-V-- -:7 7 - -,. A5 r- A. THE RALEIGH SENTINEL. -MODERN WOMEN- It ia a svl conimeutary upon oar lw..J I fKil.EAlmn that Ilia omM oar tim hr d.-georate4 in bdth race of invalidepale, nervoua, foe Us I , - . iT, , . . few asMe exception rathe- imiml ct wfl'ik1?:',:s a a 1 large experience, covering period ot meoU peculiar to Women. Dr. Pierce, of Uin vegetable extracts, a natural tpecino, a-hint. I. A .l.vna nn. ..hit a aii.ll Ku. one which admirably fuliils singleness of purpose, being a most positive and reliable remedy for those weakneasea and complaints that afflict the women of the preaent ilny. Thia natural apecino com- pound ia called Dr.- 4ierce a Favorite rreaaription. The foltewing are among thorn diaeaaea in which thia wonderfuT medicine haa worked cures aa if by magic and with a oeruuniy never ociore attained y oy medicinea : Weak back, nervoua and general debility, falling and other dia- .. uutceuicDu oi miernat organa, reamung from debility and lack of atrengtb ia natural aupporta, internal fever, congee- : a i uuu, iiiiiiHiimiwn uu imnHUQ ana very many other chronic diaeaaotinci. dent to women, - not proper to mention here, in which, aa well as in t eaaea that have been enumerated, the Favorite - Prescription effect curee the marvel oi ine worio. it wui not do Harm tn any atate or condiLicm of the ayiitem, and by adopting iU nae the invalid lady may avoid that severest of ordeale the cod salting of .a family physician. Favorite Prescription ia add by dealers in meJi cines generally. . , A Kxw MrsrkBD ruATB. Tha medical value of a mustard plaster is understood in every family; Much time is spent in preparing a poultice and often the mustard ia of poor quality and will not act, caoaiui? area Buffering. This overcome tyieBsgB a ireparedlustardr Plaster. It ia a great iniprovement on the ordinary article. It is Tory clean discoloring the clothing or soiling the akin. It does not deteriorate with ace. 1 It is always reliable, as only the best quality of mustard is used in its prepara tion. - it is read r lor nae at an v moment. by simplv diPDinir it in water. It is oW in half yard pieces at 25 cents -roTT-trr nu tfminnst.- bent br recetot of orice. bv . . ; 8EABURT k JOHNSON. Pharmaceutical Chemieta, N. T. j AiatTERS tO .- CORKiiPOKDISTg. I in anavrwwArptnweJearHttw last issue, lor a remedy for consump tion In its first stages, I can recomm it end Dr. ' Piercs'a "UolUen Aledical Discovery," if taken according to di rections, for it has : been thoroughly tried in my family, and the results were glorlom. "Alphabetical" must not ex pect one bottle to da tba work my wife took three bottles before she could discover any change, bnt after the third bottle every dose seemed to strengthen the lungs, and aow alia ia well and hearty. If "Alphabetical" will writ to me I will get witnesses to the above. m.Mty U. il. PATTOJJ. Lawrence, Marion county, j no. CincinnaU Times, Feb. 4, 1875. Ucptdrb Cvhbo