" " ' " ' - i --' ' ' - ' t C7 TI1E RALEIGH SENTINEL UAlLI, WUXLT-aatD-CMI-WKEUT- ;THEtf RALEIGH-SENTINEL. :. Official Omai of Korti Carolina." STATE PRINTING & BINDtNOl ESTABLISHMENT. aava or scascaimos. Oxllr rVntiael 1 rear In adnoce... 8 00 I ' i peim neeair -.v.v.iti w Weekly beau md " " a uw TbDiLv8sriaM. win be delivered In any part of tlieUty airiaeeaCsuis a wsuk, gEASONABLE ANNOUNCEMENT- The prwwbt vara spoil will hum a Idnioiid for ohi liektrtiTnl PLAID AMD PLAIN LINENS, SUMMER MOHAIRS, .' PRINTED LINENS AND LAWNS. All of which wo are now hioeivinjr a V: 7 f. i rii fresh supply.! AIo for the gentlemen a fall atock of , 1 f the fashionable; MA CKINA IV 11 A T iu several ntjle, eplorod vmitilator and Um straw and Summer. Hat, : A case of new (early summer) Silk TUs it S3.S0 ' J- - ipf n n. a R. a TUCKER TEVEIt REFOBE EQUAFXEDI The Largest Stock on TriRecordt C. WE IK EL Im ntturntd. He is still at thaold Stand with a larger assortment 'of,!.. ; . THAN KVIR. U. 8. CENTENNIAL GOODS. -rOURTn"Jtn.T CENTINN1AL GOODS- 1776. UIKrjTTLK. 1376- Look at my latest Fashioa Plates ami choose your style." v 4 '' CLOTHS, ' CASSIMERES, : - SUTIINGS. In ret anything you want. r Come and see me, I know I can suit you. , WEIKIL'S ESTABLISHMENT 4 is at the old place, one door south of the Southern Express office. , ,.; , I guarantee all my fits. ' apr 13-3m .- Q. WEIEEL. Xi O L T K V M X Ar L U ----- - ' . - WW to 1,900 bubel per met received and soM cheap for raak only st " T t-" ' : .V (, v ' ' dATTIS A JONES'" $1,200 PROFIT ON $100 Made any day In Pcts aid Calls. Invent according to your meant 110, $30 or 100, In Slock I'rlvilrjfc. hat brought a tmall for- lant to tne careful Invntor. We ams whrni and bow to operate tafelv. ' Book with -full InfonaaUoa ss as ,Addre onjr- by mail and telegraph to i BAXTER A CO., Bankers and Brokers, 17 Wall 8t, X. T. Jan itV-dawly. . , , ;., 7 : D8I7ERSITT OF YIBGIUIA. SU1CMERLAW LECTURES (nlneweeWy), begin 13th July, 1870, and end 13th Sep tember. Have proved el tlenal iH,-tit, to ttndentt who detlfrn to-ponue tbeir studies at thl or other Law-chool ; Sd.to those who pro pate to read privately ; and Srd, to prac titioner! who have not had the advantage of mtetnatte initructkra For circular ap ply (r O. University of Va.) to Jobs B. Hiaoa, frof. Com. and Stab Law. June 6-w4. , .,. , i , . , TT NIVERSITT OF NORTH CAROUNA. The 154th teiaioa will beetn oa FrM.. July Uih, and close on Tbunday, December Tth. Betides three eoartet of atady arranged bv the Faculty, an Optional course sdialis s urge range oi enoice. , . The neeeMary expense, excthilvn of clothing and travelling, vary from-1 100 to i.tb ior inetettion. For Catalogue, with rlirnlart, sppli to "" KEMP. P. BATTLE, PaiMnsnT. Jll7-dlt-wtd. . ' Chapel Hill, N. C , QEYDEL & (X)'S. KJ Pocket Ham mode, WEIGHT ONLT 1 rOUND, BEARS' 1,300 POUNDS, PRICE OF No. i, fi? o A most luxurious Couch, Seat, Swing, Ac. r Clrculan may be had by addrestlnz " - - VAH WART McCOT, 1S4 and 138 Dnane Street, New Tork. April j warn. . . .. 3M! X1'""" "-"C-''''''A' VOL. XXII. :; RALEIGH, O.,- S ATtllvbAY: XCTNKf 2i4 THE CITY. -; WSl OFFICE DIRECTORY. , For the benefit of the public, we pub Mi the following director; of tbe post twice oi uns city : , ,11:15 a. ni. ; 4; 22 p. m. " ; . " .arrivea Kasteru clonei T " M; urrim 3:03 p. m. 11:45 a. m. Chatham " closet u '4 . arrive 3:00 p.m. 9:45 a. m. B. A O. Q. R, mail closes I 9:30 a.m. 3:18 p.m. - arrives Through northern via 1L A O. R. It. closes - 0:20 a. ni. anrougu Doruiera via . & U. B, XL arrives - , : . 