.V Til E JLALEiO iTtSENTl NEL. VilLT, WEEKLY AND 8MI WKUT Official Ore! or KfftlCaroIlM. : , STATE PRINTING A BINDING I. ESTABLISHMENT. I . ' ." -, arse twcwiww, Dally etxtnl 1 mr ta iJnW... IS 00 Dally Ms months leadvaace 4 M SmolWaeklT " " ..... ........ 00 Weeklv tl-wl " " 0" Tb tiLT 8Ti-Bl ffl b delivered to aavsert of ibaCKy at fifteen Cent a week. the cmr. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. . ,' For the benefit of the public, we pub lish the following directory of the poet, office of this city X ' - Western mall closes ,L . arrives 11:15 a.m. 3:21 p. m. ; 3:03 p. m. 11:46 a. m. 3:00 p. to. Eastern " coe arrives Miatbam - , . ., Cloeet arrives ' 9:41 a. m. R. & O. R. B. atail doaeai. a. m. i . I it ,f ' arriTee 3:18 p. m. Through northern viaR. AO. - B. R. clone. . 9:30 a.m. Through Borthern via B, A G. . R R arrive ; j r m A4I p. Through northern via Golds" , 1 ; boro ckwee : ,' 3:03 p. m. Through, ,iiliirjkil.;' buro arriTee : -i . t 11:44 a. n. Office huure fiar delivering niailh from TiSO .- to el p: ni. ', " " . - Money order ere Issued mud paid from :13 a. to. to 4 p.'m; ..' " Letter can be mrfeiered from 8:13 a, ni. lo 4 u. m. OnVe boar en Sunday from 4 p, m. topi o; . : .' t j t, j-W. ,W HoLDR. P. M. , ' TrrAi t J. M. Moving, of Chatham, le In the Weather hot, atreet dusty and trade very doll. ' - ' - "" -.'' ""Tf." B." Brougb ton le on a trip to rhU- adelph We bear thai tne 8o!ontioon entertain meat i aoon tobe wpaeliil-; !-.;. ,4 i u ' ' ' . ABaunber of onr eit . dad, . with a sprinkling el other oftW ila, weut ffdiing at Pena 'a poaj to-dsy. . 1 R. IL ilatUe. Jr aavi Uoa. Will. H Battle are attendlog the IVote.taol Eplacopal Contention at Tarboro. "B Htdeot Hatting partiea areapokea of. It Btriketf ne tb.t moat of them be come fat before the end of the day 'a doinga.' """ An early change of the echedule on the North Carolina railroad haa been re ported for the bat two moatha and is now vigoronaly flouriahing again. A gentleman recently retaraed from a viait aunth Bays that Raleigh ia the only place anowiag any uU.rpri-e in the I bujlding line worthy of note that he haad aeen. , - Johnatone Jouea, Esq., baa joat re turned from a lengthy visit to Booth Carolina. The agrionltnral paper, wLich he propoaea to eatabliah ia tliia city, will appear aume time in August. A little dudty Arab waa ousted from a . Dugooaa uuz laat antnt aua after a chase lodged in the dabooae He had been ia the habit of banking iu them for eome time paat. " v' " On the day of the pic-nie of St. Joha'e Society an omuibua will mske regular trips to the iair grouttda. Ticket of adnaiawion into the gronada can be bad by appLoation at tbif office, , , Pri.e only $1.. ';!' ;f t. .'