TI1E RALEIGH SENTINEL. NMmtli Alwaieaad Cawr AH Clmaartaacee FRIDAY. JUS E 30, ,1878 i : SAMUEL J. TILDUN Of VKW YORK. FOU ylCE-FBESIDENIV 'THOMAS A. HEDSICK8fT OF INDIANA. 'if - K r ? ELECTORS AT LARGE i , D. O. FOWLE, of Wake, v J. M. LEACU, of Davidson. 'DISTRICT ELECTORS i 3d Dmttbict JOIUi F. WOOTEN, S DisTWOTOrnr DT STAXFOKD, tin Dnrniicr FAB. fiL BUSBEE, ,5tb DurratcT-F. C. BOBBINS, f fira DpruciwB. P. WAEIXa I OUR STATE TICKET.: For Governor:'' ;0,,', ZECULOX B. vVAKCE, ' ir,"xiccKtfeSBOBd.;t "? T . it' r- : . . . . ' - . 1 ' -. J-.. i.;i'"iit'! i 1 v'Ys '-iii !-' ' For 'Lieulena$it Governor! '' '.VTnoMAs j; jakvis, If .!"! !l" 5tf i 1 " For Slate Treasurer; :Jr v 'J., J..M, FOUTII, of BaHVOLpnv f,l 'or Secretary of Slat! josepuX engelUaud, 'HEW IIANOTKK. ' ' ; iti I or ,11 AT WOOD.- ,) For Attorney-General ; THOMAS 8. KENAN, i, ,0 .i OF WILSOM. e h foSu'L of Pub. Jnslrucltont , ( !.;. i v wiivih ... ,-. ,.ri;:: -.!; ;J, ror Congress j ; .. For Con(rreSd Dletneti A S V WT SI TA V or HEW H A jfOTKK. " " ,ti-r.:'.t-'A. i ' ' "'''', - ' '(, Fr Gnqrea--Ath District; : . JOSEPH J. DAVIS, For CogressitA DUtrict: ' GEN. A.M. SCALES, v . OF. KOCKINOHAU. ' '" '''For Congress 6t District: ' . C0L..W ALTER. L. STEELE, . 1 "I " . 1 1 of nncoR li ; Congress TitA District: A WILLIAM M. ROBBINS, .: k .ANNOUNCEMENT. .iMifillii- t i i f i. ,... r ' J - t . THS FUTUEE Or THIBEXTtNE. : Tiit aadortlgaed bBTing parchaMj tbe JUlelgh Bonllnel, with iU name, (eod will' Bad 4iubcrlplkn-lUt, berebr jujaouuee IhAioa the fiat day oi Jolj, ' Ihey will Utaa b flrst-cbu moraing dailj nd : wtekly democratic . paper under the name of the Sentinel. ' The J hereby invoke th lupport and encoar atrement ot all the people of North Carolina, who deaira to tea pennartetit ly established at the capital of the tate, B wide-awake, rijoroos demo cratic newspaper, worthy of one of the noblest common wealths in tbe south. - In the meantime, tbe Sentinel , will De continued, dally, . semi-weekly and weekly, as at rent.'--''---'-i-v- The terms of the Daily and Weekly benflnetir11tWTOBlffTmcrjand.- 1 .' t. CEO. A. SMITH. , M. i. W. P. BATCIIELOB. PABT1 OBOANIZATION., At a meetiujr of the Central Executive (JommiUee of tbe democratio party it ,BesolvJ L That the ohainnan of each Connty ' Exeutive Committee be Mrinnaiail Li miKM'l ta th aeareUrv of this committee the name and poetic addreas of each member of Uia aanuw ; ' 2. That each1 member of the aeveral congreaaional. eommitteee be requested o report his Dame and address in like banner ; and also to take notice that he is ex-officio a member of the State Ex ecutive Committee. , v::'tv f ; 2. That this cuumiltau urgently calls . on the eonserrative ' people of North Carolina who favor reform ia state and ' national affairs to form without delay Tihlea and Vance clubs in their reapeo tive townships or neighborhoods ; and the officers of all such clubs are reqoea tel to report their oamei to the Merre tary of this committee, : .7 4.' That " the democratic papers throng hont the state be requested to publish the above resolutions. ' ; ; VT. E. COX, Chm'a. a ii Asot, Sec'y. .-.. The Blue Eulge Elade says s "We met thatdisti.rujkhed diyine, Dr. rritchard, of Ualek;b-OB the train last week, and asked his candid opiuion of Mr. J. C. ticarbrougb, our candidate for Super inlcudent of Public IaitructioijVThe Doctor says, whatever may haye led to bis nomination, a more worthy ' man could hardly have been selected by the democrats. lis ssys Mr. 8. la a grad oate of Wake Forest, la B. very pious man, a member of the" Baptist church, IsBnatlve or Wake county and 'edu cated himself by bis own exertions. He thinks he will make a most excel" lent officer.", , - .. 