THE IlALKIUll iiENXINKL. Eadsf AD I 8ATURDAY. JUNE 10, - 1871- Ealeigh Sentinel Newspaper; fp: Sale 15 June, 1870,:;;;: By Tirfiib of at ' order made by Hon John Kerr, Judge, la Uk action of raos IilTJKtfQafl&o! '. , - Sr., dec'd, Maiaet. Jecjah- . Turae an outers, iwui op we tow o 1870. at 12 jwv ki front t the Court Ilouse In the pity , pfTtaleljjh, espoM , to mIo to the highest bidder the Senti nel nawipiper, AogetJhier, with,, the fix tore, presses, tip and materia, be- longing to the iestablUhmCnC' logeQicr with the good wHH and wle right to edit . ana puosn ae .ocuuuct awejyG w , TeTOs-rOoWf'eash and llaoo ail atx monfJtiwiifc' fafmitfc.da of Sale, secured by bond approred by the clerk ofOrang(i cduft! A particular lecriptiooof tha prop erty win n given, pa eppiiuauon w ui CONSTITUTIONAL A. JLTEXD JfENTS. As section 10 of article 3 of eonati tution bow stand, ibis Governor baa the power of appointing to all offioeabereaf. ter created. To alter thia and to let th Legislsiur nuke any' each offioe elee- tire by th people, it -is proposed - amend that section ao that the Governor may appoint to all ofBoaa established by tho exmefiiat6n the, jnod' tlilag ' which i" not -otberwis rrovided' for. Thia ia a, curLtiJineat in some .degree oj the Governor"' power and patronage but it ia power and patronage which ought never to bare been given him. - - t-m- un twin- it tne poepie epi a ma, puis. ,,,, . TEl OTICttBTii ' ' By tha propoeed einendmentsooasid- rabl change are made la the judiciary department , of Ibey aUte jsovernmaafc Tbeaa ehaagea are not of great moment aa affecting the eubsUntisl f igtil of the people ; put Riey rsiher feu, aa a wnow; under tba second ciaaa'into' which we have for tha pfcrpooo' tWaHaidera tioa diTidiIiha awwjiniid. i .thai U, ther are mattera of -regnlatioa and con venienoe, whiohiezperienoa and prudent foreaight reqahw tea to adopt. TherV h no great prineiplo involvvd,' only oca)-. venienoe. In the rt place tha Supreme Court Judgea are, after. the, eleqtjon in J878,,ti be reduced to tbrea tbeic nnmber now 2. The, Ueuaral Aaaiimbly iuay provk that tha court -mar' hold ,Hcsion flii where than at lUhtigh.' iThia might be oome necemory in cose 6( lit epideniia at iMlrign, t lor Mberraaeona.-H'nni ." X Tli flnprema Cwt ,1a .given Sack to all the jariadietioa it: had ibaforo the war. A part 'of 1U power uwae , taken from it by theoouetitntionof 186a Thia ii now eorreeted.j-''The9e ehingea are affuoted br tha "12th, 13th and lath By the 45th Ui etate hi to be divided into n"lnS:iuIWraft1iuI(;Jltab4' U4 terms of the . feu perior 'court ahall be held for iuch a ilnve aa may be pre - cribed by law. ' Al present tha con :-. buuiuuu j Ka;WW term in arery .'county. Uy thia amendment, amall countiea may hare but a one weekV Vrm.'':tarir brica may hare longer terma, aa Uia buaineaa of tha peopk) rf aire-a jtt'W lamro- vkled, thft 6a fltynbjr of Oi'diiticU may be altered "The 18th amendment frotVk. that rary Judge ahall reside In the diatrkta for whktKrf rtiliied ; t0J44n M rtqutredto rotate from one dialrict to another. . frt tij ins By tha 20th amendment, tha-JejUla. tura la allowed to gira to Justices of tha pence jurnuicuon w near i wu wv Uona when the raW of tha property J . - I tn Pt.J ill k- a great conrenience, for as the matter BOW Siauus, . tlMJ i.""1 ,vmv m , m lecorery of property has k ga to tha auperior court, wharf tha expeaaea are great and tba delay tedloue.. Tb on renlloo proposea a Increase the power and Jurkdlctlon of a 'magistrate ' In faror of' the people, H and 'to' prerehf court eosla and officers fee.. Ia addition 'to tha ordinary eonrU which wa bare, to-wit tha Supreme and Superior Oourta, aad magiatrsie oourta, tha oonaUtutioa permita tha Igialatnra to aatablish Special Courta for tha trial of