THE RALEIGnSENTIffKU DAlLf, WEFKXT AND BEMl-WT.IKtT Clcial OrEi of Kcrti Canslina- f STATE PRINTING & BINDING ; ESTABLISHMENT., j ( bats Of suBscairtioB. Dally Sentinel 1 year In advance S 00 Lilt 8ii moctlu In sdrmuee.. .......... 4 00 ruI Weekly " ..." W Weekly fcviiUnd ............. i U ...-" , My Pf I - City a Flit a Costs e, week. The Dsn.T bshtibbx. wui m aeuverea in , 1 1 .. . -.. - SEASONABLE ANNOUNCE 'V:r- The present warm spell will cause a demand for our beautiful Q PLAJDA8D PLAIN LINENS,, , ! summer MonAins, PRINTED LINENS AND LAWNS. All of which' wo are bow rooeiving a fresli supply. ' f A 1m for the gentlemen a fall stock of the fashionable MACKINAW IIAT rv in seTeral styles, " and the straw and colored Ten tilator . fvv Bumnier Hat, f-i . v . '-- A ease of new (early ennimer) Silk pU V. H. A B. B. TUCKER' "TfiVEH before equalled! i. THe Largest Stock on CO Record. 47. WEIKCL nmm Rtlurntd. lie is still at the old Stand with a larger ' assortment of :' ' ' 7; ' THAN EVER. ; . 17. & CENTENNIAL GOODS. ' r-OURTIl JULT CENTENNIAL GOODS- ,775, LATISI;Tl-S-i376. Look at my latest Fashion Plates and choose your sty le, ' ; CLOTHS, lifL i.ifssiMEIES, ii.-r ;r t. ; ..- ,rVrij . i japrnNos, In set anything yon want. Come and - see me, 1 know I can snit you. ; :A WIKIL'S I8TABU8HICINT j la at tbe old place,' om door south of the ; qpqthepi Erpreas oflhW "j j I guarantee all my kta. 't'.- i nfl - i ! ( apt 13-8m ; 'l ?r "' CL WEDIEL. Knnnn Lll.rl f lMDlD PODDDH , at 11,25 per 100 lbs. ai V lOisiilS 28,000 lbs spIeaOM Baled OmU at H,2 'per - loo lu, a.a:-:,o'r-n; ; , :J . i . r; ; j i . : cattm a jonw j -jUruRSUyiLLX acadimt. ; u f Tha &d BfMloa .ot ny School will epea Jnlv 10. 1878. and eontlnns (Ire bmbUii. Tnltton, Hinl and Wwtlnf per tetskMi JtX,- i a PATTOS, frtnclpal. Jans a-deodla MonVvllle, . C. . JIHITEESIIT.OF JIBGHIi.1 SViniX LAW LECTURES (nine weekly), beds 13te July. 1870. and and 13ta Bep- Umber. Hare Droved of tiro um. lit, to ' stadaat who de1ra to panne their tod lea at this or other Law-aahooi : 8d, to thete who propose to read prrrmteiy i and krd, to prae thionen who have sol had the advantage of tyatematle Instruction For ctrcalar ap- piyP. O. CnWerilty of Va.)to Jons Bi m IHOS, rroi. vom, ana mm, mw. , MAtt NO EMUQEMEITI TUX TOU - SfK nun - i. ..Which la thrDlfag InUrest, twrllnr merit, . aleraace and eheapneaa, hi abaotutaly so , squat . U ia "The Thin j" for Us Centennial penoa PR . '.. TUa Mqrth Awfrti" ! It l aemnf M nnquaiineit praua , wa apucipaia for It aa ettanaire popularltf'': the Dubuque - llmea Myt ' Jum tana a wort ae looasaeas ol tha American raopie wiu oe viae m poa "i the Detroit Adrerttoer calls It pre ferable to any yet published." AMI ACTIVE MAM OR WOMAN of coed address Insured large proSte aadV ateady work Jor .a Tear, aeriaii nanicaiara. aaoxess J. B. FORD A CO.. 87 Park PI epr2rt "New To A GENTS' ELEGANT OILCHROMOB 'JUL. mpnnted, size 0x11, for IV VereRlee and Chromos In every description. Natioa& vuoid, vo., rnua., ra. w, mi !- m VOL. XXII. cl i v'. 1-OST OFFICK DIBECTOHVJ i For the lnellt of the public, we pub sli tbe following directory of the post oiTlce of this city f . v '..t Western mail closes ! 11:15 a. m. .t. M .. .. 