V: "THE RALEIGH THK KA LEI Oil 6ENTINEL. r -tr dp i t MAILT, WXF.KLT AND SEMI-WXEKLT crnal CrnacTKartfi CanliaV STATE PRINTING BINDINO ESTABLISHMENT. a. van o eceecaireioa. i Mf Fiimsl I 0 ttmfj Ml mnsahsmsAvanjC 4 00 MIMll -., 00 B -! Himtlnti M ............. 1 0 Tka D.itr MTi"i. wfll be delivered ta mmj pastaf la far st rtflaaaCeaU nek. THE CITY. it orncc directory." tb benefit of the public, we pqb b tb ti.llowlnj Jiw-t)i7 of the pott & of lhtetty t ' '.".V.'V wrtrra mail cIoni ' 11:15 a. m. arrive 3:21p.m. EaHrra closee ; 3:03 p. m. vrlTct 11:45 a. m, Chatham cloaca 3:00 p. m. arrive! - 9:45 a. m. R. Jt G. R. E. mail cloe 9:30 a. nu - . arrives 3:18 p.m. ThrH;b northern vUlL&G. U.K. Ws' 9:30 a.m. TW: arthera via R. AG. ' ' J K K. arrive 3:45 p. m Tttrnwb aorthera via Golds bar ckwe. 3:03 p. m. ' rhrnagb aorthera via Guide hr arrive 11:45 a. m. thSr boar far delivering mailt from 7:3" a. as. to fc30 p. m. 3J.aev orders are bune-' and paid tmea ifcli a. m. to 4 p. m. Uum caa to reentered from 8:15 a. a. t4 p. a. (HVebwen aa Sunday from 4 p.m. m i p. am. W. V. DoLMX, P. M. LOCAL DOTS. Tial an nB today. Tar mf.ansatiua aa to religion atrviwa e chare directory, (Ultra I Ja) fag bavoe with the 1m of thi county. Xohiag of aay Uaportaaea at tb Po ise Cwart thi aaarninjj. ; heard aaythiag about th gva.lsnl eebonl ta th hi three Bsonth. Omn baa broke again with tfemiaf tt atiaea aQ fa aad am T-dT the sWaioirate aadcoaama tiotw of thi rewtj boh towmip SJW . V. V. Jcalbms. f flat Treaeurer Jcakam. baa bat appoiatcd anatai aster allaHatte. We leara that the lloaofra t1aat are tfb give bea. at th National st Friday wiag. .'.".., Th alAlraa ml tb ftehliafb arbool of CU fm Cbeerh e tba Goe4 SbopbetJ if. E) bat a ar-ia ant waek. A 101 prnisd bala tt eutfcia waa la tb ear yeeaiejey aaJ tb ii atea aiat eVe aOklafaboat AjH. TWe Ml) V at early etaa f e4 lh ea Am m Cafwliwa reilroal TVw Uhtmtnim Weom t, baviaf eum a aftml aeateai ikn'rrmt tmkm fnea la Vihaiaftoa . 4bf M wurf e eamrt U ISaod ."tMel Surkua to iUe eiij, aail wiQ retnra lU eery ea Taa lay. f. & ELXftf tbia ery. tVpary . t- . KaraUL la a nM aatth a el t awam ft w:8 eateaaiahat ' CJtar mi aeifaya a faWa, 3 , a tb et. tm aa aa, i teaawttrai 1 ewAv. t rar awn " I pap aa, t a;aarfwe aad A lahemaa - . - t,i-e Cti awtiftt el lb aeaeyedtkaitMeiaei iaattb wait be aw ikte wt4 g. . Jae ta tb eaaainf : ewwe.ty ifxiaeeoitaaa at be afatod. ""Tb' be' ' W4 efci at Qta yCl eeti4 aa. Tbaagb lb at wafcwie m turft, tb de&irai y ta etti:f aae aay werpaaeteJ la im-qr " - ftat 9rfvMttg bm4 KA " to IVmm Wa e4 we a eWsfteeoa Miwl'WaMt at teteet 4 bee -f eaeav A htn woaj ----aufiMalaKHtk. nL.'l.:. tm wfae t -art aeex ta 3tWii T-:-e -i W torjj tk. l ey.. W .e ta fewi k a TTN Ne aret Aeje f we wVWfrJ(H' e1 4aa aVHiwaa aNaJ awjawaw4a T1m Trr- eaoH. aea fMn . tewJwMcaat & ra Brb tl t if ia ewejy aneae) aewla, Tb ' J0.m jm fVfa dewijed tat a-,.,,. 4 wrj otei eaeM Ut eV aad . ImmnI i trwawA A - t ? af ps ' &ea tbia y-m m-A 4 m Ma.aiaaM'at at t to: J tl -3, IU.'!b A t-Mk J n iarwfaa taJneaJi . twee owe lietv tarU aef si6t- a 1 be faraaaed Vf f . Imal, XltbeX A -r a neaej a.bat ta t&a Tib V (f t trf iiM eauna4 arfaa, t v I t eTMfatfaa) l tie ar bbfcal awanrwl aaiamaeea. Uf Wltf I Ve aaa t2 tiw t e- e yne..lii M aty aMxe U W J. T ahdrti - bwaeawe ft tsr aff.iat. i t.m-m em iWd XUrUi . M t:4 li pe.y.4 fmmmmi.