.- - r1 1 X mmaamm BaBBBBWBwa : THE HAtElQll. SENTINEL DELTO ATE8 TO THE STATE , , ". CONVENTION. Vv M8OFDF.M0CATfcCoSSKB. VATIV KX. COMMITTER,,. J I jmrsnaoce p' Ibe'caM o' tie State emoCTatliyCooservatfve Executive ommlttee, ablegates to the State Con renUon win meet In 'Metropolitan hall, in thia city, oo the 14th of June at 13 m. By arraiwjwntnt with the., , various railroad .companies l! the etate, with the exception, of the TT.' W. R- Bi company, which decline any reduction ,i,ieatee will be permitted to return free upon producing a certificate from the secretary of .the convention that they paid full first-class tare m coming UNIVERSAL ,IFE INSURANCE C03IPAN Y IT M i lrarren Street,, T. Rtaim x&. Jannarr 1st. 1876, Axenmtilated Asset! - . $3,131,035. ErYr9 i&iVEmti. Inelud- laff MEtmT t'V-, V 4,531,133. Sttri!laJaa.lst.JlS7G - C57.453. AfinnilXBeomi 4 - 3,391,645. PoMe. issaei dnfff 1375 - ' 6,403. iBsnranca 14.575.219. get Gain in 1875. 7,333,611. Amount of Ins. in force.--35,907,240. to the tame." 4 W.IUUox, Chairman. District CoirVRSTJ0M-f A convert- nf the Democratic -conservsUvs UVU w" vniom of the fourth Congressional Dle rkt will be held ii . Ue cIty"ofKaP ,iirh ou Tuesday,; ther . Wth, day ot June next, for the purpose of nom inating.,,' a candidate . for congress and a weekleaUaji elector, and selecting two delegates to the St. Loeia Conven tion, A ', AxTt ' attendance la earnestly Quired. . Each, county will be entitled to one vote for every one hundred votes and fractional' part ever fifty gives far Merrimon In 1872. f ; '.-', ," By order of the DUUkt ExecuUve Committee. - - -T-i;irr '-7V U V?Xj:r.J W : Chapman; March 31st, 1870. t.t,i papers la the district wDl please copy. A CAJX FOB ACOTJNTYOONVES 7.7,7';; it j'f TIOS.", ,77 I'd. rt.UAUKt .!'! "n'l III t.'l-lf ti i u 'Aa chairman. I 'am tastrnctedby the executive corouUttMof the Democratic- Oooeervative party of Wake : county to give notice that there will be beid a convention of (he Democraue-Conser vative voters of the county at thacourt house on the 10th day of June next at It m. foe the purpose or sending dele nalee la, . she state and coneressiona district Conventions and to consider the nrnnrMv At tinmlnatlncr candidates for public offices! 1 am further instructed ' . . , . it . : to call npon ui cnairmeu 01 me iinmu tiimhln mmmlUMl to hold tneetttUTt in their respective townships on the 17 tn oay Ol May, in oraer w pinnu oeietraies io us conTenuuo. . . i P W T Aft. ' TVtttt.ii TVt. TVf(i.lpint. IIbnbt 4. f Hasan, ios-i-rnuoui. m. IT Hm.iT. RMVettfV. nBa V. Mnmnrt. Antll&TT. " ' ' Edwakd W. IiAKBT, Md'l Exominor. A(JINCT DKrABTItXHT:---' GEaaxxa P. Gmmw, General Manage THE I I II ti I' M LI h II H r II fl II H II II 1 1 SI 1 N. Iff, N MiA&JUt OUaU&tUUiU i 9 u urwajji mar u r mim k w - .. Kew Goods! -iU. '! VI '! A. CREECH f STILLAHEABl P' 'f .TTTOT '-'OU Jot reeoived. . ?U"..L t'iU U, .CL 50,000 yards new and hand-tome laid : . . i tsDrinar vaiicoes . iu wu - . .-w- m: r; 11. n-.-..4-. 1 I nil I - i. -. T U null i OX-t P J.lJxxN ear iu v.u -nfrj-j&tani .... i : :iv.;'f: . 