7-.. THE RALEIGH SENTINEL rcBUsnsD , UAILT, WEF.KLT AND SEMI-WF.EKLT - - Official Ccsait'or Sortk Carolina. - STATE PRINTING BINDING , ; ESTABLISHMENT. r. " ww of scaacarrTioa. -tHIly l-tioeI t frr In td-ance.,...... 00 Daily Mi -mbUm ia ad ranee.. .....',..S 00 Brail Weekly -. - .,.......;.. I 00 Weekly S-aUmd I f . I M TtieDH.vSs"roni, wfll.be deMar4 bi any prt M the Cltj at FirtMaCeaU a week. it roST OFFICE DIRECTORY.- : For the benefit of tbe public, wa'pub- llsh the rolling directory of the post office of this city t ( - n j Western mall closes ll :1a a. m. . M arrive Sittp. m. Eastern closes w 8:03 p. m. M arrives ';, . 11:45 a.-. Chatham closes 3:00 p. in. . r V.- arrivee "r I 9:45 a, jn. it AG. , It. R. mail closet ' 9:30 a. m. f B ' arrives 3: 18 p. m. Through northern via R.&G. j It. It. clones . v ' ' Jfe30 a. m. Through northern via R. & G. , ' f ' R, It. arrives - - 3:45 p. m Thi-QurD floxthcm idaJJoldW - j boroeloscs""rr r-.o r&DSp.m. Ilrou uarUisni Via GiJ-V j ,,. boro arrives ,, j , IU45 a. an. ' Office hours, for delivering mails from , i! 7j30 a, mi to :30 p. ru. 1 4 " '". ' t - Money orders are issued and paid - from 8:15 a. ro. to 4 p. m. ...... , ,, Letters can be registered front 8:1) a. , m. to 4 p. ...") .'-'( m .... " j " UiBc hears on Sundays from 4 p. m. to 5 p. m.' ' . ' .;'.,.',',..;" j.- ,i -VT, W. IIoldkh, P. V. ' Jytt-f, f H . I ii ii .. j A CA J L i'OR A COUNTY CONVEN . J . .. ... !? '.'1 Asj:lwirmaV, j' amjnstrncted by the e'xJoutiW-conmiktpe ot' liie Democratic OenserratiTe party o Wakecotmty to g !v' kebatHhttwHr Wbeld a convention v o Ah I)tTprrtic-C'ooser-Vati ve voters of the county ai the court . ,.. faouae ou. tbo lOlh day of June next at ...I? m,, fur the purpose of sending dale--,l'(Liea io the-state and copgresional . .', Outrict conventions and (o Jbonsldef the '( propriety pf nominating candidiites for vi! publio omcetv- I am further (instructed . , , to call upon the chairmen of the various township committees to bold tneetiogs So their respective, townships pn the 17th day pf May, iu. order to appoint Vdeiceates to Uii convention. I LOCAL DOTS. ; V1 " i Tbo OskCity TLeasure Qob hop it at " .the National to-morrovr evening. - ;;;"t!:X'Jloia o(FjettviUai Pmideti i of the Western Railroad Company, is in ." the city. , f IM -i S.RUlery Wilder! of this county, ia said to be ono of the beet 'pistol hoJ& Mr. Reagan, ol Jamestown, If J T.i-s - in tbo city;;: He 'win.it lb, J I start a large cbaii manuiaetorj Jn this .CJ d's n iit.lt-""': evrtflis ' "' "We; nnderstand thai the Monogram rieaaore Club oomo to theisoat next . Friday week by giving a grand 'hop at the National v 1 ,,-" ' ! ' " -T. N. Ramsay, tbo bright temperanoe light of tbeea regions,' arrived yesterday ; afteroooa from his reoen campaign in , tha tbirttj UU of Lonisisna. ' .i i I . ;' ""Th pio-njyeeterday of the Salkbnry ;1 Dfcnre caputonauay wiwwmiMiwii was highly enjoyed by the partieipastal ' - 7 Tbo exctrraion retorned abbot ?p. m; u Tbo, excursion of the, colored Good - Samaritans; from Sewbern ttf this city, ' returned ' home' . this ', morning ' ear,ly. -rr he'y'aod the bretlwen of tbk, city had I't a grand parade yesterday afternoon, J )',!,"' 'ollpeiaa. Miles Goodwya' 'was before i Jaitk of tbeJeaos ,Mguin ibis morn - log on the omplsint of Lissio Austin, a 'aarn'f! ii black as the hinges Hafe :!.,'are i epreaented Jft' for ialtae arrest. Tho; offlaer proved -t tLat ! ho had done i: nothing more than bis duff sudtie war rfsn 'UiAtnong.me Jes elected at the 1 Woeut conrentW of the Protestant .Episcopsl church, at Tarbora, to the ; -tleneral " Convention . were 1 Rar. f Dr. ' ' ' Smedes and