5 J ! VANCE IN WILKES.' ' : It was said by some berota the re eeut convention at Raleigh that Gov, Vishce would toss a niomber of votes In Wilkes and certain other counties. 'AH expression since the announcement of the ticket has been to the effect that Vance and the ticket are taking like wildfire la those localities. A Wilkes county man writing to the editor of the Stalcsville Laudmark, says ; "Every honest man in North Carolina will thank the convention for the splendid ticket U has given It is invincible, sir. Zeb. Vance is a whole state with In himself. If St Louts will only' do half as well, we can truly thank (jod and go to work like men. Pardon my fervor, but my dear air, we cannot af ford to bo defeated ia November." i ; , . l : LI OUR NATIONAL NOMINEES. !;, '. ,.: - : ; ir i' ' Tbe 8L, Louis convention has ad journed ('h 4i$ after, doing its work thoroughly well. Ia Tildett and Hen dricks a ticket nnexceptlonable In every point of view is given to tbe country. Both are mea distinguished alike for their , ability, purity of character and tialrioUsnu They can and will brlna to reform necessary to atem the torrent of corruption, inaugurated and maintained by the republicans at home, and return us to tbe elevated place we once occu pied in tbe estimation of foreign conn' tries. ' Indeed has the convention done its work well In presenting to the eoua- i iLa name oftwo. auch man as Jil-r den -and Hendricks. The south will rally to their support with an en thus! asm the like of which has never before beea seen In these carta, and wa halUva ihaWll4M-l1k.B Louie convention did not grope about feeling for the most obscure available nun se did the Cincinnati convention, but proudly presents to the country two of Its most prominent and distinguished citizens. The republican party dared not nominate any of Its reoognized leaders ; . their reoords for : the : past twelve years are too black and damning. Two obscure men were searched out and put up simply because direct cor- luptiou , and ' roguery, baa never been proved upon them. How great Is the contrast t The democratic party, strong in the troth and Integrity of Its prin ciple, recognizing the dangers that be set the country, scanned over the long list of its prominent members and eelecU ed from it two of its brightest name names that are synooymes of integrity and pairio tism names that are national in reputation and without the least stain of reproach J This is the contrast be tween the work of tbe two conventions. . i. j ' ,; r. r.:r -4- OAMPAION TRACTS.-4 i In presenting one of the appropria tion bills to the House B few days ago, the Hon. Fernando Wood made a strong and able speech upoa the resources and expenses of the government, and the necessity of retrenchment, . In one of the interesting tables which wet em bodied ia it, there was presented a state ment of the number of employee borne upon the civil list of tbe United States from 1859 to 1875, inclusive, compiled from the biennial official, registers. It shows the enormous growth of the fed- ederal patronage and utter hoHowneei of the republican professions of re trenchment and economy. .The follow ing is a summary of the table, and we ask for it the careful considerstion of onr readers ' '.' Total number of civil employee in . 1859, . .-.. . . 4i,527 low j nnmoer oi avu employes in '1861, v. . , fl,W3 Total number pf ci vtl employes in 18(53, . ...... 47,875 Total number of civil employes in JWSV Y- 63.167 Total number of dvil employee in ' ' Total number of civil employes in 18C9. , . 