3;45 p. m uirougn nonuern via uoius- ( ! boro closes ' : 3:03 p. m. pirough northern Tla Golds boro arrives 11:43 a. m. . Office hours for delivering mailt from 7:30 a. in. to 6:30 p. m. j.ilouer orders are Issoed and paid rrom 8:15 a. ro. to 4 n. m. ' Letters can be registered from 8:15 a. m. to 4 n. m. Office hours on Sundays from 4 p. m. to 5 p. m. , I V,W. W, HoLour. P. Jf. . Jobs C Syms is for the present ia charge of the SoutineL lie is a fully authorized tnansger, and all bis eon tracts and engagements with patrons are binding on the future of tbe paper. '' ' SURSfmiRF-Tls. To all or tek Ltiviso Si-n auxKa axo i a g ? - , t i ; .1 , Rbaoxbs or ma Sarnxnti rap m -FoUHBATIOIt i 1; ill i 1. 1 f .i All persona now liviug, who have ever been roberrfbers and readers of the Sen tinel since Its eaUblialiment by the late an"d ntinentel Rer. - Wm; E-Pril; sr teBpectruITy solicited W 'sgnUr become subscribers and readers of the paper. In everything that is desirable, promue to..mke it enuol to what the SeaH.net ever wss. either under the msa- sgement or Ur. Tell or .Air. Tui ADVERTISERS To TBI OLD AoVMBTUirNO PATRONS OF thu Sextixbx : The old - patrons, of tha Sentinel . in Raleigh are respectfully and earnestly solicited to resume business ' relations with the paper, and renew tbeir contracts. It is especially desired tt have them do so before the flnt of July, as the paper will on that date appear entirely renew ed and perfectly restored. All advertise ments banded ft under such contracts. between this an I July, will be published to that date free of charge. ; , y Mr. John O. Byrne, an old , institution of the Sentinol Is on hand, and will make contracts to date from the begin ning of the last, half year, with pleas ure. :' Thb Conckut - Law Evkhimo. Last evening Tucker hall was filled with tbe beauty and fashion of our little city to hear an operatic concert, un der the direction of Professors-Korman and Baumann. The programme was at once select and elaborate, and the rendition such as ta Induce alrcott In cessant applause lu fact,' the applause was so frequent and prolonged as to be disagreeable."7"" Mrs." Norman ' sang: a number of solos, all of which procured for her an encore, especially "Tant! Pulpitl," from Tancrcdi " Fierce Flamci," from II Trova tore ; Uie "Rose Bush." Mrs. Norman hat a fall, rich Mn&atlr$Icipiind ''oer'snr-lioleT' can be characterized la no better wy than by calling them iiqursile.T"1 ..Mrs, Goo. C, Jordan's rendition of the Gambler's Wife" was one of the fea tures of tbe evening. A clear," sweet contralto voice, - distinct. Artioolation. perfect time and utmost grace of expres sion all combined to elicit tokens of ap preciation on the part of the audience, and to stamp the lady a an artist of tbe first order of ability. ' i " :j t ; Mrs. Baumann's "Adelaide" was da lightfully rendered.' Her sweet, silvery soprauo voice charmed alL Tbe piano performanooa of Professors Bsumsnn and Norman were' very, flne and were the rcslpkmt of hoiirtv appLiM, There were also several choruses which were rendered with fine effect ' The concert was a success in every respect and re fleets credit upon all engaged in it ' The Raleigh Sentinel of the 20th con tains an article headed the "Chariot to Observer, in which it contains a re ply to some comments we made, some days ago, upon the recent course of the ! Raleigh papers. We do not know who the author is, but as the signature. In dicates, the letter "A" is one of the in itials of Lis name. - At any rste4 bis I Will accept pur admiration at the fair ness and dignity that cnaracteriaa his article. It is a courteous and hiirh- toned reply, and does not avoid -the subject at Issu3 hv deallna'"'In"Ye,ricn 1 slities and abuse. ChsrloUe jJrTj' 1 LOCAL DOTS.; Oo to church to-morrow. ' The melon-cbolic days soon wfll come. Kew buildings art going' up In every direction.. .," 'i'-.V. ; S . ., " Our court-room now presents a appearanoe.' . : A fine crop of oats is being liarvested from Nash Squsre, ' t ; Last evening tbe Citiasu's Cot net band was out serenading. na - v Nothing at the police