4. - orrises ' 7" S:2S p. nr. Fjtfttern closes i 1 3:03 p. m. i . .. ss arrive, - ' n:45 a. m. Chatham " tloses i " 3:00 p. m. " ! Mi aniTes ' - 9:45 a. m. D. & G. It. R. mail closes 9:30 . m. . arrires 3:18p.m. Through northern ria It. A G. - ' U.U. cloees' : " 9:30 a.m. Thrnueh nortlicra wla K. AG. It. K. arrlvea 3:45 p.ra Through northern xli Golda - boro closes ' ; 3:03 p.m. rhrough northern via GoMs boro arriyes , lis 45 a. m. Office hours for delivering malls from 7:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Money orders are issued and paid from 8:15 a. ro. to 4 p. ra. Letters can be registered from 8:15 a. m. to 4 p. v. Office hours on Sundays from 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. , ' W, W. Holdxk, T. M. LOCAL DOIU ( The city is full of visitor. , , , , , Hon.' Montford McGehea arrived In the city yesterday afternoon, , ' : . ' UoL Junlns L Scales of Greensboro is mentioned here with much favor for Attorney General , ; i, , '" John N. Staples, of Greensboro, was in the" city yesterday.' ne will return one day next week. r- Dr.' Blacknall could not go on the Norfolk excursion. , He is literally "run way with" with gneata. ' . , , The excursion left this morniogwith rather a alim attendance. Hope it will do better along the lino of road. - ' On nights like these tbe bouses are all empty soon after tea time. Henrietta has gone out with Johnson Adolphns to ethe moon rise.' . - ; It was liule, sleek, black, glossy haired fellow six little boys were lead ing but by the neck this rooming. His hide would make a dog-goue good muff. ' Col. J. M. Bohinson, President of several railroads and a steamboat line, arrived in this city yesterday afternoon. He is accompanied by his lsmily, and ia a guest of Major John Deverebt. i Everybody waa anxious yesterday evening to hear from the Wadcsboro convention, and the telegram that Wal ter L.1 Steele was nominated for Con gress was read with various marks of surprise, J-: - i -a. " :---., ; U. S. Cibcdit Gocbt. United States vs. John ; Jeuea ; violation of . internal revenue laws ( disoon tinned. t United States vs. James M. Newsora embexslement , ; piscontinqed., , V -", ; IJJnited Btateava.J. B. L,' White ; internal revenue laws. Defendant pleads guilty in two easeav , T., I - United States, vs. Gray Rogers. , Dis continned, ; v; f if . United, States vs. James; Maynard. Defendant pleads guilty -; - United States vs. Joseph R. Kinton. Imprisoned one year and fined $1,000. United States Vs.' amme. . Imprisoned six months and fined 11,000. United States vs. James G. Carroway. Discontinued upon the payment of the eost by tha defendant. , United States vs. J. G. Cargill. De fondant pleads guilty. r - - :. United, States vs. B. F. Ashbnrn. Da fendant pleads guilty. United States, vs. ' J smes. Hart. In. diotment having in possession tobacco not stamped. Jury empennpljed ; testi mony closed, Mr. Fuller arguing for dei (endant, '' ". "' J "' , Several internal revenue eases set for next baturday . Nothing else el impor tance done. . , : , , '. , I a The Makiamcs Bkvoibk Watts. The maTsdomus in the convict labor case,' ' heard yesterday before Judge Watts', at chambers,, in Salisbury, was decided a jury case, apd carried tq the upiriof eonrl, Th,o case' 'involves an Issue between the Spartanburg & Abevil!e, and tbe Western North Car olina ' railroads, Tbe Spartanburg A Ashsvills road has one hundred con victs now at , work, and the commis sioners on tbe Western road deny the right or the Spartinborg A Asheville to this, labor and ask a mandamus to get 1) ft way from them.' claming for' them. solves a superior right to all tha con victs the Western road may demand.' Dr. Bull'a Vegetable Pills for the cure of Ldver Uompiauit, ituuona Af fection or Headache, and especially Sick Headache, Fain