V y T11E RALEIGH SENTINEL. ...... rcsustD . UA1LT, WUrLT AND BEMI-WEEEXT Official Onaa of KorUi Carslisa. STATE PRINTING BINDING , ESTABLISHMENT. i or icaacmirrioa. Daily HenUoel 1 year In advance M 00 Dally 8ts month m advance.. .......... 4 00 Send Weekly M u ............. S 00 Weekly aeattael - - S 00 Tb Daily Humasi. ul be delirerad to ay part of the City at Fifteen Csats week. B A X L'i R'D". V O O . OZXKKAI. , COMMISSIOI MSRCSIS f; A Xfe DEALERS IsT - ';T- CHAIN", HIDES, WOOLiTOBACCO, nor, Eftgs, Batter, Cbesae, Dried Trait, ' feather, Tun, Lard, Tallow, Seed, Bacon, Bean, Poultry, floor, Vsg etables, Ae., Ae . Ae. ' WAEIHOLUK, 807 A J N. BROAD ST, 1'HILADELPBIA. eprflT-wfta rV --.A v.. . .i S j, GEAT MEDICAL: BOOK,. aad BeereU lor Ladle and GeaU, Sent free for two sump. Addrea. Bt. JOemni MBIMCAJ.1RBTITDTB, St. Joseph, Me. out i-Um NEVER BEFORE EQUALLED I The Largest S took on nZ-pznh R ecord. C. IfJCf Kmi Mm IMtfrMrcf. He is still at the old Stand with a larger :. assortment of spRnrcjr qoods " U. & CENTENNIAL GOODS. I. i FOURTH icLTf CENTENNIAL GOODS- 1778, tiilST Si7lES,T;jai87fi.' ,' jkook at my latest Faehioa Flaiee and ehooa year style,' ' ; ' " 1 CLOTHS, , 5 i.Vi '.!,;. '75 'A Ul i: . i CASSIMERES, .'$ i . v...;;,,., ,tH! ..frU-.r: surnsras. In lot anything yon want,' Coma and ea rn, I know I can suit yon. j. t p'ELKBXt'B. ESTABIJ3IIMENT. is at the old place, one door south of the Bouthem, Exprees pffioe, w I guarantee all my fits. "'apt M-3nt ? ' ' OkWEIKEI, " QEYDEL & COS. Pocket Hammock WEIGHT ONLT 1 rOUliD, BEARS 1,800 POUNDS. PB1CB Of No I, K , A most loJcurlDM Cooeh, Becvty Swtsg Ac u - fc-, r w S 't areolar May be had by addroninf " VAJT WART McCOT, 184 and 136 Duaoe Btreet, Mew Tork. i - April T w8m. - - - ... - $100 . . nnnhtm hlT Made any is n Ptra a Cut. lawet aeenrdlnc to yoaf means $10, asa a $1U0, ! Vk rltBa. aaa brotiKK fren tor tune to tke careful loveator. We adriae wbeo aad how to operate aalely. Book with full laforawtloaaaHraaa. Addreii erdV J- by saaU aad telegrapa to . - v n,T3 r BAITEBACa, Bankers and Broken, 17 Wall 8t, N.I. , laaHMawly.: ;. ": ,'' ' 4 t A NOTHER CAR LOAD OF , ; Jut arrivinr. ' Olre at a call. ' , j F. C. CHRISTOPHERS CO., j mnii i ? : i WUmtajtoa street.. SALE OF. VALUABLE LOTS tnm,nvl ',4.'! i?if ? . Ob the Brat Monday of Jane, 1876, at tke Court Hooaa door, to BalelKh, , I wUI offer - tor sale, to the highest bidder, for CASH, TWO ACHES. OF LAND, In the city of RaleUrbkaowa to the plae of 1 the eity aa lota No. 837 and SIS. Thl lan la MHO in punuauee m um mi mm power contained la a aKtrtrag duly regia tered to Wake county, book 88, p(re 681. . - 4 ' D. M. CARTER. apSt-4tw; Agents, 0 ESUA0EMEST8 ' . , SEE OUR , MAKE XO ENGAGEMENTS TILL TOC t SEE OUR , ! : NEW BOOK, Whiek to thrnitat" 'interest, sterilnr aiertt, legaoce sod rheapneta, has sbeolutely no equal. It I "The Thing for Us Centeaalal period take on slcht. The North Amertcaa Review say it I "de errlng of nnquallfled pralee J we anticipate for It aa extend? popularity": the Dubuque Time saya "Juat rack a work a thousaad s of th Ameneaa reopis wui ds tnaa 10 pos tha uetroit Advertiser can It "tire- t erable to any yet publUhed." ANT ACTIVE MANOR WOMAN ot good sddres latured larf prolts and steady work tot a year. ' Ear fall particular, address i i 4. v, rUsU (j(X7 fsra riaee, aprSo ; ... ,i s. .New Iork. 50,000 iLBS. SPLENDID FODDER 4 attl,SSpetl00Usi .! i :i n ?i 25,000 Iks splendid Baled Oat at 1 5 tper 1UU ID. i' I .. J. . - ' GATTISA JONES'. , Grata and feti Stors. VOL; XXIL RALEIGH, N. C; WEDNESDAY MAY 31, THE CITY. rosr Office dibectoby. "cft'r ' ' ' " - For tlie benefit of the public, we pub- UaU tha following directory of tha post- office of thi city x Western road closes .. . ... . arrivea Eastern closes , ' " ' arrirs Cltatham " cloaca arrlres 11:15 a. m. 1:2 p, m. 3:03 p. m. 11:45 a. m. 3:00 p. m. 9:45. a. m. R. A O. R. R.