V r- the iiAtriGU t!::Ti::rr. this ixeta is H tits vn- 4i J, Vrt,I '..I I .'! i"i Where BeVrtth, UetrMtft rjH, fit ji? i;srrtpT;ct'r.sr;;Ji Weaknea of the Bank or, Vn Stricture, Affection of the or 'li i a r, luvol- aatrv LTil lure...' Imi.'.luiirv. liusinrij De bility, erv.ua jLy'Il"'-i" Languor, LowBr' .'s ti.'u- urf lii.., Pa ''tailon of the, .-ait. Tin. i.l yTren ', X,."inei of Sight or Glduiuean, VikKM of the Head, Throat. Ncwe.r or fkln. Affection of b ijer. Ijid' . tu(! &. a or r. ! ilv tt rlbla Ti;iii an!tg from,' ajlittiry habli ef louilt '"'l.'i'i ulnar.. pre!.uje mur fatal Wlh r iv 'uut Ujui ll.eauugof tit Syrette tv iU".M r of I'ly?, bllght ning their moat uriillMtt bore. tad ntM.a tloua, reuJi "ii f li'strrunre aimoiit taipoaaible, dcetroyu, pyin r....iy "a . :nw, j, .4.., . ...... Z1L& I li T .! . ' ! ! . V. Married pereou or youi.f ntt contempt ting Birrt"v ati.: .ingi.uat vr'auic. auu PbyicJ. WwJiuw,, JLe .t , J'rocreaUv Power. Iiuootcucv. Froalratluu. Exhausted Vitality, Involuntary Difbaree Non-ferec tabuity, Htj Luiikxm, Palpitation of tb Heart, Jfcervou Lxcitabillty, Decay of the Fhyalcal.and, Mwul, Power, -Demtiirernent of ail Ut S . al unj:4 e4 J ' -'oti,,Nerv-oa Deouiiy, Lota of Alaubood, Gtioeral Weakae of the Omu, and orery other unhappy aiaquairacaimn,' fwe.qnr wmw and full manly vl?or rauon-1. ' 1 V' . To oung iiea. Three an aome of the aad and melancboUy effect produced by early bablu of youth, via i Weak dam of itbe-i Back andi JUmb. Palm in tbe Head, Dtiuuea of Bight, Loaa of Uiucular" Power." PaiDlutioa of the Heart. Dyapepaia, Hem no '.irritability!) Deraaget meut of the ttit:iotlve uin.tku, deucral Debility, Bymptoma or ContaBiplioa, etc.- J " Miiautt. Iba liLtarfirf. eiiittW. OB tlM mlod are mucb to be dreaded Lota of Mem ory, Conftinloa of Idea, Depresalop of rJptr Ita, Evtt-KorelKHlins, Atcrsion to Booler; Belf-Ditrut, of Solitude, Timidity. A ....... .f Avtl tlPAilllM - H ' Taoaiuuiili of rMtraonatil all atrm tan now tadrevat la tli eauae of tbtlr decllutnf t health,!, "'g Vwlr Tlpor,'' bomlng ' weak, 5 pale, aervoui and emavialed, bavtng a ilnguj J .far appearance about the yea, congb audi Mercury, ferauua ruuung UifcW luiailh, waat- lng time with Ignorant pretender and lav proper treatnieul, driving disease tnto the yatem ny ua xwauiy roieou, jarrcwry, rauainv Vatd Affeettooe of the Mead, Throat, 1 - Moee, or feain, Uvety Lung.. Btoaaaclt ,r Bowel. peedHy eared. y Let no delicacy pre vent apply uuiueuiMcij. Incloae lUmp to one oa reply. Addreea . aA . SUL TH ,t Sk DERlLir ir.. ,. ,., -BETWKKX lULllMOKlt IW''1' BKCOXO STKKKia. .SAtTJMOJtS, MB. HXtSIf CBX28II Wii ! 'K ABOUierKH M ABatfof win mn At Wilmington treat, ALL KINDS OF IMPROVED Antemltaral Inpletnent and Machine ry mannractaiwd and lor aaie oy trie citey orfia - . " - ea be f eoad at ' il.if . m-' (.