court "worth re porting this morning. - tc V Tbe Vsnoe Club meets ILoudny- night at Metropolitan JialLvi, !t ,rl Prof. Linebeck, of the Salem Female Seminary, to in the city. . ; A Chspter of Roral Arch Masons is soon to bo established at Durham, The extra term! of Wake Superior Court will begin on Monday next , For information as to religious exer cises to-morrow sew church directory. Tbe.'TIornets Nest Rifies of Char. lotte have joes received arms Iran tbe state. ' r;l Moseley is now running a fixst-claas ice cream saloon. His ginger ale is very bandy to take. ' '-:--- .' Sheriff Dunn will soil the property of Jtuia. legulai W. O. HiU lodge holds meeting ' Monday evening at in Fisher buajinc;, '" their hall , Mr. Hope, Lite of Raleigh, is in charge of ; the machinery department of tbe great ocutonilal atThu1pnia.y: ThriuBtttution'ToT'tlie'aeAfinTra aud the blind will" be put In borough repair dunng the vacation season. Tbe rads of this city ate going to hold a Hayes and Wheeler , ratification (poi; Brown, the enterprising landlord of the National, i easting bis guests 04 tomstoen, green corn and other deli- cacios. - . -: -. -, - r: - , -r ', ,.r ; As we go to press this nfternooa tbe city case was till progressing' betore Jihlge Walts, nt chambers, in the court house.- --.:..'r: " ' ' Burtholomaj's celebrated Rochester beer at Tina Lee's Hargett street and National hotel . saloons. This beer is said to be the best 1b the country. ! There will bo a meeting of the Ma sonic Temple Association in this city on tlte 7th of July. We learn there U a proposition to proceed with the building of the Temple. f. We direct tbe attention of our city authorities to the unsightly Msy weeds sad thistles ; which mar the borders of many of our streets." A few "men oould remove tbeae in a day or two, and now MCh time to destroy millions of thistles which will infest onr streets next season. tiAPT. Joan ii- uuoaKa. XUi gea- tlcman has given up bis school in " Wsr renton for the purpose of taking charge of tbe graded, school which opens in this city on the 15th of . next month. Mr, Dogger has bad charge of tbe male academy in Warren ton for m number of years, and that the Warren tomans were loth to part with him tbe following reso lutions, passed by the trustees of the academy, wiU testify ?J: f"4 Whsbsas, Capt Jno. E. Dapper ha tendered to us. tbe Board of Trustees.' bis re8ignotioti "as Principal of the War renton si ale Academy, whicu poaiuon nej uas nuea lor Uie last canteen .years, for the purpose of accepting the Presi dency of th Raleigh Graded School, thereore ; T-.;r t leolved, Tnat we,1 the Said Board, do accept tbe same with unfeigned relne- tsnoe and the' most profound regret, and deem this a fit occasion to publicly express our gratitude to him lor the able, efficient and thorough instruction wnton ne nas imparted to Uie young men under bis charge during eaid time. Resolved, That we recognize bim to be the most faithful and competeut instruc tor we ever knew, a valuable .citizen. and a christian gentleman of tbe highest grade, and sincerely deplora the ' irre parable ldrs which 'onr community and rising genera tionwill sustain by las re. moral. W . .- I The Gila) CeyrENSiAL Kxoon- Sio.t. .The wstingere of.ilio proposed fjiui(1"centenntal ' excuriou , now an nounce that tbey nave made arrange ments with the Grand Exposition hotel, the largest iu tbe world, containing 1700 rooms, to entertain the excursion ists at 12 per day, lbs regular per diem Charge being 1.50. The hotel is under the management of that prince of land lords, Mr. Riley, for years the . superin tendent of the Continental Jlotel in Philadelphia and Congress Hall at SaralosaV J TU "complete' ' arrangement will be jmUULsd' neki'weeVaod will be announced' In large posters. For cheapness, we uudersUnd, this' excur sion will surpass anything that has ever been gotten up in this section? " r, 1 1 f . . Scpbxsi CotnT.