-m T af Kt tU dMbia -aee.i'f-g laaatatliaa Sot .aJka tt VOL. XXIL c Fnnui DiopBArioii Day. The ex anion aoklien reeiding in Baleigb, and vicinity, are raqoeatad to Uet at the offloe of A. Magnin Eeq. at 4 o'dock on Tueaday.Uay 80th,1870, for the pnrpoee of prooseding ia a body to tba Jieuonai Cenretery and - taking part- in the oara mooie attending the decoration of the gTarea of the nnion dead. ' i By order of the com. , of arrangement. t ' ,f A. Maoris, Chairman. Ihrnxa at Ca&ru Ilna The Eia torical Society of North Carolina meet in Chapel Hill Ttteaday, May Slab A Preeideat will be elected in the place of the late Hon. W. A. Orabam. A meet ing of the Philanthropic Society will be held on the 80th inst at 8 p. m. The AInmni Ataoeiation will meet on Wednes day the 31st Hon. B. F. Moore, of thie city, ii the Preeidont of the Aaao eiation; Hon. Will H. Hittle, Vice Preaident and D. W. Carter, Secretary. ei . Shad fob Nbttbi Rivwl Teaterday afternoon C. D. Oruwold, agent of the U. S. Fiah Conuniaeion, proceeded to Milbarnie, 6 milea aorthweat of thia city, and put into Nenw river a hun dred thousand Potomac river abed just pawned. They were brought here in Urge jar eontaing 15 gallons each. The baby ahad mea eared about of an inch. W art glad to have a prospect of reap ing some of the benefit that hav en sued to other portion of the country from the organization of the Fish Com Dscobatiox DaT. The various mili tary and eivie organisation of the city of Baleigh are respectfully and cordi ally invited to take part in the ceremo aiw attending the decoration of the gravMaf tba Union dead on the 80th inst, ' Tb pfoeeaaioa will form on Fay ettevill etreet, at tba eourt-house, at 4 p. m. on Tuesday evening. The differ ent organ uat ions intending to take part ia tba proceeaiua will please report the fact to tb chairman of tb committee of arrangement by 4 o'clock Monday evening ia order that tbey may be as signed to their place in lioe. By order of the committee of arrange- ta. A. Maoxin, Chm'n. Aa amusing bicideut occurred at tb bop at tb Rational last night Our yaung friend was ou hi . way t the baU-rooaj from a vUit to MTim's,M when b walked deliberately against the water cooler, that stands tu the passage He Imatediately I apologited in the most elaborate manner, and continued on hi J rejoicing. Juet before reaching tb ball-room dour he f pied M b tboagbt, aad, walking up slapped bim aa tb shoulder and said, "Well, when did yon get here, and who didyeueecoitf" Tba cnabing reply was, " I guesa you ia m in taken, boss, 1'ee a of CoL Brown' waiter." Aaaur or Ixsikamci Aobxt. laUl'geac reached tbia city yester day aAaraaoa that John V. Byau, an aranr a exeat welt kaowa in this cHy, aaa arratd ia Salisbury aad carried ta Greenaboro In baodcuire. ' W anderetand - that tbe arret waa made at tb instance of lb aatboritiea of tb Piedmont A Ar bate Life laaaraac company to whom Byaa bad (ailed t properly account for f'40. W aaderataad that tba reason that baaaVafle vera was ased that Byaa teabted lb afflcer aiakia; tba anaat, aad.' that tba matter aaa eoen preen ieed shortly af atr raachiftf Oreaatboreaad be (Byaa) retamed la Keliabary an tb next train. V hav beea requested to say that the Xewe waa ia atror m stating that Mr. Byaa aaa connected with the North Care! a Uta life Ineurance company. ClirSCII DlttECTOBT. At CbHst cbarcb, EpacopaL 11 a'cwrk a. as. aad 4 p. as. by ltv. J4. M. MAn.ha. IX D. Saaday School at ta.ea. Cbarcb of Iba Gaad bbepherd, Epia Cpat, It a. am. aad 7:30 a. m. llev. LaVlUca. Paaday rVbool 9:30 a. aa. At ralwbary IMreet Baptist church I! a. aa. by Urv.T. K. Pnkrhard and iMp. Nmday K b! at 9 a. m. , At Ma.a tercet Ba4il church. It