40.000 yards at 7 and cents per BUT LISTEN t ' READ!! BETTEB I STILL. HI I T.uf rl 90.0(10 vards at 5 cents OFFICERS. TTTl ft: DAILY - , .- J . ' I Just received SO.OW yards at o ceow 'V'1 W K iperyard. 'Amertyto wake aii-ox ne v" ' w VI children adreai apiece and havenough - , uf.jt i ieit ior a wrapper., au iw v CI ATHiT ATI7' 1 fw'JJX t JU -BJl. t . M m m tUjarn I. Kxioht, Bnperintendent . . . H . A .. If tfH . . . ... v. :.. i r ATTORNEY AT LAW t A W' 8 a Ofl oatk el the Coart Hmm ta. t . mum mnmv renew ; a ' M : L. ' I ' W . , I . f a t'oa r M 0 u 8 g sari RALCIQB, H. C. .tt.-l rla u aln of Boats ... . i 4m a k i&ia 4iiah of tha an . . . "... .V w mim uoan oi us ubiws m w nu- ket. TV-4wAwtf f . 1l 1 " I I " I - I 'i I Jl'TT.--il-inkn''jLt-:-inaka-iriMSi' DRESX GOODS OV ALL DE&GUIP i .iiTIWX.Iya .a - ea ' Wijsa' aV i ... a t. J i i . 'i 'i i t j wm m a j urn a Ma nnn can siianss V - f ( T -jTt ' ' t A I I I I iltrC lillUO Will eWWBJ" waa - GENERAL NEW6. It b fnrnLhod at $8.00 per annum. v iDWS" TIIE SENTINEL IS TUE BECOGNIZED ORGAN OF TOE J.'Jd offered atanyjre- -I : i 6 I An earlv call will Ifuar- antce you entire salwlaction for all 1 Staple and Fancy Goods. Lily stock embraces roost everything that is kept In a fast class Dry Goods t. ....... i at I h.v Dhvai helbre had the pleaure of oauriox In the hie tory of the dry gooas iraue, ra nf tur.tniv.flve vcarn. so larte and complete and so uniformly cheap a stock as this spring, and am fully pre pared to meet the hard times as to-ua pnea EHCOCRABI BOMB KHTIKrKIAZ. TEE C4B0LLSJ UVySJUjOLD . , , f As iDwinUi Month It ot Choice Utor U-s,U psblUhoaiaonfevat-r---- - tt Is a twsotlf ullw UlnMrsled Rspository of Likreiwr, eetUnixHrro breuaio the tiratt . - tkoroaabrf lc-iiUBH with tits pJJjl hi last' r aucial urf. Ixiuu uc La U.a nf pilu. UIto Mots' BjwulluBvtfb advsataga can couimmd to render caea iasM a ar W" sbls ibb IbsUbcUts coaitBdiBm of cto'w . - rmdiur J pupvisr vnws, buub bobib aar tSie ...,.-.,,, i - U BMMt BttnaUvs Scalar, ibb timmir 1 BSBilww etmUiBS e Us-1 ks poruaU ef I. 2. a. Voc, Bd tlorbW Bkstea, . U be followed ta Bh Biubr with photo H irrspas ol otcr praouBeat W4Msbm, itumb UWLXwi i'laFosteie fsse.'''!l BB4 BBca BBbBcrUjw cm atks a cooust OX ;s DEMOCR ATIO PART OF NORTH CAROLINA. ?, "i 1: . m hi-fi The Weekly Sentinel 3"! ,v A.iO vV Hats& Shoes; ...yi.vjl QUE' OF MT BFEUIAliXUSJ. c lORMI CORN 11 n.u f Inula nf anlradlil etamncd whit Cora last ia sad ehetp for catb only. pr iw u CONTAINS.AW-lJIIE NEWS OF JTIIE rRECEDINOEEK. TpOR SALEl K OoO noondi M.'C B4ConI lo all klnd of W BiWWB BMW . .. ' , f I'll KIM riirilKKA M. UVf.'D. I WUniuigtoastnBt... iriimR mr frnn Y7EESLL7t : 'U..J-.. 4 ,'lt 2 oo One copy, one, yeaiy v Ten copie, one vear . ....... .j ..i . v .'..'J $100 THE 5EW TUIPI Gear Hone; rower, rric tun ! inat li.t ilia farmr aacdl I It runs llebl I Is Badly put 4oa rrsd lor work I CasrbetosdeBj aad aatoaaea ay roar Thraihers and Clearer., 4c. ; Warranted to liana MS nornet. jnuiuiac crra bj uu tlALKat AQKMCULTUttAL, WUKK8, 8ad for Circular. Twcntjr oopice, onoycar . . . . ,, . .....;. .." 