Hon. Will. U. Battle. " Rev. M.'M. Marshal Kemp P. Battle, Esq., ; and J. C Winder, Eeq., wore chosen as alternates. ., ' Icef cream and ; strawberry festival this evening at Metropolitan hall. The ladies of the Person Street Methodist church give this festival In order to ?!t Talse funds for the benefit of their church. We hope they will be well patronised. Typsntyiftve ctqte, will fain you admis aion and get a saucer or ice cream or ...... Mntwbemea. ,..,;, ,. Ci-i 41 ja If ew Orleans the ancient name of i ooffee - aonse" ia retained for saloona. j Wben Ramsay was in, thal city a short tins age a gentleman asked him if be would go to a coffee house. Ramsay, thinking that he was going to bo treated to a cup of pure mocha, readily assen "ted and off they started. 7 The astonish ment of the cold water apostle" can bet- u tai be imagined than deecribed when he found himself in a first-class and bril- ?EadeaiarTHnt , isxplanatioa to his friend, he "went and stood ot oa the order of his going. " Verily, ia the nudat of water we ars oft tTmes ia whins y. ' ' "' VW (T I w ay . - "v "aw. r ... -av. w k. i vnT, XIL , , , B I Ca'AALona MirraT-: J-wrrtvri We acknowledge the courtesy of an "in vitation to attend tbo joint final celebra tion f the CalliopeaA and Folytecbnio Booieties of this excellent institution, Jane 14th. The address is to b duliv- ered by CoL John B. Preston, of JBoath Carolina. The principal of, this InstiM tion. Cot JTK Thomas, ia' an aocoontf pliabed geatlenuut and an educatotof large experienoe, and is siif irted by a oompetent oorps'of aamstaaU. We hope CoL Thomas will eontinne io receive a liberal patronage notouly in this state, but throughout the south .t j I. ..... , , t , Rnv. Fathib Mabx 8. Gaosa. This reverend and accomplished gentleman. who was in charge of St. John's (Catho lie) church, of thji dry, Just before the arrival of the present pastor. Rev. Fath er 1 Reilly, Its left his charge in Wil- ihgton in order to visit Borne. The Journal of that city in speaking of the matter esys t vaSJ ) " f. ?Tbe Rev. Father Mark 8. Orosa, pas te of St. Tho-nas church in this city, left on the northern bound train Mon day morning" for New York, . where he apects to join his brother.Bishop Cress, of Savannah. The two will sail in a feW days to the clJ " world, their destination being the elaeeie altores of Italy. The bishop goes to visit the Roman Pontiff anS his brother accompanies him on the dafightful trip for the , benefit of his health. They - will be absent about five jBfiiithi, visiting Venice, Florence, sev- vk cities in, Germany, France aod Eng laod, but will spend most; of their lime in Roao.Tfre wish'them a pleaa- an voyage and a safe retnra-' ' rtnn'nr kia atinrl nutmu hfir Futliar ' o f -1 epas endeared, limself ta sll who peame in contact with bimand the Cath jpHes otJialeigl. . join heartily in the wish that he msy-eave a safe and pleas a&J trip, an4 retain with hif heath com pletely reatorei. i Ths TanruAirca Oiueb or th World Twenty-two yeaeriujo twenty-two men assembled in New York and organized the first lodge! of the Inde pendent Order of Good TempLaraJL To day the banner of this order, says Brother Ramsay, floats over every state tq the Union iu the t'eiisdas' and En rope, 'I Miaaiauaries have long ago been sent to Ireland, Scotland, England, France,' Australia and Wales, and the banner now waris in trinmpuower all ths woditrLonisiana was the last state to wheel Lto line.. Mr. Ramwyv spent three weeks in that state in lecturing and organising' subordinate lodges of order, and then CoL Hickman, the Right Worthy Grand Templar, ' organ ised the Orand ; Lodge, aad to4ay