in from SO to 90 days by the use of the Triumph Truss I & Triumph Rupture Remedy manufac tured by the Triumph Truss Co., 334 Bowery, N. Y. This Truss and Sup porter took the Aledal at tha latt ses sion or lbs ureat American : Institute Fair. Send 10 cents for their ne w book . SPECIAL NOTICES. TO CONSUMPTIVES. , Tba advertiser, an old phyrician, retire, from active practice, having had placed in his nana or an iui inaia stuaioaary toe !r r aaula of a ahnpla Vegetable Remedy, for the tpeedy and permanent Curs of Cootumptioa. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat snd Lang Affections, slao a Positivs and Kadleal Cars for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having thoroughly tested tta wonderful enrativa powers la thousands of ettet, feels it his duty to make It known to histarferiaa- fellows. . Actuated by thai aaotita, and a oonscienUous detirs to relic r. kasuut aufkrioK, ha wilt send (free of charge), to all who deairs It, this reel) s, with full dlreetioas for preparins and aoeceaafally bbuue. neni dj nun mau oy anareMunc Da. W. C. aiEVX'r V Munroe Block, Byracua, N. T.I - aov t3-wly .. . To all who are aaffaruig front the errors sao kaOlaeretloBSol youth. Barrow weak aeas, mmr4w jIamw Inmm t M.nkA. M I 111 1 I a redpe that will cura yon, FREE OK I- CHAKUE. This great remedy was dlicovsrad oy a miaaaonary la aouUt America, eaod a telfddraated envelope to tha Kev. Joaarn T. Is mis, MbObw Jf, Jiiilt htmm, Aw lark uie roDiun, pnxoui mm wmwwwuc I -, . 1Q7 of the mi in days gone by. 13t s very SUrplUS Jan. 1st, 1515 19, ; . . . , BOvldeodAwflat ; . . ... QTOt i. r&crcx ca Orf ana St ' Kelodeona. ' The Oldest, Lanrsst sad Most Perfect Msaa. factory la tha Ualtad Sutsa. , ; . , 54.000 ' Bow blase. ' So other If ancsl IastraaKat ever ebtdaed the same Popularity. V ar oaw tor rnca xjsu Adursss novll-tf BUFFALO, M. T E. x. a t a m r a . ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; ttAuooa, a. u Fracttess m tbs SUts sad Fsdsral CotuU CoUseUoas made ta any part a north tar oUaa. . , . , ;.,,. v- . . . . ; . . i c o Coming snd gofn'g alt the whflr very low, for j Greenback! or Bflrcr promises art not car- reutat . ','"7 "- ' ' - GATTUAJOSEy '.i Wbolesals Grata sad Feed Store, OppoalU Dr. McKee't Offlcet. UNIVERSAL ' MFE IXSUnANCE COMPANY - . - r T T j ? 4T II rr(i wren, .v. j. IT 1 19 MtmrrtnEtrtJt.l of I ! 1 . 1 2.:: ? ; 1 ' I Statement, January 1st, k 1876. - 55,131,635. --In 1 I ' C57.453. I A&SIUl IHCC319 '"' - ""-' 3.331.645. AmOTCt OltiVt IzSZXXZtt 11575.219. I AXUNSL Of IM. Ii fate. ; , 35,807,210. I - - - "IU8 ' ' ' . Wiulubt Wxt President - HikbT J. rcaBfis, Vic-Prudent."