7 ' '-,: . 1'. ' t: i r trn itisi lanrMt ahdmostcomplote slock of shoes to be found, W Uie city and bavins rboucut them at 4&e large . n . Vw York. 1. from tirbt or uej aavw bh - - hands, : They will , tbe sold at astonisn- .v-JCEtM TA83 BT '. '.': When you want pair f Khcee. .HI a, v. atooaa OORI AQAllrfSU. TH DMOCRATIO,'C05aKVATIT CorviimoN or tm Ctbt Conor- IOWAL DlBTBICT OF NORTH CA0- liha will be held ia the court-boose in - the citv of Greensboro, at 11 o'clock a m., on Tharaday,tb12th day of June next, for the purpose of nominating a canuiaate ior 1 uoogrew, buu vu Presidential elector, and also of ap. pointinj? two delegates to uie jauoiuu Convention at tn. jouis. , , , v " M. 8. KobbinS, fi E. u. with Iks, - J. I. Scales. ' -v . 1 Con?. Diet. Way 20tb, 1876. - - . .'-r. - To. imnvumtiitprnv." or ora HaaxTa. The liver i the grea' leparatinfc or blood oleansing organ 01 uo Set the great housekeeper of our health ...lryAna t3va font eorrtmUOtLS Which gender in tbe blooa ana rot out, aa it were the machinery of life, are frjradaslly expelled from the" "Bysteui. For this purpose Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DiaooveiT, (With small .dsilydosea of Dr Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets are pre-eminently the articles needed. They cure, every kind of humor from the worst scrofula to the common pirn- ple7 blotch or' ernption. Oreat-eating nksers kindly beal under their mighty curative influence. Virulent blood poisons thai lurk in the system are by . them robbed of their terrors, and. by their persevering and somewhat protrsc ted use the most tainted system may be completely renovated and built up anew. Enlarged glands, tumors and swellings "dwindle away and disappear under the influence of their groat resolvents. Sold by all dealers in medioineav . ' .. . . L "Claude, a child about three years M irroatlv afflicted witll SOWS 00 his legs and feet, so that . he .could not wear his sboes and stockings. nau v Ma Anal of i rouble with him. Had tried many remedies ineffectually. At last we tried the Golded Medical Dis- . overy, and in about tnree weeas ue .was. entirely cured, bia' sores weall healed, and peaitn mucn improTeu. ( ; Zl . t-inr.. Respeotfullv yours, t ? ; Vermillion, Edgsr, Co., 11L, Jan, 29, '78. DA. ATTOBl'T ' RAJ.K1VH, W. C. r V MSB S4TUB I. A "Semi-Weekly Sentinel ........ f ! j .K .1 j -.. of aat-B imxjo locfiaa, tib: -im ruuuia 1 ta BaTlor ia Us 1 eiple,,"iTBe Maoooaa,", md "KIsr Lrar DefytBC tks Mora," tor warded ob receipt ot tbe sabscriptioa prte, -RlUiBr ut Ilia Knirrevuin is worU ooabl , lts pries asked for U Mas-ulna. Any see rsdlBga clabot.flva wUlrsealvs aa extra lis moo Lb laUtlpUot Wltboat tbs Ka )aa aa-ur s y a . Cyidaboto, . a p-'-- v i"uTnv s Now Books ub4 roaJy, )r author ol in uauataoutvl IIK I laifori Sail. h ; iritiun't atmsift. v tn Ml SBN. The Household of Bonverie.