.t ti '..1but ..uili. tih '' ' t, c... Leap "year bop at Tucker ball thk eveiug;'BIaaLing yoaths wiQt eoljr reepoodi to peesaaive ; and teoder femiaiue hrritationa to plunge into the of the danee.' "uxama aava I muan't.' ,'o.T JH X The 24 Quarterly meetiog for lb present year of Edeoton Street Metho dist church will be held on to-niorrew and Sunday. Be. laolu P. Mov, lJre sid'mg loWof the dialrkl,'wUl preach jl II . o'clock 'A. It. 00 to-morrow and at the anal hour oa rjonday. Quarterly conrerence fmXL se Jield on, Monday night.. , . . ,,tU ; W learn that the maaont of Char lotte are preparing for the proper en-, tertalnment of the officer of, and dele gate ,tot 4eirBd Chapter jofA. mason, to be held in that place on the 5th of June. . The atuat yntlroad cour tesiea will be extended. The convoca tion ia expected to be well attended. i A2f lUPLOYKE fc-PEAKS. , , Editor S-aruMf -Fron a local in (he News, of the 18th, tlie public miht be led to'anppoae that tiie Raleigh A Gas ton railroad des not pay eff regularly. At an employee of this company it al forda me jileaaure to aay we are paid off regularly and promptly once a month on the road, aud the employees in the shops are paid:igularly-wice-every month. Employes. Messrs, Fairbanks & Co , shipped lat week from iheir works at Kt J.flin bury, 1.0C4 acalea, and tbey had unfilled orders upon their hooks tor 4.613 Ia the-e dull timea manufactures confid-r -4benielveapnrticttlarly fommate if thrir buitiea ta up to the average bul when It ia in excess of previous Tears, aa ia the cae with Uie Messrs. Fairbanks, It would teem aa If the ublic had decided that their scale were ihe only ones worth bating. New .York ' Tribune, April 2). . , B VOL. 2X1 L . Flksii aiid ($pimit.m Tbla b the title of a new' novel by the author of Od l lYnmp," '-Lacy Diamonde,1 a, just Ueued from the prvea of E. J. Hale boa of New Yurk. TVe her not jtt bed an opportunity of reading " Fkh aud buit," but If it le Ut be ) dH by the merit of the auihor'e prvhua works. It 1 a very readable aud pleasant hotel. Ilia lor ale by AUrtd. William, book aeller. price 73 centa. 1'AftToir (;Bairva.Vro-da'v-ernor Biofden pardoned eut of the pen iteutiary Luke Uilye, or Vhauuwu, aea lenced.Aj 1871 fut ka-kluxiam, earn burning).. to 13 year ImpiUonuTtnt. The prUouer vkskuew fight to reiejaae auder tha'amueatv ecrfaed bitbe Gar 4mbly.llT lardy aptUca- tion fo4lti) beoeflf ofihd act 'ar al. bwediM be noiigoea on hi u ie- Tick ke II all hAWti EvknTFo A lar aeu.euce greeeq ur. asa mn. T, Tbutii aud uuuMmyi lai-t eteuujj atTuckhili. Tbcpafimanceere XiMlle4f nd gate gneal aatisfafon, UUa Minnie Warren iTa"charnhiile lairitevjaid proved aa kC favorite. Hue waa greeted wtth?ropnd aOer r4p4 of applause. The clog dtiiteuig oTSJajor NenatLjook temarkally welUThe audieuojLyeeemed to nj 9 their enter- taluuwnt Yery Well, and lhene H ut the 1 humb Uoupa tarrj here thevvill recti va-aVAearty welcome, at the haade of ouridUwe, J3, ; RkvT . TAtliAO.Thia diaIu Kuihe(Hyulpit orator ad lcture-4ill visit ttue iiy on thV fth M nexi rfjilhih and leeMre under Ueaupicca of ibe Yfuna" Men'e ChrWtiaa Associalioa. The pmceeda oFthe lecture will tele- voted W charitable purposes. Lrctorcs as a general thing duu'i take well in this cuiurauuity, but a Dr. Talieage baa a national rejiuiatioo fur learning and eloquence a large- audieoce will greet him, at leant we nope eo. Our community owe the Young Men's Christian Association lhanka for their fforU to proviuVSik'h profluble'lnd rational eutertainment. . Fen roa tbi