THE RALEIGH EENTIXEL" ..tAfli i ia ' i ..-i i.' f '.i am AdrerUaemenU wm bs tsaarted to lbs lMu; Sbbtibbi. at ths following rata peraqoafsaf one inch, or tea coiaioa lines. One aqaais eaa tlaaa - - - IL00 - each subsequent htsertloa lea than s week 80 1 squara, t week 8 60 I 1 month. .......... t. .. t. ... to 1 . " 8 BKmtha... li 00 ' minm ' DAILT, WEEKXT AND SEbU-WKIKLT, Official Driaa of M Carolina. STATE PRINTJI-. & BINDING ESTABLISHMENT. . batb or scsatuurrioB. Dally ro Use! 1 year la advance M 00 Daiir Ml swath in advance............ 4 00 a 1 u L, i. a , m 1 I 00 I i ' f I,. 7 V mm il i 8 M m 14 00 4 - ''iMIMMIfMNN -OM 5 a 84 00 Weekly SeedneJ - ' - -mlrTrT ' WTT Tha Dartr SairnsBi. win be delivered la I V VJLt AA'1! RALEIGH, N. O , WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1876. No. 92 0 ' r - - ia i M u I w. It 00 .TflTB RALEIGH 6ENTINEL. a Al 1 .... QEAS0NABLE ANNOUNCEMENT - The present warm spell will cause a demand for oar beautiful . - ...5 s t" ' i. - . i. . .- i?" PLAID AND PLAIN LIKENS, BUMMER MOHAIRS, PRINTED LINENS AND LAWNS. All of which wo are how ruoeiving fresh supply. 'Also (or the gentleman a fall atoek of the fashionable MACICINA W HAT in several atylea, colored ventilator and tha atrair and :,.. , . v - . . - A caaa' of heir (earij ' ausuner) Silk pt 14 I W.'H. ARB. TUCKER "AT EVER BEFORE .EQUAIXEDI J'sj y . Aw-iiii c The Largest Stock on ''.Record. C. tVElKEL Ittu . tttturnt. ..a lie it still at Uie old Stand with larger - ' aaaortinent of , . " t ; siiRnsra- qoods , t .IDAK IYIB. . . U. & CENTENNIAL GOODS. " rOUETQ JULT CEXTt5XIAL GOODS. - ' '" Look at my Jateat Faahion Platea and ebdoae yon style. ' r 5 w - t1"' CLOTHS !ns j f j 1 ;CASSmERE. .:. In let anything yoo want Coma and te$ fat, J know I eaa toll you '"r WU1KUS HTABLISaMUT iaai thaoU pUoa, one dgor aontb of Booiliern'Espreas 'offlorv .f ni ..' I g-uirantaa all ny it;. . , ' V, sf BrM-Jm;',i;;h)I,a:l4-r at 1,S5 er 100 mi 1 '-' i '.;:' & . AAA ITk. Sialyl AalJl tk.1 ftl Sfi flraftV y-aiTj af w'-w - ' r r 100 1U. GATTIS JONES' Qrmlo and Feed Btortu S250 A MONTH-Arxenl sntr drcrr wlMBtv. BuhIimmw ltirannsM and ftml W UK 111 VUa U y V A il U U 1 Vrt n; ava av v tix)uri " w n . F. n. mRISTOFHERS ft CD... Q ALE OF ABLE LOTS Oo tb In Mood j ef Jana, 1878. at the Court flouM door, la Raleiirh, I will offer for tale, to tb blghMi bidder, for CAS a, TWO' ACRES OF LAND. In tb dtf of Blelrfi. kaowa la the plia of th city a iqm flioa. TfJ ana w jdi Und ia iold la Donaaoca of tba tnaf aad powers contained la a morl? duly rg1- ap -w 1 MAKE MO yaAOfKETS TILL T0U Which-i tkrfUlaf fciUrest, torllng mrif, eleruiM aod eheaDDeM, bat ablatel7 ao qaalji It la fTbe Thing" for tba CenlenalU period Ukea oa iicbU I ne iponpaa KeTipw n w - errtng of anqukUBed pralM ( w antlclpata for It aa extendM popaurity": th Dubaqua Tintea wti "Juat tiich a work a tboutaad of the American Pimpl wtll be rlad to pot aeM"t the Uelroll Advert tier calif tt "pre- feraNe to any yt poblhbed.' ANT ACTIVE jaji ub " u.aj oi fooa aaureaauiturea lartre prunie ana itead it work- for a Tear. for full nartlcala r full partlcalars. addrena . J.B.F0KDA-C0, ,87Prkriaee, I pew York. I the orirsr rOSTjOFFIC'K DIBECTORY For the benefit of the public, we pab (lah the followiDg directory of the poet oflioeof thiaeitTt Weatern mall closet . " " ,mrlTnHv -Eaatern M ; cloaea il H:ia a. m. Si2?p. tn, 3:03 p. m. " arriTet ff 11:43 a. m. 3HW p. m. 9:43 a. m. 9:30 a. tn. Oliatliam " t cloaea " nrrivea R. a. O. B. R. mail cloaea . i" arrlrea j:p p. m. Through nortbern vis R. & G It. U. cloaea "1, . v 9;30 a. m. Through northern Tla R. & G. . ;' IL R. arrivet ., .! 