' 5 THE R A LEI Oil SENTINEL rvuuii UAJLT, WEEKLY AMD SEMI-WEEKLY Official Crtai of Kortli Caralina. STATE PRINTINO BINDING ESTABLISHMENT. -.t-- BATUS Of UMOBirrKM. Dally Sentinel Imrli ad-ance... IS 00 Dally Mi month ta ad ranee............ 4 00 BmdI Weekly ..BOO Weekly Sentinel M 44 - t M Tk Dsilv Sbtibi win be delivered 'ta mj part or the City at fifteen Cent a week. B ALL A K D . & C O., ..:. OXKEBAL COMMISSIQI MERCEASTS AD DEALER M GRAIN, HIDES, WOOL, TOBACCO, Hops, Eggs, Batter, Cheese, Dried Trait, leathers. Furs, Lard, Tallow, Seed, Bacon, Been, rouitry, flour, vg nam., aw. WABEnOL'SE, SOT A N. BROAD 8T PHILADELPHIA. aprfl T-vAm - - GBEAT MEDICAL BOOK. - and Secret for Ladle and OenU, Sent free for two tamp. Address. BT. OSBTB JMMCAJ.IBTrrUTB, M, joaepa, mot JEVEU BEFORE EQUALLED I The Largest Stock on Record'. C. WEIKEL Urn Ittturntd. He i stUl at the old Stand with a larger assortment of . QTIU2TC , OOODS TJ. 8. CENTENNIAL GOODS.- FOURTH JULY CENTENNIAL GOODS- im. : ; lAirsi smrs.; is?-. Look at nay latest Faahioa Platea and choose your ty la, ,i, - CXOTHS,.Jii--u.-Av...'' ' ; : CASSIMERE3, ' ' K BUTTINGS. In ret anything you want. Coma and ea me, I know I can anil yon. ' WHEEL'S MTABLI8HMENT ( J ; ' is at the old place, one door south of the Southern Express offioa. . I guarantee all my fits. apr IMn O. WEIKEL, gEYDEL & CO'S. :... Pocket Hammock, "WEIGHT ONLY 1 rotTND BEARS 1,900 FOUNDS. PRICK OF No 1.S4. .-1 ? ' ' ' ' i A moat hunrloo Coach, Seat, twing, Ae. Circular may be bad by addressing ' VAN WART A McCOT, 184 and 138 Donna Street, Mew Tork. April 7 wSnu $1,200 PROFIT ON $100 Made nay day ta PtT Ala Calm." Invest according to your Bean . 110. $50 or 1100, la Stock VrMleg a, baa brought a sasll for tane to the careful taveator. We adrU when and how to operate safely. Book wKh full tnformattoe (IDT mis. Address ord1 brMdmPBAXTERCa .V Bankers and Broken, 17 Wall St, N. T. Jan 99-dawly. .. . . r , . , - ANOTHER CAR LOAD OF FLOUBt Jut arrlvinf. Give ass call. F.C. CHRISTOPHERS A CO., : j. j Wilmington street gALE OF VALUABLE LOTS On the rst Monday of June, llffo. at ths Court House door, In Raleigh, 1 will offer for ante, to the highest bidder, for CASH, TWO ACBES OF LAND, fn the elty of Ralelab, known la the plan of the elty a iota No. 3d37 and &. This land Is sold In pursuance of the terns and powers contained in a mortrig duly regis tered la Wake county, book 88, page 051. D. M. CARTER. apS44tw Agents, MAKE NO ENHAGEME1TS TILL TOU ; SEX OUR - - ... N"E BOOK, Which ta thrflllsr interest, sterlln merit, elersnee and rbeepness, ass absolutely no equal. - It Is HThs Thing" for the Centennial period takes oa sight, The North Anericaa Review says It Is "de aerring of unqualified praise : we anticipate for It aa extensive popularity": ths Dubuque Times enys "J tut such a work as thousand S of the Amerteaa People will be dad to pos cess": the Detroit Advertiser call It pre ferable to any yetpublbhed." ANT ACTIVE MAN OR WOMAN ot rood address Insured large profit and steady work for a year. For full particular, address JC B. FORD CO., 17 Park Flare, apr 28-t New To. 50,OOOl,i: 8fl'B!,D,1, rODDDR at 1,25 per 101 lbs. , S5,000 lb spWsdld Baled 0ts at 1S "per 100 lbs. OATtlfesiOXXSV " ' Oralaaad feed Btors. V 1 rT VOL.XXIL ' ; . THE CIT Y. .. anjmmwawaWawaawaanmnnanBW r IVST OFFICE DIBECTOBT. For the benefit or the public, we pub lish the following directory of the poet- office of thia city t -.' Western mall closes" .. u urivea IlUJairnv 3:22 p. m. Eastern M . M M Chatham closes arrivea cloaes arrives 3:03 p. m. 11:45 a.m. 3:00 p. m. 9:49 a. m. R.