in the Side. -Stomach, Back or Intestines, Sick Stomach, Blind ness, Dimness of Sight, Weak Nerves, Loss of Appetite, Coatiyenesf , Dyspep. sis, Derangement of the Kidney, and all dehcaie Female Complaints. For sale by all druggist at 25 eta. box. y I , RALEIG-H, N; i Ov, THtXKSD AY "JUNE 8, 1876. WAKE FOREST COMMENCEMENT: ; mf. til u'J u Waik Fokkbt, June?, X.rtC-'f"1 The commencement exercises opened on Moudsy evening wiU'new wrin kle,'1 a comic ' debate, mrtlclpatcd In bi eight young gentlemen, ! four IVom each society. " Subjectr Was - Miss BeUy Jones Justifiable in kicking Mr. Jake Smith V ' Afflrmatlv4-J. B. Jones, Franklia county, J. C. Caldwelt, Moore county 5 . W, B. Wingate, Col lege Hill, and W. H. Lassitcr, Camden county, 'Negative W. I roteat, cas- ell county. A, W.,BuiToot, t'amden. county, A. E. Wallers, College H'dl, and A J . Y. Gulley, : Johnston county. Tbe young men acquitted themselves well, or, as the boye would say, "got 100." , After the debate the president. Master W. E. Daniel, the, smallest man at the college, calls open the super visors or monitors for reports, and these reports consist of criticisms, which fall alike on grave professors and unfortunate students adding to the amusement of the occasion. The moni tors were W. N. Jones, of Raleigh, and P. O. Tatum, of Davie. ; ., ., On Tnesday at 11 o'clock the trustees meet in the chapel, and the reports of the officers are read and other mutters pertaining to the institution diaouaaej. At 8 p. m. Bev. Dr. a O. Bitting, of Richmond,' Ve., ' delivered ( before the graduating class the annual sermon from Luke 24th chapter and 45th verse : "Then opened he their understanding." " One who has read - Baptist literature for tha last fifteen years, has read the life of this gentleman, and one natural ly expects to see a man whose form be tokens care and years, bnt instead Dr. Wingate introduces a man in the very prime of life, who repeats bis text .with the accents of a New Englander, and his words to a strictly southern ear 1 at first are rather.hars h, but aa he proceeds with his masterly sermon, this seeming defect becomes a real beauty of speech, so that ears usually dull under the preaching of the go pel are quickened, and ha is listened to with rapt attention for one hour. A' sermon of great beauty and force. '; , ; . . To-day (Wednesday) at II o olook, is the time for the delivery of the address before the graduating class by Hon,- W. M. Bobbins, of Rowan. ' There Is a gen eral expression of regret that this gea-t tlemsnia unavoidably sbseat, bnt Dr. Bitting read the address, which like the ermun, cannot ' receive justice at the hands of a reporter. - The subject mat ter of the address was a resume of his tory, showing from whence our govcra. ment derived its origin, also its Uiuh cieapreaen tin g a very dark picture, to ranch so that the faces, of the thoughtful looked glqpmy indeed ; but as he noared the close of the address he. declared there still was hope, and whert the ad dress closed there were no dark faces; but ths praises oj tha effort of the hop orahle gentlemen were in- the mouth of all agreeing with the President,' that it waa a chsracteristio southern address, and grand in every way. . Mr., Bobbins waa very fortunate ia having Dr. Bitting to deliver the address in bis steed," , We close hero for the . present in or der that you may have tha foregoing for to-morrow's issue; the rest will be forthcoming. : ' ,,:';'' -. X.X. Ji, MB. MoGBHCB'9 ADDRK88 THIS Eteniho. At the