-,! I ' SROWM'ft VAKIXTT 8T0BI, :g Vi "HoU.m BulidW ' LATUf KWa I BAY CO HIS BACON ; HaTfcrrnltal twd kondred koea. we are prepared to ID order for boot made bacon of all kind at - - f. V. CHEUTOPHtES CO.fk Ml WQmlnftoa atreet. near City Bcalaa. QIIA1RS! CHAIRS " A Urn lot of Couatry Mada Chair to be oia at tow ngnree at . F. C. CURISTOPHERU A COS', Wilmington, atreet. AgQixte. 7 HkX. KO ISoAQlSltlTB TILL TOD BEI OUR UEW BOOK. Which la ArMIng, lpfere; aterlinf aicrW, lea-anoe and- rflenmeai, "baa abeotutelt to equal. , It hU'TbeaWac' for the Centennial Theowu'AmertcahvfceJamylrftiede erring of nnqnallBed praiae : we antlripau for It aa ettamarve ormiarRy't tbe Dubuqaa Time ear "Jutrt aueh a work aa tbooaaodt of the American People will be glad to poa eaa": the DeMH Advwrtlaer, tall it, "pre ferable to any yetrHibllibed." ANT ACTIVE MANOR OMAN of good addrea Inaurtd largev pralU and jfteady work lor a yean . luu particular, aciure, J. B. rORO 4 CO.. n Jrk Plaeet A Inavrane JoomaJ devoted to tW thter eat of PoIicjMioldera. CniUlni all theln- aurance. literature 01 ipe oay. uoiy mnr ance paper la North Carolina, Treat of both Life and Eire Iuaurtuce, exptisiiig lld-eat enmnaaiea and coramendlng the trbng one to the people, of North. Carolina, the raptr lor tnoev iuwbsmni ui jMin..... . , . 4 BiilMcriptloa t&W In a.lvanc.(..AaTrtIe najBbMerl.ttreabimto 't,i-f Ja IJ1 t' K.lllfti- and Prrmritne-. T eptt-UTN. Tv ' telK. W. ; ' JSq-KW BTOBXT KW GOODS I ( i - MAKTIK STREET, ut 0lf!I)90 FROM BxTTOT, OBOTfv', Mr. Watt I a practical Milliner and Worker'iw traw Good. Altera, inmJl, and preaara 8Mv and felt 11 at, Beaneta. Makes "jmd-1 rmodta everr deaerlptiaai ol LadteaMew't or Children' HaU. ! . . .t ! Uiv her a call aad yea may get tbe latent (trie ol CmrU or New I ork.- j . i .,. . Jaa lt-Sia .4 .!. f Brfl.Vi JTOC"; nus Very low for eaah at a-,, i.i; 1.6ATTI8A JOXXB. !' .T. ;- - . .-I i ... .ii-.".' Wuatngtos BU A' GENTS! 90 tLtGAXT OlXCTIROyoS JX, mottnted, Hise xll, for IX p-v'r and Chronto in every derriutko K" 1 ) M. IHtao. to.', lbn., f, " VV4 t I ITS TAYLOR, ' t y i ff ii rt xi. ; i Near khe eoraatof V UialDftoa and l f treela. H ork well and cheaply execuud. T it a- e-k . i?-e PUMA NORTH CAUOUNA 1 '4 i AKft 1 ilfi S 1 V d i i k 1 IK in I i'l Or.OERS I'KOMrtLOTTENfcED To. April so-iw.)-, ,s ;lifr"-r BLESUNQ TO EVEBT BOC8E .... i liUlJA.'" - . - ,:t..i ...M . ; !...;... ' . ; Eureka Wasliiiirr Ma- ,t! ' i -4 'fi wl i fittf ntt e-U U, IS74. i Tk ktw ItTeoUon W ;eompleU immm. Waalie eTerytMnx from lady! lace CoUar to a-fnaterpaaei U the atoat tbomgl aat l. Jl i . i ' ! ). -it -I m.-l ew jaeuj aijiav., .j,., . 4 J( ..,,.- .,, i . Wrkt with eaaa aad apUltj tad wttfcoit tnjirt to Utecioth. ... irinUiO) BOSIT BATXD. The Waablag oa try . woeua la oal ay ejaa t'l ttoa by tW' pattehted laraka hi j ! i(j ,t.. -, J"am .k a.h,,.ul.ulltt . it i t.r, (! w n' . t.y.J7"Hn f H' Maafaetarer and F'attentce, Cary, it. tt IlllsdWOOD WIN! COM FA NT. . . t keep eonataatlyonhand t SCCfrtlCXOXd "WlNK.