- 7; Hester Howard'" Tcmptationj ..... , A Doubly Weddng., ,.. The Sttove tlx New Books are wrlttea by th txmular rtlini Aulaoraaj atra. Cata 1.!. i .. ttimut fnvmai aI MlaaUMODL. but bow of LoaUTilUj Ry ib4 SBlborof tfc world-wide aoteo worn, -turn owhiw Houverie," which to oi.e of th bwt aat moat xtraordlaarw aar ever robliabwl. Tk. ....... .1. .. w J 4 Unrc duodeciine olam, boaod Ui ' meroeco chlh. Hill gut Oaea Boeuaa. rncm.iwwm or tieAO tor a eumplale ant X the al s mr pot ap lnael and Kroo(roo. . . Uadk aww.'r: aaif y 'afl BoolcMlltrt, or mjtiet of either n-or wmrB (As iotib. r tompUU tet of it,, .;n 1 mtJ. at an Ut any one. to ant an Ttmuiuig fnatr jrrtimti ut r 90S Cbesaat Juwa, If hllBds'l1. 'a. tu pom 'atmpsom. . ; Una SO and ods 00 Saw of TBees a-tetoated flaaft- Klb Utns in Btors, and wUl be sold SI reduced price. Tbry are tld to elesB better, Kto fatter and laiMoegc than any other gta 6a So WW46f. riAlU ja. tunud, iept 18-8jb Atfen PUBLISHED EVERy.TUESDAV AND TUIIRSDAT. Bute sad federal Coans and the nsbtm etf i ih , j i i 1 i t i I yrt eietaae)wiaBaei "-" a. ;t (U I M ? i'VftTLt.4 Off TJ Boeal-tf TAWi OF THE (SEMI- WEEKLY: sit.... .::-ii.(".';--,,'- ' COttNTR Xh MERCHANTS, -i'l "fc.-r iX7 1 ew wrii i.; I have this day opened 'wholesale j..ni ..imnia frnni mv retail de partment, which embraces full lines of SU Staple gooua muanj j J aa 1 Knv iVnm bv the case or package, from first hands, 1 feel confident tbat 1 can save 7""' bybuvhig goods from me. All that j ask Is a call and look ior yourselves. f l---, ... j. -a a. ckekcii. f Wood and Coal Yard. march tt-dlwswtt. O St. 1 II E A P FUEL! J .Aft- .1 ' " '-. , :. J. MISD ' READ I SO. PSYO dOMANT, V...4n.i1rtfi Honlf:harmlnr. IfeimerlMB. and Marriage Oulde, showing howaber ss Bnaw VaaMnars) BlVlfl Br Hill 1 II SI SUVfJ Btnwl BIIxa.LrTI ny pcrsoii th?y choow initattUT. 410 II tA It. Jk- Ha Itti UJ DlaVll W CVe. - IIIUIS t vw. aw bbb f-. One copy, I year.... .. ...... ... 'A: u'YiVtVt-. ' ; " KaTABIISHaU 141- naVaTM. Fth 8L.PhUa. Fa. apt 144w. TMPROVEP DOWLAS COTTON PLAN' Tk. ..futiiHiri plalm that ther are the beat eottoa seed planters and guano distrib utors In the world. The price has been re duced fS, to suit the times. Bend ta your Ordert to aecore ma iu miu. . . . jiuuu TOWLIAirt., ssar2S4w ... For Manulacturera. D.U.I, K, L.I M I., w ... 1.4 hMt Rlnwtna Back Llaie re- " - - - . eetredby mUtakei andoBsred at thedepot I I , I f In aasnUty at 15 eu. perbathal sad relght b-rhr-f-X- J i r f . 1 1 f toelnaeoutstonee. h ' i . ' i. 1. JAMBb St. lUHtU, AV mar3S2w SPECIAL NOTICES.. AIM .WOT , w w. r " J 1 " from acUrs practice, haTlns had placed In hU hand by aa Rait India Mfakmary the fort 1 - inula of a simple Veiretabls Remedy, for ths sDeedr and permanent Cure of Consumption. Bmnchltla. Catarrh. Asthma, and all Throat sad Lang AffecUona, also a Potittre and Bt..l..l i iim 4nm V.Hmm TUtifll anil all Nervous Complaints, after having thoroughly - - tested Ms - woBderfot - curaUre powers in - thousands ef cases, feels It his duty to make tt knows to his suffering fellows. Actuated . by this saotiTe. and a aonacieaUoaa