DaKiKa. The arrival Tom Thnmb yeaterday afternoon ateda tremendous excitement among the Anglo-Afrioana. When the omni bus etopped ia front of the Yarbrongh bouae it waa aurronudod by a grinning crowd uf ebonies, atarinsr with almost burating orba and yelling with steuto rian laughter. "The appearance of the liliputiau' carriage, ponies, with the pigmy African driver, capped the cli max. A large crowd, representing the cradle, middle life and the grave, accom panied it wherever it ! went, borne even wallowed on the ground in aa ec stasy of delight. , Never bM Africa rel ished a eight la this city eo mneh. 1 "Lot gor ormighty, an dew "peopla folks," was a very frequent exclamation. The dlatmguiabed diminutives bore these rather; nnoylnutC bearry ' atttatiia with equanimity and greet good humor. Trt Tcrrtra ' Catraow ' ItfBBOOUb RrorvrvtrV-Soma tima'agotb; aegco mombera of what is known here as Tap" per' ohojpbecamo diaaanafleil. with Ujeir paator, Jkv, Mr, Tupperi' VW niul some claim npon the ebnrebi property. They legaa Suit to get pom eaion of the eh arch building and finally got it by tb deciaion'd lb jSoprem fjonrCUfow another suit is in progress to get posses sion of the upper, room. Qldaen Ferry ei aL ar anmgbefore Jnatios of tb Peace Magnia tQ get a writ to eject ReV. Mr. ,Tnpper, and. at tliis .writing the lawyere are hammering away npon it. Maaars - A. ML Lewi and D. O. Fowl represent the cvtored rjreahrtnj wba A. W. Tourgee, EtO. Haywood and Smith A Strong haw te iatereatl tAr, Mr,' Tapper pi fEarge. , "Tb joiio tpl. the preudiql nigfrap being, Ijtiill r acoommodats tbsrerewd of owrlon spec tators the. tpal bail been aiavVptf tb eonrt-bonse. r, ,t,M , ,. P., SL Sine the above was written, Justice Magnin decided that he had no jurisdiction in , the matter while similar suits were pending in the Supreme Court f ; a ; i. . -v - Every moment of our livea every Eaft oT our body ' is wearing out and la eing built up anew. Thla work, is ac compliMhed by the blood, bat if the blood does not perform its work pro perly the ey-tem Is poi-toned. Clean the blood by the used of Dr. Bull' Vegetable PUN. Harmless but efficient. "RtrPtPBl CUhko In from- 30 lo""90 rlajB by the ne t the Triumph Trus & Triumph Rupture Remedy maoutm .ured by Uie Triumph Tnia Co., 334 Bowery. N. Y. 1 Ida Trua and Nip porter tHk 1 ha Mrdal at the - last eea alon of the Great American Institute Fair, Send 10 venu lor their new book- . -.1. .ii.i. . mtm' r,ww.iijwui iil'i ohhIioti fr f -g-Mniri t n i,mi nnrr- .. , L. ,,.. , ! '! . I- ' r ,r i' I, i i i' i -i wi -ii ( i m ALEIGH J'. NV. G '.FfilDA.Y, MAY 19,, 1876i i Tut EDKVTOa 8MT Mxtwopwt PlC- NkJ ExpmsioK td KmatxUL Yester day waa a red letter day in tb calendar of the Sabbath school ohddren, teaobera, tUnmU and frieuda of, the . Edentoa I r . - , Ktnet aL E..chureb. ... ; - .