the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the World is ia snasion at . Lonisville, Ken tucky, With a full ' delegation from all parts of the globe. The order in North Carolina is in a flonrishbg condition, numbering two hundred and fifty lodges with a membership 'of ten' thousand. Tho -Grand Lodge of this stste .will meet in this city in Anguat, and a grand time is expected. . .. ' . ' - t. i.u j 1 e i e . . .; ; . I ,, La Sirain Da Mow Ga jtopikx, P. F. Pescnd, Sr., has written a letter tol the Richpend (Va.) Dispatch, making enquiries aa to the whereabouts of the sword of his grandfather, the celebrated Peter - Francisco. The , letter explains itself and we give 'if below without f urth er words-ot introdaction ; j To the EdU&r of tht Ditpatek : j '.Vrge bf. tht descvndatOI add friends of tay baegrbndfatb6r,' l'eter Franciaeo, I have consented to aend his portrait to the centennkd eommiaaion for exhibi tion snd would be glad to have hie award placed on top of it. " The sword iras made in Richmond , and was used, by bun during all bis csmpaigns-Ztwas aev en feet Ung, and too heavy for a majority of men of the present age to lift. The last I know of the sword it was over ttie main entrance door of the armory fin your city. If found, will yon, or some of bis old friend in Richmond, please send it ts CoL Frank M. Etting, chief 'of the Historical Department, Centennial Oommi-mon, Philadelphia, with instruc tion to place it over ths portrait t Thia portrait is the best and most correct I have any knowledge of. ; Twas lor toaay years over the Judge's seat jin Buckingham court-house : and on mo tion of the bite Major ' diaries Yancey was presented by the magistrates of stud county to my mother. . It is in s good state of preservation, and J have contem plated for a locg timeaending .it to your Stats Library. , I also have , the razor case presented to him by Genersl Green ia 1781, which is also well pr-aervad.'-''. ''. ' "' ' ," ' Seeing ccoasional aQusiona to . ay grsndfsther in your valuable paper, abd feeling assured yon feel an uterestn perpetuating bis memory, I (eel ns hesi tancy in asking the favor herein referred to. : - - J With kind regards,"' your obeditsit servant, . PcFPMcrpjt" Prince Napoleon is one of the .mist ekqnent speaker of France. His pro file, which is almost an exact counter part of that of the great 'Ntpoleon, ahto letuls a food deal of shine Job is oratory. 7"f '::. ;. ' - 111 mrm WN ' 4ti.il ift- -.;i..'.t , l-i ALEIGB, N. Qt ' TH0RSPAY MAY, 25. 1 1876. i t' j;.!" No.; 81. iiow WE WERE SOLE. la , i Ksui. Mr 21.1871 ; Mmsm.'. Eorroaa rTha Evening Re view is so very popular here that nni. veraalreKret has been expressed at the failure, of on. oLyoa gentlemen, at least, to put in an appesrsnoe nJ give your subeoribers a sight of jour face. You are doubtless regretting yourselves; by this time, that yon were not here, particularly if yon have read the Times account of the supper and ball, ; sudsll the other good things served up for the entertainment of the gentlemen of the I don't know that any lady went te the depot especially to meet you Individ--ually, but several went to witness the gran a reception ot euiiora wiwuj, and one to meet our friend Turner.of the Sentinel, individually, collectivelj, espe cially and generally ; ahe bad never seen Mr. Turner, and was most anxioun to make his acquaintance ; so, all the yotng bloods being under arms as Klra Cities or Newborn Greys, she went, ander the pro tection of sn "old fogle,- to the dppot to capture an editor. Great was ber excite nmut to meet "Joe of the Sentinel, "and her escort was dispatched ai once os the arrival of the train to seek brra. Anxioua ly did