" . """" -", ' " 7y ' ' .- '' ' A " . , " ' ' i-r .,. - '' '"-!. I; '''' ' '" ' 1 ' 1 ' '';"V:'': t- ; - : -" - i THE RALEIGtl SENTINEL. UAILT, WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY Official Oriaa of Kuril Carolina- STATE PRINTING A tINDINO ESTABLISHMENT. (Hlly entlel 1 year ta edvaac........ 00 ,)Miy Alt month. IB jToe.... . 4 00 ., Weekly J M Th l)itt SVi"ll wfll be delivered ta ny part of th City at Fifteen Cent week. NEVER BEFORE EQI7AIXED I The Largest (3tock on f Record. . Una ittturned. lie i still at the old Stand with a larger aawortmentof SPBINOOOODS than byir. v, U.aCESTENSlALGOODa fOURTH JtJLT CENTENNIAL OOODfr 1776-: ;1 UTKfl -u'i 1 '" if ; ,,-if.J r, !,. ft ... Look at my latest Faahioa Plates and cbooae your style. CLOTHS, " " . v CASSTMERES, , .r-S!f.r V! ! suitings. la set anything yon went. Com and aee me, I know I cu anit yon. , WEIKKL'S MTABLMHMEST U at ths old plaevone door south of the Southern Exprees offio. . ; f;0 I guarantee all my fit. aiMm,';y;y ;;.';'c. weikel,-. A -NOTUER CAR LOAD OF Xl; .k'vv.-FLOUIlI - ., : 'a v. JmI arriTtaf. OI a emll. - . r. C CUW8TOPH EES CO., ,., - . WUmtngtoa ttrwit. ALE OF VALUABLE LOTS " .HI i Oa the Ant Monday of Jeae, 1870. at Mi Court Uwm door, la Jtalelea. I U1 offer lor mJ, to lb kiKhsrt bidder, for CAsil, TWO A CAES OTx fLAND. la th cHt of RAlelh, known In the plan of tha ell aa low xioa. m i.mI uld ta narsaaaea of the Una a power enetaiaad la a aaortraga aoiy nfla- apSMtw ' ';'- - - - - - - Agents, . ; MAKX NO IltOAGIWKITS TILL TOO NEt'BOOK, Which tm ihrBltoir InUrMt, eterltair mertt, clrcanea aad cbeapnM, ha ahaotutaly no quaL It U "Tb Thing" for tha Centennial prrlod-take oa alchb Tba North American Review aay H !" erring of anqnallBeo pnine j anticipate 1, H axtenaive Donularitr"! the Dubaqu TinuM tare "JlMt tuch a work as tboutaad of tb Amerieaa l'aopl 1U be rlad to po - am"; the Detroit Adrertlaer cant n "iim Unlila toanr Yrtoubltahed," ANT ACT1VI MAX OB. WOMAN of (toed addrea Imured large nrrjflt ana VteadT -wora IOC a year. yr full wwtleelar. J. H. TORD A CO- S7 Park Place. ur aVBt f si ,-- New Tork. . ITAAAAlS. 8 PL t JtBtD PODDBIl atlSSperlOOlta. 85,009 ft pladld Baled OaU at flS "per ' ! , . 42mla and Teed Store. CT II W I i..r.. Hnliik.u honoraMa an ra1 A MOM Tl--Anl wntr trim Tk.:ll luUM. ranloilaraarHtrrM. Ad4rM lMtr aaW V J.wt QEASONABLE ANNOUNCEMENT, aj V. , : Tb preaent warm apell will oaoae a .5: ' demand for oar beautiful rLAlf) AMD PLAIN UJtlNS, . ! ll ; iCMMEB MOHAIRS, J PRINTED LINENS AND LAWNS. AH of which we are faow toeeiving a "'- ' ' -v. ' " '. f raah rappty, , Alaa for the gentlemen a full atook of the faahionable MACKINA W HAT .; ,'..... - v . ; . 1 '' . " ' - '..!?' "-'ri ;i '';) :! . in eaveral atrlea. and the atraw and colored ventilator 1 Summer Hat, Aease of newjlyTrajinerj" Bilk nUatt5.50 .' . ' ' apt 14 W. H. R. a TUCKER . : iP WW jvJii : " if M k M:M ; . VOL. XXIL rOST OFFICE DIBECTOBV. For the benefit of Uta puUk, we pub- rh tlie following directory of the posfc- oflkaof Ouacityj a VTeatern inail cloeea 11:15 a. m. " arrivea , ; s:zip,n. Eaatern clwei . 3:03 p. tnt " i,! 1 arrlTea .11:45 a. m. Chatham " i cloaea t j i 3:00 p. nt. ; arrirea ' S w45 a. oa. It A G11. R. mail cloeea . V.30 a,m. arrlTM 3:18 p. m. Through northern via 11.& O. K. B. Cloaea - ? v.3ua. m. Through northern ?la R. A G. ' 1 K 1L arrivea " .