deaira te ' relieve human suffering, he will send (free of ' charge), to all who desire tt.thti recti s, wltl " full SlreotioBS for preparinc and succesafauy . : ins INBI Of reiara aiau aj t sTTTju t - la. W. C. STSVXKB, ,.,,.,., Kuaros lUock, Sfratuse.S.T aot S-wly 'jti.Kytii:. i A CARD. To all who are sulertng from ths errors sad tndisaretlons of youth, nemms weakness, early decay, loaa ot asanbood, aYc. I wiU srad a recipe that will cars you, fREB Of CUAKUl. This great rsaedy was discovered by a missionary la Mouth America. Bend a ' J earelona tn the Rdt. JorSFB T. Ismui, jBaWsai i, JMt livum, Xmt fork BovlsasodAwess fl I A rW-Ei J. t JL J-aa. t .a si -If s . f. '. . .'"'tl " tmrtti vf r m . . wvn f fl vi I f - wV -jSivr i arMV4 - -afBaw f ::','aiaae'''',','T ''''' " ' " I !;t ;-,.? y;mi 'ur;y.-ivxif !-f' ' 7 ' ': ' " ' """ ' " .: - H B it H I N 6 ! 8 Patent Champion, EDEGL1H AHDi FIBE PB03F T fiplendM Try Pins Wood st &0 per Cord. I I .V aa aa l Kit la " " l.lgbtwood ' . - Coal. 10.00 "L..T. Delivered in any part of tbe City for rah "''y i ...'..i.'L.-uiriii'i Unlers may oe senr j r M IIO dU.ILC Tlrain and For Ire Btor. apr29-tf .. , , !r yVilmlngtoa t. UOhtA8 ITARLT, til' I 1 t . SAFES Bank Vaults & Doors, : '" ' AL80' "" ":; ' A Farm of Your Own ! I 'Iib l(;EiIi&iiEaTl Uses,! FREE HOMESTEADS AVffl SH Bflt juid cbepct Railroad Lod are ob lh TJXION PAtaTZQ RAILROAD, 7 NEBRASKA. SECURE A HOME NOW. Toll tntarmaUon. tent FREE to alt Darts of wrid. Address J. P. DAVIS, - Land Coavr U. r. n. K., umana, neuraaaa. : mh M 4W . .... . jq-OW IS TIIE TIME! To do ap your fences. AO ia need of , P. C. CHR18TOPHeR8 & CO., , , f.,? .n, ,., WUmlnjton strees ' sk......-to a a I lifts W.ilaaaW ! now in a condition to torn. on all kind of NRWBIRNkN. C, A j .( - . i ( ,.t r.VMt r'. I." Dealer in all kinds of N ,4mj , Q R A. I N . ..- CORN A 8PCCLALTT. Newbern, Jan. 14 lau - W. A. OATTI8. JOB WOlEK. .iaanssavi iS rwX o t .fc 32 Broad war; New York.- 51 6U Sudburj at., oiion WANTED. a cenu tor the - beat .swrss r-rl Vaiaaira- la ,-iimu.T " 3. A. JONES Gattis & JiQiies , City Granary & Feed Stord invs' BCILDINa. WUmlnttoB Bt. Is'tbe place M (st your supplies of GRAIN, MEAL, JJ ! ' FLOUR. FODDKR, I t. i i, 4. HAY, SnUCKS, Ao i . wuu we nave jusi recci---u irU Contaisi 1 pouHU, MUl uod, BeslIIorae and Cow dope.' Pen, Pea i to a had.'. . ,. it, ,-t-. A, rardMasui, Sod 1 PECIAL TO BULUOEES. - -- - - - " . r r r t. watts, COMMISSION MERCHANT XSD 7 7 AUCTIONEER, I ! I f J .Si t . D'i h l. K. as.n.ral at la Baal.k fft tia sale of lumber from Moore and- other coun ties. Builders sad others will Ind it to their advantage te rive him their bills of lumber, as he can furnish hi soy quantity at ths low est prices. Office Martin Street, between Wdamttoe and Vlouot. T -a -i.i ask Ilia Xj'j ,ift. - w i .Vf? y a4. . -77 .. .V. , , .. Aiwayn on nana aa torn ma tarn wwc- a. -- F. C CHRISTOPHERS A CO. '8, . Wttmmgtoa street. Bear City Scales. JOHX ARMSTRONG, B O O K "B I V D 1 R ABO t BLANK BOOK MANTJRACTuilXR, ovaa a, c aooasToaa, - K A L R I O H. If C A f -i-lttCl f - wot dar at- homa TU fcamples worth 1 free otimsov C., roniand, Maine. BWthJ-wly FirstrQlass "Workmen . -fQ ' l ' ,-nt Hve been Bccnrd for this Department nd tL Job Office wUl embrace . i i - ; b complete butfet of ' ' ' ' ; '-. 