JUK JIALEiat! SENTINEL. ? rvausa wAiLt, WKEKLT AND 8KMI-WKKLT STATE PRINTING ft BINDING . ESTABLISHMENT. . M ' or stnaaoairrioB. (tally SeutlBel 1 rear la adiaac 8 00 rWDr Mil nnathl III adranc 4 01' aad Vwklr - u Ob WraklvSeMlml t 0( Tba U.rvt Siwti -st, "Ill ba dwltrered la T Prt of the City at rlftae Cent Mk. ..THE anrx post DrricE directory. , For tba benefit of the public, we pub. the following directory of the post- vfestern. wail ilaaea ..... j 1 1 :1S a. m. " arrivea "':2ap.m. Haatern W ilo-rt - ' 8:03 n. m. , r. tk ' .ea "J 11:45 Lav Chatham ' closes 3:00 p. .J?. . arrives- 9i44 a. m. -u - 'it '.? 3:18 P-pi- I nmojfn nonnern via tt. a u, .. K.R. Clone f--'' '" 9:3d a. m. fhrMHrh northern via B.'& OV. . R. R. arrlWiV :',.,.., p. a Tirouu& aortbern via uold" c bototckavaaa ti ..!, '8:0S p.m. rhiwakh nthera via Cold ',' ' Dorp aftlr ,11:4a. a. m. Oflkw boon Ihr delivering mails Ti3Qa.l:to 6:30 ,'.. H 'i.ou.i VIoncr rdra m issued and paid front tM .m. 4 p mf 4 ' 1 latteia.'cwn be rif tertdyfrooa RtlS.i ifi to 4 p". t&, i WuK ww v puBoayt iraro pi m. ta-Ap, !.'. :i --jj' ' .. I ..- n .4 .. . - . J LOCAL DOTS. i ' f . l' l iT7. n. .: Farmer IrtreaboojA in clipping out ltver aoia hae iace kr attract at A , j , i . - Motion 9era.. i n i The Young Men'a Chriatiaa Aaeooia- Uoo met thia veainALl , TlilpoHaJMrt tW -htomint fur- nlabad hothm worth a taeotloo."" " uauW Vf FUi w4Mk 4t U ViV I UM , ThirtornJ jtatentiij 'afteraaoa ip roVeiiijea.piU( foU Warj'a FrofeMOrYOrotl,'' of St. Mary'e, will retuuu o. W' .huu u Frauce at the cIom of the ureaeui aeaiou. ' Thia dtjr will b full represented at the UMiingt of the I-rand Chapter, B. A. M . iu Charlotte, June 5. An (agio waa recently killed In . Jtuvkhorn townahip, tlda cuuntjr. nieaa uring 7 feel around the wingt. We Ktnrn UiauLa for a mplimenta- ,ry ticket to (lie pio-nie of tba St. Johu'a Society, at tli new fair gnmndv . Mrai Mary. Tucker wa ulrkken with paralyaia Monday mjrninir, . At luat accoiiota' bar condiiioa bad aooMwhai improved. " . ' There will be a regular meeting of Maote'o IxkI',. l 8,'thfi ' even'bg at 8 o'clock. Memf era of the lodjje ire requested I attid.. ! Jj.a-j v VT nnilpnteni) that tha Millfala hirn intend giving oid Ka.nguJiiary Garroebt Morton a big- reception here on tba Th new achedule nnhe North Car olina railroad gob lhtoeiTtfct Sunday. Arrival and .departure of train waa Sudden atmoepherie Cbaogea, like tbe onewe eiperienced thia morning," are aid to work inharmoniouitv' with tha doctrine of total abttoeaCe. if . A club of colored tfewbern bate ballet are te arrfve" In thia ' city to marrowvby the 11 ra., train.Ho plav a match gam with the' colored club V M . i in a r at p. in. ai ine(papuB( wrove. .A temperance movement wai inauOh rated at the recent cbnventioVof th ProtetUntEpUcopal church at Tarboro.' A aUte.Wmperance tocletv waa rgaa ixe4 wit'htBiaheymait of4hia tyrat That putUotf-of the colored Baptiata of tbia city., tntcretl in the "row now going -on "over the title :1Tnbper cbaroWwiU boll A' BaW ?t(n Ihi. eyeniof at thai bucoh in prtlei. to , dia- enae Hkttlhiri' ' " 'V1 i ? ., Kay' .r r . - Omn -Bniith,' the DuthraW