-- Jomt II. Biwun, Secretary. v Oaonoi L. MoxTAom, Actuary, Edvabo W. Lxm bot, Medl Examiner. '- 1 AGINCT DKrARTMKST. : I Chablu P. Gurrrjr, Oeneral llanage I oamvzu x. atioht, nnperunenacnt. Axdkkw Sma, ,Oejl A gout fur N ar2lt J. U. F L EMM I N G ATTORJifT Af LAW N A' A LB I M Oflae Sowik of the Court H 8eaUa Offlen. , IwaaT-tf A. M . l a . W f RAUUQH, M. C paelU atuatioaslvaalo Bavlacof Hoaie steada. la view of tha laU dtcirioa of tba Qa prams Cosrt ot the Ualtad Sui m oa tha rah tart..u....i.. . aitMivl I tDRS t ldrv i i tanswiaois x.k w(h wbarlraJsM hi and cbap ' A Ota a . .A 4 -v . rvsr j 5muui.) i ill ,wau H " 'rAi1 . J- 11 5.000 Doundt N. C. Bacon, alio all klndi of W. ' , - . - F. U CUkM8T0Pn ERS A CO.'S, PnERSACO-'S,' H-llmlDgtoo streets-1 ITHnf JTEW -Tiultt VHf. AAVH Bej AUVfajX. aTI lVV 10a U at what tha farmer naedt 1 It rana liirbt I la easily vat dowa readv for work I Caa be loaded aad unloaded by four Threaben aad CImimS. AV. . U .rr-.nll . u..... BALK AURICtLTUKAX WoKKbY -' - 'tsleav N.a- ,8ea4 for Circulars. a r. Btooas llO0UU-LtNa, nn aaVbia ? r I ! ... I TTOR N l H A TL i . . s . Kjmtiau, . a ... State aad federal Coena aaS taa Osarta sf hs 1st aad Stk d sdteial iMriea , . . i .... 4. T JfTROVEJ DOWLAIf COTTON PLAN ij.is.it. . ..v The aaaBufa'turert claiia. that they arc the besteottoa swd planters snd guaae dlatrib ators la I be rid. The price has been re duced 8, to UU tha Urnes. Send m ynrtr orders to tecum them la time. JAMES M TOWLES. Art; msrtMw . . For Jlaaufactorers. B U L K LIME. One ear load best Blvcrtoa Rock Lime re- eeived by ssistaka, aad oStrad as Ibadapot m ananuty u xa eta. per Dutnel and ireight to eioae out at one. i J AM EL M. TOWLES, Aft aiarasSw a..;....,, . ..n i r- , . - j f A Farm of Yonr Oira A Ilif? BKt,Ecacif for -Ear4 Tinies ! FREE HOMESTEADS ' j a t am na . ji t 1 Best aad tbespett Eailmad Lead art oa tbs I - - -ser the - ...-? l nxTfiw To .r'n Tiirr.T?niT i SECURE , A HOME NOW. roll Information seat FBEX to all parte ;i woriii. Aiiurras M. w. XIAV1B, Lead Com'r U. t. K. K, Omaha, Nebraska. LOWlIME.JU, ' To do up your fences. All in need of Lumber would do well to boy of r. C. CHKISTOPUEBS A CO.. . Wllmtngton street. QPECIAL TO BUILDERS. COMMISSION MERCHANT AND AUCTIONEER, Is the reneral srent la Ba'elab for tha tab) of lumber from Moore and other coun ties. Builders and others will And it to their savantage to give him their bills of lumber, " nuianiaa m any qaaatuy at ue low est prices, i ' , " Ili'Hjl, utnes Martla Btrset, betwesa wilmfnrton and BIousU amuioi -r- lOORN AND MEAL! Aiwsvs oa hand at low si th lowest, at rays oa fc F. C r; HHRISTOPHERS A CO.'S. WUmtngtoa street, near City Bcales.' JOIU ABV8TR0S0, 0 '0 IE B I 1 " '"' ABD N D B R BLANK BOOK MANDRACTCK1S, " ' ! OVTUI C. BOOKSTOajt, - ' ALB I a B, Ks C. CARPETIMGSt latbeuiyst low Caaa a ieaV. Ifl BSW - wnee rfanaary -.H-, jCjpIEB,., JJEXRT CLAT -UCHAEDSOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DVMUAM, JfOMTM CAM VI on JL may 13-tf J : "In - ; ! r t i s I T i i i n ; n . ' r v , i i L: " 1 I I 7 I. 1 f V I 1 1 1 ji j I L- M 1 y U. OFFICE Jcarho Cburt-IIoiis: I. uncomrromislnglj ConaervtUve, GENERAL NEWS. ' It ia fnrnished at $3.00 per annum. if THE SENTINEL IS. THE ; DEMOCRATIC PARTY, - r f., t i. Tlie Weekly Sentinel, PUBLISHED EVfMY TUESDAY. Mjfici jlJuJlfi THXIS Or I One COrtf. Ona TDar. I . 