- i f-THB-KALEiOll SENTINEL vr i i i i j OAILT. WXEKLT AND SEMI-WREKLT i Official PnaanfKsillCaniiiiia. - (STATE PRINTING & BINDING -ESTABLISHMENT. ;';'L...'; eAtss o susscairrioa. - Daily Sentinel t fm la advaac S8 C Dally Mi rnonlhaln advsnee..., 0 fend Weekly .".- , ... . Weekly 8entll ............. tU , Tha Daily Muff tn be delivered t tnr part of Ibf CUt t Fifteen Cents week .the omr. IUST OFFICE Dl ctLCTORY. For the brnfll or the public, we pub lish the following directory of tbe post otflc or uita city t Western mail close 44 44 arrive Eastern , " clone 44 arrive Chatham 44 clones 11 :15 a. m 3:22 p. m. , 5:03 p. m. 11:43 a. m. 3:00 p. m. 41 a. in. rL,AOJlMLwailel m. ; ilfrj ! vi" arrive 3:18 p. m. TlirmiffU nortbern via u. u. . U. R. close , , .i . 9:30 a.m. Thrown northern via R.& G, E. R. arrive -; 3:45 p. m Thntoeh northern via Gold J boro closet .'.: ,, , 3:03 p. m. Ihrouvb nortbern vtauoid . boro arrive . 11:49a.m. Office boors for delivering maSli from 7:30 a. m to 6:30 p. m Money orders, are issued and paid trom :13 a. tn. to 4 p. m - Letters can be registered from 8:15 a. ni. to 4 p. m Office hours on Sunday from 4 p.m. to 8 p. m. i ' ' W..W. Holds:, P. M. ' LOCAL DOTS.' ! W. 0.vHill Lodge will meet thUev. niug. t 4 ,.' i Prof Agtbe is now professor of mosio at St. Marys.- . - CapL J. M. - Tata aud family, hav re turned to Lynchburg, V, w bea that T. B. Kingsbury has returned to hia home in Oxford. ' Raleigh will wn bf.i.jhqrt-handed place. About 50 young men are tudy log stenography. . ,- .r , W The sweltering days have come, and men begin to wish tbey had been born without collurs. ! : t ' ..?r Iter. J. B. Richardson ooonpied the pnlpitof the Salisbury Street Baptist church last evening. ' 1 hiegs about here look a little hazy for delegate to the Cincinnati Couyeu- t cn oi tonuptlooirts.' ' Tbe city seemed very piously in clined yevlerda.). The throu of church goeis was unusually large, Quite a large uuinbur of our people will attend th oouiinttuoenieut exeroiaea at Trinity College, June 7th.- - , We return thanks for en invitation to joiu the pic-mo of the Salisbury Street Baptist Suuday school Wednesday next. The Salikbury Street Baptist Sunday school is making Urge preparations lor their excursion to KluielU Weduesday. There is a colored woman in Wake Forest township 115 yesr old. She a; she saw Christopher Columbus fx queutly. : - The Quarterly . Cooferenoe of - tbe EJeutou Street AL E. Church, of thia eiry, will JA I held at tha church thi evening at 8 o'clock. 0 The Grand Lodge of the Good Sa maritana of this state, a colored organi zation, meet in this city to-morrow iu the hall of the colored Odd-Fellows. Governor Brogden has appointed Prof. WVC Kerr a delegate to repre sent this state in the National Prison Beform Congress, which' moots iu New YmWonafc . ' ,- ' iter. Wm. Cloaa, D. D., Presiding El der of the Washington Diatnct, N. 'J. Coufereuoe, has been spending a few days' in this city. II ha recovered from a reoeut awvoTW lituese. 