-i-Iianerll broad. VTBITf ADlti6 CONCORD WINK Ptrwt BcuijPiRWONa beamdt, - twt Mperto for nedlclnal parpoeea, e)ua In !' Id larofttf thjll Testicle Bdt'rrXR90N() TINIOAEa w article, t'.'V'.'vr" dmlkiiea frota Grapes irawi am tnetr owii tfnefarU, nefard, ud ar warranted free from any fctrloil ndaltelat)4 wkierv! ItidrLU V W. (IaRRITT A CO., i injvrloi d44W.;'.l llallfeomiC,; 187$. CnJLiWlC"JEd 1815, - 1 MAOAZbCE ! 6F 128 PAGES, ' iVeuM to Aorta CbroeiM lurpud, htrprmnt 1 if.l i 1 . - aaioj eWywave. :lJ-I.I Tkbmi 3 m rut, Porajib Pbhpaisv, ' 111: Li i'u Aarf'reaa. fL IJ. "ftOI I I .! . . . ""'ii ..... -.. ! f'r ?,,hr.lrtC'. .'. Wm Thoae to whom bin bar been seat willfileaMMmaW .. r- r Twt Ten for 6nljrS t ii i Having a few complete Sir of Oua Lrvino abb Ova Db for lH7v.es hand, w wUI fa, nuth that year . and tha tDlire , veat im for Ibrary Aametatlone aid lllatorleal Bocli tie would do well to note thnM " ft, 1st. Sd and M volume handeomehrboana lieraryetyi rurntapea at vm notuow im, or an.!), if eent cy Biau. . ;i , ,.' , vt . ' A.IALm 1 'l.lt.Ulu ' "-1 - i-.Tl". tt' TJ. fWT. 1 L' JavVMt V'-i'-i Kalelgk.M.C i'.i ...I l' .1 II, I. ... . Ill ....! 0 i i i" I ., 1 TTTE Orl .. X OFFER TOE TYPE, STANDS, W Caari, gtone, Lead Kulea, etc., Ol the "Bonlhera Illuitrated Age," for tale at . a barcaia.'' i " ..u; Any. one In want of a complete outfit for a large weekly paper wui no wen to can ana exarnlne thia material, or addrea tilbf mail. A oortion of the type U new, and ronaiata 'f KiWAKV9,BOLiUU10I ,.rr( llch 10-t " t n V 'Kalelgll, M. CS r; !''! ' ,J.JwJ OJaBJ3VLL ACADEMr.H. ji. i i The Kd "osalon of my School wfll open Jury 10, 18TA, and continue Ave month. ' Tulttoa, Board and Waahlng pei Oeaiioa - B. C. rATTOW, mnclpal.I t Jua5-deodlm"i -i Alorrbrrille, N.C T i i j ' iMV' r f ! 1 t4mirftanertifift.,x' LI ' THE treat Nerve Conqueror. ,a cure EpileptlrKrta.Convuletooa. . vtpania, 8t. Vltua, Dance and ' - all Nervow Dlaeaaea; the only L :? pticf ita, it bM beM twt4 by kDown to "faul lit m tlnffie cae, TH1 nknkfl!rai iViML KllfaAat 1 packan j'taui up for Ciraular giving evh AddTMfc---- - -a deavewi urea. P R. 8. A. RICHMOND, cti5-12at , ., Box 71,81. Joeeph, U '"HEADlNO; PSTC1I0MA5TT, 111 Fwoloatk. rioul Chrming MeameriMt, and Aiarrlaga tiuidv' thowlag bow oitker rt may i laadnate and gain the love and af- leeuoa ot any peraoo. tney caopee wsianiiy, Uuo of any peraoo they cnooee watantiy t par. By mall Ui cU. , Hunt At Co $ i 7th 8t , Fhlht., P.;,' '1'.'". -f.; 4.4 U4 60,000 i - LEI. irLINDID !.!l!. i! r,,.t tt IU83 per ltW,lbK . .(., .v ,., b,Oob ibir';)!enaid BaftdOaU at ft, VI yr 100 1U. t. Grain and Fci EM EAILKOAD3, Ac PtEDMOOT AHl-LrjIE RAIL I WAY. . Ricumo:3 A DAXviiXtttrHMO'VD A Paktiu " I- V, II. C. 1ivisi v, t tt4 Nc:tTi lTiiKS V. U- 'V . -1'j 1g',. :.. , l.j.'". " OvA'DESED TIME 'TXl.LE, In-f.Jt mni 9fl Swdayl Dc, ' p laa; t875. "" - 771 i , going yoitni.' 