-mad closes - t30 a. m. J arTiTee 3:18 p. m. Through northern via B. A G. K. It. cloaSs - 9:30 a. m. Through northern, via B. A G. B. It. arrivrs- ' 3:45 p. in Through northern via Golds-. boro closes v . ' r. 3jOS p, m. rhrough northern via Golds - boro arrivea .. 11:43a.m. Office hours ftr delivering mails from 7:30 B. m. to 6:30 p. ni. llonay orders are. issued and paid trom 8:15 a. m. t 4 p. m. Letters can be regutered from 8:15 a. m. lo 4 p. w. ' Ofllce hours on Sundays from 4 p. m. to Bp, m. . JJZ W. W. Uoldkk, F. M. LOCAL DOTS. H The Supreme Court meets next Mon A large crowd have gone to Chapel H Jft-ajJ " taiT. M4. " ? r- " " i.G. Hester Is registered at the Na tional hotel la."E. Boyd, of Graham, .was in the city this morning. ,r fcwlft Gallowsy, Esq., of Greene conn tyilTat tha National i fwtin Busbse, Master U & N., is here oB a visit to bis family. " i ! A namber of our fair ladies will attend tha grand ball at Chapel Hill to-morrow night, j ! TlieCitiswis Cornet baud will dawouraa sweet mnsio in thcr capitol stinarethia aheinoon. ti John C. Partridge, a former citizen of this place.died audduuly in C'ukago tha other day. : - - . '" t The dog-catching brigade are vigor ous and active in their eOVrts to turuan honest penny. .1" . ' : 0. 8. Parker, editor of the Ahuaanoe Gleaner, was in the city this morning at tha National -A What kind of preparations are being nude for the pror receptiou of our state conventlonf . .-, w,-., ax TbV man arrested the other day at Lumberton for Scott Paxtin turned out to be somebody else. T. IL 'Fentre ss is running an Ice Cream aaloon, wbkh he has given the name of "The Centennial" t Jndge Settle, of the Supreme Court, arrived in this, city yosterday Aad left this morning for, his .home in Greens boro.. ' - I -V7, ..- lV . : t Tuesday morning a number of our citizens will leave here to attend the commencement exercises at -jWake Forest College. The Sunday School of the Free Church of the Good Shepherd (P. E.) bad a joyous time yeaterday at the pic-nlc at Milbumia. j-j.,;; -r t - Raleigh Chapter, No. 10, will send a full delegation to the meeting of the Grand Chapter, which meets in Charlotte eit Monday. -:;? .; l " Bev. J.B. Taylor will deliver the lit erary address before the graduating elans of tha Raleigh Baptist Seminary at the close of the present Sfswion. . '. Sheriff A G. HilL of Forsyth county, snired here yesterday with a republi can voter for the penitentiary, one Isaac Jordan, Col sentenced f or two years for stealing tobaooo. " " f ., ':'t ', V, " Major Seaton Gales' has gone to Greensboro to deliver the annual ad dress, before the . young ladies of the Greensboro Female College this even ing.' - - -1 i'-; t . i The Raleigh Light Infantry go to Norfolk on the 8th with the Rescue Steam Fire Company ...The company hold a business meeting to-night to per fect the necessary arrangements. ' T. B. Purnell, StaUUbrarian, bas'rsi ceived an invitation to attend a conven tion of archasologista and neerologiats, which meets in Philadelphia Sept. 4th. All State Librarians have received invi tations to attend, A, . , 1 Tha federal memorial eeremonies yea terday afternoon were conducted almost entirely by- the colored people. But few white men were in the procession. We noticed A. W. Tonrgecj, Albert Magnln, Tbomaa Hampaoa and one or two, others. , A number of cx-federal soldiers went over