THE RALKIQ1I SENNTINEL. this paper oil m wrm ALL MEN A SPIED T CUKJL Wakuviil ilia IWt ar Llah. Stricture. Afectloa of th Kidney of bladder, 1to1- AKecuoa ol in ajuney ot w astary Discharge, lainotaocy, ii bully. Nervoueuoss, byepepale, Low Spirt to, Cool uaioa ot Ideas, Languor, FalpitatJoM Of iMuean. iihuuuj, i of Sight or Utddine, Dux Throat. Nose, or eklo. "Liver, Lauirs, Stomach or lib) diaoniors artalnf fit of Um Unit, Timidity, Trembling, Dlmneu ot Sight or Ulddineae, DImm of tit UmiI, ' Auoniuni m we Bowril'-tho tes. from solitary Uablta of IwU seen sod solitary practices Bora fatal lo their victim than tha song of Ui RtnM lo the Mariner of Uljrsses. blight idif their nott brilliant bo DM ed anticipe- tendering rrijr almost impossible, dcaH-gjIng both Body aud Mind. MurM MnoM r rxir eoatempl- Hag marriaro, Buffering from Orrsaio Bad Phvaieai Weakness, Loss of ProcreeUv Pmm Imnntenrv. Prostration. F.xbausted Vital Mr, Involuntary iHBKbargee, Noa-Eree uumv. Ilas Rtnlaaioa. FsluitaUoa of the Haul, Urnnutu Jtxt-iUbnitjr, Ltecay of the Physical ana Mental Power, Derangement ot all ta Vital lore aad function. Narv oh Debility, Loee of Manhood, General Weeks of tbe UrnM, art over other - aahappy disqualification, speedily removed. and full manly vigor reatoreu. . To loanf Ilea. Thea in mm of th d and melaacholl fleeU produced by early habit of ToaUi, ill WnbM of the Back and Limb. Pains mUM Used, Dunuese of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, PalplUtloa of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervoa irritability, Derange- bmdI ' of the DfcreaUv uncltoue, . General Debllitv. Bvnititome of CoBaumntio. eta. Mibautt The fearful ftcts oa the dad ar muc'j to be dreaded Lo of Mens err, Cenfualoa of Idea. Depraeeioa of Spir it, Kvil-terebouliigs, Averatoa to society, Belt-lnstnist, tore of fiolitad. Timidity, ate., are aom of the svils produced.. Thonsaada of Dereoaa of all ace eaa aow Judge what ia the cause ot Uilr declining health, losing their rigor, beeoaslng weak, ale, Bervoaa and emaciated. Baring a lngw- lar appearaoee about ue area, auagaa lareeeat IMaaaea Immediate fcelW No Marrary. Panoaa raining their bealU, wasV lag JUata with Ignorant prrtaader art Im fhw Advevtaatog tamfcrecm pa a tm- rpo ALL KU A SPIED T .CVUL X . proper treatment, anving aweeee raw we . y,tm by tha Deadly Poleoa, Mereury, noting Petal AffeeUoaa of the Head, Throat, kewaU, apMdily rared. Lai bo daUoacy pr- j : tent apply unmeaiateiy. Iaetuae etamp to ue oa reply. Addr Vf , JOIIIIStAll, - OP TEW BALT1H0HK LOUK UOShtiX, AO. T, bOVTH tMUKKl,M HI.. BtTWiSS BAhTlMORK ANU i UCOAD HIJlWTtL JLlLTlMURJt, Mb. "I HI 181! CHIME I ABOtherlotof Retail at SO eetita nornoand. Tnrlt. At P. C cuRUSTuriiKKo m , , WUmlngtoa ttreet. ALL KIXDS OF IMPROVED Arricultoral IaplemeaU and Macbiaa. ry maBofactured and for aale by tha SAUL AGSUCULTUaAL WORKS, . V ; " - ' fiaK ; qui kiia tYx X3ty Orf n ' . caa be foand at ' SBOWM'S TABIXTT STORE, ai -tf ' Bollemaa Building JATWT SEWS I SAVED HIS BACON , Havtoc Mlted two anodred hog, wa are preparad to flU orders for home made baeoa of all kind at ' P.CCBMSTOPHIRSmCanS, -WOmlagtoa atreet. Bear City Scale. QUAIRS CHAIRS 1 A large lot of Country Made Chair to be old at low ngure at . C. CHBJSTOPHIRS COS', V" ! WUmingtoa atreet. Agents. MAIE WO INUAGIMKITS TILL- I0 . MI yv - ;i -,U-.