petty Kiadatnaaaora LejsUtare ' tried thia and had apacial oourta ia New Hanorer and ta OrarW -But it did not work well, becaoae tha jurisdiction waa too limited. Tba jada war till crowded with peraeoa charged with broany, whQa these special oourta vare iq daily aeaaion ometimee Aifig nothings It' ia pro pewd to lTe ties nuttiirt eutirely with th people to .regulate for thana aolrea by law. Tha carpet-baggers who made oar constitution fa 4858. thought themaelTea ao much better then' "the poor whJlelrau7oIplhT,"M "tbe1 were aina enougn to csu na u our pov erty, that they eopiiidTJ that their ootiona and whima would b better thaa our eiperien anj fciatured jiiJgnient, Bo in ttyeir folly they pot iuto the eon aUtutioh many thing t which ar'mer regulations In other stataa and the sub ject of change aa the ezperienc and tL nawda of the people domand aud they attempfed to fix upon u these regula tioos aoj that we might not' change them when our experience ahbuUf lead the people to wish an alt ration. In plain words meae fellows from the north wer oi wQisg to.Vuat tU. people of North CarolkiatngOTeittiamaelTea and aa- (terwoM to-piggflfrMitnfiigTrT onstitdtion ao that tuapaoplanonld not ezereiai their dSaowtioa ia changing th Wor which the free-hooters ao bung- whit uiu i or ua, " CISCINNATL The meeting of the republican na tional convention r al. Cincinnati . next week tcj nam aandidatea for the presi dency and vioe-preidney at tb No remberl aketion, attracts the alt ation of tha tpblitieal" world. ( Democrat aa weil aa republican turn their eye thith eHripJf tha latter with anxiety that aoma (aorit eandidat may receive tha nomi nation, the former with enriosity toslearn tha drift of t pnblio -opinioa . on. public (jusstioli, and how far the action of tha coavenfioli may b influenced thereby. AIlhouh the delegate embrace a large numbea, of , ofBoa-holdera, , ther coma fresh frbm their respective districts and eoaatitaeaeiea,' and will act somewhat independently of influences at Washing ton City. . Nothing ia now aatd of tha third term, and Omnt aa a candidate for the nomination ia not thought of for a Tha administration will doubt lean aeokto oontrol th nomination, but it ii ttoi likely that tb delegate will b inflaepfod largely, by th dying lion they wI rather look ahead and aeour their 'position and. influenea with tha thoningmaa.r rl 5 S! ;; ti.. JjEvert fourth aeaaion of Cocjrres devoted principally to tha busineaa of m.l i'nf)' tlia nreaident. or in other ward influencing opinioa aa toh choioa of candiJatea and the making apof ia! th. eoaduot of the eampalg Tha Can arose ' bow 'hi aeaaioa cornea fully to thia .deaxsription.-; For ' tha nrat uute in niteea years an opponunuy ha beei given tha democratic party to scrutiniss tha administration of publie aflaira during' that period. Thia period ambraoM the year of the war, and of tha demoralisation following then with all its otwraptkna, ami, as a eonaeqnenc, vary many of the4 leading personage of h republican party have become in, voitoiL ven , while that party con trolled both branohea of Congnaa, pub- lio opinioa demanded and ' obtained aa inveetigation ' iotb . tha - aftaira of tha .' U.T. Mobelier,.;,' tasult. l"? to tbe immolation of Schuyler Col f.t and'a number of bther leading poll ilvianaJ We deed not enumerate tha nMre,rcent (leveiopmeou oi corrup Oojliv high place they have put tba republican, party on the defensive and th democUtlc party will justly bold, U reiponlbuj for : lb cnonjious mal-ad mlnUkatioa of affair oceuriug during It long ascendency. ' To evade such res DooaibiOtv a far as possible, tba Cin cinnati Convention cannot aoma a ita candidate anvan whose political or al character boa been called Into qnestloa'lt ao, Uppens that this will exclude! aoma of tha most popular