to the cemetery in tha morning and did their decorating. , The U. S. soldiers did not parade, tmt min ute guns were fired during the after- noon. . . .. ; . . : n. 7! n ? THE GRAND EXCURSION. i TQ NORFOLK AND, FORTRESS ; vi, .,.. ;. mosboe. .v;;.i 7;,; THUBSDAV, JC 8, 18tt. ' Tickets for sale at ' ' ; V -i Williams' book store, Encias' book store, " , Creech's dry goods store, " " , "- Nat; I Brown's variety store, v ... t Bradley's confectionery store, Simpson's drug store, and at tha Bal eigH k Gaston rsHroad stations. ; -:i PtKaaa Corbbot . The Newii of thia rooming atatea Uiat the Sentinel had suspended. This is not so. No issue appeared yesterday afternoon from the fact thst a suspension was necessary In order to perfeot certain arrangement a. The Sentinel will not suspend, bnt will ere long appear before the publio a bat ter paper than it waa in its palmiest days, and as bitter a foe to radicalism. j ' - - Suiidat School t th PxjirrxjrriAir. Last evening the Young Men 'a Chris tian Association held an important bu siness meeting. Tha main business transacted waa the arrangement made tu organize a Sunday School in the pen itentiary, the authorities of tha institu tion having consented to it. We under stand that teachers will be supplied from ths Association and th Sunday Schools of the city. The beet and moat zealous teachers will be selected. ' This is an excellent movement, and we hope will result "in great jpjoi'Tr-TW. :.' , it St. Jobx's Pio-Nic As heretofore announced the members of St. John's Society propose to give a pio-nio at the new ' fair , grounds ' to-morrow. All Bwceeaary arrangementa to seeure a pleas ant ,time hava been made. No objec tionable party will nllowed to pur chase a ticket, and tha beat order will be maintained. Omnibuses will run from St John's (Catholic) chureh to the fair ground at 8:30 a. m., :10 a. to,, 1130 a. m., 1 p. m. and 20 p..m. At 7 p. m. a sufflcicnt number of eonvey. anceawill be ou Ue ground to return the party to the eity altogether. Tick ets are only $1 a piece and are sold to gentlemen alone, as no charge is mads for ladiea and children.' , The afLdr promises to be a very enjoyable one ona that the most fastidious can partici pate in. ' .x-.l-4r-'x-- LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. A WKDDIXO in BIOH in WAaHWotOK, N. C., May 24, 1870. Editor Skxtiiibx : I have long in tended to give yon some news from Washington, bnt nave been nnsnooeea ful aatU the present The weather has been nn usually cool for soma time past, for which reason the crops are; back ward,. ,,(.''' ' S. Last evening at 71 o'clock, Mr. August Heller led to the hymenial altar Mies Lena B., tha lovely daughter of our popular townsman, Jacob Rosenthal, Esq. The attendanta were Mr. R. Hoi ler and Miss Emma Rosenthal, Mr. F. B. Satterthwaite and Miss Julia Bowen, Mr. O. . Crabtree and Miss Lizzie Blount, Mr. a F. Ellison and Miss Eliza SsAehwellMr. J. E. Jarvis and Miss Lida Rodman. By 9 o'clock tha house wss thronged with guests, each vieing with the other in mirth and hilarity. Upon fair faces soft light fell lending a uaa sling splendor to the beautiful and ele gantly attired attendanta, . Tha beautiful flowers that were profusely scattered through the rooms yielded a generous tri bute of varied aromas that fleeted in lux urious waves. A band was soon discours ing the sweetest music, and ""ff waa the order of the evening. At 12 o clock we adjourned to the tapper room, there to find a table bountifully ladened with every rare delicacy that ingenuity eould devise, acoompauiad by tha best old wines in the greatest abundance. After supper dancing was