we all look far the editors, ladies, soldiers, citizens and ragamufflna. Why didn't they get out of the care I Perhaps they were forming in procession inside to i"suitsbly receive a reception," per haps it was part of the programme that they should net "show" till tba signal was given. Anything, except, perhaps there are no editors I That idea never erossed.the brain of any of nv Pres ently Mr. Cameron appeared." Ah ! that was it , He,, being the Pre,' dent of the Association had stepped out to see ir It was time to brintr p his corps for reception. They would be alony in a few momenta.-'' Why doat that -'old , forgie bring Mr, ., Turner l "He'll be ficked up by somebody else if ws dont ook nut.". TAra yen sure that's not him.". No, . its Mr. Cameron,", &c, Ac-, till gradually tlie heart-rending truth dawned on ns, and we disceverea there were but two editors, to be ' re ceived ! One apiece for ths military companies, and not oae for the ladies, citizens and ragamuffins! -'The cars, were searched to e If a single one might not have fallen asleep. : We1t not possible ono might be hi ths post office cars'- Alas t alas! not one, aod we slowly wended ourvway home, bearing the two members of the' Asso ciation to be crushed by tho - weight of their reception, and never recovered our good humor till we met Col. Donan at the ball. He arrived the next day with some few others J . bow t many I wont say, but if we had not the. full blaze of the Intellect of tba press we had a very respectable "Torch L'sjht" display :.". ' "OK OF IH BOLD, ' " friimlfto evi.-j. . ;i . ' Tlie editor of the Sentinel never be longed to the' Press "Association, por was be ever In one of thet :1, meetings. If the editors had lived bp to their re solves and declarations soma ' good might have come of it. Oar; (Hand Charles Clarke must maks our acVuowl edgmeata .and bow to the lady. Ws shall call when we visit Ne wbern again. 7, r F AND NOTES. "r- j I Mr. .irladttoae has dscbned ths pres idency of the Workingmen's Club and Institute, of London. ; ! Governor Tllden, of New York, will be escorted to St. Louis on the 4th of July by the Albany Zouave Cadets. ; Archbishop Purcell is 76, was ordain,' sd priest In 1826, consecrated bishop in 1833 and. Installed archbishop in 1850. " M. Partboldl, the French sculptor. who fashioned' the Colossal statue ot Liberty for New York, is now in that iJ ..... - vji'f i i American meat Imported weekly into London, to the weight of 150 tons', sells at the same price as the best Scotch beef. j ,str, iitf 4-t In 1776 it took about three days to go IromJiisw Xork to f liiladelphia. In 1876 it takes lets than threa honrs ; : The pistol with which Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton, la said to be In the possession of a gentleman of Ver sailles, Jiy. i The pictures and mosaics sent by Uie Pope to the exhibition have besot en tered In the American department by ArcuDisuop rrooa , . . , ... j- Mr. G.W. Childs and Mr. A. J. Urexel, will keep open house at Mr. Drexel's residence in Philadelphia for distinguished, visiiotn during the cen tenial. : . . ' The Chicago Tribune savs that the mercantile business of that city is not better than thai of last spring, but is about as good. Collections during last wee noticeably improved. lt . ., i Charleslen, South Carolina, has been paying 132,000 per year for having her streets lighted, but a comp any has se cured a contract to "giro better light with rmi.fi. r.i am mn f - " . mm bw.vhv v . V. mt .V.VVV. . . . f j The sum of three hundred aaa two dollars, collected by the Ladies' Memo rial Association or Georgia, was sent a iew days since as a gift to little Julia, the daughter and only child of- Stone wall Jackson. . ' " j j . It is understood that notwithstanding the dubious success she has achieved in Bo-ton, Miss Annie Dickinson will shortly appear before New York and Brooklyn audiences, though possibly not in ner own piay, A uro wn or 1 hona." The lady 'complains bitterly of tha al leged anfairaeaa of the New York crit ics with reference to ber Boston er formances, but declares her determin ation not only to live them dorn,.but auo to act inem. flown. J fj r.ji!