3UW pm ThrouKh northern via Golda- boro cloaea 8:03 p. in. rhrough northern via Golds - boro arrives " 11:45 a.m. Office honrs for delivering mailt from 7:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Money ordert are issued and paid Irom 6:13 a. m. to 4 p. m. ,- Letters can be registered from. 8:15, a. to 4 p.m. -. Office hours on Sundays from 4. p. ro. to 5 p. m. .J W. W. U OLDEN. 1, M (T1 LOCAL DOTS. Tha police court' news Is not worth reporting. - , "C Cholara morbaa is making social visits after tea. ' ' J'J ' " All of our hotels are now doing a thriving buainetia. -" , : . ,v . Hon. Joslah Turner will speak to night at Metropolitan hall. I L; t Jones, rtesldent of the West ern railroad company.Ia la the city. : N bI BrotigLton, Esq., and lady, havetatnrned front, a visit to; tba) cea ienmalj . f f'r? . H ! A Israe crowd Went" to Waker Forest aoMgtalid a Ui larger crowd will go Tba Oitiaena' Cornet band will play in tha'papitol Sqtuure this afternoon at ! Neither Chief Jastica? Waits nor Cir- rnit Conrt Judge) Bond , hare yes made Governor Brogden lefjt fiis morning to attend the commencement exercises at Trinity college. V t It it thought thai at leaat 800 people will go on tha excuraiou from tbia city to Norfolk to-morrow. Several big races comes off at the new fair grounds on the 15th. Young blood! with their blocded atook. s ' i . . Ladies intending to send flowers to etersborg, Va., abonld bare them at tbe Express office by 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. I About 13 dogs to-day travelled to that bourne from whence no dog was ever known to return. Cats come back, bui dogs, thanks to a beneficent Provi dence, never do.LTLlrt-!Li J Hon. Montford McGehee delivers an jiddrest on the life and. character f fbs ate ftoo; W. A. Graham to-rnor-evening, at the Rail of the HouW of Reprfientatives, at I o'clock. ' i k Last evening tbe ladies of Edanton ptreet Methodist .chnron gars au ioe cream f eatiral at tha store on Fayette rille street formerly occupied by Moas ley. The attendance was large and a good time bad. ' ' " " '?.' ' : VV ' j We regret net belug able to attend the" examination to-day of the pupils 6f Lovejoy's Academy:' The youi)a gentlemen have been we)I instructed, ts no "educalor hi the south W k high er and better deserved reputation than J. M. Lorejoy, the prlnolpal of the Academy, who. is ably agisted by hia ton, Mr. R. W. Lorejoy, a young; man of UUont and hluh culture. A' lanre crowd, we uoderttandnJuM prescui. u4i Th wre.blghly totere,w Tn Cpntoixui. ApftBiaa It, baa f lready been annoonocd that K. P. Bat tle, Esq!, will deliver an oration on the 4th of next months-which 1 will akatch the history of the city of Raleigh from the date of its establishment to the prea eot tmU Testerday we pttbliajiei Mr4. Battle's letter afoeptlng the. inritation to delirer the addreea, and now we give Mayor Manly't letter extending tbe taid invitation: . . . . i Matob's Omca, If Esleigh, N. af June 3. 1878. :' finpF, Battle, 2,'ij.r. I ipasa Bin : The commiUea appointed by the Board of AblermeB to select aa orator and to make preparationa for tbe suitable celebration of tbe hundredth anniversary of American Independence, in acoordaaca with thefecomniendations of CoDgress, met to-day. " On motion of J. R. Williams, Esq, yon were unani tnoualy elected aa the orator of 4Le oo eaaioB. Tbo committee-desire to add their personal request that ypn wil pot decline th appptntment, aa tuey beliere it to be of importance to the city that the record of her history shall bi pre pared by t competent hand. , - "T:. " Yours truly,- i -'- , . ' B. C. Maslt, .