-" a a: P. Through northern via Golde- boro cloeea a:ua p, n. fhrougb northern via Golde w horotrmea ii:w a, n. Otlico bomra for delivering mail from 1:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. nt. . . Moner omen are uwuea ana paia from 8:13 a. m. to 4 p. m. Letter an be reentered from 8:15 a. . to 4 p, m. OHice houra on Sundaya from 4 p. m. top.m. ; LOCAL DOTS. T. B.' Xeogh ia in the eity. Chapel HiUviaitorahaveall returned. ''Book Beer" ia now the popular maa- culine beverage. ' Chief . Jnatioe WaiU i expected to arrive In the city ihia afternoon. j Judge Bynum, of the Supreme Court, arrived thia afternoon at the National. Joaepli R. Wrenn. ex pre meaaeuoer betweenthia place and" Norfolk, la quite W. t.Ni. ; .. - I- t- C i Joilgo. Rodman, of the : Supreme Court, arrived in thi eity yesterday and ia at the- National.' Ten" dog were rathlawaly alanghtered yaaUrUari Saoaage meat will aooa be plentiful and cheap, i f --j- We now have a happy father in our millet. Hia wife recently gave birth to S boya. Happy man. At St Augnatine'a Chapel (eolored P. E.) Geo. Cooper will be ordained dea con by Bishop Lyman to-morrow. Lota of achool miaaea have paaMd through thia city in the past two Jay on their way home for the vacation. Meaar. Eaia.Weitt, Nichols, Weather- rell and Neathery left thia morning for Charlotte to attend the mooting of the Grand Chapter on Monday. Albert Magnln, of thia city,: baa been annmnted Commiationer of Deed for the state of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina and Massachu setts. . ''. . Th moat senkitlve man we have ever heard of waa Che one who aerved in a colored Federal regiment duriog the war, and then hurried out to the cemetery early in the morning to deco rate tha grave la order to avoid join ing in memorial service in which col ored Union aoldiera we're "allowed to participate. ' Thi la eurely Inconsistent in the extreme. Trl- Weekly Conatltu- Who la he. Mr. Constitution Let'a have his name I " Dbatk or ax old Cmz. Thi morning at 15 minutes after 1 o clock, Reuben Hobby, aged 88 yeara, died at the reaidence of hia aon-in-Iaw, Oaborne Holt, E4. Mr. Hobby waa a good man, having been a church member for 66 yeara. ' He belonged at first to the Christian church, but about 12 months ago connected himself with the Swain Street Baptist church. Mr. Hobby bad many warm friends here. - Dkath or Mas. Maxx Tccxta. Thi lady, wife of H. P. Tucker Esq., died yesterday afterneon at the reside noe of Mm MoGee, Hillsboro atreet, after Ions illness. The funeral service will take place at the Edenton Street Meth odiat church to-morrow (Sunday) after- neon at 4 o dock. Tnefnendsand ao- quaintanoea of the family are invited to attend.- -,;r.:.y. L. H. WILLIAMS FOR SECRETARY OF STATE. Ralkioh. 3T. C, June 3. 1878. Ms. Editor : The conaervative aenliment ia Ihia atate is alive for Cot, N. L. WiUiam. of Yadkin, "Old Nkk," that the people all know so well, for Secretary of State. Ilia known hospi tality as a gentleman and North Caro linian, and his open hand liberality where the cry of charity baa been heard, are only a few of the characteristic that make up the people' man in the person or Mr. n mums, ilia name wui 1 a tower of atrength in the west. MANY. The new Atlaa hotel, Philadelphia, Pa., conducted with special refarence to quiet and pleasant accommodations. , t small coat, Ju 1-1 w RALEIGH N. CM BaVT.Utt.yAX y uiMHi o, iou.j aawaaawwaaBwaBawawawwi COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. ' ! - I ' " ! ' , I The friend of virtue, morality ana educaUon. bars looked with deep Mix-I - . f JV- I ktjr to tha annual commencement of the Uniyereity of North Carolina, I came Off at Chapel uV th-w j commencing on Wedneaday. The quea-1 tion waa In the great acarcity or nioney, 1 and ttavnatlon In bualneaa wui um people bo there toaustaln, countenance and eneourge . the efforU making to rehabilitate the Univcraity once o dear to everv, North