64.207 Totnl number of civil employes in 1871 J - ' : 87.903 Total number of civil employee ia 1873, ' 843,6430 Total number of civil employes in - These are . official flguxes printed at the government printing ofSoe in Wash ington. They tell their own story. la 18(39, when General Grant came l&td of floe, be found 51,207 civil employee on the pay rolla, Ia 1871 that aamber, ander hia administration, was increased to 57,603. Ia l873 he atiU further in- creamy the pay roll to 86,643a And in 1875 be ran it np to the enormous figure of 94,119. Tbe democratio oommittoee of the House have reduoed the appropriations forty Bullions of dollars, which, if passed by the Senate, will have thouoct of sending fifty thousand of these oiHoe holders to earn a living in some other wsy, and will leave General Grant about the same number of employee be had when be came into ofiioe la 18C9, namely, 64,207, or 10,000 more than was found to be necessary ia 1859 under democratio rule. He and .the republi can Senate are fighting toi keep those fifty thousand leeches fastened np the treasury;" That is "the meaning of thw so-called dead-lock - bsiweaa tbe House and Senate. Doee any one doubt which party is right ? Baltimore Ga- aette. . '- i THE STATE PKE33 ON OUB ; Y'. t - . TICKET. ' (From the WsiblnfUm Echo. - We are ralher behind our ootempora lies in a notice of the gentlemen selected by the recent Democratio State Con van tioo as candidates for the vsrious state offices that are to be filled by the people in November. And now we might, with more profit to our readers, devote onr space to the brilliant, bat well-earned eulogies bestowed upon these gentlemen by the democratio press, than trouble them with anything of our own, - Of that convention it is needless to apeak. as there are bat few, if any, that are not faQy posted ia regard to its action. Tor some of our candidates we hsve a word. Tbe Hon. Z. B. Yanoe was th choice of the convention for the first place on the ticket, and we do not know that stronger asms could have been placed there. To the people of North Carolina that name is as familiar as the notes of their own church bells, and to a large majority it has a sound equally as pleas ant. , -. , There is no man in the state better fitted for a oanvsjas, such as we are pro mised this summer, than Gov. Vance, and whilst there is that ia the maa that U ever present with the radical leaders sod fuglemen, there is also a power, an inflne&oe, a facinatioa about him that carries the masses and leads oaptive sH that come within his range. As a stum. per be baa no superior, and wherever be speaks, we may expect of gathering that earry us back in memory to ante-be 11am tlmes."lf he should be oleoiciTa thing bordering oa certainty ws shall have a Oovernor worthy the state and the party, to whose votes be will owe his elevation. . .v.lcs0L ia aoowo w tarn vrntpto oi lue ticket, is Jukrwn to the people state, sot quite so extensively as Gov. Yanoe. bat pretty well. He wilL we presume, make an active canvass, - . - Of Maj. Engelhard, candidate for See- rotary of State, we most permit a cotsnv better than anything we can ssy: "In the dark days when men of eravea hearts and trembling knees held their bands ia idleness while radicalism was defacing every landmark of a glorious ancestry and former civilisation, he, be aiaes crvin? aloud tnrougn tbe columns of tbe Wilmington journal against the plunder of his stats and the outrages upon the liberty of bis countrymen, mat Lue scandal-mongers ana carpet-baggers face to face, and