11 JL . Fr tbe beuedt of Uioao burefo ted boys who rauge about in all . sorts ol queer places, wa Wli them that.kubcu laneous injection of aruiuouUii a very good thing lor snake bile. Prof. Norman,: the musio teaoher of th Baptist Female College, arrived Fri day afternoon and entered at oboe upon tha discharge of his duties. Hesnooeed Prof. Agthe." Prof. Norman i aocom pauid by Li wife, who i aa aocoin pliahed mnsioian. A conoert will be given at tha close of the present session. Receipts of cotton for the week end- ing May 20$ 1876, 493 bales ; reoeipU for the same weea last year 447 bale ; increase in receipts for the week this yesr, 48 bales ; whole receipts siuoe 1st September, 1873, to date, 87,117 bale i whole1 receipts for same time List year, 33,014 bales ; iucrease in receipt this year to date, 4,103 oJjs. We leara that a new schedule will go into effect oa the Xoitli Carolina rail road in a few day. ' The mail from Charlotte will arrive here about 8 in th morutiig, and that from Gutdsboro about 4 iu tbe afteriMiou. - A Ugktniog express will run between Gree nburo auj Cuar lotie, touuectiug with the trains on the Richmond k Danville aud the Charlotte - a; A t knt Air-Ltn railroada Although we L not claim that tha Eltuwood collar will wash, we do claim that it will ktep citau longer than any other. 9 - . Wi JfTlf 1)1) ' . fy vJi AJf B VOL. XXI L . Mobtom . CoKiiso-BloodT BUirt Morton will arrive Lore from Wilming ton, it i aaid, on tb morning of th 81st, and will speak in the evening, at 8 o'clock, from the front portico of tbe National hoteL He is "swinging around the circle" with an eya to dramming np support at tbooming( Cincinnati con vention. " . - ii 1 Si1 ' i ' " DEiTU or Mrs. "trriiKT. Thi lady died thi morning at 10 o'clock at her residence on Davie street after a short illness. Mrs. Wm. Putney was In bee 61st year, and spent her whole Ufa In this city, where she was known a a plnut and useful member of society. Tha funeral services will take plat at her late residence to morrow after noon at 4 o'clock. Friend - of the ismuy r invtten. w tiena. m M a a. a... . " Taurm Comt uowin.--Commenoe- ment will be on the 7th and 8th of June. Dr. Tslmage, of Brooklyn, N. T., will praaon the annual aermon oa the 7th, and deliver th literary address on the 8th. ' Trinity make an attraction thia year for the., whole, state. It la many a day ainoa the people bav Lad anolr a festival offrel on suah favorable condi tions. AU the railroad except the Wil mington k Weldon will return all visi tor free of charge. Good acoommoda tions will be fornished for all who may attend. " ' ; . Ftosax CerrHiBtrnoRa. - For several year past the ladiea and citizens of Ral eigh have contributed their floral offer ing to deooroU tbe grave of ortr south ern "beroe who 11 buried at Porta- month, Va. We are " reqnestetl to sa that next Wednesday, 24th, is Memorial Day in that city, and it ia hoped that all who can w31 eoutribut freely of the beautiful flower witbywhich our fair eity now abonnda for the noble purpose. All flower aent to Mr. A. P. Bryan.at the Ex pre office, or to 51 r. A. M. ' cPbeetera, at hia residence, on Monday and np to Tuesday morning at ft o'clock, will be sent forward on the R. k G. train which leaves at 19 o'clock. , ... . Thi TcFtBB Chcboh Row. Thia in terminable row has begun sgain. As previonnly