Carolina heart t The auettion u ' anawered on Thuraday hut by the pretence of the muiutuce . . . . . . who filled the chapel from "turreHo foundation itone," leaving at the aame Lima a conlderablo crowd on the out- M who could net eet in. We would not have the reader euppoee that there were more present than when Polk and I Buchanan were in attendance, but tne 1 number surprised and gladdened the heart of every fhend of the institution. Mr, Paul C Cameron, for the trustees and ra nltv. in a . feeliuit eoeech. bid them one and all a hearty and affection ate welcome. The following gentlemen make up the faculty : Bev. Charlee , l'biUipa, I'ro- fessor of Mathematics ; J. DeBernter Hooper, Professor of Greek and French ; Geonre Taylor - Wuiston, rroieesor 01 Latin and German ; BevAdolphua V. r.u Tr.MIPhilonhw iuaiKuu., . .v.-. . . and uiffuau Aiueraiure : iter. awMuuti Fletcher Redd, Professor of Physios and Chemistry: Ralph nenry Qravea, Pro feasor of Engineering! John Kimbrly, Profeasor of Agriculture. " ' The distinguiabing featnr of Wednea- dav a vrooeedinira waa the address of Hon. A M. WaddelL member of Con' great from the ' Wilmington district The address was well conceived, ele- .rantlwaaaMfnllw delivered? irladlv . . .7"-...--JL' -.a 7iiZ I ienoe. In the afternoon Rev. Dr. Pritohard, of thia city, preached. An old ainnor was beard to express bis opinion against a sermon on snch eooaaioii. as out of place, no one being in a f ra me of mind to listen. When the Doctor had deliv ered hia aermoa, with which all wen delighted, the man who objected to ser mons on eommeneement occasions wss beard to asy a sermon such as that waa eminently proper, and commencement could not be complete without it. itnltrht lha nnnir awntlemen mre senting the two societies spoke, and weB .i.m Z,ntt hmLi. ah Aul mo .".-O y- o O I H it Sn IJ.'Ana t aa who did beat I -n,r,i. jn-i- TMrlr ,l1i.nul l.-.nn.1 ..1.1.. Ih r.mmnmmt nation a. it i. alli Th. address wsa .hi .lot and and re- i:. Tin. i. .n,t heart of tha orator. v A Professor Hooper, in the aUenot and alckne. of Dr PhUllns. read tha report of the faculty, which , will gratifying to parent and guardians, and gave assurance that their children had made" proper ' proficiency In their itudies, and were in the hands of a fac ulty who felt the weight and reeponai- bility of their position and duties. The general and gentlemanly deportment of the students waa gratifying to the visit ors, and did not fail to call forth ex pressions of gratification and approval, -There was no graduating dasa, this being the first collegiate year since the deluge which engulfed the University, There were no diplomas to be stow. The students moat , dis tinguished received gold medala from the hands, of Mr. P, . C. Cameron, who accompanied the prize with a few wellrtlmed and encouraging remarks, which were received with blushes by the boys and cheers from the audience. . To Kemp P. Battle, Jr., of thia city, waa awarded a gold medal a the beat latin scholar; to Wni. B. Phillips, of Chapel Hill, and Robert Lee Payne, of Lexington, were awarded medals for proficiency in chemical studies ; they being so equally matched that the pro fessor was not able to decide between the two, and gave a premium to each, and Mr. .Cameron announced them twin brother! in literature, science and learn ing. ' I-!''.-, j The degree of D. D. waa conferred upon Rev. Joseph C. Huske,' of Fay- ettevllle, and Evander Mclver, of Ala bama. The degree of A. M. was con ferred upon Hon. A. M. Waddell, Hugh Li Cole, of Ne York, W. H. K. Bor- mrvn. of Baltimore and Proteasor W. IL Craig, of Arkaoaaa. ' '. 