exposed their Infamy. aroused to sotioa ths timid of hie own party, and thus helped to rescue the state from the utter destruction of the reoonstrnction vultures and thieves.? Xbe othat geaUemea on the ticket we heartily endorse, aad shall give to them our beet and most earnest efforts. Their election we confidently expect, but it will be accomplished only by constant sad persevering work. During the short trip we took to the mountains last , week, says the Wil mlngton fie view of the 27 th, we made use of every opportunity for obtaining information In regard to the political feeling, and we found that everywhere the nominations made at the late dem ocratic convention were received and endorsed with the most unqualified en thusiasm and delight. Vance's name Is a tower of strength everywhere aad ji intelligent man seemed. Jo -doubt that bs would be elected by an over whelming majority. The state ticket, too, meets with universal approval, the general sentiment being that it was as strong ss could possibly have been put forward. The idea of defeat does not teem to enter Into democratic calcula tions anywhere, and well Informed men say that the 'majority will be larger thaa has been polled for any party In this state since 18(38. The harmony displayed in the convention and the wisdom of its deliberations are also tbe subject of graceful comment. These axe simple tacts, the result of obicrva tlon and a gathering together of the views of those with whom we .were thrown Into coutact. In a fair and square fight the republicans cannot hope for success this fall and It there fore behooves us to be ou our guard against the kicks to which they will be tore to resort whenever the opportuni ty presents Itself. 'J.' ; ":. KcrTCRi Ccbed la from 30 to 90 days by the use of the Triumph Truss A Triumph Rupture Remedy manufac tured by the Triumph Truss Co., 334 Bowery, N. Y. This Truss and Sup porter took toe Medal at the last ses sion of the Great American Institute Fair. Send 10 cents for their new book. Fine peaches already in the Fayette- villa market. ' ' CAMPAIGN TRACT THE IN DIAN SEB VICE. Afewdayaago we showed from of ficial figures the enormous growth of the federal patronage since the present ad miuUtralioa caineinto power, la 1809, when General Grant was inaugurated, the total number of the civil employes of the government was (4,207. Ia 1873, when the but ofncial list was pub lished, they were '94.119, or nearly double. The necessity of supporting this -army of one- hundred thousand people Is one reason why taxes are so hish. and why, as a consequence, all branches of trade and industry are de pressed. Tbe same reckless extrava geoce and waste pervade every branoh of the public service. We shall take one bureau this morning tbe Indian department Tbe following are the ex penditures for the last seven years lHM.,....,........;.......,.,t3,W,85S 89 1NH0 t,J7,773 49 1M70 MO?,) M wtrsr.-Vs.-. r.-.r.t w.-.v.v?. :.ii,M,mn 1M7B , T,0l,7 M 1879 . eeesr-eea T.eftlt704 W 1874 6,eoa,48 0 1875. M,6M M Totai;;....;.,.::.l:.:i.i5i,85i6i5 Mr. Johnson was President in 18C8. The expenditures then were exactly one-hair or what they were the next year, which was the first of Grant's first term. With the exception of one year, tbe annual expenditures since 1808 have been more thaa double under Grant what they were under Johnson. Last year they were nearly trebled. These figures tell their own story, Millions and millions of dollars have gone Into tbe pockets ol the Deianos, tue Bmn&s, and ths other members of the Indian ring. Thieving contractors have made immense fortunes In that