'TUE KALEIGII SENTINEL, i AdvaetlaaaMats win bahmrfed sstbstlaaii esariau.at ths followlnc rates pat atoaraal see mei, er taa silntos lines. , . One at a ue one Urns " '- ' ' VL0O . . " ' ' u . each subeeqoent taaertloa , "T i nuiMU . UAILtrwtKKLT iVD SEWI-WTZKLr 1 Official Orcaa of Kcrti Caram. r STATE PRINTING A BINDING osstaaaa wees . 90 ,r auara, 1 week.... SM 1 I " 1 SMtatb...... 0n " 0 asoths.. ..... ........ IS 09 'H ESTABLISHMENT, 'y iutm o siaecairrioa. ..- Pally Sentinel 1 year la advance.... ....08 00 fmil y Kit miU In ad rauc. ,...,,..., 4 (10 mnbi Weekly 44 ... Weekly BrcUiMd - " W " " .....MX4( . a The Uailt twnnT will be delivered la VOL. XXIL RALEIGH ' IST. C.; ; MONDAY JUNE '12 1876. NOa, 96 Kt tn J a r S CO (1 v.f I- u;puto tbaUiy at ruteeoLarite a weak. TUE JtALEIOlI SENTINEL sT k -x EASOXABLE ANNOUNCEMENT The present vara spell will gum a , - iTr -.r. y ) : ,o demand for our beautiful PLAID AND PLAIN LIKENS, V " w v; BUinTEB MOHAIRS, " rrosTED linens and lawks. All of, whiult w v itovr Toowt ing a freshsupply, , , , , ' ' . , AW tor the grmUeoien a full stock of H. ' . , ' .,',;.. i ;' S ,1-. !. lbs fasliionable ,ito 4 v- i.. . i ... i.- MAQKIXAWJtAT in several styles, and Um . slotw and COl featilator ' Summer; Hat -'is 1 Ls.r. A caao of new (early nimmrr) Bilk IprU - W. H. K. H.TCCKEK "JWrEVElt BEFUUE EQUALLED! The Largest Stock on n. Record. r. n'CIKU In Jltlwirntd. lis is stiU at Um old BUnd with larger SPRINO- GOODS THAN EVUL D, B, CENTENNIAL GOODS. rOl'KTIl iCLT CtJTTfSNIAL OOODS. 1 1776- -1 LATSSf ST7LES- -- Look at my -fetort Fashion TUbe and obooas your style. CLOTHS, ' f't'- CASSIMERES, u I i Htrrrrsaa In rcl anything you wsut." Come" and sea me, I know I can snit yon. Wtim'i XSTABU8HVKXT, i at Um oXTplaoe, one door soath of the Southern Express offioe. I guarantee aU mj fits. M' aprj-3m 0 'j?&X WEIKELk . 1 - J at 11,95 per WO Iba. ,000 la plendM Bale4 OaU at P&jht i 1 - 04TTU A JOKIS' . Orals and Feed Store VII-L ACAOIMT. CI The t3d fVMloe of air Bcliaot will eoee JdW JO. UI7. a4 ontlniu trm aMiatha. Tuttloa, Board sad U aehlnjc twr eeatloa 1 B. C PATTOS, Print Inal, Jnne gdeodlM , Mommtie, Mi C. oiimsiii cf YiBQimi, ; O DXMtKLAW LXCTCKIS l aloe warklj V O bffla Ulih July, 1HT6, aad end 13U Sep- uaber. liar prvvea oi ugaaj e atndcate whe dclpi to pureua tbclr aiudic at thli or other La w-eahool : id. to I boa who propoM to read prirately ; aad 3rd, to prac titioners who have not had the advantage of svateiaatle laatraetion For circular ap ply (P.O. UpWenttr ' Vajto Jons B. Uieoa, Pmi. Cosh nd tat, Law. ' l"e 0-w4w, Acfents, MIKX MO INHAQf M1TS TILL TOU new1 book; gEASO: Whlck tbrilllnff tnUreet, eterltnf SBeria, tcuiM aad rtoeapeaaa, b4 ebaolatajy so It to !The TUiog" iot Ue CcplfpahU period -uk re ps aieht. The North Americas Seview ears It U "d tervtDf ef anqualiled praiae we aatidpate for It aa azt?Da1ve popelarlty": the Dubaqae TtBMaaaT"Jaatech a work ae thousand! of the Aaieriraa Fenpie vUl be rlad to pol ar": taa Detroit Advertise calls It "ir terablete aev yettmbllabed." ANT ACTiyl MAM Oft Ok AH of rood address Insured Urje prpfitf nd atcety work for a year. Fee all partlralsrs, addrpas - J. K iO&O tU, 87 Park Place. . eprt64t ,, & . . .ewfork. ACKXTSltt ILIGAKT OILCPROWOS Bwunted, stM vxll, lor 11. ovrliiee sad C routes re srery deecrtptlos. heTtOVAl. . tsaeso, ta, phu4 p. . i ' r - : , .a H . " ; iost oitice directoky. . ! For the beneCt of the public, we pub lh the following directory of the post onios or thiseitrt ,.