lead ere'ot the republican party, and limit tb choice of the convention to lh tew populad mcn or t tbf "dark horse," commoaly called: "tb great unkaown.r The avoldability of candldarea ta then a consideration ' and tb ;rtsult "may be settlfflJnotby jtha merits of than . . t : ; .... ..... out nje.proDammy.oi nia-: carrying err Uia atates. ' Th-' Convention at bit. Lout wilTbava a great number of able and deaarving men to choose from, but ITTaiobvlous that contlderatldna of araiiaoiiiiy wut grcauy jnnuenc ua sit. . .' t . m mm action, and that It Anal selection may even b controlled by thi action of th republican al Cincinnati. For' thia reason, the democracy , of tha country will watch tha proceedings of tha con vention next weak With marked inter eat. learning front Ua action th effect that (b corruptions of tha present ad ministration may bar had npon public opinion, and the policy adopted to pro tect tha republican candidates front the condemnation ao generally Mt toward thai patty with Grant at Its head ; and realizing also that soma of the, uncar taintiea aa to tbe action of the democ racy at St Louis In the selection of th man wan la to be tha next pruident of th TJnitad States have been removed. District Cortcntiox. A conven tion of the Democratic-conservative roteVa of tba Fourth Congressional Dia trktwijl be held ia the city Of Bal- Igh 'on Tuesday,; tha , J3tb, day ot June next, fo th purpona'of nom Inatlng; ' i candidate , for congraaa and a presidential elector, and selecting two delegate to tha St Looii Conven-fioa- A full attandanc aarnaaUy dealrad. ach county will bo enUUed to 009 rot for every on hundred rotes and fractional part over fifty given Tor hferrimoo in 1872, . j-Vi'j' By order of tha District xecutiye Commhte. J j H. A. LoscDox, Jsu, ', Uarch Slst, 187&. . i Iapex la th district win please copy. I iuaiaNAi;io3f of col. tool; "M' ij . ' ! Tbe follpwing couimuuicstiou ex plains lUolf. Wa 'heartily regret hat Col.I'ool should have kr any . reao(i fonud It desirable to resUo hi oflicb a Siijitof J'uljllc InstrucUo! - But thuie being such reasons in existence w are pleased to announce hi withdrawal from tha high: public oflk-hU;h be lias tilled so (inrUfkctcUy-vexcept' ki me matter 01 ute earxxiy r una. ur. fraud any one hi thia matter: Ua had In his banda a few hundred dollars Uia Feabody fund which ha did not , of quire for immediate use. , lie misap plied it and used it for his own purposes Intending to restore' it before It could be needed.' 'He could never bare - lu Unded not to restore because detec tion was Inevitable.' It ia like the case of a abaruT who uses the' tax ' moneys. and than returns them before being call ed on to settle. Thi I a plain stall .nientoftita case. But nevertheless, wa think Cot Fool has done right to slgn4-becaue the democratic party will not sustain for a moraeut any of its officers who are guilty of auch miscon duct la office. Th character and the acta of our repreeentatlye men must be entirely unassailable. Otherwise they must go down. . ' f , ., ', , . lULKiaa, 21. Cn June 10, 187C. Ma. Editobi I have this dar ten dered my resignation of the olHce of Hiperintendent of Public Instruction te Governor Brogden, to take effect Jane 30, 1876, the close of the present school year. ' On that day I shall give to Uia public,' Uirough tba columns of such papers as shall see fit to publish It, a Drier, yet full, atateBtent or my orlclal conduct t and, k addition thereto. an explicit account of all matters connect ed with tbe Fcabody fund and Us dis bursement by me. From these tate menu, when published, lb public can see whether : I bare: failed to perform any duty Imposed npon, ma by virtue of uie omce 01 euprnnieuaent. Very teapeciruiiy, h,!.t. u. p. root " Mr. Blaine aeema to have