Invitation of the Raleigh bar. Col. ; Montford McGehee delivers an address this evening at Commons Hall, la eulogy of the late Hon. Wm. A. Grahw. , t is well tq Commemorate the virtues of our de ceased statesman, whose pathway through life was a brilliant Illumination nnmarred by a dark shadow, or by a single break of ita glorious lustre. And tha bar of Raleigh have chosen wisely in selecting Montford McGehee , to' de liver the oration on such an occasion, But we will not anticipate.'' (at cJU xens must aljen. an ru htr, sThcv Win nftt regret an i fiour .spent tq, the compsay of a fervid orator, of an elo quent shaker, oft son of North Caro ling, second (0 ' none In thought, In beauty of expression, and in chasteness eX expression as pure as the life of the distinguished citizen who Is the subject of his eulogy.".:,.'; v w ; TLAflfl or ALL NATloa.--Mr. !B T. Fulghum, publisher of the Inter national Exhibition, Gtude, for the southern-states, bas ' gotten up 5,000 copies 6f the Flags of all Nations for general sale throughout the south, Ths memorial ia printed in handsome col ors, with the exact flag copy of every nation on earth Jo the miudl ground of tha printing is the Conquered iiaiVi ner, witb lipes from Father Ryaa un dernealh. It ia getting rapid sale in this city, and will no doubt sell well at other places. -7 Address,' It. T. Fnl gkum, sola proprietor. ;., J ! r 1 I I P- VAuoaAsr. llr. T., B. Kings- h'ar'-, vXioro, sst unuer one oi ut, ulutn's sermons a fow Sundays since nnd tnese ri irapresiious a louna in tbelorcn-ught.t jw... , I had the pleasure of hf-nriog Hev. Dr. Vaugban, the pastoi- of t Frewby- terlan church, - He ia about 53 years of age; la a : Virginian tor birth,' anrt ts a preacher or extraordmary powers. 1 do not hesitate to aay that he Is the ereatest preacher and the greatest lu lellect now connected with the pulpit in North Carolina. On the occasion on which I heard him, his subject was Hume's famous attack upon the mira cles of the Eacred Script ares, and It was by odds the most vigorous, - the meet' force M, J the - most dex terous, v the . most compact : and conclusive argument 1 ever heard or read upon that subject It.waa a pro digious mental effort, and I write him down as one of two or three Intellectual giants I have heard in defence of the christian religion. His manner is won drously grave, earnest, and impressive; his voice is deep, sonorous, grsteful to the ear ; bis enunciation la very distinct, very deliberate ; his language is pure, scholarly, artistic, the exact and titling garb for Die great, siuewy thoughts that follow each - other in solid and imposing array. All his pulpit ex ercises . axe distinguished lor their impressiveness, and his prayer are more remarkable than many intelligent gentlemen's sermons. It is no wouder that Dr, Peck and Dr. Dabney hold hint in anoh high estimation) fhat the people of Macon, Georgia, think him the mas tor of the eelbmted Dr.' Palmer, of Nsw Orleans. ; and thai Dr: Uog of Richmond, ahonld regard him aa thft. greatest preacher yet produced by vv? ginia, -with one exception. Raleigh has one great man in its midst, and it will be exceedingly fortunate if Uoan retain him. ' MEETING AT LEXINGTON. . At a meeting of the' democratic-conservative party ' of Davidson couuty, held at the court-house, in- Lexington, N. a, on June 6th, 1876, Mr. li. h. Holmes was called to the chair, and Mr. Fred H. Stith elected secretary. -- On motion.. Mr. M. l'iuiiix ex plained ha object of the meeting