1 We must not omit to mention the his torical society. Drr William Hooper waa elected Preaident in place of Gov. Grilam, deceased; Major Bingham, Recording Secretary, and Mr. Bpeticer, iZTan I -I aervieea of ita late Freaident. Hon. Wni( ' , ., t ".l:.:Ii . ".iia i 1U0 aOaJIUUla. L V Wf awa. a.aw aj Becretarv. in .. ' of U(0i B. P. Moore, the pjent ' Judge Battle waa elocted pjj Alumni AaaooUtion for tnauin. Mj ju, j0hB F, Hutohks and F. B. Bosbee the ex eouare committee. V '' '"! ' ' i: 1 Commencement closed with a grand ball as brilliant as tha ball at Brawls, bad Byron been there to describe it The statesmen and friends of oduoa tion in North Carolina have not the ten years done all they could and should for education and the prostrate Unirer aity. The late commencement give the) brightest dawn we have have bad for the) rising University. ' Let every heart and j,, toone join in the work of iU redemption and n-cetabliahment, Mbetimo or tub Board or Alder- mem. Last evening our Board of Al- ' dennen held a meeting, at which Mayor Manly presided and Aldermen Arm strong, Adams, Cook, Green, Jones, Lumsden, Murray, Walker aud Wll- llama were present , The chairmen of the various committees were la a atate of general unreadiness to report and were granted further time. ' ' The committee on cisterns were die- cur,!U"au , r"- " .1 J .t .t.J tt 1 A I. t. j2,MJk, IVmml..Ui. Tha next ques tion discued,wae the esUblUhraent of variou atation houses, to suit. ; the dir ferent grades of societyoi The estab lishment of a place of confinement for respectable drunks was seriously urged. There are a class of men who get drunk discreetly,1 and beyond ' an ' occasional tagser on the atreet give no evidence of it They arc allent and give no ex- Pre,oa w are flashlnK tbrouih the mind. It waa urged that this class, when arrested, should not be compelled to herd with oaged roughs. This idea of establishing a reapeotable calaboose la certainly' very unique one, and doea credit to the head and heart tliat conceived it Let a furnish thia habitation for the tempor ary seclusion of thoej who get druuk on 25 cent drinks in a first-class saloon and wear immaculate linen and broadcloth Well, in the first place, we must have a Brnssels caroet on the floor, windows curtained in fine and fleecy luce, luxurious sofas and arm ohairs scattered " graeoiui proiusiou. hi hj jvw in of the magnificent mirrors in which . . . . . ...!. . tU I a . A- Al.S..l lvS .JaiAMailA WUI US renecwxt UUBliwi w features, and the blood-ahot eyes that in sober moments only condeaoena to I ORUUSe a BOOlAl CK11UU. 1 UO luauuci u wbicb thw delightful retreat ia , to be populated by drunken sy Dante win I be. we anoDose. after thia fashion: I A gentleman of means and tamlly gU drunk and wanders lorlh into tne atreeta pent upon adventure a nearieu puuecmau ""-t es up and tenderly conduct! him to thi delightful retreat If he i toodrnnk to tarry in the reception rooma wldte- anroned waiter la summoned and the lordly drunk ia generally carried In one of the numeroua and handsomely fur- Dished sleeping apartments, oisrooeo, and deposited upon a luxurious bed. In the ruorninir the inebriate or last evening awake with a splitting head ache and parched lipa .and : throat, touches the bell, a milk punch is ordered and quaffed with a gusto, and the aria toe ratio eyes close again for a comfortable., nap. , About l m. the gentleman ariaea, orders bis wh J ' and rolls away in a car riage' which thoughtful attendant a have bad in waiting for him since early mora Alderman Sanders wanted no recep tion room send all np together, Alderman Upchurch ved thai the city be divided into sit wards and that ten polios be