-.f. . Which la tbrflllug inter, tterltng merit, eleraoce and ebeanneaa, ba abaolutely ao eqnal. It la "The Thing" for the Centennial rtod-take oa eight. l The North Amerlcaa Ketew aayt it Ude erring of aaqualltted pralae : we anticipate for It aaaxtenalva DODahuitT": the Dubuque Times eaye"Jat each a work as thoosaad of th America People will be iad to po ee"t th Uetrolt Adrertlaer ealie H vpr ferabls to any yetpublUhed." ANT ACTIVE -MAN OaV MUMJta PL food sqarea insareq la rare nroata aad steady work, for a year, ror-IUU panmiiar, aaarene . J. by riUI L.U., BXJrarK riaea, aprSO-St, Hew Tori. (JOUTHKIUf POUCT-HOLDEB. V . Aa Insaraaea Joans! deroted to the Inter, eat of Policy-holder. Contain aU the la aunac literature of th day. uniy inar bm um la North Carolina. Treat of both Ufa art lira loearaaca. exposing wild-cat eomnaiiiee art eoameadinc th strong oa to tha people of North Carolina, the paper for those uiiareatea uwuianc , . .Subeerlptioa fi.U0 la advance. Adrertlao meat Inserted at reasoaabw rate. , Addre, & HXJTSOS. Editor aad Proprietor, fpt4f naieiga, ' N KW STOKE 1 NEW 60008 1 1 hi M US,. J, T. WATTS, ' f A. J 4.. . . . , MARTIN STREET, I Ojri poo FaoM Baribt 0ot, . 1 V " y " R ALEIQ N. U. : ! Mral Watt I a practical Milliner and Worker ta Straw tiooda. Alter, rrmodel. and prease Suaw aad Pelt Uata, Bonnet. Makes and n models rvrry SeecrlpUoO of Ladies' Mea' or Childrea' Hat. Uiv her a call aad yo may get th latest trie of Pari or New fork. jaal4-2a 800 BUSES, i STOCK PEAS v very low for cash at OATTU A JONES' . . WUadogtoa BU ; 1 - AGINTSIWELIQANT OILC?""'" 3 moanted, U Will, ftwll. v. and Chrotno In every deecrlptloB. ti ntl. IKS lato, Ca, ', PfcfW. ' I JULIUS TAYLOR, irhtcbm ker sid Jewel e r WitMT0 Stbsit, Near thaeoraerof Wflmlngtoa aad Barrett street. ork wall and cheaply executed. ra&tlter CreeSc, Yftdlda Co ,..: fjrj I Dkaucb xw , V "fJu ' . PURh NORTH CAROLINA Rye andOcrn Whiskies, , ;. i and : ! t ORDERS PBO M PTLT ATTENDED TO, Apra-iw.. :,'; v.: : A BLESUNG TO XTE1T HOUSE HOLD. Eureka WasMiig Ma- j fitUiU4lcU WV 1874. .Tala mw laraBUoal awmpleU wnm. WaahM ff7thuc from a lady lao i CoQat to t CoaaVarpaaa, la ths most thoroaga sad MpiaU tyla, . Works wtU aaa art rapidity art witaoat m)mrytoUMloth, , TIMS AND MONET SATED. . Th Wsshlag Som bp a woman, la oa .-. v, - - - . day eaa bdoa by th pttntd Earska hi Uuee hoars. . .. ; Prie Sift, with wtUgec a.taehad SSS. t . " , J. B. FAhXAX, ... Maafaetarr art Patteatee, Caiy, N. 0. TZiM-$ iX ITwl iwihOT7wSv : '- ' . , keep oonatantly oa hand V SCt f PERNONO WlNt-Imperlal brand. WHITE AND RED CONCORD WINK. PURE BCTJPPERNONQ BRANDT, 7 ttiperloe for medicinal parpoeea, e,ul b) HV" -n r, n , hl, ,11,, iim.tjifHaTai,i m, "K IsTof toth- best rreack- - SCCTPIRNONO VINIQAR a aw article, wry In. Th article are maaaiactared by th na- vine rani, art art warranted free from any lajurlou adulterattoat whatever. Addr, C W. GARRETT CO., Klnrarood. dt3S-44m. .Halifax county, N. C 1815. CaTliTimaiii Our DcaL 1876. 