ovejv iiaajnvented a cotton picking mafnVif If.eaVibife4 a nolel t'.i in-thiacity jeierdy- afterno-m. f if winate'oiqpm.' thing nke.'what tie cUunt for It ll rney' be claiMwd a one of ibe greaiei luveoliooa f tbe age in the agricultural line.'411 " rf -. ,' 4 .... I O a 1 4,.., I: J. Yeunr.'A: W. Tourgee, John C. Goitnao,-J. 4B Ilill, U. tV Badger, W. 11. Uowenon, John Keathery, Jamea II. Harria, col. ,F. M. borrell, V7. B. Richdrdon, ' W, M. Browo, Wiley Jonea, T. L. Hargrove, Tboma K. Purnell, U. H. Lane, col C. I. Proc ter, col., f thia city have been ap pointed aaltant marbal af the bi niKgrncati. in Wilmintouea th 30ih wht old BKiody Sbiri Mortuo Mintea to peak a fUr'Vnen' ab dead Union oldierr and good niitiy otiwr aa a bid for the nomination at Cioc BoaU. IW, & Vlfofe'l V14W in' tbjf' connecuoti that pwea Burwy, col.; la the Chief Mbal of the o-vofl. 1 iiyrnrfl ir' .i t i VOL. XXII. RzkuESTEAM FIBE COMPANY. AVwU-, Old Print mud Fortreti Monro. THURSDAY, JUNE 8TIL1876. The member of tbe Rescue Steam Fire, Oiipaoy auJ tbelr frlondi, will UkelaMrand exctiriott to Norfolk. Old Poinaiid FurtroM.'Muaroe onjTbnrt day, June 8th, 187(5. P r'-- Tbe txcurtloulst will leave KMgb on thjTday at To'vlnck. a m , w a J aFhCIAi, TAI, 'J? reaching Norfolk at 4 a. iu. ii On Friday atfc9 V-Yck. a. m tha elegial j.de-wbeef atnter Florida will kveJorfotk lor Fori r Mairoe, giviaatMM excdrvidnlA an oppyftuul y or vtexlpg on the root) the j? M aaaaTlrnJKnT BCKNtCHT or pi ; I - aXUBkTU luraa, T : the IfOHn Navjr Yd. 1 rancyland, NetfMM Newa, Jame River, Old Point Conttort, Fortreaa Monroe, Cape Henry and QSpe Char Urt Ueturnlog to Nor folk"at S p. ra., there will be a""""n of tlr Fire Deuartutenta of NoTfoik and Portamou a and the Ueecue Company, i . RataruTuK borne the excuraloQlfU will leave Norfolk on Saturday, JuaC-th. at 11 a. in., arriving in Raleigh at 7 p. m. IVHare ffN.irtiilk anl refcra, ln cluiflny 4 iteatuboel: exeundon, will be Bve -UoIUri t.'WiUdrea under, fifteen yeanrtlltage will be charged haiQtrice. VOTaL AJtaaKWEllKKTSmf An epgenienla have be-n mate with tbe proprietor of ihe-Atlautic Hotel of Nor(ilk, one ef tUe flnuet hotel In the United State, U entertain the excur- nionma during their aiay iu that city at the very reasonable price of tltree dol lar. V . ' . ;'! THB CITIXKN 'fl CORNRT BAKO of Raleigh will accompauy the excur sion it. " 4. - - TICKETS may be procured in Raleigh at Alfred William' lxk-tore, FddUs' book store, Creecb'a dry-g'KKls store, Nat.! Brown's variety store, Bradley's con ft-ctionery, Simpson's drug-store, and at all tbe stations n the Raleigh A Gatou lUilroad. ; Ample accominoila- Uoo will be provided for all who Wish to go. . .. . MARSHA! ! Ulu, B -C, Unnl v. Colonel I. J. YauuV ana: Major W. . Bagley. i arkctail Com mitt kb or arbak. T7 . MKirra t chabob or ''r".";'.: LADIKa' OAK. Dr. GeOrge W. .Blackball, Alexander Creech, B. F. Cheathaiu and Peter F. PesciaL Jr. oxwfcHAL. Mirrca or arbakoe- vni;m ,;.wwrw.i.A nuiun ; T. F. Lec' Johu AnutroniL J. K. Dunn, Jos'; 1. Green, G. W.' Blacknall, John X; Blake, Stanhope' Pullea, B. F. ChtHnhami' A. $reet; TqT V trr, Samuel