- Westero mail closes -sr 1 1 :1 5 a; m. ! ., arrives &2t p. m, rjketera t closes -.- 3:03 p. m '? " . arrives s 11:45a.m. Cbsthaai " closes - . : 3:00 p. m ? , 44 . ' " arrives' , 9:45 a. n H. A o. B. K. mail closes u 0:30 a. m. t vh j, f arrives 3:18 turn. uirouirn nort&cra vis u. u . It. 1L close 9:30a.m. Thraucb northern via U. & Q. i B. K. arrives . . &4S t.nf inrougn norujera via uoide- ; boro closes i 3:03 p. m Dirongh northern via Golds -. . j boro arrives r - r 11:45 a,- m. 1 OUice hours for delivering mails from 7:30 a. m. to e:3U p. m. . i Money oruera are uaueu ana paiu irom &15 a. m. to 4 p. m- . ... . - . t Letters can be resristered from 8:13 a. ra. to 4 p. m. . - -i- -; Office hoars on Sundsys from 4 p. m. to a p. m. ' , vy. w. uoLDKjr, tr. m. i W. Q. Hill lodge meets this evening. r. IL Winston, Jr., Is' at the National. 1 No poliCJ news to-day worth report log."1 .v'-' ,:;r; la what ball is oar state ooavenUon to meet? :-" ' ' ' !.:. ' The conoert at TeiOi loettite ooum off Thnrsday evening. , , ,; 1 Concert at the Baptist rem ale Semi nnry Weduesdsy evening. ! - About 25 persons of color1 were bap Used yesterdsy afternoon at Taylor's pond. , ; : . The extreme heat of the weather on Sunday kept lots of goodchiiitiant from church, i . ,,..',; ... , r," ' . , What arraDgemenU have been nude for, the proper reception of our state convention ! ; , ) Though the city l crowded with vial' tors the merchants ' oamphtiti of the dullness of trade. i J J Litchford, of this ciiy, is tpokeu of In connection with tho -democratic nomination for auditor. : " ' " 1 This morning the grand jury of the federal conrt was' diwharged. The eoort will probably .adjourn Friday. " A new bar is Uiug arrsuged in the eoartlionae. v sboula have anew and more eonunodioaii eonrt house. Delegatos to t'te demooratio state convention, whLii meets fn this; city next Wediiosday, are arriving Ly every M Juvenile windmills" is what Um eouutry peojile call the youngsters who took the conveulion In cliarxe hit Sat urday. . 1 'vr Kev. J, C Tsylor, of Wilmington, delivers the literary addicts before tho jeuug -IsJlc of the Tapli.t. female Seminary to-morrow eveohig; hi : the chapel. The Norlolk excursionists got back Saturday night about 9 o'clock. . Every body that went is willing to swear that it was the most pleasant excursion ever gotten up. ' It is said that Governor Brogden will appoint T. R. Pnrncll Buprintendant of Tablio Iastxaction vice 8. D,. foql, whose resignation take effect on the $0Ut of this month. v "! , t CapL J. E. Tiugger, of arrenton, arrived in this tiiy Saturday afternoon. The Captain is here to complete his arrangements to open a graded school in this dty same tte nexrrnonth. ; " In jasUee to the young msn of Tack era store we would say that the young man who had the gaps and was too chicken-hearted to squeeze the young lady's hand, was a married msn antf 'sorter'' tan-pecked. ,t . , . lion. 3. B. Vance, IIon.T. L. Cling- man, and numerous other distinguished gentlemen from different portions' of Um