stock to the role of gladiator and to have made him self tha oentr of obaervation at Wash ington, j ,Hi .hope ia doubtless so to m addle niaUers, and to elicit sympathy that he will secure the prize st Cincin nati." We append a special dispatch to tba N. T. World, dated June 7 : ,-, , Blaine's labor to provoke discord were transferred again to tbe Judiciary Com mittee room, to-day, whev h tried to mak th point against Proctor Knott, foretold in thi morning's World, that Mr. Knott had miaaUted ia aaying tliat tha sub-committee waa appointed before the Tarbox reaolaUon waa referred, to tha Judiciary Committee, Th result waa a wordy war between th democratic members of tb oomnutte on tbe on siil and Blaine. Fry and Lawrence 00 the other, whion waxed very warm aa it prooeaded, A good many bitter Uuogs wre said ao bitter that a aeasational and utterly false story got abroad in the House that Proctor -Knott , bad been a gravated into making a thaebtmung ges ture at Blain with bis caa,r A good many left th committee room with ttt notion tnat Ulaw Ooservea to b etruck. for he attempted to rule. nd did in measure ride rough-shod over thonv- mittee, abnaed all hia nghta before th committee, and insulted frootor Knott in everv parliamentanr war be could think of, and some wsys that war not so parliamentary. It was another audacious gam of una, witn tb evident intent to force tb oommitte to mak a martyr of Mr. Blaine. Tba committa declined tb job, however, and, eoutenUd them aehe with eompltely refuting Blaine's insinuation that, bwoaua the, , naouM uf the auboommute were not entered oa tbe record book until May 8, they ware not appointed until that tun,, , Th jeoen between Bepresenuttves Knott and Blaine to-day in the room of tbe Committe on th Judiciary' was at time 01 tba moat exntinv character. especially on tbe part of.; Mr. Knott, in consequence of questions akd by Mr, Bhua which Mr.,, Knott anppoaed im- pngueu uia uuuur. aim? uia suo-om-mittee adjourned Mr. Knott. aoDroaoh- 1 . a .1 . , - J r V . 1 J .L ' ;l uiu wi. ijw, m luouiuer ut hum oobubu- tee, and who haa been in attendance as th advisory friend of Mr.- Blain, said 10 bua 1 "3ix. rrve. vourrnend Blaine ia: iu ' acoonarei in Amer- i.- ; Thia remark, or iu equivalent, having already found its Way into print, H wbould be added that Mr. Fry re plied f ' "Ton forget yourself. Mr. Knott., 'Yes." said Mr. Knott. "Idot" and be thereupon immediately -withdraw tb remark and. apologised for Jiaving meosih . .. . lii'j AN AWKWABD PAUSE. i r.-. I Mswsrk (N. J.) Union. . A Tonna rentleman , undertook tore- late a cireumstanoe, one Sunday even- ig. in tne preaenoa oj some young die. ! Hs eomnMnoad a follow 1 ' "A lady friend and myaelf, last Sun day evening evening, went to Bed , - Witn a sudden spring tna old laar bouacad bun out of the house. Th nxt day tb old gentleman met hint in the street and ak4 bira for an apology. "i waa aoout to say, commenced the young man, "tnat a lady friend and my- eii went to lieu wnen atnrustfrom the old man's can started hia back sev eral feet, upon which be exclaimed,, at fim top of bia roio Aladr friend and mvself want' ta Bedford atree ohnreu, yo. aid fooi." a In th prooeedinjr of the countr meet ing in Burry, to send delentes to the district aonrrotioo at' Taylorsville, but weak, we aotinea n asm of 3. J HiUisma, Em., of Yadkin, aa the ax preasion of their choioa for Uia plana on tha atat ticket aa Seeretary of (state, Mr.. Williams Ja wall knaw4hjroagbou tb state, and w obodrv that hia name. whenever suggested, is conneeUon with th above, meota with very genera) ap probation. ", It will seem liii"Dl4 days" t to have the old familiar name amiin Elding the high places of trust ioonr beloved state. People's Press, Jane L 1 A a Intelligent correspondent writ i