7----- - ' '.- en COpiei oriC. JCsT.. . . I TjntyllcsX ortB year- Semi-Weekly SeiitineL f' 7 K7,v. "1 I'liJilJSIIEU EVERT TUESDAY AND TTIURSDA Y. t . ssi Xi. V - I .... . .. II .' . it ..... ) i) TEH2IS OF TUE ' ? T r THE gENOTEL v. ..i Ia now in a condition to torn out ill I In j a- ' - ' spa - ' ' ' : SX " W aasaa aX V ' ' i' ' j, t j ; 'i .if .s t . .1 . , " ' Jf "'""''! .V '! V...r- ,T, i J ! ' I If.l - 1 . ' . . . ! 1 f 1 ' " JOB WO EE. 1! First-Glass Have been seen red for this Department and tho Job Office will embrace n r,nf I s 4 complete ti complete m tillX We 'are now f lifepiared to receive HI receive prompt attention and be done at . i I ' I And In the "i. :t i f-i ? i f ; STYLE 0E !' Ki ..I .. ) Address, 1 Ld:Ll ' - - I :: n a : ' I 1 , ; 1 r ' 1 I I; f r . . .... ..... i j and If devotcJ to 1'OLITICS and BECOQNIZEl) ORGAN OF TDE OF NORTII CAROLINA. '1 K - -t TZZO IVJJXHZLVt .7.. $200 IS CO -35)0 .... 4llfttt ; I ' - , .,......., si i . "i I'll l il SE3fI- WEEKL J': 1$ 1 JnClil ivi 001 i rfsjrf 1 -M i 1' IT I t -V- -tt-f. 'i- kinds of Wbrlimen f.il. ,i f, ontfit of , ontflt; or ; in Ordera for JOB WORK wbici best possible 'j. I' r- .. t ..) 4- S'i si j - I - - . , J I .1 . .THExm ' ' "-i . s i. i-7A f 1 E5TA BLlkHEO 181L! i, J. HJlRHIMia Patent Ciaapics, '(' , .;,.;: I,'..,, , EUEGtAR - AID FIHE PE03F CV 'A! 1" J "1 IWiUc iuia U.M .ay tiU .s ha i n?ir.CJ,'''ltUi fontr,.uid for t ma Vv- ..Z.U.iJU eommaad to mow aaca taiaa aa air w- Bank Vaults & Doors, fir' wT .;lIERRINGjfe CO.' 251 & 23i Broadway, NewTork K1 r.( a-Ai'l m t-1: isrT rrau for Us beat aeUIng Prist It muiu Holder. Peocfl. batected t udUuiun. and - v oaios a, lo.. ,c nroad war. M. Y. rpIlE CAw-ri X. and Cleaner Is aawonaof tha iMdlne macbiaei la the Booth. For circulars sm full partirnlara, addreoa the BALIS AUKlUt'LTlKlL WOKKB,'7 TBIUMPH TBUSS CO., 834 BO WEST, N. ' to whom was awarded tas for tha best Kaatle Trass aad Saroorter at i i. ... i . l GREAT 'AXXKICAH IXSTTTUTI FAIR, 1 eaTi . a rsatare I. front to M days and 1AM dotlar. forte- they eaaaot offer dollara for a eats thev euro. ' Thev enplov a ? h- ;um -J Terras aioderata.. Cases naraoteed. Or. ders Oiled by man. Ezamluatioa free. The atnal discounts to patreo. , Bead IS ants ld-Hptlrsbook lo ' ' T O C t E A S 50J Buittls of '-very flae Black Peas rej ,uq xoaTTrre,erip tnreaea at ! OATTI3 A DXES7 Oak City Oraoary sad fsed Wore. STILti AHEAD. - Jtttt received , , . X 20,000 yards at w and liaqdsoos Spring Calicoes at 10 cents per yard. 40,000 yards at 7 and 8 cents per yard BUT LISTEN I READ " BETTER KTILLlt! ' . Just received 20,000 yards at 5 cents per yard. A plenty to make all ot the children a dress apiece and have enough left for a wrapper, all for ona dollar ! GWjsrdsl , COME TO CREECH'S, " He is the man to make prices. DRESS GOODS OP ALL DESCRIP- -TIOKS ! ; - - -..The trade will always find on hand tha largest and moat attractive assort ment pf. ,,, , , , - Spring Dress Goods to be found in the city, especial atten tion nas been given to their aeiection. 