TT - 1 ' ' m'-i'i 1 1 1 i nan in tmmmt awinwnir air in ' " " " ,"' , ' II III mill Mtl" 1 I TJ T- t't-!T-' A 'V " M. 1 ' I "' V"" ' Ili- -- " .,ac-,vi, -4:' JTHS KALE1G II JSENTIN EL '-. . ,.. rt'auaaiD UAILT, WIEKLT AND 8EMs-rEKLT -OMCmiorKartKaniilia. STATE PR I NT! NO A BINDING , ESTABLISHMENT. . UTB or vaarairTM. , Dally fmrtlaal I Jr to advaae Dally NI bmmhw n mnms ' w 5 00 Weakrv tnUMl " ' " t 0 Th Du.v 8sw t- "HI b eXtverad la aavravtof tb City at FlfUe Cast a Mtk. TKS CIT Y. . rOST OFF1CK L1 HECTOR Yr .. '! I' 'I l ." - I li J For Um Woefil of tbe public, we pub Uah the fnllowhif diractwrj of tbe poa( oflice er Ibwcitt t Weu-n wail cloa M arrifea Em ten cliet " TTei 3:22 p. n. 3(03 p. m. - 1IM3 a. bl ChadMQLT 21:()0p.nt. :4 a m. i imrfi.' , B. 0. B B. nuU cloeet t ;V . r. - . armea 4:18 a. m. Through oar them tiB.4 0. , "... v j U. U. dewa 4 i u . . v Jk30 aJW. Threroa nartheni via B. ft O.' '-"""J i " B, B. arrlrra- ;'' .. , " 45 pi ai v iortBi!B Druier9 rut W-r -' Xbruocn nortaera via Own - tw arrtvei-1"-" ', 11M a. W. Office btitiri for 4JTrerlor aaaila from TtSOa. tofcSOpVni. "p", t l I v Mane orden .am lanuedi ajiL paid trem 8:15 a. to. le 4 o. m tit ; Letter can be regbiUfrtd frew ft 15 a. , . UflWe bow oa SwidaTe from 4 p. m. te a p. m. ji Tern Tbamb to-morrow veatag? Kopolioeaeva worth -pabliaUng to- 8wra' Jtoree on Fajretterille etreet Col a a Erjwn, of tbe MitionaL ,ia 4 a visit to Saliabarv.f C. Blpe ebmieV bare Bade their ep W. O. Hill lodwneeta thte crefildf iw wera in ute ultra aegrae. . ...! ; r A number 0naIeIgkteVViU''AUea the commeueeineBt at' DarMaoa Col lege June II. ..h I . juaMBAVtor . in aaa around .our eburohre ahonld be auppreaaed if it takee every polionmaa in the tij to do it. - ' ' -: - . : i i Dont forget the atrawberrj aad ioe cream feettval by tbe la.liea of Swain Street Uaptiat church, at MoUopolitan '. hall, to-night " ' ' ::. .. ; ,; , ; . Tbe committee of arrange mnts for tbe plo-uic of 8U Johu'a Society meet tliia ereulua at the lesidence of P. UcGowan, Eq. ' ' : , . . Tbe llet-cue Fire ronipny made a bandsome appearance on parade veeter day afternoon. Tbe Ciiiavua Curuet band fjrnlhsd tbe muaic. ; ' .. "I always feel called on to respond to a tiaat, to the beat looking man in tbe how."' ,$o aaid . J. Lilchford. the' old Grand tecreUry'at the lidJ Fellowa banquet: ,JL.;, Remember the plc-nlc and excurln of the Edtotoo Kireet elbodiat Bun day t boo! take ' p'ace ' to-tuorrow. They are Koine le Jttrella and a good time will be had! '" 'lH 'i Xi " Tbt'beaotifpf aod accomplished to eutioaiAW M a Jeanie PIUtmo, so well lad Ikvorabl known la this city, was soarried ia tit. Lui ifce other day to a Dr. tTalsb, oLWarBlngton,''D.'C. la eoi laat iasns. in- a local article en- titleof "Charge Payoneta,M we did Vr. Ayoock tojtwttoe. ' Tbe row did Hot take plaoe ra tJaaeat some (Ustaooela front of it. Mir. Ayeook'a eslabliahBMBt issa efvlerly o&e, and no disorderly eon duet ia allowed' ia it. - tB:mft ti-rWAy j la order to accommodate tbe eub- goinf ihave botes arranged after the posjiSoe'9i)et,o baft? bow. busy - tbe editor ia, stop biov by all mesas and osdure ia ejuaideted in all office fKA lly ai.d polite. - ri"tig buainees je (eetlli tug front the- easy a BftfijhtDnoiBoar' They have intde a ndmber1 of large eoatraets this week, ioclwliag 'asveral school eata. loktLia. for the printtag. of which they Merit tells. .nnN Jcdoi Watts is to Wist. Our