rom BU Louis to the New York Wji'J d!riflo,'; u a rery cool and ('iasioiiai manner the political blat ters to arte at Si Louis t -).' Now for Uie candidates. ; Does Mr. Til'1' 0 possess tha qualities necessary t success 1 auswer he dots' not. Pure lu private Hie. able and honest in public place, devoted to Uia purifica tion of the public tervlce : and loyal to the cardinal principles of th democracy, he seauia to me waudog ia the most esv euuekmenlJouvcea-ability Jfi harmonize th democracy. Whether jurtly or oot. it ia charged by the wes tern and southern democracy that Mr, Tilden'a influence largely contributed to th defeat of tbe' party In Ohio and Pennsylvania last fell, At the close of the cauvas hi aach of thos sUte U was dirtctly charged that th defeat wns th result of lack oftyuipaihy 00 the part of thedroomcy aiXsw York, and, mdeed, on tbe nibt of th day . of the election In! 1'ennsjlvanla,. when it waa tound . that Uie atate waa lost, Colonel Wright, the Chairman of the Democratic Executive, Committee, openly- charged (and gave it to Uia press) Governor Tildeu and bia friends as being the aulhors' of the defeat. While those who had . control , of lbs canvas lu Ohio did not at 1 directly charge the f. lends of Mr. Til Jen with tbe loot of Uia state, - they grieroualy bit Ute want of sympathy trom th ad herent of Mr. Tilden, and were satis fied that' bad ' they received It the democracy would have won the can vass. ! Among tbe great mass of the democrats of Ohio tiiere la a setUed convicUon that Mr. Tilden and his friends wer ibe aaUiors of tb disaster, not merely by refusing their sympathy, but by active co-operatioa with Uwir political enemies. - Perhaps this ia un just; but no amount of asseveration to tha contrary can ever convince Uie Ohio democrats that such was - net Uie. case, and, there for should Mr. Tilden be tb nomine of th St. Louis Con vention, there will spring np an oppo sition ia the state of Ohio so stout - and formidable aa to be tar beyond the c-mi-trot of Umho having ' the campaign lu charge. The party will meat with an overwhelming defeat in October. There U no peradvenuire about thia. It Is as certain aa an accomplished fact Not a moderate defeat, such as occurred lu tbe fall or 1873, but an overwhelming disaster, a warn Dion all our nroeoecta and destroying the slightest shadow of bop of a November success for the national ticket. 1 I apeak Uins positively for Uie reason that I . know 1 whereof 1 apeakl and because a far aa I am con cerned,,! could give Mr. .Tildea as hearty a support as I ever ' gave any democraUe nomln for any place. . To be wilfully blind Is close akin to crime, and therefore it le better to look facta in the face beforehand than to lament after" they hare occurred, ' ' - . Sum of tn tfriaodajof Mr. Tildea whom I hare mt ia Nw Turk hare a happy way of dismissing th western quostioa. Their answer to argument is : " W oonoede tnat ur. Tildea not carry any weatern state, aor ia it j necessary for him to do so to be elected, ueuoarry tn souui, mew Xort. Hew ' alone .ui- th.t k ill uZiZixl iZV necessary. M There never waa a note istai delusion. ' it is not mere ques tion sa tq carrying Ohio and Indiana ia October. . It is a question as to whether overwhelming defeat tnea anall be sul- fered. ' Do Mr. Tilden'a friend really believe that with that October election in Ohio and Indiana against as by thou sands npon thousands, he will be able to carry in November Uie atates claimed for him V Dothsy really believitht after a Waterloo defeat iu Ohio in Octo ber be or any democrat will be able to earry rew xork in Hovemoer v 'ID tmtn is, in ' my. jadgraent, that if Ohio and Indiana rolliup beardyi against tho ue mocracr in October, we shall lose Con necticut, New Jersey, Maryland, Korth Carolina, ooutn