on duty at night "' "i" ' I A Merman Jones : moved tna : tne Ttfaror and Chief of Polios be bold re sponsible for the policing of tha city, nraTailAiL T. F. Lm asked permission to duuu a wooden addition to the premise he tn ooenDiea. lieterreU to tne xir rvunmiaadonara. It waa moved and seconded that tha present Fire Commissioners be continu ed for another year. " -' l , . Alderman Joseph U. Green was elec- leu IBICI UlglQCCrwi w vnj v, er year. ' Samuel rarnam was eiectea w man fnr the current six month. : ' Alderman Armsfrong moved that a committee or five be appointed witn power to act In regard to the proclama tion 01 Uie ATesiueut to uae m wuwu' ffatherinir on the 4th of July. ' i 'ommittea on 4th of Jul v Ccnten- nlaU B. C. Manly.F. II. Bubee,John Armstrong, Cok-Pescud, Murray and Williams. . t - . Whole amount bFTicenge tax collect ed by Chief of Police 12,500.40., : No.; 89. KtfWS AVn NOTES.- if- V, l'. ''I' : it hl.:h 't .ia,; The Duke of Edinbursb ia to be pro moted to the rank of ltetir-Admiral. ThePrineesaof Wales at court pale chamois satin, trimmed with leaves aud rosea, ,,, . , .... . . ' Tdr Cooper will be ninety-four years I old when he oompletee hia aecoud preai UentfaJ term. , , ;f . , , The Kin ir of Bavaria ' Las consented that a statue of Bismarck shall be erec ted at Kissingen. 1 young lady , on being asked what buttineM her lover was in, and not liking to sty he bottled soda, answered : "lie's a practicing flaaieian. '. The Baptist nana Lave' In their pas sion st Ephrats, Pa., two books of I ore than four hundred pages each, that I were pnuted 111 that village in 1717. GbL Delaneey Kane, the New York amateur atage coachaian, 1 a great- irraodaon of the late John Jacob Astur, the founder of the Astor family ia New 1 one , , , , , . , . Profeaeor Parker of Iowa City, baa now lost four out of five children by accidents. One waa thrown by a horse, one waa burned to death, , and two more were drowned. George Cruikahane is now in bis eightv-nfth year, and ia able to eat hi nearty dinner ana make cia merry miu- mgut speecu, taougn lie never quails anvUuuff atronser Uiaa water. . ' ' In former yeara Sheridan Huook waa a I butter dealer, and now he ia worth only 12,000,000. He should remember Dan iel IPrewi and strive to save eomeituug tram the wreck of his early proflta, w jjord ua la Zoncni haa commenced a nut in London aeainat hia wife for a dis solution of marriago, on the ground of her alleged 1 inttdelity. The. Karl of Mayo ia one of the eo-reepoadeate, ' During tlie past year 699,000 persons visited tlie Zoological Garden in Lon don. . The society is now in .ta forty eighth yearj and the director propose to enlarge the gardens u tne government will grant additional space. '. ixn - . : -. ' An astrologer named Methraltoa, wefl known to the British public, was recent ly arrested and Imprisoned. , or ten veara be baa been advertising to sell "love taliamana." , In bis bonne 70,000 letters were- found, many of them being from people of rank; t .it l Albert Edward has changed ainoe he returned from India, lie waa invited to a fox-hunt the other day, but ha re fused to go, end, sticking np his nose contemptuously, said: "Fox 'anting for me bah ! I'm used to 'anting tigers snd uelepnsnts."... ... ..j. ... Meesn. Moody and Hanker will go to Chicago early in June, where they will open the new church, which haa been built for Mr. Moody. It is slated an thoritatively that all of Mr.