- A the annual recurrence of a Sunday school pio-uie ia looked forward to with the same' Joyful anticipation a those that are entertained Tor tb approach tf the CliritJ boliJay, aul other er seasona of general snjoyuwot, theani vl of tb appointed tin wan , hailed with aatotion of noieigned pleamr by al) Intending to avail tbemaelvea of Uie opportunity afforded for a day of relaia tioa from buainesn earen, bouacboid dn- The atat of the weatiier being ail im portant on aa occasion of thia, kiad, is was a aobjoet of teooh onjotBi- at to whether it would bo favorable or not Ajtbongb 'the' dawn of the 1 aabrding aaemed 'anpropitious an J,utnany p reaio ted .xaw X- OULt jProbabilitio vary ganerooaly aaid " ;"' ' '' " '' y v'Fu the South Atlantie States steV tionary or, naing baMuseter, eastarly to aoutuerly wiuda. aligtiUy iWartoer and partly cioi)dj, weather wU prevail,. , - M amiriaaat aix : 'clouk .he church jell rangattd shortly atler crowd 01 people, oldj middle-aged auxl "youn, could have been seen wending their way lo the church, the place of" assem bling. : ) 1,.., t.,l .' .. if) I; Afteth crowd bad collected, R. W, Bet Chief Marshal, with hi efficient corps of aaaiatauts, supplied the children with thebr -pier licketa and after in suucilou from him, and a prayer from the rUv. Dr. JJui knead, paaior, it the care and protection of tb excarslonlsta, tb proceaslon, headJa. by the Cltlxeo's Comet band, took np the line ot march to (be Ceatral depot Ilerc nine coaches were wai Jug lu cUji rge of , that aocom nioaatitig coodut-tACapL Brooks, of lb B. O R. B., a: d CapUin Eddie Whltei'enginee' At ' 8 'o'clock the whiatl! sounded, and with the Joyous call, "all aboard," away era sped, ar riving at in Shtrell depot at 10 o'clock. Tl proeea-ion being again formed, the crowd moved forward aud ia a short while ' reached the famous KUtrelTs bprings, the scene of festivities. - To one who has never visited this' delight ful spot it Is difficult to give a proper Idea of lt beauty. The rolling land scape with iu carpel lug of green, the numerous tVee of every variety ,a Hold ing luxuriant shade,' and the abuudant supply of water, together with th con veniences rami bed by Uie several build ings on' the lirouodsj.with btrg ball wuich are alwas courteoual given for tha'ns of pleaanre-aeekera, , make this place peculiarly adapted for the purpose of a pio-nio. The, eight pre sented on tb ground was one which would have delighted the most confirm ed cynic - Each person seemed filled with the inspiration of the' day, and Pleasure waa the Genins thai held com pleto away mi ' auVli Tb nappy group of chflilren' .rompinj at their favorite am, the bevie of young bvliesand geatlemen eeking enjoyment ia various ways, and saooeding, aad the bright joy lit face met wUb every where, made one fee) Uiat the fatf -p&tug jrtth en joyment to aU ajjal-eiM4peiuUnant tn none. We nav Mv anuiSaaeJ better ordetf of a more reaerat obaervaawe of the rites') Vpropr nni r44onua tuaii that which prevailed daring the en tire liuie.,, For thi adwuabi feature e" feet indebted to : the very efSoieuf Chief MtflMl,& .W. Beat, Esq.; to whoa srriaian the ' whple. ' affair w ectruaud and.- to whom belong;, in -a gre' 'degree;; th, .eredt , ,of;.'lt eminent sueoaaa. 