-,X,j-t HO ! Ma. KDtToa t We find la tho' News ofba24lh tba following item, which read very queer 'to those who know bow much the work of the city quarry Tbb Crr QeKRT.--Tht city cam mtsstoners parried as oaf ycterdsyj to see the city quarry, 'i lie old raatcai board of commissleuers paid $505 per year lor the 'use of - the penitentiary quarry, and then only got tne reratae stone there they allowed them to have. At the suggestion of the street commit sioner, Mr. William Andrews, the city quarry was opened at a cost not exceed iog $100, the amount of stone U inex haustible, and furnishes all the stone and flagging needed for the city, saving to the city 1300 every year,' . Commia sloaer Andrews is the rU man in the right place, and we propose to give him a more extended notice of his work in another Issue.'? , t, . .,.'., f ; Now, Mr, Editor, we are not a poli tician, nor have wa ever voted for a radical commissioner. . We are a tax payer, and have always voted for dent cratic aldermen, because we know it to be best for the city. But while we do not desire to defend the expenditures of the radical board (of which . this 1 500 is a mere trifle) w do wish to see cor reded, and if possible stopped, some errors into which our worthy board of aldermen have fallen. The use of the penitentiary quarry cost the1 1 city tQ0 per year. Tba city had nothing to !do but haul the rock where they wanted to use it, and bad the privilege of using aa much suck as they wished. The pres j ant arrangement cost much more than lhis-i The article in the News would lead one to suppose that after the city i quarry was opened, tne rock 1 flowed treely oat of it without any; other cost whatever. -Tus local ot me Aewt cfcr-1 tainly knows very little about rock work or quarries. It cost not less than 18.60 aday to work the, city quarry, making 12,504 a year for quarrying the rock alone. If this- It a savin to the city, we would like lor the News man,' or j the eirest commissioner; to snow rt to ns a little plainer, fur at present we don't sea itr - There 'to another small matter that we wish light on iu regard to the street work. We are Informed that the city,' under the advice of the street eomml'sloner, in whose judg ment they nave Implicit confidence, agreed to build a culvert around tlie )ot belonging to C. B. Root, Esq., for aaa of said lot one1 year, as city stables. Wa were also Informed that the com missioner ssid at the time that lie thought the work would cost the city 1 100. - (The amount the city was then naytug Mr. Hoot per annum as rent.) Whether this is so or not, we know not, but wa do know that the work around Mr, Root's lot wilt cost over 12,000, and the city only gets the use of It one year for the Job. Who Is responsible for this error We know not, but if there b any way to stop the work and save to the city tsx-nayers tho money spent on it, we hope ii will be done. 12,000 would pay rent for that lot 1 20 years. This may also be a saving, but we are not able to see It. The democratic aledr men have dona much good for the city in many ways; They have reduced the expense of the city several thousand dollars, and we hope they may be , en abled soon to begin to reduce tlie heavy debt that was brought on u by the corruption of radicalism. ' ' ! t Tbecitisens of Raleigh will, we trust, show that they appreciate the Work of the democratic party in this city by rallying to the support of lhat-party in the coming great national straggle. I '.