-'A r i ' .Chaiiman of the committee. Fab. IL Ecfbeb, Secretary. . Waki j Fort it. Tbe trustees of this excellent Institution of learning met yesterday. The ft port of tha Preaident Rev. Dr. Wlnsato. was submitted. Tha report gives a cheer ful Sketch of the operations- bf the Col lege during the past collegiate year and speaks hopefully and encouragingly of the future. Ninety-one students ' were present during the past ' term, and the health ' and moral character 'it Uie young , gentlemen are reported escellent. A Urge major y ' of the students" are niemb u of some church, and about 23 at- t.. ly ing for the ministry, 13 of wh u are supported by the Board of Ed cation of the Baptist State Convention, ,2 by the Caps Fear AsocIaton, 1 . fy , tbe Baiisbury Street Baptist clitiMt of Kaleigb, and J by a , niintste Ttje Others sustain themselves. , Tb Lu-ul ty did not recommend the eouNiri iug of say honorary degrees. And no D. O'e. were'niade. . We are heartily gU 1 tbat the future prospects of Wake Forest are so good. .-. r : j Thsre have been several efforts made to endow this College, and op ' to the beginning of tbe war , tout eighty ttwaoand dollars had been realised, all of which was lost In the general wreck; lave about 27 shares In th Raleigh A Gaston R, R. TbU aUk; was sold and with other funds, to the amount ot sixteen thousand dollars was lmfeud In Raleigh cjity bonds the legality - of wuicn u now , a , quesuon . beiore tne Supreme Court of the state. If Uii money shall be secured t the College, ts present amount of endowmeut may be estimated at about thirty-five thou- tsnd dollars, rrof. C. E. TsyW is now In the field trying to rai-ie fr m a le,w diuerent localities Professorship ot tenty thousand dollars each, one is to called the Raleigh ChslrV another the Wait Chair, I A third,1' the " Yeatee Chair, As. ' It ia to be hoped that Prof. Taylor will succeed In his puns. , The College should be endowed.' " It ' bas iooeaa invaluable work in the past and with proper support will do iucal eulable good In the future. " ' Supreme Coctbt. The court met at o'clock a. m. - Ch'ef Justice Pearson and Associate Justices, Reade, Rod man, Settle and Brnum were present Appeals front tho First District were taken up and disposed of as follows : J. H. Garrett vt James O. Cliethire, from Chowan, rut off docket at cost Of defendant Gilliam A Pruden for plaiDtiff, and A. M. Moore and JoLp A. Moore, contra. ' George W. Cobb et al, va Town of Elizabeth City, from Pasqublank. Pa pers banded up to conrt. ( Adtitmti at but term.) Gilliam A Pruden for plain tiffs "and Walter Freshwater Pool for Jefundaut, ., ; l: : f Baxter vt Baxter, from . Currituck Ctrfipraji ordered returnable ; tu'nuxt term, . ., i t WaUon While and wife va IL II. A 6. F. Small, from Chowan. Argued by Gilliam A Pruden for- plaintiff no Counsel for defendant. , ..... A M. Moore, .administrator, et ai, va II. JL Bond, Jr., administrator, et at, from Chowan. , Argued by Badger A Devereux for plain tifls, and Gilliam A I radon for defendant 4i-ht, Charles Skinner va J, . Bryee et at, om Perquimana. Left open; Gilliam Pruden for plaintiff, and W W. Flan aiing and Gray A B tain pa Jar dtifenduuta John W.; Gordon vs. 8. J. Lnwther end wife, from Gate. Argued by Moore A. Oatliog for plaintiff and Gilliam A rmden for defendants. ;, ;. ," 1 ' t John Li Hinton va B. F, WhitehurU et al.from Pasquotank. Argued by Smith qirong; lor Piatqun;, no counsel ro- afmidaiiaa. mSr-M w.if i .:.'