--Court i tad at o'clock. , All the Justices present, ' Appeals from the 7th snd Sddistriots were taken up as follows ' W. W Pegram vs Commbriouers of Guilford. Argued by Scott & Caldwell for plaintiff and Mendenhall k Staples and WalUit CLtrkfor ilofiiiulaut.. '. 3. Uamlin executor, vs James Neighbors, from Randolph. ' Argued by L. M. Scott, for plaintiff and Gray A Htampa ior ueiencianb : Dennis Cox va J. 'A. Blair, adm'r, from Randolph. ' Continued. ; Monroe Oliver v F. A. Wiley, from Caswell Argued by Graham A Graham for plaintiff: no counsel contra. llobertjou vs Wsltors, from Caswell, Continued. -"1 - ComnuWoners of Randolph vs. Trog- den. Argued by Scott A Caldwell for phuntiff. A W. Tourgee contra. H. A London, Jr.; et at vs. Aaron G. Headen, from Chatham," Argued by Bus bee A Bnsbee for plaintiffs and J, H, Headen contra, Ellis vs. David A Soott, from Wilson. Argued by Fowls, Kenan k Murray for plaintiff, and Smith k Btrong and A K. Bmedes for defendant ' Daniel and wife va, Oumpler, from Wsyne. Argued by Smith Strong ior plaintiff and Poircloth A Granger for defendant '.in, j i-.l ' ;- "ii '' l '"; ,i ft. EuonoK or Orricua.-At a regular session of McKee Encampment, No. 13, L" O.'tO," F.,1 beld on last evening,' the following officers , were elected for ' the ensuing term l t m !mh t C. P. N. J. WbiUker! IIP-JthnR.nilU; a BlakeLj. J. W C. Wallerv Treasurorr-A. W. Frsp. v n ;, ,f!,( fFor-UieAmlinelr 'l " , , ' ' , Mr. Editor : The concert,' under the direction of Professors Xormao and Baumann, assisted by Mrs. Norman and the choir of the Presbyterian church, was givou last evening. before an apftrtcia'ice audienct iu. Tucker hall. : uwing to circumstauces tnst could not be controlled, the concert had to be gotten up with only a day Interven- Ing between that and tbe sacred concert at the Presbyterian church, so that It Is a matter of congratulation to Professor Baumann that he Is able to present In so short a time a programme as agreeable as the one allotted to the members of the choir. Air. Baumann Is one of the best instructors and is an ' admirable accompanist. ' ; " ' . airs. Jiormau has a lull, deep, clear and remarkably sweet contralto, and will give . pleaauro wherever she sings. Mr. Norman is a fair accompanist, but It is m matter of regret that bis piano solos were selections that have been often played, and played well by young ladies attending our seminaries. . :.!. in tint i morning's Aews the song Tho Gambler's Wife," was attributed in error to Mrs. Norman,and was prop erly termed one of the gem of the evening. It was sung by Mrs. Geo. C. Jordau, who possesses one of the most exquisite contralto voices m our state. Ibe rresbyterlnn choir have always evinced a willingness to help, in any good cause, and , deserves the hearty appreciation they Jiavo so often rcceiv- od. , . ;. ,..., t .t r. l.'x ,1 W. .;' t ' ClIlJRCa D1K ECTOR Y. r J At Christ 'church,,' Episcopal,' 11 o'clock a. m. and 4 p. m. by Key. M. M. Marshall, D. D. Sunday School at - . .... , ; ' Church of tlieXroorJ hepher4r"Epis sopal, 11 an oadTp. m,,.ltez.l iu. Ii, uicb, Sunday school 9: Jo a. m. At Salisbury Street Baptist church 11 a. m. by Rev. T. H. . Pritchard and 30 p. m., bunday bohool at 9 a. m. At Swain Street Baptist church, 1 La. m.-and 7:30 p. m. by lie v. J. V. aul barn. Sunday school at 9 a. m. - At Person Street Methodkt church, 1 a. m.,nnd 7:30 by Rev. W. C. Nor- mau. Sunday School at 9 a. m. ' At St Johns (Catholic) church mass at 11 a. m., vespers 6 p. m., by Rev. Father Reilly. Sunday school at 10 a. m.' 1 " At Presbyterian church, II a. m. and 30 p. m.,' by RevJ Dr. Vanshan. Sunday School at a. 1 1 , " ' - - At Edcntou Street Methodist church. 