Merrell and Jnoi . Pes- :viy j a a a n J who Eve Jn ; AawHaa a ABnoacTuir Fbom. Berjunnn Jobueon, who lives Chatham oonuty, five mile' northeast of : Egypt, ia add to be between 115 and 120 year bld.H ia till a hale and hearty mas and weigh 180 pounds. He ha1 10 children S3 grand-children and 77 grent-gia-ouildren.' Wiih the aid of a atiok be aVti about in a lily man-1 ner and froni ail' apiearanoss bids fair ! to tough yH'onf untUmflt The old gentleman freaently try bij i4m WUlg WW' Wil Mil. eiV"" VTCC IU.. ,U manner (bat Would do no dUcredUt to one1 95 or a lt0 year younger. la th Veulioa wiU appoint delegate to the matter ..eentenudana t 9Uatlinv ta Stat and Congressional DlsirkV Con elearly and immeaanrably ahead of itif . veniions, and it Is of vat importanca eeetion weLa5rLesrd f ronj Ui eenteW thai Raleigh township should be well Biid year f auv onnty In thl e&f represented. ; ltlwill also consider tha liiis thia tespectW can top; av ahouU U&iah&t r g - - - w i j- QuAHTSALt Oowr CRtiroa. Laf evening the second lartsrly Coafr ence of tlie Edentoa Street MethoXst church was held. Rev. J. P. Moore, Presiding Elder of thl cliva l, In , th J chair. Toe following dol.g it) were ', elected to atleud the District Confer- ence which assemble at LouUbnrz on the third Sunday of next mouth : J. A, Jonea. R. W. Best, S. C. White and L. W. Peck. Messrs. J. C. 8. Lutnsdtn and, W. J, Young were appointed al ternates. Escaped. governor Brojl -n was BoUbe.1 to day .f the escape from- lbs Outowcoauiyjaiiof W. T. Jackson, al1 XltrebTP. STMy 15. Jack- - son was chamed with the mu der of Lliarle Jickson, . ui New Hanover i countjr, a short Uum az , Wbeu tbe papers aie piopt-rl made out the Bual rewmo: will be offered.' M-iiiitifli RALEIGH, V. 0 TUI2SDA.Y; MAY 23, 1876. , FEMININE TOILET TALK. j It ia tbe fashion at the present tint for Udie to paint or etch mena and gntti cards for their dinner parti". , I .Very dreasy baU are turned np only 'on on aide, 'and have a eoqaettih fee triuuniuic of velvet band and flower. . I Tbe taldiera ' of wedding dreaaceare inade of heavy repped ailk covered with need pear and obnill einbimidary. - ) rreuch ot IuUiaa chip of tu palest abad of cream is tbe fall dree midsntn mr bonnet for Newport and Saratoga, , The large. JoneWaquaia jclt, iav eviUble on all edntnmea, , i bow placed back of the left hip and rather low down. I There' ia tendency t revive Ligb Mifluree. ' The French twist, won very iunail and.bigb, ia io replace tbe Orek .: ,J,.a,-M.;.. . s.:..frrr t -HM ,3aWalawaw.. v 1" Naveltiea in ornament are offered in wbite'eorai; orved eoaeh aitell, and ia nsoutb oval pebble atone of dark akt . , . There is a marked effort to popularize Kilt embroidery and braid, bat a yet it ia aeea only on tbe new bonae Jackets. Nothing ba been in trod need to take tbe plaoe of th almost .indiapenaable black suit ao long' worn fer Btreet pur- poeea. ' , , i x t m . Morning wrappera are bow made if mam colored eashmere, trimmed with cream woollea lac and cardinal red fib bon.;;. p 'fM. , Asr'tf . in., i : - .i r i-.t. . . k t..ir4 arero!ld iioatead of being closely pre d againat the sides of the crown, a laat caoWM ti n"t .s ' ' , hi' Long plovea,; read ing almost to Ui elbow, of white andreesed kid, are worn with what are called osstamoi eentenairea in Pari. K"7 .1 4 ! 