1 ' ' 8TATIOK8. Malb m leave Charlotte 5i a. o.aa " 10.5 " AlrLtneJunc'n BalUbury... M Oreentooro " DanvUle.... 1.M p. a. 4U BurkevUie..! rmeat rtichmonif. LJI oorsb -BOUTLI. - 3 STATIONS. iLMvalllchmond .80 a. a. 800 BurkeviUe " Dundee. ,wM.hi Danvule....... M Greencboro.... Saluiburv ...... i.w .M - ".Si . i- r '"I lAlr-IJneJonc'nl Arrive at charlotte. ooisa ii8T.: 'tif Ibonraf J V. TATIONl Uatu UavJ Greeaiboro.... Co. Shop...., Kalelgh , lLOla. u. A. 4.18a. a. Lv.. ....... B.40 r al A.11.0A Ue.ao - lvk tUoldiboro., 6.40 a station! Leavd Greenboro . " I Co. Shop.. 7.00 ralA.ft.00a. Lv Arrive at Balelgh. 5.00 a a A. 7 HO p a, 1L15 " Lvs-oora: Arrlv at Golutl looro., NORTH WESTERN TTlCli 1 Saijem Bbawch.1 ., (1 JaraCreenaboro,,..,.... 4.45 f , M. Arrive at baiem.v.JLU.l. B.4S 5 ll i j. Jf? 1Smr''j-"-tt. '"A- Ms.!i i Paiaeeger Train leaving Ualiik al US.dS A. at. eouneetat ureenanoro with lb ooutn era hrmud train , making the quickest time to ail sontaera chim. accommodation xraia leaving Kalelgh at 7.30 P. M., eonnecta with Northern bound Tram at Oreenaboro for RtclimoDd fur aU poiata EaaU friea of Tick euaame a via other route. Aetommodatloa Train leaving Oreenaboro i T.w r. w, connect at uoiasDoro wta Kortbern and Southern bound train oa Ut WUutlngton and Weldoa KaUroail. . Lvnchburr Accomn odation leave Rich mond dally at 8.U0 A M., arrive at BurkeviUe M.3U P. M., leave Bnrkevilla l.i P. M., ar- avea at tuchmona .m r. J. hahoe or Cabs betweem Cham- ijsrrrn anb RirHMOJWv ?R2 H I JOHN K. MACMtKDO, I GeaenU Pmnngwr Agent Ti G'en"lijK4t"ditJ J 1 tj O t pBTiMBtna, Va,, March Hit, 187S. bCUEDULE OF T11AIN8. ' 'eolBti BOtTrl. l Taraairh Mall leave Patera- burg at... 1:37 P. M. Arrive at Weldoa at. ',. . .HAS P. M. Bonthera Exprea leave Pa- A t : A it im leraoanr ai. a:i a. n. H..M A. H. Arrhre at Weldoa at. Through freight with Pa. , eager uoaca auacnea, . . ', . leave Petertmrg at 8: A. M. Airfva at Weldoa at.... :IS P. M. I I GOING NOBTH Tbreufrh Mall leave Weldoa at Arrive at Peter burg at Southern Exprea leave Wei- Boa at Arrfva at Peteraburg at..... Through Freight with Paa : lenger Coach attached, leave Weldoa at , Arrive at Petenburr at.... 7:SS Au U. UM A. at. 4:00 P. M. 7:06 P. M. 4:15 P. M. 10:10 P. M . Tkrough Ticket aoht to all Eaatera and coutnera poinuv ana Baggage vnncaea through. .. JLjT.liOUGLAB, ;.ap IMt i r aprnteiateti 1 ill BipEEBSBCAo R ICHMOND aaiLaoaa ooarxat. ooaainciao aratt, 1t, 1878, Train oa thi road will rn aa follow i , . - v H I LBAVB PBTKRSBURa NOBTH. A. M. Freight train , dally , except eunuay, wnn roaca aiiacnea. lido ItarfkragkvMall d 4lj v uuu tlt' i 3 wMhBF. A f. lUilroad f , mmU point t and Welt, s i f, ML Throth Jail daily rxee ( ll 8undy.etunetjag with Hm ' A P. Bailroad, tor all polnU : Eaat aad Wert. Pulimaa' Sleeper attached, running through to Baltimore, making cloea connection with C. and O. R. R-, for Virginia Sprinr . and all nolnta Weat and North. 