(. 'rt-i.'i;.' i - L Vi L. Beck, trustee, vs. 'A.' K. A C. timmorman, from Pasquotank.' ' Argned by Gilliam A Prudon for plajntilT;, no eounsel for defendant. M - w ,, . ,,.! j Jpbn p. heeler i C L A K. B Cobb, from PaiwiuoUnk. Argned by Smith A Strong for blaintiff,an4 GUliam A Prnden for defendants. . ,,, , ,-T .;. j Court adjourned mntil 9 o'clock to morrow, when appeals from the 3d die- Wet wiU be taken nrj,' I TX Hi" CnuTDTr Cocbt. This - conrt met tlus morning , at 10 o'clock, Judge Brooks presiding. Tbe Qnlj ease of im, fortance , which ooms np ,was that of TJ. a vs. R. X D. 1 Pickler, of Stanly eoanty,' charged -with false vouchers as V'.' S. Oauger,";U. & District Attorney Badger prosecuting and NeiU McKay I',, C fuller an4 S- J. Pemberton fas efendant.! Twity-two witnesses were1 4worn,''Bud at the boor of going to press, this afternoon, the examination bad not aonclnded--fl ' - u " It is said that nearly all of the dogs of this city are ref ugeeir.g in Oberlin. , , WATER WORKa . f ir A ooBwrsicATiiM rsoaf Al BXOISeKB. Ma. Ei-ttob i We have fire engine, book and lwldr and bucket companies, but wbrr is tbe water Ail lbs cis terns ia V e city would not - last the Rescue ine balf an bour iu case of laree firr. lit eubject of water ia a matter of 1 npartanoe to every citixes. and one i. i ahould be considered by every on There are several looatiolia arrmud tl i eity, and I bare taken aome . t. t.; l , na to i kinuns) taem au. . x irnv, sua aa '. "gards quantity, is Walnat creek ; as oud, uamp Mangum spring ; third, llf n uouse Drsucn, on uie lands of t Messrs. Tucker." I will now endeavor 'o show the advantagea of each Iocs m. . Walnat crwk luur tbe lafgest qu tity of water, and has surplus power eni'u ;ii to pump tne water np an elevation i afficMtnt to flow , ow the biJiheti art of the city. From ob- iTyytiou , find a very high spot of ground ah. 4 , ; We of tbe creek, - a very suitable lJce to construct tne reser voir to hf aunnhed br a force liumD. worked bv a water-wheel placed down at the ere k. which will cost very little te keep In p ration after It Is once conatracttxl.' The water.then, as in all casea, bas to be conveyed In pipes to different mits or the city. Tue next location is Camp Mangum spring, which, in my opluhu. would be sutuuient, to aupply the city f all ore purpoaetaand a surplus t r washing and. other pur poses for th next twenty years. I am of the om obserrstioii,lhat the spring has Mifficient elevation to throw the water over the highest part of Uie dry. I base my calculation on the grade of thai N. C. K. R, which ascends D feet to tbe mile np to a right angle with tbe spring, wherw tne main reservoir coum be builtr-to hold any quantity ot water, and another within the fair, grounds, thenoo down the HiUaboro road to the city, allowiug the N. O. R. R. totiae ISO feet in the three miles, deducting 60 feet for difference of the apriugaod road, leaving 130 feet above the N. C. depot, which will flow the water over any house in the eity without an engioe, and mer chants could have water in every story of their baiMittga a case of fire and good water to uruikv Tbe last place, and one nearest to the city, ie' Pigeon House branch oo the property of the Messrs. T acker. . Iu order to make that avail lie there .would have to , be a steam pump ', placed at Uie reservoir to force Uie water , In the , pipes to