1IAGAZINE OF 128 PAGES, DnUtd It forth Omlittaktrpad, ktrprmmt .'' I?-' aaa ntrpuwn, . Tsaats $3 rat TBAB, PoaTaai Pbxpata ; " f -., Addre, B. D. POOL, ' V!,Tj-'""v Raletgh,N.a tW ThoM to whom bill have ben eat wui pieasa renik : Two Tears for Only 5. ? Hvlng a few eompleU Sir of Oca Lrvia ad Ooa Dbab for lHTioa hand, w will fur aiah that year sad th eatlre year 1S79 lor Library AasoclaUoa aad Historical Socie ties would do well to Bote this. lit, Sd sad Sd volumes handsomely bound library ctyio runubed at a,ow per vol nine, or SU7S, tf sent by mall. Cam ) eiwaaipewp mU erawa. -, .... Address -- ' - ; S. D. FOOL, . aa 13-UT Raleigh, N. C ; "For; Sale;-3 W. Visas A XI nil, eiaavn pisea, Stones, Leads, Rules, A-, of th MSouthera 111 nitrated Age," for sals at a bargala. ' - - Amy oa hi waat of aeompleto oatlt for a huxe weekly paper will do well to call and examine this material, or address a by mall. A portioa of th type I aew, aad constat Ot Small Plea, Long Primer, Brevier, Mmloa, Ji on parte l, ami 7 luauoi uupnj type, i - Addre, -- v i -v.'. ED WARDS. BROUGHTON A CO.. XchlO-tf. Raleigh, N. G TyrORRISYILLE ACADIMT. ' ! , Th S3d Seaaloa of my School will opea July 10, 187", aad continue Ive month. Tuition, Board aad Washing per Seio . 9a Va I A 1 1 Vil( aV I lalw.ihrM. JaneS-deodlm - MorrUvllle, N.C ' Samaritan Nerrioe. . THS rreat Nerv Conqueror. Vearea XpUepticFlta.Convulsloa. r Vpsams, St. Vltna, Danca and CV HJ XinTOW VIHlH , WW VU1J -abvknown poaitiv remedy for Ept , U'ptlcPlu. It ha been teated by never kaowa to fail la a ainirls eaa. Trial pack an free. Kncloss itampfor Clre Circulars giving vt- aeau ttt cure. A tdd DR. 8. A. RICHMOND. actlS-lSm , Box 741, Sk Joseph, X MIND READING, PSTCHOMANCT, PaadaaUoa, Soul Charming Mssmerlsm, sad Marriage Guide, a bowing how either sea may faaclnat aad gala the lov art af fectloa of any peraoa they ebooe Instantly, t pare. By mail Ml eta. Hunt t IJO S. 7th St., Phiia ra. 50,000 LBS. SPLENDID : roDDnn at tlS per luu lbs. . , 15,000 lb splendid Baled OeU at iS pM 100 Ids. ' . v.- , GATTIS A JONSS'! Orals sad Peed Sto RAILROADS, &e. 0 IEDMONT AIR-LT3TE BAIL IT- WAY. IUchmosd A Danville, Richmond A Dahtillk R.W, X.C. Division, and Korth Wkstkrn N, y. tt.nv, QJnvEN'ED TIME TABLE, 1,U75. . 1 .Hi. j. 1 GOING NORTH. STATIONl Leave Charlotte -. . 454 M. a.35 - 1 -WM 1.MF.K. 1.4W taf" " Air-Line June's - Salisbury Greenaboro.... - DaavUl Jrundee, ...... . Burkevilie..... ArrtvtKicaiaoad.. GOING soum STATIONS. Uasu Lear RlchawMd M BurkevlUe ' ' Dundee.... " DaavUle ' M Greenaboro.... " Sallabarv (AO A. at. 1.00 " 1.88 P. at, 1.41 4.IM ? CM .W -.18 ; " Air-UneJuno'a Arrive at Chariot te.. GOING EAST. GOIN0 W. STATIONS. Lear Graeniboro.. .0)A. M. A. 4.18 A.M. - Co. Shop..... L. A.11.06 -L.S.M - S.4mj Slv at Goldsboro, 1.40 ru STATIONS C . J ff Vu Trala. Lav Grsensboro... C. Shop .... Arrive at Ralelfh.... Arrir at Ooldaboro.. T00PM A. 6.00 at. L.T 6.00 m A. f ao p m. 1L1S" jLvlOom. NORTH WESTERN N. O. K. It Saucm Branch.) 1TI Greeaaboro 4.45 P. M. : y Unlaeat flfliass . i . n, - f r riteavs Baleut . .'