state, arrived in the city this after noon. The hotels and boarding bouses are filling with delegates to the state and district conventions, ,4 '. ; Cotton receipts for the week ending Jons 10th, 101 bale earn week last year, 2C4 bales ; decrease in receipts for week this year, ICS bales; whole re ceipts since 1st September, 1bt5, to nata, Qf.Bli Daiesi same tune last year, 83,757 bales ; increase n receipts to date. q57 :;rr The Young's Men's Christian Associa tion will hold Us regular monthly meet ing at its hall over rqnsQri'i ckJc on fo-myrrow nighA. Business of much importance is to be transacted, via : the election of delegates to the National Convention of Young lfen's Christian Association, and the consideration of the gnestion of establishing a Sunday-school lb) peoiteutiary. A full a'-Wndaooe ii deeiretL c ,- j j'.THB CITY. Dkumatbs' AproiaTED. Ia, our pro ceedings of the county . convention Sat urdav we were not furnished with the list of delegates to the state 'and con greasional diatrtot conventions in time for publication that afternoon. ,We give iH4 JaOl-L,,..,! .ill '.,, .ji 'i--' ST ATS OOSVEWTtOH. DO Fowlo, Soaion Galea, George W Thompson, W B Cox, IT J(I1 BmiUt, Peterson Dunn.' Sol J Allen' D'B 'Hol land, WB Pool, George H8now, B'H Battle, Jr., Joseph A Harris, Armistesd Jones, 8 A J Penny, Dr Hutchinson, Dudley Peed, D O Honeycutt, ' Sf B Boyster, J B Collins, N A Bamsay, Wyatt HoDemaa, Jl H Jones, Anderson Clements, W E TeU, 31 W Page, Dr W T HerndoB, Asa Oreen, A S Pollard, M Smith, O W Norwood, J H "Hemming, W B McDade," Daniel ' Jackson,' J R Warren, D M Carter, J M Heck, P Me- Gowan, F H Busbee, PhcrwooJ ' Hay wood, J J Litehford, A C Sanders, W IlChamblee, M Whitley, A J Montague, Dr L W Bobertson, J W Smith, A O Mills, W E Biehsrdson, James Lee, James XI Jonos, O H Alford, Jesse A Norris, O B Alford, J F ; Bailey, W J Ward, J P Beech, " John Garner, 8 J Allen, J Q 8haw, W J t?uit, J T Nichols, John Deverenx, It Q Dunn, A W Haywood. J J Youne. O B Band. J W Jones, B D Williams, G W Crock ett, Caswell Powell, P U Passer, N W Pool, Walter Jeffreys, Madison Bangh, B B Buffalo,' L D SUpkcnsoo, N J Whltaker; Dr! P IVtace, M Stevenson, W B Smith, A O Dunn, Df S J Monta gue, HuUou Watkins, W K Hunter, Dr S A Williams, Jos Goodwin, W B Up- chnrch, A F Thompson, C B Boot, D L Royster Matthew Moore, C B Ed' wards, Joseph Green, T C Fuller, J P U Buss, Dr Thos D Uogg, 8 A 'Ahe Walter Clark, J C Maioom, Geo II Williams, Johnstone Jones and J C ' " DISTRICT COmrfiWTIOX. ' " T r Devereux, Henry Broom, J L Watson, Henry Powell, James Temple, Cha. lllnton Dr. W T Herndon, A S Pollard, M Smith, Asa Greene, Borrell, M W Psge, Dr. P Peace, JT J Wbltakcr, L D Stephenson. Bryan Smith,' J B Strain, B T 'Temple, John Watkins; J J Bailey, P Dunn, J 11 Fleming, W II Chamblee, T J Wlggs, M ' Wliltley, A. J MonUgue," Burtis Strickland, J It Jones, Jesse A "Norris, G B Alford, M G UUey, G II Alford, M T Leach, A D Royaler, E R atamps , J A Haywood, A M Jiewis, PF Fabon, Alfred Vpcburcb, W II Bledao, A G Jones, C U , Clark, J R Young, Al- vin Bctts, A F rg, q E McCullera, 8 S Turner, T B Crowdcr, James Adams, A J Pr nny, Dudley Peed, Doctor Uutchinaon, DO Honeycutt, b G Hoi toman, J T Buhee, Thomas Johns, L A Fort, Haywood Grifttco, B