&O.R.B. mail close " . "arrive 9:30 1. m. 3:18 p, m. Through northern via Ii. Si G. K. 1L cloaea , 9:30 a. m. TBroueb-aorthem vialUA B. B. arrive 3:45 p. m Tnrougn nor to era via uolda- boro close .. 3:03 p. m fhrouzh northern via Geld boro arrive 11:45 a. m. Office hours for delivering mail from 7:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Money ; order are issued and paid from 8:13 a. m. to 4 p. m. , Letters can be registered from 8:15 a. at. to 4 n. m. Office neura on Sunday from 4 p. m. to 5 p. m. j' "2"-; W. W. IIoldkn. P. M. CI No police court new this morning. Fan! Lincke, of this city, baa an opal seal which datea back to the year 99 A D. In a few week Beanfort will be pat rooiaoj "by a Urge number from this St. John' plc-nlc at the new fair ground, Thunday June, lsL -Tkke.U only II.. A largo crowd "will leave this city to morrow to attend tua oommenoement xercifsea at Chapel EilL .., The Young Men's Christian Associa tion meet to-morrow evening. Business of groat isnportojioe will eoma before the meeting. ' . . mif rxs ., ,4 Gov. Brogden, accompanied by his aide,Col.LJ. Tonng.leftthia morning for Wilmington in order to escort U. 8. Sen ator Morton to thiseity. ' The old Wbitaker bonae, Hargett street, baa been tern down in order to make room for a modern and adegaat residence. The bonse was nearly 100 yearaoU, Lata Satnrday afternoon a flower pot falling from a second story window came near producing a flrst-ckns funeral in tbia city. The vesar! graaed the head of a prominent citizen. Old Bloody Shirt Mot ton will arrive here Wednesday next at 11 a. m. and during the evening will norrate from the front portico of the National hotel, where be will take quarters. About the only excitement on the lower part of Fayetteville street this morning was the charge of the dog- catching brigade. This force is com posed of 60 little boys, white and black, whoae garments are of the kind in which the : Bard " of Avon a Tayed the war rior of Faletaff company. Cotton receipt for week ending May 27, 1878, 881 bales ; receipt for same week last year, 273 bale. Increase in receipt for week this year, 89 belea. Whole receipt sine 1st September, 1873, to datev 37,478 ..bales ; whole, rt eeipta same time last year, 83,286 bales. Increase in reoeipta to date, 4,192 bales. : There is a blind bey, 8 year of age, in the colored department of the insti tution for the deaf and dumb and blind, who ia considered a musical prodigy. Be peforma remarkably well on the vio lin, piano and various other instrument, and his power of imitation are singularly developed. Have we a Blind Tom amongst naf ' ! 7- The Capture of Scott Parti BnxoBED A day or twoao itwat reported on oar streets that a man had been arrested and confined in the jail at Lumberton, Robeson county, who wa supposed to be the wife and child murderer SceU Partin." We learn that on yesterday herUT McMUliao, . of Bobeson county, telegraphed to Sheriff Dunn for a description f Partin. Our Sheriff promptly sent description and soon received a reply that It fitted the arrested party exactly. A. L. Moore, a former member of our: police corpi and an acquaintance of Partin', ha been sent to Lumberton for the pur pose of positive identification. We understand that the man when arrested told Sheriff McMillian that, he wa not Scott Partin, lut had been tent out by Sheriff Dunn to bunt for