. '. . , " AI 14. - ' Arrir at Ureeaaboaa 10.83 " Passenger Trains leaving Raleigh at 10.04 A. M. eoooeet at Greensboro with the South ern booed trala . making the aulckeat time to all southern cute. Aceommodauoa train leaving Raleigh at 7.80 P. M., connects with Northern bound Train at G'eenaboro for Richmond for all point tart, frk-e of Tick U tan a via other route. Aeeommodatkm Train Jeaylnr Orenboro at 7.0U P. M., connect at Ooldaboro lth Morthera aad Boutbera bound trains Oh th WUmlnitoa aad Wsldoa RaUroad. , . Lyacbburg Aecoma od alios leaves Rich saood dally st 00 A M., arrive at BurkcvUle li.m P. hf.. leave Burkevilie l. P. M., ar rive at KichmoM 4.M r. la. No chanoi op Cabs bktwkkm Cuab LOTTI AND RICHMOND, Ho'Z AIIXES. JOHN R. MACMVRDO, , Uencral Passenger Agent. Kirhmond. T. M. R. TALCOTTi Ma a. a j- Goal Sapartataadoai. I Pmaaarma. Va,, March list, 1870. CHEDULE OF TRAINS. OOIKO SOUTH. Through Mail leave Peters- burg at Arrive at Weldoa at, Southern Expree leav Pe- teraburgat Arriv at Weldoa at. Through Prelght with Paa- aeager Coach attached, leave Peterbarg at Arrive at Weldoa at. . .. .... . eOINO WOBTH. Through Mall leav Weldoa at Arrive at Petersburg at southern Expree leave Wei- , doe at Arrive at Petersburg at Throagh Prelght with Pas- - senger 'Coach- attached. wave Weldoa at 8:87 P. M. . P. M. : A. M. VJtH A. M. 8:80 A. M. 8:15 P. M. 7:95 A. M. UM A. hf. 4:00 P.M. T.-WP.M. 4:15 Arrive at Petersburg at . , 10 :10 P. M Through Tk-keU sold to all Rasters and Soothers points, aad Barrage Checked through. H. tTIhAjGLAS, , p i-tt , . i , ' - Supwutasdenh, RICHMOND ; A N D PETIR8BCRG BAiLaosD cosrut, comubscino arau. lav, 1870. Train oa this road will ran a follow s - - "7 XbATX riTKRBBUBO NOBTH. TJ)0 A. M. Prelght trala dally except -r- " SuoJayhh eoaeh attached: 13.00 ' U. Through Mail dally connecting with R., P. P. RaUroad for r all poinU Eaat and West. 7:3S P. M. Through Matt dally except ' Bandar, eooaectlng with R- P. P. Railroad, for all point ' , Kaat art Weat. Pullman's . Sleeper sttachad, running , through to Baltimore, making cloa connection with C. aad O. R. R., for Virginia Spring and all point Weat aad North. Th 1:10 A. M. trala from Richmond, and tho tM.. train froin..eterbnrslll stop at all regular itationt. - - Pssaengers for Clover Hill connect at Cheater -MONDAY, WEDNESDAY art FRIDAY. All trams leaving Peteraburg will start from th Appomattox Depot. , rr SHAW, apS-4A - . . . Superintendent. TICKET PARKS AND TIME SCHED ULE TO TH W EST, via THE CURS APKAKE A OHIO R i. rintclaa far from U sleigh to ClncmnaU suss. ' T ' First elss far from Raleigh to IndUnap dl 25.75. First elaa far from Raleigh to Chicago SL86. .. s First elss from Raleigh to St. Lonls S3.35. Pint elaaa from BalelKh to Lonisvills 87.35. Psssenrer for Ctnctnsatl and the Weat, leavlnc Raleigh by tbe K. AO. R. R. 10.00 a. m. train, reach Richmond at 8.45 p. m.; leave Richmond at 10.80 p. m., by tbe Cla elnnatl A Ohio RaUroad, aad reach Clncta atl at COO on th morning of th second ' CONWAT R. nOWARD, Gsa, fas. A ticket Agent. W. M. S. Doa. , agtnneer and SupX -plCHMOND PETERSBURG R. R. CO rtomnumeinr (VL 24th. 1875. Trains oa this road wUlraaa follows i . t , r La avi Richmokd, Sotrra. v ' tit I W Ttimnvh Mfl; 7:45 A. hf". vi.kt tv.i , P. U Throorh Mail t . I - , T . S P.M., Freight Trala. s AtBAVB rsTaaaevait, ouiti. 