'I .: I A decided novelty In rammer dresses i farqiahed in tow compoeed of Indian cambric, ;th tbe front checked and the b atriped. .""".' B.'ine of the new bonnet look like oning cap or tead-dreeB, as they are com posed of a garland of flower and of aruob of lace. . Polonaise, partly of black cashmere and partly of black ailk, are moat readily old, as black promise to remain the dress for tbe Street, j ",:;',; '.'... The Parisian, whatever hr station, never lias a bug number of toib-ta at on time, which account for her alway be ing dressed in the fashion. An exqnirite dinuer dress, lately im ported from Paris, is of Marie Louise bine silk', with piping and facings and inside pleating of cardinal red silk. .Toque bat are worn by those ladies to whom English round bat are not be coming. They are trimmed mostly in the beck where the brims turn np. , . Tbe Sabbath School of the Salisbury Street Bap kt church are off te-morrow for a pic-nit at Kitueljls, The assembly take place at the churek at 7: IS m., when the Hoe of march will be taken np lor the old depot of tha- Raleigh A Gwtoa railrosd, the point selected for twjf. .l,a J0. fit hortlv thersaAerV it la exvwhf V be glldin over the ratt The Utiaen's " Cornet band U to to, along and furnish tlie music Col. J. M, Heck ia the' Chief Mr&atrY . f. A , J Attf f tofDiaiocKATa. - Thwt will be a meeting of to democratic- consenrative vbter of RaWgh' town- h'P h court hoas, on Saturday, MJ 27th, at 0 o?iilock p. m., to xlect de,eK'" l0 UountJr jtwantloa. " J VM MV .WW. day of June next. The County Con- proi rii ty of nominating eouuty officers. ! By order of Raleigh Townahip Exec utive Curomiltr. .., , " f - JOS. A. U ARRIS, i .r ,. - . , chairman. ' The btdiea of Person Btreet Methodist Cbqroh will have a strawberry and io cream festival Thursday evening at Me- tropohtan ball To reach the hiuheat standard health, nature demands tha utmost reg ularity or tne bowel- ( a alight devia tion brings many incoaveniences aud pave the way to more serious dangers. We can recommend Dr. Bull'a Vege table Fill as the bet medicine for the need ol the digestive apparatus. . ., ltrPTCRE COkED In ' from SO to 90 day by the (me of the Triumph Truss & Triumph Ruptur Remedy manufac tured by the Triumph True Co., 334 )owery. N. Y. This Tnws and 8ap-1 Mrler toox tne uedai at tba , last aes aioa oi'lhe Great American ' Institute ' Vair. Send 10 cenU tor tbeir new book. . TAR DROPS. . Wilmington is feasting on eiap beana. Cotton - tsnt doing well in Auaon county. : . " - ' I Wilson ia making np a party for th centennial. . . .. ; ,i , Goldaboro i to be afflicted with a radical paper. ' ' Kash county farmers ai busy chop ping pat cot ton. ; ,( w tMtn,t.& ,., Tby bad a Wg time ia Charlotte Bat oxdsy clobrstnjg the 30th. - H. P. Meggs, of Anson county, ba invented a band oura abeUer, , , ,, - Tha ban of D.-Wi-Taraer, nl Duplin ooontf, waa boraed a few eight ago. s ' . - W . ; -11 . :.'