- Moody's sermons are carefully prepared and writ- tea out before delivery. , ,. v ' A private lAi held in Baltimore last week, mlixed nearly $40,000 in two days. One gentleman gave $5,000 for an Afghan, and another SiOOO lor an al bum oqutainiag tne pnotogrspns or tue prettiest young ladies in Baltimore, The (air was in aid ol a laihouo cuariiy. An eminent Boston physician aays: "One of the cheapest aud most efficient chest protectors, when unexpectedly ex posed to cold, raw winds, is a folded newspsper inside the vest",, lie does not seem to arive anv, advice on the aub ject to the other aex, and perhaps he had better not. Brigham Young in enrly life had an I airreeable home at Port Byron. N.T.I He came to the place about the year 1820. then a youth of per naps twenty veara of see. and a painter by .trade. lie resided in tne village iot seTen or eigni 1 years, married bis wife there (No. 1, not I l,) omit a nouse, wuion is sou num luir. and benaved mnweu uae ouier men. j -,, i, r;.- ' The diocesaa eonventiou of the Epis copal church, which met in Baltimore u ednesdav. transactea cnieny its roa tine and regular business. The chief intcteet of the opening aession oentred in the addresses of. the venerable Biah one M hittinsham and Pinkney. lht reported a steady and healthy growth of tne cnurcn m this diocese. , It is now stated that B. F. BuUer will sPDoar aa counsel I or lntuow in in event of that distinguished forger being extradited. The Winslowa are aaidto be in straitened financial circumstance, though they receive occasional remit tance from American friends. Wine low has been restricted to prison fare, and. thotur h bis wife is permitted to visit him daily, she is not allowed to ap proach within several feet oi nil eeu. TIIE GRAND. EXCUKSIO. - , .1-: -i -t ... . . ,t.. . -itUt, TO NORFOLK AND FORTRESS " '" 1 MONROE TUCKS DAY, , JCKK 8,, 1870. Tickets for sale at William book store. .'V l - a PnW tinni alnM Creech's dry goods store, -" Nat L. Brown's variety store, Bradley's confectionery store, Simpson's drug store, and at the Bad- Vh A Aojitin railroad stations. f J " TTeadache arise from different eausea, Congestive headache is produced by an undue xuantity of blood in the brain, to which high livers, robust people and young women are liable. Dr. Bull'e Vegetable FilU regulate the bowel and thus divert Ik current of blood from the brain. , . r '., THE RALEIGH SENTINEL. AdYartlaetMkU vm bekuerted tathalMut Biariau. at tb following rate per squire ot on men, or iea muuoa una. ... One tqnan ume i ,.( 4. ,, . .,, LW,MI " i " each abecroent inaerUoa lea thaa week 1.. u...n., ' ftf 1 eqaara, 1 waak.;.M..,.,. S ho 1 Boom.. ...... ............ aw S Month............,....)., ,19 U) . " 4 " ...-SOW .'. It ; . a .- " a to u , 8 00 83M ao 00 CHURCH DIltECTORY. , At Christ church, . Episcopal, 11 o'clock a. m. and 4 , p. ra. by Rev, M. M. Marshall, D. D Sunday School at 9a.m- ; ' . ' Church of the Good Shepherd, Epla-' copal,' 1 1 a. m. and 7:30 "p." m. Rev.' E. Jt. Rich. Sunday f?chool 9:30 aT m. At -SalUbury Street BapUat church ''- 11a. ra. by Rev; T. It l'ritchard; and n a . . 1 a A at r.-yj . m., Biinaay ccnoot at a. m. . At Swain btreet iiapuu cnurcn, 1 1 a. , . m: and 7:30 p. m. by Rev. J. D-Huf- i, a ham. Sunday school at a. m. - il At Edeotou Street Methodist church, 11 a. mM and 7:30 p. in. by Rev. Id Ik . " Burkhead DD. Saoday achool at 9 a. m , -, . Yiii. X oung. riuperintcndenu , Hinging exercises at 3:30 p. ru. Seats free at ' all service.' V "- "; s I At Person Street Methodist church. J 11a. m.,nnd 7:30 by Rer. J. P. Xoore, , ,; P. E. Sunday Hcbool at 9 a. m, . ...... At St Johns (Catholic) church mass at ' 11 a. ., vespers 5 p. m." Rov. ' Father .: lieflly officiating. ; Bunday achoel at 10 1 ,: a m." I'm in ,,,.,,) r., .t-.v-- At Presbytisrian church, 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m., by