transuMxitaine people duet beam to like Judge Samuel Watts, of this judicial district Particularly did his conduct ia the Stnage-marder ease excite their h-e. Last Thursday night an indignation meeting was held ia Aaheville, and the lodge' course ia the above mentioned trial" condemned - ia the- aevereet manner. Tbe meeting was participated in, it seems, by both democrats aud re publicans. ' Resolutions condemning Watts, and declaiiug tbe trial a mocker) ef jueuoe,, were nuauimously adopted. Judge Watte ia no faTorite in ' thee parts and it is not strange that the peo ple of the 'should' find him out so speedily and repudiate him. Don't go west s.any more. Sommy, but g9t among your African constituents bo alone appreciate yoa. i. - 1 . -i -'V.'ll- . '. ,.- j 1 ' T ' . - II " "' " If " I" . - U I II II . II . I I .... I I . ill lie , -V II y II II. l II ,11. w v' ItaMtbM R VOL. XX1L WAKl FOKUT C) M MBKCBJf KKT. p We return thauks for an iuvltation to attend the commencement exercUei at this collese. Juoe Cih, 7ih and fth. The adtlrvss before the literary focieUea will be delivered by lion. W. U-B-bblue, and the sermon t the sradiniTlnaT clas- btBev. C. Cwllitting, DD- of Kiel 4 i l ..... i i bmxi. va. j us manaisaiune occe abfitre, . ft. Jones, J. dJlagier, A. 05urfo.t, WC. Cddell, VsuU ateftr. Bunclv- Tlie aocial gathering in (LaJlterary bails. eomplimeirtarT to (he aradaating class, will take pbup TTiurt- day eveiuajl Ti WVclock. fJ CI ITKBSITT CaftOUHA. We hare recovel ttte catalyt of ihe Toratty of iRoftti CaroritTlor 1875i. It claaaPyejttaf ctuuenta that have aueaxled this lesiou tbu-t Ajcultural students, 10 ; 1pUonal. 24 ? cleniin.i ftMlcaU f2Cj total, C9Kmpt thh nujuber Uil- Btate furnishes oaeejd uUi Carolina 1. Wrare alad td Titer thai UsMa-osiiect ltr a lar e increaae In tie nweer ofs fudent next venton.l a vtrj;ood on,j bear that at least 20y simleuU ire expected. JrW present taculfy U an exceedingly abla bne, aud t.sjyl UTer advantages equel ty aeiDuiuiiou iu me country. .Thk m BLCsVnD tub Pat.' Bv leiue ruiaiis uWretxiri mma (Hit toatibe federal soldiers staiionwd at this le toikyart7as A body, in the me morial certniduhri.f the 10Aw This h udVW. Perim im there wertwHividuMU abMMg tbem tbf atteoded sushowed areepectlul sorpstky in the' eber vikUCfs, buraa'aq orgn'ad bdy the; took no part. We ratnerufKato make th!f luiemeeti because It spoils such a pretty little entimeatal story.. Already are a number of our eUte papers ma sing original remarks about tbe bleud- ing or the " Blue aud the Gray ou this occasion, while tbe "bloody chasm I bridged over with word, of nch ten der and forgiviug as to bring terns mto the eye of a puiataTu-S!Blus,t ktrewliig the graves of Confederste. with " flo-al tributes wnuld have been a verv touching aud be4Uttful scene if it bad happened, but you see It didu'i. J e rie to make this statement iu order that the truth of history may be vindi cated. f i ' ' ' ' "' i i ? "' THISiCIOPTICOJI Elf rCRTAI HMKMT. Nobody dreamed of such a treat as wax ia store at tbe Flint baptist church lal eveuiug. We aw tbe aunouuc meut of an enteitainroebt, and by a hi ra, and f. vrliat and it was sufficient te attract. But we have ho hesiTaucy in saving a tiioie pleaVnt,' evening'a jomeutha never, been afforded our citisene tbau that of the adoptioua. 