resumed, thereby giving ns a fine opportunity to notice the beauty and grace of the fair ladiea. The first who attracted our attention waa Miss Bailie Smallwood who, arrayed in simple white with only cape jasmines for ornaments, seemed the very embod iment of purity and grace. Miss Mary Latham, with her dark eyes and ready j wit, next drew our attention; ana was evidently playing havoc with the heart of our agreeable young friend , who distinguished himself as the most graceful danoer ou tha floor. Misses Koeenthsl, Blount Rodman, DeMiller, Hoyt and Gi ist were there, lending their charms to make the evening pleasant Miss Eliza Satchwell was as lovely and attractive as usual her starry eyes cast their melting glances principally on tha intelligent face of ( who was all devotion and seemed happy1 only when oy ner stae. ' y Just as day dawned, wa took our departure, each affirming that the gen- eroue Hospitality of Air. Kosentnal naa never been surpassed, Wa must add that the bride received many handsome and valuable presents. : She leaves many true and tried fnenda behind. Alay their future be aa bright as their wed- uing eve, - - .v. If your bo wels 1 are ! -'costive lake A dose of Dr. Bull V Vegetable Pills ; wa snow oi no Miter meuxiue. t x . sx jar Jsv 9 RIGHT WORTHY GRAND LODGE : ,m ;;. . oood; templars, ';;". BIOHT SE88IOH-THIRD DAT. v i H V- ' ' li.. ..i ' .'.,;: '. ' ..." 'I'" ,. ' " ,.. i , . Locmtille, Kv., Ms 2C. . The body met' at 8 o'clock. Col J. J. Hickman In the ehalr. , : l ',v', ' By the withdrawal ot Representative S. E. Gladstone, of Scotland, the office of Ttlsrht Worth v Grand Counsellor, be came vacated. A ballot a had, and T. ' D. , Kanouse, of Wisconsin, was elected. Mrs. M. B. O'Dounel waa elected Superintendent f . Ju vend Templea. ' -Portland, Mainewas chosen as the next place of meatuiCvi . - ,f ; A number of resolution and motions were submitted, among them to leave It to each juriadictiou to Jtriks put or retain the word "tobacco" from t! pledge of juvenile temples. Under the bead of Good of the Order a number or stirring speeches were made, soug sung, and the meeting closed with prayer by Her. Mr. Wood, of Virginia, , ' . . ' " 1; i.. , -.i rotTRTU DAY. V .-! The body met at 9:30 o'clock. " The committee on finance reported, 1 appropriating ILM0 to the. Bight Wortliy Grand Templar, and 11,800 to the Secretary for the past year's ser vices. .: !) i'.i' ! . , .i 1 I . A number of resolutions were Intro duced, among them on from the Be p- rasenUtive from North Carolina, ap pointing a committee of three to pre pare a new burial ceremony, and re port at next sesalon.. And one from the Representative (hm Virginia, to do away with Chase's Digest as any part of the supplies furnished to subor dinate lodges. ' ' ,.., Th committe to whom was referred the declaration of th Representatives from Great Britain, report ed In an able answer, which was adopted by a strong vote, and ten thou sand copies of th report ordered to be printed for circa lation.; ; ,' . ., 4-- -' 1- Tha officers were then installed, at the conclusion of which U. W. G. T., Col. J. J. Hickman, delivered one of most earnest and eloquent appeal we have ever heard for assistance in tha delicate and difficult work incum bent upon him tills coming year. He stirred every heart and brought tears to almost every eye. ! Strong men wept like children, and when he closed, th members ros aa one and pledged him their hearty and faithful support snd co operation. It wast scene such at Is seldom witnessed, and all sesmsd to feel it a happy augury for th harmoni ous and united working of the thirty nine Grand ' Lodges