Rev, l)r. Vaughan.'i ' 8unday6cheelata. ; , , . s , AsaWERS TO CORRKSPOSMHTS. ', Ia aaawer to "AlpUabelU!,'! u- your Ik1 iaaua. ioe a retnedv for eonaumn- tion In Ita first Stage, I can recomm- ! mend Del Herce's "Golden Medical Discovery," if taken according to o : tried la my family, and tlie result were ClorioiH. "Alphabetical" mutnotex peel one ooiua to go tno wont niy- wife took three bottlee before she could discover anv chance, but after the, third bottle every dose setmed to strengthen . the lungs, and now he la well and heartv.l- If " AluhabeUca, Will writer to me I will get witnesses lo the above, ! HENRY II. M. r ATTOJii- Mfr Lawrence. . Marion . county, lad. e, Aiarion .county. Time, Feb. 4, 1873. Cincinnati uhni ;iiiil Rtfprtma Ccmrd In from J9td 90io' days by the use of tha Triumph 'i.'ruS . W nwtinawhsal UttnlutiaV Tlasruul an at liriLa. (V al4 1 UAw pas itupMsiw aavutvwj sHsauwaw . tared by the Triumph Truss Co., 334 "' Bowery. N. Y; This Truss and Sup- '' porter took tne ueaai at tne laas aea t sionof the Great .American) Institute , Fair. Send 10 centa for their new book . . . WHOLES ALR CASn : PRICES CuLTeeted by . C. CHRIaforffERS COiR T. Rauioh, May 31, 1870. corros. ' .: ," '"'' lojiaioj :," cu. uji.ao " Middling!", Low Middling, Clean Btalned, lleen tun " - Interior and dirty,,, j ,; mj .n ,,-,!, 0ISIB4L MaB KIT. Cotton Tie, 6 rents. ' " riour, ortk tjarolto sn.W(go.l). v, Ci-rn H0(itH5rit. Corn Meal, SiKuW. R ,r " ' Bacon. C, bog round, llijflS. .. " " ham 15tl6. Bulk Meala, Clear Klb eide, 18318. " Shoulder, Wto 10 cent. , . Lard, North Carolina, 17). '., ..... ... " "Wditfra Ueree, 1. . i i , " keg.. IT, Coffee, Prime Rio "" " Good, Hfii. i( " Common. 20. Svron: 8. H. 890. . " f Molaeaea, Cnha 0(a;4S. ... C4lt, Manba:' H.'Ai. vl " Evanr'.Slft. ( Nana, oa baiU for 10s, 13.65. Sugar A. li BxtiaC. 11. i : Yellow U. II 1-8(210. '. , Leathr, Ked Sob 'OCUX. Oak tanned, i, w. i ' '.il l .,: Bides, green, IVi o d'T. iu -TUow 7tT , potatoes, wtt 79 cent per basbel. .. k " Irlfh. 8IK4L0U ' ' ' oass, aneiiea, .y ;'-;,; -m " heafj from .wagon, 1.35 eentt., ., ' baled 11.00. tedder, Ulsd. 1.BB.T '- . :w " TYTTi-Ty Hay, N. C baled, rood, 8uLgo. Kgg, perdosen, ISici. " '' BuiWr.N.C., IfcWu, ,(,,,; , j, t(. Heewax,25. " Bag, H- ' " 'i '" ,m l'J J f" . t . picked, I leent. , , .f,,,, , Beef, oa foot, 6(4c ' ' dreated prime, 7$?i. '! IT V -T Heavy Copper, per poaud, 18c, .,. ,. Light K3 iac- ' Braaa, per poand, to 10c. i . .' t '. Pewter, per pound, 7 to 10 ct. Lead, per pound, 3c Old Iron, per 100 pounds, flOe. w ' , ' 1 Bhecp Skin per piece, a)i40e. Wool waibea. per pouna. wuhed, per pound, 8S30c ' - UBwaahed 80 to 86. a.1- - h. . - okl 7 cent; burry, 80 ct. J VF.W A IIVKRTISF. M KNTK.: TRIUMPH TRUSS CO., .jSStBOWUlT, N. T, , ,kto whom was swarded th f f rtminm 'Medrni for the beet Elastic Truss sad Sopporter At th last eeMlon of th , OBJEAT AMIKICAN lN8TifUT PAIB, core amptnr In frotn do to 80 day and oner l,w aouan iot a caa mrj anuu. care. They employ , FIRST CLASS IADT SVROKOy. Term moderate, Caaea STiarauteed, Or den Slled by mall. EiaaatnatuMi tree. The anal discount to patron. Bead i eenU for deacrtpture twos to i- r Pro- W. H. BCIlSIHAM, at. Boar 8B-4 ly .. , Chtof Surgeoa. Q .O;-.,: .M.a..';r',.. K CoaUng asd going all the while very low for Qreeabackt or Saver-promise are not car- rent-at I 0ATTI8 JONES' Wholesale Oram and Teed Store, fit Opposite Dr. Mc s T O C E -'t t A S Ml Bushel Of very line Black re re. eelvjd and to arrive, cbeapff cash , - - UATTIS JJXES', Oak City Granary and Feed fetors. 5? i 5 ! t , f i , III . E ' Hi i It. '" r, ! . r If. I' r' r- r i. . y. - . s I