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. by Rev. L. D. Burkbead D D. Sunday school at 9 a. rn.t W. J. Young, Superintendent. s Singing exercises at 3:30 p. m. Scats ' free at all services. " - - Lieutenant Cameron, in bis recent travels in Central Africa, came to a country where the iron trade -was in a flourishing condition, there being many founderies, about iilty feet long ' by thirty feet wide, where they frequently got one hundred and fifty to two hun dred pounds or metal at a single smelt ing.' Here he had seen pieces of iron worked simply by the hammer, and moulded into various .shapes, including the human torni. as completely uuished as if manipulated by the, mot f skillful Augusonrusau.;.;. ... .f-.-.j ... To reach the huchest standard R of health, nature demands the ntmont reg ularity of the bowels ; a slight deviation brings many inconveniences and paves tbe way to more serious daneera. - We can recommend Dr. Bull's vegetable T:1! - il . . . a . i , !0' tue digestive apparatus. jryis aa ue yet weuicine or mo nceas w s a i a 186. r J';,, ; NEWS AND NOTES,, , 1 .... i T , -:, :'j v- , The Grand Duke - Miohael of Russia daricg bis recent visit to Paris called on ex-Presidout Thiers and discussed the organization of the various European ar Charles Blanc," an elder brother of Louia Ulattc, Los ieen elected a member of the r rencli Academy. ' He Las never Ukva any part in politic, baing an art critio and a man of letters, and from 1818 to 1352 be was Director of Fine Arts. --' -j? -' , j.. . '','' It Is rstUlactorylo find thai 'the peo ple in Nicaraoeua and Colombia are becoming deeply interested la ioUro- ceanlc canals. wTiile there is no imme diate prospect thst their object will be realized, it Is well to have the possibil ities examined and discussed. In time a De Leasers may appear, . j 0i The bankers in convention at Wash- Ington 4eclorsUiat - Jf bank-, taxes ara not modified, capital will be withdrawn from the butiuess and niauy banks will close. - Such a result will doubtless moke bard times harder. It is not, however, quite clear that the reduction of bank taxes will much mend matters. . Count Marchand. who died Wedncsdav la Paris, bad a remarkable career. Born amid the stormy, days of the ' French revolution, be entered the personal ser vice of Napoleon at the age of 20, and thenceforth shored the fortunes of his enter, lie went with bim to Elba, shared his captivity ltr St. Helena! end was made one or the executors of. tha Emperor's will. - After soeiuz the pro? scribed jdjnasjy;retorcd, Count Mar- cbaYid Mm&WFM6ttmfo U ''' i i ii. . i-. mi" 1 -tfiVh, FOURTH OF JULY SUGGESTIONS. f-t! .1) t-K J;,i , ll.H U ,'tf ,0:Ait Editob Sentinel. As suggestions is tne committee or arrangements on the 4th of July celebrations are in order. and, us Iiraderstsnd.it, llornmittee antwirmte cairying wt the f 'old fegv call attention to this one fact : One 61 . : il'. .... . .r the old citizens of Haleiirb, one whots patriotism kindles atreih at lbs idea of an 9ld-lamoned celeUratlen of the, glo rious fourth eavs, that s iart of; the nro- of Uie city, generally the Presbyterian , 10 which all tbe people were -invited. and at which largel congregations as sembled and engaged.. heartily , to the exercises, which were conducted by the ltors of the different churches,' the venerable Dc Lacv srenerallv conduct. lotfthe openins tervices. 