'Uf T.' Ueury Briitga, Jr., gave tbe lec ture, end. A slated by-Mr. CWm - Clawabn, msu ased tbe ' apiaratu. ' 'The'1 exereiae were opened With prayer' and aibginii "Rock of Ages," tb' words of which re fa-esented pon the laavais by tbe ciopticoni 'The singing" was good and tbe scene and tfleel thnlliug. The next rtpblMdaiibagitaa'abl uiaii'ef iutb sohektra as had been pea-apt fa, thsir attendadt vpoa the Sunday school for he jv't;etve niOutha, 'Thu sceua was a nat pr.of prkle to many a parent and chikU'W eauuot notice each tneoe, as thev were too numerous. Tlie stui- uui b to lire occasioo . in wet, i very Uiiugaaa so good iliat thf Utref orour hMOdred prpe who weie ihere in as iu reiiesiiag an early rfpenttotr of tbe euAertammeut. iti ij j . t: -l i 1 1 W II S'li' 91 -i II .,. l . !, '.! " .U '.'""i ll - 1V . n:( , t .1 Pt2f V, PHJTOJr. m i u, t neui'l' I in i'i i".'!! Mb. Editob: I wmh to1 rive "tour Battiaium, t- ttaleigh. freigbt to. . Frera Ralegh o Fraaki nton is about ZH idles anil the charge on the same hale u? risge waa 17,60.- . ben people patiently submit b such extortion it will nut be )oog before tbe freluhl jrJl be doubled and quad upled. If pnr phastona con stituted an article of trade betweea Fraoklinkn anu Rale gb a wagon train might - be' started from this place to Franklinton, as well aa from Vtilsoa to Golds boro. Too lame, too tame ! The people have loet their reaeutment, and tne oppressor has grown more oppressive. The new Atlas Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa.', haa the most superior location of all tbe Centennial hotels near tbe ground. may lft-lw. , M. nuen. of Ktckh dm, gives the nsme of "aigentina" to hi method of coverfng '. utiglazed porcelain with a oatiug of giilil, silver or copper. 't It is ih. Uyhl the porcelain articles are dip ped a solutMsa of a sa't of the metal, snd ihen. by a prculhir proress of re ducticn. the meial is o posited within tlis pores of the eat then ware. readers the bewm oljrjiatl knew aJVa weiKUiog 500 pounds, was shipu a Irom y AlO' '; :rr l V xy " ..,:. ..... i- - i -' . ; ' II 4 ALElGHr''N?0 WEOESD A. V. MA.Y 17, , M.scKiXAKKouaiiroitJtATioa ron Lamas. ' - " " 4 ''i ' - Knitted (iilk pursea are again revived. Saturday ' iorulug ; VcddJngi arc In revue. ' fcp"- ' ,;i ' ' ' ' Black baU will be worn only for dead. toiist Crave Canr locks turn forward from Perfimftd hiU ar4 a he-V.ttenip ed in Parieviui i1' ' '' , Fir innnr, flee thrtaJ glove, eiih- !Wjltta.Jhery-ar, fVt tiues this spring i t; u we n , . Silks are rulaotMly low. say the naer- New velM h( aejKrflrl , WWM'A 'ij Z'fs I '. Jiyc,M( IfcomisM fc! bet ter price ihaa dress ailka. ' t'u' 1 , The shape .of the bouasU are rather entfletjl i White silk, rtchrtppe'Ujrly need lor. wedding dreVeea.-' .. ' Rolled, goW'wetrfi Is every year m-afc tjtteBlVe patrnied, j Bufttfes areso sesail at present that theara Invoiced invisible.. iw'i" ) The long Faxon glove, without but tons are adapted for de mi-toilet. BnnetatLctarte JUraw, ktwrtLM P-feasanVa ftriw,AreTastiiaBte. Quaking grasses are mingled with all the bonnet trimmings la Londoa. ' Violet wood fans ere' novelties In tended to yks.tbs plaes of sandal wood bnei ... - -' .-. . 1 Rullrla la the name of a new model for a close-fltting gabrielle style of po ouale. , . The black grenadines checked with gold and ailver threada find but - few purchasers. ' . lluklin will be confined to house wHr entirely, and. for tbe country in July aod AU-just. Sibitl i check nod stripes rale this seasiia la silk and woollen, as well as lu cotton goods. '-' ' ! . Pearl gray failles, trimmed, with frosted gauze and with Spanish blonde, are very poituUr. ........ Drid"iBa i- wear gauze dresses trim med to corresiiond with the bridal dress of repped silk. - . ; v St ver sautache 'ia used by. French mndiKti si for trimming silver g ay cana- el's hslr costumes. . V ' 5 Gold and silver threads are introduc ed iuio all the tubtoideriea of aveaiug dnsei in Paris. English round hala with broad brims are worn be th alsraashiusnibie for promenade cos uuies. Tbe demand for real lace is Improv lot abroai ' ',ImrUUna" H going down Pfl'trni net; , iKonrcTABna ! r viaasca. ftri Elmo. 111.. July , 1874. R. V. Pierce, M. D , Buffalo, N. Y 11 WUh Mo add my testira-iuy e the woivksrful curative Kuperties tsfyour Alt . Ext , or Golden esntali Dim every. " 1 have taken itreatipterest in this, medft Ine i-iuce I hrst ued It" 1'was badly affl ct d with dysiepia, liver deranged and an almeat lrlect otrtion of the nervoua sye teiu. be rapid and complete did the Discovery effect a perfect cuie that it seemed more I ke metric and a perfect winder ito-mywlt, anf since that lima we have uer been with' mi t a bottle of the Dhcoviryaud Pal Pellcu 'ia the hou e.. They, are a eolid,. found family - physician In the ' boue nd resylyatlOl Udtes tA io the relief of sickutss without charge. We . hays never had a doctor iu the houe siuce we first hruaa tbe ne . of Ai.ur Pel ets and Discovery. I nave recommended the us of these medictned 4a several severe and) e-Hupiicated jcasae arising frwm. as I thought, an impure, sttte.of the blood, and ia no one casehAve they tkilsd to more than aeefimtiliah all the are claimed to do. I wilt imly ate tion one aa remarkable, (though 1 could give you dozens).' ' Henry Koster, ftffmtutf M-,' t( thV luce.Ma( Val aotU Aift ipiUAili oajaoa) hvr seeu, his fsce swollen out of shape, scales aud eruptions without end, ex tending to hi body, which waa com pletely covered i wkh blotches ,- aad scales. Nothing that he took aeemed to effect it particle. 1 1 finally Induced him to try a lew nettles of the Golden Medical Dtscovt-ry, with" daily use of the Pellets, assuring him it would sure It cure Jdnb lis .commenced its use soiue six weeks since, taking two Pel lets each night for . a week, then one each night, and the Discovery as direct ed. Th result Is, to-day bis skin Is ierfectly smooth,' and the scaly: erup tions am gone, lie has takea some seven or iht bottle a 'all,' and eon sioVrs hiiu eif cured. This case bad hsffiVd the skill of bur best physicians. Dunsfbrd druvclst'of ittf j1bci', are sellitgJ!argcty ot your medicines and the doumod steadily in-oea-ea. and ihsy give perfect satisfac tion in every vase. "-' . Respsetfulfy, . , v ' W. U. CUAMPLIN. " f " Agt Am. Eip. Co. ' : . - ' - ' TAB DROPS. Charlotte aeema bent on having a oily park. v Tom Tbamb ia going to edify Golds- boro Jr rtday. .. l-iu. . - Clama are plentiful and cheap in tbe . Bsate papera are agaia publishing fcmgii ansae atoraea, . i .. - ;. , tluctena witn lour legs are common alHmt Rocky Moh- t - Xne UianotM i 'iv achools are aent apea pto-nici. V .!! i ''X.W.OBryaL't aewleiected Marshal of WsaesUbsu. m i Ooidiboro didn't have ) any formal memorial oercaumiea eav tbe lUta. " A tnaoT dog was recently killed on the Urm oi nr. Javmtton, Lear oidaooro. - The lailroad between Jaaseavillw and Waehiugto swill eooa be ouupUAed. . Another whale, 60 feet in length, waa