whose, represen tatives participated in It. '. - : At th conclusion of Mr. Hickman's speech, a unanimous call waa made for Mr. Roper, of England.1 He came for ward after repeated urging, with the tear streaming from hla eyes, and for tome minutes ' was "unable to speak from the emotion excited by the speech of th Right Wortliy Grand Templar. When he did succeed la gaining the mastery of himself, h delivered a moat felicitlous and effecting aequel to the previous speech, and the effort wat warmly received and gratefully appre ciated by the members, among whom a better spirit prevailed than had been observed at any other time durlug ' the session. - Adjourned. , it : i ' ' " NIOHT SR98IOW. ) The committee on State of the Order made a report, sUtini; that the order, is to-day ihe largest and strongest organi zed band of temperance workers In the wortdVbeyTirged that th missionary work of the order requires the ettab lishment of a missionary fund, and the effort to raise such a fund should be continued. Their report closes with a high encomium ou the character and services of th Right Worthy Grand Templar, ".,' ' I '" Representative Knowlton, or Canada, offered the following resolution j u Resolved, That this R, W. Grand Lodge send th8 IC W, Grtnd Templar, Dr. Oronbyatekha, of Canada, and Rev. John Russell, of Michigan, to Gneat Britain, Ireland, or any bther Jurisdic tion, t look after this , Interests ' of the order of Good Templars therein ., j Ou this resolution subscription was called for, and the members responded enthusiastically,: pledging 1 themselves and their Grand Lodges for sach asms asthey were, willing to gnaranUe per tonally, and In many casei making personal subscriptions. Rep. Kniwl ton subscribed 503 in gold, and' hit delegation pledged their Grand Lodg for. the i tarn amount.' Other , Grand LodBes war pledged ut qnal andlea ,er amounts! the whole J subscription amounting (b 84,300 "mm a, . -- .us. 1876. No. 86. Rev. Mr. Russell is a P. R. W. f. Templar, and one of the rnot t earnest and efficient laborers la th order.' Dr. Oronhyatekha Is the author of the sub stitute which was adopted by the R. W. G. "Lodge In place of the English ' pro position, lie was a.s chairman of the Committee on the Declaration, and made the report given ' above. The mission is a strong- one, and will do good work. A subscription Was ordered to be taken up anion z . the lodgea ai their first moeting in October for, mWooary work with aa especial view to India, ' Adjourned. JFHwere ahown. yesterday, by our young friend Ldiam' Meadows, silver quarter, which at on time had been converted into an Odd-Fellows' pin. theooin was east la 1851, On the reverse side, which had been amoethed off, was the foUowing : "II. IL O., E. H. L., No. 1." Under the number waa the three links of the order. The owner of the pin belonged to the order outside of the atate,aa ths E. R. L. is no doubt for the lodge, and No. 1 in thia state ia Weldon . '-:rZ Th big excursion to Norfolk is now the maiu topic of discuasion. Lots of good people are going, and a joyous time is ahead. The committee of arrangementa hav taksn ample precautions to prevent any disorder and mak th whol affair agreeable to all who participate. Thanks to the Rescue .Company for each an at tractive programme.' ' - CARD FROM JOHN V.. RYAN. .'