F Walton, S J Allen, J Q Shaw, O W Perry, H W Nichols, J.JfFerrellr W. JWanLl-F Bailey, J P Beck,, W Lassiter, John Garner, 0 W Norwood, J Y Chappell, W 8 Hobgood, Willis WhiUker, J 8 Haley, MB Boyster, DB Holland, W PBurt, A B Freeman, GGMaynard, Elijah Mills, Wiley Holleaun, J McEl Ungton, Jos A Hood, J B Nowell, W Richardson, J T Watts, Jos A Harria, J D Cosby, W W Jones, John W Borton, 3 0 Birdaong, B Dobbin, G V Strong, K B Broughton, TUos Q Jeckins, C M Busbee, G M Smedes, Joseph Blake, E G Jones. , Any democrat of the county in good standing present at eithur of tU oonveutions is eutiUed to be considered a delegate. . i 's-- i Scrams Cockt. Court met at H o'clock ; all Justices present. Causes from the 24th district were called :' " Hardy, administrator, tfc' Collins Central ' Railway Company, from New Hanover. Argued on petition to rehear. L Buf sail and Deyane k Devane for plaintiff, and Robert Strange,' Wright k Stedman and Battle, Battle k Mordecai for defendant "' ' " Amos W1 Ts. City of Newbern, from barteaet. '" Argued by Messrs. 'Fowle, Green and Justice for plaintiff and Smith k Strong, contra. ' . ' " V McFad;en vs. Council from Bladen. Certiorari for issues and papers. Or dei si returnable inaUnter. . - ' ' Court adjourned until tomorrow at 9 O'clock, :t ... . . , . t4 , , 1 " i 'a ' ' 1 '- " CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION", ( - ; iOUUm DISTRICT. ' The Demociatic-ConKrvative' Con vention for the Fourth Congressional DUtrfc! will meet In Mejroppjilan hal, cu TucJay( June 13tbj 1870, at 12 m, U. A Lo.nuox, Jr., 5 . : ' v Ch'ra Ex. Com. New please copy. i ' mim ' ' - - ' . Alwava keen on hand aa rlnl.w peases luorig. Jf you fee ajnea, coming npon you, take a dose of Dr Bull sTetetable TCU1 Ther can rla you no harm and may save you frost ths sick room, Priot ZeU. . , U.S. CmviT Covut Court met this mornlnj at 10 o'clock, Judge Bond presiding. , Ths following cases were taken op and disposed pi ; , , v.r, , - j Seymour A Co. , vs the Western rail read company ; continued for the plain ' i L. Q. McRaa, asalgnse, va W. L, Gil mors ; rejwt of referee mads and con firmed. Judgment In favor; of plaintiff. i W. II. Grejerson vs Atlantic & North Carolina rallro' i company. Judgment for plalnuff for tSOO. j r ,u .SJUf ,G. P. Stelnbsch ,vs T, F. Xee; eon tluned for plain tiff with leave to amend pleading. u..,Ui .v-fiy tt-r : Wm. Bradahaw vs Thos. J, Jones Judgment la favor of, plainUff for IL 083.14. , ,. , , i National life Insurance company ts Wm. T. McGee ; judgment for defen dant for 11,050; , - . . At the hour of coin to Dreaa some one oi we innumerable pending motions m tne swasey case was being argued. Escapb of a Pbisonkb. Yeattr day niomlng James B. Kin ton escaped from our jail and Is still at large,' Kin- tou is an old offender against the Unl ted Stales revenue laws, and was sen. tenced to 18 montlM Imprisonment in Ue Albany, N. Y-, penitenUary at Um present session of the United States Circuit Court. He picked the- locks of tne jail and wa discovered just as be was breaking through the plank fence around the jail yard; Pursuit waa once made, hut up to the present writ- tuguuuuug uaa ueen neara irom mm. MEETING IX CURRITUCK COUNTY At a meeting held in Curriuck eonntv by the oonservaUvs) party