captured xnuraoay M , tJeaulort ntrDor. r. CLarkitte ia goiag to eehtbrate' the Wla of AUy with appropnate eerem sjtsvui.t:( nisi ,i::i an l! To-night the) good people of Newbera give tne Press Aasooiaboa a, ball at The demoorata of Rockingham county have appuutted delegate to tbe but Convention. ! i yui In Wilmiugton, Fridny, with.iuiposuig oeremoniea. !i I U- The stable of W. R. Thmnpeon,' of Wayne eunnir: were dt-atxojed by fir one day laat week. ' i ' "- . The aigRera in Jonee eonaty are bsnt on navtng ot vil nguia, , , xny loudly oe mand aoctal equality,, ;. ,,.. ,,. , . fin Pitt eonnry the ' towna of Green ville, Penny UiU aad ' Faraville elected dsoiuoniUa Mayors and Voma iaaiouera. ' Laiat Baturdny night, ia Tay'etteviUe, burglars mad aa anauooueiifui attempt to enter tue bouss ol Air. Bus Marpuy. John Lamb, charged with the murder of hie step-father died suddenly in the BruuswKiK county Jail last Wmlneeday nignt. ' ' ".- ;"' ' tftdsoa Billings, Mecklenburg nig ger, waa uadiy euoi in tne Uip th otner day Mini eueuipluig to rob a null near Clwrlotte. ( . . ,, . t t The democrats of Cumberland county held nwe - Miug iu FytWVdK Outegatee were appointed to the Btat auU DtMinot Conventions. NEWS AND NOTES. New Orleana Picayune t "Ma, doe pa kiae the emit" "Why, ao, my eon. What in the name of i goodness pot that in your headf" i"0oe wbea pa same don stain this morning he kieaed Sarfh in tbe hallway and aaid. That (letter than kiaatng that old eat up ataira aiu'tit, Sarah" . i Hon. George L. Woods, of San Fran eico, ex Governor of Oregon and Utah, ia mentioned ia many qnartera as a fa vorite Pacifio coast candidate for Vioe Preeideut on th republican ticket " He ia a pioneer of early daya, - a statesman and one of th most accomplished era ton tath country.' ' ' " Boaioa Globe : "Tbe deaoriptiooa of it frsuuine fashion writer are almost aa difficult to deoipber aa a Chaldais in aoriptton, snd aught raruish severs study fisr one trained . in th mysteriee f Egyptology j Taking the matter sad the method toirether. they are eslredstad to erase the mind of a man of only ordinary accomplish menta. " : . ' : ,.i , A despatch from. Galveston, dated Saturday, announces that a bloody battie sma ia progrese near Catnargo, between th foeue of General Eacobedo and those of the axwernment The lossee on both aid are reported to be very heavy, and several innocent persons have fallen victim to the exploding; projectile of the contending armies. " " i " " , A Berlin correspondent says thai the iVta- Cremation-Society" at Dreeden has aent a circular to all .ixeinatioa so cieties ia Europe, inviting them to eend delegates to a eongreea which will be held at Dresden on tbe 6th and 7th of June. There will be one pablio meet ing,. suooeeded by one held- with dosed doors, at the latter of which "experi tnenta will be made." . , h ,- ,s, '' A little way from Croydon, neat' Lon don, according to H. D. Conway, there haa long been a dirty, 'marshy little pond, which ia now an exquisite clear spring of running water.. r. Raskin haa ex pended $500 ia ' making this spring, which ia not far from the home of his childhood, and surrounding it with tree and ' flowers ' and named .it after bis mother, Margaret's Well. . " : . .. Cornelius Carter, a half-witted fellow, was caught hi the set of firing a lnmber yard at Williamsport, Ps., Saturday night,- and ia undoubtedly the incen diary who eaueed the recent disastrous