the city, or lute a reservoir on some eleva tion higher than the city, either on the Devereux bill or ' ganders' old field,: and then distributed to different parts of the eityi The other locations require no steam eairtne, a one has a surplus power to ' pump the water, and the other an elevation to force the' water, which is a great saving of expense, r I believe 'the city can be supplied 'from either place at about' one hundred thousand dollars or leas, as iron is now cheaper than j for many . yeara. ; The question Is how the mousy is to be raised I It does seem to me mat u tne city could get her debt , iu a-proper shape that she might .take one-half of tbe stock and then ner debt would tie comparatively small, not to exceed two hundred thousand dollars, which would only be sixteen thousand dollars inter est oa the whole debt,, and with the growth of the city and increased value of her property, it would be easily man aged. Then - it would only . require filly thousand dollars to be taken by in dividuals, which might be raised among the citizens and insurance companies. I believe the water reqU will pay. a dividend of 10 per cent, on tbe capital Invested with proper management.,' I respeolfully invite public attention to the above important subject. ' . ' ... "L'VTr' TXT "tTT ' ie s. . - A: . I'-; ' TAR DROPS. ': ... 7 Trade iq Klnston la very dulL ) uu V Sneak "thieves 't!'rdf 'aitt'plagulnj The wheat and oat crops Uaton ere very good. ' 1 t;"i!'H ' Mitchell county has manufactured steel it the centennial ,n; w ui i if- Fishing i aitiet are the order of tbe day In Fayeitoville. The demwrats of McDowell' country meet in convention itt the 12th Inst. the pupUs of the FayettevUle Bep tiaa tiuuday School bad a pic me ye- tcruajr,? -l t,.a .,r .. .-i.-i .- 'fameiBobtnaon, of Fayeitavlileiuts nearly recoved from bis recent severe -srt fithoril v fl imtaon nearlv killed a littla dauiliter of Bamucl Grisotu; of vaston f(.s"tr?:S v;: :,': ' ' Thna far 39.923 bales of cotton have been received hi Charlotte against 3o OOdlast season. ,,... CoL Wm. Johnston, of Charlotte, la spoken of as the deauqc ratio candidate lor woogrtl in tnai uiatrjcv. - j the' residence of W, MaUbewt, it Smithville, was recently robbed of a large quanUty or provtsioqs, 1 A man eallinir himself Robert Win iek) was arrested In Asheville the other day for passing a (50 counterfeit bill. t jf.. yf....M. -i.i-,., .u- - i ...; ! A brick-layer the other day fell from fiia acaflbldiuk around the jnew court Asheville and broke bis neck, t The revivals et, the -Methodist and fiantiet churches in Newbera continue Si full blast " Crowds attend them i Jas. Manswell, MtUer Mechanic of Die Atlantic A North Carolina railroad, rot hia foot mashed at Ringold 6ta- ion the other day.' A part of th4 foot may have to be amputated. I . , - .,. UVCR COMPLAINT. , By R. V. Pierce, M. D of the World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y- author of "The People's Common Sense Medi cal Advistr." sta.i etc. - . , The Liver is Uie great deiiurtation (purifying) organ, ol Ute systeiB. and haa very appropriately been termed the "househeeper" of our health, I save observed in Uie dis-ecUng-room, and also in making pc$i-mrlem rxamma tiout of Uie bodies of tbote who have died of different diseases, that In a large proportion or cassi, tut liver bas Riven evidence of having at some time been diseased. : Liver sffucUona are equally prevalent in beaut, tvery butcher knows that the livers -of cattle, sheep. and fcwloe aro ton times as