to be to appoint delegates to the state aud and district conventions.' ' ' On motion the following gentlemen were appointed delegatra to tbe aaid convention : . Messrs. O A Hunt, J II Welborn, Jn Miller, W W Hix. 8W Palmer, J W FitegeraldJlJ. M. Thomp son, Jno H Swioegood, W L Thorn peon, JItDelap, S 8 Jones,, J Faualen, J It Evana, W Shelton, II W Iindsay, J Bialofif, J M Roper, J Teague' W T Moore, H W Brummell, J II Finch, T. rope, F H, Stith. S Bjga, A Bulla, J C Skeen, J G jjauatt, J Loftin, W PEedwine, J BteL S A Mock, E Roper, T D Cooper, B B Roberts, 8 BaiW H B Meares, J F Bell, 8 Craven, P Headrick, M H Pinnix, I A Loach, It W Thomss, C F Lowe,, S ' W Bice, G llih y, F V Bobbins, S C Hanee, B 8 A'U f ton, J W Finch and A S Spaugb ( uud k was ordered that any member of tan party from the county tn.ling the convention ahonld be ooutdiered delr egata.. w. ..,,.,,' ,; .It was unanunously resolved, That we heartily eudorse the c jure pursued by our member of Congress, lion. A. fecalesr and do racomuiendlhirnas. $ candidate foe re-olection. j , . ' The secretary was initrudted to send a Copy of the proceedings to ths Ralsigh Sentinel and News, Greensboro Patriot and Salisbury Watchman, with tha re quest thst they publish the same, .y , L. H. HOLMES, Chairman, Fkd H. Stith, Secretary." j ,,i j : MEETING IN OBANGiL".., j Flat Brvaa, Mr. Tabor Chchoh j ; u.u,. .:? :uit ? J Jnaeard, 187 ' EDnoa Sanmrcn t At a meeting held at Flat River, Mangnm's township, O. A. Peed was called to the chair and J. L. Parriah was requested to act -as sec retary. Tha following resolution was, offered by J. W. Umsteadand unani mously adopted: " j ' ; WuksbahI Tbe services of Josiab Turner to tlie peoples and tbe state have been greater than all others whose name have been mentioned m eonaecaou wiin thaoffloeof Oovernor. Therefore, ; 1 Bttolvtd,' That we wiU reward him for his services by voting for him for Governor in despite of rail road corpor ations and rings, -'! u-u : ! .i t..t -.;.ii a Ai Pats Cam. I : J. K Pabbmb, Sec. - t-'s j j : DELEGATES TO THE STATE J ,:TfucoNVETiaN-r; 'l:Hili"t :i-;iU tU;- i-v'l'l'il 9 HIT. j ,. ROOM" 0iEMOCRATrrCOB8BR- i , vatitb Ex. Committed n j , , KaleiaKK, C. Mag 24, 1876.! , la pursuance of the call o( the State nemocraiie-Conservativa i Executive Committee, delegates to the State Con vention will meet in Metropolitan hall, in thistity, on tha 14th of June at 13 On. ' Dy arrangement with the" various railroad 'companies In the state, with the exception of the, W. A W. R. B, company, which declines any reduction, delegates will be permitted to return free upon producing a certificate from tha secretary of the convention thai they paid full first-class faro in coming to the ame. ' W. B, Co. ' i ' ! Chalrmani - "''"'- - i The new Atlas hotel, Philadelphia, Pa., conducted with pcial refarence to quiet and pleaiant accommbdations, ayamaucoswji. ; T jul-lw;; UTKCOMPtAlrIT.,i By B. V; Pierce, M. D., of the World' Dispensary, Buffalo, N. author af '.'The People s jUommon sense Meui . cal Adviser." eta., etc. XJs The liver is the great depurtaUbn (purifying) organ of the system and has very appropriately been termed the 4beuseheeper" of our health, I have oUttcrved in the dis-eclini'-room, and also in making pot'-morUM cxamtna- tinns or the bodies or tnose who have died of diu'erentdlseases, that in a large proportion of cases, tha liver has given evidence of having at some time been diseased. ' Liver affectlotis are equally prevalent in beasts. .Every butcher koows that the Users of cattle,', sheep, and swine are ten times, as frequently diseased as any other organ.