7:84 Tbe S:l0 A. M. train from Richmond, and tha 7:83 P. M. train from Pete r burg will top at all .regulM etatioaA . PaMenger lor CTowf nln vnneft 4 f,e.tr MONDAY, WEDNESDAY. anA AU train leaving Peteraburg will atari ue Appomattox iwpot. A. SHAW. 8-4 Superintendent. -4- miCEET FARES AND TIME BCHED- JJ VL& TO THIS WEST, via THE CUES- Ark. A AS flret limt claa rar rroa tuueiga to inaianap- olU 85.78. Flrat elaaa faro front KaleigB to Chicago Jirat el from Kalelifh to Bt. Lotil ss.sa. lrat elaat from Raleigh to LouiavUle 87.88. Paaaenger for Cincinnati and the. Weat, leaving Raleigh by the R. AG. R. K. 10.00 a. am. train, reach Rlcbmoad at 8.45 p. ra.; leave Richmond at 10.90 p. m., by the Cia clnnati A Ohio Railroad, and reach Clncin- ll atf.00 oa th aiorainar oiiwa aacona Y -,r or . v n XT ft 137 inn .. Gen. P. A Ticket Agent. I Bgtnneer ana oup t. t ICHMOND A PKTERSBlJRb R. R. CO Tv,mmMeliia IVt ttk. 1873. TralnB CM . . . .11 " ... 1 1 . , una row wiu iw uii.i . . i:l :1V A. at., "inrongn man: i:v a. m., Fwls-ht Train t 1:45 KM.. Through MaU : P. U., Freight Train. - - -.,.., Lxtvi rxriititarKO, IHOKTB. ISA A. kt . Freight Train t 18 M.. Thraagh Mail : I?. M. Frelirht Train t 7;SiP. A4.. Throfiau. . rt iiti Coacle lulcueo'to all fretg'i ttali far yommodjt i.w of pamenger. I I I Jk ice 1 Bl VOlMy uvl .uuwu,jw. i the (hipping public on line of tbe Raleigh Oaaton, Kalelgh A AnguiU and Weetera . LL Kail road i. in lha way of low freight tod paeeengerreUa. ' ' ' jHW oua rv tvtw-f ,f ! ,f f Bopet""1"" ZlXoSK-.flAG BY TmE;, autiioiuzed CAriTAL' ' " j .n: lt,ooo",obb .00. ASSETS JVLIV; a," IS:6,1 ''. ;:; : $ , 152,379;1?. , . . , homtj oppidiJ c 1 j C' ! ' , i,' a.w ... AHMISTEAD JONES, pBicwDKifT, O. W." TJLACKNALE,: JTbeascbeb, 11. W. LEST, fcvKCKBTABY. : , . . i i ) . I ParHefdealrlnjMo laurethir pnrwrtaofl4 vpatronlae thla Company, for tbe fo. Jowlog tamt t. Jt b) aaafe Mpori on, ;roibisf!uj eolvency and. atabuay, two of the moat eMitla ptAit Iu aa luauranc a)pay,f a the following eertUkei front the See Mar at Btaas ante farUkiVt. ; A . A. .A t . . ,r .,. . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ( . . ; Department of Btats. ''. Raleigh, May 4th, 1870. .. . T AU Wom it Ma f Coneeri ,t . ..,,. : ,v i- , ,,, . Tbl I to certify that 1 have thoroughly examined the ''buatoea affair and finance of "The Sou the ra Underwriter AMoclaUon," kalelgh North Carolina, la accordance with tbd provtiinae of aa act to amend lection 4'J,4Sao4 44, "Battle' Revital," chapter 88, rat lUeU ltth day of March, A. D., 11T5, and do And that aald company to "doing baaineaa upon aound principle, within the provtaloui of it ebarter, and la eompllanoa with the law of th State of North Carolina," aad that they are ptwaeed of tbe following aecaritiea, wbk'h will mvire fully appear from tatencnt an 81 in tbl office ; , . - t. i United btatua Bonds, (market vuliw.) $70,200 00 K. C, R. Koad Bonds, (market raloa.V !" I . v t ' v . 