7:50 A. M- Freieht Train ; IS M., Tbrourh V.n: IP. M. PreUrht Trala : 7:S5 P. hL, Thrpajh Mat). . Z .V X I t Cosohss attached to aO freight train for aerammodatloa of paasenger. ' Tha Compaay oners apaeiai inaacwnmu ck Gaaton, Kalelgh Auguat and W eaters N. C. 1 RaOroads, to tbe way of low freight aad pa-eager rate dAw-tf - Superintentleat THE n p 1 ni mnpiT ii m w uuuuiuiii uuuui Hiiiuiu im ; INSURES AtL KIMDS OF PBOmtTV AGAINST -: AUTHORIZED CAHTAL, , 1 : ,! " - ; .? HjttOOO 00. ASSETS, MAY'S, 187,' ! -i:- r i,$.14iVW 19- RA T i-FiTCS-EC, 3T. O. ARMISTEAD JONES, Prfbidkttt, ti. W. BLACKNALL,' TbbvUvVeb, R. W. BEST, Kxcbxtabt. . . - Parti dIrlnf to tntnr their property (hoald patronise ' thl Company, for th fol lowing Raaona : It it a aafe corporation, eombrnlnjf ao)vtry-art--atabtUty-ftwa th moia eaeenttal point la aa laauraae Compssy,) as the following certificate from th See rauryof Suta a. forth : . - . Department of Statr. , s , Raleigh, May Sth, 1876. - T AU WkanUltti Conetmf - - - This Is to eertlfy that t have thoroughly examined the "bualoess affairs and flnances" of "Tha Southern Underwriters Association," Ral sigh North Carolina, In accordance with th pmvUiooa of aa act to smead sectioas 41, 48 art 44, "Battle's Revlssl,H chapter 95, rat laed liRh day of March, A. D.. 175, and do And that (aid company is -dolnr baaiaea apoa sound principle, within tha provisions of Its charter, and In compliance with th law of th Stat of North Carolina," aad that they ar poaaeaaaed of the following McarUlea, which will mora fully appear from statement oa nl la this office j Unitd HUitoa Bond, (market raloo.) 3 . 70,200 00 N. 0. R. Road Bond, (market Aloe,) i - .,,--7i-f--T..i.iiitooo oo N. G. Oooutr and City Bond, (market alaa,) 19,875 00 MortgageaooRealEatatoinN. a (flrt lien,) : 83,196 00 (Jsah on hand, in BarJt and in band of Agent, 10,108 19 Total, la aooordanoa with tha authority delegated to me by the Lrgiiiktnra, I hereby approva the Report of aaid Company filed tbia day. , " Given under my hand and aeal of offloe. ? : t WU. H. HOWERTON, Secretary of State. ifprxecta the policy-holder fof ita Charter require 5 per cent, of the premi um received to be deposited with tbe State Treasurer for that purpose. - ' ' lta stockholder are among the prominent business men in North Carolina. It is under the control and management of native North Carolinian. 1 It ofllcer are known throughout the State. , ' It will Insure yonr property on the most reasonable terra. , . , . V . -It will keep jonr money at home. - w live, Active, lteliable Agenta w..ntfdln every part of the Bute., Addre, , R. W. BEST, Secretary, Raleigh, N. O. KhOaerSiip Wai nor eUlag RHODES' . STANDAR AMMONIATED 8UPERPD08PHATK. Prepared Express ly for Cotton I - Thl PrUllxr ha given th greatest tlfactlon to 11 who have naed f not only as grower of Cottosv hat aa-aPEBMANENT IMPROVER OP TMESOIU lt la an articl htrji mpermtstrf tawasost vslaahl IsiWWug (ngredlents, vrtilch re Bone frrfmphal oi UmeAsMBoaia, Potaaa, We respectfully refer by pernilaaioa to Ihs following pM tie who havs used this Fertlllter. K J. Ivey. haleigh; W. G. Rlddft-k," Nraee; Fr. -toph' a, Raleigh ; R. PaUy, Wakefle'd; A. B. Dewar. UarneU; Dr. Walter Debmaa, Raleigh, and other. Cotton grower would do well to see a before p archasior their Ouano. Chris I--. . , ' '" . -' K.F. JONES (JO. Y"-' Also keep oa hand a full lln of G ROCIRIIfl and LIQUORS. K. P. JONES & CO. Web lMaWSmvK N C ft It HAKDWAEE ,1V. OT EVE3Y DX2SC11IPTXOI-V J A 8A8H, DOOU - Shapley and Eigeloir Steam Engines, LARGEST STOCK , IN JULIUS LEWIS & CO., V Fisher Building. Kalelgh, X. C. ; WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, PRICES, A., !SPE0IAL: WE MANUFACTURE TOBACCO BOX SCREWS, WARRANTED EQUAL TO any made in the South, which w will aell at aa low flgurea, tor cash, sa they caa be bought anywhere. - To partle ordering tlx or more Box Per waat once, ws sra prepared to offer ipeclal Inducement. , All kind of Tobacco Manufacturers Fixture fnrniahed to order. Re paring promptly attended to. Bead la your order ahead of time. Give a a trial at th C A. 11EGE Sdvency j.-; it ' Stability I i A Promptness I ! THE r "i.T 'I-;, I' , 1 .. , . . Ii Cii Ii i. Co., CJT1P SC. CONTINUES TO WRITE POLICIES ON ALL CLASSES OF I NSC R ABLE PROPERTY ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. - . ' It Stockholders are among tbe most prominent and responslbl business men la th State. During lta existence It ha paid out lo msarers. for loeees, over lfi0,0Uu, art It accumu lated earn np have been kiaoed to our own people. Agents in every Countv in the State. ; ! ' ' : f . .-T t-X.J- R, LT. BATTLE, Jr I j C.11. KOUT,- ja- v-. SEATON GALES, - P. COWPER, ' RsWgh.sIarth Slst-lm. : . i ' . i - J ' .. t - .' f $152,379 19 N0RTI1 CAROLINA. , KOTIGE. ate SALEM AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Salk N. C. Proprietor. 331S211 JIS, President . YicePrcsident. V Secretary. : ' "i ? i 6 uier vwor of Agencies. M P O R T A NT . ,. Just received aaothar Installment of ' TB OEvOaTghrTJOlNr-rMMItNtf- ' BRIGHT FROM THE MINT, V Which we cootinu to py out to our cus- tpmen la change. . .,,.-;.,. .,.....-.: X Have also received S,000 jda. short length, pfintr LAWNS ANlr -MTifLlNS,' "twwrtr .: r.v caa be sold for a profitat 10 rent I per yard. ADDITIONAL PUBCnASM BT EXPRESS. Qf a beautiful assortment of ' ' s IL'MMKR MOHAIRS, , i TLA1DS, 8TRIPIS ' ; ' AND 1 LAIh, , !.? , -i asceedlngAx Jtyw pft! , hi all the ne w ' , & . . .. . hade. ' -. - r ivni,; ' ' ri.r':. ' ... Brown, ,.. . : Blue and Drab, Grey, e. ! AJso a uperb stock of Men's, Ladle. and Misses' Boot, Shoes and Oaiters, ! ' Another parcbsssof thoseREADY-MADK SHIRTS at LW each. ' : ' The Shirt glv aulversa! satlafactloa wherever used. ''' ..'''' - ." ' W. H. A R, S. TTJCKER. Msyll-tf -- 5 T? oxzu'tzr$ worklac people of hVi . yeuag aad old, make mors iimim-; at work for , ia their owa locaitl. d- rUr their psr mo meats, or sll tbstlm-v'tsas atavy ihlugeU. Wa rSer emtilo.mtnt ihal Will pa y Da tomslv 'or vrv kooi'a aura Fall par len Ur. term, ate., 'rat fre. reti a i our ad dr t our. D.'t delay. Now U th time Don't h ok tor aork r baaiaeaa ekewbare, nntil yoa hav learned what weoUer. J. ? i , Purtlaad. Miaa.., ,. , ili , . , : rpiiE SALEM AGRICULTURAL WORKrl. " " RALEU.X.f. ' ' ' Manufacturer of ih New Improved Salem P