! A severe hail storm viatted Limestone tovraabip.Doplia county, a few days ago, Exam Tick, formerly of Neck county, A a position in tbe Texas LrgialaUire. , A poatofflo baa recently been sotab Uabod at . Sandy Fwundatiou, Duplin ow"' . , '.'?,, ' Th pio-nie of the Catholic of Char lotte, Wednesday, at Moors' Ferry, on tbe Oatowba river, waa a grand affair. Tba Episcopalian ladiee of Wadeeboro are about to give a series of eharade for the beueOt of tbeirchurob. irf Sampson county want Isham Royal nominated by th democrats fur Super intendent of Public Instruction. . I The radicals of Nash county will en deavor to get out, an independent dem ocratic candidate for tbe lower bouse of tu Legislature. -. :t- Tbe democratic delegate from Greene oonuty ti the Mat ounveutioti are di-vid.-d tietween 2. B. Vanie and D. S. Uetd for Governor. . - John Ragland, eot., eonflned in the Tarbotw iaii ou the ebarue of rape, made an UusoLCtsstul attempt to break out few day ago, , 4 ;;,;vy;:--' It i Mud that ex-Governor Z. B. Vance will not allow bianame to be need oisousauou to Hon. T. S. Ashe for tbe iKMiunation u the 6th oougreseioual dia- Tbe war between the Wilson people and the W ilmington k Weldou rairuad ia auont to be teuved on account of tbe raiiruad making an advance in freight , Miss Rebecca Jane Sofret, of Davie county, baa broujjhl a breach of promise auit agauibt a Mr. U. L. Lowery, of the aaiue ouuut. The damage to Her affeo tloua i bud at $4,000. , Tbe democrat of Pitt county have reouuimeuued, ia conveuuon aeaeuibleU, tbe renouuuation of Hon. J. J. Yeate in toe tirat ooiigreasioual Uiatnct. A negro man by tbe name of Blonut Jmikma, Lving ou th plauUtiou of J. U. Bebamy, near Whitakurs, anek aa old negrv womau with a billet of wood tbe ou.er day and ki.led her. : NEWS AND NOTES. : Japan baa adopted the first day of th week, the Chriatiaa bunday, aa a day of ?.. ...v'j.v'.U '-:-.l -..'r ? - The Trenton Gaxette predicts aa im mense . crop of apple in . Jersey this It ia expected that Emperor William of Germany will vuut Alsaoe during tbe Bauuner. ; . ... a - ; ' ' The Franklin Typographical Society, of Boston, baa a fund of over $7,000 and a library of 2,000 volume. ! -An Allegheny City hackster and hie two amter have tuhentet property ia IreUnUvalue4af8,0(X(000. . ' ( ' The Volk Zeitnng, of Cologne, says Prussia baa commenced proceed lugs for the deposition of tbe arohbiahop of that city. -r v ' -i i ' A 1 teDort was received at Lramie, Wedneeday.that the Indiana killmi three men who were prospecting near Custer City, v .: ' Merobant H. Wed,- Ttspicioned of th murder of the Weaver girl at Provi dence. B. JL, waa WedneMay lolly com. mittedfor trial.;' ": f... .