii, Kotiirli WiliiAin. ' Jan Jtf rM" for the b"t "' ; 'v lakage in Ue a..i L ll 5 eherU ("Sffr, 15 eri.io, I Holder, Peitcil, patft'ted ai'i v.. 1 I plrce of Jeweirv. r ..: k- f ' " run FrUe, p..'oaia, t neular 1 UKiOa A Co.. iw nroadwa), N. V. nR BABiOt K'WTLL EpLJ1 ' -pr. tu- of U.nil.iy aa b I"' ' t U'i ln o. n iiiii, ou laet evl.le !! ', tertne Mioe Store of t. U artt. liei oaakilf'il im-a a -ii.v one in tli f al i . and at nnlaicd price. s - a. . 1UU t-.fc tALE OF VALLAULU LOIS ! i.n the II at M ndiy t f June, s'f. S i' f ourt tlo.iae door, in a-rih. I will ' ' for aa.f, to ih' h.gb t biUUtr, for ';AetI, TWO A C Jl ES . O i' LAND. itilbicliy of Kalef. h. knr In th p!"B the f iy a I') a Via. 17 a l i 3 'H ' I n.l i o d In ( u r-uance of tii w SM MHi.a c- n i ei lit a mort . t'diilr r.-j;- teied a aaeiuuui), bo a M, pa " I). .!. lAUli-B- Sr!tfw-' --'-' . or-MMaiKLt iiAM ulLCinuivrs 'IiiikU. ! tilll. lorl. Si ' and C'.ir mot. iu ri drm-ni.tioo SatKHAl. lllkua Co., 1'jila., la. 4r. I1ND RFADINO, a' 3 KaACinaliou, eoul 1 1 psvrnriMANCT, .! may l-Miuale and jcaiii te lote alia ' f-ll"K of ai peiwm cliuoe In-'aoi-Ti fiipmrt niaU (-0 . iiunt A Co. 1 IU 6. I b Si., Pl.ua., Pa. A'CON I BAC0X1 U"t ic r i "'I i j ' - ' - ly.tr. A' i'i, I ii'" M-rf. l - ;,r":.i 9 9 .r-t l,Pff r A