one bureau alone $ while tbe poor Indians have not been one whit unproved, either men tally or materially, bcarcely a year under the present administration has passed without one or two expensive Indian wars, which are directly trace able to tbe mlsmansgementor the gov ernment agents and employes. There are less Indians now than there were In 1868, because they have been shot down by the troopers of Bheridan, Custer and others t but while it cost about three million dollars to feed them then. It outer words, six munons i aottari the difference between the appropria tions of 18WJ ana or i7-were stolen last year by the Indian ring, at the back of which stands Ulysses 8. Grant. i Baltimore uaxeue. ; GOV, VANCE IN MARYLAND. GOTerBor Vane' weently- delivered the oration at the commencement of the Maryland Agricultural College, in Prince George county. The Baltimore Sun in noticing the exeraiaea says of ths sddrees 1 rWaWanostaaVessfe quent, and contained strong arguments in ravor or saucating tue youu oi tne eountry in agnouunre. lue value of a proper knowledge of tbe art of agrioul- ture was estimated by ths power of food-producing nstions. He gave sta tistics of ths agricultural wealth of dif ferent nations, showing its bearing noon their political power and influence. Ths corruption in politics comes from ths cities end trading communities, while political honesty sod virtus were .to be found in agricultural communities. lis discussed st ' length the agricultural Character of the nations of the old world. and . compared the resources of this country with them, showing that ths United States wss sble, under proper oonAiUons. to produce food for ths rest ox ths world. , . . , . Ex-Gov. Yanoe has a son who is a atu dent at thie college. , ... . , ' ' A einffular man was ths Bishoo of Ha vana. whose death is just announoed by telegraph. . The despatch talla us that this Bishop bad to be buried by public subscription, as he left nothing, having Siven all his possessions to the poor, near, wss it not? Horns people will ssy ne wss a very foolish man. .Bs had plenty ot chances to maae money, which he might hsve put out at interest till it grew to s fortune. He had a good sala ry, which He might nave boarded up, and by which he might have enriched bis heirs. Uut instead el doing any of these things, this singular Bishop had given all his possessions to the poor, not leaving sven enongn to pay tbe expenses of bis funeral. He died of the vomito which is raging in Havana. ; lie did not run awav from the oitv bncanm thn worn. ito raged in it, but remained there for ths sake of his flock, who Were falling viotima to it Some people will ssy that una clergyman ougut to nave looked after himself ; but, alas I he neglected hia wn. interests in every wsv. The Havana letter published in the San ves teraay. wnicn told oi nis illness, said be was greatly beloved by the whole popu lation. Strange again I Were there no rich men, no fighting men, no fierce politicians, who deserved their admira tion? Bishop Serrano that was his name. ' ' " Ho died ia poverty. ' because he had S'ven all his possessions to the poor, end Ml actually to be buried at the publio expense. It seems that he was the friend of the lowest order of men, and thst the slaves are inoonsolahle over his loss. It appears, also, that while be surrendered all his worldly goods to tbe needy, he boldly preached righteousness and re pentance in the style of the ancient prophets. Even after he had been at tacked by the vomito, which carried him off, be went about his work, and kept it up till his strength failed him. We