a. as. aad T:M a. am. by ISev. J. D. Uuf basa, aVamday ecbool at 9 a. am. At lbaiaa Mreet Metboduit cbarcb, II a. am. and 7:30 p. m. by Kev. L. D. pes tWed U D. hotKlay arboei at 9 a. W.J. V wt Niiwnateadettt. inAtng eaeMie at IM p.. as. beau free at aierks. At t'trwa Mwt Mrtbodikt church. tl a. m , and 7:W by Kcv. W. C. Nor- aaa. awtay at 9 a. as. At h iLam (iatfaohci rhnn k anaw at 11 a. am.. rra tma Kv. Father luC j fcCvfcUcg. SoaAty acbool at 10 a am. At Freehj terlaa church, 11 a. m. and -p. m ijy Rev. Dr - Vanshan. tiiy K!-lala.m. RALEIGH, 5T. 0., SATURDAY MAY 27, 1876. ; TBI TEAKS. -Why ie ws heap more mooed t of years Before aad toetad, Aad eeera the UUIe dsve that pees Like aagete oa Ihe wlad . Each. tarBlncrwiBd a small iveet faee AjWutiul s near Bereaee It It eo emelt a faee 4 We will not see It clear. . And so It tnrae from us, and goes Avar la sad dUdela ; Thoogh we could 1ve our lives lor It, It aever come skIb, Jfwe Mulotk. fbom oca aracui. oomRmsroifDSirr. BIGHT WORTHY GBAND LODGE. ' '-, ' I. 0. G. T. . Lovisvillb, Ky., May 23. The. Right Worthy Grand Lodge of Good Templars met in this beautiful city, at Library hall, this morning at 10 o'clock, and was oalled to order by Col. J.J. Hickman, of Kentucky, It. W. G. T. AH of the stales are represented, also England, Scotland, Wales, New Zealand, Newfoundland, Australia, (south and north) India, South Africa, Bermuda, Tasmania and Canada. " The morning session was occupied In receiving the credentials and initiating new represenlaiires. In the afternoon the reports of the Bight Worthy Grand Templar, Secre tary, Treasurer and Grand Superinten dent of the Juvenile 1 Templars, were submitted, all ' of which show the Independent Order of Good Templar to be in fine condition the grandest cold water army In the world, and the only international body of It character. . v , : To-night a public meeting will be held for the purpose of welcoming the body to the hospitalities of Louisville, bv the Maror. and to listef to short addresses by representative from dif ferent section. N. B. THE COUSHATTA ASSASSIN A TION. THB DEUBBBATB SHOOTIKO OF 8BBATOB twrcbhx ad m oomtakio. - from tb Hew Orleaas BaUetea.) -The man cam into town on borse back and rod to Da Leney'a black smith shop. H waa enveloped in a white oilcloth overcoat, which reached below tbe knee, ; and which waa but toned np clone. II is pantaloons were tucked in hi boot, and be wore a pair of goggle. He said that be wanted hi bone shod, and inquired u there waa not t b a meeting of the big bug. II was informed that the police jury would meet, and he then said that he believed be would ride ont a piece and eome back. He rode down to Dr. Guthrie' otScet, which is just opposite the ferry landing, and bed bis nurse to tbe fence aad walked to the river bank. In a few momenta Twitcheli and King came up on the opposite side of the river in a buggy, and took the ferry. When they were within thirty yard of tbe hank the man rese iu full view. Twitcheli said to the ferryman, " Den nis, back tb skin", that man want to kill me." Tbe further proceeding were related to 'our informant by a lady, who waa the only eye witness. He unslung a rifle which be bad concealed beneath the overcoat, and opened fire npon Twitch eli. At the second shot Twitcheli jumped overboard, and hung on to the akin with hi right arm. The man took deliberate aim and fired, and Twitcheli turned and threw his left arm over the boat. In th mean time. King bad drawn his revolver and fired, and the man lowered his gun. and