-A healthy liver each day secretes about two and a half pounds of Mle. . When It becomes torpid, congested, or if, U ova any cauxa, it be disabled in Ilia performance at ita duties, It is evident that the elemcuts of the bile rhunt remain In the blood, thus irritating, poisoning, and pervert lug, every-vital process. ; Nature at tempts to. rid the svsicru of these noxr ious material by means of Other or gans, as the kidneys, lungs, kin, He, which become overtaxed in performing their additional labor, and are ouable to witlistand the iressure.' Tbe brain, wl.leli in the Croat electri cal center of all vitality, becomes over- stimulated -with unhealthy blood, and iail to normally perform. ita runcuoos. Hence there is dullness, headache, im- ra44 uicui vi a-a i7 luciiiut f i uiAsnucev gloomy foreboding, and irritabilty of temper. - When the blood ia diseased; the skin manuests ' ducoioreo spou. pimples, blotches, tails, carbuncles and scroiuious tumors, ine siomacn ana bowels, sooner or later become atieeted, and cousiipation, piles, dropsy, dyspep sia or diarrhepa, la the inevitable result. SYMPTOMS OF UVKR COMPLAJLNT. A lallow color of the skin, or yellow ish -brown spots on the face and other parte of the body ; dullness and drowsi ness, with frequent headache ? dizzi ness, bitter or bad taste. In he month, dryness of the throat, and iuternal beat j palpitation or tbe heart, a ry. teamg cough, sore throe t, unsteady appetite, tour stomach, raising or the rood, and a cbosklnK sensation, in the throat ; sickness and vomiting, distress,, heavi ness, and a bloated, or mil reeling about the stomach and sides ; aggravating paina In the sides, back, or breast, and about tho shoulders j collie pains and soreness through the bowels; consti pation, alternating with diarrhoea; plies, flatulence, nervousness, coianess of the extremities,' ruh of blood to the head, .with aymdtoma or appoplsxy ; numness of the limbs (especially at night), and chills, alternating with hot flushes : kidney and other urinary diffi culties, dullness, low spirits, and gloomy forebodiuKS. Only, a lew ol those symptoms will be likely to .be present in any case at one time. ' -; Treatment. Take 1 Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,' with small doses of his Pleat-ant Purgative Pellt ti, which act avao alternative on the liver. For liver complaint nnd the various affections caused by a diseased liver, tliese remedies are unsurpassed, .Thi Golden Medical, Disco very docs not simply palllate.the disease, but It pro duces a lasting effect. By its use, the liver and stomach are changed to an active, healthy state, tbe appetite Ja regulated, the. blood purified and en riched, and the entire system renovated and restored to health. ' "'"'"'"-' ! The Discovery ia sold by dsuggista. B. V. Pierce, M. D., Proprietor, World's Dispensary, Bullalo, N. i ... . ,aiaaw-a ' ' s District Comvbmtiok. A conven tion of the Democratie-conservaUve voters of the Fourth Congrtial Dis trict will be held kv tha cUy of Ral eigh om - Tuesday, tha 43tlt. day ,ot June next, for the purpose of nom inating a candidate for,, congress and a presidential elector, and selecting two delegates ta the St. Louis Conven tion. A full attendance la earnestly desired.' Each county will be entitled to one vote for every one hundred votes and fraction si part over fifty given lor Merrimou In 1872. , ,; . m By order