bin. . . UBmnnnwnnnni mmmmm ACCIDEKT OH Til N. C R. R Yesterday afternoon the engine attach ed to the eastward bound mail ran over a cow two .miles this side of Morrie ville, and broke the plough and front truck. This detained the traiu until a new engine could be aent to the scene of the accident The detention was ooljr of about two nourT duration, vS yA'Ayii RALEIGH. K. O.a MONDAY UkY 29, 1876. THE GRAND EXCURSION. to nobfolk"and fobtbess , MONBOE. THURSDAY, tVMM 8, 1876. Ticketa for asle at William' book atorfV--,l. Enniss' book store, Creech 'a dry goods store, Nat. Lb Brown's variety store, Bradley'a confectionery store, Simpson's ding store, and a the Ral eigh k Oaston railroad stations. - MEsnxa or Raijuok TownaHir Cox- vxirnoM SArtJBDAX Evairato, The meet ing was called to order by Joseph A Harris, chairman, of the township dem- ocratio executive oommittee, and, on mo lion, Mr. Wm. Bledsoe wa unanimously called to the chair, and Mr. C E. John son wa requested to act a secretary. Mr. Geo. H. Snow moved that 60 delegates ba appointed to the county eonvention. - '' Mr. Harris moved to amend by in cluding all democrats of good standing. Mr. W. P. Batohelor offered to amend by instructing the chairman to appoint 50 delegates, and that all other demo crats of good standing from this town ship, preaent at the county convention, be allowed to take Beats a delegate. The questions recurring on the amend ment proposed by Mr. Batchelor it pre vailed, and the motion a amended wa adopted. The chairman waa instructed to pub lish i list of the delegates appointed in the two city paper. 1. Mr. Buabee moved that it be recom mended to the present,, township execu tive oommittee, composed of Messrs, Jos. A Harris, Matthew Moore, ' John, ton Jonea, B. a Manly and J. B. Col lins, to make the addition of Messrs. Paul F. Faisonand B. O. Dunn. The motion waa unanimously adopted. '' , Adjourned. BAJTooLra Maoox Goixeox. Our thank are due for an invitation to attend the commencement exercises at this old and popular institution of learning, Jane 15. Hon. J. Bandolph Tucker, of Ve,, delivers the addruns before the two literary societies, the Franklin and Washington. Hon. J. Proctor Knott, of By., deliver an addreaa before the Franklin, June 14 at 8 p. m.. and Rev. a A Steele before the Washington, Jon 15 at 8 p. m. Among the orator ia the name of T; McN. Simpson, of this atate. -J i2L' Special Term. At the request of Judge Eure, And the couut commis sioners. Governor Brogden to-day au thorized a apecial term of the Superior Court of Gate county, June 19, for the trial of civil actions. Judge McKoy ha been appointed to hold the court j and ha signified hi acceptance of th appomunent. .: . District Convrntio w. A conven-1 lion of the Democratic-conservaUve voter of the Fourth Congressional Dis trict will be held in the city of Ral eigh on Tuesday, the 13th day oi June next, for the purpose of nom inating a candidate for congress and a presidential elector, and selecting two delegate to the St Lout Conven tion. A full attendance ia earnestly desired. Each county will be entitled to one vote for ivery one hundred vote and fractional part over fifty given for Menimon in 1872. ' By order of the District Executive Committee. - H. A. London, Jr., : . Chairman. March Slat, 1876. Papers in the district will pleas copy, Thr Democratic Coitservattvr Convention of the 5th Conoress ion al District of torth Caro lina will ba held In the court-house In the city of Greensboro, at