1 1 pronounce them, for beauty otetrect. unsurpatsed ty any oncrca at any pre vious season. An early call will guar-1 uiwo jou enure sausiocuua iui tiui : Starle and Fancy Goods.1 ii a - m i My stock embraces most everything that is kept la lilrst class Dry Goods bouse, and in fact I have never be tore had the" pleasure of offering in the his tory oi ue ary gooos iraae.in anvex I penenca oi tweniy-uve years, bo large and complete and so uniformly cheap a aathia... lullvpro- pared to meet tie bjtrd timw as to Je pnct.iK' ,c,:..,. i "TT L' 0 Cn. U ; i Hflt.C rV. M f P Q t JLLVL tO SJU UimClJt irt, txi - , wjix, u Ail ox tiiAwiiij. i I - I keep the largest and most aomplcla stock o aboaa to b. found in th ott v . . , T , ... k " I iuiii jiayuig uvuyuk mew H . iuo ibi i fraJs In New York, from fJrxt band-Theywill ,ba soldat attonistf ingly low prices. ...j.' BKVAK sABB BX ..j,.. i,! i CREECH'S When you want a pair, of Shoes. .,!,: ,f , s -.TO -..ay (T ,Jf "COUNTRr '"MERCHANTS, f " I I have Ibis day opened a wholesale I department,aeparate from nf retail de pertinent, whkh embraces full fines of all staple goods usually kept bj CO dairy anercbaats, and aa 1 1 buy them by the " P-ckago, from first hands, fed conndrnt that I caa save your money by buying goods from me. .. All that I ask is a call aad took lor yourselves. ' I I ' H ! 1 -;A,L12EEC11.! march Jl-dlwtw. A -Grcatzdffer!! I We wtn dsrtngthe IIOLIDATB dispose Of 1M) PIANOS W ORGANS ay tratstaes ma ker., including WATERS' at lower prices toaasver before offered- Mnothly hLult- j wientt received ruanint from 11 to mom ha. I Wamnted fur S years. Second Hand Io- I itranmu a rTtnmelr kiw Drtcaa tor cask Ii tuiratM CM'; Jlailtd. AuenU muUtd. I P" revelry. Slnsl package with ela-1 II H&MUmiM ! -raat Prlae, porW,' tSe. Urcalar-free. I XlA .t - ,-,ir-n, New Gonr s! rsilr. w l'i'w r-r-r uJl vVremonm4i Broadway, N. T rrjr caboluta bovsxhold - XAQAZ1BS. . -. - Aa. Klnitntat Month) at tJhai IJw ft U b4 t I", tr.fl P-l- tial is s Bort attraetivs feaura.' Ike Jirf aaaibereorteina a Ufa I ka oortntt at Km. Vov. Z. . Vance, aa Morraphlod ketea.j to befoUowirf la aarh liutw witk pkot tnphs of ette preaaiMt etatsaaMa, avtaea OWLTItW A TXAK, Toatafe Trea, '( and aaea aniMentMr caa make a c botes ot three bum, bvaaafml. Um m. aia . efcarklMxWIachaa, vtst The VWiaff of tba Birtof die 1 eaipU,' T kUdaa,M aad "Kins Lear Defrtac tka Stora," tor warded ea reoetrt of the eabaerlptioa prtea, ai.k . il. v . . . . " I r, .fT"fa wna ooaate F&S3?RSZ fraa. lintle -eoetaa B 8U moatba aaa.1ptioa wttheat the Aa (ravtag il.W. iguta Wasted CvarywaasSL I JQuuaA.Boirrrz.PahifaiiR. I laa SS-tf ' t-. i riniii.hni m n , , I " WW a fftiaawMBia ... mmtm t mM , m ar w 1.1 b h i , i ri w n i it t ttw Now Booki umt rvaJjr. y autlior ofihs If ouaehold Of ' . iianTaneV .