June 6, 1870, s. r. w uaon was maue ciiatrman and W. IL Cowell secretary. The chairman called the meeting to order and explained iU object W. B. bhsw moved that a oommittea of three be appointed to draft nwiuiiuiM lur uiv oouaiumtuon oi tne meebnar. Messrs. w. B. Bhsw. Dr. J. J. Baxter and W. G. -Granburv consti tuted that, committee, and reuorted Um sui.joiuea resuluuous, wliu-U were unan imously adopted. ' W Jtereaa, We, the people of Currituck county in convection assembled, believe that mm only hope for the future pros perity of this country snd the upholding ef civil liberty rest solely nnon the twin- oiplesof the Uemocratio party; there. fore, . , . , ' . ti t Itesolved, That we pledire ourselves to givs our earnest support to the nom inations of our state and district con ventions. Itosolved. That we reooeniae . IL W. R&naom and A. & Merrimon, our Sena tors in the U. 8. Benste, ss genUemen, ss statesmen and patriots, and extend to them our heartfelt thanks for their earnest support of trus principles ; itesotveu, last in our able repreaen taUvs, Hon. J. J. Yeates, wa rseogniae the true and patriotic principles . that becomes a representative of a free peo ple, and extend to him our thanks for bis untiring seel in wstohina? ever and defending the rights of bis constituents, and the delegates to the district conven tion be instructed to vote for him for renomination. ' ; ' ' 1 - Bseoived, That w recommend to our state convention as a man endowed with every virtue tlvat makes manhood noble, and one who we believe worthy for the honors of the gubernatorial chair, OoL W. F. Martin, and hereby instruct ana delegates to vote for hirn. . KesolveU, That in It. K. Speed, of Elizabeth City, we reeogniae a true and tried patriot, one .who waa. always true to the principles of riirht. and most heartily recommend him as candidate for Secretary of State, and hereby in struct our delegates to east their ; votes lor mm. ... ' -. :- : , Besolved. That in Ute event Currituck county has narepresentauon in the state convention, - that J.- - WhedUe, -of tiizabeta City, and Heaton Gales, of Raleigh, be appointed proxies snd are hereby .empowered and requested to cast the vote of Currituck county. Besolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be sent to ths Raleigh eten tinel and Euornist, and request their uuupation, i On motion of H. E. Baxter, five dele gates were appointed to attend the atate convention at Raleigh, er any citizen of the county in accord with the party be constituted s delegate. E. Holt, W. C. .Mercer, H, E. Baxter, Jas. U Weodham nd CoL 8mita were appointed delegatea. r'u; .ii.. On motion of Dr. Bell, the same nam ber of delegates, with the same proviso, wss adopted for the district and senato rial conventions. ' 1 -' Messrs. John Barnard. Jr.. Andrew Williams. J. E. C. BelL Tbadeons Hall and Henry White were appointed. v;sie- gates.' ' DELEGATES TO THE STATE CONVENTION. Booms of Democbatic-Coxser. K8ER- ' msn. ( - 24, 187i , vativb Fx. ConirrrrxB. In pursuance of tho call of Um State DeruocrntcCanservative Executive pommivtee. delegates to the Slate Con' veotlon Will meet in Metropolitan halt, In this city, on the 14th of Janeat 12m. .. By arrangement with the various railroad companies in Um atate, with the exception of the W. ft W, ft. B, company, wb, decays any reason., deleg f P bo wrmitted; to return rrce upoq proaticinz crtiucsie irom the secretary of ths convention-, that they paid full first-class fare in coming ilo tns same. w. iu tox, .. . " Chah-man. " FOB GOYEBNOB-i-COL, D.' D. Ptr asawt Horn, Camden Co.,"N. C.