stated Justice of the Peace Msgnin last Fridsy dismissed the mo tion for the writ of ejectment, deciding that he bad no jurisdiction in the matter, Friday . afternoon application , was made to Justice of the Peace Bar bee ftir tbe writ and he heard the case at the eonrt house. The counsel for Me. Tap per made a motion to dismiss the case which was refused by the court and the hearing proceeded, and will be continued this afternoon. It seems that litigation in this matter will never end.5 The band of colored brethren is led by Gideon Perry. . We don't know the exsct num ber of Gideon's band, but understand that hejha a large following. ! ' !' , 'Wan . I Attetiox D knock ats. Thsrc ill be a meeting of the democratic- conservative rotor of .Rale'gh town ship at the court bouse, on rAaturday, May 27th, at 6 o'clock p. m., to select delegates to the County Convention, whkh meets In this city on tb 10th day of June next. Tne County Con vention will appoint delejjau- to the State and Cmgres.dooal Dintrlct Con entions, and H Is of yatit imoortance that Raleigh township should be well represented. . It will also consider the propriety of nomnat ng pt uuty orOeersj By order of Raleigh Townthlp Exec olive Commilte. JOAHArlRia, ' . - , - Chairman. ' As to the manner in which Doorkeep er Fitzbugh's letter found its way iuto pnnt, it M stated to at tne person to whom it was written, nudigg Fitxbugh in no hurry to redeem his promise to get him jjlaoe, begat to show it aronad ; that Fitznngh resented this breach of coufldeuce by turning his friend out of UiU gallery of th house, aud that thi performauoa was quickly 'followed by tbe publication of tne letter, t- , j. l i 1 1 I ji i i KDoatrick was ouoe mukinir a'uruwli He said : "I've got a bullet in my leg. ki.ow the southerners. I've licked Vm for four years, aud I can lick 'em again. Ji tb ere s one bere let bim say so," A big fellow Immediately Stepped upon the stige. "Don't interrupt my njWecb," said Kit v . r " , If yon have ben drtnkhnr loo much. which however you buid never do, a dose or Dr. Bull's Tegcsoble rill's will place J on in a go d c ud ti-n aain.- " Mr. J. D. WhiUker is selling good oak wood at $3.50 ; pine 83.00a3.23 per Cord dedveretl, provotd the cash ' at tends the order. If lie baa to collect by ticket he will iu all esse charire old prices. Cllpahim inreitf of CiUzena'l Iiauk. tt The new Atlas Hotel. Philiufolnhl Pa., lias the most superior location of all the CenUniJal hotels near tha gronnda. may 16-lw. 7 ALEIGH ; I S G MONDAY, MAY 22i vi S70.Ts EPIdCOPAL CONVEX TIOS-DIO. i CES1? OF NOB TH CAROLINA i-.;.l ;!i ' ii .!;. i i ; . ; . ; . . " p .:.' s; ( . a 1 dfVmvmition met on Wednesday, at Calvary Church, Tarboro, at ten o'cloclt, . . ... .. i i. . . . - y a. m. Present Bishop and Assistant, Amb ier, Bell, Bland, Brady, BuolL Bynnm, t. has Lira, Curtis, Deal, Draaa, Eboraa, Forbaa, Gdl, Israel Harding, Nathaniel Harding" riaaghton, Hilton; ' nske, Joyner, Kernan,' MarthaU,', Mordoch, Cwfttd, Patterson, Phelps, : Prios, Bioh, Rogers, Smedea, Bulith, - Sutton, Wat sou, G Wetmore, V&wxtTi ZT ".' There' was a very small reprssenUtion uf Laymen, i roe re were 88 elrgy. men