fir there. He made a desperate remst snoe, and was 'only overpowered by the police after be received two balls from a revolver and the contents of a musket Carter imagine that the people whose property he burned owe hun money. The question of sdmission of colored Proteataut Episcopal congregations to representation, which bad agitated the South Carolina dince for two or three years past, ha been settled after warm dincuMsioa in tbe diocese convention at Cbarleetou by re action of tbe applica tion of St Mark's church tor adnuaaioa to that body. Th majority of the clergy favored the apphoatioo, which waa re- 1876. No. 73 : j PROCEEDINGS OF A MASS MEET- WOOF THE DEMOCRATS OF CUATHAM. HELD IN lIiprrrsB0R0. mat -' ' 15, 1876. V.r : ... - i -At the Appointed hour the meeting wss eauea to order by 4. A. Womack, chairman of the executive eommiUec. CoL Jaa F. Ri ve wss aiipouitd chsir man and Messrs. J. ' '. Atwater and T. B. Womack were "requeued to aota aeerewwwL ay request of tne chair, Mr. J. M. Monng nphuaed the obfect oi tae meeuug ui a lew appropriate re- mara . j r . , Upon calling the roll of towhahiM it waa ascertained that all the townnips were represented. Th following imy- aona were then appointed delegst a to tne vuux-u end tiute Uouveetioos to aasemtite In UaietKb June 13 aud 14 : Gastoa -Murehiaoii, W-O AJbrigbt, Ed Pstteraon, Wm Vestal, Alsun Liu berry, Jao W Perry, W T Dorset t, Thos reay, ino ferry. U i rutobfilj, J U Henley, Dr W D Watson, W M Burns, F btrond. 8 F Durham. L B Bvanm. G W Pouahue, LBorMti, Jaa A Gilli ln.l i a ir....... r -- a J 0 Kirkmaa, H H Siler. II H Fike, G P Alston, JH Hadley, J M Muring, E HWsrd,AJ BtggsbecG Bboott, J J Knight L J Hautt-uton. H A Loudon. Jr, B 0 Eubsaks. B B Ihria, M V Waddell, Jeha Manning, Alfred Johnson, - J D Braxinslou. KLane, J W Tjaider. CC l'Jlr. B Burro-ighs, 8 W Brewer, J I Lao. J P Badder. Calvin Vestal. J M Mclver. Lw G Palmer. J J Goldemn. HO Dun a. . Jaa L Fields. L'R. Eai ne. A Yar- btough, J W Th i i.ou, Lemuel Ellis. L K Baldwin. Alvin Wllsoo, J H Mun , W II Harrington, W C' Pause tt M h Mclver, and A O- Rubers-ni. - Th cootmii tee an resolutions re ported ihe foikiwiog. which was adopted: ; KfMttil, 1 hat our delegates to the C ngresional Conventual be requested lb endorse the re -nomination ol Hon. J. J. Davis for Conirresa from this dis trict. , . , I'--' j h A .-resolution - recommendine Hon. loha Maonios: for Governor wa- intro duced, hut w, by his request, with drawa.a . ' ' It waa resolved that a cony of the proceeding of ibis meeting be sent to the Raleigh News and B-ntiael. with a request that they aubllsti the ssme. ' f Upon m-Hioa the rusetins adjoorned .. i . 1 JAs. F. Ill EVES ! j ' , ..... j i Cliairman.-' Jmo W. Atwatbb, I T. B. Womack. ii At a meetiug of the County Executive Cotniuitiee held the same day. It was decided to hold the couu y nomlnttinir convention sometime In the mouth of September. ' A New Mrsrsah Plastbb Tbe uedioal value of a mustard plaster is understood ia every family. Muoh tim ia spent ia preparing a poultice aud of teu tbe mustard ia of poor quality and will not act, causing great suffering. This trying ineouveuienoe ie now perfectly overcome by Benson's Prepared Mutard Plaster. - It ia a great Improvement on the ordinary article. It is ' very ele n snd out be applied and removed without duwolunng the dotbiug or eoiliug' thS in. It doe aot uetenorat with airn. It la alway