of the District Executive Committee. tu.', .. .. ,,. .. H, A. LOHDON, Jr.,,1 ,;:!.;. :ir CWnnan. ' March 31sV ia:e : , ;iiiT j ; : . roper ia the district will pleas copy. ' Tmb Dkmocbatio Conservativr CoirVRHTIOl OF TH 5TH C'OHOItESS- iohai, District or QBTH abo una will be held in the court-bouse la the city of Greensboro, at 11 o'clock a m.. on Monday, the 12th day of June next, for the purpose of 'nomlnatiog' a i - J canaiaase vxr. vongress, aun. ovm v Presidential elector., and also of . ap pointing two delegates to tbe National Convention at ot, uomt. ' ' " , '1I.8. Bobbins, ..... . - E, B withers, ; u,.' Hit .f-'l'-i fidii.Jw I, OAI.KS, ,!..? j ; , i Ex. Com. 5th Cong. Dat; May 20th, 1876- , . v , , lt, . ' i Four convicts escaped from Sing Sing Friday aud itot off by , capturing a lo comotive on the Hudson River Bail- roadi Two of them were obeuently reoapvurea. p "aa - Last week the coin and bullion in the Bank of France reached the almost in credible amount of two milliards of francs, or four hundred millions of dol lar. rt At Ku taw. Ala,, is a piece of embrol dcrv 118 years, old, owned by Mr, Cleveland.-. 7: t. -r-r.'-:t7-,--- THE RALEIGH SENTINEL! AdvertlaMBto wflj U baerted la the Daw? bbtibss, at the foUowlus: rates per ss, ess owe lach, er l mlalo lines. - One square ooa time - $IM - . " each aubsequent maertioa law Uaa a weak t SO I squars, 1 week If 1 ' " - 1 swath...... a I - Bxrnths, Vi (JO I Z" ! 2 ' " ' t ' a m .- a4 CO i . ... 2 . - . tw 'y- tu J ' ... woe A CAtLFOB A 'COUNTY CQXVEN i y ; .i j As chairman, I am instructed by the executive, committee of the Democratic-, Conservativa nartv of Wake count v to. give notice that there will be held a couvention of the Democratic-Conser vative voters of the county at tlie eotqt bouse on tho 10th day of June next at 1 m . fi iT thai rviiftviaa idf annllnn IaI a "! av wsaae iu 'voy vi avituiu uo, gates to the state and congressional district conventions and to consider the propriety of nominating candidate for public offices. .l am further instructed to call upon tho chairmen of tbe various townshin comm!tta Ia hnM mf.in0 in IKaIp ManAtiwA. lAim.titn. mm- .1. a . 87th day of May, ia order io appoint delegates to this convention. . . ..W.. W. Joma, Chm'n. NEW ADVJJimtJEMENTS. VTOTICE. --; BtoJi-a or strared frota ths sobscrlbev e the evenlug of tlis 7th In.u n large rise lad mulo . swarlv black.- with a - whit ' spot aa hs lama a -out ths alas of a quJls dollar. Aay Information so that I can ret bin wBl be thankfiulv received, and lb captur and roovlction of the tbief liberally rewarded. B. I). PLKA8AMTS. Je dtf twigiM-. uiu r'nav. i-ii-jifJ Tft ALL MEN A 8FEEDT CURE. . Waakneas of tha Back or Limb. mrietrsi Affection of tbe Kidorv or Bladder. Invol untary Dlschirge, Impotency, General De ouny, narvousueaa, ! vynepaia, ' lauiraovi iw epinte, voniusioa oi mess, raipnuor of tbe Heart. Tiruidttr. Tremblincr. Dimness f Bight or Uiddineas, Dlseasa; of ths Head, I oroai, , nose, or cam. Anecuons or ins Liver, Lnnes, Blomach or Bowel thoee ter rible disorder sriaing from solitary Habits of Touth secret snd solitary practices more fatal to their victims than tha soM ef tha Byrene to ths Mariuers of Ulysses, bllvuV nlug tlieir most brilliant hopes and anticipa- uuus. miHruv Hwwn iraws iimaimie. destroying both Body and Mind. . i - . . jraaiTiaMie. l Married persons or voudk mea eontaainla- tlng marriatre, suSeriDg from Ortranic and myslcal - MeaKneaa, ixies or rrocreattvs Power, Impotency, Praetratioe, Exhausted