prevent, and 2i parUba repreaeut- : Th Convention then adjourned for divine stylos, in which - tter.M. Ltaaoe, Wataon, O Wetmore, Curtis and N Harding tool part, Mr. Boel preech ingvand ooth tb Bishop taking part In tbeeommnnioa aervios. Riv. air. Force wa aoanlaaously looted President of the Conventiuti, aud Rev. Mr. Larmonr was nnanimooaly re eleoted Seeretary. '--it .v . y.. It was moved that th Convention ad journ ttd ttveo'olock in the f tawuoon: C mmiUtm KUdtiu.Rr. MeaMra. PatlMnun and Maralull and H H. Bat tle, Eaq, :..." ' emmittee on New Par tku. Rev. Messrs. Sutton aud bmith, and M Wed dell. Esq . . ... , , O Sttof thi CMnfek. Bev. Mews Forbes, Buti, Rich and Tboa, Hill, Esq ' ,0 Va"- Ro. Messrs. W. . rtet more. Ambler and Hilton; Messrs. W . tt. Battle and John Hugbea. - , , , , ' On hmis-. Kevs. Vt. Watson and Husk and Mesars. Fremont, Calder, aud G; H." Roberts. . ;j .,, , Zl ' ttn CfiuA4 Hum h en Rr, Msrs. Murd-b, l-.bboru aud Rose., ,. . ...... Ou motion ot Mr. PaUeison, that nil clwgyuieu of tht-r diocese and of tb s di ce-e, nut euutled to st-ats. and cau didalas for orders, be luvited to hoo oiary SI-SIS. : . : r , , ut Ou motion ef Mr. Murdoch, th fd lowiug re olution wa. referred to tb committee m canon t tittoivtd, 1 hat tb limu of parochial rejioiu ra -section 8. canon 19, be stricken out, aud in place thereof , the f rm found on pave 3!M and 395 of tne journal of th last Geueral Couventiou oe uirteried. w.... The rrpoit of th Treasurer was re. fuirud to Uia Fuj4iice commUee. f. .. Ur. f. W. coi penning oflerad th following (ietilion of the congregation he reirtnwented .'A,";:"!,: That the name of Chapel of tha Cros at Haiesvijle, be changed to Trinity Chu'th. t -' The petition wa granted bj the Con ventiou. r, , .u.:';y: . lVv. Dr. Smcdes read the report of the Standiug Coramiltoe of the Diocese. On motion of J ude Battle, it wan Huolrtil, .. That the convention meet daily at 9 a. m., take a recess at I, and meet again at 4p. ni. . . .i ., - cn motion tbe convention adjourned. glOOMD OAT.- -1 Cohventlod met after morning pray er. Tbe roll was called and lb follow ing delegates not present yesterday an swered to their names, lo-wii i . . Kevs. EC Sniedes, M H-Yaaghan and R B Windley. and Messrs. J B 8tickucy; W M Nelson, J J Cutler, C I'm N Luikr. W F Martin, tt J Hinsdale, I F Diartcb, R : Wdllams, ' M D P A Boyle, L (4 Refer, G E Miller, L J Pa gan, J U Wood, J IS Batcl.elor, X L Wilkinson, t . V Battle, U U Purring ton, W H Shields, W H Hardesoa. M D.. A Collin. J D Grimsley. E W Kswls, T 0 DeRoft-eit, U U Cotten,' J M SUerwn and O C Lamh. , ,-i i , The m;uutes of yesterday were read, corrected and approved. '.Tlie Bishop read bis annual address. The Aa sis tant blhopiyad his annua! address. 1 On motion thee aVidresses were re ferred to the comuiilte on the State of the CbUPuh. i . i ' '-f Rt Oenrgar Patteifon prewnted tbe report of the Education CiMpmilteo.'' ' On motion ot luv S Uynum, it wa resolved that the portion of the Bishous' address Irt reference to build ing a ct.urch at Wmdaot be referred to a commuteo of 6i. , . . ; ; , The Rev Dr Watson read the report of the Executive Mis-sUuary Commit tee. Tbe rexolutiea accompauyin the report was adojtted. f; i i v, tier. T. J. UurdocK presented tbe re port of the . committee on nannia bod business. -..