4 In view of this fact I suggest that the committee take into consideration tha proportion to have a suunue prayer meet id at one of the churches, and that Dr. Lacy be requested to conduct the opening exer cises. '''' "''''CITIZBSC. "FOR TBE BLOOD' I THE LIFE." See , Douleronomv. i xiit 23.. '.The blood being tbe source from which tbe system 1 built up, and born which we derive our mental a well as physical capabilities, how , important' that . it should be kept pure L-lf it contain vile, ; lestermg . poisons, all organM luncuons become enfeebled. Settling upon im portant organs, as tlio lungs liver and kidneys, the enact is most disastrous. Hence it behooves all to keep their blood in a perfectly bealthr condition. and more especially docs tuis apply at this particular season of the - year liau at any other, ; No matter what the et ciling cause i may be, the real cause of a large proportion :f . all diseases is s bad . blood, t Now, Dr. Pierce does not wish to piece Ids Golden Medical . Discovery in tbe catalogue of ' quack patent uostrams, by cecom- mending ' it to cure ;, every disease, nor does he so recommend it j on the contrary, there are hundreds of diseases that be acknowledges it will not cure but what does he claim In this, that there is but on form of , blood disease that it will not cure, and that disease is Cancer7endoearjtmimend bis Discovery for tha t disease, yet be knows iowy4that4UeasvyetboJaiowa -IVjfZJ':.'.'::.-to be the most searching blood-clean- T7he;,e7rSJ?7 r yet discovered, nnd tliat it will free ! r ',S. wn' It scr the blood and svttcm of all other blood poisons, be they animal, vegetable, or mineral. The- Golden- Medical Dis covery W warranted by him to cure the worst forms of skin diseoses, and all forms of Blotches, Pimples, and Ernp lion ; aio an uianuuia swellings, and the worst form of Scrofulous and Ulcer ated Sores of the Neck, Legs, or other parts, and all . the Scrofulous Ducaaes of the Bones, as White, Swellings, Fe ver Sores, Hip-joint and Spinal ' Dis eases ajl of, which belong" tq Sprofu-' tons diseases. ' ' ' " , cosFraifxn mr-JorjrVfbrsSAKa' 'ctftrai; ' l W. Gkotk Sta'tio, IOwi. Da. riEKcn, Buffalo, N. Y. j " ' J- Vear &ir . My wife first became lame nino years ago.. Bwellings would appear and disappear on her hip,' and she was gradually bcoomitg redaoed and bet whole system rotten with dieenae 1 - In 1871, a swelling broke on her bin.' dis charging large quantities, and since that time there are several openings. Have had five doctors, at an expense of $123, who say nothing will do any good but a surgical operation. -I .- t.j i.; July 16, 1873, be writes thus i My wife hoe certainly received great benefit from the use oi your Discovery, for she was not able, to get ofl the bed. and was not expected to live a : reck wlier she commenced using it a year ago. She baa been doing moat of her work for over six nvuths.; Has used twenty bottles, and still usiug. it. ; Her recovery is consid ered as almost a miracle, and we attrib ute it au to the use of your, valuable medicine. lean cheerfully recommend it as a blood-purifte and strength-restorer. . J. 5L Robinson. Gulden Medical Discovery is sold by druggist. ' '': unnamimwuiNBItnMaiMlMiii BssTiaiL at the following rates per square of m men, or ten amnios Uue. . ' - One square as time ----' ... tXOO; each aubtwiment tu-itlia. esstnaas weekr ...' '"BO l square, I weelt g ao ! I 1 - soeth., , 00 S sioatli..,. .... Id 00 m 80 00 1 ! 4 m s ; ss cm a m mm ........ ..I j jomr uncock IfMfsttYl MAtt ' Insurtf ft-rs- Cm. : i ... vsr nvrJAVsls - " ,WM. HFJNCH, StatI Aqkht. ' I beg leave to call tha attention of North Carolinians - to the ' claims on their patronage presented by the John Hancock If utoal Life- Insurancr Com- " pany. Especially to the fact that in addition, to IU excellence in other re spects, t Is Ibe only company in North Carolina operating" under the Massa chusetts non forfeiture law. , - , Application for Agencies can be made to our State Agent, Mr. If. H. Finch, or to any ef hie agents who will always be' pleased to respond to en quirers. Mr.