- ' ' , -A TAX PAYER, i t Attcttiow Democrats. There will be a meeting of the democratic' conservative voters of Raleigh towa snip ar the conit Hoose, on Saturday, Mat 27th. at 6 o'clock p. jn.. to select delegates to the County Convention, which meets In this city on the 10th dsyof June next.' The County 'Con vention will appoint delegates to tne State and Congressional District Con ventions, and It is of vast Importance that Raleluh township should be well represented.' Tt Will also, consider the propriety of nominating county officers. f Bywder of Raleigh Township Exec utive Commute inn r .i ( 1 1 Chairman. ' Further testimony was taken Monday regarding, the Louisiana officials, and and one witness alleged that he was a spectator to some of the frauds in tlie New Orleans Cos torn House, and made a note of them to wee in ease he a discharged, i Other testimony was held for further consideration before making it a matter pf record. ' ; A yonng mali'Bl Western Wiaeoniln, who waa about to bo married the otoer day, suddenly remembered that be hadn't fed his horse, and the : -y had to wait antil the horse bad been cared for. .He explained that a food horse eould't be found every day, while thirteen different girls wanted to marry him. i j vi.ii j,: !...:' i.f i - SSS I ' 'I"!! I! t A large number of people In San Francisco bare not the foolish notion in their heads that they should not be be required to pay for gas not supplied them, and are consequently oa very bad terms with ths gas company, i ' The ' new 'Atlas Hotel. Philadelphia, Pa., is within 150 yards of the new de pot of the Pennsylvania railroad. '. ' oak wood at $3.50 ; pine $3.0035 per cord delivered, provded , the csah - at tends ths order. If he baa to collect by ticket he will in all oases charge old prices. ' .Call on him in rear of Citise&s' t ' H.l'tW ft l!l (i, nh.' .) .V tab; nnorttJ. iih ,u , a i n't el t Ioa aeHs ia 8bteeville aft 8 eeata nonnd. " -z-i - "fe a - - 'I , V ""'H v; Flower i thieves , are Wilmington. .,. . j ' Church mnskales. festivals, te.1 tasre in every quarter. ' Jr ru Maequitoea have put in an appearance in wuinwgtoa already. , , A ,4, 1 Tbo jewellers of Wilmington have agreed to close their stores at 7 p. m, A tnrtls Was killed the other dsy near wt a . . w i oeamon eonunaing i.yjw eggs. The town of Wadeaboro laontinnna to flourish in spite of tba hard, times. : I 1 ' ' Newbern ia ervinir out for a societv for the prevention of cruelty to animals. Revivals are bmlduur oat all over the state. It is to be hoped tLat good will coma of i.t. .. v. .. rlniiii! . Ms Anson county farmers are very busy with' their cotton, thonch it is a little backward.''1' " ' ' :' m of Uie I t w it. f. f'l r '!'! 1 .-if fiili ApiMeson uaaamitn. mam ner 01 uie lartXeirialatura from Carteret county, ia dangerously ill ir. A u.i ,i . ' J. M.' Cronlv and E. S. Latimer of Wilmiutrton.' nroDOM to anon Uka a irin W. A. Jordan, is amonn- the ni . , - . , aspirants for tegsslative honors u liaaover oounry. ,. !mii i,,ihm bar at dead low water and 17 feet at or dinary high. water. ,' .f; ;, .. j m avaauAv am v auvs vi wmvi was . JuUns UKbreston..- first mate of the Norwegian barque 1 Albatross, died i in Wilmington Monday. ! i.i.i.j A . Carteret eonntv la clamorous for a ana. resentative in the directory of tie 'At lantic c jvortti varoiina railroad. , ; 1 New. Hanover. Onslow. Oohunbu v Pender and Brunswick counties are raid to be hot for Waddell for Congress. 