Carolina, riortda. Mia sbslppi, and bare a bant battle to hold Tennessee and Virginia.1 North Caro lina and-TBMSMr-ebBte&le ground at beat. rr.w. wi .i n ,. A nave not spoken 01 tne serious op position 1 uovemor Tilden in nis own slate,' for th raaoo that I believe that It ha much of ita orhrin in Jealous y;' 1 also feel confident that in tor event of hi nomination It would not be a dfflcult matter , to. heal ; all these differences and bring Uie democracy of Ute Kmpiie state united to bis support. . Tbe counts pursued by your journal regard as cer tam to lead to tots who1 all 'sincere democrat. J 1 fear Governor Tilden weakness abroad, not at home, 1 1 1 s ' ' U,U A Kicbmond -Enquirer Waabm&tott special,; bearing daU ofjune Bth, wjt : The committee on banklna and cur rencyjiare agreea w report two bilia one to issue promptly toe ten million! silver now op band in the Treasury by providing that it shall be LsaueiL in .ex change lor lesal-tendcr. and tbe second Viir. nauuaira mu in suoeiancei to aa '-, t iit 'is 1 . . . tnorua : ine purcnase. and coinage of 20,000,000 eddlUonaI,f silver.,. The committee have also considered, and wUl agree to Well'a proposition to au thorize private parties to , bar their silver coined for a government seignor- age,,' -a ounnii naa oeen oon ia tba matter of tbe bill for the repeal of Uie resumption, act, committe ar waiting for the return of Messrs, Payne and Gibson be fore action. , , Mr. thanks, one of the New York Tribune staff, hi , expected to testify to-morrow in Mr, Kerr's case. ' He is able to ; unfold the true htwarduea of Um cam-piracy to debut Mr. Kerr got ten op by Uie republican managers of Uie )ew York custom-bouse clique. 1 ; Jdr.JJIaine was again befor th ju diciary committe to-day, and airaio lost hi temper and tried to play bully, but was foiled by Geapral Hun ton's firmness of temper. The testimony . waa dam aelnz to hlnu , In the House he and Tarbox; exchanged some hard hits, Blaine's paitissns, profess to be rery sanguine to-clght.r They are full ol dodges : to gam sympathy one being that the south is axainst hlnv and an other that Grant la against him, , ,. The uncipnau canr la waxing Th House enrraacy committe . will soon report aaddemand actisa noon tha bill providing for the issue of $10,000, 000 in Silver coin, in exchange for green pacasjt i- J : POLITICAL KOTES. . - j Mulllfran of th Malligan ' Ouard reach, I Boatoa ou' Monday niLt, and in rtioue to tha question whether ha thought Mr. JJbtin read all the letter to th House, anid, emphatically, "No, sir; nor r never wiiL and coat you forget it r . . 1 The New York Herald givee a terrible account of Lewi Harney, th witness against Speaker Kerr. It says he has been to associate of th low-fat chra teryth JffiJ j robber these aad other atattsr to bia great d credit will b brouffbt before th eon mitt hiveatvaticg the charges against opeaaer &errw::y t LnU'i.. 1 ' '- Oonhndrum , by , the . Phihulelphi Tims s If Secretary ' Don I'smeroa swaps his CSocinnaU delegstiou jack- anus 1 or urm s . wsr parUoIi) lwk knife, and both agree to go for Conkling aa the heir apparent, what's tb market value of Jeff . Davis' amneety ghost in main patenr. ana wnat are bloody 'ahirta of tb aiorton pattern wnrlli h Ui .vim V 1 la a generous, hicid and able defense of speaker Kerr, Ue.lirooklw agw remarks j s .vile Is of limited, exact means.) He lives, wlthht them. . Ills life U staple. UU home life i perfect uia economies are patent Hi asso ciations are purr, Hia character Is ex alted., lie ia Just the man a plot would seea.10 vtcuinixe, and ju.t tiie IMOttera Would show l)umn Ko Ivtols that all plotters are in seeking to luuruise, , , Ther will b no difficulty in ' getting a genuine and bearer enthusiasm fur Blain, to whom a large prt of the re- pnoiicana are already strongly inclined but we can not eouoeiv it pussibl that Conkling will ever stir the people out of a paaaiv lethargy, ainonuting almost to iiMhfferenc aa to tli result, if TUden l nominated against him. These are the reaaooa why Xiiinois antl th now for Blaine, and the republican party can not afford to ignore them. Chicago inuuH, inep.j The national Senate has shown Its band to all the world.