-Finch lias secured the valuable services of Mt.J.B.Niatheby to attend to office business. ' ' " . XI ' . J.A.JUTtIS;T un22-tf ; v SpiIAt AaiarT. The huce. drastic ariDinc. aickenintr Pills constructed of crude, coarse and bulky ingredients, are fast being suner- seded by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purga tive Pellets, or Sugar-Coated, Conceo trated Boot and Herbal Juice, Anti Billions Granulesthe "little Giant" r1-" Cathartic or.Multu.'4o Psro I'hyslc. ' Modern Chemical .Science enables Dr. " Ilerce to extract from the I aire of tha most valuable roots and herbs their ac tijve medical, principles, which, when worked into little Pellets or Granules, scarcely larzer than mustard seed, ren- - much more1 palatable and pleasant in effect - : I Dr. Ira A. Thayer, of Bacobsburg, Ohio, writes s MI regard your Pellets as the best remedy for the conditions' for which you .prescribe tbem, of. any thing I have ever used, so mildand cer tain in effect, and leaving tbe bowels to excellehOqiidiUo J.Jit eemf tome they most take the placo of all other UHWVIHU 4HFUn UUI SW III IBB S IIO- V BM - cHDano puis ana medicines.", Lyon i A Macomberi dVuesrlt. Ver- milliofc, D. T., sayst -We think they are going to sell like hot cakes a soon a people, set acoualntedt with them. and,wili spoiL,te.pill trade, a . those. mat nave usetr them like them much . better thdri large pill." , , f j.j y mtm i A FaxaT FrsrtrrF.-.A bbr fijrht took place on Buck Creek last Sunday was a week,, between the Yarbrougha on one side,' and the' Oibeon on the other side, fou engsged.on a aide, The ' fight was a fisticuff and occurred at Sunday school The difficulty- is said to have grown out of "love matters" ex isting among . the juvenilea,--Ashevilla Expositor.' 1 ' ' ! ! i WHOLESALE CASU PKICES f! 'V lTeetedbv F. a CHRlBTOPUfiRSACO.' ' t ' KAUioni Jan 0, 18T1 13 ' ' ' i COTTO. " i '-k-U, li'l.'i Mlddltnirt. lOJOlO -., r!ta. Low Middling, .. . ICalO, . Clean Stained, T':W: oi(,i.m ' tbfliUl-, XL Inferior and duty, L. 7 - ; . ssaaaAL Jfuutxr. . , Cotton Tte.eierata. . 'I T t .if ! . Flour.North Carolina SA00a.25. CoraT5teeata uur, :-;ih u ' ".dT (jorn Meal, TJ($ia. kaconi N. C. ho roandi IMll , nam iorio. : Bulk Vtata, Clear Sib 84dsr tll3.o ' " .Lard' tforth CaroHna, 17.' !i ; i . "i -.. Coffee, Prime Rio ittSta. , ' Good, MQiix i ?, .thli' " ' Common. ll , .. ' ' I . Syrup, S.' IL Wkuto. ' tl uii I " a,rtn'. a 10. - f " ' '.r ..... .4 1 : Kau. on haals for 10a, 3.fn , ! Surar A. la. . .T. 1 l Jsioiri'j" m " Yellow Ur.Mll Leatksr, Bad Sole sficsaT. lUn-. f " Oak tanned. 40. i : Hide, grata, ft. ,-)fi-nr-?iinr .itj, TaQowoV3T .,) t i, .:;.,. rojowea.wvrt W75 cento per bushel,- IcenU' ; I-VUVVI, UIKU( ilVi - - ' TT r x . I a . ... TaAa wkA ' . nay, a. v. oaieu, gooa,, 7SWW r uf , Egg, perdoxen. l.V-u. ' X i ( Unti V r OtAQA - Bags, , iti-,1 s-i:. liiiM.i-i :r. '.,r) picked, S centa. Beef, on toot, 6Jfu,7o. M . ' " dreued prune, T(J7L Heavy Copper, per pound, Ifle. Light ' . " tic. Bra, per pound, S to 10c. IVwter, awe pouod, T to tS ct. I, :! 44, par pound, 8Jc . ... Old Iron, per 100 pounds, Me'"' 'Sheep Skin per piece, BrKlo. I m ui tunt .tjl,i ,Yf oo watseu, per pound, State , ; unwashed 30 to 25c. old T eeata; hurry, MeU.n l I r i'l i ii , if nput SAUSBURT XXAXINKS, 1 - KttaWUhed U 1M0, theninctily sad sltravs ' vH.wiMu. .. . i uiMm , n oth it aaa u i n- STEWART. h I., j Isitou PaoraatToaL -. SalUbury, N. C. juneS4-tf Vp"0 T i I The next tnnuil 'i meeting bf ths' Stork-' holder of the 8. A. Av L. S. B. Co, will b naiu a vne vouiptny oince, la KaleUh oa Friday th 8lt July, lHiU, commeBctng at conmeeclnr at laajcKicB, aooaa.U I'id'neb dla'wtd "' and Treuurttf ' " 1' ' '' ' ' ,rt V' " " i ti, . .ttt.i j The fcfith Annual leneetlnaT of Aha Hrk- holder of the R. A G. B, K. will be held at theofltc ef the company In Balelsb on Thursday, the aoth ef July, loft, eeiaaaeae logatuelock,sooa. ' ' ' ' - W.W. VASS, - t . -.. - ' V- i.i li v

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