-(. r..-M ... "j f J ." On motion of 8. L. Fremont H was reoived that a committee Of three mem bers be rained to collect aa much of the Colonial history,, as possible. In refer ence to the churobes - in the' diocese, aud the organization of tbe Parishes and make a report to the next Convention of a list of the Parisbee. in the order of their orgsnizatien, , , n , .. .. Rev. Dr, Watson reed tbe report of the ttnanoe "committee and offered the following resolutions : ivwolvea l. l bat in Paruuea and con gregation ia which at present tha as sessment for the support of the Episco pate and fur the contingent expenses of tbe Convention is not directly raised, the Rector or Clergyman in chance be hereby requested to solicit from the commuuicanta aud other members of thi cougregati u a contribution annually oe Uloat&eeht t t iMtmiuli Resolved 2. That for the manage ment and collection of the permanent fund tbe Treasurer be authorized to Me- in tbe various parts ol tb diocese to furnish tbera at the expense of the dio cese with the necessary book, and to deposit with them, sn far s he may thiuk best, the note or evidences of del t pertainina; to the permanent debt. J IVs -rA x5w fs- -1 i""rVy-Ts .A ; "1": :-'--r.lTl ir ;-;--;-! rending the ; diaenssion it wss an nounced that the hour for adjournment hat arrived. Before adjonnuig the Bishop aanonnead the appehrtment of tue louowiDg oommutn on tnecuamb in iuston. to-wit ; ' ., , , . Bar 'AA WsUoti D'D.' ftcv O B Wetmore,' Rev- M M Marahall. DD.A AUeUoesett, af JJ,aad WitJox.-;, u Tb convenuoo adjourned ,dl .'P "V V lit' ' ' ,1 I?' Convention hiet porsdsut to "adjourn taeot, i Kaw. E, XL Porbee in the chair. On motion of T. G. Walton-. - .Mr j " M lolvtd. That a committee of Ave be appointed by the Presideut, Bishop Ly man IvrngissaMdaa ehsirman,i to take into -eousasssssioa that portnas of the Assistant Bishop address which rrfera to the Wi bwforo school sod report the conclusion tq which the committee may . A.. h .i . A X'-T vjumw u tun uusmiuuK m v u. w. a day, 19tb insWv ' .. ' ! - Oo motwai of W. B. BsUle, the reso lution wee laid on the table for the pre- K B. Saitla, Jr., offered the iollowing reaouttion aaaauustiintelor tbe nrstof. feted by the llnanoe eommittee ; . :,u Kti tctd. That in lieu of th present plan of aaaeasmeot fur. raising th Bish op' salaries and Convention fund of the diocese be refered to tbe flnanoe com taiUe to prepare a hat with ' reference to the pecuniary ability of the several congregation to pa) tuaamoouU aMess ed upon each Pariah to be raised in jsuch mamer a to the Teapeetive rectors' and vestries may seem best " ' - - Messrs. juattie and liaobeior diseased the reselution. .. , r, ' . , . P. A. Boy I moved as a substitut. that a eouiinittee of seven be euptauled to report to-morrow morning at 9 npon the best method of rsisinrf the amount required for the Biohop' salaries, aud tb contingent expenses or the diocese. Carried. . . .!.!' ' , n. " - This resolution wan discussed - with some Veheroenoe. " Mr.'Byuum aroselo a point of ordef.to which the President replied that he wished ; members, would have a little common sense. Mr. B. aat down amid much merriment at his' ex penes.'