. SALisarar, N, C.,' May 30, 1876. ; ; - Eorroa Sarrwzt. j In your paper of 27th of May instant-I notice an article under the caption "Arreet of an Iuau rano Agent stating that the arrest was mads at the instano of th Pied mout A Arlington Life Insurance Com. pany, Ac. Your informant stated aa untruth. I waa arrested at the instanos of ono II M. Stafford, whose applica tion I had taken about March 27th for 13,000 insuranoe in the Continental Life Imuran oe Company, of Hartford, and thereupon issued to him the company binding receipt for the premium ($197.) This mouey waa reported to Mr. Rol lins, the Company acknowledged man ager, to whom the application waa also forwarded. For reasons to myself un known Mr. Stafford has never received any policy from the Continental, nor even a notice of his rejection. Sinos Mr. Rollins discontinnd his connection with tne Company I also severed mine, since which tuns the Company has pre- tended to refuse recognition of all ofn- i cud sots of Rollins and myself. Ilenoe the cause of 'action token by Stafford against me. 1 have abundant authority to snow that I was th aathorised agent of tin Continental Life, and that Mr. Stafford's claim wss not against me, but simply t chum against the Company ; also that hla action against me was taken without good Ooonaet and waa altogether unjust and unauthorised by law. i 1 1 bo far as handcufhng is conoerned, that waa done at my own inatance. Aa an outrage had been perpetrated on me m my arrest I tntendea tnattney anouia carry it as far as possible, reminding Mr. Stafford at the same timet hat there wonU be a "hereafter." . - , :. ! ' Aa yon have published uutruths against me will you now be so una as to puniisn facta in my favor 7 . , i , l! .r ... Oa V. AttAX.! . i i . 1 M j ' " ; -Died, - At ths rettdencs of P. T. Petcud (her ev Is law,) os Monday afght, SOth tact, at IS o'clock, Mr. Margaret WUroa, relict of tha lateMlle WIIoa, Di Mecklenburg county, ., la ths 7ta year of aer age. r 1 WHOLESALE CASH PRICES :- !A CatTected by ' . f . C CHEI8TOFHERS A CO. v ' Ralbiob, May 81, 1878. esssaiL MAaZST. ' , ' 1 Cotton Ties. 64 cents. now, North Carolina fAOO..' "; Dors nninoeenia, .,' i-- j , ; Cora Meal, ' rr TTif j . Baeos, N. C hog round, lKgla, . ,-. ; -" ." harna I6(gl0. Bulk Meata, Clear Rib Hides, 13t3. " , ehoulden, "K' cents. . , Lard, North Carol loa, 17). i i , " Wastora tierces, 1. .... i " , Coffee, Prime Rto . ' S .- " Good,Sl29. ' ; "''' i . " ' Common, ..:....:.;: Strap, 8. H.ai80. i . .. t . Molaasea, Cnba U(5, ,. .. , ., Bait, Msrshsi'sS-ab,..,.,;-, ., ., ,r " Etsb',S15. V ' Nstls, oa batU for lot, $3.65. ' '' " ' Soger A. IB. h I "'i IztiaCll. t - -r I i, . fellow C. 0 l-BtSlO. . .Leather. Red Sole ato-'t. . .. , ' ' . OakUnned, 40. ; ' Hides, green, 6. - ' " '': ? " d-v.10. ( ..TUrw7(a)T.:. , ' -.. ! -i to atoes, nt 75 cents per buibel " Irish. tnglOO - . , Oat,. helleJ.es. ' '""-; 1 " iheaf, from wagon, 1. eeats.. ' baled 1.0U ' - '. T Odder, baled, 1.S5. ' ' , Hay, N. C baled, good, WXiLOO. . " Irw, perdoies, l.Vt. .. . , Butter, N. C, 3. '; ' ' ' V1 i Beeswax, SS. r " ':- ' - Bap,! .. . y.LTT:-TUlTJ w nicked. S eeata. , . Beef, oa foot, 6J((f 7c. T " dressed prime, 7(c7. " " "j Bras, per pound, S to 10c. . J j : Pewter, per pound, f to 10 eta. - j , v Lead, per poand, Sic, m , . , J Via iron, per iuu pouaas, our. Gil SENTINEL ' AJtertlMBenU wmbetoaertedlathslMUl Baariau. at ths fouowlnf rakes per square of , see inch, or tea m to loa Uuea. - - ' On severe one time $L00 " each aubaeoaeat Inaartlna . lea than s week i... r So 1 square, 1 week S 60 - 1 saoath ,... 8 00 1 S months.,..,... 