relialile,-- aa oulyr th best quality of mastard ia used in it prepara tion. It ia ready for use at any moment, by simply dipping, it in water, i It is sold in half yard pieees st 25 cents per roll by all druggist Sent by mail ou receipt of price, by M. HHilKUttl tJU'lHHUX' ; PharmaonutioaJ Chemiats, K T. Persons of sedentary habile, snd over worked," find to Dr. Boll's Vegetihle PUis aspeciho for want of Appetite, Palpitation, Debility, Conatipatiu , and many other uamelees ailment.. At the drug Stores. i A. -V. The' Archbishep' of CshteVbury pre sided 7. at Willis's'. Rooms, at tne I75th anniver-ary -meetiug of ihe Society for the Propagation of the Gos pel in loreign pans, i ne report turn a that the collec ions and subm-rpiloni duildg the year amounted to 145.291, aud that 524 nil-sloiisries were tngaed in various Odd of rel glous worE. , J . .V- ' li ' in I ' '' Mr. J. D. - WhiUkrz1s-aenins; good oak wood at 13.60 : pine t3.0Ua35 per cord delivered provided -the' oastt st-" teuds tbe urdor. If be has Id' t lent by ticket . ke will in all cases charge old Cxs. - Call on turn ni rearoi c-ttis n k.' T;n a . -t -tf.--- Thb OKLX rinRit Cv Foa Rur TUKaVTbe Oldest and Beat Hernia burgeooa In.lhe world are some ot U advantages offered by the Triumph Truss Co., 334 oowery X. Y., whose Truss end supporter were awarded tbe Medal at the last session or lb great American Institute Fair. " Wend 10 cents for their new book. -"- - A CALL FOB A COUNTT CONVEN- i ' TIOJl.( -yt As cbsimiaa, I am instructed by the executive committee of the DemocraUe- Conservalrv party of ska county to give notice tbat tnere win be neid a Aouvenliubof the l)t;mTaiic-Ciuisr-rstive voters of the county at the coarv nouse on ti.o lu.h day f June' next at U uu, Ibr the purpose of seuding Sele- atea to tbe state and congressional district conventbiaa and to consider to piotiriety of nominating candidates lor public oincee 1 am further instructed to call up a tbe ciiaimi-n of lb various township unnminees lo bold turei s ia their respective towtisb a ou the S7thdsy of May, in-order to appoiut delegate to thi convention. - i . ,.,! , ii.j w. w. doma, juran. The beet collar ever made is the Elm- wood. It flu better aud looks better than any other. 1 TUE ' RALEIGH bEINTIN KL. AdvenlseweSt wUI a toserted to thLaut kSBViaei. t ta folio a-m ntm (wrsyuaraoi a sck, lea atlsiua Ham j.Oe qur tw ttm . .- . . t. $M a " at'h sulasauuent tosertioa .. i.....'.-... sa I ssaara, I we-k ...............,..,, 0 I I SMMtk.. ... S t aswiUs. ....... II W a........ U Ml 00 SAfS eeaeeee W W ' av jaSA eeeee eeea . 00 , S3 OU SM 0 KEW AUVERTISEMENT8. PUCK E R II A 17 T. FOSITIVILT 0.K DAT OWLT .a. Thursday, May 1SL ' ' TwoPKRroRXAiiciai.'' AFTCINOOX at 4. ;ETKKIVO at 8 o'clock. ' Door ops t I a4 7 o'clock. ITlTESTEK BLRULfR, j Msjaeaa. Ta Gnat Origlaai s'sdjlsaowasd 0N. TOM- ?HUMB & WIFE fog-aev wnltbsfunaltestaul MISS MINNIE WAttREN, ;c:i.- r IH( ,v' l' . ' , a. - A :.U WttlSDBnrla a Vafa A il FA.SCIXA I !NG 1 PEKFORrfAiJ'CBS, I . i --t ! dhrf v.. ' Crsl.tinf of BtiNOS. DUKT8, PANCrs, U1A OtlUKs, OiMluiilS- aod XjUG i- llll klT.Tl'ULtt 1.-1 .l. u. U-uiau-s of tbe aViS du iag tksir elebraUd i'n . .wnr uruuivi vna woriu. . A E MM l.tMi..lli.b..l k. I ........ Hn, wear-everal hw and Elegant Cowan, MaRiiUusM OlaaMMds, Ae. AMUI-SJOS i tin It fiMaaaSk fail d mm, aalar tea )-sr ii ruu Reserved 8eU "5 cent ; tUoeeauudrtHlvartoKas rvedSeaU'SS. Lidle sad L'hildrr art oaUlaratet? ed- wlMX n .1 f ..I . 