. :i t ii.f v . The question of finance, diatnrb the church a well as the.nation. , . "The committee ou division of duioese, read a report recommending a division of the d luces a follow: - The Diocese of tt umiugton consUf inn of all counties east ot the Win It R. ' ' " " ' " - zud. The Diocese of Raleigh all the eouuiins belwien W & VV R M and the Bluo Ridge. v f . , ,f 3d. The diocese of AshevUle all counties west of Jtlue Ridge; Aitd a aoon a the thiid limh.qi is elected, tiien there is to be a llotiae of bishops f ; tbe preseut. one Cn ventiou or.i.ounoil lor the three Dioceses aa uuited. Without action, adjourned till Friday morning. A CALL FOR A COUNTY CONVEN A Chairman, I am Instructed by the rxeouiive committee of the Demoeraiio ConservaliTe. party of . ? ske couuty to give notice that there , will be .held a convention of the Democratlc-C'oiieer-vatlve voters of the county at the court bouse on ttt 10ih day of Jon next at 12 m,fr the purpose offending dele gates to the ftate and cougressronal district cObventlrns and to cousider the propriety of nom tkaUnjf aadidates lor public uDlce. , I am . further iuatrucied to call up-m the chairmen of the various township committees to hold meetings In their respective townships on the 7thday of May, in order to. appoint delegates to this convention. -, . - 7T7Z, w. J!fFa Chm'n. -'Dangerous Bymntom I Matter dis charging from tbe Throat, or Nose, re veal Ulceration of the Pituitou Mem brane, eanring a fatal disease of tbe Pul atonary Organa, unless timely curod by Wiaaiwr's rTna Taan TanOonpuivaa iufallibte. ? Blood purifying' . Remedy, which ha saved many thousands -who expvuseu 10 ui ua vuwbhi'uwb i I A German haa deciphered the hiero glyphic record eufBcienUy. to prove that one of the pyramids was built three thousand year before Christ, which la one thousand tear earlier han any chronological date previoa-ly ' eUt lished.UThia fixes th building of th pyramid at -v period conideraoly be fore the biblical date of the deluge. ' Kuptcm Cubed K from' 30 to- S)0 day by the. ne of. the.Trmrapb Tru A "Triumph Rupture Remedy manufat tured by the Triumph Truss , C 334 Bowery. N. Y. This Tms aad Sup porter took the Medal at the , last - ses sion of the Great American, Institute Fair.' Setid 10 cenu for their new Itook. M KALI MKALJI.t Twe Ct toads bet bolted Corn MesI lost last '" OATTia ft JUNES' .'i - Granary aad Forars etore.- ' spr SO-U WlininKtes at, l a - -' "1 HI . ... C KLVBS ATEP nmtmj Orf An 1 esa be fonad at i -j - iROwrrs yAiutTT 8T0Rf, .tf 'I - Honraa Baildtnc J AaaisvaAD Jonsa. J O HI 8 . " I ,. . . lL,MkVtlSVL ntUCTICS latbaaa; i tanrstD Or art f lb t and DUtrkt Crt ef L BWte. th Ctreurt tic United nutcs and Or ssvrslRorts r fw StkrfadtcltJ District. ', (Mao ea rsttul U. ontsit tas yVljf CttbwM f sttoasl aaakM Cp stains.' N6i'.V78 WHOLESALK CASH PKICES ..-.! ;'. v (;r Corractad by -t-;: .