19,000 00 NJ a Coiilit d City UomU, (markei raina, 19,873 00 Mortgng. oa Iiel LUt in N. C. (tirst lien,) , ; 83,196 00 Cash on hand, in Bank and in hand of Aenty 10,108 19 Total. $152,879 19 - Ia aooordanoe with tha authority delegated to me by the Legialainro, I hereby approve tha Report ol aaid Company filed thia day. Given under my hand and teal of office. ,-- -T WM. H. HOWERTQN. Secretary of State.; , It proticta the policy-holder, for f af Charter Irequirea S per eent of the premi urA feoevaI So be 'eeaaited mb$ tte taU Trraa oarer for that parpoae. : ,ltai8k!dkh0lddri are among the Vtominent baaineaa men in North Carolina. Tiiaundur the control and managemontof aativa Nth CaroUniaaai IU olttcera are known tliroughout Uia Bute . . , It will lnure your property on the moat reasonable lenna, , ' ' . . . J, ' l 4 It 1U kftop )-onr money t home. j .- . - . i ,, live, Active, Reliable AgenU wauM In evi-ry part of tha State. Addreae, ., ' " i nr rrui . . . t-il-k J n . ..... t Ah War now aelllag KH0DE3 8TANDAR Prepared Expressly for Cotton ' ' Tiii' FertUiur baa given tne'grelet tUfietloi to all wbo have ued P not only a grower of Cotton, but a "a PERMANENT IMPROVER OF THE SOIL, Itto aa article high tapereentaOT of the aw valuable FertiitriiiginiirvllcuU, wbkrb are Bene Tboaphate otJUme, Amttmula, Potash, . Tetpectfiliiy n-fer by penutiodon to: the following patj. tie who have need thi FeriilUen R.J. Ivey, Raleigh; W. O. Riddick, Neuae; Fii. topher,Raleigh ; R. Pally, Wakefletd; A. B. Dewar, liarnett; Dr. Walter Debmaa, Raleigh, ana ouer. MHton grower wouia ao wau to ee at naiore a nrcnaaing new new, vau (.if - . R. F. JOKES A VO. Alo keep on hand a full line of GROCERIES and UQU0R8. ' , I - ll F. JONES & CO. - feblMAwBm. Wholetsl Liquor Dealer, WllnjittoBtreet, Raleigh, K C. ! ".HARDWARE - t'Bn.v:D 0 0 U S ; B L I ND 8 ; Sliapl87 ;and Blgebjst ' ; j LARGEST 8TOCK IN NORTIl CAROLINA. ' julius lewis & 6o.;;; - ; I Fisher Building, WRIT! FOR CATALOGUER PRICES, Ac.', iMM are- w--a aa a .Tron a nailTVitli Wrx a jna-tiTk DAT 77fTri; V C. A. HUGE, W any made tat the South, which we will aell at a low flgurea, lor eaaa. a they can be bought anywhere. To partiea ordering alx or more Boa Ber wat aaee, we are prepared to offer apeclal lndacemeat. I ..!,; . ' . t .. , . All kind of Tobacco Manufacturer Fixture furnlahed to order. Reparing i promptly aUeaded to. Cend la yonr order ahead of time. Give a a trial at tbe T'TTli ..::: :ii 'Ji'. lit- ! I k.oi f ; J. ,! tn i ; -i tt-.u j -.-,-. . - ,,.,.) Iliifc lit is. k, ja.C3k j. . j- . f tit'. - l-t.