II o'clock a. ni on Thursday, the 12th day of June next, for the purpose of nominating a candidal for Congress, and one for Presidential elector, and also of ap pointing two delegates to the National Convention at St Loui. ')' , ii , :'; . M. S. Bobbins, E, B. Withers, J. I. Scales, Ex. Com. 5th Cong. Diat May 20th, 1876. ' 1 .i RtJPTIIRR I'nucn in frnm M til 00 day by th use or the Triumph Truss S ffWf . . . a .am n . m a xnumpn ituptur ttemeoy manuiac tured by the Triumph Truss Co., 334 BflWerr. X. V. Tkla Tmu anrl Kiin. porter took the Medal at the last ses sion oi me ureal American insututa Fair. Send 10 cent for their new book Tha crop prospect In Rowan countf ia good. Tha new Atlaa TTntal niilxlolnhU TV im within 1 TTt mwla rt th haw Aa- pot of the Pennsylvania raQroad, - - ' 1 From our Special Correspoadsnt THE BIGHT WORTHY GRAND - LODGE OF GOOD TEMPLARS. I . LowmLUE, Kr.p May 21 Th mass meeting held last night waa on of th happiest that I ever aa Mayor Jacobs welcomed the body ia a sLort speech full of eloquence and good humor. , O. W. Bain, O. W. C. T. of Ky., welcomed a in on of th prettiest and moat eloquent address a w ever lis tened to. '. fhe meeting' wa then enter tained by representatives from England, Wales, j&muda, Scotland, New Zea land, Australia, South Afiiea, Canada and -4ba-Pnitad Hiatus in 1m mipnt speechea. ' - This morning the members of the body assembled in one of the large par lors of the Lonisville hotel, where we are atopping, and engaged for a half an hour in solemn religiona exercise. At 9 o'clock the body met in regalar session, and waa opened with prayer by Bev. E. Gladstone, of Scotland. ' Th committee on credential reported a number of additional representatives, who were admitted. Tha unwritten work was then exem plified, j Tha apeeial order of th day being ths consideration of an amendment to art 1, aea 8, of B. W, O. L. Constitution, it waa then taken np, and occupied th remainder of the morning session. i The afternoon seenion waa occupied with the discussion of the amendment a above. r - -' At night the discussion was continued until 12 o'clock, when th yeas and nays were called npon a substitute offered, which lesves the question involved just where) it is, and it waa adopted by a vote of 89 to 46. The election of officer waa then gone lata CoL J. J. Hickman, of Ky., was unanimously re-elected B. W. G. T. Pending any further elections the body then took a noes until 9 o'clock to-mor row morning. . thcrsdat rBootKpnoa. , , The lodge was sailed to order at 9.30 a. mby Joseph Malins, of England, B. W. G. Counsellor. Tha eontinuanoe of the election of offi- being the apeeial order, the follow ing waa th result : R W O Counaellor Rev E Glsdstone, Scotland. R W G Secretary W S Willisnu-, Canada. R W O Tressurer R R Scott, Mis souri." H RW G Vioe-T Mr Gould, Cali fornia. -. j. .' .11.. , The substitute offered by Dr. Orono- byteka, of Canada, for the amendment to ait 1, aec. 8, presented by Bev. E. Gladatone, wa reconsidered nd further discussed till the expiration of the morn ing hour. ." :r";"' - In the afternoon the discussion was continued. 