1 Tb determined pkit twhich '.chaTBCterixe Mr;Beet took away", from l all disorderly ia oliaed peraons the' deeir for aay mis chief or danvbaaos, and gav assurano to all that othing would be allowed to Occur J to render, tbe'day diajagreeabla. The Chief Maftfcal felt the reepouaibil- by, testing npon aim, and he baa reason to eoCgratuUt himself , ppoQ the faith ful manner in wuich be fulfilled bis duty. Bs displayed a wise choice in tb selection of hia-corpa of sanatanta, both as to pnlohxitful (7) and phyeioal ability to discharge police duty. ' We nominate. second th nominatTon and register oar vote right here for r. Best for Chief uarana u ne next pM-pio. ; Th prominent featore"of thai occasion waa the dinner., . The ta- 2 bte waa under the control of I'apt X. C.-8. tLpsvjni irhoi ajsmlayed aa admb-shf aumigemeat aa 'Buler of me roast, at was aaauted bv a coin- mittee of kdiee, on of whom we need ouly mention and verybedy will know thai tbe dinner was a marked anocee. and that every peraoo well fed, ! Mr. Beckwitn. .--'- 1 . 1 ' -i The new' Atlas Hotel,, Philadelphia, Pa., baa tb most superior location all'tn Ceatenniai hotel a ear tb iL may 16-1 w. : ' J canzonet. ' Little aaaidee asare ayt, i - Tali, wbarr aiy oe ab da f ,-,,'., Da- a f lb raantnff wster, sb saJ4, ifi r 1 ai ta aaiiirr'a daughter, si said. Ltttte bmII. 'if I b it, ; ; , ' 'v , T II sae wh4 is la yur bet . L I save b-e kootlnf iM Tive, said she, AsataeaesivtBe bearta b kkl Wd torste. j , , ii-,-. 1 -t. . 1 1 i - ' :; ' title aOio, If ynar llae vwre kH4, . , ai a reee-lrai woai4 be aiisaad. t J . 1 '1 1 Ot, yoa ar a aanthtv ana, she ald. , la aaaj kla ate U yea eaa, abe aald. 1 (.,(.. . rv..t.- !, - at !. ;i Naw why 41 tbe maidea, asare eyd, r , Raa ulldJ4oa tha waaratdaf ,. j t : , Ttlae way to toe leM 4W4 fae malda tv t 1 r jr abe sarsiy l taas ta ieee waa alga. Ttea wbv did la ajaieaa raa to the wood f 4 ut saa haaw tba tb tree a Uie a It stood, faata rabUt aoe'4 aeafee natt i tad not. Tbea wbj dM sh .uwd, aad aalle, aad p a I Ml im ,1.' i - i V i: AtaaataataiastthsrretkbeteMt tu'-..,. Asotber baait doe th basket ho 4 1 1' Ui .-.-4 TAB DBOPH. i '4t ut- ' - . ... 1 .,, -. i . .The pea crop about Newbenijls a Urge . aHM.....,,,..- f'i. ,M,A A amber of tb Bark peole are centenaialiaing. ' ' ' .'" "'. Crop of al' kind are promUing In Hertford county... , , , . , . i i ... k . A sever .ball storm recently visited Richmond county. " ' Borghirt and thieve of all aorta arc infeeling Wilmington. (Stonewall Lodiire,' of t. 0. O. T. has rvorgnl;4 JqMprgantoBi ,t ,.i .. ., . In th eastern counties th democrat are bn-y btldiag convenUooa. ' strawberries bav dropped down to 13 csuta per quart in Wilmington, 1 Th 'Press 'AsaoclallTHi excurted to Fort Macon and Beaufort, Wedue-day. ; DT"vVTuller, of Hnilhueld, ba a ow . that Kite 5 galloos of milk, per ' Judge Dick h' been lecturing In Asheville 00 the Children Of lliato- .;: ,v.