holding it iu bis right band, shook bis left at King, and fired again at Twitcheli, and Twitch ell's left arm went down, and his right again earn over tbe boat. King bad fired twice again, and tba man said, "I will fit you I let no man boot at me without shooting back;" and turning to Mr. Kerriu, said: "Bear witoew that be fired t me three times; I did not intend to hurt him recollect he fired at me three times;" and be then raised bis gun snd fired, and King staggered; be fired again and King dropped. He levelled hi gun and fired again, and TwiteheU right arm disap peared. Dennia, tb negro ferryman, put ont hi hand to catch Twitcheli, and a ball from the stranger rifle carried off two finger. He then continued firing and at last tba lady, who bad np to that time been unable to speak, so great waa bar horror, cried: "My God I what kind of a man are you? . He turn ed and amid: "I have sworn to kill bim, I intend to do it," and fired again and again. k man, attracted by th firing, cam to tb bank, and the stranger turned hi gua oa bim and said, "Get away from here; this ia no afslr of yours. Get, or 111 blow your d d brains out." The lady appealed to bim to cease, and 'he topped, and looking at the skiff, said, I do not believe I hav killed bim, and I'll have to do it all over again." Tbe lady called to Dennis, and be amid mat iwitfbeu waa dead, - ' r - The strantfrt eipreeaed bis ' astiafao tioa, and rode out of tewa. Oa his wav be levelled his gun at several persona wuo ne evidently nppoed intended to top lam, and tUow persona vanished. The maa who did the shooting waa cer tainly not a resident of the pariah, for b was seen by a number of persona- a be rode iu to town, and waa not recog nised. ;- " The new Atlas Hotel. Pliililnlnl.i Pa., in within 150 yard of the new de pot oi uie ennsyivania rmuroaa, .i i. , f NEWS AND NOTES, ., Pennsylvania ha 235 beer breweries. more than any otner state in tba Union. A forty-eight pound wild turkey haa been kilied by a Ursvee county, Ay., hunter. , ,1 i -. ,",;. . . -The Midland rail wav. of England, baa coat about 50,000,000, andbiingsina revenue of 5,000,000 a year. . . A Connecticut man proudly shows the bullet tliat was shot through the head of bis grandfather in Ui war oi lWa. The poet Longfellow, now in Phila delphia, take position with Arehbiahop Wood in tavor of opening the centennial tmiiuing on nnusy aiternoonr. La Bell Lyonnalse.a Parisian Riant ess, whose real name is Felicite Rover ssnt. bat Just married Albert de Barna- bes, a baron, but more famous a a maa-ekeleton. People out west are beginning to think that perhaps it would look a little better if Mr. William McKee were to drop round to the penitentiary for a day or two some tim before hi term fully spire. -, Tb battle of the pavement in Lon don ha beea won by wood, the city en gineer bavins' shown in its favor that a hone before falling may be expected to travel on granite 132 miles, on aphalt 191, and on wood 440 miles. A novel exhibition Is fa program at Preston, England. Uobert Taylor, tbe tramp, upected of the murder of littl Emily Hollsnd, exhibit himself in th oloUie h was apprehended in at tnre peneaabead. The proceed are to go loth girl' parent. , ? A Madrid paper invent a story of an engagement between King Alfonso and tb Princess Beatrice, of England. It Is only an inaccurate reverberation of that old engagement between rrlnce Charles of England and a Spanish In fanta, which was broken off more than two centuries ago. Chairman Whltthome, of the naval committee, has