1 - Township and connty democratic meet ings are being held all over the state. Our people seem to be working' witJi a vim." " i A Wilminirton nesro br the name of A J. Nichols ; was attacked the other night and nearly chawed, up by dogs be lor help arrived. . . -j i,,., I Tbe regubur annual meeting of the stookholders of the Atlantic ft North Oaroliha railroad company will be held at Morehead City, Jane 20th. ' , The storehouse of R. H. MurphV at Moore's Creek. Tender oountr. t was burned but Friday niirht, The loss is about $300.- The fire ia thought to be the work of an incendiary. . . . j , , W .U UWOI., Wt J JJlWlflUf, AU-UU county, last Saturday, struck Ned Wil liams, a Drawer uoogo over tne Head with a stick and, strange to say, killed him . Jake has gone west and Ned has gone to. - we don't know where.! Ttra "HorsiKExraR" or oca Exalts. --The liver is the great depurating , or blood cleansing organ of tba 'system. Set the great housekeeper of our health at work, and the foul corruptions which gender in the blood 'and rot put, S it were the machinery of life,' are gradually expelled from the system. , 'Tor this Eurpoae JUr. fierce s Uolden Medical liaoovery, with small daily doses 'of Dr Pieroe's Pleasant Purgative' Pellets are pre eminently tbe articles needed. They cure every kind of nnmor from the wont scrofula to the common pirn; pie, blotch or"Tnption7Oreat eating ulcers kindly neat under tnetr mignty onrative influence, 1 Vvnlent - blood poisons that lurk in the system are by them robbed of their terrors, and by their persevering and somewhat protrac ted use the most tainted system may be completely renovated and built opaoew. enlarged glands, tumors and swellings dwindle away and disappear 'under tbe inflnenoe of their great resolvents. Sold by all dealers in aoedioines. 1 ' '"' ; . 'cuuae, a ouiid ' snout tnree years old. was greatly amioted with sores bn his legs and fees,' so that be could not wear tus sboes and stockings. ' Had a great deal of trouble with him; ' Had tried many remediealneuinetually.'' At last we tried the Oolded Medical Dis covery, and in about three weeks be wsa entirely cured, bis Soros were ail healed, and health much improved. -.ew. ' Respectfully yoars,! ' " j Vermillion, Edgar, OA, RL, Jan. 29, 76. .It.f: " A ' :' Nw MinrrABD Pumi-The medical value of a mustard plaster is anderstood In every family. Much time ts spent in preparing a poultice and oiten the mustard ia of poor quality and will not act, causing great suffering. This trying inconvenience Is now perfectly overcome by Benson's Prepared Mustard Plaster. ' It is a great improvement on tba ordinary article. It is very clean snd can be applied and removed without diflcolorinr the clothing or soiling , the skin. It does not deteriorate with age. It is always reliable, aa only tho .beet quality of mustard is used in its prepara tion. It is ready for use at any moment, by aunplr dipping it in water. It is sold in half yard pieces at 23 cents per roll by all, druggist.', Sent by mail on receipt of pnoe, by : Pbarmaoenticml Chemists, N. Y. Are yon bilious ? Dojrou feel drowsy f Have you the blues T Take a dose of Dr. Buus vegetaDie tills., sA v;tJ ' The cheapest collar you can wear ia tie Elmwood, because It will keep clean longer Uian anytner. jiry U Bfaurriesl. t i n WwliiMdn MraB. Mav MtV. kt th rtiridcace ot tas Srkle's asmt, M las ft. A. Viw trldpe, bj Dr. C. K. Vaaibaa, Mr. 4obaatoa F. Busbes sad Mlu Batus C Jordaa, all of his city. He cards. , -? ' ,j dVpreaUnr 1 1. -.1. Hit I ? THE EALEian 612NTLNEL. Ad verttsetasaU wfll be asserted ts tbe IH111 Ssariaai. at Uis following rates per square of one 1 bco, or tea aiialoa luiaa. Osw sqaare eae sum -- . . fl.00 ,' - r eacbsubseqattalDAerUoa less thaa a week , SO i P0? wek M f - aaBOBlhaaoai 9 00 " J saooUis M...M , IS 00 J,'"f ''' m 00 I hm " J " "' .. 