- j .j j.. . i, .. , !..Jbjm 1876. ' I Mm Eorroa: Following the example os several oi year correspondents 1 sug get aaa vary. avaiUitU .ejwdidateior (iovernor the distinffnhihed trenUeman' whose name heads this article. As a con servative, old time whig, 1m would not only have the undivided support of bis own party, bnt would draw f off many ota time wuigs rrom ' the republic in suty. At a time, than, when saeosss is o doubtful, U it not highly innortant to seleot a candidate who can poll the lar gest vote f CoL Ferebee is possessed of nue reasoning powers, a good debater, well informed., in : state and riftMwnl politics snd well known thtouehont the auuo. ue wouia matte s strong snd cred -... U-W I a itable canvas and if nominated will carry the state by a large majority. r . ': " 1X7 S B COM PLAINT.. By B. V. Pierce, M. D of the World's , Dispensary, Buffalo, 3i. r M author of "The People s Common Sense Medi- 1 cal Adviser," eta., ete. , , - The lirer is the irreat denotation (purifying) organ of the system, and nas very appropristely been termed the nouseheeper" of our health. I have olaerved m the discling-room,iaad also in msking pot '-mortem examimv- unns or um oodies or tuofe Who have died of different diseases, that In a large proportion oi cases, um liver has given evidence of having at some time been diseased.' Liver affections are equally prevalent in oessts. jsvery outcner knows that Um livers of cattle, sheen. and swlns are ten limes as frequently diseased as any other organ. A healthy liver eacn day secretes aiJout two and a half pounds of bile." When it becomes torpid, congested, or If, from any cause. It be disabled la Um performance ot its duties, it is evident thst Uie elements of the bile must remain In the blood. thus Irritstlnjr, poisoning, and pervert ing, every vital process. Mature at tempts to rid tho system of these nox ious material by means, of other or gans, as the kidneys, lungs, skin. etc.. which become overtaxed in performing tneir additional labor, and are unable to wunatand tho pressure. , ! The brain, which is the crest electri cal center of all vitality, becomes over- stimulated witb unhealthy blood, and fail to normally perform its functions. ttente there is dullness, lieauacbe, im pairment of Uie memory, diuiness. loomy TorelKidings, and imtabilty of temper. H ben the blood is diseased, the akin manifests discolored spots. pimple, blotches, bolls, carbuncles and scrofulous tumors.-' The stomsch and bowels, sooner , or later become affected. and coiistlttaUonr-pile. dropsy, dyspep sia or diartbaa, is the inevitable result. SYMPTOMS OF LIVER COMPLAINT. A sallow color of the skio. or yellow ish -brown snots on the face snd other parts of the body f dullness and drowsi ness with frcouenV-'headacliei dizxl ncas, bitUr or had taste in the mouth, dryness of the throat, and internal heat ; palpitation of the heart, a dry, teasing cough, tor throat. Unsteady sppetite, sour stomach, raising