1K .hMU naDer. io ran u.Jdar. Pencil, oatrnted 1 rplec. of Jewelry. nle inwkst, with PJg IZVu li. spleddid attlcto. rant PrUe. . postpaid, tiSc, Circular free, fst, cleaned W Kite Coru. BalDB ds Co.. 7W Broadway. .T-: a bushels feed Oats, Spring aa l Winter. 't ' i ' i. - - ' ''. oi bushels Stock Peas. . TIIE 'CARD WELL ' TUREbHl,R I joa barrels Phmr, very tow and food. Ut. vaiwn r '-.-l" I W.ttOOpouiidaTtmoth,, Hay, spfcndld. guallty x ri...... ia niv one of the leading 1.,. 4,lwMiMi, n-matla jk-CUr Gat. mixed """"."-T. a.w r ctnnlara and Lir. L.r.l7..TJ-v i T.s Viwl,t.-s .iii nartiulara. address the I riiLOuOTjouud FdTJiSrr&irlrtssSM loose BALkM AOrltULTV'R'L WORRS, I Ljed - ' ?:.' -y -M'JlnaleW 4s0ad,ersTieinte.rfeartotahafl. -rrrTr:.,' ." ' . -T TT, 9W. Bvi"A"7'aJj-a.irf4..... A1 L- Ir A H D " O O . , ,.r f .twey.n4: fSA S"". I Drices. . v. waiwv.i, i'J ? na . ... . 1 ! --mm,- ' r B. . ,7: u habw .1 H .Y-r m.) t lowest v .a ..it i, .a .. ,M i iijh-t ; i I. AHD DPALKRa W Jicb l-dm. iitil . . t , a a. . il & Qteat 5 1 ih6t 2-. UMVev7m durfc4tneTfliDAlspose of I ,K vi a via and ftR(3ANM a first class ma- tlltlS, tttnM-'wniSr ' TbisAfJCO Ikers, taeludliisj sWATCHBV et..loer prices GRAIN, HIDES, WOOL, TUiSAiA-V, I v(ir oflerB4, , i,,,,.,,. luiAiwU 7 wa!,-, ;!. t-"-! - " ''' VrbLu entt reserved v-Blnafrati)il.bBar.ntbs. . ! tr. TfTt "WOTlK ' which I Bops, Eim, Butter, cePn?Iais' Warranted fer yeati Haeond Hand In- Weare new 'treTMired to receive. Orders for, JOU. HUUA, wptcu t ther f .14,,1 sseos,... ,u-uio.iv t pncea ii ca-h nvw.prrv ;' t a ' 1 I'" Bseon, Bease, -fetiltf. rtour, ,e;r,f yw'2-j tsMsBss aribd..! algwssi aw4. ' . a. -a I etaMes, ee. e.r i .v,m, atl Hroadwar. N. Y -u r will receive prompt sttentiou sna oe aw ,JS0MB7iJ27i ' $1,250 Profitfrom -y. y j - - ? I i.Wnt ef WOeV'eae- eiear easton WAREHOUSE, WAf f - I .f, ;ikJue WATERS A SONS. I r HI LaAlJAVaUar Da-JaVB - . t . . , aprfl T-wflnt . J. T W AJ' T T S ' i - i And in the beat possible - eB . . m aAAa . aawaa- aJ AM aMaTiniraalaB a ai I n BrvBl IIS XW. aa at 1 Vy?r?r?x Zk d Call 108 buying Kr'aV. hrt the Put , 107 whh-h wa. ' . . , - ' - .V -h '! 7 -,7. ;'7,:.'7-: Ad drew, ."SENTINEL OFFICE, r amount . .' r Tobareo aoagu a.'.V "71 A.dvanen vm T Ti... . r r if ."TuTariRbTET ACO.. ,. t-w, , Hankara at Broker. m. ,,; . .. ai Aamd Ht..Nn York - r I t xl n 1 -near iuueigiii w.o. Boxsnt. iL4o. iwavNew xo v: i ...li.Tir.- cfc'.i'.rrLvs A.uctioneer ut , 4i;..; jt. , t 'COMMISSION; MiRHiNT, - Pmmht attentfr wfll Wtivea to all lfer- chandiae or ProUsce sent to wtBVr sale. FartWular attention wni oe pm io me in Uwdnctloo and tale of Machinery and Farm Ingwtenslls inited to this seetwn." ones and mules sow. every sawruay a fehli.-al, . 3 Jafr1;. jir l-us .'. -l r - ' 'S.. . i.- V 4, t' 7 17 7 i-1 ? ..' "5;"