can not think of any man who baa lived a more self-sscrinoing life than Bishop Serrano did. New York Sun. In speaking of Gov. Tilden's nomina tion for the presidency by the St. Louie convention the Goldsboro Messenger says : In this nomination our proudest hopes are fully realized. Gov. Tiiden was our first choice, and the Messenger claims the honor of having first advo cated bis nomination in North Carolins. Now if Gov. Hendricks or some other good western man is nominated for Yico-Presldent, we shall have a ticket that will I weep this country like a grand tidal wave on the 7th or November next. The nomination of Tiiden means death to radicalism. :, i GREAT MEDICAL BOOK. and fiecret fur Ladles sad Genii, Bent Irea to tiro stamps. AddroM, L Y -. ! .s.Jsepa, I f, r -YC" Tnl per "day-ist-hosse ? 5 T0 O 6 1 ' ttnt.les wort II free fc.msoH A Co., rorOaad, alaloar aurck 7-wIy 1 i A 03CTH--ArU ( uttj. HaHiiHiHMnMllM ra rltr'iil.r M-Ml trrna. A4lrm on. ii a Co fci. t t.i-' ACIXTS tot best caaaes ut the world i money Address U. B. BAJTBTY FJCK.tTCO. Itswark. . J. t 'I - ' t?1 O a day at tome. AgU waats4 S 1 4SSoutst sad tsrsss fraa. aXE CO. Mick 7-ly Angosta, Malos. i iodidz of Ar.:r.:oniA - MetLSS loDtDS or Amwosia Is. ta ssy JadirmeDt, the beat resaedr for oeuml(rla ever put before the pablie. 1 Vara beea anucted with tbis disease far S3 years, and never until I fell npoa Mr. Giles' remedy did I And say assured relief. : I take piearare la say lor this, hiaaaiucb ss I desire always to bs a bene factor of ths ku&aa family. -' ' , wp.CORBIT. Cbta'a of ths Methodist Cbarch Kxtooaroa." Bold by aU Dramrlats. Depot 461 Sixth Avmhm, ft. T. Owly 0 eaaU aad 1 a boiUa. for sals by Y.i ..! . i riSCVD.LUACO . JaatMwAsw4w. , kalelga, V.C S ' W K I'T' T O TitO B. .! A large aad splendid lot at 80 cents per ' i-t f I ; -' , , GATTU h 40JH8 ' Craia and forags Store Pest !Pcia til ioot only JS V - -ft Safe, Suit tod Cbeao 1)1- STKOYia of tbe Colorado Beetle or Potato bom, bat of all nisBOTS which prey oa Vec- etatlos co ana ssht wobm uaasa wlj, Ac. Unlike Parts Oreea aad other roiaoas, it eaa be entirely dissolved ia water aad ap plied by aprlnkUng. Mot Imobiods to Plaits MoT Dabosbobs to L'ae. Mever twa acre. Pries 60 Cents Send for Cirea I lar.' Made only by tne '" KEABAEY CHEMICAL WOBKfc -. . .;.ms fio COBTAJra traVf mzmmmMm lavaataant of 1300, one of our , tuntome r porebaaed fpread oa 100 shares of N. T. Central ha Pat 1U6 aad Call 1M baying 100 shares againat the Put 107 which waa sold 114 selliag at the same pries 100 shares called ( 108 nettles: proUt l,iid0, thU sperstioa eaa bs rr prated erery month of tbe year 10, 80, 80, IPO, WJO, wl)l pay as well fot amount lnVee(t Uoid, Stocks, " Cotto nd ' Tobaeso boairht aad sold oa essunisaioa. Advaaees oa eoaslgnateata. j; v .1 i .u "' rrt 1 Price Uata and Circulars free. 1 CHARLES 6 la El) LET CC, . r, t it Bankers- Brokers, r- ::t , i v. 4 -ij Bond Bi., New fork, near Gold ssd Stock Exchange's r.u. BOX UTI Si 7 1 10 -t a MIND READING, ' PSTOflOM AMT, Fascination. Bool C barmlnr. alesmeriam. and Marriage Guide, showing howeaher sx may fascinate aad gala the love and affection of ear person they cbooae Instantly, 400 pares. By mall 50 cts. Hunt A Co., 139 8. 7th St., PhlbvPa. r ) apt le-tw. H 0MX FERTILIZER. Send to O. B. Alford, st Apex, foe s drew Ur. for tea dollars as will aend too tba chemicals by which you aaake a tea at good fertiliser for cotton, ears, tobaeeo or aay ether .crop. This is tbs cheapest and beat lertuuer vet onerra to the farmer. Mr. ai- ford's aelghbors have triad it wtU marked "Thsfoiwwmg genUemes hsve testis :'' IU geod quaUliea : !i : A. K. Clements, Peter Knight, Rnflla ( as tie bury, Alaey Freeman, Rev. J, T, Kogers Joaaoa Eteadman. Ber. A. D. Blackwood Kev. Johnston Olivey Alvia Oliver Gv H. Al lord, Albert AoiTlaa, T.A.r Council. A1V1S AlAteo, Robert Williams.1 -' jsaSStf e--j ..