Vitality, Involuntary Discharge, Non-JCree-tability, Hasty Ean lesions, falpdatkm of the Heart, Mervou Exciiabllity, Decay of the PhvstcaJ and Mental fowers. Deranircment of ail the Vital Force and Function, Nerv ous Debility. Loss ot Manhood, Genera) Weakness of tbe Omni, and Overy other unhappy disqualification, tpeodil. remuved. ami iuu meniy vnror miomi. IO lOBBg IKS, Tbrse are some of the sad and melaiirbollv e'eeta prodaeed by early babita of vovth, via: WeakneHS of the Back and Limbs, Pains la th Head, Dimueai of Bight, Loss of Maacolar rower, ralpitation of tha Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous irritability, Derange ment of tbs Digestive Functions, -ara) DebilHy, Bymptoo ef CoBsumpUoa, et. Misjo-itt. The fearful effects on the mlnrt m muc't Sn h d pm4h1 1 at ilmmtm an, Confusion ef Ideas, Deprauleei -of Bplr- Ita, Evil-Foreboding, A Torsion to Focti-ty, Helf-Dlstruit, Love ef solitude. Timidity, etc, er some of th evils produced. - ,i ThoBsanus of persons ol all age ran bow uar what M ths cans ef their daenniag kealu, losing their vigor, becoming weak, ;le, nervous and emaciated, having a singu lar' appearance about the eve,, eoaurh aad symptoms of consumption. , A npreuv ure uarranieu In recent Disease Immediate KHc No Mercury. Person ruining their health, wast ing time with ignorant prrtender and im proper treatment, driving disease Into the system by that Deadly Poison, Mercury, Mii.lnir FaI-kI A fTuLiniut nf thfl llsil. ThmiL Nose,dr bun. uver, urmta, etomaea -or Bowels, speedily cured. let no dsllcacy pre-, vent apply immediately. '' ' inclose (tamp to use on reply. - AOarm t Dr. JokBswn, ,..,. . , SO. 7, SOUTH m' DERI IK ST., ' BKTWKKS BAUtMORI A Mi - junesi,- ij. - ..t - - ' ----- - - Orrtcs or BuriaisTennssf. st. t , 1 IhASt,' H i faf Pstsusbubo Rsaaoao CoMhAst,1 ' '-! Petenburg, V , NovNabsr I GHANUE OF SCHEDULE TO tk effect bUNDAY. November 35th i QOINO SOUTH. Lcst Petenburg atttJO A. M and iiSl P. M. Arrive at WeMoa at w! A. X. cW P. M. i- UOiNQ NOKTH. . . - ,k . Leave Weld on at 7:35 A, M. snd 4 P. M. ' Arrive at Petersburg at UM A. M, sad TKB P. M. i . . -r Train coanect at Petersburg and Weldo witb trains for all souther aad acnasrn, point. Tickets uld to all sou thorn, souths western ' northern and aaatern' nonla. and. baggage ebacked through, i ! i .,. fl. T, IA017GLA8, feb 18-dJtw-tt V.. Superintendent. in i i i i mi i i i i i , i ' ! f. Bajaaritan Nerrine . ' THE grsat Nerve OsBnror, acurea EpilepticFlta.ConvulsloBS. "(Adpaama, BL Vitus, Dance and i- - all Narvoos Diaaasea : ths-ealy (Bkknown positive remedy for fcuW - - (.UcFiU. It has beea tested h tW I tbousandJ aad has Bevcr. Sjeea known to fail In s slag case. Trial package . free. Kneloa U m for Circular glTUig evU deuce vtJA..dn.wcjno octu-iaat i , 4oMpb, J4a NEWS I SAVED HIS BACON t Uavlnt! (sited two buudred hoes, ws are, prepared to t) :1 ordvr tor home made bacon. of all kinds a u -1 ., E.C. CHRISTOPHERS A CO. '8, WOmlngloa street, near City acala. i - 1 i - j TtH I C X J. I BATE D 1; " ":,I3itw)y;Orf -a!:s 't virf-.;.. Hwb,.ton,.,,..ab -- SEOWN'S VAETETT STORE,,, Jaa - t! I- 7 .i s ; J n. - M H . 1 jsoiieman Donuma;. "D O I ,T D M 1 i"J Lt i SAL 800 to fOO buahals per week rarairsd sndl sold cite heap for cash only St w , '1' ... ;f 4 ,'f T:kS-i s'f'vC b'( tf (.:-. ;.. . i f,!?-! OATTIS A JONES tjBBEAT:raiCAL'CBOpI. Uk4 SoereU for lAit a4 CrrQtaV .Jj Z, ... 8t- Joseph ato. oct MhWm 1 .

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