written to Secretary Robeson that be can appear whenever it may be convenient to bim, and that be shall have the liberty of recalling and crosB-examloing any witnesses whose tesMmon'y in any respect affects him. Lata advice from the City of Mexico tat that the military situation baa not materially changed. The federal troop bad beea withdrawn from Oaxaca, and many insurgent had returned to their borne. The official Diario declarea that if United State troops invade Mex ico on any pretext the government will defend the soil. Half tba city of New York ismotgnged, and tbe mortgage ean't even pay the in terest. . Let me rive you a specimen brick: Some time since, a friend of min purchased property for f 20,000. He bad a mortgage on tt oi iiu.WU lie didn't comply with the terms. It waa advertised for sale. He attended. The only bidder was the mortgagee, who bought the $20,000 property for 1300 cash, and now holds the 120,000 prop, erty and the bond for $9,500 beside. "Will be nave tbe heart to eniorce the bond?" Every cent of it, until it takee the but drop of blood in hia debtor's body. Now, that's a nioe state of things, ten t it 7 reter t ooper. In the United States Senate, Wed nesday, the House joint resolution ask ing the President to take steps for the relief of Edward O'M. Condon, now confined In -an English prison, was unanimously passed. A bill was passed fixing the rank of paymaster-general as Brigadier-General United States army. The Senate further considered, without coming to a conclusion, the question of jurisdiction in the case of W. W. BelkT napt ID lue uouae, on:aKer jvhit w cupied tbe chair, seemingly Improved In health. Tbe contested election case of Spencer vs. Morey, from the fifth Louisiana district, was called up, the majority report being in fvor of W. B. Spencer, contestant. After debate the matter went over. . Ex-Governor Vance, of North Caro lina, baring withdrawn from the Con gressional race in tbe Sixth District, will doubtless receive the democratic nomination for Governor Exchange. Not if our party ar not all lunatic. I An observing merchant In JIartford, m.rbi tim thr rlv that Governor Charles R. Ingersoll would make a pres idential candidate sure to win. "He has never been beaten," said tbe mer chant. "He is able, pure and lucky." Persons living in unhealthy localities n.tr amid all tniioua attacki bv tekinff jl v T Tlnll'. V.iralhU Pitta m eaawioaally to keep th liver in a healthy action. -' -;-'; ' ' -' Attbstiom Democrats. Thsre will be a meeting of the democratic- coaeervative voters of Raleigh town- h in at 1 1 enurt-house, on baturaav. May 27th, at 6 o'clock p. m., to select riaUoataa in the Countv Convention. which meets In t'lis city on the 10th day or June next ine uoumy ion vantlnn will annoint delegates to the SUte and Congressional District Con ir.nl inn. and It la of vent Imnortanca that Raleigh township should be well represented. It will also coisiiler the propriety of nominating ee mvy officer. By order of Raleigh Township Exec utive Commltt. . ' i' - JOS. A. HARRIS, r i Chairman, i - Mr. J.D. Whitaker Ja selling good oak wood at $3.50 ; pine S.p0a35per cord delivered, provded the audi at tend tbe order. If he has to collect by ticket be will in all eaaea charge old price. Call on bim ia rear of Citizen' Bank., . . tf, No. 83. A CALL FOB A COUNT! OONTEN jyvr tton.