('.'.ti.s ix'f- A cup of OOOD TEA A neteS EsrlltH Trawler sa vs. much Sner Tea hi drank in Roesla thaa In England ths difference is sot probably owlnc to tbe Over land transportation hot that the Baaslana bay tbe best Tea grows ia China, little of that Kind going to other countries. THE RUSSIAN TEA COMPANY offer la this market s HmKed quantity of this Tea. it ia aDaointtu run. , ... Sent by mall, prepaid, 1 lb. canisters, W.50 lb. I18&. To introdace this Tes a liberal sampls sent for 25c RUS8IAM TEA CO., 1W PsAat St., N. x: - ' my 15-tw WALL ' BTEEET ' CABICATTJBES A new Book,' 48 "Pages, eoataitalBit It Ca- tTsved Dlustratlona, ' with talormaUoa tor Stock B peculators. Price 10 eenU by mau. TTJVBRIDGE CO.. Bankers sad Brokers. S Wall Btrsek feb Ihv--r !'-- r i N The 9Gth Asnnal meetlnv of tbe stock holders of the R. 4c 6. R. R. will bs held st the office of the company fw Raleich sa iBureuay, tna aaa ox July, loft, eoaunsne log st U o'clock, aooa. ,i i.'H! sr. IV. TBBB,-'S s ... . See'y and Treasurer. , jua ZMlswtd 4 ' QEfDEL & GO'S, t KJ"". W'Ul I-.'-CiW -ft-nA Pocket Mammock, WEIGHT ONLT 1 rOTJND, BEARSjLaoO rutniw. raiw ui no. 1, n A most luxurious Conch, Seat, Swing, Ac Circulars sasy be had by addressing VAN WART A KcCOT, ' 134 aad 138 Dwaae Street, Msw Tork. April 7 w8m., , . , OTIC El 14 Stoles or strayed f rosi ths Subscriber oa the eveaing of the 7th Inst, can lance else stud mule seaHy black, with a white spot ea his mop about the slss of s quarter dollar. Any Intarmatioa so that I can ret him will be thankfully received, and tbe capture aad conviction of tbe thief liberally re warned. I 0. u. riaacaaio. Au r Brmrdinf llouaaai Um Oumt ot Martla aed WUmlni'toe euaeta, la.Uia rsaldeoM torsserlx. oecaptod bv tbe UU Dr. W. IL McKee. hht Is prapanid to aeeeounodats pwataaeat as well aa traatleut twardera, Tbe tabls la always tupplled with tba very beat tbe mtrket adurda, sad the rooms kept seat aad coa aoUble. i i I . .( u i '' rov IMf: ;..'.," , . GENTS WANTtU forth. Biatortcal Work Oar WESTERN B0BDKB. AOxitpiete sad Graphic Htatory AaarH eaa fioaaer Uls - loe TCA&S AGO. tarUltas soadtasa ai sis aa4 -WaBo- tmm. . ExclUna Adventures, Captivities, forays, I BeooU, frooaer waaaeB sad - boys; ladtaa war-paths. Camp Ufa, and Spo ts. A book for out aad young. Kot a doll pafe. ,o ' eonpeUUoa. aorssoos - sales. AgsoU waated S'erywhere. lllastrated Clrculara free. 4.Ulot;UBlVf t sv, rallada., Pa., . JuaelWw. AGENTS Wasted for THE CEXTESSUL iKXlK vr BICXjBAPHT, er tbe Urea of tbs great bmS ef eor flrat 1(W yeara tnxi f,tf elrcalara. t. W. ZIEGLE& dc CO., Fbllada. fa.: orCWesgo -tr Y 1 r:w." ICVlTf 73 subsertbers la eae day. Beat literary papers. UnlyfLMe wear. Thres . W chnxaoa free. atoaraa A aroaauta, Puba., fhila., fa. s WANTED AGENTS For tbe Great CENTENNIAL . csitibul. HISTORY to ths eloas of tbs drat 100 yeara of oar !' tlaaal Iadepeadeaee. ioeladiog sa seeoant of Us com ids Grand Centennial Exhibition, 700 pages, Boa an graving, Irow pride, qakk Mlci. Extra terms, read for drculai. P. W. Ziaours Co., PaUa, Pa. or Chicago III - k 4w. Ctlgha, raids, Iiiruiefa, all Tlreii BiKitta, . ...- '-USE' cCA-il.J i Wells CsrlsIIs Tablets.' " POT UP ONI.T lit BLtri BOXES. A TRIED AND 8TJKB REMEDY For sale by PrnrrtaU reaerally, aad if.,, in , ., ,.,, rbnaaeipua. FnlleWarreil & Cd.'