frequently diseased a any otjier organ. A healthy liver each day secretes aoout two and a hair Bounds or bile. , ben It becomes torniJ. congested, or if, from anycaue. it be disabled la the perforiuauoo ol ,lls duties, it is cvidunt tiiat tbe elements of the bae must remain in ths blood. thus irritatiug, poisoning, and pervert. lug, every vital process, , ' Mature, at tempts to rid tbe system - of theea nox ious materials by, means of other or gans, as Uie kidneys, lungs, skin, etc which become overtaxed in performiug tueir additional labor, . sua are unable to withsland tbe pressure. . . . 1 be brain. wUcli ia tbe treat electri cal center ol all vitality, becoirea ovei. stimulated won unhealthy blood, and fail to norn-ally ierform Its functions, Heme there is. dulloets, headache, li biinneot of. the . roemorv. 4 muss, gloomy forebodings, . and irrkabity ol tmier ttbea the bled is fiscaed, the skin t manifests discolored spots. Imples, blotches, boila, caibuoclee and Scrolbloas tumors, ltier stomach and bowels, sooner or later become affeoied, and coustipailon, pile, dropsy!, dyspep tia or diarrbeea, ia the kievitable result. wmMii ort.i'vra rMwi.AViirr '' I A sallow color of the skin, or yellow WUHrown spots on the face and, other parts of tbe body -. dullness and drowsi ness, with ' fitsjUeDt headache ; dixii Beas. bitter or bad taste in the roouih. drynesa of tbe throat, and Internal beat $ palpitation of the heart, a dry, teasing 1 Qugii, sore throat, uuoteady appetite. four stomach, raiaiDg or tbe food, and cboakinir sensation id tbe throat t iickneia and vomiting, distress, hesvi aess, and a bloated, or full feeling about the stomach and sides i aggravating fisins u the sides, back, or - breast, and about the shoulders ; collie pains and soreness through . the bowels ; constt tslion. i '.alternating . with . diarrhoea ; piles, flatulence, nervousness, coldness of the extremities, rush of blood to the head,: with aymdtows of appoplexy: Sumness of Uie limbs : (especially at night), and chills, alternating with hot flashes s kidney and other urinary diirl- eultics, dullness, low spirits, hud gloomy lorcbodmrs. ' ; Only a low ot tbess symptoms will be likely, to be present iu auy case at one time. : - . .-i.1. ii Tkiathknt. Take : Dr. - Pierce' olden Medical Discovery, with small Joses of bis Pleasant Purgative Pellets, hich act as aa alternative on the liver. For liver complaint and Uie various affections caused by a diseased liver, these remedies are unsurpassed. The Gelden Medical.) Discovery does not imply palliate the disease but it pro luces a lasting effect. By Its use, the ver and stomach are changed : to an active, healthy state, Tbe- appetite is regulated, the. blood punned and en riched,: and the entire system renovated and restored to health. f ' - j The Discovery is told by dsugglstt. R. V. ; -Pierce,r M. D.,' Proprietor, orld's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y. : i ; 1 a i ' -.l i . The new Atlat hotel,' Philadelphia, ra., conducted with -pcclal refareptC to quiet and pleasant accommodations. lainaU cotUt !' s v; j. jn 1-lw... iYHQESAldl ivdASUV PKI0ES I i I I I An:'. t CRIUSTOliRfBSACQ.; ', nTaolAil h 4i -fsist .;iU ' tssn, Jans 67181. MidJllBk-S. cv..M0i9il0l i,.j.:Cta.?. Low Miaaiioi Clean Stlne peep lDferior sad dirty,- I $t Cotton Ties, 6t cents. - . - ' j-JT : Flour, North Carolina S6.000.2S. Corn H0(a 85 cents. " - j Cora Veal, KUaU I: r ( Jl t Baeea,A. a ha soand, llSw i.i .fv- : ;,,! aassa lftwl.1-v. . -v..!