-r,. v: Forty masons are employed at M r gaoton iu buildiag to new Nine ay luin. ,'' :'; " -. ; The revivals In the Methodist and Baptist cburcbea at Kewbcrn are large ly attended. A lady in Wilmington has a valentine 109)ears old. It wsau't sent to her but to her. grand-mother. Th schooner L. Hturdivant, from Neb-ru 10 New York, snnk i ff Mat ures Inlet Sunday night Everett Wilson, colored, of Murfrees boro, bad hi (aw bone brokeu the other day by a lalliug piece of timber, i Hon. A. M. Waddell delivers th ad dress at the coniineticenieutxercics rTburuaallle Female College. s On Mr. Ball, of Union county.l 112 year old. A New Yprk Herald man as gone there to Interview him. - ' As a part of the Brogden plan to de feat Iltuiatt, in tbeaeooud district, the negro , 0'Hara ia being talked of for t'otigreSS. (---r;;'- - ::u 1t;.-, A Miss Hodges, who lived near Wash ngtnn, committed suicide a few day ag' by taking laudanum. - Disap pointed lev. :r r.:- ' A uUrger named John Art who lives near ..Aheille, cut, Marsh William's throat the other day,., Marsh will get Well tt 1 aiud,1M)yj4itiw--tt,.ij.. i " Samuel Foy,' a New Hanover black repuWicai. haa already announced hliu seir a candidat for the lower home of tb Lgi-latnrev;; ; " ,'!BnrKlars : are , begiunlng to trouble Morganton.' BUx' tor was entered the other night and a" considerable amount of good Ukon. .1 . , A watchman at Wilmington wood pile. Rival Roblnaon by name, was set upon ly thieves the other night and, severely' cowhided " for belhg In the way of stealage. '"T' . .. FOB SUPERINTENDENT OF PUB--' LIC 'INSTRUCTION MAJOR : . ' HENRY HARULNO. - Br Rivaa, Paxuco Co , N. C, - ... . . . .: May 17, 1876. T ' Aa the time for iolding the Conven tion ia faat approaching, and the placing before tbe public tbe name of good men for tbe variona offices is the order of the day, you will pleas allow m through your -colamna to plae before the Convention the nam of Maj. Henry Harding, of Beaufort county, in con nection with tbe offioe .of Buperintend ent of Public Instruction. . . , I do not wish to eulogise tbe Major, for he needs none. - He is a high-toned gentleman of culture and intellect, and Je think with such a man at the head of 1 the imbUracndol lystem-Bf- the Old North State might be greatly improved. The Major ia well known tnrongnoui tbe state, having represented bia county ta tbe Legislature of 1866 '67, and while be is not seeking the position, ' and I doat auppose tbt be baa ever been ap proached by any one on the subject, the writer of this knows that the Convention could not make a better selection. : Yours respectfully, . j ' t. - .. ' . A DXMOCKAT. If yon wsnt to fe4 well and lively, nee Dr. BnU'a Vegetable fills. 1 our orug gia keeps them. ': t c No.. 75 I LAN OF EPlSO,PtL VMTA , TION FOR le76. The Bishops of th Mcthodiat Epic pal Church, bouih. at their receut act aiou, arranged th following plan of kpieenpal vlritallons to th annual ron Rrence lor tb present year t - J ' Biaitvp kaVakacok. ' 1 Wetern Virginia Conference, Kept 13 1 Ylrjfiula, Nov. 13 j North Carolina, Nov. Z'Ji N.uth Carolina, Dec 13 ; saiumore, Mean . '"t '.'bishop m'tteibk. Western, An. 30 Kt Louis, Sept 6 1 Mirenuri, N-pt 13 ; Boutbweetern MiakAuri, Oct. 8 ; Indian Mialoa, Oct 25; North Alabama, Dec. 13. , ' ; '.,1 ., BISHOP ", Kcntuckv, Sep. 14 Teoneasee, Oct 4 Arkansas Oct. 18; White River. Nov. 29; Li tie Rock, Dec. II; and charge ot Mwaiona in Mexa o and Bi axil. Louisville, Oct 4 ; ilolaton, Oct. IS ; Mliaip4. Nov. J; IHiUlaoa. lie oember 13. - ' i :: Hisitpp, PEthcK. North Mla-iaaippi. Xo. A ; Metnphia, Nov.. 13; North Oe-g;a. Nov. 29; buth Georgia, Dec 13; Florida, Jan- wrj 11...,,. . . , . .. niauof pa iwk. r Illinois. Oct 4 ; Alabama, Dec. 6. j:'. BISHOP IlOliO KTT. . ,', . . ; ' . Nortli -Texaa. Oct 111 Northwest Texa Oct 18 ; Western Texan, Nov. 1 ; German Miaamo, Nov 15; Texas, Nov. 2U ; Eastern Texas. Den. 1 J. bj hop u a vi k. , . Denver. Aua. 25: Columbia, bept 15 1 Pacific, Oct. 1 1 : Lo Anuclet. Oct, 25 ; anJ charge of lljw Mission iu China. m.St.. . "MrrJiD.'vrhiuiker is selluig good oak wood at $3.50 ; pine t3 003.25 per cord delivered, prov uid tbe rash at- a. .. a -a a . it .a teuu me otikt. xi ne uaa to collect oy ticket he will iu all eaaes charge old prioea. Call on him in rear of Citixena' Bank. , . , tf. WHOLErfALK CASU riilCES Corraeted by : CHHISTOPHKR8 ACO. r. c. Balbioh, May 13, 1870. COVTOB. MkldllDKs, .111 Cta. Low MUldllaes, 11 lean BUIiied, t010) " ueep W(rt tuienor sua amy, J( - BkBBAL n aksT. Cotton Ttw,6ieDU. . Flour. North Oro.lua 6 0o4.2. 0 re SO coaia. Coia Nal, HS(ir90. Baooa, K C. bog foaed, 1tAlS. . " ba. Ii Bulk Mest. Clr Klb Bute. 1113,. ibuulder, It e-iiU. Lard, North Carol aa, 17J. " W eaters Uerrw, K u tag-, 17. Coffee, Prime Rio " Goud, 2laJ. " Oniin.m, aoj. Byrap, 8. H. S0. Muluwt, Coh 4-V Ball, rvsrbl's9 2&. " Krau', X 15 ... Ni, on hasi for l0, $3.5. Bursr A. 13. " GitraC, It " Vellow H. 9 1-8(310. Leather, Ked Hole VHSH. " OktaB4,40. -- Bides, greee, S t-s dry, Will. Tallow 7. Potatoes, swe-1 73 cent per bnshal. Irish, 100 Oats, shelled 65. - " " sheaf, f mm waicob, I.XS cant, baled 1U0. Fodder, buled. I 25. HT, N. V. baled. Kood, I.OOL vrir, perdoaee, I5es. Butter, M. , ItXisn. Beeewax 85. 1. .. rJUgtXi. V ... 1 pt. ked, S centa. " Beef, on foot, eifot7c. - dremed prime, It&'t r 1 - Bavy Copper, per pound, Me. ' Ltifht ! " - - lac. . Bra, per pound, 8 to 10c. ' r Pevter, per pouud, 7 to 10 cU. ' Lead, per pound, 8Jc . Old Iroa. per IU pound, V. Hheep Bkliia par piece Vc ' vmi -waaaea, Mr pouaurowaaacv uawaahed 20 t U5L- old 75 ceut; burry, 90 els. P O li t ANT Just received another InctaUment of , THK NEW SILVER COIN, FRESH AVU - ' BRIGHT FROM THE MINT, Wbtch we continue to pay out to our eu- r tomera la change. ' ' Have also received 5,000 yda. short length, Priated LAWNS AND MU8LIN8, which can be sold for a pro lit at 10 cent per yard. ADDITIONAL PURCHASES BY EXPRESS. Of a beautiful aaaortastot of SUMMER MOHAIRS, " u , PLAID, 8TRIPXS AND 1 LAIN, at exceedingly low prices fa all the new shade. Ecru, - ' - - ' Brows, -, Blue and Drab, Grey, Ae Alto a snperb stock of Men's, Ladles' aad Miase' Boots, Shoe and Gaiters. , "-Another parehaaeof those READT-MADK SHIRTS at $1.00 each. , Ibese Sblrt give anl versa! tlfacttoe wh ravar W. II. & R. SrTUt'KER. MSyJI-tt. THE KALKJOIi CE.NTINKL, UtwttiftiU wtn be aaaartad la the sanaai, at tbe followtais; nta par syuaiee? eaa ach, or tea ailaloa liaca. Owe aquare one time . . ttOO ." each mtawunent basartlos j lass thaa a wee t B0 I equate, I wank I M 1 1 sauoth H 00 t BSUUthS It 00 16 00 - 4 UM00 - " OS r as imi ........ . . .. . . . . M - 7 - . n on - t - aa NEW A'UVERTISEM New Goods! A. CEEECH STILL AHJSAD. . ! , . j gat received ' 50.000 yards new and bandaome Plaid Spring Calicoes at 10 cents per yard. . ; . 40,000 jards at 7 and 8 cents per yard. . .,,., , ,, ..... ; ,-'! i BUT. UiTEN I READ 1 1 BKTrER .... , . still in ,,,: Just received 20,000 yard at ft cent tier vard. A n'entv'fat make all of the children adrea apiec and have enough K'H Cor wrapper. AU Jot oua. dollar I . (A) ard) ; , . . .. , . i . COME TO" CHEECII'8, W.'; , He ia th man to make prices. . ,. DHKSS GOOD OF A LI DESCRIP TIONS! . . . ' The' trade will always And on hand the largest and moat au rec lire assort ment of bpnnz Dress X3-oods tobe found In th city, especial atten tion has been given to their selection. 1 tirooounce them, lor beauty ofefiect unsurpassed by any offered at any pre vious aeason. Aseerty call wdl guar antoe you entire tiialaction for all I Staple and Fancy Goods. ; SI stock emi rates n.ot eventlung ihat is kept lu a that class Dry Goods hou-e; anil In tker t ti v -never behu had the plea-ure of offuring in the hi, lory id tle dry goods trade, a an ex oeiienceof iweutv-fivo year, so Urge and complet and eo unifiirmly cheap a stock as this spring, and am lully pre pared to meet the hard timea as to ton? prices. Hats fc Shoes, ONE OF MX BrtCIALTItS. I keen tbe UrKet and mostcomploi slock of shoes to le found in the city aud having bought tiiem at tbe Ur trade tolta in New Yo' k, from first hauda. Tbey will be sold at astonish- ingly low prices. NEVER PASS BT CK.KOH'S When you want a pair of Shoe. TO COI NTRY MERCHANTS, , NewYorli IS A LEIGH. I have i hie day opened a wholesale dcaruuent,searate Imm my re ail de partment, which embraces full Huts of all staple goods nuallvkepi by country merchant-, and at I Imy ihem by the caae or package, from fint hands, 1 feel cotitideut thit I cao aave your money by bujlnif kimmI from mc. All that I aak ia a call aud look for yourselves. - ' - ; i-j a. CREECH. -march Stlwawtt. D. 8. WAir O. N. Warw NEW SPRIXG GOODS! EXAMINE PRU'TJ AT D i WAITT 4. Mi Demttrm 1st lady r JIadc'; Clcthing- for Man, Tooths, Boys and Childrea rStyUsav Parable and f hear. - ' . ' Burs to please. DOMESTIC DRY G00US,' Notiokb, HoaicKT,' Gent's Fcbn- - : I8HINQ UOOOS, (iLOVU, NECK- . nt - ...... . . nits, uiuks ssuvvrn : RlRBUMK, tUOINOS AND Inbebtiomb. liMH&TTAN FINE WHITE SHIRTS. Also sa UNLAUNDRlEDrHIR t. which we ' . ' guarantee to ba of Wanuutta Muslla : and Rlchardsoe's Lines ' well made, warranted to flu . : , ONLTIlfrHeea. hp, IIU, Boots a d 0 ps Uxbrxxlas, -TBtma, Yxis, Rub bo Clothes, Coats ajtd Caps L . kerrkdi-' : . ',' We return our thanks to our friend and former patroea for past favora aad solicit a contlnuaU'ia of tb sane. Our good will be ao.d for ea-h and a very small woflt Call aad aee u at la ssme old stand, two dour above the market ea-t aid fa ettcvUia aX ReKpectiully. ' D.H. WAITT A BRO. ' - March IS 4UwAw8 M EALI meal It Twe Car load bent bolted Cora Meal last ' teat - GATT18 A JONES' Granary aud FoeaceHore, aprae-tf . ' MUmiaet. at. 1 3 sr-. "Kr l t