- ,f , If ' ii CONTINUES TO WRITE POLICIES ON ALL CLASSES Of INSURABLl PROPERTY ; ON .THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. " - m i r-j ), . n VA-i-A -A. Ivtl AIL It Btockholder are among the moat prominent and reipoMlble burines men la the' State. Daring It exlatence tt baa paid out to ineurera. for loeece, over 8100,000, and It accuata lated earn nga bar been toaaea to oar own Acents in every Conntv in the State. LlltllAfTL.i-L I -f . .. President;,; !. B. ROOT, 1 1 i -1 Vice-ridcnt. R C. SEATON GALES, - ' P. COWPiiR, Raleltrh,Mrck ilnt-lau Ttf.fiV i lanamaf1 " aamk 'anaaaaf tr'aaaaaj k'w VI VbUl, UvVIViai, IWK.mHf ... w. AMMONIATED BtJPER PHOSPHATE. s J, Italclgliy. C. i a a NQTIGE; OrDVIBTBl VBT A T7TJ B TlTTl nTl II T B g. Til 1 X I - M - BAI.EM AQRICULTUlUL WORKS,' ' t 8alr,N. c. I -" l " ,,fl( ii 'TZl a B tiil ti-ar AI U-n) Ji i ' j. 1 people. i. ' 1 J .. & JL I i 8eeretAry. . 'poperTisoFof Agonciet. SI r O K T A N T ., Jut received aaotbar bstllmeut at THE SEW BILVER "COIN, TKESll AN!" B EIGHT FROM TnE MINT," Which wa eontlnae to py out to oor ea tomer la ekange. ' '.!.'' - . Bave ajao received 6XK) yd. bort fenglfa' Printej LAWNS ,'aVd ' Mt'SUNU wa'k eaa be aold for a' profit a 10 tento 9 ara. ADDITIONAL PURCHASES BY EXPRESS. bit beautiful aaiortmeat of ' ' 1 ' " J ' , ": ' SUMMER MOIIA1R8, , .1 . ''" i ;' ; plaids, stripes'"';'; ,'. ! '', " j rs jv,,. AND'lUHN,'1''' At txeeedtagliJpwrieea' l M tbe' aew hadaa,.,..', " ' Ecru, '5 h , t' - J .. Browa, ,i-.i. '! n j : Blue aad Drab, Grey, Ae. Aio a tuperb ttock of Mra', Ladle' aad Mltar Boot, Shoe aad G after. Another purchaae of thoae READY-MADE SHIRTS at B1.00 each, " , . . ' , ' The Shirt' give' anivernl tatlafactloa wherever aar4.-:-' i-5--: J W."IL A R, 8. TUCKER, "' MyU-tf ."; ,. . " . i35TOSO:Wtt worklna people af both . you eg tit old, teak mure moee; at work forua, la their wa localtle, dt.iing thetf apare mo- meat, or til tne nine, wuul at ary wnraH Wm i.rtMT tut omely i or ever boat' ware Faii parlea. iar. term a. A aeat free , ad aa oar ae iptVyWWV UIR. Will M mmmmiw ert boBi' wara Foil parlea. inu at nnva Hm.'t delav. New la tha time Don't 1- ok for work i r baatnea elaewhare, ' ' aetil yon have learned what we otter. . '- riNua A Co., Portland. Mala. .. ; . at .'. af La-1 l,4i! f-.m.i j' i-n. , I i i i ' .!'-, ! in i j 'ii .' ... i i. ' rpilE SALEM AGRICULTURAL WOKE8. s ? ;... SALEU, N. C , , ,i Haanfactttrer af lb New improved Baleia Few, and other Agricultural ImplenrnU and lbor Saving MacblDery. . I - -TOBACCO BOX SCREWS AND MA1HIN - tar MADE AMD REPAIRED, ; .. ... VoMtlr mmA U u-klna Work AttiM 2 tM.. Or. dew KvipaMiNr'f Oaeklnery Hiemptry lauded to. All work warrauUd, (iivew ' kBlaclt Bills: FOR Him BOOS, MA Pa, BATtB, B0CTI3, A, i . : , ! BENT FKEB to any addreaa, Apply to W. P. JOHNSON,' General Pan. Art. 1. 1. R. R., Chicago, or to I. T. RAN DOLPA, Traveling Aft- I. IV R." R-, 1 dUnapolla, Ind. ... aprMv Mf KALI MEAL! ! , 'i ' ii Two 'Car load bett bolted Cora afeat ut at I " ' WATI15 IU' . nn apJt ti :, Uranary aad rorage atore. 