-fiulk MesU, Cler ttih. bides, UrSIL " . " . Sbpuldew. V eenti. , , , IirA, North Carolhii. ir. ,! ' ".: Weatern tterees, lt, " : in""J .keas.l?,' 'it"1 CofHec, Pdola BIq Ktifrft. ) .' " t -Oood,- tl,,;-. , w Commonrt. . Byrup, 8. H. 3S. ' ," ' kiolaasea, Cuba 40r-tS.' ' alt,;Marsbai'a'a.l0.i.'!"i . : " .Eran,. 1(X , NaOs, oa basis for 10a, ai&V Sugar A. 13. , EitraC'lt.' ! Hi ).yeUewtj.iNaio(."(' ieather, Bad Sole W&lt. . ..... Oaktaaaed,)., ;.,( . 1 Ji it i. i.:.i ? . : umes,greea,;r.,n w,sJ.,,. .,,;,,, Tsuowwa?'1"' 1 v -' 1 v . ; Potatoes, a wvet AVb seaU per bUfhel.' - H f Irish, wXtt.uD i -. - rtivi ft Oata,aaellsd6&, n . . ' sheaf, from wagon, L25cents , ' baled tl OU. . , ., . '.. rodder, baled. 1.2 ' " ' !""- -"! Hay, . U.Slsd. rood, Wtfl.OO ' ! Batter,.N.CfS5iS8k ;;. Cjj 0: ,-. Sseswax, ....., r. .! . , ,. , .. Tf-asdlleeBki ' '' ' iJeet.MtSrficTe-vi ' Vjil J dreaaed tirtone. 'nii7l. .V- neavy Coi'per, per pound, Inc. ,. , t L!?ht . '! - r' . tic , , .OtW I Uraaa, per pound, 8 to 1. . , 1J ' Pewte; per poBl, T to 10 eta. . ' lad. ner pound. Sie. U,Ji ' Old Iron, ner 1UU pound), AOr, I, v; Shsep Bklna per piece. .wuhi. : Woui wah?J, per pound, 8630c, j anwa.hed 20 to 8Sc - old ti cent ; burry, 30 et. ' jFOWLE FOR GOVERNOR' AND ROBINSON FOR LDZTJTENAST , ' 1 GOVERNOR. - Mb. Editob : Amour tbe mitrv names' of : huh ataadingaaJ bnliiaat taieol- whicb have beou submitted to the tioo, pie in eohuectiou with the nominations -for Governor aud Lieutenant Governor. by our approaching Convtntion, can yoa point out two uniting more of the quali ties requisite for a tirst-rate stronir can vass than those of the Ron. D. G. Fowls and James Mj Robinson f Put them tosretber on our ticket and the union af their several qualities "will not only carry our state election triumphantly, but will oe a iodic eu lue towards the success of our pretilduutial candidate. . In our anxiety for our state election we mutt not loose sight of this, perhaps, more important , contest, ,fi. Who ist all our: bordors so fit to send to UL Louia at the head of our delega ion as . the old , standard besrer ef democracy Uie' victor In te many denperate ilghu the Uon. D, S. Itcul.of Rockimrham t e'end him, Mr. Editor, with his coolness and ; 'kill in the management of public, bodies to give us a good candidate and trust to Fowls tod Robinson to secure the vote of the state. . ;, ; ... ;, ,.t7 MipoLSj Belt. iJ MEETING ; IN SWlFT 1 CREEK u townsuiiv; ' ' ! t, , jfiB l;r.i; , i.- f-.-. 1 At'a riieettpg : held atT Franklin's. Kwift Creek township; on 8 nrdsy, the 3d or Jute, 1876, & G. Iloyos was; called to Uie chair, and M.T.Jones n. quested to act a sccretury. ,,,,, On motion, the chair appointed ten delegates to represent the townnblp in the county coavenUon r and on further' motion, all cood conseivative-denio crats from ihe fwnsliip, aho. may, al?: tend tue county convention, are consid ered and requcetod to act as delegates. " tue loiiownig.' dsievates were an' Minted f- ... .; f r !..,,,-.,.. L.D. Stephenson, M. .IL C Eteubcn- ' son, li. Jone, Bryant Smith, James - enviv, Rufus L. Powell. Jai.'' Murrav: ' W. II. Roundr. Charles Franklin and Anderson Bella.- On motion, the chairman and secre tary were added to ths list of delegates..