1 Among the speaker of the day have been Gen. Green Clay Smith, the candi date of the prohibition party, Gen. Ba per, of the United Kingdom of Alliance of Canada, Gen. Talbot, of India, Judge Lawson, of Georgia, Bey. John Russell, of Michigan, Bev. E. Gladstone, oi Scotland, - Hon. Mr. Ayliff, of South Africa, an ex-member of the Parliament of England, and many other of distino tion At six o'clock the roil of state was called and the substitute waa adopted by avoto of 85 yea to 59 nay. ' Tbia question ia the one that has troubled this body o much, via: that of granting charters to lodge of colored people. The substitute adopted leave it to each Grand Lodge to grant charter to whom they may choose. At the conclusion of the vote Joseph Malina, G WOT, read a declaration, withdrawing from the body, aigned by himself and the other representatives from Great Britain. On motion the document wa referred to special committee. The body then adjourned till 8 a. m. N. B. B. A CALL FOB A COUNTY CONVEN 7j" -' ; f -T TION. :- rrrv- As chairman, I am Instructed by the executive committee of the Democratic Conservative party of Wake county to give notice that there will be held a convention or tne uemocraiic -conservative voter of the county at the court house on the 10th day of June next at 12 m,, forth purpose of lending dele gate to the state and" congressional dittrict conventions and to consider the propriety of nominating candidates for public office. I ara further instructed to call upon the chairmen of the various township committee to hold meeting in their respective township on the S7th day of May, in order to appoint delegate to thia convention, r W- Joxas, Chm'n. No. 84 MONET. . Money borrowed k S foe Veiled ia kindly seeming ; Money wssted U s friend "r Lost beyond redeemlag. Hoard d Uh likes guest, Won with suiiou aeeklDC, Gtvlog nothlnt; for hi board . ssvs the care of keeping. "Spent la good, A lesves a Joy" " Twice U north behind It, And whs tku hath lot It here Shall hereafter find it. DEMOCRATIC MEETINO IN CAB Y j ,( Towxsnip. - Pursuaot to a call, the democraUc-coc. lervatlve voter of Cary township met ia council at Uarv. baturdar. May Zulu The meeting waa organiaed by calling the lioa. D. W. Courts to th chair, and W. E. Pell wa requested to act as sec relary. ' " Th object of the meeting having been explained, tue chairman designated A. G, Jonea, J. (j. Williams and Solomon King, a committee to suggest suitable peraona for delegate to the county con vontion Th committee, alter consul tation, reported the t following list, which waa unanimously adopted : Messrs. D. W. CourU, W. E. PelL W. J. Uoleman, Gibson Martin,' C. H. Clarke, Alviu BetU, I II. Crowder, r, A. borroll, V. Uolleman, William Gulley, James W. Young, A. K. Clem eots, W. II. Beck with, J B.Steadman. J. U. Page, Jacob Maynor, Wiley Ban- com, u. tr. Guess, xewis rage, w. M. Sorrell, J. II. Lowe, It. II. Jones, Young Stone, A. 13. Yates, W. V. Weathers, N. A. Ramsay, Jno.Tbomp- ou- Kinioo Jooaa, Frank Steadmau, Thomas V WUket .-and J.Jwjfoung. .. On motion. A. G. Jones. J. U. Wil liams and Solomon King were added to be list. On motion of W. E. Pell, the follow tag gentlemen were anpoiuted to co operate with the township executive committee to secure complete regis tration of all conservative voters who have recently become of aje, and those who failed to register in th late elec tion t lo ferret out illegal voters, and to provide mean for the transportation of ucb voter to th polls a are unable to make such arrangemeuta lor uiemaei ves and for other purposes t W. E. Pell. A. G. Jones, J. Q. Wil liams, Hilliard Beckwith, Howard Lowe, Dallas Alford, J. R. Young, Paccal Sorrel, Wyalt Uoleman, Mat. Clarke, a Hollemao, J. W. Young, W. M. Sorrell and Young Stone. On motion, ue secretary wa re quested to furnish copies of the pro ceedings of