of the food, aud aebotkin sensation in the throat: sickuen and vomiting, distress, heavi ness, and a bloated, or full reeling about Uie stomsch; and aides i aggravating nains in the sides, back, er -breasts and about the shoulders ; collie pains and sereness-threug h the-bowels ; epn?tl'f patloo, alternating . wlui disrrhta; piles, flatulence, nervousness, coldness ef the extremities, rush of blood to the head, with eymdtoms of appoplcxy ; ttumncssUf the limbs (especially at icht), and chills, alleniatius wiili hot flaahea : kidney and other urinary diffi culties, dullness, low t piriis, ami gloomy orcbouiiigs. Uuiy a lew ot lttoae symptoms will be likely to bs present in any case atone time, ' . " THEAfMKjCT.-'-Take Dr. Pierce's Ooldca Medical Discovery, with small doses of bis Pleasant J'urgalivs Pellets, which act as aa slteanstive on the liver. For liver complaint and the various affections caused, by jadmesed. liver, tliese remedies are uusurpassed, , 1 he Golden Medical Diccvcry docs not simply palliate the xliaeae, but iL pro-r duces a laaUag effect. ' By its use, Uie Lver and stomach are chsnged to an active, healthy state, the appetite is regulated, the blood purified aud en riched, and the entire system renovated and restored to health, -' v The Discovery is sold by dauralate. R, V, Pierce, M. D.. Proprietor, World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. J. D. Whitaker is selling good oak wood at $3.50 ; pine S3.00a3.25 per cord dohvered, provided the easb at tenda the order. r If h has to collect by ticket he will in all cases charge old prices. Call on him in rear of Citiaens' Bank.'! ..wi-...y4..i'i JVHOLESALB- CASH -PRICES tTeeted by - 1 1 P. C. Clia.8TOPUR3ACa lAunea, Jobs , 18Tk OTTOS. v,?m- i cu. , low u4 atiddltnrs, Low MlUalingS, . Claa BValned! loep Interior a4 dfa-ty, . , . - ' miiilL krt OW?..-,,,-' MaaasT, . , Cotton Tr. 6i cents. floor, Nortb Carolina 90.0Ult& Cora iJiiW cents. ! Cora M4l, TJuj! - :'; 1 1 hacoa,. C,Vi K4t : 7 bams l-Vilo. ' Bulk. Meats, Clear JUb aides, UIX ? V , abotildera, V eenta. t: , Lard, Nona Carolina, . i v .- StTU UorCM. . ... keri7. L - i Coffee, Prtms Klo SSS. 1 . - . Good,sl(3. ! Com in ob. t lyrap, ft. U. rt. - - - NEW ADVEKTISEMENjS. N O TIO Ei ',1 f; l :t 8tol-a or strared frost the fubscriber ea the eveslng ef the Tth taet.Be ktrse slse stud ssale aearly hUt k, wtth a white , spot os bl lamp a out tb slia of s sjuarter dollar. Any snfermattita ao that I eaa et f bta wul be thankfully received, and the capture and eonvktloa of the tblef liberally rewarded. B. D. PLXAOAMTO. . , IsS-ditt ..... j Owci r 5upniaiTipinf, ' 1 . PsTSlS( Sin SM Ban east a an J Wane an a as a f Peteisbuix, Vs , November s, I 75. j nniNUI OP ICHIDULl TO V.taks efleet 8i: KD A V, Ntvaabar SUh t . OOIN0BOUTM. Leave Petaahurr mlUJta A. af. and 1T p i Arrivs U Weldos at 0-53 A. IL O il P. St. . 