- . vn motion, the proceedings ot this t meeting was ordered, to be sent to the Conservative papers 'of Raleigh for fob-' lication. i - 'wra " .' .i;v. ; On motion, the meeting adjourned.1 8. G. IIAYS Piairman.i , -M. T, JoNica, Secretary, : , : ;,.,,. -j Pardoxbd. Yesterday Governor Brog-1 dan pardoned John Bchenck, of Lin-1 colu county, out of tiie penitehtiary, ' Schenek was convicted st tbe fall term ' of the Lincoln eonnty Superior Conrt of aassnlt and battery and sentenced to two years, at hard labor, in the peniten tiary. The petition for pardon waa largely signed and nrged by teversl . prominent gentlemen in this city. . If yon feel that everything cwet wrotiv ' if yea want to got np eaxly in the morn ing, if you have a pain iu tha stomach, ike a dose of Dr. Bull's Vegetable Pilb i . ii a a. . -Hon. Robert Vance it out id i letter In the Asheville CUiztu, which Indicates tliathe is wiUiug to? sacrifice himself for a third congressional. term. '.,. . .. NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. TO ALL MEN A SPEED T CVB& ' ,;.,. (li W. 14 111 .... djl !.'. . Wsaknees of the Back. Or Ifrab.' BMrtirreiv Affection of tbe Kidneys ar BUdder, lntol Untary Dlachar, taipotsney,, Ussvwal Ie-: Duuy, nenrou-ne-s. i)ype(la, loiruur. Low SrirUJ. Confusion of IJiaa. Plrluitl..i ' of the Heart, Timidity,' Trembttns;, Dlmoeas' or or Miiauwaa, iiNaeM or tbe Head, Throat, i.Hoaev lei Sklo.l ACecttsna of taw Llvar, Lusn, Stomach pr. Bowels those tar- rfble diaorders arising from aolitary UablU ' of Youth secret and aollUry practices mom j iuu to toeu- victims than the song or tbe Syreoes to the Mariners of L'lyaaee, blijfht UBg their moat brilliant hopes and anticlpa tkma, rsodsrfeig msrrUirs almoat Impassible, destroying botn Body and Mind, r MaxriiMie. stamea peraoaa or youns; na umimmpm ting nwrUre, tufferbig from Ore sol and . Physical Weakness, Lou of IVocreatlTfl Powera, ImpoBency, rroatraUoo, Etafcuatad Vlulity, Involuntary Uiaohanres. Non-re--' lability, Hasty Emlaaioua, PalpitktMl of the. Heart, AcrvoaJ aOMiliauuiij,; leoI WU Ptiyaltal spd MeDtal , Powers, lrragaMio, pf all the VUal Forces and. function, Nerr out Debility, L of Mahbnod, eeoerat Weakness of tha .Mnraaa, and very other Unhappy dlquaJUlQSUuO,'aptMdUjl remo-ed,-sn4 full mauly Viaur restored. ..i.. . . j. !,VTr-.owaf nca,,,,, .i t Ui Theta tn tome of the tad snd taeisaehaft j kffeJtaJproduced by early bahlts of youth,' vtxr Weakness tf the ' Bok snd Llmba, PsIds la tbe Head; Dimness sf Rlgl't, Loat ot Muscular Power, PalpSxIua af . the Uaart, . Dyipcpeta. fiervoua trriiabUu.yr,lWaa(r-. niest of tbe W(,Ttlve ruaclioua fral Ih-bllUy, gLvmptoiua of Cananmptiott, ete. ' JMSM..1-T. ib- toarrai caeexa w w mlad are bhic's to be Vva4euWLea of Memti ory, Confaalenof Idas. Vuprtaakn .of Bpir-j IU, EvU-ForebodUigs, Aver.lon to Soc-iriy, rif-Dhtrust, ,1 ore of Solitude, Tlmldiry, ' etc.. are sna of the evfhi nrodueed. ' ' Thousands of psrsoaa of all ares caa now iudgs what, la tab: causa ,of .their daeiiauuf . heaUll, loaing Ui-lr vigor,, becoming weak Ctle, aenroua ana emaciated, naruig a tingn r appearance about the eye, sough eedr symptoms of eoosooptloa. A, Meeoj ure ntrrsntfa, la recent lMnesas Immediate ReWei K Mercury. Teresas ramtag tbdr heahh, wait-. lug tunai wHh .Ignorant pretender and Im proper treatment, drivhnf disease Into the system's? that 'Deadly Petooo, Mereary, eaaslsg Fata) Affsritoas of tha HesV TbroaV Nose, VP. Sh'n, Unr, Xuugs Stomach or BowU. apcedily cured. Let no deUscy. pre- inclose siamp to isren repiy.- Auurrsa i,t.y i t)T- Johnston. ' 1;':':!' k HO. ?, IKI TH iKKbMllKT., - , v BtrWMKS HKhTtMUHH AND -. !, IsssifW ly. ::, : .;' .'..- u UKSES IliOhaMi ' X-ULUl KOOU XldfKH-S llfT .an-, aii inn so ttcnxst F.CtiiRISTOPHlCrlSdtCQ.'S,'' 1 VUingtssrts

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