-'1 f;,cl,PnB1wTOFBKB8 ft CO, KaLsiOB, May 13, lATfl. c'orrow. v ' MiddUan, iV CU.1 t.Vss matoed,- " 1 1OOI0J laferior and dirty, 1UH i " eskssai Mtkarr. ' "- , Cottoa Ttlea,eeeiii, i . . , Flour, Noah Carodua t 00.2S. i V r 80 eesu. ... -ij ' - Cora Meal, Hfi(a(ik3. k ..,-, Bacon, N. C. h.i; rodsd, 'T4JU. ''" '' '' aaaw tste) ( Bulk MesU, Clftr alb eide, lt8k. ,., ' -Unonlderii, 11 cs-nta. , Lard, Sonb Carol as. 1T. ' Wsstera Uvrees, 1. . , . .. , tf7l7. ' tj Coffee, Prims Rio CVi , Good, ttU. ... . . Syrup, a. au ....... .. .. Molasses. Cuba 45. , Bait, atambaf t ir. - ier-4r"Xamr, fir"t" ' 1 Nslls, ea basis for 10s, $3.6S. Bugsr A. la. ,r Extra C, 11. M Tsllow C. l-tttfio. . Leather, ttod tol irmtl. I - t Uaklanned, l. . . ' i Hides, (Tm, 5 i-a , . dry, lOOsU. -. Tsllow T. Potatoes, i t 75 rests per basnet. IrUa. 1 OO Oats, sbvlltd Oi. " sheaf, from waffoo, 1.25 cents. ' baled 100. - - " Foddrr, baled, 1 ttS. ' Ilsy. N. C. ttaled. aviod. 1.00. '? twi prdfss. lAoa - ouiuir, , v .icarnae. Bsg,!.: pl ked; 8 cents... Beef, on (., W1c. " draastd oruue. 7(471. H-avy Coiiper. per pouuo, t6c. , Ursa, per pound, 8 to 10ff. I Voter, per pound. 7 to 10 ets. lsd: uer poesd, 84a. . , "Old Iron, per IUU pussda, )e. , tj Hheep skins per piece M440e. tV vKM wubvd, r iKMiml. X'5e. - uswanhed iW to 5e. old 7 cenu ; l.urrv. 20 ets. tW-A1A EUllohAltM T O C K F,K A B . B00 Bushels' of very Boo Blsck Pass re! estvsd sad le arrive, cbaau fur cut at U 1 1 1 KB', Oak City Granary and Feed Btor. 8uo BUbHS. STUCK PEAS verr low f.-r esUi at I t ' - ':- GATTISft JONES' " WUttlsgtos Bt, Cominr snd going sll the while very low for Greenbacks or 811 ver --promises are not ear- fflit l . .' . , OATTI3 ft JONES' yi;; ' . .Wbolsaal ttrshj and fted Store, Opposite Dr. Metre's Office. I'OJL T, ,P ,.M K. A L , 00 to 1,200 bushels per week received n4 sold cheaply cash only ' .' . ' i QATTIS ft JOSR8 P. S. Wait-. I G.'N. Warn GOODS! NEW SPBING EXAMINE rRlC'S AT D- S. WAIfr &BK0'o Ready .. Had: Clotting for Men, Tout, Boys sad Child ;' S'riloh, Durable sed ehes-- -- : Sure to pleam. '.,.. ' l '. . .:'! i DOMESTIC - DRY GOODS, NoTiojcsr Hosiskt, Gkxt'b ' Fcaw- . WHiNo u'oorw. t;iys, Neck 1 Wer,Coilar ANot'crra ' 'r 1 Ri RBona. Edoi was Ann I ' 1K8KRTIOMS. liXE&TfAK.FIME WHITE HURTS. Also an UNLAU NDR1ED 8U1KT whkh wt , , (uarsntcs4o tie ol Waoisatts Maslln. . .... .' . . . , v ' snd Richardson's Lines well , ,--t 1 ' nada, warranted to lit.-. ' ' .'oyLTtl.OOspiest. J kLHfsr7IUU, BjoIb d bpi, IJirgBn.ua a, Taisaa, , Vax-iaaa, Bra ., aaaCiiOTRia, Coara ajtd Caps ' . a a, . ...... - We retars or thanks to our friswds aod former patroot lot mt fav.rs sod solicit a eoettnua'ioa 4 the raw. Oar food will h mii iw and a rv small Dmdt Call and see s at the aaoie old stand, two dirs sbuve th market ca t side la ctlevWe Bt, Rcfpectfully, " " , D. S. WA1TT 4 BRO. Mareh 1 dlswftwSs. p 1 ARrXTIliGB I T k larnst Stock of Carpelian, E Tii fte. la the l i'y at lowest vase p loss. aw aa boa; 111 stse saasry t 3.11 .! Qt ) M TLiritALEilill StMlNEL' AdvarUi ts WW siMrad hi tit Dau hSBTlftU. si tb fotlotrtii om seb, nrtea siishie ll n rate per square o uws On sarc one tine " ' - 1X00 " each swtiseqneat mssrHoa leasthass waeau;...,. 60 1 moath. 8 00 1100 BKMIlh. ', e f 4 1. ......k.. .......... MOO 20 00 M lJ . 