00 r . o , ....... ....m as Ou '"''2 ..-- oa 1 a as ot N E W- AD VEBTISEMEJJTST Wiasail rbswavfta I ;' ' ftataioa, If . C, May , IH71 , rrosa aaa after Monday seat, Kay fVtk, ins vii j 01 jumixb win pay as eenta for all dcs put Is 4 be City Fob4 for aavlnc aa a llrsass baaas. Tbsm og will be kuUd en tba aipk-aUaa of Ums .eare anleas ledeaased b tbelr owaera. r Uof badiFMeaaBov be ba as tbss 'offlee by pelBtaeretilarlsff tax. , . J. W. LIE, assy W-lw,, .,,.1 ., tky MarahaL T O C at r I ' A I 'S .'; ' . 11 600 Bsshels of very Iss Blsek Fees rS eetved add to arrtra, ebaap for eaab at - - UATT18 )H KB', . fi - Cl,f Qraaary aad reed Store. W B X T FOTATOXa. A large ' sad ppladld lot at to ceatspsr baahstat ml t:. GATTI8 A JOKES' Grata snd forag Btore. at 11,25 'par 100 " ' ( t ,85,000 lbs splendid Baled Oats at $l,zl per 100 lbs. . ..ll:.(i!!i. ..A Vi ! I 'flATTIS A JONXa "i Orals sad Feed Store. GATT18 JOKES' 'i -'i:"n -S''-Wttagteait. G . t urtui: V 1 1 : i ',.-.. .:i .... f . . I - I H Coming and going sll tba wbils Very low for Greenbacks qi; BUrer promises are not ear rantat '.. I.,. ; - ''. 'v1 fboIesaIs Orala and Feed Btore, . Opposite Dr. McKee's Office. B O L'T B D M B "A L 800 to 1,900 bushels per week reeelyedand add cheap for cash only at, j f t. ' ' GATTIS A JONES' J-M POR T ANT 'Just received ssotbsr histaBmeat of THE NEW SILVER COIN, FRESH AMI .i. . .11. BRJGHT FROM TUB , MJLST, . Whkh we eonttaat to' pay- oat so oar ras- tomers Is change. ' Bars also received 8,000 yes. taort leagtb, 1 " " ... Printed LAWNS AND MCSLINS, whlcb oaa be said for s proSt st 10 teats per yard. ADDITIONAL FCBCttASES BT EXPRESS. Ot a beautiful aMortnunt of f UMMKB MOHAIRS, v -it? . f : nft .j ii: t'--iFLAID8. tTBIfI8""i;"l' '-in .;.1J ''' i I'1 "l - AND 1 LAIN, caccedUigly low pricaa la sir the asw. at sbadaa. " Kent,' . .. 1:1.. .:u -i;i.tci.". ;'! ifv 1; 1 - Blae aad Drab; Grey, Ae. Aito a superb stock 'of Men'i, iadlos' and , MlsseajBooU, Sboes and Galter,t Aaothet purchase of taoss READT-M ADC BttTlttSstOOeacb.1 i',!,uu . i, ..) ,.,7-' i'i r. .These Shirts . give unlverud aaUsfactloa wherever. used, ti tu.t; - .';vr cj- 1 W- IL 118, TUCKER. Havll tf LlL biJtailMO TO BVJUT HOUSE HOLD. ..'.j tfi'.fi urn yu -'.' iifl Etireka Waihiiig Ma- : 4 ' chine:' ,f'!:.i.-i 1 f.- ftltdlei let. II, 1874. .! Tksi sew uvsnuoa ts a soaiileta ':;. ''- ' (' ri " 1 ' Washes avarytiiuur from s lady's laes Collar to a pmaterpaite, I. tbe vaoat tboroturh aad complete style. 1.r:i '-' f'.i.l f.-t.-.'-v" Works wits eats aad rapidity aad wltboat . '1 1 ' : ;iu I '!:: I Injary to tba elota. 1 JlMBAbOMONEI SATBD. n " Tha WaSbHia; does by' S ;).': v .-).. t) 1 ii ! .'.!' day esa be does by lbs patten Ud Xsreka bs taies hoars. ; ; ' , i Fries Hi, wlawrirtesitaebadSxS. " " ',7. B.FAKBAB,' .. ' 11 ;' v-' ' ManafaeUrer sad Fatteatee, Cary, V. O. 5 ?w, SO Z"lxSZ wait- at workiat paopls of both sasaa, yeasc aad Old. atsae smitv atone) si wort lor as, ia tkatr own lecalne. dnrlnr thaw aseata. pxsillaissav tbaaataEy 1 Ws oaer eaipioiSMat teas 1 aosssly lor every boar's wars. Fall par lea lara, tarsia, aeai ire ( saae aa tear aa draas at eaoa. Doa'i delay. Kow la tas Usna Doa't look tor work basisass alMsaara, antU yoa bavs laarsad what ws oCer. 0. nssoa A Co., ForUaad, Mala, ssyia-ly Ltoreiia. ii pay Saao 92 NJ

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