tliis meeting to th Baleigh Sentinel and News, with the request that they publish the same. On motion, the meeting adjourned. W. E. Pell, . D. W. I OL'UTS, Secretary. Chairman. DELEGATES TO THE STATE CONVENTION. Booms of Democjvitic-Conskr- vativs Ex. Committed J In pursuance ot itis call of the State Democratic-Conservative Executive Committee, delegates to the State Con vention will meet in Metropolitan hall, In this city, on the 14th of June at 12 m. By Arrangement with' the various railroad companies In the state, with the exception of the W. A W. R. B. company, which declines any reduction, delegates will be permitted to return free upon producing a certificate from the secretary of the convention that they paid full first-class fare In coming to the same. ' W. R.Cox, - - Chairman. - WHOLESALE CASH PRICES (aTected by F. & CURCSTOPHEBBACO. RU.BIOH, May art, 1878.' eSNSBlL MABBST, Cotton Ties, 6i cents. Flour, North Urollus S 00S.2S. CornH0itH6renU. Cora Meal, 85(g0. Bacon, N. C. hog round, 14glo. " ham lSttfle. Bulk Meat. OearRib Mde, 19(gl3,. ' Shoulder. 10(n U cent. Lard, North Carolina, IT). Western tierces, IX - kegt, 17. Coffee, Prime Rio lUja. Good,la. " Common, U0J. yrup, 8, H. 87(S0. Molaaaes, Cubs 4A ' Salt, Marsha.1 tSS. " Evan. 3 15. Nails, oa baiU for 10, $3.65. Sugar A. 14. 1 p ExtiaC.U. ' Fellow C. 1-ScaiO. Leather, Red Sole 8SMU. r- u Oaktsnned, 40. 1 EMes, green, 1 1-a. dy.ioc-iL - t,:...:.::.h.: Tillow 7 , Potatoes, s vr I 75 cents per bashel. Irl-h, t.00 . Oats, ihelled, 05. thesf, from wagon, 1.85 cents, baled 11.00. Fodder, baled, l.SS. Hay, N. C baled. Rood, 1.00. Em, perdosen, lVte. , , Huoer, id. u., xa(iii. Beeswax, u. Rag, St. picked, S eenU. I Beef, oa toot, 6t7c dremd prime, (ij. Ilesvy Copper, per pound, 16e. Uht r lie Bra, per pound, S to 10c. - Pewter, per pound, 7 to 10 ets. . Lead, per pound, Sra. Old Iron, per luO pounds, flOc. Sheep Skin per piece, Sftie. Wool waahed, per pound, 80(33e. snwMhedin to 85c, . old 7iceoto;burry,.90ets. 1 THE .RALEIGH SENTINEL. AdMrUsentents 'will be mserted la the Daui Sshtihbi. at ths following rates par squars of one tach, or tea miaioa line. . , One square one time - - L00 44 each subsequent buertio less than a week BO I square, I week .................... I 60 I , - 1 raontb . 0 t i M 1 BJonthS.. U OCT I i ' - I IS 00 1 X - 4 W 00 1 ' - ' - . w S4 00 s 00 ta oo MOO 1 i NEWS AND NOTES. The Ontennul eollaction of speoimena from Colorado com d rises thirteen car loada, and mor ar yet to come. ... . TVeaiilnnt fliunt nktumtl infnrmnJ s friend tltat on the expiration of his term of offioa h intended to make a tour of th world. A marked feature of the J ury day of - the I'hiladelphia Exhibition will be a " muaioal oonteat between th different band of the country,. , , ,h ... ' rhiladelphia has voted 120.000 to her Mayor to entertain Utose loreijrn vuu who deserve to receive municipal fecbg ttibon and nonor. . Senator Thnrman has at Washington " a library larger by far than that of any usually owned by a fjovgresaman. let bis library at Columbus,, Ohio, is more , , extensive, , . ' v . Next month Pio Nono will have been Pep thirty year, and if he live two i -ii , ... i .i rears longer ne win unro outuveu uio oil term of St. Peter's primacy, which was thirty-two years. The Boston Journal says that anew instance of Winslow's rseoality has re cently been whispered, which has been kept very quiet He only added a ci pher, bnt it made a wonderful differ ence. A lrre number of wise