- Ia tb treat moot of the approprutilou bill lu com mittee baa elected to play the rvfeof orwtructiontsi to the very later, and Ita opposition to the measures and tag' geationa of.tUe Howu tetls .iu owi lalthful story. IthasdemonMrated one thing conclusively. Balrenchment can not be i mad, practical, and reform can only be begun as long a republican majority exists in either branch of do gross. .Boston Post. I - ' ' ., I ..I t i vmm m lorn most nmu ar aire now floating on Ui brees hi Washington is th Malligan Ouard.." It to highly probable that thia charmlnar nialedv will soon be superseded by Uvs "Bonus's Marcb.f a few suves of which should accompany the resolution of expul.lon of th Honorable Jaines O. Blalu. wnicn tne sioos , of HeprescataUve Should adotot "bv larvu mlnrit I for bia refusal to rive dp Uia document tmpropqrijr obtained by him tram hia quondam . friend, Joseph , Mulligan.- uaiumoxe uaseite. ,. ? ;S ,,,f Tba morbid suspicion of tha haa ''The morbid 1 eaty of all public men. which haa been aaxeulously fomented by the democratic party as tbe storks of ' Titus Oates against Uie CaUiolka were propagated by th London Protestant mob,, has borue Ita aaUral fruits. , Charges of . the meanest and mo-t sordid bribery bare been made against th chief democratic otneer la the country, the speaker of the House vt Hepresentatires, Mr. Kerr, who has always born a spoUesa per sonal reputation. a hasten to say at once ins. as tn story ia told Hum improbable that, without further evi dence, no candid man can attach the elizhteet weight to it as against the con ceded . character of the speaker."' uarpcrs weekly, Juno lj, l87a.t v , 'lb battle in November next will be no easy one to win. One -or two fatal steps in th beginning ef th flgtit may destroy sli ohanoeaof auooeta, and thos steps can only be avoided bynnselnsh, prudent and patriotic action on th part of tha delegate, If common sense and Common boneaty prevail i 8V Lonia tb action of th democratie national convention will b " overwhelmiuirW dorsad bT th American people j bnt if in an evil boor that body ia permitted w us run vj Miusioai messier and nn aornpulous wire workers, mar anxious for thsir Own adranoement than for the party's welfare, a crushing defeat at tb pou wui 0 tn oaraua (at which wiu deservedly, orwrtak auch madaean and supiaiiy. xMuamor uaastta, It M the fashion just now hi many of our souineru journals to isod and mag nify excloslrely Uie meriu of Governor lUden. ! He U worthy of all Ussy sar. But it is not wsll teforset that ther ia anothsr candidate, the peer of any a in tanu, ana a man upon wimm snoul aers tn resnouslbilitr ol this ureal office would sit most filly, and whose duties he would discharse in tha aiurit uia u asuwgioB, enerson and audi a discharged them. The southern people ought not to be taught oblivion of the claima of one who has atood al. ways aa faithful to them as to tbe coun try at large.