-,,. i JoLn Elliott, a laborer, feU from tbe New YorX abutment of tbe Eaet river bridge, a distauc of 140 feet. .Wednes day, and was instantly killed. , . at Cleveland, Wednesday. nominated Greene Clay Smith for Preaideut aad G. T. Stewart for Vioe-x'resiaent. , . Earl Derby' reply to Secretary Fish1 dqU, relative to the extradition of Wine- low, waa received at .., aenmgton wea neaday,. bat iU contenta have not yet boeu aiade pnbliewpffu Uat-wx-" i The bank clerk of New York City will visit tbe centennial in a body on tbe 30th Inst. ' The whole amount of tbe ex. ueuaes ' has been contributed by the naanaaera of th ' several banks. It ia nnderatood tbe attendance wi.l be rery birge. '' A remarkable Incident of the Mollie Mairaire trials at Pottsrille is the testi- mouy of Mrs, Kerriirau. introduced by the defense Wedueeday, for tbe purpose of ooutradicbiia that of ber bnstiand ami impeaching bu credibility. T She lived with him in harmony and aflVction so long a h was dyed-in-the-wool Mollie and accustomed to eoufes to ber hi mnrderon exploit, bnt aiuce be ha turned informer she denounce bim and takea the stand sffitiuat him. Thebrotb erhood of assnanua ought to elect Mrs. Kerrigan an nonorary member. . Mi. J. D. Whitaker ia aellins; good oak wood at 13,60 pine f3.00j8AV per oora aetiversa, provaiea uo cawt as teuda tbe order. If be lau to collect by ticket be 'will ia ail case charge old pricea. , Call on bin ia rear of Citiaen' Bank. - ...tf. No. 170- POUTICS IN THE EAST. A Radical Fioiit The Attosret- Gbmebalbhip Majob Henbt 1 i A.GILUAM. - ' ! i Colebaibk, N. C May 15, 1870. Jfr. Editor .Th political cauldron in our. midat - is beicloning to bubbl? finely, aud the weird slaters in Mac beth never coneocted ' fouler 'broth ban that likely to be brewed among the qundam sujporirs of Itr.C Lb Cobb. Albertson, Joe Mania and Mac Uudsajf are esc-h musterinir their force. and I tnppos each counting upon the radtoat nomlnatioo. while ou tba othr band lb democrat are utterly 'undis turbed by any such counter move utnU", Major eate wirt be amrrdly re-nom InaU'd. and from present appearsnces. will be easily rcta ned to hw present seaU i U is recent able and adroit as sault upon the eucmy ba itreatly , en hanced hi already pervading .accept ahleaee.4'' . - ' v" Our ' atat oavanttw i ootf'1 av mbl, and with your permiasien, Mr. Juiitor. i beg leave tocau tbe a tention of ibe democrat of. the state to the blgb and Important poailioa of Attor ney-General. Our financial condition, and lb possible large amendment of our contiiuUon, will call for much wis dom and learning in tlie gentleman who shall be selected f that po-itioo. ' Let tut, then, for a moment, call attention to on who would in any emergency add fresh honor to tiutt already houored poaiuoo. MaJ. Henry A. Gilliam has been repeatedly mentioned of late aa a toper wan for th place, and I nave reaaou to know tlmt of all eastern meu i be would be mo! accepiabl to the bar dowu here. Iu native new er, a well a th vaxtner of hi lugai ai-quiremenis, he has no superior In the stale, r or ten v an t past tula great i ottice ba , been de .raded by tba oc u- pancy of little men. Let us, Mr. Edi tor, But It again where Bat. Moore left It, and to do this H is only nceftary to put Gillian? n noiuination and tbe lliinij ia done. v,t , ,,; ,,.i".,:h :-:t The rarmers are growling over tne bsid tiruef, and jet repeating the pur blind aud iudui e tolly of large needing of cotton. What shall ever deliver u us from the hands of thia death t 1 fear nothing but utur collapse aud ruin. With the bent wiahes of the season, aud lb hope