owa, and other Agrk-allural Implement and Labor-Saving Machinery. TOBACCO BOX SCRRWS AND MAX I1IN- CRT MADE AND REPAIRED, ;i Poandrv aad Machine Work done 10 tr- dK Reparriarat Mae4tnry pompUyMfch. taadad t.JtU work warrule4,. Ul'e. . triaL :'. -i. .:; '.,-', ' Black'Hills POIfiCiei BOOK, BAPS, RATES, tOCTi, y. sent fber to any addre, Apply to W. P. JOHNSON,. Cetera! Paa. AgU I. .. R. B., Chicago, or to 1. P. RAN DOLPH, Traveling Agt. L t. R. R . I disnspolls, Ind. ' s'pr S-4w M IAL! MEAL ! I Two Car loads heat bolted Corn Meal tnat taat u at lis tuttiM- Granary and Porsgs Store. . , WllmingtOB 81, aprtS-tf Wa. W. lowaa. AaHlaTBAO JoiaBN ON 18 JON B8. ' :. 3 Attrneya at Lsv, ' 4 RALXIQU, N. U PRACTICE m tha Suprem Coart of its SUta, th Circuit and District Court of to United Btates aad to several Courts of th th Jadicisl District. Oftiee oa FayettavtU. BU. opposite . Viuaeae nauocai mu.- tjp i laaS-ltf H OMR FERTILIZER. Send to G. B. Alford, at Apes, for a circu lar. For tea dollars he will send yoa the chemicals by which yoa make a ton of good fertiliser for cotton, corn, tobacco or any ether crop. This la the cheapeet and beat fertiliser jet offered to the farmer. Mr. Al ford's neighbors have, tried It with marked uecees. --'- The following gentlemen have testiflej It good qualities ; ' A. K. Clements, Petor Knight, Ruffin as tlebury, Alsey Freeman, Rev. J. T. Rogrrs Joseph bteadmaa, Rev. A. D. Blackwood Rev. Johnaton Olive, A Win Olive, G. II. Ai; ford, Albert Norriea, T. A. Council, Alvi Alston, Robert Williams. JaniWtf " pACONI BACON! Just received 10,000 pounda Western bacon, bought before the riae. Call and get your supplies. At small advance for eaah, at P. C. CmJSTO!'HER8 A CO.'S, Wflmlngtoa street, near Ctty Scale . - - A cup of GOOD TB A. - A noted Eerltsh Travtler saya, mach fluer Tea Is drank la Russia tksa la England the difference Is not probably ewinr to the er land tranaportatlon but that the Huwlana buy tbe best Tea grown la China, little ot that kind going to other eoanule. THE RUSSIAN TEA COMTAM' offer in this maiket a limited quantity ot this Tea. It is sbaolutvly Pure. ,' ' , Sent by mall, prepaid, I la. eanMers, I3.S0 t lb. SI io. To Introduce thl Tea a -liberal ample cent fur S.V. RUSSIAN TEA CO., 1U0 Paaat St., N. Y. s my IVtw A NOTUEt Car Load of Genuine Whit Oat for sal cheap. At F. C. CUKltiTOPIlERS A CO'S. feblS-tf . WUtoingtoa I. WALL 8TEEET , CARICATURES ; A new Book, 48 Fsges, eoaUiotog 14 En graved llluatrstloas, vith informalioa for Stock 8ieculators. Price 10 cents by mall. TUMBRIDGKm COy Bankers and Brokers, a WaU Street, V i febl4w - - " urrre or Borssisramssv, Petersburg, V , November 144, 1 CHANGE OF SCHEDULR TO Use effect SUNDAY, November SSU: GOING SOU1IL Leav Petersburg at BuftJ A. M. and S:3T P. M. Arriv at Weldoa at 9-.S3 A. M. 6:55 P. M. -GOI.NG NORTH. Leav Weldoa at T:S4 A. M. and 4 P. M. Arrive st Peterebarg at 11:46 A. M. slid . 7T P. M. Trains connect st Petersburg and Weldnn atth tralna for all southern and northern point. .Ticket sold to all southern, south- -wsstera. Bonders and eastern points, snd baggage checked thivurh. fl. T. DOUGLAS, fch. lS-dttw-tf. , Superlntenilciit. t'jMtviuaiain.Vi J j-