1. I . . V.klki .l... i . . avoid tae me aed eoafesloa tit U. Kvee- ni i wmnawca. . . . . . t j i ' ? Ra.VMl Avata ftm m Nm.M TftM nee.- i- '- atsy I8 4t, . , CEO, MITCHELL,. AgeV OEXT8 fur beat chase, fa tbe ' ond to role Miuev Addiaaa U- m. tBasarrv POCKET VVL, J(afk, N. J. -- - PSTCH MAS T,or80CLCHAItIXa. UoW Sltlier ael aiav fa.'luala mrut wlm Ik luv affeetioM .t aat mra.. tlivr flOMU0Uj. TaUrtmpBUladulr ail ea po-ea, Ira , by aad. Xi at,-., ucmber wnk a atirriar rnlJr, EryMisa unci Dreams, UUi to Ladasi, sVrddkig. Mi ht Shirt, c A qniwr Addraaa. WILLIAM OU., rats. Fhua. ' "Aimi.:iainib.Wta.vr.r.k..jk.H a I'IWi1I4Jh ,mMuv ww.M-.ftTJ rot CDght Cildt, lea ttsesi, tad til Tkra t tt iraat, I'BE .... j r ' VtWrarasii Tablets TTT rT tiNI.T IN Rt.l'E Riltn ' 1 TTtTFTi ivii siiiiD , DL'uvmr a . . . ww..u f-r imi - a For sal by Dnimristtrenerslly, and tOHMlUil, UUWIS1T t,U. V , ,h : ,, ' PbUadetpkia, Pa. cup of GOOD Tii. A noted K eHh TraVLlrr ssrs. mnrk 8nr Tea is drank In Kus.l tliao ia England Ihe diffrne is iM prhablt otnr to t- Over land tran.po't.tlon b'ii that tbe Russians bay ib best Tea grow I Chins, little of that k nd golnc to other cwint'k. u , . THE RUSSIAN TEA COMPANY offer in this ms k t s lb ted Q'uiilltv of this seat b stall pivi14, 1 n esMMevs' S3 50 lb. 1 25 To inid'ic this Tra a wnl aetnteaent for SBe. KUbSlAN TEA Ol., IW f sasu St., a. i. . .. . Bjv1ft-4w FuUer; Warren & Co., MANUFACTCRERa'or , . ...z'vr S 13 O V-BS;'.iv RANGES 'ANlFCRN ACES', ma ,'-(JtOBr, AwrnfR ia; th ,uabxtt. Our new wood and coal cooking stoves wi'SMfa rrwtrrt, ittpfrltr, - i--i.- , j j jv'i -iu aJ d . Tl W. ... niiTnpnfi ncrr : 1 VVIIIIillll . 1 . .1 Asm awn as u nAta . .11 Stewart 'improved' it - C . ' J- l i-rt-. -: iti . I Meet tbs wants ot every dealer. - .,(!,.;, Co-res peiidrnc la vltod. " flic list snd cut epuo spuH-'ts to' ' 1 . rtLLLsR. BARREN At CO, , 835 Water street, Mew fork , ' i 'aS. LlfJIGCHT IODIDE OF Ar.Tr.ioniA .1. I 1. ' 1, i . ' .... 'Oilbs' louuia or AaatokiA. is. ia my ladgDieitt, lb best rvmsoy f. aearaitrls ever put befoi th poMio. 1 bav ba AUcted with this disc for 8a res is, and sever antil I fU apae Mr. tide remedy did I Sod any assured relief. I take ptraaar In saying ibis, Inasmuch at 1 dealr always to bs a Da tsctor of tbs hanua laaillv, : - t M. T, CORBIT Chm'a of th Methodist Cnnreh Iitnukm." old by aU tmiifiraiu.. Depot 4.M ntxth A vena, N. X. OnU 60 ceuU and 81 sboute. 1 Ear sale by - ' FE8CD1, LEE A CO., ' ' . Janl8-dwAsww. , Raleigh, . C. . . GBFAT MEDICAL BOOK. aad eeereU for Ladlts sad Oeate, oeni ire lor two stamp. Aaaraa. nr. rfossra mboicsai smtrra, i ,' . i BL Josepli, Me, TJCEIT1 f ARE9LAVD TlME (0111) l LE TOTi-S keT,VulHKUiia APE ' ERA OHIO K. . First das far truss sleigh to ClneioBatl 8S.25 - . . ... .... First elaw far fro Raleigh to ludlansp eli. a.7&. ia.,. ,. First class fare from Kalet&h lo Chicaro Its. r .v- -. ' Frst class frma Ralehrh I ft. Lfels8S.t9) ' First elaa. from Raleigh to I CB avtli ITT.SbV. Faaaevtaw f ChxHuoail In the West, leaviog Kaleieh by th K. ) i, Jk K. W SS s Si. ttala, re cb hK-TiBvd at 8.S& p. a,.: ra Km-SmmmhI at le 80 p m, bTtbU d-aaU 0 lo BUU'taul, sad it h Castdsv salt at 8.00 oa Ui mwraiiig ot lb ecv4 day. - ... . CON AT R. no WARD, Knm. fas. A ikat AfeuL W. M. 8 Dca.- agiaaaer sad Sapt, i WaJeJJslI etTsS AlTltlMaJ 'MiW C.I -

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