8B-U Wunuagtoa Bi, Wat. W. Jowaa, ' ' lA AaairraaD deam. i . , it- i, o -: . ! Q X K 8 A J OKI AUraeyVaU Utw. , , . ' 'A RALEIQU, ST. a '"'. D RACTICE ,ra the Bnprame Cowrt af l A. Btate, tb Circuit And DuUicl Caajrn) of kne OnltedHUtee and the arasra) Curtaof ' tbf ath Jadlctal DistrteWt i.,-t, o't 1. Ofkea aa Fayettavule. Bk apaamta taa , OUaeaa Nattoaal Beak. Vw mtra, ? - . ,i aa8-ltf ' ' 11 3 OMR FERTimiR.-'. v A U i'U Bead to 0. B. Alford. at Apex, for a! eireu- lar. !Vor tea dollar he will eeed yea tbe chemical by which yon make a tea af good fertliUer1 foreottoa, eony tobaeca or any to other crop, Thi I tb ebeapeat aad beat-.J . fertiliser yet offered to tbe farmer. j Atr. Al.J . ford' aelgbbora have tried B with eoarkedi .. neceee. - - . ,,.- ,'i . ' -uui i-. n The following gentleiaea have toatatal tt gbod enlrUeiJ.i'..f.fe!a...; .ij....j,;ff'.',4i...!iJ tuuutsS.. A.i K. Clement, Peter Knight, Raffle taw , - tlebtry, Ahwy Freeoma, Rev. J. T.i Bagera i . . Joaeiiti Bteadmaa,. Rev. A. D. Black wood . Rev. Johnaton Olive, Alvln Ollva, U. It. Al; .,4 ' ford, Albert Norviae, T. A. Council, -Alvlf . . 1 Alaion, Robert WUliaota. 1 . Jea 88 tf - I - .,!,"- , .1 DACONt BACON 1 - Juat received 10,000 noand W boaght before tbe rlae. Call aad get jour upsllea. At email advanr far eaah, at , i Wilmingtoa atreet,aear City fical.,, ij enp df GOOD T-OA." , A 'noted EngUeh Traveler aav," much finer j. Tea U drank ia Kutaia lit an k England the 810 erenc i lot probably owing to the Over- , land transportation but that the Ruaeian buy .t tbe beat lea grown In China, llule of thai kind gylag to other oounu lea.. .... ,. . TJIB BVSSUN TEA COMPANY' ) Offer la tbl aaarket a limited quantity of thia Tea, It I absolutely pure. , Snt by m.H. prepaid, 1 lb. etnltlere. t3.S0 i lb. 81 84. To Introdnce thi Tea a liberal Lmr4eaet for 8e.. BAbalAN TEA CO., UW PaaaL St N. Y. 4 - u. ,mj UMw . ANOTHER Car toadol Geeuloe Whit Oata for (me cheap. At - t . ! t.C CUKlBTOPflErtS A CO'S. "feblS-tf WUmtngtoa I. WALL , STREET CARICATCRKS 1 , v- ..... ..... j K new Book, 48 Page, contatnlnfr 14 En graved 1 Ll utra Uona, wkh loformatioa tor- ' Btork Bpecalator. - ' - -' Price 10 eeota by mail. TUMBRIDGE A ' CO;, Banker aad Broker,, Wail Street, ' " ornca or nHnraaiaTCaegJrr, :n-r. - 1 . Petartburgv Va , November A NGE OF SCHEDULE TU take effect SUNDAY. November 25th a GOING SOUTIL Leave Peteraburg at 6:80 A. If. aad 827 P. t Arrive at Weldoa at 8-.S9 A, M. 8--S4 P. M, l , GOING NORTH. Leave Weldoa at 1:85 A. M. aad 4 P. M. " Arrive at rterburg at Ut4 A. kt, and -7HI7 P. M. r v .j. . . .... . v . Train connect at Peteraburg and Wrkloa . with train for all aouthera and aonhera pouita. Tk-kete eold to all aouthera, aouth era tern, aenaera and ; eaatera. point, and baggage checked through. Tl ... ;. ll T. DOUGLAS, ffb 19-dw-tf. iuprrinteadent. - 1 -.. t.i -a .a ..iM... -. . ' J

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