-; x As chairman, I am Instructed by the executive committee of the Democratic- Conservative party of Wake county (a give notice that there will be held a convention of the Democratic-Conser vative voters of th county at the court' house ou the 10th day of June next at I m., lor the purpose or sending dele gate to the state and congressional district convention and to consider the propriety of nominating candidate for public olllces. I era further instructed to call upon the chairmen of the various township committees to hold meetings in their respective townships on the 27th day of May, in order to appoint delegates to this convention. W. W. Jones, Chm'n. A Nxw Mustabd Plastxb, Th medical value of a mustard plaster is understood in every family. Much time ia spent in preparing a poultice and often the mustard is oi poor quality and will not act, causing great suffering. This trying inconvenience ia now perfeetly overcome by lienaon a Prepared Uustard riaater. It is a great Improvement on the ordinary article. It is very clean and Can be applied and removed without discoloring th clothing or soiling th skin, it does not deteriorate with age. It is lwy reliable, aa only tba best quality of mustard is used in it prepara tion. It ia ready for use at any moment. by simply dipping it in water. It is sold in half yard piece at 25 eenta per roll by all druggist. Sent by mail on receipt oi price, bv . SKA.BUUI JimXBUX, Pharmaceutical Chemists, N. T. Tbb Democratic Cokskbvativb CoSVXJiTIOK OF TUB 5TH COORE8S- ioxal District of Nortu Cabo- LIWA will be held In the court-house in the city of Greensboro, at 11 o'clock a. m., on Thuraday, the 12th day of June next, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Congress, and one for Presidential elector, and also of ap pointing two delegates to the National Convention at St. Loui. , M. S. BoBBINB, E. B. Withers, J. I. Scales, . ., ." Ex. Com, 3th Cong. Dit. Ur 20th, 1876. WHOLESALE CASH PRICES toxeeted by ..' F. C. CIIIC8TOPHER8 4 CO. Kalbioh, Jly 8rt, 187. osubbal. aaaKBT. Cottoa Tina, , eenu. Flour, North Carolina W (XKi.25. CoraSOfrfSioeaU. - . Cora Meal, MywUO. Bacon, M. C. hog round, 1313. hams 15(ilo. -Bulk Meats, Clear Bib Bidet, 1?313J. " shoulder, 10frll ceota. Lard, North CarollBa, 17t. ' " Western tierces, li. - - keg, 17. Coffee, Prime Rio 'iioil. " Good, 8l(a23. . " Coiunion, a0. Syrup, 8. II. 2;u 3U. Molasses, Cuba 4A. Bait, Marsba.'s 2 25. " Xvanr , 1&. Nails, on bails lor 10s, (3.65. Sugar A. lit ' ' ExtiaC.ll. " Tellow C. 9 1-2(310. Leather, Bed Sole o30. " Oaktanoed, 40. Bides, green, S I S. d-y. UK&IV TsU'.wT- - , Putstoeif, swe' t 75 cents per bushel. Irish, 1.00 .Oats, shelled, &. " sheaf, from wagon, 1.$ cents. : baled 11.00. Fodder, baled, 1.25. Hay, N. C. baled, good, 1.00. Kfff, pardosea, IVta. Butter, N. C, 25(aU, Beeswax, 24. . Bags, 2. picked, S cents. Beef, oa foot, 6t?7c. " dressed prlBM, 77J. Heavy Copper, per pound, 16a. Light " 12c Brass, per pound, 8 to 10c. Pewter, per pound, 7 to 10 ct. Lead, per ponad, 14c " ' - -' ' Old Iron, per lov pounds, Oc. Sheep Skins per piece, ao(ttc W ooi washed, pee pound, SU(d33c. nnwaihed 20 to 26c. old 75 eeats ; bony, 30 cts. H OXX FEBTILIZER. Send te O. B. Alford. at Apex, fur a circu lar. For Sea dollars ha Will send von th chemicals by which you make s ton of good fertiliser for cotton, corn, tobacco or say ether crop. This la the cheapest sad beat fertiliser yet oaerea to to israier. jar. jm ford's BeigbtKMS hav tried it with ssarkad success. The following gentleasea have testlDeJ tts good qualities : " A. K. Clenents, Petar Knight, Ruffle ( as Uf bury, Alscy Freeman, Kev. i. T. Rogers Joseph Steadman, Rev. A D. Blackwood, Kar. Johnatoa Olive. Alvin OUve. O. U. Al ford, Albert Norrisa, T. A Coaocil, Alvlr Alston, Koben wuuam. aa m U .. ' . MIND RXADWG, P8TCHOMANCT, r.un.tiiB H.hiI Channlnc Meamertsm. aad ManiagB UuUla, showhig bow either sea nuj laarlnaie sna gam ute iov anu at- fnrtioa of any person tbey choose Instantly, page. By mall ba eta. Haat at Co., liw a. 7i Bt, mua., ra ; , . ,- . 