13 uo rj s i oo 1 - -4 MM 1 " S - M tO 1 T; I... n 00 1 - s - asm .the In what s ttrsogs bewQdnment do we Awak scha rn from out ths brltfnlgbts sletp, i ; '.., ; , j . , Our ttrug-sjuig eoBtclousaea doth grops snd creep " t Its slow wsy back, a If it eonld sU fit . Iuelf from bond aaacea. Then memory Llkeraddea Ufht, oataahes from h deep Ta oy or griet which tt bad Uatto a For oa; and by th Joy or grief w see The new dar dawaets Ilka tha veaterdan W are aachanged; ear UU th same ws Before. I wonder if thb la ths wtv ' We waks from Death's short slsep, to strunte thnwg-b - r ,. . , brief blldrmeot, aad, to dUmay. Behold oar life an to ovrold ht true. ' ,i' Malor Thooiaa Butler and William O. Butler, the only two living leuiDers or uenerai Jackson's staff -ho were Dreaent at th tmitle aT Xw Orteaus, trvwneari CarrolltOBirKv?- Major sMitier u ei and Ueneral Butler ia H6 veara of ara. Tha Ulior candidate for Vice-President on the democratic ticketln 1848. - - ; . A ticket csomnoaed of Tlhlen aiwl Thurmau would be th most powerful in Ameiica, u tne ambition or friends could make the necessary concessions. It ia dear that New 'York. wlUi hr five millions of people, it Indispensably necessary to a uemoc ratio victory ; ana If Ohio should aidwilh. Thurmau, or Missouri with Broadhend. for ancoml place, the nominal ton ( would strike terror into the disorgaa zed ranks of th republican, Louiiyf.le Cjiuier-Jour-ual. Cem, ' , . Th Madrid irorernaliit had urtaMd to aeod thirty i thousand soldiers to Cuba in a few months to suppress that interminable Insurrection. Since 18C9, the date of the beginning of thn' trou bles, Spain ha sent about 125,000 mea to tha kland. and the snaurirenta LiU a larger extent of territory than ever.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TRIUMPH TBUSSCO., 884 BOWERT, X. T., to whom was awarded the rrrsjtftsjst Mtdml for the best Elaatle Truss aad' Supporter at the hut teuton of the GREAT AMERICAN INSTITUTE FAIR, eure a rupture ta from 30 to 00 days sad offer 1,0U0 dollar for a ess thy. cannot cure. . They employ a :7AST CLASS LADY SUliOEOX Term moderate. Casea ruarsateed." Or d erf piled by mall. Examination free. The amial dieoant4 to patron. . Send H cents ror aeampiiTe tiooa to fror. W. U. BUKJillAM, M. V., niarSS-dly : . ,. , Chief Surgeon. - MiaeaaL's Orrtcs. Ralbiob, N. C, stay i, 1878. 47 rst II siua taiasrr oiunuaj jvbsbj awtuj the City of KalelKh will pay W cenu each for all doir put In the City Pound far not bavins: on a llcetue badge. Thf dog will be killed on the eiplratloe of ' three day anle redeemed b their owner. loz badirea can now be had si thl ofnc by paying ths regular dojf tax. miylSlw. ' Ctty Marihslr s T O C K ' ' P '" E " A .9, mi Bua' ela 'of verv flne Black Pea 'is. eelved snd to arrrre, cheap for cub at ' . . . Oak City Granary and Feed Stors. C'- '" ' O " '"'" i'-M X , ! I ....'mi ti -1 ..') t-i'.r. Comhii snei going all the -while very low for Greenback or 8firer promUe sr aot' ear- reitt-at S: it i T'l i ' " ' GATTIS A JONES'i " W'holeaal Grain sad Feed Store, i .i."- ,- , ,...,i'.'.i :-, , , OppoJts Dr. McKee's Office. S EASONABLE ANNOUNCEMENT. f ,x., , !,;. v . . , . f r- - .T' ,., , Ths present warm spell will cause a demand for our beautiful ' ' ' .v t . . . i ' ,. 1 . TLAID AND PLAIN LINENS, - SUMMER MOHAIRS,' PRINTED LINENS AND LAWNS. All of which, we ars now rooeiviag a freah supply. . , ; ., ; .. . , , .... Also for the gentlemen a full atock o the fashionable -i .-.fr i -; 3, . ! ." ...i , ....I i......' .;, . ; . ';: . - - MACKINA )V-HA T i. r.t .' . V. I." ! . . in stversl stylcf, and the rtraw and color! ventilator ' ' "; ' ' ,. ! .. : i .- .-. t - Summer Hat. ... . .-i..r-1. i' (.' k eui cf "1T (early summer) Silk . ' .. :i ; ... ; .. ; : ; Hato at 3.60 . . .. . . . apt 14 W. Hj A R. S. TUCKER V .!.U'll . ,"111 1-51.' ""I f.i : Lfciiat : I .;:. t.,1 '.-i'i iTt.iTj.t-'Kit . - j - ";-:-'-:.i':H,i' -

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