of a great pnlil cat success lor this ceiiieuuial yarl am. ......., . . Very truly yours. ; , plus. ;. Tkk "HoctiEtxria" or otm Hxaxtb. Tbe liver is the gmat depuratiug cr blood cleansmg organ of the system. Set the (treat housekeeper of our health at work, aud tbe foul corruptions which gender iu tbe blood aud rot out, as t were the macliinery of life, are gradually expelled from tbe system. For this purpose Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Disuovery, with small daily doses of Dr Pierce's Pleasant Porgative Pellets are pre-eminently the article needed. Tney cure every xiua or numar irom the word scrofula to tbe common pim ple, blotch or eruption, -j Great eating uloura kindly heal under their mighty curative influence. Virulent blood poiaona that lurk in the system are by tuem robbed of thour terrors, and by tbeir persevering and somewhat protrac ted use the most tainted system may be completely renovated and built Up anew. Enlarged gland, tumiars ana swelling dwindle away and disappear ' nude the influence ot their great roaol vents. - Sold by all dealers in medicines. "C biade, a child about three years old, was greatly afflicted with sores o hi logs aud feet, so that he could not wear but shoe end stocking, ti d great deal of trouble with, aim. : Had tried, many remedies uii'ff.taally. At butt we tried the Golded Medioal , Dis covery, and in about thre week he was entirely eurea, nis eore wen; au healed, and health mueh improved) " ! Uespectluliy yours, t ' . . nr. Boraa, Vermillion, Edgar, Co., Ill, Jan. 29, T8. Tbe new Atlaa Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa., ha th moat superior location of all the Centennial hotels . near tbe grounds oii..i-.Jiay lo-lwv- N EW AUVEKTlbKMENTa.;, , atASLSAL'aOrnca , , BLl. N. C, May 24, 87tt. From a after Moud neit. KJ, 29 k, lbs City if Raleigh will pa 60 ctnts each for ll dogs put in tbe City Pound fer aot having oa Urea badge. Tfees do; will be kilie on ihs straUoa ot three a) aula redaaoM-d b their maers Dog bailKe eaa as Ss bat at thl office by paving to regular M taa. J. w. III. - MsySa-lw. .'.r ?- a T ; O Ctty Marahel. too Baitiel of very One buck real re; ceivsd aad to arrive, cheap for ea at uaTTle A -MM Kb'. ' . . Oak City Graaary and Feed Slurs. 80O BVaiiS STOCK FKA8 very lew for essb at GATT13 JONKS' WQalaton 8t, ' K ' K Coming and going all the whUs very low for Greenback or Silver-promises are aot car- reut t GATTIS A JONES' Wbolesal Grain ao4 Feed Store, '" Opposite Dr. McKee't Offic.- U O 1 t D M I- A L S00 to 1.200 boahel per week . received and old ebeap fa essb ly J ' .. ' I THE EALEJUIi SENTUiZLr aBBaBak "l' Advenlimw sU will aeawsned hi the Usin fe Sana a, at the folavwbia; mm paratjaarr : om 'Mh, or Ua aalaloe uoe. . .... One square ee Ua , . ' . - tl.00 " - - achsutaoetlnsrtio less tbaa a was i....... ...... ........ . U I sqnara, 1 ak S M t sioBth.. a oo t avoulh 11 00 taoo f J ..f 1,,;(a)(BIijat W 00 a4 00 a .................... a oo J j .. a W 5?' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS s W I I T T O 71IO Alarg u4 pUdI4 bt at SO cent per basaelat , "-u v.t 4- 90i'W I "," gattis a ioyiuff 1 Grsla sad F orags Stor. BO,O0UI,,.,v.,.rt--, I , -;,J I. ,l' 1 A -ii at 11,35 par 100 lbs. f-iH'hiili as -i'il 95,000 lbs splendid UaJtd OsU at H.SI ft tOO lbs. rt-rTXt Ti f T. VJ 1.1 t?t r -; "G1TTIBA JOKIS .. -j '-t t - it ' Orals and feed Slot., New still ahead; " 1"',J "'"just received . ". 50,000 yards new and bandsom Plaid . Spring Calicoes at 10 cents per yard." 40,000 jard at 7 and a een( per yard. .;. ,-t t;. jvi BUT LISTEN I READ!! BETTER , . STILL!!! ir Just received 20.000 yard at S centos oer vard. A n'entvto make all of the children adreaa a4eco and have enough left for a wrapper, all for one dollar t iil ;s?, . , ,Ut JdJ TU CREKUirS, , He is the- man to - make price. - . - PKESS GVODS OF ALL DKtCHlF- . The trade wni'alwaYT Bndoo. hand the largest and most attractive assort ment of ' if -'- ; -,. fii !.. f"? Bpnng Drss Groods r to be round in the city, especial atten tion ba been given to their eleetiod.' I pronounce them, for bt-auty of sffert, uusui pased by any offered at any pre vious m-a-ou. Au early call will guar-, autee you entire satisfaction for all I ' Staple and Fancy Goods.' Mv stock embrace n.ot evert thing , that is kept in a fit at class Dry Goods : houe. aud in fact I have never before ' had tlie pleasure of oftVrlnir tn Ibe his lory f the dry good trade', in an cx. uerience of tweutv-llv year-, so Ursa and complete and so unifuruily cheap a stock a this spring, aud am lolly pre rd to meet th hard time aa to taw i Hats & Shoes;, ONE OF Ml BPEC1ALT1ESVT I keep the largest and most complete lock of shoe to b found in th city aud having bomthl them at the bvrga'? fra tale in , New rYork, from first, hauds. Tbcy will b sold at asloulah ingly low price.'" " f " " ' . " - ii KITES PASS Bf f" When you want a pair of Shoe, .' '. ... TO-' 'w, OiUNTRV' MERCIlisNTS,- ' I have this dar ODened a wbolesal 1 department. separate irtun my eail'ds-" partmeut, which emnraoaa lull tin i all staple foods usually kept by country merchant", and as I buy them' by the case or package, from find bands,! feel confident tbt I can save jour mef by buying Kooda from me. r All that! aak is a call and look for yourselves. ... . . ;; A CREECH., . rckSt-aTwsw,4t,:';:' ."r-r" I. ill M P 0;tl;T A N T I l.d fi..T Juit received saothsr tortallment ef - ... ... i. i:, ..J THE M Vf BILVKK COIN, FRI8H ANU , BRIGHT FROU, THC AlIMT, r -: ... Which w coatlaa t py out to r ea. lomusncasngs. ? '' J'' "' ' ,;" ': Bars also received 8,000 yd, abort lengthy Printed UWMS AUD at CBXINa, . which eaa b sold for a proat at 10 eeatt per ysrii ADDITIONAL PUSCllASU BY IXPRKSS. Of a beantlfnl assortaunt of , et'MMKR MOHAIB8, . ' FLA IDS, STRIPIS A: .. ax. . , AND lLAlb, t seeedlaRly lew prices la alt th aw shades. ' lent, .. -r h . , Browa, ' - 1 - . . . .. . t ''' Blue sod Drsh, Grey, Ao f , e ...n i - ' ' . .i . i Also a superb stock of kfea', Lsdies' sad hUsses Boots, 8hosSa4 Galtan. ." fk' 'Another pnrc-bss of thoss EIADT-MADI SHIRTS at ItOO each. .... i Tbes Shut gW aatverstl ssUsfsrtlo wnerever aeo. w.'nY e. s. ttuktu; Goods! CEEECH tJf - 1 -I ! . - . !

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