5 1 . w.RiewM 2e 00 ra nu . M . ..V. as re :TEW ADVERTISEMENTS.; C " B T POTATOES. Alsi-rs'snd phadfil 1-4 st 8U rents per bashslst "" ' 'J . , . V- ' "I -.'i ,r.f-T .t4-i' t'tV. ftATTlB ft JONES' k A i'- Ursla and forsg' Store. LBS. SPLENDID 1; FODDER ; st f 1,33 yer 100 IU.. n. v ui i.Vi 2S,0U0 lbs splendid Isled OsU st il,S5 per .1.1 I'l vt.tf. 'J,k-J-t. 100 Usv. : GATTISft OWES' Grata snd Feed Store. A. CEEECH STILL. AHEAD. . Ju't rerelved 1' ,.1'..1 60,000 yard new and handsome ! Plaid Spriujf Calh-oea at 10 cenu per yard. 40,000 jarde at 7 and a" centa per vard. , ... BUT LIST EX I RKADM BETTER STILL!! J Just received 20.IKK) yards at 5 cents pr yard.A T nty Vi 'jaiakellt'oT' the" tddldren adreK spiece and have emMigh eft for a wrspptr, all for one dollar! .M )aru-l . CtlME IHo-la lU- TO CREECH'S, man 10 make prices. DKESS GUOD1 OF LL DESCUir- ' TIONS! The trade will always And on hand the largest and muet attracdve assort roentof Spring Drt-ss Goods o be louud in tlie city, esiecial atten uiu has been Kiven Ut their selection. I iirouounce tlicni, fur brauty of elTect. o.usurpa-cd by any offered at ny pre- viou season. Ao early call will guar- aiitee you entire aaiislaction for all l aay. Staple and Fancy Goods. M stock eniliraces r.ot evl-rMlih but is kept In a that class -Dry Goods hou-i. and in lacl l have never before tad the plt-at-ure of oflV-riii in tbe hi ory of the dry cihkIs trade, n an cz IMoience of twfuty-tive years, so large nd touiplete aud so unili-rnilv cheap a tock as this spring, and am fully pre pared to meet the hard times" to lor price. '. Hats & Shoes; ONE . OF, MY,8PECULTIES. 1 keep the larj;et aud most complete slock of shoes to be found iu the city and having bouuht ' them at the large trad . in New York, from first huuds. They will be sold at aatouiaa iogly low prices. ( , , , ,. . NEVER PASS BT - KRt - Koi-i's When you want a pair of bboes. : ' - ' ' TO ' . ' ; COUNTRY MERCHANTS,' , . K" tivisYork ll A I KIGH. I have this day opened a wholesale deparimenl.eeparal trom my re 'ail de partment, which embraces full lines of all staple goods usually kept by country merchant.- and aa 1 buy j hem by . tue . caxe or package, front fht bauds, I feel confident lh.it I can save your ninuey by bn.tlnit iroods from me. All that I ask isa call and look, for yourselves. . A CREECH. .march 21-dlwsw.. M P OH ANT . Just recrlred anothar jnatsllmeot of THE SEW SILVER COIN, FRE9Q AND "' BRIGHT FROM THE MINT, . Which ws eoollnue to pay out t our eu- -tomers In chsnge. .' ' . Bare also received 5,000 yds short length, Priutrd LAWNS AND ML8UNS, which es be sold for s profit st 10 eraU per yard. ADDITIONAL PURCHASES BY EXPRESS. Of a beautiful assortment of , ', . .. SUMMER MOHAIRS, PLAIDS, STRIPES AND 1 LAIN, st neeedtrtKly low prices la sll ths new priera t all ths - ... h !. ' Ecru, . Brows, ' , Blue sod Drab, Grey, fte. - Also superb stock of Mew's, LsdMV- snd Mlsar' B00U, Sbousnd Gaiters. ' ' . Another purrhase of those READT-MADE SHIRTS st $1.00 each.. Thets Shuts giv ualvcraal sstisfscUoa wherever used. , ..,-...', . r,- W, IL A R. 8. TUCKER. ; Goods! i ; 1 i I

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