4KIINU NOKTU. . :fi Leave WelJoo at 7:84 A. M. aad 4 P. X. Arrive at Feterabnrr as 11:4a A. M. mmd 7.07 P.M. , , Trains connect at Petersharg aad Weld on with trains tor all southern sad aorthera points. Tickets sold la all aouthera, asath- .t w 11 era, nankrra aad . luiin r.tni. ..J bagfa( checked Ihruab. - feb lWd-w-tf. " ; , . Supertiiteadent. ' , flTlTTTTT "-va a itmaiir Bamaritao-'li'erriiie.4 m t 101 arest nerve vonqneror, V v ' aAenres KpUopOeriu,ConvoUona, w Vlma, ttu Vitus, Dance snd an . . . nervous uiaeases; tne only a noaltlve remedv for EnaV k . ripUcFita I thousands L I knows to V"!L Trial peel Fits,. U has bees tested by sua nas never seea fall la s single cue. .are tree. 1 anctoaeft J itamp tor Circulars glviag srl- deuce ul euros. Ad dr 1 Anaress. . . ,Pa a. A. RICHMOND. v.,.t oct lS-lla , Bex 741, 6U Joseph, Xe JATEST SEWS 1 SAVED III BACON t .. Hsvtaia salted two huudred Bon: we are ' pre Dared to 111 orders for hoaaa nude basaai A of all kinds at F. O. CmKHTOPHEBS k CO.tV" , WUnsinron street. nearCUy aVales. ' (lit p a day at home. j Agents wanted PA? ntat asd lernu free. XKU C A CO.. ; march 7-lv . Aurusta. alaloa CODTnEKXPOUCT-HOLDIB. - ' - ' A a Tnsuraoce Journal devoted to tha inter.' eat of Policy-holders. Contains air the ta saraoce Uteratnre of the day. Oaly Jorar- . ance paper In North Carolina. Treats of both ' life and rire luuraace, srposlnf wHd-eat companies and commendina the stronc ones to the people of North Carolina, the paper , for those Interested hi loswrenee ' ..... t Subscription tilM in advance. . Advertlaa. . aunt Imerted at reasonable rates. ' ' ; v .. 'Address, i ,r , JNo.anuTsoNV . " ' ' ' Editor and Proprietor, septS4f Kalelgh, ti. ; JORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNT T IS vas'rrrsaios cocar, 'February, 1 670. ', JoaeiibiD.. Pnvvll nl.inlie m.miMl U.rw ! M. Alien, William H. P.. FerrelL Kiehard . Ferrell, James IVbltlry and others. Proceed lar for parUtion ef laml. ... , d; 1 To William IL F. FerrelU one of the de fendants above named, wbo Is not a resident mis Biaia. r .':..- t t,: Ton are hereby reauired to annear at the ofllceof ihe Clerk of the eupeiior Court March neat, 1878, and answer the complaint Hied to said efltce, or -be plaintiff will apiav to the Court for the relief demanded In amid complaint. .. ,. i' ....,..,'.. ':..... -'J It. BUIfTIKQ, Clerk.' MOOBS A (lATM.IO and llSIWOOD Dlalntiffa ; AUnraryn.' ' v. " wares lB7S-r6w. H i tr!fh,.i,: I, ft. Wait- - ' 0. N. '"Warrv - examine riucrs at'"..' .,.;, '.f; DS.IVj.ITT r Ready... Hade ClctHng For Ilea, r oaths, Boys aad ChDdrea , -i ' fttylbh, Darable aad cheao . s " Burs to please.' ' ' '"'"'? 1 DOMESTIC! DltT GOODS, KoTIONS, HOSIKKY, GKXT'S FUBW- , isitiito Goons, Gloves, Neck- Weak, Collars and Ccffs i UlBBOXa, EDOIKOa AND KilHlTTAM FIRE WHITE anETS. Alse sa CNLiCXDRlID OHIRt which we gaaraak s le bs ot WsatsatU Vaslla ' - ; t-- - . , asd Btchardsoa'a. Llssti wefl ; , , " 'J: saade, warranted to It. - ' 1 totTtL(ai4eea:; u ' ' " :,.;! v i. . ; Shofft, -lUts, Boots fttd Cop?,' UoaiM.aa, Tacirxa, Talmes, Bern t ? sxbClothxs, Coats b AXD Cam 1 '' ' . - , ; .,a Aa,', -. . ,; We retarn oar thaaks te ear friend sad former patrau paat favors sad. selirtt a cooUnttaUoa of the same. Our goods will , bs sold for cash and a very small nmat. Call aad aae as at the aaa old stead, two doers above the aw Wet east aide iaieuevtue at. ' xtcspectlully.- y , D. 8. WAITT & BBO. -Marsh 10-dUwAwSra ......... GBEAT MEDICAL B60" Uk4 rWrU for .Udiec cmd Getartt Sent frroj for two LtuBPti. Addrefft L t T. siotvv M BDioaU. J vrrrui ' Aa I k. U. v iaruisi - ' I 7

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