- !' y -. ot , icafflfi laii, v;;;.:, " r-'.'iv. j.t.u f liririam'i Inaiii,..'"., ZA'-rf. r ::" - nw Tie Houaetold of BonTerie. Xr ' "iJester Ho.irard'ii Temptation. The above 8! Kew Books srw wrtttea by the popular Southern AatbnreM, Mrs. Oath" I ertns srms A. wirdcld, formerly of MlerisslppV bat bow of LooUtDIo, Ky . and strtbor of the i k.. K WOrid.1l anlall Wnrfr HTt. Unnm.mmU I aVmverie," wt.tch Is oae of the beat aa4 Z1.JZZJSZL Ik21tarl!l2: I V. .7 . -L .! . t.1 l clow, rull 1 1 '- ar .sois. 0 J " IF I Bomler, f cmw tf nth m$ er mm I tf tht thou loJi, " or ' " tmpUU ft vf lU miRUmimUaMlai ea tmktinf Uir yrie i m Uttmr U (as -T.- B. PETERSON BRQTHKaS,! r aw Cbssnnt Street, rhilaiklpbia,Tfc IJOTTON DINar' One SO and on do Saw of these celebrated Bang Klb Ulna In Store, aad will be eoid at reduced price. They are said to eleaa better, gojjaster aad last longer than any other gin aept la-sat, ?i ( .-" Agaat '.. p 11 E A P.F 0 E LI " l'tt,--at., it ml ' Wood and Goal Yard. 1 8Ile,"lu, f"-Wood at flop par Cord. Uirblwood , 4.00 -" Coal, .. -i ; 10.0S i, L. T. Delivered la any part of the Cltv for est h nly.-- - ; ) - , Ordert stay be seat to yard or to y r OATTla A JONE8 ' I ' - j t-,' Grata and Eoraire atore. aprSft-U WUiaiBgtoa St. rpHOMAB BTAHIT, '. - f i Dealer fcj all klads of ... ... .. f ,.I1H'I il'KjTfa-M . I . GRAIN . COR W PECiALTT. "T; Newbem, iaa.14-igi-- V. A. OlTrta.' t 1 -J 'V-ii iOBEBJ ; Gattis t& Jones City Granary & Pe ed Store ' inAUS B.TTTTnTX.1 Vttnhi. a. is the pises to syewrsapplissef tsef-- . . wsjum, sttAiv . . . sv 'aAHJIl, FODDER, t . WtUl?: an n.mfmU. snu nom, na Cam food to be had. x ;JJt,.,aJ ' Wponnds'flpwn,,orBesvyBilddllngs. , pounds Browa-Btuff. tplendld article. - S.OOObuthelt betWeleaned Wbits Com. 1,W bushels Seed Osts, 8pttnr aad Winter' sijo bushels Stock Fees. " v roond. KK1 M 215! KJl 5j?ii .' r"""" 'V tw p-j, vim. v,y ynjuaum i.. v. nay, i I Ya!0 jxw-aa Fodder, eompreta and loots li&xJ'ZiZ" 8U0 buabels Bolted Meal, to arrive. - u 1 " A ear load or two of goods received evet. day or two, and sold for ce.h at bottom prices.. 0 ATT 18 A JONES. 100 Tom Coal and fiOOCordaaf Wood at lowest Cash prices tor sals by ,, , , atca to o.tm. J. A. JON go. T T w w i A: i.T i . . T I f a , , - i 'Auctioneer 1 rvttnrrocrfnvj irifinrtitm wjuuuooiwu iU"naa l, nttrirri'nr' s- . ' " Prompt aUentlon wlUbe given 'to all Mar. ehaadiM ar Produce sent to me for sale. Z2? Z tbr!i mx aientus uusa io wis aecuoa. , , . llortes and mules sold .every Satunlay at 10 o'clock. r- if . S10 to25pcr lwy " . T. uurit,1, I CJi 1 a k ISA CO.. at. ijEND 85c. UO. P. BO WELL A CO.', New O Tork, for Pbamphlet of 1(X para, eoa- t??Vr?1? aadastlssstor.-. r V. "-"a- f f !L0-TJ.r"',l -. -I .: ...1: r IS I: I! J': R&lcicb. N. 0. itaM. Pvth-WBHiM-BtlrBa. A4dM UUKAvK " A I OV.S. Ok i VO S4. irtuajta.