. "-. ' atANUf ACTUEEES OF - RANGES AND FURNACES, ift1Sie3i4Sa Cur asw wood sad coal cooking stoves GMM Crwarta, tcjawrfer. FiniroFn6i OUTIIERII GEL1. US TUB l AJIOda : "Meet the waaU of Bvery dealer. Correspondenee Invited. Prica list aad cat upon application to JYPbLLLER. W AKREN A CO. ' Water street, New Tork mh 144w Ml I I t ' I I I ! M I f. TIIEsBII iSl CLE4SEK, MANUFACTURED FOR THE SALEM a j AGRICULTURAL WORKS, , 1 Simplest, best and ' most ' eaally worked three her and separator la the world. Bend for llluatrated cl cular to the Salem Agricul tarsi Works, Saleav H.C.. . i i . uasl7-tf fj ammmammBmmnsmmmiBmmsmmnmmnaaarxM a-UK 8 ALEX PLOWS i . r T r A ? Will not choke ; run light; eeetlr regula ted i plow all kinds of soil.' Bead for circu lars eHvugfull desciiptioa. Liberal dlsconnt to agents, alas to the person who bay a tbe flrat plow ia any community. Try a Salem " Plowi,afasmfactars4 by thBcUeMAgTt ealtarU Woiks, Salem, N. C Je 17-tf $10. , TilE 8ALEM , f 10 I vt:cbniriittLEiu Anns llk r.mJlTll. 4Lm .a. 1 .CU. stune asasw a sms aasjeiai say aariiia aucns fkrtnrvt kim atmlaasoB A IVr'rr,nMl lWnrrs Bl. I W 1- mm a - waaavasaa) aw x( Js 17-U fTHE 'SALEM AQRICUX.TC I UVJ ual -works, .; ym:..' - Are Manufacturers' Agents for Steam En gines and Boilrn, and eaif 'farttlaa Engines ofasysise, dtlief ' rortatjle v BUUouarr, and on aa reasonable terms as can bs bad di rect from tho maamfaetnrara. Ws- srs pre pared to give Price, with full particulars, for Saw Milla, Grlat Mula, e., at short notice, sad ea aa reasonable terms as they eaa be had anywhere. .Tat-bias Vaier Wheels, of any make desired, eaa be bad at manufac turers' prices. Psrties intendingto purchase any Agricultural lmplements.or 'Lebor-Savmg. Machluery.wlll Sod It to their Interest to call sad ses or address as before porchaalng, ss ws hsve oa ale the Price Lists aad Descrip tive Catalogues of all ths leading manufac turers m the United States. ;., f ,f if. -For further particulara call on or addreas, C A HEUE, Proprietor, " .-..- ;i.SaWav.Ma -. $100. J10BSE, POWERS L$100. HA Y1K( Mcently msds several Impor taat improveaseota la oar 11 one Pow ers, we are therefore sow manufacturing, we believe, aa rood Lever Borso Pew era, far operating Thrashers sod ijleaaera, 'Cottos Gins, Wood Be wa, Faa Mula, Ae., as eaa be had anywhere. All our work warranted. Bead for dsseriptivs circulars glvisg full par- tKlnra Utaarel dleeoont W ageau. 1 Price of 8 Uorss Bevel Power 1 136.80 " - 8 Uorss Improved Salem Power ItOOlOa, , ,.;.. ..... ! Pries of Uorae Internal Tripple Gear Power tl00.(. t Pries of S Horss Bsvet Power 50.ao. Pries of 1 Hons bevel Cower AAUXX -- Ws faraish with each at the above powers, Lias Shaft, Head Block and Band Wheel, all complete. Wbea a Jack or extra gear Is required wa charffe from tl tO $JU.OO exVS. . Mannfaetured by the SALEM AQRlC't'LTCRiX WORKS, . a M.nwiiM kax, m i.i H enl gOAEOlSU y DOCBg. . atra. Beeawtth aas epsasd ellr m4. rmltm, mm mtttltrKr ffmnptm fllnlu, Ut. Car j 1 : MaxviaE CAavsa, . tasswws L. Casts s CAHTEn At CAHTEH ATTORSEY8 AT LAW, Asasvnxs, M. C ' Practlos la ths-Snprems Coiui at Ral Wa. sad la tbs State aad Federal Coavts af Waa tors North Carolina :, -; ,,- Ueims eouectad oa say roawtf f tb 8 tats. - . t SEND SSe. to G. P. ROWELL A CO., MeW Tork, for Phamphlet of 109 pages, con taining liatsef 8000 ae w papers, aad ssUmatas showing eost of adverUahig. marclT-.ly . . . . , ". ' " ! a N OTHER Car Load of Genuine White Xi. Oals for sale cheap. At r. u cuaue rurusKs sw t- uit i i eb 15-tf 1 Wlualngtoa

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