and wealthV eUivena nf Indinnnnnlis liavn aent me morials to the school commissioners ro quet ting that proposed reduction in , teacher's salaries shall not be made. ' Tbe memorials contain vigorous and incisive protests against such action. Ths fialveaton New scoff at the TTarlfnMt rVinr.nt' laartMil -articles On ralMfnOrvtiifkans tiV hand. r It save BU - untutored freed man can raise more chicken by hand on bis way home from prayer-meetlugs than the editor of the (Jourant could raise with all hi science. r-l.tMM liu iwn mnN ami no mone. ' Ths wiliflaman flramn. elerka in the city offices, Ac, have not been paid for montua, ana tne comptroller nan uau w lend th city three dullara to secure the flin nt tha n nni iimn rr nsrjera in suits ben against it by certain claimant lor Uamagea. Is It Kundav or the Sabbath f At th Presbyterian General Assembly, in New 1 ork, a resolution waa introduced declaring It to be tbe sense of the aa avmhlv that to deakrnata the Lord's day aa Sunday is a heathenish practice, , and that tn denomination snouia use its influence to have the more appropriate name of Sabbath substituted therefor. - A monument has been erected at Shreveport to the memory of Eugcno ' A. Woodruff, Lieutenant of Engiueer, U. S. A.. who perished there during the great yellow fever epidemic ol 1873. Upon it, auer the name, is lnscrincu : "I was sick and ve visited me." The 1 stone, which is of the finest marble, waa furnished by Mrs. Harriet Woodruff, of , Independence, Iowa, mother of the de ceased. The crop of Cuban'' tobacco grown in Gaddens county. Florida, continues to increase In quantity and Improve In quality year by year. In 1870 ih fcen-- sua reported 11S.72J pounds. Last -spring a writer to tbe Department of, Acritulturo returned 200.UU0. and this spring 350,000 pounds for the crop of 1870. crown on 450 acre an euiarge ment of fifty per cent in tbe area blunted. The Quality is the best of auy crop since 1G5, attributed to the feet . . 1 . a. - r- . a w----r- mat expenencea planters nave euicreu upon its cultivation. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TIUUMPH TRUSS CO., 834 BOWERT, N. T., v to whom wss awarded the ' rrrmium Mtdml for the best Eleatlc Truts and Supporter at tbe Ut ewion of th GREAT AMERICAN INSTITUTE FAIR, eure s rupture In from dO to 00 days and offer 1,008 dollars for a eae they cannot cure, mey employ a , FIRST CLASS LADT SUltOEOX. ; Term moderate. Cssei rusrsuteed.- Or i mm MUmA K. mil V t. mi ii .t Mtii free. The usual discount to patron. Send It cents lur aeacnpiire oona in rroi. . Ii. Bvanaa, f , marSS-dlv -- Chief Surgeua. Mabsbal's Orrics. J.WH, ... V, , From snd after Monday next. May Hh, .... . . I, I I .1. 1) I RA AAM. M.N tha ViiV oi riaiei(n win paj w ....v. . .ii 3M tm tha 'it Pntinit for not hsvtnr on a licenee bsdre. Thee dogs will be kuied on tbe expiration of thrte days Bnless redeemed b. their owners. for Dog bal re can now n nau at wia omce by paring the regular ooz tax. ny Vlw. city Marshal. T O C K P E A , sn) RaVela of verv fine Black Peas re ' celved snd to strive, chespfor rh st uiiia';nM, ok City Granary and Feed Store. Coming and going all the while very low for Greenback or Silver promises sre not ear-rent-at - , . . '', GATTI8 A JONES' ' Wholesale Grata and Feed Store, i ' . Oppovlt Dr. McKee's Office., B O L T E D M E A L 800 to 1,800 buahel per week reeehelsnd sold ehesp tor cash only at - , i 0ATT1S A JONES' 7 J

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