1 -DACOS I BAC0S1 . ' J tut reeetvad 10.000 noaads Westera baeosk. bought before th rise. Call aad get your supplies. At small advance for cask, st . F.C CHRISTOPHERS CO. 't, Wilmington atraet, near CHy Seal. "1ARFKTINGS I Ta largest stock f CarpeUngs, tags, Ac. lath City at lowest Cask Biles. All new ' Advartlsemcats wffl WtaaBrtadhiaSieJanij Bsariaai. at tb toUowmaaatwawreMHwel' oo lach, or tea aiUilna luws. . Oo sqaar one time - ' - ' U9 each antaeqnaut Baaerttaa . leas tksa a weak " M 1 aqnara, t week . S a I " i mom a ........ mm l , " : t awDtb 1 t ; - , 4 ' " 7 l' a 1 i r ato r NEW ADVEETISEJIESTS. i -. XAasaai.w Orvwa. KALBwa, Jt. C, stay tt, J7t. From aad sfter If oaday west, Bby Vft, th Ctty of Bale! will pay W mm waah for all dogs put la the City raua Bar bm having oa a Beena bad. Then dan llt be killed oa Ltaa. BlraUa( akw aoagm aaleas redeeawd bv tbetr onm. Dog badges ean av as bad tha efllea by paring tie regular dog . ' , . J. W. UCK. T O C K .t . ..; A tOO BasVsM of veryBa Waemtaassg d vd aad to arrive, cheap 1m cash at ttATTlSadiVWr, . Oak Ctty Granary aud Faed Hum. J W I T f O-TII IA A large aad spWodld lot atm eanlBiwr basholat ATTaRSaP Grata and Fesag Sto-aa. 50,000 "' r.rmtm roDDcn atl,SSper100IU. 23,000 lbs splendid Baled OatAn,9Kr 100 lbs. GATTM A -JOSiiaT Grata and Feed urm. BOO BLSH8 Toc rz very low for cash at ATTISA4CIXX' -i WusslagtoaSt. G Coming and going all tb while verj nw Sor Qreea backs or ftflrts' piusnliasasew sja1- rent-at . ---4 :. GATTIS A JOVES Wholesale Gtalaand Feed Btoia, 1 OppevlteDr. BTrymW1 IBo. " g O L T I T X K A A, . 800 to 1,900 bosbela per week weawna sold cheap for cash amly at , . . " GATTIS JctVEff " M TO KT AST. Just received another tostaUnwotf THE NXW SILVER dorx, rKKSH JCK0 , BRIGHT FROM THX WEST, z Which w continue to pay out la ear enev tomers In change. . 1 Have also received 1,900 yam. aim length, Printed LAWNS AKD JfCSUKS, weHidtt aa b sold for proBt at 39 uts gmr 3sndL ADDITIONAL PtTtCBASES CTEETKE9. Of a beaatlful aeaortment f IUMMKR MOHAIRS, l I FLA1DS, STKTPES AKBIlADs st exceedingly low price J j!HJb a sbsdes. ' Ecru, Brown, v Bias aad OrBtaam,Jke. Also a superb stock olJIen'a. 'Xaaiea'' and! Him? Boots, Sboeaaad Gattem Another purchaw oTfhoaeKXU)FJKA34C BBIRTS at 11.00 each. The Shirts give universal asffWtatfttoa wharever ased. - - 3- .w. u. Jl jl & TOfTcra ' lfsyll-tf V Rucaam to tvur wMa. Jh. BOLD. Eureka Washitjg.Mit!- Pituiui to. n, mm. ' This aw asvastloals a Washes everything Troai a mOya !mee flT to a Oiwjbwst), Uths utussau am eaeaptol tym. ;;' w . " Works wltt waae aad espldRaaB WdtheaR tejarytothsrleta. t . TWl AND MONET AATI. , , Ta Wsahmt aea Vy a wom ms . day eaabedoasby tb iiaOautad feawajate taeehTB, . . - rrto lis, with wvbiaMajaa. : jLXTa!RA - aaatseterersarwlwn.sw.l.g a S5??,'SOWa' werklacpMpla mt Voth M, mak bm aaowcy t tteir wa toealtl, riac BMata, arsU taw ltaa, tbaasaw Uiinfatm. We oSar plej merit artii Mlsavi ily fee dreaasteaea. Datlav. PW4Bawa Dea't look tor warm r . atU yea hav bsarasd ba w armoa Cu, Panama, it a la. mass"!' w4 ora a mra, lerms, at, ewat rrva. rusivwrM- 1 I

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