- From a recent number of tne ew rork wot Id we ronv a nnriW of a tribute to' Bayard, which it make one proud to read, and which we place aiungaiue im wis irequent eulogies paid to Governor Tilden. Let. neither b obscured to tbe public view. Colum bia, (S. U) Register.' " What would be 'tWht'of Sosakw Kerr If after Harney had riven huTua- timony in relaUon to Green's appoint ment aa a . eeooud lieutenant ia I th army, na had called anon the totter. conversed on public aiE.irs,and, joking ij or vuierwise, asaea liarney IT be would not like hie old place to th Hon, or possibly 1 that ot ritxbngh, where be could be "a bbnrer man ihm ol Grant r". Buch actions would at once, aad Justly, hare been Interpreted that the speaker feared Harney, and at oooe give the story of the- totter- aa air of credibility which it does not now possess, it would, in fact, bar been taken aa a confession of euilt.' When JaraeaG. Blalu take an unusual de gree of Interest in tbe witneasee who hare been summoned to testify la his case, neither he nor his friends oan complain if most unfaroral lufcrentes ar drawn and pointed com meats, nrade.-.pttroit Free Press, AGENTS ftir Best eUse la the wort t, eula mooey Address U. a, BAfETf rocsiiTta sw,J. ; P8TCH"u!( T(weot'L cnmaixu. How elthrr ttx mty ( lwst sud r-ta th ion A affertioea ul aa prrttm Uj chaos IttUmally. TiilsslsBp'e.awHiaiaequIr, Bteut sit ess po--", fr , by mail, fur V., urelbef ttii riirrlsgs kuld, K?yptl tHaele. Dreams, aiuus to Ladles, Hetluluc NU ht 8hlrl, c. A aumr hok. Adilrr... T. WILLIAM a CO., rubs. Pnll. ; OB Cil'kt, - lekk,- Isirtmtv tti II Tkr-t nitriu iVl!afrkriTbleta,'i ' i ' HIT VT ONI.T IN BLUE BOX FA A TBUO) AND SUUK REMEDY For sals by DrurirUU K-eaerally, aad JUHNBTuN, BOUiWAT CO.. - I rkUadelkla, Fs. '1 ' : ' ; 'l 'Y'l lr-'l" ' J : - A cup of GOOD TfA. A noted ICo-!lh TrsrilsSrsV ssaek fikr : Tea isdraokln Hus tl-aa in ngland tbe dutareses Is not prolwMi owinr U W Over lead trssnportatloa but that tbe Russians twy tb beat l ea grown la Lblns, liule id tbst kbid going to other eounuks. ) THE fiUSXIAH TEA COMPJSr offer in thi mark! 4 Hifclied ijuaolky st this T I It is absolalely Pure. Kent b m.U. prepsld, 1 In. canisters, 3 50 t lb. SI-i .Tofiitr-Klrtr 4 hia Tea a hh-ral sample sent for SS. KUbSlAy TEA CO., IU0 PiL Br., M. Y. my lMw Fuller;' Warren Sc Co., ;... MAN U FACTUKEBS OF '. ' STOVES, RANGES AND FURNACES, r aaMOBTinrr in teb vsukxt. Our aew wood sad el eooklag ruvr ; efsfia Osxtm, tttprlirt Al DiniThcnc l I I 1111 I Ul I Us yoirniERnGEr.i.v'v nl I AMD TUB taStoCa irTE7ART 4 IMPROVED Mestii wanUcf every dealer. s :'" " Coeopoodeora .lnrttd. Pries list sad. , . . he ayon spfiH"ur,a to .) .1 S3ft WstM-stn Hmw fork , mhUtw ' . , ' , GIIiES inninr r- jtrwrwsnriiik ' swwiifkijW.rsi'Miiyififsii : "GiLaS' Isms r Aaiseaia is, -m ssy pas baton tae public. 1 havs sees aitllrWd f with tbisdlteas for M rears, sad sever nstu 1 I fsB noon Mr. (Mm' rwaedy dkl i aaw1 i tahs aitxiMi hi sarhia ihta-. hsasasneh as I desirs Jvays tw be mm- olta aossaa laamv.i'in''il wa r. vdkbit. Chmh nf ta MsthodiM Cnnrch Kiimski." - Sold by all VnrflM. lrpoi 4hl BliU Avenue, , T. Oult eU and abuttir-. , , ' Fnr sale y7 " ' -iTi ..' .'.I,- rancuu, w., JaallMwssr4w. kaletrh, . C. i!!'.- 5 1" 'a a. w " CD !;! s !!? i . -f. j. V "f i'i 4. bbbbbVbI-'- H IS 1 (Jr.- i.V.r-3' I .tW !.' - .B.. 1...- . ..1. . : TtTfci. 00 -p'T'tr : CP . 1 rw'i' t it? ' r lM 1 R .iK.::r..tarl:. la-i - L'i 1 1 an --- iL,... ! . 'i xtuTit'- ., M -- - a ! 1 - a w i f t Bwaajoms A '..,p j m i n 1,0 . hJ 'Vs .' sil.'l,V fc -s ' ..t v,... -. 1 : 2 u " ' X .0 J.T.;.p',.,'MrI'1'A L 900 to l.aoo bushels per wk neslved std . -1 J i t sold cheap tor cash aly at $1. r -yrx"r 4 lffA Am tm Wm r . . 1 aeeordlns yoar Bteane K), $so or 1100, I ntoekit1iH-m. ha brmirbt a iml fnr- . . .7 . . . . . fail bifomsiloa sbmt pass. Address war yssaii an sewgrapn n , (jr.! ' " "' BAXTER k CO., Bwikers and Brokers; 17 WaU 8t, X. Y. J mrwmm ., e( , v.. .... , , ,J: 11, , , MsLvia V CiwrBa,- iL-Csaraa. CAltTKH Ac OABTER , ,;S11UK.ASIS SI LAW," , , i Aaaavnxa, B.C. FvaetUs la taasprcsi Conrt at taMrk. sa ta Us Btsta aa rederal (nart f Wss lera MorUCaroHc t-bdoM eeitecsed a say eeasrv f tf mmmrmm.,. - l..-- 7-. - -J